The Unusual School Life of Si...

By BSilverheart1

170 67 0

The final book of the series. If haven't read The Adventure of Silver Bloodmoon and The Bloodwolfs please rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Thank you!

Chapter 60

3 1 0
By BSilverheart1

I slithered out the portal and I looked around quickly and saw the time was still frozen. I sighed in relief and saw Silver and Shadow come out of the portal. They looked around and when they saw Silverheart frozen in place Silver said,
"You didn't tell us that she can use five bloodswords?!"
"I was more in a hurry then to explain everything to you!"
"I see that you paralyzed our daughter too!"
"Wellll actually I didn't want to say anything before because I didn't want you to freak out. I didn't really want to tell you so much information at once. You see, I lied about that. I can actually can freeze time."
"So pretty much everyone is frozen in place unless I don't want them to be too. I also lied to Cosmo about being seriously injured. He actually would have died of blood loss by now if they weren't partly frozen in time."
"Well this is the last time I can use that power so it's not overpowered anymore. So no pressure or anything but you only got one chance to calm her down or millions of people will die!"
"Well it's true though. Also I really think you should calm down or you wouldn't be able to think of a plan. I have no idea how long I can hold time until Silverheart breaks free. I know I have thirty minutes in total to keep time frozen but I have no idea how much time we have left."
I saw them take multiple deep breaths and Silver said,
"You're right. We should calm down or we might do something rash."
"You said you had a plan. What is it?"
"I don't know why you didn't think of this before but couldn't we push her into a portal?"
I sighed and said,
"I completely forgot that I didn't tell you that it was Silverheart's fault that the portals are sucking people in."
"Well I thought you would have been smart enough to figure that out but I guess not! Remember when I told you that she regained her memories of Violet?"
"Of course I remember!"
"When she got her memories back her magic power increased resulting in the Underworld opening portals randomly. If she does do it in the Underworld again then I have no idea what would happen to the Underworld! Her magic was the cause of the portals sucking people in after all!"
"Oh I see what you mean. We don't want to risk that! Darn it! I have no idea what to do then!?"
Shadow then said,
"I actually might have an idea but it depends how Soul answers this question. Do you like anyone other than Silverheart?"
"Of course not! I hate everyone!"
Shadow glared at me and said,
"You need to tell me! You want her to calm down don't you? You have to have someone you like!"
Silverheart's friends looked confused and Cosmo then said,
"What does that have to do with anything?"
Shadow sighed and said,
"You need to trust me on this. I know what I'm doing."
"If you say so!"
What the heck is his plan! Why does he need to know that?! Should I tell him? I wouldn't rather not but if it somehow could help Silverheart calm down I will do anything! Even if I have to admit I like someone! I groaned and said,
"Fine I'll tell you. I actually like Cosmo."
Cosmo looked surprised and said,
"Huh? Why?!"
"Unfortunately for me Silverheart's emotions tend to sometimes overpower mine. I hate that I have no control over liking you, it's so freaking annoying!"
Shadow then said,
"Does Silverheart know?"
"No, not at all! I've given her so many hints but she still hasn't figured it out!"
"Of how many books she's read I thought she would have figured it out by now!"
"I know right!"
Cosmo then said with a confused voice,
"What do you mean by that?"
"It's nothing! You probably will find out later!"
"Ummmm okay. Well what's the plan then?"
Shadow then said,
"Well I didn't want to result in this but I need to turn you into a demon Cosmo! I would hate to do that to you but it's the only way to calm her down! I don't think she could take it if another one of her friends died! I can tell your not stupid Soul! You knew this was the only solution!"
I sighed and said,
"You're right but I hoped you could have figured out something other than that! I thought maybe since you lived way longer than me you could have thought up something different! Being immortal is horrible! No one would want that and there is no way I would want to force that on someone even if I do hate that person! That would be to cruel! I also don't think Silverheart would be happy if we forced anyone to be immortal! I wish there was some other way but if you can't think of anything else I don't know what to do! We need to think of something else!"
Cosmo then said,
"It's okay, you can turn me into a demon!"
Cosmo smiled at me and said,
"It seems like you can be nice sometimes. To be honest ever since I heard that people can be actually turned into demons I kinda wanted to be one!"
"I know that. I talked to Silverheart a lot after all! After I found out that she couldn't die I could tell she was lonely! I would be like that if everyone around you died at some point! That's why she never had friends before!"
I sighed again and said,
"You know you are way to nice for your own good! You want to be a demon just because Silverheart is lonely?!"
"A lot of people tell me that but it's not like I have a choice either way right? If I die I'm positive Silverheart wouldn't be able to control herself! She would kill millions of people and she would never forgive herself!"
"We could figure out another way though!"
"Do we even have that time to think about that? We have a limited amount of time and you won't be able to hold her like this forever!"
He's right. We don't have time. I didn't want to say anything because it would freak everyone out but I can tell she's going to break through pretty soon! Maybe five minutes? It could be less though! I groaned and said,
"I wish you were wrong about that but you are right. I can tell she's going to be able to move very soon!"
Cosmo then turned toward Shadow and said,
"You need to turn me into a demon like it or not! We are running out of time!"
I could tell Shadow was pretty upset about it too and he sighed and said,
"You are right. I have to do it even if I hate it! But after you do turn into a demon you still have to calm her down. I have no idea even if she sees you alive she will calm down just because of that!"
"Okay sounds good. I think I have something that would help her calm down!"
"That's good. Let's hope this works!"
Shadow then started to walk over to Cosmo!
Everything was pitch black! This happened before! I remembered nothing and then when I woke up I found out I used magic without me even knowing I did!? Is the same thing going to happen again but this time I'm going to kill innocent people?! I have to calm down but there is no way I can! I know Cosmo is going to die and it's all my fault! I feel so angry at those people and at myself! If only I made sure those werewolves that were attacking Caspian were alone and didn't have a gang then this would have never happened! I feel so horrible and upset! I can't take another one of my friends dying! I'M SO TIRED OF EVERYONE DYING AROUND ME! WHY COULDN'T I BE NORMAL?! I JUST WANTED TO FRIENDS AND LOOK WHERE IT GOT ME! UGGGGG THERE IS NO WAY I CAN CALM DOWN WITHOUT ANYONES HELP?! I hope Soul got my parents. Maybe they will figure something out! I really hope they come soon. The only thing I can do is think and thinking right now is not helping me at all feel any better! It feels like it's been hours even though I know it hasn't! I looked around and saw nothing changed and sighed. I wish at least something changed instead of it being pitch black all the time! I would be way less bored and not not think about all these negative things but nooooo, It feels like I'm in the void instead! Please hurry up Soul I feel like I'm going crazy! I tried taking a nap but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. UGGGG I GIVE UP! I think it's been around ten minutes and closing my eyes makes me see flashes of Cosmo bleeding out! PLEASE HURRY I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! I curled up in a ball and started crying. After a few minutes I heard someone call my name! I pushed myself up and looked around but I saw no change. I took a deep breath and wiped away my tears. Then I heard a voice again!
I recognized that voice! That's Cosmo! I thought he was dying! Unless I'm hearing things that is. After a couple seconds I didn't hear anything else. Well I guess I'm going crazy now, that's just great! I sighed but then I felt someone touch me! I felt someone squeeze my body and knew right away someone was hugging me! I then heard Cosmo's voice again! He said,
"It's okay. I'm alive! Your parents helped me! Everything is alright. You need to calm down!"
HE'S ALIVE! I'M SO HAPPY! I took a couple breaths and could tell I was calming down! The blackness started to light up again until it was totally white! I closed my eyes and opened them again and I was out of the void! I could see that Cosmo was hugging me and I felt my face become hot suddenly. I then said,
"It's okay! You can let go now."
He stopped hugging me and walked back. As I got a better look at him I could tell he looked different! I saw that he had black streaks in his fur! He also smelled smoky and I knew right away what happened and I said,
"My dad turned you into a demon didn't he?"
Cosmo then said,
"I'm sorry it was the only way to keep me alive!"
I sighed and said,
"To be honest I thought this was going to happen at some point. I knew if anything happened to my friends I would lose control over my magic. When I told Soul to get my parents I was hoping they could think of something other than turning you into a demon. I guess they couldn't think of anything else though. I am a little upset that you're like this though. I don't want my friends to be immortal because I know from experience how horrible it is! But I know It was the only way for me to calm down and to save you. I'm not going to be mad at my dad for that!"
My dad smiled at me and said,
"I'm glad you understand my reasoning. I'm also really happy you're not mad at me! I don't want my cute adorable daughter to hate me!"
"DAD! Stop embarrassing me!"
Everyone laughed and then Soul slithered up to me and said,
"Thank goodness you're back! I'm tired of being around these annoying people!"
I chuckled and said,
"Well I'm not at all surprised you said that. But I must thank you so much for helping me! If it wasn't for you I would have killed A LOT of people today!"
"I guess you're welcome. The only reason I decided to do this is because of you. It would have been amazing if everyone died!"
I rolled my eyes and I saw a flash of light and felt Soul go back on my wrist. After he disappeared Ariella asked,
"Is Soul always like that?!"
"Yep pretty much!"
"I feel bad for you!"
I chuckled and said,
"Well thanks for saying that. He can get extremely annoying sometimes with all the insults he says about other people!"
I rolled my eyes and ignored him. Flynn then asked me,
"Sooooo when are you going to turn us into demons?"
"Ummm never?"
"I have a question for you then, if anything happens to us, will you get like this again?"
I thought for a second and said,
"Ummmmm okay I see your point but there is no way I'm going to let my dad turn you into a demon!"
"But I think it will be pretty cool to be a demon!"
Arella nodded in agreement and I sighed and said,
"How about this then. If you both still want to be demons after graduation I guess I'll let you both be one!"
"Okay deal!"
Arella then said,
"I don't think I'll change my mind but I guess I'll wait."
"Even if you still want to be demons by that point I won't be happy about it!"
My mom then said,
"So now that you are calm we need to talk about a lot of things that you are hiding from us!"
Oh no. I completely forgot that they know everything now! This is going to be a pain to explain but I would rather Soul told them everything then me losing control of my magic and killing everyone in the city! I'm just glad nothing serious happened! I'm so happy to have great friends and family that don't hate me just because I'm different from them! They are amazing even though they can get a little annoying sometimes!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I closed the book and asked my daughter,
"So did you like the book?"
"Yep I really loved it! You wrote my life into a story pretty well!"
"I'm glad you like it. What about you, Soul? Do you like it?"
Soul glared at me and said,
"You forced me to come out to ask me that! I would rather stay on Silverheart's wrist than talk to you!"
I laughed and said,
"I know but did you like it?"
Soul sighed and said,
"It was surprisingly good even though you really are annoying and an idiot all the time!"
"That's the nicest thing you ever said to me so I'll take that as a compliment.
"Well since I told you how I felt about your book, can I go now? I would rather not talk to you. You are still really annoying even if the only good thing you can do is write a book!"
I sighed and said
"Okay fine. It's not like I can force you to stay out."
There was a flash of light and I saw that Soul went back on my daughter's wrist. I then said,
"Typical Soul and his many insults!"
Everyone laughed and I then asked my daughter's friends,
"What about you all? Did you like the book?"
Cosmo then said,
"Yep I really did! I loved it! I think it was the best book you have written so far!"
"You're just saying that because you're in it aren't you?"
"Okay you might be right but it is a pretty good book!"
"Well I'm glad you liked it then."
Arella then said,
"I agree with Silverheart and Soul! It was pretty interesting to see Silverheart's perspective of what happened! I'm also surprised you convinced Soul to tell his side too!"
"Well it was very hard to do but I kept nagging him about it and annoying the heck out of him until he told me!"
Arella laughed and said,
"No wonder he helped you! To be honest if someone kept asking me over and over again, It would get pretty annoying! So what about you, Flynn? Did you like the book?"
Flynn then said,
"Yes I did but there is one thing I'm wondering, why didn't you add us being turned into demons in that book?"
I then said,
"Well I'm not going to write about that when nothing interesting happened after my daughter told us about her magic! The only thing you did was you didn't change your mind after graduation so you told Shadow to turn you into demons and he did. That's not very interesting is it?"
"I guess not. It would be weird to add that in when it was a already pretty good stopping point. Adding anything after that might have ruined it."
"Well also I didn't want the last chapter to be to long. That was mostly the reason."
"So you're saying you're lazy?"
"You already know that about me! I don't do certain things because it seems like to much work!"
"I should have known you would say that. But one thing that was pretty funny about that book is that you could totally tell that Silverheart and Cosmo totally had a crush on each other! They didn't even figure that out until three hundred years later! Then they finally started dating!"
I laughed and Silverheart sighed and said,
"You're just going to keep reminding me about that aren't you?"
"Yep! I love bringing it up because it's so funny!"
My daughter sighed and said,
"In other important news not about my love life, dad doesn't at all know that you wrote a new book does he?"
I then said,
"Why do you think he's not here. I didn't tell him because I knew he wouldn't let me publish it!"
"Well it only has only been five hundred years since this happened after all! He would make you wait around a thousand years instead!"
"Yep pretty much! You know I couldn't wait! I literally have nothing else to do and I was extremely bored! You get why I did it right?"
"Yep I totally get it! It's the whole reason why I went to school around five hundred years ago!"
"You know what will be way better than writing my book?"
My daughter sighed and said,
"I already know the answer but I'll let you say it."
"Well it would be really weird if you didn't know what I was thinking by now! You have known me for a verrrrry long time!"
"So are you going to tell us or not?"
"Be patient, I was getting there! I'm just excited to see Shadows reaction when he finds out that I wrote a new book and published it!"
Everyone groaned but my daughter laughed instead and said,
"To be honest I'm excited to see it too! He's going to be so mad!"
Cosmo then said,
"I'm not at all surprised you said that! You two are sometimes really alike!"
Then I could tell my daughter was thinking about something and she said,
"You're totally going to add everything we just said into the book aren't you?"
"What! Nooooo...."
"You literally did it with each book you wrote, there is no way you wouldn't do it now!"
"Well are you going to try to stop me?"
"I don't have any reason to. You always tend to get away from dad anyways! I know I won't be able to catch you! But I don't know what my friends will do!"
Cosmo laughed and said,
"Ooooo does that mean we have a good excuse to chase your mom for all the times she's pranked and teased us?"
My daughter laughed and said,
"Go for it. I won't stop you!"
I then said,
"HEY! I thought you were on my side!"
"Wellll I think it will be hilarious to see you get chased around!"
My daughter laughed and her friend rushed at me and I quickly flew away laughing to myself. Well let's see if they can catch me! I'm glad we can do this! It means it's peaceful in the world. Well even though it's boring I would rather it be peaceful than people dying! After all the horrible things I've been through I don't think I could have ever imagined myself happy and with a loving family and amazing friends but here we are! I bet these days will last forever!


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