The Unusual School Life of Si...

By BSilverheart1

170 67 0

The final book of the series. If haven't read The Adventure of Silver Bloodmoon and The Bloodwolfs please rea... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank you!

Chapter 58

2 1 0
By BSilverheart1

As I felt Silverheart's anger increase by the second I was struggling to not get swallowed up by her emotions! I needed to break free and stop her but it's nearly impossible to do that! I need to find an opening but I don't know how! The ground exploded around her and I saw fire strings connected to five blood swords that helped the swords hover around her! She doesn't remember this but this is what happened to her when I was created! It's going to get even worse after this! But I know the best time to break free from her would be after she killed the criminals so I have to wait! The five werewolves that were the closest to her died from the explosion that she created. The last five werewolves looked shocked and before they did anything the blood swords rushed at them! They tried dodging all five blood swords but it was to quick and easily killed all five of them! The swords came back around her again. She then made a huge fire ball to throw it but then Ariella yelled at her and said,
I could tell Silverheart got control of herself for a second and she yelled at me,
Ariella then said,
"What are you talking about?! Who is..."
Before she could finish her sentence I broke free from her wrist and froze time! Her friends looked shocked and I said,
"Jeez that was a close one! Thank you Ariella for snapping her back for a second or I wouldn't be able to stop her!"
Ariella then said,
"Oops I was in such a rush to get out I forgot to make myself smaller!"
I shrunk down to around their height and said
"Is that better?"
I groaned and said,
"It's completely obvious who I am! Silverheart literally said my name and I appeared! You really are an idiot aren't you?"
"HEY! That was mean!!!"
"Does it look like I care? To be honest I always wanted to say that to you but I couldn't really because Silverheart wanted to keep me a secret. It feels great saying that!"
Ariella sighed and took a deep breath and said,
"So I'm guessing you somehow are always near Silverheart and that's why you know my name?"
"Wow! I'm surprised you figured that one out! Maybe you are smarter than I thought!"
Before Ariella could say anything else I heard coughing and saw Cosmo sitting up. Flynn and Ariella looked shocked! Flynn then said,
I sighed and said,
"Welllll technically he was alive but he was bleeding out."
Flynn glared at me and I continued to say,
"The only reason he can sit up is because I froze time so he stopped bleeding out resulting in him waking up eventually!"
Cosmo then said,
"Well I was awake, I just couldn't move because I didn't have any energy to! WAIT DID YOU JUST SAY FREEZE TIME?! YOU CAN DO THAT?!"
"Well this is the last time I can do it. We decided to save it for whenever something like this happened."
"Well why do you think we didn't have friends before? It's because of this reason exactly! If anything happened to them, well you saw what she did."
Cosmo took a deep breath and said,
"Does this have to do with what she said? She said again, I'm guessing this happened before!?"
"Wow there is actually a smart person here, what do you know! Well yes it happened once before when she was ten. She said it's her fault that her friend died but it really isn't. Pretty much the exact same thing happened before but she sucked the bandits into the portal by accident and killed them in the Underworld. That's when we found out that she could use magic and that's when I was created too by accident."
"What exactly are you? I mean there has to be a reason you were created."
"Yes you see I'm a seal. I guess you could say I make her emotions less extreme or this could easily happen if she got angry."
"I see why you were created. If this always happened that would be pretty bad! One thing I can't figure out is why are you so rude?"
"Well, remember when I said she made me by accident?"
"Well yes I do remember. What about it?"
"Well you see she really loves this character in this book named Soul. He's pretty rude, hates everyone and actually wants everyone dead. So when I was made I got that character's personality.This character is pretty much exactly like me."
"That makes sense but then why did you do do what Silverheart wanted? I thought you hated everyone!"
"Well I do but I only like Silverheart and I hate seeing her upset. If I didn't stop her she would never forgive herself!
There is no way I'm going to tell Cosmo I don't hate him. How the heck would I explain that?
"So the only reason you saved us is because of her?"
"Yep pretty much. I would have loved it if all of you died. All of you are so annoying!"
"You really are like that character!"
"Yep, as you can clearly see!"
Ariella then said,
"So I have a question, how long can you freeze time?"
"I think around thirty minutes?"
It would be a pain to explain to them that I could do it for days because she has so much magic power. But since she's so angry and upset she will break through it in around thirty minutes.
"What happens when time starts up again? Do you think Silverheart will calm down at that point? That's why you froze time right?"
I groaned and said,
"You really are an idiot aren't you? She's way to angry and upset to calm down! Especially since Cosmo is going to die once time unfreezes."
"What will happen then?! How big will the explosion be? We could move the people out of the way if that's the case. We can move people in this state right?"
I squinted my eyes at her and said,
"Well yes we could but I'm pretty sure we won't have time to move everyone in the city."
"You call me an idiot but we don't have to move everyone out of the whole city, only the people who will be caught in the explosion."
"Like I said before we won't have time to move anyone in the city."
Cosmo then said with a nervous voice,
"Wait when she told me her magic was unique, is that what she meant?! HER MAGIC CAN EXPLODE THE WHOLE CITY?!"
"Wow you really are smart! Well technically it would be probably twice the size of the city now. It has been around three thousand years, she will have WAY more magic by this point!"
Everyone's mouths feel open and they said at the same time,
"Why do you think I froze time? If it wasn't such a big explosion we wouldn't need to do that."
Fylnn then said,
"Well our plan was going to get her parents when this happened."
Cosmo then said,
"Wait when she told me that she had magic she said her parents didn't even know?!"
"They don't at all. I probably will have to explain a lot of things. Hopefully it won't take to long to do. We knew this was going to happen eventually but we just didn't know when. I guess this is the perfect time to tell them!"
"Oh well, good luck I guess. Wait, do they even know about you?"
"Well no. She would have to explain what I was, resulting in them finding out she can use magic!"
"Well I should have guessed that! It makes sense. But since they don't know about you would they believe you in the first place?"
"Well my name, my personality and that her favorite anime is a snake kinda proves that she created me!"
Cosmo chuckled and said,
"That's very true!"
Ariella then said,
"I've been wondering for a while now but why did you unfreeze us in the first place? You did say that we are extremely annoying! Couldn't you just leave us frozen while you talk to her parents?"
"Well I wish I could do that but I can't. It's hard to freeze time so for some reason the people around Silverheart will be frozen in a way. They will be able to move though. That's why Cosmo isn't bleeding out right now. I bet you wouldn't let me leave until I told you what was happening. So, I decided it would be easier to do that instead of you bugging me until I did it!"
"That makes sense kinda. I have no idea how time magic works but I get why you told us."
Flynn then said,
"So has anyone noticed that Silverheart IS A FREAKING BLOODWOLF?!"
I then said,
"Ohhhh ya....I completely forgot you didn't know that."
Ariella then said,
"We did see, it's just we noticed a huge snake in front of us, resulting in us forgetting that Silverheart has five bloodswords?! No one has more than two. So that would mean she would be a Bloodwolf so yes we clearly noticed that!"
Flynn then said,
"I'm guessing Silver is a Bloodwolf? Not just a half demon half werewolf?!"
I said,
"Yep pretty much. That's what she would always say to other people to get a reaction out of them. Then Silverheart had to erase their memories! She would always complain to me that she wished her mom would stop doing that!"
"Well no wonder Silverheart has that much magic! She's a Bloodwolf and daughter to the Demon King!"
"Yep, that's totally the reason she's like this. It's technically her parents' fault if we fail to calm down Silverheart, resulting in her killing everyone in the city! Well except for the demons but you know what I mean!"
"Well hopefully Silverheart's parents somehow calm her down or we are totally screwed!?"
"Yep pretty much. It would be amazing to see everyone die but then Silverheart would be devastated! There also would be no people to get their reactions to certain things!"
Everyone groaned in unison and Cosmo said,
"Does Silverheart have to deal with you like this all the time?"
"Yep pretty much!"
"I feel bad for her!"
"What's the supposed to mean?!"
"So shouldn't you get going before the time unfreezes?"
"I feel like you are totally changing the subject but you're right. I don't have time to question you on that. Time does move differently in the Underworld but I have no idea how long this is going to take to explain to her parents. Hopefully they are together today. That would make my life way easier! Wish me luck, I'll need it!"
"Good luck! If you mess up, everyone here is dead!"
"I feel like you're saying that to make me feel more stressed about doing this!"
"Noooo of course not!"
I sighed and said,
"I don't have time for this, see you soon hopefully!"
I never opened a portal before but I saw Silverheart do it so many times. She also explains how to do it to other demons so that helps too! I closed my eyes and concentrated. I opened my eyes and saw a portal there! I'm glad I could do it the first time I need to hurry! Hopefully I imaged the right place I wanted to go to or it would take me even longer which I really don't want! I slithered into the portal and hoped for the best.

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