🥀 Chapter 18

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I open my eyes to see that I am in a bright, white room. It felt like an abyss, but less scary. I see a random tree behind, and a man sitting by the branch. I notice who it is and step away a bit, "Oh, would you look at that! (Y/n), in my own little dreamland... How wonderful to see you here." He smirks and jumps down.

"What is this, Dream?" I ask him as he slowly approaches me, taking off his mask and throwing it aside

"Well, you're in my mind. Somehow, we're connected, I guess." He chuckles lowly and shrugs at me. "You know, if only I could kill you right now-" He pauses his sentence and tries choking me by the neck, which made me jump, but his hand just went through my body. "-I would absolutely do it."

"What the..." I tried grabbing him by his hoodie, and I had gripped onto him. "What is this?"

He sighs and tries swatting my hands away, but it just phases through me. "I don't really have the desire to actually kill you, I only want your power... Therefore, in this world, I can't hurt you."

"But why can I feel you?" I ask him, gripping onto his hoodie tighter. I just needed answers on why I'm here and why this is happening now.

He chuckles dryly, "Looks like you actually want to harm poor, little, ol' me."

I push him away and groan in frustration, I need to figure out how I can wake up. I look at the tree and had an idea, "I'm gonna be leaving this place." I smirked and climbed onto the tree, it wasn't that high... But, If I were to face plant myself onto the surface, I might be able to wake up.

"Bet you'll get a nosebleed in the real world, good luck with that." He sits down next to the tree, waiting for me to jump.

I roll my eyes and did what I had to do.


I stand up to see a very worried Tommy, "It worked!" I excitedly exclaimed, pumping my fists up into the air.

Tommy looked so confused, "Wh-What worked? (Y/n), you looked like you had a bad nightmare... You got me worried, groaning and twitching in your sleep."

"I-It was nothing, just had a little... Dream." I smiled softly and caress his cheek, I then felt something running down my nose, only to see that I was having a nosebleed. "Oh, crap..."

Tommy got up from the bed and immediately grabbed a cloth, damping it with water. "Jesus, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, no need to worry, it's just a nosebleed." I chuckle and pinched below the very bridge of my nose with the, somehow, cold fabric. So, I do get hurt in the real world, I'll take note of that next time I accidentally come into Dream's dreamland, or whatever it's called.

Tommy kisses the top of my head, "I'm really sorry, again... But, I have to go to Tubbo, he's calling me for a meeting. I promise I'll be home in an hour, this meeting won't be that long."

I sighed, "Alright, fine..." I said and he left, leaving me alone again. I cleaned the blood from my nose and realized that it finally stopped bleeding, "Looks like I'm also going out."

I didn't know where I was going, wasn't really paying attention. But, I somehow ended up in front of the Pandora's Vault. I see Sam there, flipping through the pages of the book he was reading.

I stepped in and he notices me, "(Y/n), is there anything you want?" He asks in a soft tone, but soon cleared his throat, "I mean, what are you doing here?" He asks again, but this time in a serious manner.

I went up to his desk and greeted the taller being, "Are you putting on an act, Sam?"

[ A/N: If you do not know, c!Sam is 7'4 ]

"White Lie" [c!TommyInnit x fem!Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant