
By nikki13088

30.6K 1K 636

This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 13

862 30 16
By nikki13088


Ginny was sitting at the table with Hermione, Luna and her Mom making sandwiches for when the boys returned. She was excited to see the tree they picked out but was a bit disappointed she couldn't tag along this year. Her parents thought it best she stayed inside the wards since everything she had been through this year and the possible threats that they knew lurked outside the wards. She gave out a light sigh and placed her completed sandwich on the tray with the others.

"Cheer up sweetie, I'm sure they have found a magnificent tree." Mrs. Weasley gave her a bright smile.

"I'm not so sure about that, remember Ron is with them," Hermione laughed.

They giggled and continued making lunch.

"They've been gone a while now," Mrs. Weasley stated with worry in her voice.

Luna got up from the table and walked over to the window and squinted at the small figures across the field that emerged.

"Looks like they just got back," she said with a smile.

They all ran outside to see the tree they had picked out, but their smiles turned to looks of horror as they noticed Ron was limping and they all looked a wreck. They all ran towards them, Ginny could hear her mum screaming for her father in fear that something horrible happened. They stopped in front of them and Arthur had his hands out to calm them down and reassure them everybody was alright.

"ARTHUR, ARTHUR WHAT HAPPENED? RON ARE YOU ALRIGHT? WHAT HAPPENED DAMMIT!" Molly yelled demanding answers with tears welling in her eyes.

"Molly calm down dear, everybody is ok, we ran into some Death Eaters, but they were taken care of." Arthur explained wrapping Molly up into a hug.

Ginny watched her father hold her mum to comfort her from the fear that filled them all. She watched as Hermione looked over Ron's entire body to see if he was truly ok before she buried her face in his neck and he wrapped her up in his arms. She saw Luna give Harry a hug, asking him if he was ok and they shared a smile. She turned her attention to Draco, he looked confused and distracted and she thought about how badly she wanted to be in his arms again. She felt tears forming in her eyes and quickly wiped them away.

"It's ok Gin, we're fine, honestly," said George wrapping his sister in a one armed hug.

"Arthur why were there Death Eaters so close to the wards?" Molly asked sounding panicked.

"Could be from the amount of magic used on Thanksgiving and they pinpointed it to around here. I think we are going to have to start going out daily and do perimeter checks to make sure our location isn't found." Arthur explained.

"We will discuss it further later, come on, let's get you boys in the house. Arthur are you sure you're alright, you look like you saw a ghost." Molly asked looking at her husband's pale face.

Arthur paused for a moment; realizing how close to death he was. How he almost wouldn't have made it back to his family. He looked at Draco.

"Draco saved my life. I would be dead if Draco hadn't put his life on the line. We may not understand those powers you possess Draco, but I know that today it saved my life and I am eternally grateful for it." Arthur said getting a bit choked up.

Draco wasn't sure what to say he just nodded to accept the thanks and then a moment later found his face buried in Mrs. Weasley's chest as she brought him into a rib crunching hug. Draco saw Ginny quickly turn around and make her way back to the house without the rest of them.

Ginny walked as fast as she could back into the house and ran up to the bathroom and closed and locked the door. She leaned against it and slid to the floor and began to cry. She couldn't take this any longer, she felt so stupid for confessing her love for Draco but he wasn't accepting of it. He told her he loved her too, and when they were together, she could feel it, but things were different now. Was he still in love with her? Maybe he thought he loved her, but now he didn't, maybe he just felt bad for her because she took a poisonous arrow for him; or because of the whole Warren situation? She began to sob harder and buried her face in her knees. After a few moments she pulled herself up and stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were puffy and her face stained with tears. Her nose was all red and her hair a tangled mess. She gave a small jump when she heard a knock on the door.

"Ginny are you alright?" came Hermione's voice.

"Yeah I'm fine," Ginny lied, trying her best to steady her voice from all traces of emotion.

"Alright, well, we are sitting down for lunch so see you down there."

"Ok." Ginny called after her.

She ran her hands through her hair and then splashed some water on her face and waited a few moments for the puffiness in her eyes to subside then made her way down to lunch. She took a seat at the table and her mum slid a plate with a sandwich on it over to her. They were all discussing the attack that had just taken place, but Ginny was lost in her thoughts. She just sat there thinking and thinking and just fell deeper into her mind. Draco was watching her from across the table, he knew she was more than likely upset with him, but he wondered what was going through her mind right now. She was just staring at the plate in front of her not moving, not blinking just completely absent from the present. He looked away from her and mentally cursed himself for putting Ginny through anymore pain. He looked at her again after a few more minutes past and she was still staring blankly at her plate.

"I'M NOT HUNGRY!" Ginny shouted suddenly standing up and walking out of the kitchen.

Everyone turned to look at her due to her sudden outburst and watched her storm out of the room.

"Sheesh, guess she really wasn't hungry," Ron joked, taking a bite of his sandwich.


Draco walked up to Ginny's room after lunch and gave a soft knock on her door. She didn't answer so he gave another small knock and opened the door a bit and stuck his head inside. He saw her lying on her bed facing the wall.

"Ginny?" he called to her.

She didn't answer. He let out a small sigh and then walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Ginny, please talk to me," he said in a small voice.

She sat up suddenly and flipped her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. "Why should I? You don't talk to me," she stated angrily; her fists were clenched tightly.

Draco just looked down at the floor.

"I can't do this anymore Draco, just get out," she said with frustration walking back over to her bed and sitting down. She had her arms crossed and her face turned away from him so he wouldn't see the tears that threatened to fall.

Draco wasn't sure if he should leave or not. He wanted to say he was sorry, but she looked pretty angry. He knew she had every right to be.

"Ginny, I-"

"NO!" she yelled over him and stood once more until she was face to face with him. The fire in her eyes was as fierce as ever. Her hair so red that Draco thought she might erupt into flames right before him. "Get out......NOW!" she said, shoving him back towards the door.

He was a bit taken aback at her actions towards him but knew he deserved every bit of them. He quickly turned and left her room, retreating into his own for the rest of the day.


The next few days passed by quickly and Ginny had been in her room most of the time. She would go to meals but made it a point to avoid Draco completely. She felt bad for treating him how she did, but she didn't want to keep having her emotions toyed with. Draco looked miserable, but then again they both did. They all had decorated the tree one night and Ginny could feel Draco's eyes on her the entire time. Her heart was breaking knowing how he must be feeling, but she has to think about herself now. Bill, Fleur, and Charlie had arrived this evening for the Christmas holiday that was a week away so the house was more chaotic. Ginny knew the holidays were supposed to be fun and she was supposed to be happy, but she only felt sadness and anger. Her mum approached her and asked if she was ok and Ginny persuaded her enough to get her off of her back. The boys would go out every day and walked the perimeter of the wards to make sure no Death Eaters were in sight and most days there weren't. There was another occasion or so where they came across two or three Death Eaters about a half a mile or so from the wards that they would take care of.

Ginny was asleep in her bed one night and was tossing and turning from a nightmare she seemed to be having. In the nightmare, she was standing in a long dark hallway and a figure would be standing a few feet away from her. When the figure came closer she saw it was Warren and she ran as fast as she could away from him. She came to a dead end and had no place to run to. She soon felt his hands on her body, touching and groping her. She closed her eyes tightly, preparing for what was to come. When she felt nothing she opened her eyes and saw he was gone. She was crying in her nightmare and shaking in terror. She then turned around when she felt someone behind her and was face to face with Lucius Malfoy. She let out a terrifying scream as he reached for her. Again she felt her body being violated and soon she felt the most horrifying feeling of his intrusion into her and she jolted awake.

She darted her eyes around the darkroom to make sure it was just a bad dream and then felt bile rise in her throat. She made a run to the bathroom and emptied her stomach into the toilet. She stood up on shaky legs and looked into the mirror; she was pale and sweating. Her long fiery hair was stuck to her face and neck. Her whole body was trembling and her clammy skin was stained with tears. Her breathing was heavy and her heart was racing. She splashed cold water on her face and felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she got images of the dream she just had. It was so vivid and seemed so real she kept looking around her to make sure nobody would suddenly pop up beside her. She was scared and wanted to scream for help even though nobody from her nightmare was actually here. She felt like she might pass out and her mind began to race. She ripped open the bathroom door and ran to the bedroom next to hers. She kept thinking about the only place she felt safe after Warren had attacked her and so that's where she went. She didn't bother to knock she just slipped into his room as quietly as her shaky body would allow her and she shut the door. She ran over to where he slept and felt her buckling legs give out and fell to her knees beside his bed.

"Draco, please wake up," she cried viciously shaking him as tears fell down her face.

He quickly jumped up from his bed and turned on a small lamp to see her better.

"Ginny, what's wrong, what happened?" he asked panicked as he looked down at the distraught redhead crying before him.

She didn't answer him she just latched onto him as if it was a matter of life and death. Her grip on him was so tight; he felt her nails digging into his back so hard it burned and her small body shaking uncontrollably in his arms. His heart hurt so much to see her so scared and upset. He went against everything his mind tried to fight him on and threw his arms around her and hugged her closer to him.

After a few moments, he felt Ginny's sobs start to quiet down and the firm grip she had on his shirt started to loosen. He pulled back a bit to get a better look at her face. He moved her chin up to look into her eyes. Ginny stared into those steely gray eyes she loved so much. They looked so much like Lucius' which made her stomach twist, but Draco's were different. When he looked at her, she immediately could feel his love and protection for her.

"Ginny are you ok?" he asked anxiously.

She gave a small nod. "I'm sorry, I had an awful nightmare.......it felt so............real" she sniffed.

He pulled her into his lap and he held her head close to his chest. Everything about this moment of having Ginny in his arms seemed so right.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her in a soft voice.

She didn't say anything for a few moments. Draco was surprised when she spoke. "Warren was in it........he tried to......" she started crying again and Draco held her tighter and gently rocked her in his arms.

"It's ok; you don't have to talk about it."

"But he didn't do it," she suddenly continued through her sobs, "Somebody else did.......I was able to feel everything like it was really happening............I can still feel him........" she trailed off.

"Who Ginny?" he asked cautiously.

"Your father," she whispered as a shiver ran through her body.

Ginny felt the rocking motion stop and she looked up at Draco. He just stared at her, his face shocked, his eyes ran over her entire face and he took in every feature of it. Hearing about Ginny's nightmare did something to him. He felt emotion welling in his heart and all he wanted was to be here for Ginny when she needed him. He wanted to hold her like this forever and protect her from threats like his father. He cupped Ginny's face in his hands and wiped away her tears with his thumbs.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that Ginny. I'm so sorry that I keep hurting you. I was so stupid I don't want to lose you. I never felt like I had any reason to still be alive, but every time I look at you I find a reason. I don't care if the reason is to just see you for one more day, or to get another chance to see your beautiful smile again," he choked out through his shaky voice that had filled with a mix of emotions.

Draco brought his lips to hers and gently brushed them against hers. She stared at him for a moment, taking in his words and the kiss he just placed on her lips and then she met his lips again. They explored each other's mouths for a good while before they finally broke apart. They were breathing heavy and Draco still had Ginny in his lap.

"Can I lay with you for a while?" she asked in a small voice. "I'm just not ready to be alone in my room right now"

"Of course," he said, getting under the covers and lifting his arm for her to nestle into against his chest.

She looked up at him again. Something about the man before her made her forget everything. She wasn't even thinking about the horrifying nightmare she just endured earlier, all she could think about was what Draco said to her. All she could think about was his lips on hers and how she wanted to taste them again. She brought her head up to catch his lips on hers once again before she dozed off to sleep in Draco's arms.


Ginny woke up the next morning earlier than everyone else and quietly slipped out of Draco's room. She loved waking up next to Draco, especially in his arms. She watched him sleep for a few moments before she had left that morning. She got showered and dressed and started making her way downstairs. She kept thinking how Draco would act towards her when he woke up. Did he mean what he said at that moment last night or was it just because she was terrified of the nightmare she had and that was his only way to comfort her? She knew she shouldn't get her hopes up as she was tired of playing this game with him. Regardless, she couldn't help but smile when she thought about the way he kissed her last night. She walked into the kitchen and jumped when she had seen her mum, Hermione, and Luna already awake.

"Oh gosh, you guys scared me, I didn't think anyone else was up," she said taking a seat at the table.

"Morning dear." came her Mom's voice from over by the stove. Molly brought over a plate of eggs and toast for Ginny which she gladly started piling into her mouth.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling a bit more yourself today Ginny," Molly said giving her daughter a bright smile.

Ginny didn't realize how much she was smiling and if she wasn't then her eyes were. She saw Hermione and Luna share a smirk and Ginny just shook her head at them.

"By the way Ginny, where were you last night? I peeked in on you this morning on my way down when I saw your bed was empty," Mrs. Weasley said sitting down across the table from her.

Ginny's mind raced for a believable answer; she thought she slipped out of Draco's room early enough to avoid her Mom from noticing.

"She was staying in my room with Luna and me," Hermione said with a smile.

Ginny looked at Hermione and worded a silent thank you to her.

"Oh, lovely; a bit of a girls night then?" Mrs. Weasley said, happily getting back up and continued her cooking.

"Yeah, you could say that." Hermione smirked, looking at Ginny.

Hermione, Luna and Ginny exchanged a look and started to laugh.


"Alright.... there, it's finally done, harder to get it just right with only using minimal magic," Hermione said putting her wand back in her pocket.

"Wow, that's pretty impressive Granger," Draco said, looking over the ice skating rink she just transfigured the snow into.

"Thanks," she said smugly with a smirk.

"Alright, let's see how many of you fall on your arses," George said, pushing Ron onto the ice and watched him fall hard on his side.

They all howled with laughter.

"George and Ronald please stop trying to kill each other," Mrs. Weasley said from her perched seat on the back porch holding a cup of tea.

"Kill each other? I didn't do anything." came Ron's voice.

Molly looked over to her husband sitting next to her and shared a loving smile with him. They watched their children out in the snow as if they were little kids. It warmed their hearts to see everyone together. Fleur had a bad cold and had stayed inside to get rest while Bill helped Hermione form the skating rink. Luna took Harry's hand and pulled him onto the ice and she laughed when she saw how awkward he looked trying to stay up. Draco threw a snowball hard at Harry and laughed triumphantly as he fell flat on his arse. They all joined him in laughing; even Luna couldn't suppress the giggle that came to her.

"Sorry Harry, come on let me help you up," she said through her laughing; holding out her hand.

They all attempted a fair shot at gliding across the ice, but the girls seemed to have mastered it more than any of the guys. There was a steady flow of foul language from each of the boys every time they fell and a round of laughter from the girls every time after. Draco walked off of the ice and over to Ginny and Hermione, who were watching with amusement as Ron tried getting up, but would keep falling down.

"You think he'll make it up by Christmas?" Ginny asked giggling.

"Let's hope so," Hermione laughed.


Hermione rolled her eyes and started walking over to him. "Alright Ron, calm down."

Draco tapped Ginny on her arm and pointed to a snowball he had in his hand and then pointed to Hermione and Ginny quietly nodded with a huge smile on her face. Draco ran up behind Hermione and swiftly grabbed the back of her shirt open and threw the snowball down.

"EEEEEEEK DRACO!" she shrieked loudly and desperately tried navigating the ball of snow out of her shirt. She slammed into Ron, who had just managed to get to his feet and fell right on top of him.

Laughter filled the field of snow, even Mr. and Mrs. Weasley's laughs could be heard from the back porch. Ginny almost had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"MALFOY! YOU FOUL LOATHSOME EVIL LITTLE-" Hermione screamed, running after him, a look of anger and revenge planted on her face.

Draco took off running, the last time he heard those words from her, she decked him in the face. He tried running away from her and was laughing, but when he looked behind him and saw the speed of which she was running he gave in, knowing he didn't have a chance of outrunning her and prepared for the punishment she had for him. She gave him a swift push to the ground and got on her knees and just started picking up snowball after snowball and throwing them at his face. She even went as far as crushing one into his hair and messing it all up. Draco just laughed at her antics until she got it all out of her system.

"Geez Granger, ok ok," he pleaded through his laughs.

"You're such a jerk." she smirked to him getting up and reaching out her hand for him to take.

"I know," he said, getting to his feet and then pushed her down into a pile of snow and took off running again.

Draco ran over to Ginny and planned to use her as a shield against Hermione's next attack. He looked down at Ginny's face and noticed she had a look of horror on it. He followed her gaze to see what she was looking at and there across the field on the other side of the ward stood a Death Eater. Everyone stood in shock and Arthur came running over.

"Everyone, remain calm, they can't see us in here. To them it just looks like a field of snow," he said, but they all had their wands out and were ready to blow the Death Eater into oblivion. "Bill, Charlie, Harry, Ron and Draco you guys come with me." Arthur gestured for them to follow him to the far end of the ward.

"Wait, I can help too." Ginny came running over to her father.

"NO!" he said flatly ignoring the hurt look on her face.

Ginny was taken aback at her father's direct tone and felt her mum direct her back towards the house. Once back in the house, Ginny went off. "Why can't I be out there helping instead of stuck in the house all the time?" she demanded.

"Ginny, your father is just worried about all of us being safe. Let the men handle that when they are able and if we are needed, then so be it." Molly said making them all cups of hot cocoa.

Ginny rolled her eyes and plopped down into a seat at the table. "I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Don't take it to heart Ginny, I would have gotten the same "no" from Ron if I made to go with them." Hermione smiled at her.

"I guess," she mumbled.


A little later that day the guys returned with nothing too eventful to report. There was just a small group of Death Eaters of about three that they snuck up on and took care of. It was obvious they knew the area wasn't safe anymore and had planned on possibly relocating after the Holidays passed. They sent a letter to McGonagall about the Death Eaters being so close to their wards. The next few days before Christmas went by fairly quick and consisted mostly of the girls in the kitchen preparing the many desserts for Christmas day and the guys on perimeter watch. Ginny made a routine of sneaking into Draco's room at night and snuggling up in his arms. They would lay awake for hours just talking and would share a deep kiss every now and then. Ginny was just grateful that even though they still weren't open about their relationship that Draco was at least opening up more in general and interacting with her instead of retreating again like he normally did.

Christmas morning came and the day couldn't have been more perfect. Draco even received his very own official Weasley sweater with a big D on the front of it. There was an eruption of laughter when he put it on and flaunted about in it. Draco couldn't believe how lucky he was to be where he was at this moment; to be welcomed by this amazing family he was taught to hate all these years. He wished he was able to give Ginny a gift but he didn't have access to the Malfoy millions he was so used to having. There weren't many gifts at all exchanged since being outside of the wards was too dangerous so shopping was hard to do. Nevertheless, the day was perfect and soon dessert time came and Draco took his normal seat next to Ginny. She cut him a slice of the double chocolate fudge cake her mum always made for each holiday just for her and handed it to him.

"Listen, could you try not having an attack again. I think I might just keep eating my cake this time since I missed out on it for Thanksgiving," she joked nudging him with her arm.

He laughed, "I'll try my best." He took a bite and gave her a smirk when nothing happened.

She laughed and they continued eating their cake.


That night after everyone went to bed, Ginny made her routine visit to Draco's room. She quietly closed the door behind her and was surprised when she saw Draco was awake already. She made her way across the dark room and he helped her climb over him and crawl into the bed. She always liked lying between the wall and the embrace of his arms.

"Why are you still awake?" she whispered.

"Does it matter, you would have just woke me up anyway." he joked.

She smiled against his chest and muffled a small "sorry"

"Nah, it's ok, I'm just thinking is all," he said absent-mindedly playing with a piece of her hair that lay over his hand.

"Should I be worried?" she teased him.

They laid there for a few moments in silence.

"Sometimes it's hard to believe this is all real," Draco said in a soft voice.

Ginny propped herself up and looked down at him. She smiled sweetly at him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Look at me," she whispered. He looked up into her fiery eyes. "This is real," she said before pressing her lips down against his again.

The kiss was deep and filled with passion and Draco was surprised when she didn't break the kiss but kept intensifying it. He felt her adjust herself so that she was slightly lying on top of him not breaking the kiss the entire time. His hands worked their way around her, one in her hair and the other on her back. She had one hand on his chest and the other in his hair grabbing a handful of it. Draco felt her hand slide down to his waist and his grip on her hair tightened and he pulled her closer to him. Ginny broke the kiss suddenly and crawled out of the bed. She was just standing there looking at him, they both were breathing heavy. He was about to ask her what was wrong when he saw her starting to take her pajamas off until she was standing before him completely naked.

"Wow" was the only thing he could manage out of his mouth.

She gave a small laugh and then walked over to him. She grabbed his wand off the side table and put a silencing charm on the room.

"Your turn," she said with a smirk.

He slid his shirt off and then his pants and boxers. She climbed on top of him in a straddling position; she could feel his arousal against her. Their lips met once again and Draco's kisses moved down to her neck and then to her shoulder. Draco sat up to get a better grip of her body against him and she let out a soft moan when she felt his mouth on her breasts. She felt him growing beneath her and she longed to feel him inside of her. She suddenly felt him stop kissing her and she then felt his fingers dig into her back, causing her to give a small gasp. He laid his forehead against her chest, looking down from her face.

"Draco? Are you ok?" she asked, feeling his breathing becoming heavier.

He didn't say anything.


She leaned down to get a better look at his face and saw his eyes were squeezed shut and a look of pain all over his face. She started to panic and she lifted his face to look at her.

"Draco, look at me, don't give in to the curse, focus on me," she said to him, her voice filled with fear but still soft and comforting.

He kept his eyes tightly shut and a growl of pain escaped his mouth. Ginny was sure her back was bleeding from his nails that dug into her skin.

"You....need to......go," he said with a shaky voice through clenched teeth.

"No, I'm not leaving you." she grabbed his face and kissed him deeply.

She opened her eyes to see him staring up at her and a mixture of fear and worry filled her as she saw those familiar mercury eyes turn to ice. They were like two crystals that blinded her when she stared directly into them. She kissed him again, this time more intense, she ran her fingers through his hair and pushed him closer to her. She felt coldness on her back as his hands moved down her body. The shiver that ran through her just excited her more and a moan escaped her lips. She watched Draco's face as he tried to keep his mind on her, but she could tell the pain was too much.

Draco tried to keep his mind in the present, every time Ginny would kiss him it kept pulling him back to reality. He tried to fight through the pain and he became worried he would end up hurting the woman entangled with his body. When he heard a moan escape her mouth he wasn't sure if it helped him focus on her more or lose himself further. She pushed him back onto his pillow and then she lowered herself onto him. His hands instinctively grabbed her waist and pulled her down further onto him. She threw her head back in pleasure causing her flaming hair to fall all around her. He felt her urging him to thrust into her more and harder and he complied, all traces of pain leaving his mind.

Ginny couldn't think about anything else at this moment besides the man beneath her. His icy touch erupted something inside of her causing her to completely lose herself in him. Everything became ten times more intense suddenly and she felt heat fill her body. Draco felt the temperature change in her body rise and he savagely spun her onto her back so that he was on top of her now. Every time he re-entered her, things got more heated and she snaked her arms around his neck and brought herself up into a sitting position with him still inside of her. Draco felt her lips fiercely kissing him and he gave out a groan when she bit his lip in pleasure. Her hands wrapped around his back as he thrust harder and faster. He looked into her eyes, which seemed to have turned into a deep black with fiery pupils that stared back into his icy crystallized ones. Her hands on his back became unbearably hot but fueled him all the same. Soon, a gasp of pleasure rang through the room as they both reached their peak and felt blissful release.

Ginny crashed her lips against his again and he gladly welcomed them. He felt himself returning to his normal state of mind and was breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He went to pull away a bit from the tangled mess they were in but Ginny's lips were fiercely on his again. He gave into the sweet taste of her lips on his and then felt her latch onto him tighter.

"Hey," he tried to speak between kisses that she kept forcing upon his lips. "Hey.....hold......on......a second....let me.....adjust myself," he said with a smile against her lips.

He tried to pull away again, but she deepened the kiss, her eyes staring into his as he looked at her a bit taken aback by her forceful behavior. He slowly stopped kissing her as he watched her eyes completely go black.

"Ginny?" He said, pulling away from the kiss.

He felt the temperature in her body rise to a fiery heat and felt her hands on his back starting to burn him. He suddenly threw her off of him and backed away from her grasp. She stared back at him with a shocked look on her face and her familiar fiery eyes he loved so much. He crawled over to her quickly and grabbed her face.

"Are you ok?" he asked her.

"Yeah, sorry I.....don't know what came over me," she gave him a small smile. He gave her a seductive smirk and then gave her a kiss on the forehead and gestured for her to come lay down with him.

He crawled under the blankets with her and had her snuggle up under his arms.

"That was......-"

"Amazing." Ginny finished for him.

They both laughed.

"Yeah, that's one way to put it."

"You blocked out your father's curse," she added suddenly.

He looked down into her eyes and gave a small smile. "Yeah....I guess I did."


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