The Vampire Prince βœ“

By brownboiiii

261K 9.7K 1.2K

Book 1 of the supernatural world series "Hey! Get down you may slip and die!!" . . "Don't worry about me I'm... More

Before you read
Chapter 1 : Pilot
Chapter 2 : Invited
Chapter 3 : The Great City
Chapter 4 : Friendly Stranger
Chapter 5 : Date?
Chapter 6 : Avoiding Him
Chapter 7 : Exposed
Chapter 8 : Explanations
Chapter 9 : Flashbacks
Chapter 10 : Cursed
Chapter 11 : Awakened
Chapter 12 : The Rise of Venatores
Chapter 13 : The Great War
Chapter 14 : Miles Apart
Chapter 15 : Family Dearest
Chapter 16 : Official Date
Chapter 17 : Suffering
Chapter 18 : First time
Chapter 19 : Winters
Chapter 20 : Disapproval
Chapter 21 : PDA
Chapter 22 : The Red Room
Chapter 24 : Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 25 : Don't Go Yet
Chapter 26 : Anew
Chapter 27 : The Royal Family
Chapter 28 : Marked
Chapter 29 : Captured
Chapter 30 : Transition
Chapter 31 : Vampire's Day Out
Chapter 32 : Sensual Lovers
Chapter 33 : Preparations
Chapter 34 : Founder's Day
Chapter 35 : Birthday
Chapter 36 : Vacation
Chapter 37 : Demons of Past
Chapter 38 : The Attack-P1
Chapter 39 : The Attack-P2
Epilogue : Reconciled
Bonus - shorts
Bonus - Random shorts
Last Bonus

Chapter 23 : Traitor

4.3K 170 55
By brownboiiii

Emily above

Axel's Pov:

I sighed for the millionth time as I typed away on my laptop for god knows why.

I am in my office doing my usual work and I can't help but wonder what Nyx has been upto.

For past few days , Nyx has been busy with other problems.

I know he is a prince and has far bigger problems but it would be helpful and nice if we did something together. I think I have been touch starved for weeks but it feels like an eternity.

He had to go back to his world to deal with few problems and he was just going and coming.

Sometimes I would see him wandering around house collecting things and leaving again. If he would see me , he would just smile at me, kiss me and leave.

I swear I haven't saw him naked let alone his bare chest for like two weeks.

Last time we went to that club was actually two weeks ago and since than he was busy.

He said to me on the next morning that day that he was going to finally do it.

he didn't tell me what and it was obvious he was hiding something from me ,I was sure. He was being distant purposely like not distant I would say. He never leaves a chance to touch me , he was just being extremely busy like as if he was waiting for something.

Today when he came back in the morning tired from God knows where . My doubts were confirmed that he definitely was hiding something from me. I tried asking where was he and he said he was helping a friend in New York.

I asked him if I could help and even asked him what it was but he only said.
"Only time will tell" he said it so bashfully and cutely with that little wink I couldn't even doubt that he definitely was upto something , mischievous.

And when it comes to Nyx , I prepared myself to be surprised. Because that little shit had so many tricks up his sleeves , that many a times left me awed and speechless.

Today Morning


I was on the couch sitting and sipping on my coffee.

The weather was a little cold and I typed an email on my laptop.

The door burst open and he came barging in his clothes from the night before.
I didn't knew when was the last time he changed cause I swear I saw him wearing this outfit like three days ago.

He dropped his bag on the couch and whined softly.

" Daddy , I'm tired.

I wanna cuddles.

And coffee. No, chocolate. No wait, Coffee? Yes coffee pleashhe!!!" He whined cutely and I chuckled.

" Fine lay down I'm bringing it."
He happily obliged and flopped on the huge couch.

And like kitten he stretched and started rolling on the couch. I mentally sighed , amused at his antiques.

Isn't it less graceful for this mighty prince?

"I heard that!"
"Get out of my mind!"

I brought him a cup of coffee and he snuggled closer to me while sipping on it like a kid while holding the cup with both hands on it.

I knew he was this corny and kiddish only in front of me and I felt like I was on the top of the world for receiving such treatment.

I wrapped my hands around him and buried my nose in his hairs inhaling his scent.

He smelled like a tropical fruits and citrus wood perfume. And his hairs , well they smelled like my shampoo. I chuckled softly.

"I missed you."
"I missed you more."
"You can't."
He rolled his eyes and just let me kiss his neck.

All over his manly scent there was a lingering floral and fruity scent which certainly didn't belong to him.

He hates these type of scent.
" You smell like flowers." I muttered.

"It's Ariana Grande's perfume. Tina has lots of it."

"Who is she?" I asked.
" I'll introduce you to her when I take you to meet my family . She's one of the -." he was cutoff by his phone.

I looked at him and then his phone. He took out his phone from the pocket and it was 'her'. His friend Tina.

He jumped away quickly, picking it up making me confused but suspicious.
He went to a corner and talked in hushed voice. But I still heard part of it.

'he would never cheat on me , we are soulmates right? He knows my past'
A weird maddening and jealousy filled through invade my mind.

I shook it off as soon as it came. He can never. He will never I know that. I trust him and we are soulmates.
Why would he cheat and he said she's family.

He ended his call and came back to me.

"Babe I gotta go , I need to meet someone for some things I asked. They need to be hand delivered to me since they're important and fragile." He said.

"Important duty calls huh prince Nyx?" I asked teasing him and I think I knew exactly well who it was he was Going to meet.

"Yep duty calls , hard being a fucking prince you know!
You'll know when you'll be A part of the royal family beside me.
My king, my master" He flirted and kissed my cheek.

And then with a chaste kiss on my lips he left in his vampire speed.

I stared at him.

He lied to me. I knew he went to meet her but then why'd he said duty calls?


My mind was a mess of thoughts after that.

Maybe it was some work call and I'm just overthinking.
I forget that unlike me he does not have just a company he has like entire races , an entire world to rule and govern.

Obviously he's busy in stuff and I'm happy that even though this he finds time for me like he should.

Anyone else would be crushed under the huge pressure.
He would never cheat on me . I should be ashamed of myself to even think of that. Just because he went to meet a girl does not means he'll cheat. What the hell is wrong with me?
He would never do that Nyx is not like that, he's loyal.

It's basically his first relationship and he would certainly not do that to me.

He was waited for me his entire life and now when he found me why would he cheat on me?

I was so busy with my thoughts that I didn't knew when Lance entered.

"Hey man what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much just work." I replied and went back to work but kept thinking about Nyx.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked.
"Oh its nothing." I shrugged.

"I know there is something bothering you. Just spill it." He urged me to speak and I sighed.
"Nothing just Nyx is being distant from me. And he's been out too much. I miss him " I confesses.

" Oh don't worry about that , it's usual for vampires to just disappear and then come out of nowhere, Dylan does it a lot. And now at this point I'm like , okay with it. You know they need some privacy,
" He said and then continued.

" Plus he's a prince , a ruler of an entire race of supernaturals around the earth. He has some shady business to do.

There are lots of things you don't know about Axel. You know the name Venatores is literally a brand. Not in that sense but they rule the market somehow.

And not just normal market but the black market too. He's involved in Mafia too. When you're someone like him and live for that much time , you're obviously damn rich and have deep connections , even the dark shady ones

Anyway he will always come back running to you no matter what. " Lance said smiling gently at me.

I sighed.

Nyx would always come back to me.
No matter what and it's vice versa I would do it for him too.

"So you're up for a treat? Hm hm last time you said you'll feed me and where it's my treat? And if you say you are getting me dog biscuits I'll punch you." He joked but I was in no mood for his jokes.

Eventhough I knew Nyx would come back but a voice in the back of my head said otherwise.

Why is he not telling me what's he doing? He does it exerytime so why not now?
Why does he not want me to meet or talk to the girl. He said he'll introduce me later when he introduces me to his family but when?

Why is he making me wait for so long?
A weird thought filled my mind.
If Nyx was waiting for me for 2000 years why didn't he come here when I was born? He would have knew. But then again that'd be kidnapping a new born.

But still he could have kept an eye and stuff. I don't know where I was going with this.
I shook my head. Maybe I'm just missing him.

' but why is he not letting you touch him? She did the same.'
The voice and I clenched my jaw in anger.
I don't need any flashbacks.
He said he loves and I trust him.
'bur does he really? What if it was all his manipulation all along.'.

It said and I frowned.
I was gonna go in deep thinking again but Lance prevented me from doing so.
"Well let's go out you definitely need some air!" He said pointing at the huge pile of work in front of me.

He pulled me and we left the office to go on a walk in a nearby park .

There was small cafe near it's entrance so after our 15 minute walk we went there to have lunch.

We sat and ordered and waited for our food to arrive while Lance told me about the results of our latest shoots from the "Born Free" collection.

Lance got a phone call from Dylan. And apparently Lance had to leave early as Dylan asked him to pick him up from his University so he went bidding me goodbye.

I nodded and finished my lunch.

After that I sat there alone for long time thinking about how my life turned 180° when Nyx entered my life. And I believe it was for the good.

"I heard you turned queer" Someone said mockingly and slid into the seat where Lance sat. The person took my coffee and sipped on it.
I know exactly who she was and I rubbed my face in annoyance.

I looked up and despite the fact I knew it was her I groaned in annoyance.
She slid back the coffee cup back to me smirking but I drained it down in a plant nearby making her eyebrows crease together in frustration as she huffed.

"I'm in no mood to deal with money hungry bitches" I deadpanned and she gasped audibly in surprise.

" You seem to have changed."

"Unlike you Emily not everyone brings out the worst in other people."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway a boyfriend? You were so shook from me that you turned into a fag?" She snarkily said rolling her eyes.

She wore a dark red lipstick with a strong choking perfume and was in her typical pencil dress.

" Say something like that again and I'll make sure you'll spend rest of your life behind the bars for stealing and deceit and many more I decide to pull up on you."

" Where is your boyfriend?"she mocked.

" Busy and so am I. It was not , a pleasure meeting you. Hope we don't meet again." I said coldly as I stood up to leave.

"Aww come Axel. We were college friends. Forget the past and just sit down. Tell me what you have been upto?" She said forcing me to sit down.

"We are not friends for a matter of fact. And what's happening in none of your business. Stay out. "

"I heard he is some low class wannabe student who thinks he is Picasso just because one of his shit sold out for hundreds." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

" Stay away from me and my boyfriend. You're stalking him and if you continue it well I just found another charge to file on you." I growled in anger.

"Awww are you mad that I'm stalking your suspicious boyfriend. Ok I am but look what I found. Obviously he's upto no good. You might wanna listen to things I dug up about him that I wonder how you didn't?" She said as she crossed her legs.
I raised a eyebrow and frowned.

What did she dug up on him?
If she dug up some murder or shit including Nyx I had to tell him that or she'll cause trouble for him.
She got the fact that now I was listening to her and started spewing her supposed bullshit.

" I saw the London fashion week clips and you arrived with a boy as your date there and then you introduced him as your boyfriend. I was surprised and I thought this is bullshit but it was not. I am your college friend and since I care for you I researched on him.

I still think you could have choosen someone better looking than that fag!" She laughed as she thought she made the funniest joke.

"Atleast he is better than a cheap gold digging whore who's personality as shitty as her looks" I calmly mocked her and she inaudibly gasped in surprise.
Her face turned red from anger and before she could speak I cut her off.

" You know I couldn't care what you dug up on my boyfriend.
Even if he was a killer I'd rather hear this from him than someone , or you.

Whatever happens between me and my boyfriend stays among us you don't need to interfere.
Now get away from me just like you got away from my life , I don't wanna see your ugly ass bitch face anymore. Not even in my worst nightmares."I threatened and stood up to leave.

" Aww you gotta do better than that!
" She said making my blood boil.

" You do not say shit about him , you don't even know him or how special he is .

And if he would have been here *scoffs* he won't even spare you a glance because his standards are way high than your bank balance.

You have your own boyfriend go eat his head not mine! Before I call my lawyer and file a restraining order against you,

Fuck off Emily" I growled slamming my hand on the table. She flinched but didn't move. This girl has no self respect or shame.

" I swear Axel I care for you. And my boyfriend cheated and left m-" I cut her off.

" Wow! So you're here with me ,thinking I would take you back, karma is really a bitch huh?! Well REALITY CHECK we ended things way back, go find someone else I'm not gonna take a bitch like you back!"

" Oh Axel you can't deny it. Stop lying to yourself. I know how you moped when I was gone. You love me and that guy is just a rebound. You're confused and I swear one night is all it'll take me to turn you normal."She winked at me and that was it .
I stood up and started walking out.

"Well you may wanna see your whore of a boyfriend kissing someone else!" She shouted and That made me stop dead in my tracks.

" What? What are you talking about?"I asked turning around. A weird feeling ran down my spine.

" Well few months back when Steven left me , I got -"
" I don't wanna hear your story!" I growled.

She made me sit down and sat beside me.

I shifted away, she rolled her eyes.
" You wanna see what I got about him, so you need to listen to my story.

So I got a modelling contract. And I signed up so I don't need money, I just care about you Axel.

Anyway then I heard the news of London fashion week. I saw it and then I saw you with him. It was weird seeing you with him.
So I contacted a friend and asked him to do a background check on him I obviously care about you , turns out he was living with some woman for few days but she doesn't remember anything . Weird ? There's more.

He was seen getting involved with gangs and drug dealers. Who knows he might be in some gang. He's a bad influence Axel. He has no background ,he's a no one and I'm telling you Axel he is after you only for your money!"
She explained.
I scoffed and said

" Not everyone is like you!" I growled in anger my teeth clenching in anger.

"Well then explain this. I know what I did was wrong and realised it and he's doing the same thing. I got this video just an hour ago from the person I sent to look after him and I was coming to show you this but you left so I followed you and you ended up here. This video is of today morning , watch it yourself."

I took the phone and played the video. I was pissed at her.

Why the fuck is she following Nyx. If she knows about him being a vampire, I'm sure Nyx will kill her and not wipe her memory.

But as I saw the video my heart ached and stammered in my chest.

Please god, please it should not be true.
What she said.

The screen was blurr first but then cleared more and someone was recording it from outside a cafe.
Inside there was Nyx with a beautiful girl and they were laughing.

She gave him something like a velvet box and soon they came out.
The girl stood on her toes and kissed Nyx not on lips but beside his lips and He smiled, he fucking smiled instead of pushing her away. He then hugged her and they said goodbye.

The screen turned black and I dropped the phone.
The phone broke and so does my heart but into million pieces.

Tears filled my eyes.

I can't believe it.

There has to be an explanation to this. He can't do this. He will never. He- he - he No no no no this is fake. He won't do it.

I would never hurt you.

I would sacrifice my life for you.

You are my everything.

I love you.

Was all of these things a lie?
Was all of his lovey dovey shit a total white lie?
Was he playing me the whole time?

"Imagine from how long they were doing this behind your back. "

Was that why he went out and spent the night out late.

"He was lying to you. "

He never lied to me but he did.

" It's clear he doesn't loves you. He is only using you for something. Most probably money or something."

He can't!
Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

" He looks so happy with her. God knows what else are they doin-" Emily's words broke my heart more.

" SHUT UP!!" I shouted in frustration.

I stood up and I sprinted off to my car then speeded down to my house.

Anger, hurt , sadness ,pain and worst betrayal as over me.

When I reached my house I broke down completely . Weren't we supposed to be soulmates?! How could he? How could he?!

"HOW COULD YOU NYX? HOW. COULD YOU?" I let out an agonizing scream and threw the umbrella holder at the glass table.

It shattered the table and the shards of glass went flying across the room.

I went upstairs and trashed his room and everything there.

The bottles , the vases, the stupid sceneries on the staircase and everything he bought.

Soon my house looked like it was hit by a storm.

It took some time for my rage to die down and when it did I stared at the mess I made.

Nyx's room was trashed to point where his paintings lied broken or teared.

I collapsed infront of his room and sobbed my eyes out.


Everyone I ever loved cheated on me.
Even my own damn soulmate cheated on me.

Was he really my soulmate at all?

I glared at his room and cried more.

An hour later I wiped my tears and decided to drink my problems away.
I went down to the kitchen and opened th wine cellar.

I pulled out the bottles and started drinking to ease the pain in my chest.

It was the only solution that seem apt and I drank until I passed out.

I don't remember how long I was out but the sound of door opening woke me up.

The effect of alcohol was still there but still I could walk without staggering. My mind was in haze.

What happened?

Then I remembered what happened and I clenched my jaw in anger. I stared at the clock and saw it was 6 pm now.

"I'm home babe!" Nyx announced chirply.

He has the audacity to come back here after that.

I gulped down the entire contents of the bottle that was in my hand and my mind swayed. My judgement was clouded and so were my senses.

I couldn't hear anything and my mind was spinning.

I went out of the kitchen, my body swaying.
The lights were out but the kitchen light made his face look visible.
He smiled instantly when he saw me but he kept walking and grabbed a cup of glass to drink water.
He must have not noticed my drunk state.

He didn't even glanced at me properly. Is that how pathetic I am?

"Finally I'm free after god knows what time. Now all in gonna do is spend it with you " he said and walked towards me.

I took his hand and dragged him to the playroom. I was drunk and I was letting my anger take control of me.
It was all what it clouded my mind.

The hallway and the staircase were dark.
"Whoa whoa whoa, you could just tell me you were that horny!" He said in a joking manner .
Even how much angry I was at his betrayal he still looked sexy.

" Axel let me just turn on the lights first." He said but I didn't let him move instead
I opened the playroom and pushed him in .

"Strip down to your boxers!" I commanded.

He sighed and rolled his eyes but he did what I asked.

He looked a little weirded out but didn't notice I was drunk because of the low light.

I tied him with the chains and went to my room.
My mother gave me the vervain filled syringes in case a vampire other than Nyx broke in.

I took one.

My conscience was telling me not to do it.
My hand lingered little on it and for a minute I wanted to just forget about it and ask him what happened.

But the video in mind played again and my anger and jealousy took over my mind.

I wanted to punish him , he loves pain then I'll give him that pain. He will enjoy it.

It was only a kiss that too it wasn't on lips. You can just ask him for an explanation! My subconscious screamed at me.

A kiss !?! he told me I was his soulmate and he would never do this yet he does and i don't know maybe he really did compelled me for money and blood.

My thoughts were wild.
I was arguing and fighting myself.

This was a bad habit of mine , that I am an angry drunk when I am pissed drunk.

I entered the room.
I took a blindfold and tied around his eyes a bit too tightly.

" Y- youh arhe ghetting phunished . You were MINE!!! And yhou have the audacity to do that and come back here?!? How could you?!?" I growled at him.

His face morphed into one of terror and he frowned.

His eyes widened in shock.

" Whwaht?" He asked , his voice muffled and I don't even know what he said.
My feet staggered towards the whip and cane I had.

Axel stop!

Axel stopp!


⚠️ Trigger Warning⚠️
(Graphic scenes ahead)

Nyx's Pov:

What? Punished for what , before I could ask a searing pain made me jolt in surprise and squirm.
My entire body went numb and black dots clouded my vision.

The world started swaying and I felt tired.
Did he just injected me with a concentrated vervain shot?

Something was wrong .

I tried to speak but he tied a gag around my mouth. My energy was constantly being drained Because of the vervain.

I looked into his mind ,but there was a block on both the link and his mind.

I tried to see if it was a demon but the only presence I felt was of Wrath and Envy, but the seven deadly sins were common.

I knew Axel was drunk but what is he doing and what is he on about? Punishment for what. Why is he doing this.

I tried to break free from the chain but the vervain shot did it's work.

My entire body went limp and numb. I couldn't use my powers not even magic as it was absorbed from my vampire powers and my vampire powers weren't working so neither did the witch powers.

I tried to break from the chains again but I was too weak.

Not only I was injected with vervain I haven't fed from Axel since a week or two.

I felt a burning pain when vervain water was poured in the chains and all over me.

A muffled scream escaped my mouth and tears sprung out my eyes.

My hands and knees burned from vervain on the chains and the floor.

"You decided to go cheat on me and you think I wouldn't know and then have the audacity to come back here and 'hey babe' me !

Tell me?!! Will she love you like I do?!

Tell me is she your soulmate like I am.
Or I was?

You love the whip Nyx dont you and you are vampire menas you'll heal anyway. But what won't heal is the betrayal , the damage you did.

You hurted me knowing how insecure I was and how sensitive I was about cheating" He said and I could feel his anger and wrath which made me feel powerless.

What was he talking about? What cheating.
I want to cry and ask him to explain but I couldn't.

The vervain in me was too much , blocking my powers and strength.

The gag in my mouth didn't allowed me to mutter a spell, I felt dizzy, it was getting too much.

In other cases I wouldn't feel so powerless but here it was my soulmate inflicting this kind of pain on me.

I was being hurt mentally , physically and emotionally. All his emotions were somehow being projected and were making me weak.

A stinging pain ran down my spine.
He whipped me with vervain laced whips.
I screamed.

I would have loved it but not when this is how it's given to me.

It went from One-two-three to fifteen - thirty.

I whimpered in pain by the time it hit me like the 40th time.

I was sure I was bleeding by now. I wiggled the gag away. Axel was panting but he didn't stop he kept crying and telling me how worthless whore I was.

"Ax-xel stop ! Stop! RED ! RED" I screamed the safe word but he continued not hearing my plea's once.

Tears flowed down my cheeks. I squirmed and sobbed in pain.
He didn't stop until fifty.

He picked up his bottle and drank again.

"Ax-xel stop this your anger speaking please let me go! Why are youu doing this! I didnt cheated in you I never would-"
I was cut off with a tight slap in my face.


"WHAT GIRL?!!" I managed to scream back but it pissed him off more.

He pulled out a broken phone and showed me a video in which Tina kissed my cheek , she didn't kissed me and I didn't cheated , this was a big misunderstanding.

" Axe-"

" SHUT UP!"he screeched back.

He grabbed my hair.

"You turned me into a fagg*t like you and maybe i was just a cheap bloodbank for you. You just used me for money and my blood. And even if you were my soulmate I would never want a whore of a soulmate that sleeps around, I don't want you Nyx. You pick up your things tomorrow and leave!" He said his face showing no emotion.

My heart broke into million pieces and I wanted to just die.
"Axel you don't mean it please don't say that." I said trying to make him take back his words black dots starting to appear , I was loosing lots of blood . I knew he didn't meant it. He's just drunk.
He is angry drunk . He loves me he didn't mean it.

Someone manipulated my poor baby and I will kill them once I'm out of this. He's drunk and angry. I know he didn't mean a single word , he loves me.

"No Nyx I mean it! And you rot here!" With one more punch in my gut he left the room slamming it.

After all of this I still didn't believe Axel would do this.

I know he didn't mean it. He's drunk and once he comes back I know he'll take care of me and then gently ask what it really was.

I know you Axel.
This is not you. This is alcohol and anger speaking.

I swear once he let me explain what really happened then every thing will be fine.

I thought that today I will give him the ring and finally I'll mark him but what the hell this wasn't supposed to happen.
I sobbed as the the wounds didn't closed and the vervain kept burning my insides and outsides.

Axel's Pov:

My anger was gone and I was numb .

I was still heavily drunk and my feet staggered.
I felt horrible and this weird ache in my chest would make me wanna cry .

And what I said to him burned my tongue as it left my mouth
His sobs were making me cry.

But I don't care ! Who does he thinks he is?
Cheats on me stupid manwhore
Probably serves him right.

I went down to get more drink and broke a glass frame that hung on the wall.

Reaching the kitchen, I drank another bottle down.
I was surprised that I was still standing from the amount of alcohol I had consumed.

I heard the front door opening. And then the sound of shuffling feet.

I heard someone gasping and running towards me.

"Axel I should have never left you alone there!" Emily came in and ran towards me.

Here voice held sympathy but I knew it was fake.

My heart physically ached and i was too numb to feel anything.

How did she got in?

I was too drunk to notice.

She helped me and picked me up.Her hands went around my waist and she walked me up to my room.

We both reached my bedroom and she laid me on my bed.
Her hands on me felt like little thorns pinching me everytime she touched.

A weird feeling came over my gut but I ignored it. I was too drunk to think and my mind was going haywire crazy.

A voice I was too familiar was trying to reach out to me but I blocked it.

My own conscience told me to stop whatever was happening right there.

She started undressing me and when she pulled of my shirt and revealed my naked torso her lips were on my neck.

Which soon were on my lips and then we started making out.
One thing led to other and in my drunk state I pulled her into the bed.

There was constantly a nagging voice in my head telling me not to.
But I did it anyway. M
I continued doing what I was doing.

Each time she touched me, it sent me painful feeling all over my body.
My heart and mind were distraught and I tried to move away.

I can't do this. She pulled me closer. It was nothing like when Nyx and I did it.
Nyx? The times when we would do it filled my mind and I became horny. The heat from her body seem to warm me up.
After lots of foreplay by her I finally managed to get a boner. I didn't want to sleep horny so I did what I felt was right.
I started fucking her and it was rough. She took it without a word.
After we were done and Emily passed out I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or not but I heard someones painful sobs and each sob hit like a knife on my heart.

My eyes started drooping a bit.

If Nyx can do that ,then this is how I'll repay him. But was it good on my part to do this?
I knew it was wrong of me to do this and I wanted to stop but I couldn't.

Sex with her felt disgusting and I wanted to stop but being this much drunk and clouded by my judgement and rage ,I let it happen.
I shook my head and let my eyes droop.

Soon I passed out.

Third person Pov

As Axel slept with Emily, seemingly with no care in the world ,Nyx didn't.
Axel's mind was lost somewhere between jealousy and rage.
While Axel had sex with her in his drunken state, Nyx writhed in pain.

The feeling of your soulmate sleeping with someone else sexually knowingly and that to midway of the mating hurt like hell.

Nyx sobbed as his heart couldn't take this much agony.
Emily's every moans and Axel's grunts of pleasure that somehow could be heard by Nyx because of his vampire hearing felt like sharp needles.

While Axel slept , Nyx suffered. His mind told him to just turn it off but he didn't.
He kept telling himself it was just a nightmare and it'll be over soon but it didn't.

Did Axel really loved him?
Was he so blinded by rage that he didn't consider asking him once?
Was he so insecure that he didn't trust me or my love for him?
Was I so easy to forget that he's sleeping with his ex now?

"Am I so easy to forget? Am I a manwhwore to you? You were supposed to trust me Axel.
But now you broke mine!" Nyx whisper cried.

It was then when Nyx Venatores swore one of his famous word.
An original , a Venatores never backed away from their words.

Nyx decided to leave Axel for good and never set foot in his life again.
The physical wounds were painful enough but what hurt Nyx more was the mental torture he received.

Axel's drunk words.
Drunk words are sober thoughts. That's what ran in his mind.

"When a man is drunk he only speaks what's in his mind. And thats usually true" a advice Nyx recieved from a friend seemed true to Nyx.



'soulmate that sleeps around'


'I don't want you.'

'I mean it'

Axel's words rang in Nyx's head and he tried to block out the noise but he couldn't.

Nyx's wounds healed very slowly and it was taking a lot of his energy.

Moments before blacking out Nyx decided from now on if Axel doesn't wants him then fine , he can now do whatever he want.

Nyx wasn't some cheating bastard.
All around the world he was known for his honesty and his promise keeping.
He was going to leave and never come back even if it hurt him.

Axel not only crossed a serious line called Respect but he also broke a very important aspect of their relationship and that was trust.

He knew they were soulmates yet he believed in some video over Nyx and didn't even gave him a chance to explain?!

Nyx was furious and when finally he couldn't take the whirlwind of emotions and was inches away from turning off his humanity,

He finally passed out.
Due to too much energy loss and this much physical and mental trauma Nyx's body went limp and he lied there tied to those chains in a pool of his own blood and vervain laced water.

Emily wasn't the only obstacle between Axel and Nyx,
walls called distrust and misunderstanding stood between the two lovers .

Only time could tell where this weak ship would go without a captain in this vast sea of obstructions.
My heart broke while writing this. And it was totally for drama. Obviously had to show their ups and downs and a few things which would lead to a further event soon.

But i think shouldn't be this cruel to poor Nyx://

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