"White Lie" [c!TommyInnit x f...

By stoopid_kiz

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"You know I didn't mean it..." "You lied, Tommy!" "I didn't want to h-hurt... More

🖋️ Prologue
🥀 Chapter 01
🥀 Chapter 02
🥀 Chapter 03
🥀 Chapter 04
🥀 Chapter 05
🥀 Chapter 06
🥀 Chapter 07
🥀 Chapter 08
🥀 Chapter 09
🦋 Special 01
🥀 Chapter 11
🦋 Special 02
🥀 Chapter 12
🥀 Chapter 13
🥀 Chapter 14
🥀 Chapter 15
🥀 Chapter 16
🥀 Chapter 17
🥀 Chapter 18
🦋 Special 03
🥀 Chapter 19
🥀 Chapter 20
🥀 Chapter 21
🥀 Chapter 22
🥀 Chapter 23
🥀 Chapter 24
🥀 Chapter 25
🦋 Special 04
🥀 Chapter 26

🥀 Chapter 10

308 8 6
By stoopid_kiz

[ Art Creds: @acupofacid on Twitter ]

Ranboo, Tommy, and I were sitting comfortably on my bedroom floor. "Do you reckon we should do something?" Tommy asks, rocking himself out of boredom.

I noticed Ranboo's tail wagging lightly, "Got any ideas, Ranboo?" I asked the enderboy and his face lit up with excitement.

He smiles at me and nodded repeatedly, "Truth or D-"

"What are we, children?" Tommy interrupts and scowls at him.

I hit Tommy by his shoulder, making him flinch. "You are so rude, stop it," I told him and looked back at Ranboo, smiling at the boy. "Sure, we can do that, Ranboo."

His face lits up again, giving me some free serotonin boost. "Alright! I'll make this bottle, that I have, rotate. And whoever gets chosen-"

"We get the fucking game, big man." Tommy sighs and glares at me, knowing that I was about to hit him again, but I decided to let him go for now, and just shake my head in disappointment.

He grabs a random empty glass bottle in my room and spins it, "Isn't this exciting?" Ranboo asks, his tail constantly wagging like an excited puppy.

I chuckle and nodded at him, while Tommy scoffed. Finally, about fifteen seconds, the bottle stopped spinning, only to point towards Tommy. "Of course, it's fucking me."

Ranboo flinches and cleared his throat, "A-Alright, Tommy... Truth or-"

"Dare, I'm not a pussy." Tommy interrupts the poor boy and rolled his eyes sassily. Is this kid alright?

I told them I wanna be the one to give the dare, and I smirked at Tommy. "Why don't you come here and give me a hug?" I told him and extended my arms, waiting for his embrace.

He huffs, "Whatever, you're just so weird." He says and proceeds to wrap his arms around my waist, and nuzzled onto my neck. "Now, wait a minute, this actually is really nice." He says, his voice muffled a bit.

I could hear Ranboo chuckle, "Aw, you guys are so adorable!" He says, clapping his hands while looking at the both of us.

Tommy breaks the hug and looks at Ranboo, "Say 'aw' one more time, and I'll hit you." He threatens the enderboy and we sat back down on the floor properly.

Ranboo gulps and proceeds to spin the bottle, soon, it pointed towards me. Tommy stood up pretty quickly and grins at me, "TRUTH OR DARE? HURRY UP AND PICK, BITCH!"

I hit him in the head and he stops, staring at me. "Whatever, I choose dare," I say and eventually relax.

Tommy muttered out 'bitch' before actually speaking to me, "Alright, woman... Summon DreamXD, I wanna tell him something."

"You are so dumb, I'm not doing that. I'll only summon him when I need to." I stated. But, Tommy kept on insisting like a goddamn child. Wait, no, scratch that, he is a child. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I immediately accepted his dare.

I grabbed the gem that was on my necklace, the one XD gave me, and tried summoning. I suddenly heard a noise, it was like a light sizzle coming somewhere from my room.

Suddenly a portal appeared, XD soon came out of that portal, showing his divine self, "You called, young mistress?" He says, tilting his head a little bit.

I sighed and pointed at Tommy, "Yeah, but this child told me to do it."

"Hello, god." The young boy smirks at the divine, making XD cringe. I could see him puffing his wings, probably wasn't comfortable being here with Tommy and Ranboo.

"Young mistress, I don't wanna be here..." He mutters to me and removing his mask. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was a little bit sweating, yep, he's truly uncomfortable at the moment.

I let him sit beside me and accidentally hit me with his wings, which caused me to hiss in pain. The boys gasped, "I'm alright, don't worry. XD, is there any way for you to, like, hide your wings?" I ask him.

He nodded and his wings were gone, well-hidden. Tommy sighs in relief, and so did Ranboo. "Alright, thank you for wasting his time, (Y/n)." He shows a proud smile while XD groans in annoyance, ignoring the child's presence.

After a few games of Truth and Dare, dad came in, looking surprised. He glares at XD, "You need to stop appearing-"

"Your daughter summoned me, so I'm sorry for the inconvenience." XD stands up, bowing at my father, and sat back down beside me.

Father looks at him weirdly, "A-Alright, then? Anyways, just telling you kids to go to bed, it's really late."

"Technooo, you can't do this to us. We wanna play more." Tommy interrupts and did his whining again, which is really annoying by the way.

Before Techno could speak up, Ranboo clears his throat, making all our attention on him. "I agree with Techno, Tommy. I'm a bit tired, so we should just go and rest for now."

I agreed with him and XD followed my movements, "Yeah, I need to get some sleep soon too." I stood up and saw XD still following me like the puppy he is.

Father nods and left the room, going back to do whatever he needs to do. "You guys, are absolutely boring." Tommy groans and flopped onto his bed.

I began laying down on my bed until I see Ranboo and XD standing up awkwardly. "I will be watching over you, young mistress. To make sure no one's gonna hurt you." XD says and sat on the nearby couch that was at the corner of my room, looking intently at me.

"Uhhh, okay?" I replied, and looked at Ranboo, "You can just lay down and sleep with me, Ranboo." I smiled at him and offered him space.

Ranboo smiles at me back and nodded, and was about to go ahead and lay down, but Tommy ran at us and laid beside me instead. He was glaring at the taller male, "No, can do, big man. This is my place, I'll be here. You should take my bed instead." He rambles and cuddles next to me.

"What the-" I mutter, and seeing Ranboo smirking and secretly teasing me at the same time. Eventually, Ranboo went to Tommy's bed and laid there instead. "I'm going to kick you out of my bed if I still see you cuddling with me when I wake up," I whispered, and Tommy just snuggles closer to me, humming in response.

XD blows the lit candle, making the moonlight just shine through my window. "Goodnight, kids." He says and I could see his silhouette resting on the couch.


I've been sitting and looking out for the kids for like thirty minutes now and heard some movement. I see that Ranboo kid standing up, I also stood up and looked at him from behind. "Are you alright?" I ask him but he didn't give me a response.

He then looks at me, his eyes were glowing purple. I gasped a bit, "Kid?" I came closer to him but he just pushes me away lightly. He left the room and I followed the taller boy, this can't be good.

Technoblade was napping on the couch, so I tried my best not to wake him up. I see Ranboo grabbing Techno's axe that was beside the couch, he begins to say something. "☍⟟⌰⌰ ⊑⟟⋔, ⟟ ⋏⟒⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ☍⟟⌰⌰ ⊑⟟⋔. ⏁⍜ ⊑⎍⍀⏁ ⊑⟒⍀." (Kill him, I need to kill him. To hurt her.) I basically understand him since I also speak Enderanian.

I grabbed him by his wrist, making him drop the weapon and it made a very loud crash noise, which made Technoblade wake up, and Ranboo seemed to be back. "Wh-What happened?" He asks.

I heard the other kids come down and see what the commotion was all about, "What's going on?" (Y/n) asks, glaring at me.

[ Y/n's POV ]

I see that XD was gripping onto Ranboo's wrist, I see that the boy was in pain so I interrupted them and tried pushing XD away, but he spoke up and looked straight onto Ranboo. "தூங்கு." (Sleep.) He says in a language that I do not understand.

"என்ன? நீங்களும் பேசுகிறீர்கள்-" (What? You also speak-) Ranboo spoke up but he eventually passed out on XD's arms. Father stood up to make space for Ranboo, and XD gently puts him there.

I hit XD and he looks at me with eyebrows furrowed, "What was that about?" I ask the divine.

"He was in a different state, he was enderwalking..." XD says, looking back at Ranboo. "Look, if I wasn't there to stop him, he would've killed Technoblade. So, you could've at least thank me." He says, looking away at me.

"Alright, thank you, like genuinely. But Ranboo was also in pain, and it wasn't his fault that he was in that state. He can't control it." I explained, and all I could hear from XD was groaning, as if he was disagreeing.

"He is not who you think he is!" He raises his voice, making all of us flinch in surprise. "He understood the language I spoke, and no one has been able to talk to me in the Tongue of the gods since five thousand years ago, mistress." He looked, scared, lost, and confused at the same time.

I sighed and hugged him, "I get why you feel like this, but I know who Ranboo really is. Please, don't hurt him, he's just a kid." I break the hug and see the god looking straight into my eyes, he sighs and shows a soft smile. "Thank you." I simply said.

Tommy groans and told us that he would be going back to bed, while my father went to Phil's house, probably wanting to sleep there. I look at XD awkwardly and he scoffs, "D-Do you wanna go out and look at the stars?" He asks.

I gave him a light chuckle, "Sure, I can't sleep anyways... So, might as well hang out with you for a while." I replied, and we both went outside and sat by the stairs, looking up to the beautifully lit sky.

"Do you trust me, young mistress?" XD asks, breaking the comfortable silence that we had.

"Yeah, I see something good in you, XD. Oh, and stop calling me young mistress or mistress, just call me by name." I said, smiling at him and he nods, smiling back.

I was suddenly curious and wanted to ask something, so I took my chances. "What is the Tongue of the gods? And you said five thousand years, does that mean you lived that many years ago?" I asked.

"Before this world has been created, there were gods, like me. I wasn't the first though, and I wasn't supposed to be a god either." He grins, and when he said that, I felt like I needed to ask more about him.

"Then how did you become a god?"

"I was a Keeper of Souls, and one by one, the gods were slowly dying... And we didn't know why. So all of the gods chose me to become one of them because the Keeper of Souls never dies. I can also still hear them, their souls." He says, explaining the detail.

XD looked a bit relieved and happier that he was talking about these things, so I just let him ramble. "I could teach you the Tongue of the gods if you want."

I grinned, "Please, I'd love that."

"Alright, first we have— வணக்கம் —which is a greeting, it's like a hello, or something." He says, patting my hair.

I tried saying and XD was looking at me proudly, "You remind me so much of my father, n-not Technoblade, but my biological father. He was a great man like you, he was like a god too. At least to me, he was." I started remembering my past again, my mother and my father. We were happier together.

XD suddenly embraced me and strokes my hair, "Please know that I'm never, ever going to leave you. I'll be here for you even if you summon me for fun, (Y/n)." He chuckles and so did I.

"Thank you, XD." I simply said, I stood up and looked down at him. "I'm gonna need to go now, Tommy's probably feeling lonely right now." I joked about it and teases me.

"I bet your boyfriend misses you. Goodnight (Y/n), sleep well." He stands and waits for me to go back to my house.

I shake my head and playfully glared at the celestial being, "He's not my boyfriend, XD. And yeah, goodnight! See you soon." I waved goodbye and went back in, only seeing him with his mask on, and went in the portal that he summoned.

I see Ranboo sleeping peacefully on the couch and I went up to my room to see Tommy back on my bed, "Why are you there?" I ask quietly.

"Shut up and come here." He says in his groggy voice, he also extended his arms, expecting me to cuddle with him.

I sighed and just laid on my bed, with his arms wrapped around my waist, making me the little spoon. I was also facing the opposite side from him, so I couldn't really see him. "This feels... Kinda normal, doesn't it?" I ask as I giggled.

"You belong here, in my arms, that's why it feels normal. Also, we haven't been talking for a while... All I've seen is that you talk to other people, but not me." He says in a very sad tone, I did notice that I've been doing it too. I face Tommy to see him with tears in his eyes.

I sit up and so did he, I caress his cheeks as we both looked into each other's eyes. "Y-You left me once, Tommy. It broke me, but I understood why. Just don't blame yourself anymore, I'm also not angry towards you, so stop hurting yourself. You're already broken, and seeing you like this, hurts me. I'm here, Tommy, just know that." I smiled at him as I ruffled his hair, and he nods and went straight back to lie down.

I flopped myself next to him and I put my arm around his chest as he made his arm as my pillow. His other hand was stroking my face, which made me calm. "I never thought of saying this... But, I like you, (Y/n)." He quietly says.

That confession made me blush, "W-Wow, was not expecting that." I chuckled awkwardly.

"Sh-Shut up, you also don't have to say anything at the moment." He says and saw him pout.

I chuckled and poked his cheek, making him look at me, "You're cute, and I like you too." I say it back and see the boy blushing crazily.

"Y-You are so annoying." He says which made me laugh even more, I snuggled closer to him, making our faces touch. "Does that mean we're together now?" He asks, looking straight into my eyes, our lips almost touching.

I back away a bit and avoided his gaze, "S-Sure, but dad hasn't approved yet-" I said but got interrupted by Tommy giving me a light peck on the lips. We both looked at each other for a bit and we both back away, thinking about what just happened.

"I really didn't want that to happen now– but like, it happened– So..." Tommy stammers, struggling to talk.

"That was– Oh my god, Tommy..." I sighed, looking at the boy. "You're so fucking cute, come here." I grinned and attacked him with kisses all over his face.

He was groaning in annoyance but soon burst into laughter, "H-Hey, that tickles!" He whisper-yelled.

I finally stopped as we both just laughed at each other, we then went back to snuggling as the moonlight shined brighter. "Damn, I might even love you," I whispered at him only to hear him snoring like a baby. I chuckled and kissed his cheek one more time, "Goodnight, Tom." I said and began to drift away in my sleep.

[ A/N: For the people who wanted to know what language I used for the —so-called the Tongue of the gods— it was called Tamil. I chose that because it was the oldest living language in the World. Oh, and DreamXD seems too out of character, but I wanted him like that, so yeah. ]

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