Hiding His Son || A BrightWin...

By Jainnakophrom_

442K 20.3K 1.2K

[✓Complete Fanfiction Story✓] In a city full of criminals. And in a world, where there are Omegas, Alphas a... More

Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Author's Note
Hiding His Son 2|| Special Chapter: 1/5
Hiding His Son 2|| Special Chapter 2/5
Hiding His Son 2|| Special Chapter 3/5 ⚠️
Hiding His Son 2||Special Chapter 4/5⚠️
Hiding His Son 2|| Special Chapter 5/5


9.2K 407 16
By Jainnakophrom_

The Day where Bright was just looking for the bracelet as a gift for Win

||Bright's POV||

"How about this one?" I asked Chatri and showed it to him.

"Hhmm..." He looks at the wrist watch and inspects it. "I don't know, is it really necessary to give a wrist watch as a gift if you're looking for a gift for a guy?"

"Umm...no," I said, placing the wrist watch back.

"Do you know what he likes? Maybe it can help you find a gift for him."

"I didn't manage to ask him," I said in full embarrassment.

"Dad! Are you shy?" Chatri asked, looking at me teasingly. I glared at him and gave him an improving expression.

"No, I just forgot," I reasoned. This kid has become bolder as he grows...

"Mhm-hm, M'kay," he said, holding my hand. "Let's go look for other stores then."

I agreed with his suggestion. We went out of the store and looked around for the new ones. Me and Chatri are currently here at the mall looking for some gifts. May I just remind you that I promised myself to be better for Win? Well, this is the first thing that came to mind. And that is, to buy him a gift.

Though I don't really know what he likes, As Chatri said earlier, if I had known what Win liked, then maybe by this time we had already found the perfect gift for him. But, again, I did not manage to ask him about it. Maybe because I was also scared to ask.

"Is there at least one thing you know that he likes?" Chatri asked, looking up to me as we walked past the stores.

"Hmmm... he loves peaceful things, I guess?"

"Guess?" Chatri groaned and smacked his face with his small hand. What had gotten into this kid? "You're hopeless when it comes to love, Dad."

"Hey, you're still a kid. You don't know how this feels," I said. "Let's check this store."

"I'm maybe a kid, but I still know what love means," he said with a proud tone.

"Hello, sirs, please feel free to look around," the jeweler said. I nodded, and we looked through the glass.

"Which one?" I asked. Chatri looked at me with confusion.

"Wha? Dad, just look for a thing that reminds you of him," he said. And that clicked something. I saw a bracelet. It looks really plain and simple, but it has a half-oval shape as its pendant.

"Excuse me," I called the jeweler. "What kind of bracelet is this?"

"Oh that, sir," she said, taking the brace out. "This is actually a couple bracelet; it is simple yet holds a deep meaning for love," she said, showing me the pair.

"Woah! That's so cool!" Chatri exclaimed. I agree; they look fantastic. "Dad! You should buy that for him!"

"Yeah, I think he will like simple things over other designs," I said. "I'll take the two."

The jeweler nodded and prepared the bracelets. I hope he will like this. After buying the bracelets, we went to a fast food chain since Chatri said he wanted some fries, a burger, and bubble tea.

I might be spoiling him, but that's fine; he is my boy anyway.

After some time inside the mall, We decided to head home, Chatri fell asleep while holding his bubble tea cup. I took it out of his grasp and placed it on the cup holder. I'm glad I told them to add this to the car.

Arriving home. I told one of the butlers to carry the toys and clothes that I bought for Chatri while I carried Chatri in my arms. I went to his room and placed him on his bed. It's a good idea that we already ate at the mall; we don't have to eat dinner now. The butler came in with the bags; I told him to place them near the cabinet and left the room.

I searched the bags for the bracelet that I had just purchased. Once I got it, I smiled upon seeing the box. I stood up and left his room quietly. Walking back to my own room, I quickly changed my clothes and took a quick shower.

Tomorrow, I'll just give this to him....

I rest on my bed and slept...

The next day My plan was ruined. Unfortunately, I have meetings starting at 9 a.m. and ending at 9 p.m.So I don't really know if I can give this to him early.

"Why do I have to give this to him?" Chatri asked. "Shouldn't you be the one to give this to him?"

"Yes, Son, but I have loads of meetings this day, so I don't have time to give this to him," I explained as I handed him the box.

"Hmp! You need to confess to him, Dad. I thought you loved him?"

Do I love him? No. Love is a strong word. "Not yet, but I like him."

"See! You can just give the gift to him tomorrow," Chatri said. Damn, this kid is getting hardheaded.

"I thought you wanted a papa?" I said, looking at him. He looks hesitant, but I take the box in my hand and run towards the van that will bring him to the restaurant.

"I WILL HAVE A PAPA!" He shouted as the door of the van shut closed.

I shook my head and laughed. I went to my own car and told the driver to drive back to the office. Chatri's already 4 years old; he'll be turning 5 soon. *sigh* Time flew by so fast. We finally arrived at the office. I hopped down and was greeted by my secretary and other PSG. We went inside the building, and some of my employees greeted me, but I just gave them a friendly nod.

Reaching the office. I saw P'Mike already sitting on the couch. I walked inside and greeted him.

"Hey, P'Mike," I said, sitting down on my swivel chair. "Check if all the materials needed for the 9 a.m. meeting are ready."

"Yes, sir," my secretary said. She bowed and left the room.

"What brings you here, Phi?" I asked, bringing the files to my table and opening my laptop.

"What's going on with you?" he asked out of the blue. I look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked in total confusion.

"You seem odd these past few days," he asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, trying to change the topic and diverting my attention to the files. God, these are a mountain of papers.

"Oh, please, Bright. Tell me, did you already find him?"

I sighed. "Yeah, so what? You're the one who told me to change, and now I am doing it."

"Bright, the only reason I told you that is that I'm scared that something bad might happen to you and the Omega. Also, I want you to learn how to rightfully use the abilities," he explained.

"I know. And I'm trying, okay? He kept playing hard-to-get, and it's annoying me," I said as I read the file. Why the hell do they need this huge amount of money for an investment?

"And that is why you need to be patient and kept chasing him" P'Mike said. He walked towards me and placed a small rectangular flat box that looked like a book. "And you need to control your anger issues."

I took the book and inspected it. "What is this? You know that I don't need any stories right now."

"Pssh, of course I already know that. That isn't a book, but that is one of the books that contains all the information about the Yellow Sun Eyes," he explained.

"And why are you giving this to me?"

P'Mike didn't answer me, but instead, he just smiled and left my office. Seriously, I'm getting annoyed at that guy. I looked at the book and decided to just read it when I got back home.

Someone knocked on the door, and my secretary came in. "Sir, it's time for your 9 a.m. meeting."

"Yes, thank you," I said. She nodded and closed the door. I stood up and placed the files on the side first before leaving my office.

She was already waiting for me at the elevator. We both went inside and pressed the floor for the meeting room.

"Sir, one of the board leaders wanted to know if you had already approved of the construction that we will be doing in the southern part of the city," she said.

"I don't know. I don't like to talk about stuff like that on files or emails," I simply said. The door of the elevator opened. We hop out and walk towards the meeting room.

While walking, she gave me the file that is needed for the topic of this meeting. The guards opened the door to the meeting room, and all of the guys inside stood up and greeted me formally.

"Take a seat," I said. I placed the file down and sat on my seat at the center end of the table. "Proceed"

The team leader for financial management started his presentation. Every month, I asked all the team leaders of each department to report to me about the progress of each company I have here in Thailand, though I have other businesses outside the country.

The meeting continued for hours, and the company's progress is up the hill each day. I just listened to their reports, gave suggestions, and asked them when they made some errors. And I don't want any errors in every report they're going to give me.


It is now 3 p.m.; the last meeting just ended. I'm currently returning to my office. I move my neck around slowly and carefully to get rid of the stiffness. It is not yet night, but I'm already exhausted.

"When's the next meeting?" I asked, entering my office.

"The next meeting will be at 4:45 p.m. with Mr. Park," she said.

"Okay, just call me when it's time," I said as I sat down on my swivel chair. She nodded and left.

Soon after she left, Chatri came in, running towards me. He had this huge smile on his face. He sat on my lap with a cup of ice cream in his hand.

"Where did you get the ice cream?" I asked him with a amused expression

"P'Dew bought it for me!" He said, taking a spoon full. "After giving the gift to your crush, I went to my piano lesson. I also went here to tell you about it, but you were still in a meeting and P'Dew saw me, so he took me around the mall to pass time."

"You talk a lot for a four-year-old," I said.

He giggled and continued eating his ice cream. I just let him stay in here as I waited for the next meeting.

Minutes before my next meeting with Mr.Park, Chatri fell asleep on the couch. I called Dew to pick him up and drive him home.

"I can't believe he's this big already," Dew said as I carried my son carefully in my arms.

"Kids grow fast, and you never notice it," I said. I made sure Chatri was comfortable in my arms. He snuggled on my chest, and I smiled.

"You know, I can just carry Chatri on my own, right?" Dew said with his arms crossed on his chest. I shook my head and went out of the office, with Dew opening the door for me.

We walked to the entrance of the building and went out. Chatri really is getting heavy, and I'm glad that I didn't stop going to the gym. Reaching the car, Dew opened the door. He got in first, and I slowly and carefully placed Chatri's head on his lap.

"Take him to his bed when you arrive at the house," I said. "And don't let him eat chocolate when he wakes up; he always does that after taking a nap."

"Yes, yes, Daddy Bright," he teased. I gave him a glare and a middle finger. He laughed lowly. I closed the door and watched the car disappear from my site.

I went back inside. And as I was expecting, my secretary was already waiting outside my office. Her face showed a relieved expression when she saw me.

"Sir, it's time for your meeting with Mr. Park," she said.

I nodded and let her lead the way. There's still a lot of work to do, and I'll be home late again.


It's already past 11 p.m. when I get back. My whole body is stiff, and my neck is aching. I got inside the house and went straight to my room. I already ate dinner at the office, so I didn't bother going to the kitchen.

I cleaned myself up and changed my clothes. I also checked Chatri's rooms; he's sleeping, so that's good. After doing all of those things, I decided to sleep. I rest on my bed and find a comfortable position while hugging my pillow. I was about to close my eyes when my phone suddenly rang.

I groaned and took the phone from the nightstand. Who would message me at this hour? I unlocked my phone and read the message. It's like all my tiredness flew away when I saw his message.

"Thank you for the bracelet; you really don't have to."

I smiled. I never thought he would be the one to message me first. I rested on my stomach and replied.

No problem, and it is me who wanted to gave you a gift

Even though you read this, I know you're tired so go to sleep. Goodnight Win :>

It's already late anyway, so we need to sleep. After some time, when he didn't reply, I assumed that he had already slept. With one last glance at my phone, I placed it back on the nightstand and slept. With a smile on my face. I hope I'm doing the right thing.

My House is under construction 👷‍♀️🚧

‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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