The Slipper & The Magic Mirro...

By wrenlo

3.1K 111 11

All Nicole wanted was an autograph. All Waverly wanted was to be rescued. A Wayhaught love story told as a fa... More

Chapter 1 - What the...
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 2

133 5 0
By wrenlo

No sooner had she shouted her decision into the mirror, Nicole snapped back to reality. What am I thinking? I'm not exactly Miss Let's Go Do Something Adventurous. Seriously, this is so outside my comfort zone. And, I'm talking to a mirror. Great. I'm just going to leave this here, walk away, pretend I didn't offer to rescue this Waverly dancer. Backing away, backing away.

A voice echoed from the mirror as she neared the door. "You made a promise in front of the mirror."

"Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me. You don't have much choice. The mirror has chosen you."

"Err, okay. No idea what that means."

"It means you, and only you can save me."

"Great. And that would be because."

"Because you were allowed into the room. No one is allowed in unless their heart is true."

"Actually, Jake said it was okay to come in. For an autograph."

Nicole heard a laugh from the mirror. "And how many others were permitted to obtain an autograph?"

"Err, not sure. I mean, only me I guess. Look, I'd really like to help, but this isn't my usual way of doing things."

"I understand. So few get past the gatekeeper."

"Sorry, who? Who is the gatekeeper?"

"The wizard's assistant. The one who let you through."

"Is this some kind of a joke? Am I being filmed here?"

"No joke. I will remain a prisoner until the one with a true heart can rescue me. Alas, it is not to be you. A pity."

"I'm really sorry. If it's any consolation, you're a great dancer. I mean really great. One of the best I've ever seen. Hello."

An emptiness filled the room and a sadness as Nicole stood staring at her reflection in the mirror. "Waverly, I'm so sorry. I just don't think I'm the one. I'm sorry. Another time perhaps."

Silence. Heading back along the corridors she left the theatre, crossing the street to the bar where her two friends were waiting, accepting the beer Robin had bought for her. "Did you get it?" Robin asked, taking a sip of his drink. "The autograph. Can I see it?"

"Couldn't. She wasn't there."

"Shame. She's one amazing dancer. Didn't I say that Jeremy?"

"You did, several times. Tempted to forego Frozen and see this again."

Nicole's mind was still in front of the mirror. "Have you ever had something weird happen and not been able to explain it."

"I've had food go missing from the office fridge," Robin offered. "And, no one owned up."

"I mean, weird, as in weird."

"How weird?" Jeremy asked.

"Talking mirror weird."

Robin snorted into his beer. "Happens all the time."

"I'm being serious. Something weird happened in the theatre."

"A mirror talked to you," Robin added.

"You see, you saying that to me now makes me think maybe not."

"Let's get this straight. You stood in front of a mirror and it talked to you. Were your lips moving at the time?"

"Ha ha. It's nothing. Forget it."

Jeremy's scientific mind was at work. "I believe you. What happened exactly?"

"Nothing. Probably a trick, or some hidden microphone."

"So, you did hear someone," Jeremy pressed.

"Can we drop it?"

"Aren't you curious?"


"Not even a little bit."


"Not even a teeny bit."


"We could go check," Jeremy offered. "Just to make sure it's not real."

"Yeah, why not," Robin added. "I'd like to hear this talking mirror."

"Guys, I wish I hadn't said anything. Fine, if it will get you to stop talking about it."

"So exciting," Robin said. "My bet's on it being a ghost who haunts the theatre."

Nicole rolled her eyes. "The theatre's probably closed now. Come on, before I change my mind."

The trio finished their drinks, heading back across the road to the theatre, the stage door now shut. Robin banged on it, waiting for someone to answer. Silence. He banged again, standing back, turning to his companions. "Looks like we're too late."

As they were about to leave the stage door opened, Jake appearing with a wide grin on his face when he spotted Nicole. "You accept the quest."

"I...I've not made up my mind. Just need my friends to see."

Jake's forehead creased. "Usually only one is permitted. Tricky. Your heart is true, there is no doubt. And, your request sincere. If you require two knights to assist you in your quest then it must be so. Proceed."

Robin giggled at the mention of knights. "We're being pranked."

"Shush," Jeremy replied. "Let's just see what's inside."

Nicole turned to Robin. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?"

"One hundred percent. I so need to see this mirror now."

"Okay, but we leave straight after."

"Oh, sure."

Jake stood to one side gesturing for them to enter. Nicole took the lead, marching ahead towards the last door on the right, stopping outside to gather herself. Knocking there was no reply, trying the doorknob. The room was locked. "Guess we won't know. Let's go."

Turning, about to retrace their steps, they heard a door open along the corridor, the same gentleman who passed Nicole earlier appearing, his eyes locked on hers. "Back so soon to accept your quest."

"No...I. I was just going to show my friends the mirror."

The man's eyes narrowed. "This is not some frivolous game. If you are here, then you have chosen the quest."

Robin stepped forward. "Is this one of those escape room quests? Always fancied doing one of those."

"A what? I've a good mind to turn you into a cat."

"Can we just see the mirror?" Jeremy interrupted. "We heard it talks."

"Talks. Talks. My dear man, it does more than talk. Very well. But, once inside the room you will not leave until your quest is complete."

"Knew it," Robin said, under his breath. "Escape room. Bring it on."

The man pushed past the group, sending Nicole into Robin, who steadied her. Extracting a key from the pocket of his long coat, he inserted it into the door, allowing the three to enter. "As I said, complete the quest and you shall be free to leave. Fail and I will turn you into frogs."

"Thought you were going to turn me into a cat," Robin said, earning a dig from Jeremy. "Well, he did. I'd prefer to be a cat than a frog."

"You have till midnight."

"Wait," Nicole said. "What about Waverly?"

"Rescue my dancer from the mirror and I will accept her heart belongs to you."

"What if she doesn't want to give her heart to me? I mean, it's not like she has to, or anything. I could just go in..."

"Enough," the man roared. "You have till the clock strikes twelve."

With that the wizard closed the door, the three looking at each other as the key turned in the lock, trapping them inside the room. "Well, that was intense," Jeremy said, staring into the mirror with lights around the edge. "Is this it? The one that talks."

"No, the tall mirror," Nicole said, pointing to it.

"Guys, don't want to say anything," Robin interrupted. "But you do realise we're locked in this room."

"Till midnight, apparently," Jeremy said. "What time is it now?"

"Nine forty. Really wish I'd gone to the restroom."

"Hello. Who's there?" came a voice. "Is anyone there?"

"What the..." Robin said, looking around. "Where's that coming from?"

Nicole pointed to the tall mirror. "Hi, it's me again. Looks like we're going to rescue you after all."

"You came back. That's wonderful. You came to rescue me. I'm so glad, but you must hurry, there isn't much time."

"Right. Only, how? How exactly do we do that?"

"Step through and you shall see a path before you to rescue me."

"Okay, so we step through the mirror. Got it. And, there's a path." Nicole turned to her companions. "So, like I said talking mirror."

Robin and Jeremy were staring at the mirror, their mouths open. Nicole stepped forward stretching out her arm towards the glass. "You're not going in, are you?" Robin asked, hugging Jeremy's arm. "This is seriously weird."

"I don't think we have much choice," Nicole replied. "If we don't do this, we're trapped in this room."

"Of course we're not," Jeremy said. "That creepy guy just wanted to scare us. I bet the door isn't even locked." He reached over, pulling on the doorknob. "Okay, so we're locked in. And, now I'm freaking out."

"Guys, guys, let's all remain calm. I'll go first. If I don't come straight back out ring the cops and tell them where I am."

"In a mirror," Robin said. "You want us to ring the cops and tell them our friend stepped inside a mirror and vanished. Like it's no big deal."

"You see, when you say it like that. I'm going in. Wait for my signal."

"What signal? Nicole, this is crazy. What signal?"

"I don't know. I'll throw a glove out if it's safe."

"What if it's not safe?" Robin asked.

"I'll throw two gloves out."

"Is anyone else freaking out here?" Robin asked.

Nicole and Jeremy's heads nodded in unison. "Don't want to rush you," Waverly called out. "But, I'd suggest you might want to get a move on."

"Right, sorry. Okay, here goes." Nicole touched the glass. "Well, that's not what I was expecting." Her hand slipped through as if immersing it in water. "It's cool to the touch and it feels like there's a space behind. So not looking forward to this next bit."

Pushing her hand through, then her arm, she was left with little option but to step into the mirror. As her right foot hit the surface the other side she heard a rustling sound as though she were standing on dried leaves. Her head went through next, finally her body and left leg, disappearing completely into whatever was on the other side. "Wow, this is. Wow."

"What's there?" Robin called out. "What can you see?"

"It's a forest, or wood of some kind. I think it's safe. Throwing a glove out."

One of Nicole's gloves flew out the mirror hitting Robin on the nose. "Thanks. Appreciate that. Do we follow?"

"Yes, come through. You won't believe what's here."

Robin stepped through first, clapping his hands together as he entered a magical land, calling out to Jeremy to follow. The three stood in the middle of a wooded area, a light dusting of snow on the ground and an eerie silence. The sun had begun to set, a chill in the air as they took in their new surroundings. "No path," Jeremy observed. "At least, I can't see a path."

"There's got to be one," Nicole said, scanning the area. "Waverly definitely said follow the path. Hello, could you tell us where the path is?"

Silence. The wind dancing through the trees the only sound. The three looked at each other, none knowing what to do. It fell to Nicole to take charge, setting off in the direction where the trees were widest apart. Robin turned to Jeremy. "Have a bad feeling about this. How do we know which way to go? Or, where to come back?"

Jeremy took off his scarf, tying it round the nearest tree. "This is our marker. We'd better keep up with Nicole, or we'll lose her."

Coming to the edge of the wood, they gazed out over fields, still no path in sight. There was, however, a collection of buildings in the distance, lights in their windows and smoke billowing from chimneys. "What do you think?" Nicole asked, hands on hips. "Do we go check it out?"

"Without a path, or someone to guide us," Jeremy replied, "this looks like our best option."

"We stick together," Nicole added. "No wandering off."

"Like where?" Robin said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"May I remind you, you wanted to see the magic mirror."

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