Girlfriend Corporation

By IntoItCC

63K 3.1K 4.3K

Shin Ryujin.. the epitome of a perfect girlfriend. Would teach you a lot of things; including how to love. A... More

Girlfriend Corporation: One
Girlfriend Corporation: Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Ten
Girlfriend Corporation: Eleven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twelve
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fourteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Seventeen
Girlfriend Corporation: Eighteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Nineteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Four
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Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty
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Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Two
Gilfriend Corporation: Forty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty One
Hello, beautiful people.
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Five

Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Nine

730 34 38
By IntoItCC

GFC Forty Nine

Lee Chaeryeong's Point of View..

"You know, you really should stop eating too many sweets and chips. You're getting fat!" I heard Ryujin say on the opposite side of the cafeteria table. I just watched as Yeji leaned forward and took a mouthful of some potato chips that she was having to mock and prove a point to the latter.

"You know, you really should mind your own business. How are you even alive? Your existence is a big fat lie. How is it even humanly possible that someone doesn't like chocolate? You're a monster." Yeji bantered back as Ryujin whole heartedly laughed as if it was the funniest thing she have ever heard her entire life. Why am I even here? I sighed and shook my head then took a bite on the cheeseburger that Ryujin have bought for me. It was too expensive for me and so the two of them were alternating from buying these for me. I complain every time but they won't even listen. I just got tired from trying.

As I was saying, these two have always been this close. Bantering on a daily basis was their usual selves so I've gotten used to it. I couldn't help but feel a little bit.. jealous though. How couldn't I be? I've been having this non-platonic feelings towards the certain cat eyed girl and her full attention was solely on Ryujin. It's an understatement to say that I feel out of place. But still, with a smile on my face, I kept on looking at them. Wanna know the most ridiculous part? I feel like there is something going on between them at the same time nothing. Does it makes sense? Seems to me that Ryujin was just in there for pure friendship and Yeji had exceeded on that line. But I'm not so sure about that. I can be just giving meaning into things because of my far fetched jealousy.

"How am I a monster just because I don't like chocolate? I don't have to like something that you like, do I?" Ryujin answered with a laugh. I maybe just seeing things but I think I just saw Yeji's smile dropped when Ryujin said that. But then I blinked and the moment I looked at her, she was already smiling again. A breathtaking smile.

"You have to! I'm your best friend! I'm sure you'd do the same for Chaeryeongie though." I immediately looked up at Yeji at the sudden mention of my name. I raised an eyebrow and Ryujin did the same thing.

"I can't do that. What if Chaeryeongie like someone? I don't and I can't like that person as well, can I? You lose! You have to stop eating chocolates so you don't get fat, you pig-- ouch!" I just shook my head at Ryujin's not so serious answer at Yeji's curious question.

"The next time you call me fat it won't be a slap anymore. It would be a punch on the face and a kick on the butt, Shin Ryujin." An obvious dodge from Ryujin's first and second statement. Yeji though made a brief eye contact with me and turned her gaze to Ryujin solely after.

"Oh my God. I'm so scared. What am I going to do? I might die with a single punch and kick. I still wanna live." Ryujin dramatically and sarcastically said earning a snort from me and a loud ass laugh from Yeji. You see the friggin' difference between us? Ryujin could do nothing and Yeji would find it amusing. Just like how I would and could for her. It's almost a certainty that she's into Ryujin but for Ryujin? I would be surprised if she likes her on that way. I don't see anything special with how she treats Yeji. And would it be so pretentious of me to say that it was more of plausible that Ryujin might be into no one but.. me? I mean, it's not for sure of course. And I don't think it's the most probable. Ryujin is just not the type of person to fall for her.. friends. You get what I mean? Okay. Her having some feelings with Yeji was almost impossible. It would be a more possibility if Ryujin would be into me.

"Chaeryeongie? Do you have something to do later?" I looked up at Ryujin who have asked me that. I raised an eyebrow in question.

"I have a shift at the Starbucks café until 11pm. Sorry." I explained and she nodded her head.

"We can visit you during your shift and wait until your shift is finished. Wait until it's 12 am and celebrate your birthday." Ryujin enthusiastically said as I choked on my food. Wait. She's right. Tomorrow's my birthday and I genuinely forgot. I was too emerged on my.. jealousy that I forgot about my very own birthday.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that. We're definitely going to celebrate later." Yeji chimed in as I forced myself to retain my smile. You shouldn't have said anything, Yeji-ah. What's good about 'almost forgetting' about my birthday. If Ryujin didn't mentioned it she wouldn't remember? But, I was on the same boat though. I wouldn't have remembered if Ryujin didn't reminded me.

"Oh. Sure. I'll ask for an early out then." I answered with a hint of excitement. I would get to celebrate with Yeji and Ryujin just like we always do. I can't wait for it.

"You don't have to. 11pm is the most ideal time for you to end your shift. So we just gotta wait for an hour 'til your birthday." Ryujin enthusiastically said as we hastily stoop up when we've heard the bell. Lunch time is over. "See you later, Chaeryeongie, Yeddeongie." She was the first one to ran off to her class. Geez. Her advance subjects must be that hectic.

"Wait for me after class. I'll drive you to your work. I have to talk to you about something." I raised an eyebrow at Yeji's statement. She was smiling with her usual soft smile and sincere voice. Should I be worried or.. scared? I was genuinely confused since I have no idea what she's going to talk to me about but I nodded my head nonetheless.


True to her word, Yeji appeared just a few minutes later dismissal. I was waiting for her just beside her car at the parking lot while wondering what could have been triggered this not-so-secret meeting of ours. I sighed upon realizing that I was eying the cat eyed woman while walking towards me. How is it even humanly possible to be this breathtaking just by breathing though? Hwang Yeji, you're a threat to people's sanity. To 'my' sanity.

Yeji posed a full smile making me reciprocate on the same manner. It was as if an automatic response when it comes to her. You've got it bad, Lee Chaeryeong. You've got it bad.

"Let's go." Yeji softly tapped my shoulders before walking past me to enter the driver's seat. I shook my head my silly smile couldn't seem to leave my face.

"Thank you. I mean, you don't have to drive me to my workplace but you still do." I muttered my gratitude as I successfully put on my seat belt. I smiled at Yeji who have started the engine of the car by that time.

"You know, you really should smile more often. You're prettier when you smile." Yeji's compliment echoed through my brain, processed through it, and went through my veins, then pierced through my heart. It was a simple compliment that I have heard from other people before. Heck I have even heard it from Ryujin but no one ever had this certain effect in me aside from Yeji.

"DANG RIGHT YOU HAVE TO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEE CHAERYEONGGGGGG!" I jolted from my seat when I heard Ryujin's distinctive high pitch voice. She even popped some small confetties and played a small horn. Yeji then reached out at the back seat where Ryujin was busy blowing some random beats on the horn and then slumped back on her seat with a small cake on her hand. I laughed at the silliness of the two as they started singing a mellow version of happy birthday. While I was laughing my ass off at their antics.

"Happy.. Happy.. Happy Birthday, Ryeong!"

"What the? Why does your song sounds like it's my burial?" I asked in between of fits of laughter.

"Just to be different. Do you like it? Yeddeong said that she'll help you in your shift. I can't though. Because I'll just trash your workplace if I do. How does that sound?" Ryujin said while peeking in the space between the front seats. She's right that she can't. I chuckled at the memory of Ryujin almost setting Yeji's kitchen on fire when we had a sleep over and decided to bake some cookies. I looked at Yeji's direction who shrugged with a smile. I nodded my head enthusiastically as Yeji drove off.

Casually listening to Fifth Harmony and Little Mix's music that was blasting off the speaker of the car, while Ryujin was singing on the top of her lungs. I've always loved this side of Ryujin's. The playful and energetic one. I mean, there's no time that she isn't except when she's too engrossed in studying. But right after she put down a book, she'll start teasing us and the chaos would start. Just like right now. Yeji and I couldn't help but sing along with Ryujin.

"If you could take my pulse right now it would hit you like a sledgehammer.. hammer.. hammer.. Oh. IF YOU COULD TAKE MY PULSE!!!" We all sang together while struggling to hit Ally's high notes. And then laughed in unison.

We continued to sing on our way to the café and parked in front of the establishment. Ryujin was the first one to get off the car and ran inside the Starbucks without even waiting for the two of us. I shook my head at how childish she was. I peeked through the wrist watch that Yeji bought for me as a Christmas present last year and saw that it was already 5:25. Five minutes before my shift starts. Good thing we weren't late.

"Chaeryeong-ah?" I stopped ln my tracks when Yeji called for my name. I swiftly turned around and hummed in question. "Happy Birthday." Yeji said and held out a paper bag on my direction. I felt my face instantly lit up when I received her gift. I haven't even checked what her gift was and I can already feel myself like flying. "I'm sorry I couldn't think of anything else. It's nothing too extravagant so.." I don't think so. Yeji doesn't know how to buy something cheap. Her individual gifts would probably cost our whole family our meal for an entire month. She just doesn't want to make me feel bad. But I kinda have this habit of searching for the prices of her gifts online. I can't do anything about it though. Neither do I want it to return it to her. It's not like she's going to take it back.

"Hey! Hwang Yeji, you didn't told me that you're going to give your gift already!" I just heard Ryujin sulkily said while having her arms crossed. Yeji and I just chuckled at Ryujin's childish mumblings.

"Thank you." I said sincerely and gave Yeji a side hug. I didn't want to get too clingy with her. I might just faint right on the spot. I looked at Ryujin expectantly and waited for her to walk towards me. Anticipating what her gift was albeit I already have an idea what it was.

"Here's my gift!" As I've expected. I sighed as I looked at the small envelope that she was holding towards my direction.

"Jin.. you know I can't accept another paycheck from your family's money." I mumbled softly as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't worry. It wasn't from my family's money. It was from our hard work. Yeddeong and I. I mean, it wasn't really a hard work. We just joined this drag race last night and Yeddeong managed to win as I came in second! See? The bets were pretty high and this is how much we actually gained. We're not accepting a no as an answer so you better take it now." Drag race? An illegal one? I looked at the two skeptically while contemplating whether to take it or not. A money from.. some illegal activities? What.. why would they..?

"It was my idea. Heejin Unnie invited me to watch before and I thought it was fun. I eventually dragged Ryujin with me last night and then.. joined. I guess. It was not something like you were thinking! There's no drugs involved don't worry. Ryuddaeng and I didn't drink either." Yeji chimed in defending their arguments. I sighed and looked at the envelope that was still extended on my direction. "Just accept it. Your family could use any kind of help especially financially, right? Think about Chaeyeon's payment for training fee." As if I could ever decline Yeji's wishes. I just sighed heavily and accepted the check.

"Jin, please refrain from giving me any more money. I know that your intentions are just as good as it is but, let our family handle this, okay? I hope that this is going to be the last time I'd receive something like this from you." I said and hugged Ryujin who instantly reciprocated and patted my back. I reluctantly pulled away when I didn't heard her answered. "Jin?" I raised an eyebrow expectantly.

"I don't have to listen to you but.. I'll try. Hehehehe." I groaned as she entered the café hastily. I heard Yeji snorted beside me gaining my attention.

"You're still not used to Ryujin being like that? She likes money more than anyone. And she likes giving it away as well. Her family's rich and loaded. It's not a problem for her, us, to lend you some anytime. We voluntarily give it. Don't ever feel bad about accepting it, Chaeryeong-ah." Yeji walked off after squeezing my arm. I just sighed. Is this really how rich people acts towards us average people? Geez. We've been best friends for years and I'm actually not used to it still.

I entered the establishment after a few more minutes and proceeded on the counter. Saw my co-worker patiently waiting for my arrival so she can go home now. I threw a small smile at her direction and accepted the apron that she was offering just like always.

"Have fun on your shift." She posed on a smile and took off her apron and then walked off before I can even reply. She was always been like that but I like her.

"Now, where can I get another one of that apron? I'd like to start right off the bat." I heard Yeji's distinctive voice said behind me. I smiled and opened the cabinet from below the counter and took out another unused apron.

"Here ya go, Ms. Hwang." I handed out with a slight bow earning me a soft push on the shoulder.

"Acting all chivalrous and boyish doesn't suit you. Stay on the feminine side and so we're fine." I chuckled at her reply. "Mind tying it from behind for me? I couldn't seem to get it right."

"Gladly." I continued on my 'prince worthy' act and I grimaced. It really doesn't suit me. I laughed inside my head. "Done." I said at softly pushed her off when I saw a familiar face in front of the counter.

"How may we help you?" Yeji was the first one to actually entertain the customer with her endearing smile and enthusiastic voice tone. I'd like to be a customer sometimes too if it means being served by the one and only Hwang Yeji.

"Boo!" And another figure appeared behind the first customer. And I certainly know this girl. "Geez. Act like you're surprised, Chaeryeong, Yeji." I just shook my head and repeated Yeji's question.

"How may we help you?" I asked ignoring Yena's complains.

"Two caramel macchiato, please." Yena answered as I looked at the guy beside her who was constantly stealing glances.. on Ryujin's direction.

"What should we put on the cups though?" I asked actually having a hint already.

"Yeonjun.. and Ryujin." I saw how the guy's face reddened while Yena smiled smugly. I actually managed to steal a look at Yeji's direction who has her eyebrows furrowed.

"Is that all?" I asked as I punched their orders at the computer.

"That's all. Thanks." Yena answered and walked away. Guiding the Yeonjun guy towards Ryujin's table. Now, I know Yena because she hangs out with Yeji and Ryujin most of the time. While I have things to prioritize such as work, I also don't fascinate attending parties that much. However, the other two, almost attends in every party available in there. Yeji to watch over Ryujin's alcohol intake and Ryujin just messing around and taking meme worthy pictures to post in her twitter. That's how their lives works. On the other hand, I actually do remember a certain Yeonjun guy from our school.

A handsome guy who casually changes his girlfriend like how often he changes his underwear. Literally everyday. Also, he was on the college department. What would he be doing with Ryujin who's a senior in high school? And why would Yena introduce a douchebag to Ryujin?

"Do you know who the guy was?" I heard Yeji asked. I turned to her direction who was looking at the three with scrutinizing gaze.

"He's in college. A notorious Casanova who sleeps around people for fun. You might want to warn Ryujin about him." I sighed and started working on their orders.


"So, what do you want to do with Choi Yeonjun? To think that that asshole was related to my best friend was just unbelievable. I've never met him before." I heard Yuna said beside me. I sighed and looked at Yeonjun who was waiting outside Heejin Unnie's university. I'm sure he would just beg for her to talk to Zephora just like what Ryujin had said. "How about let's just ran him over with your car so we don't have to follow him around? I'm getting tired of seeing his face all the time." I could envision her rolling her eyes so I snorted.

"Jin doesn't want him near Heejin Unnie and Zephora. It's her request and I don't want him anywhere near them as well. He brings bad luck wherever he goes." A dickhead will always be a dickhead after all. Ryujin did told me about seeing Yeonjun in Lia's party two weeks ago. And the text message she received from him a few weeks ago reaching out to see his daughter. And so I was ordered to watch him for a while. By who? Of course Ryujin. But we won't get any of that. We've had enough of that guy. "As per running him over, as tempting as it sounds, I don't want to go to jail."

"Tss. Heteros brings bad luck wherever they go. Duh. Especially an asshole like him." That actually made me laugh. Yuna glared at Yeonjun's direction as I just shook my head and checked the time on my wrist watch. It's almost time for Heejin Unnie's appointment in school to be finished. And so I tapped Yuna's shoulder to say that I'm going to fetch Heejin Unnie on her classroom so we can avoid having to deal with Yeonjun. Yuna nodded and slumped her back on the seat. "Could you at least punch him on the face? He's so annoying, you know? If he's going to hinder my best friend's happy ever after with Jin Unnie, I would do it myself. But I'm still too lazy right now. Mind doing it for me?" Pfft. I looked at Yuna to confirm my suspicions that she was just kidding. But her expression didn't budge signalling that she was freaking serious.

I just closed the car door with an eye roll. That kid really. I just walked off without saying anything. I've never really hurt someone physically nor verbally. I hate having to do that to other people. I'm just not that type of person. As I casually walked past Yeonjun who was fidgeting on his spot, I halted on my steps and faced him.

"W-wait. You're Ryujin's best friend. What are you doing here?" He didn't even remembered my name? Tss.

"I am." Dumbass. Without saying anything after that, I walked towards him and.. kicked him where it hurts the most. Emitting a loud groan on his end. Immediately putting him on his knees while crouching his.. crouch. "I wish that had cut off your generation."

"Fuck." I heard him muttered and blabbering tons of profanities. As I looked at my car, I saw Yuna laughing her ass off as I exited the scene before people could start gathering around us. Geez. What was I thinking?! But I can't deny the fact that that was actually.. satisfying. Because I know that he deserves it.

Mina's Point of View..

I looked at the sleeping figure of the shorter girl beside me. Her steady breathing was enough to ease my nerves down. What happened between us last night could have been the happiest night of my life. Albeit we could have done better than a drunken lapse of judgement on her end, I don't regret any thing of some sort from it. It was just as perfect as it is. I still can feel my face heating up at the rushing memory from our heated moment just a few hours ago. I still can't believe that it actually happened. But I'm glad it did. Was it wrong of me to say that it just intensified what I was feeling for her? It did satisfied me. But I could help but crave for more. And I just sounded so dang inappropriate. But I would be lying if I said that I'm not hoping for this to happen again.

I looked up Chaeyoungie and retracted from burying my face on her chest. Her smell was intoxicating me. And before I could even be bothered and tempted, I sat up while clutching the other half of the blanket. Caressing her hair on the process, I couldn't help but think about what's going to happen with the two of us? Or with.. her. It was the truth when I said that I needed a little bit of time. To freed from my Mom. To the corporation.

What am I going to do if my mom discovered what happened last night? All of the the sacrifices I've made these years would be in vain. And I don't want that to happen. I can't let that happen. Should I leave her again? I won't be able to face her again if I do. Was it for the best? At least I think right now, it is the most rational thing to do. But, it was such a shitty thing that I wouldn't be able to face her again afterwards. Am I going to be selfish? I have to consider Chaeyoungie's safety first. My mom is capable of so many things that I don't even want to imagine what she can do to the love of my life.

Why's the fate so against us, Chaeyoungie? Why do I have to grow up at such family?

I sighed as I felt Chaeyoung snuggled on my side while on a deep slumber. It was as if she was scared that I'd leave. Which is actually reasonable since I'm just thinking about it. Would you still forgive me if I leave now? I don't want to cause you any trouble. Not now and not ever.

I lied down once again and turned on her side. Tucking the lose strands of her hair behind her ear. Having a clear view of her pretty face. As I caressed her soft and warm cheeks, my fingertips ran down to her jaw and to her neck. Through her collarbones and shoulder blades. Then eventually having to see the two small tomato tattoo of hers. I remember getting so worked up when she saw me this as her.. 6th tattoo that time. I hated her for getting those because I know that it hurts. Not that I have an actual experience with that. I've heard about it from herself. And I wondered why she still chose have more. Knowing that it hurts her was never appealing for me. To know that she had got these tomatoes because of me didn't made it any better. My obsession over ketchup didn't gone unnoticed from her then.

I sighed with the recollection of memories that flashed through my eyes. I love her. I still do. But what am I supposed to do now?

My train of thoughts was interrupted when my phone vibrated under my pillow. I slowly turned my back on Chaeyoungie and checked the message.

From: Seo Soojin,

I'm at the corporation. You probably should go back right now. The president was already sending people to look for you.

I immediately sat up and checked my phone. 12 missed calls. From Mom. Shit.

As if I still have some luck to get sucked on, I received another phone call from Mom. I collectively searched through the room for my clothes and started getting dressed. I answered the phone after I managed to put on my under garments. Walked towards the furthest corner of the room afraid to wake her up.

[Where are you?] I can feel the chills on my back at how cold her tone was. I bit my lip and opened my mouth to at least mutter an answer as calm as I could.

"I am not in town. I've visited some friends from my previous university." I answered thanking all the gods that my voice didn't faltered.

[Friends who? Son Chaeyoung?] My eyes immediately flew threw Chaeyoung's direction.

"Of course not. I'm with Nayeon Unnie." I calmly answered to not raise her suspicions. I'd just give myself away if I explain further. I don't like talking and she would notice that I'm lying if I act recklessly.

[Get home immediately. I'd like you to handle Seo Seojin. And next time, ask for my permission when you're going somewhere. I don't want this to happen again.] After that she ended the call and it was only the time that I breathed.

From: Mom,

I mean it when I said that get home immediately. I mean it right now, Minari. You don't want me getting mad.

I smiled bitterly. I don't have much of a choice, do I? I pulled over my clothes over my body and walked towards the bed. Venting down and planting a soft chaste kiss on the side of her lips before pulling back. Stealing a one last glance before leaving the room with a heavy heart.

Wait for me just a bit, hon. I'm going to get you again. After all these.

The next chapter would not involve JinLia again. Hehehehe. A series of flashbacks would happen so I think some of your theories would either be proven completely false or the other way around. I'm actually looking forward to your thoughts and theories. Lmao. I'm sorry. But, I'll make it up somehow. I guess?😂

Take a lot of care always, loves.


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