Myriad Colors Phantom World:...

By BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Phantom Catchers are Legendary catchers for Catching Phantoms, but what if Hosea gets one? Kyle Torihiki, son... More

Kyle Torikara and Denwa Genjitsu Bio's
Chapter 1: The Legendary Phantom Catchers
Chapter 2: Phantom Field Day
Chapter 3: Two Battle Styles
Chapter 4: Dimensional Camping
Chapter 5: Parental Rivelry
Sekai Rifuko Bio
Chapter 6: Dynamaxing
Chapter 7: Invoking Legendary!
Chapter 8: Kurumi and the Eternal Dragon
Toko Kashima's Bio
Chapter 9: Phantom Dynamax Adventure
Pinni BajjiTochi Bio
Chapter 10: Hot Spring Sprang Sprung
Chapter 11: Kyle's Ability and Secret
Chapter 13: Little Ruru's Big Crush
Chapter 14: Sister Meeting
Hanako Izumi Bio
Chapter 15: The Phantom Prince
Chapter 16: Facing the Fear
Chapter 17: New Phantom Catchers
Chapter 18: Where did Kyle go?
Chapter 19: Farewell, Phantom World

Chapter 12: Opera Phantom Catchers

69 1 0
By BlackvoirYanderevoir

Kyle introduced the chapter on a stage, as Ruru was acting.

Ruru: As The Phantom catcher finds his prize, A cute Genie Phantom, They knew they will become the best of friends!

Kyle: *Laughs* Todays Chapter will be based for my friend, Pinni, and her Family.

As he was talking, Ruru was still acting.

Kyle: You see, Pinni's family are stage actors.

Ruru: Wait, I know a Phantom that is into stage acting.

Kyle: and also, we'll be reuniting with Pinni's runaway Phantom.

Ruru: Really? We're going to be busy.

*Insert intro*

Two Years ago

Kyle and the others were finished in class at Fantamu. They go to the hangout room and hanged out with their Phantom's, until Pinni realised something.

Kyle: what's wrong Pinni?

Pinni: Realia, She's gone!

Kyle: Gone?

Mesmo: where is she?

Sekai: Beats me.

Pinni: Kyle, can you try and make me another Phantom, please?

Kyle: Sorry, but I don't think I can.

Denwa: Can't we summon her back, or find her?

Pinni: It's ok, I'll find her soon.


Everyone was in the clubroom to learn about yesterday about Kyle's weird awakening.

Kyle: So Remember then I summoned all My Team, I may have thought it must have something to do with...

Ruru: I can't believe you are Half-Phantom, Kyle.

Mai: Are you all seriously wanting to be in this play?

Sekai: Yikes, Someone's on edge today?

Haruhiko: Sorry about Mai, We're in the acting club and we have rehearsals.

Denwa: Why joined?

Koito: By force, more like?

Sekai Laughs.

Denwa: Well, thats not bad, is it?

Reina: The girl in that club, Ayumi, is the only club member.

Mesmo: Really? That's so sad.

Punimellia: What's wrong with her?

Mai: She's...pushy in drama.

Kyle: well, Lets meet her if you want us to.

Haruhiko: Sure, but be careful.

Sekai: Yeah right, Like she'll be that pushy.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Kyle reading a script.*

After everyone makes it to the drama club, they find a navy blue hair coloured girl, thinking that must be Ayumi. She spots the others and brought them into rehearsal's.

Ayumi: C'mon guys, we better start rehearsing!

Sekai: they weren't lying. She is pushy.

Pinni: Tell me about it.

Haruhiko comes back with the script.

Kyle: Hey, what's that Script about?

Haruhiko: you guys?

Denwa: what? That's a lie!

Haruhiko gives Kyle the script and he was right.

Kyle: The Legacy of the Phantom catchers? Nice title.

Sekai looks at the script and thought.

Sekai: This looks cool. can we be part of it?

Ayumi than comes up.

Ayumi: Sorry, but if you are actors or been in a show, then you can join.

Mesmo: Rude.

Pinni: that's it!

Everyone stared at her in confusion.

Kyle: what is it?

Pinni then brings out a pin badge from her old acting school.

Ayumi: No way!

Pinni: before Phantom catching, I was in a top notch preforming school. My great Aunt learned their then she was young.

Koito: I never thought your Aunt was into this stuff.

Pinni: oh, well you see, my family are...actors?

Ayumi: Not common, I was born to preform...

Pinni: Not that. It's because her whole life was preforming on stage.

She brings out a picture book of her aunt at the preforming school.

Mai: That's your aunt?

Pinni: what? are you going to make a joke about her doing sleeping beauty as beauty and the evil witch at the same time?

Kyle: not that, but if we want to act and find your Phantom, we have to learn from her.

Denwa: Why not call her?

Pinni: no! She thinks I'm at the Koen Suteji Preforming and Stage Arts, but after It was nothing but stage acting, I...only told my parents I don't want to act.

Sekai: So she doesn't know your a Phantom catcher?

Pinni: yeah?

Kyle: Don't be ashame to be who you are. once we know where this Phantom is, we can seal it and you don't have to preform.

Pinni: thanks.

Ruru: I want to come to. Haruhiko will be alright with Rira!

Haruhiko: What?

Ayumi then realised Pinni's name.

Ayumi: She couldn't be...can she?

*Timeskip, brought by Chibi Pinni being shy on stage*

Everyone of the Phantom catchers and Ruru took a bus to Pinni's aunt's house. They made it and got off.

Pinni: Remember, Don't show your Phantom accessories.

Ruru: What about a real Phantom?

Sekai: Like this one? Hehe!

Pinni: very funny.

Kyle: reminder, why no Phantom's?

Pinni: My Aunt can't know I'm a Phantom catcher. and the last thing She'll be asking is why is their a flying squirrel following me?

They walk over the house as Pinni reminds everyone about the plan.

Pinni: remember, learn stage acting, find my Phantom, never stage act again! not a pretty plan, but I like it!

They all walk over to the front door. Pinni knocks on the door, revealing Her Aunt.

Pinni: Hey Aunt, how has it been?

Pinni's Aunt: What? Not good enough to use a doorbell?

She closes the door, rudely. Everyone then got confused.

Pinni's Aunt: Doorbell!

Pinni then used the doorbell, as it made an opera singer styled hello.

Doorbell: Hello!

Everyone gut confused at the doorbell. Then Pinni's Aunt opened the door again.

Pinni's Aunt: Pinni, My niece! Haven't seen you in months, and what have we here? Extra's? Come in, Come in, I have tea and biscuits set up in the main living area.

They all come in the house. After going into the living area and getting some tea and biscuits, Pinni's Aunt played some opera music for them all. Kyle, Denwa, Ruru and Sekai were interested in the music, But Pinni was embarrassed.

Pinni's Aunt: Did my Niece tell you the time one of my plays was cancelled by a faulty spotlight? I betted one of the stage crew was after me, but they didn't listen!

Pinni: No aunt, I didn't tell them about your ridiculous Stories.

Pinni's Aunt: Ridiculous Stories?

Denwa: What she was saying is She didn't have time to say at the...

Sekai: The Kori Suteji...Correct?

After he said that, The Music stops with a record scratch sound.

Pinni's Aunt: Kori Suteji?

Kyle: What he meant to say was The Koen Suteji Preforming and Stage Arts!

Pinni: Yeah! Yeah...We have this school performance festival and a Drama class at our friends school and we were their a way to lure a Phantom who loves the stage arts?

Pinni's Aunt: Your saying you want to do a Play on the Phantom catchers? The Legendary Phantom hunters for sealing up Phantoms for good? You want to learn from a pro who knows the stage arts and help you win this years school Performing Festival?

Denwa: In your words...yes?

Pinni's Aunt: This is why you came? You knew your friends were a group short and you want to help them! Haha, Beautiful! My Niece, bringing forward the Next Generation of stage acting! C'mon you all, let out your sweet, sweet Beautiful Opera Voices!

Everyone didn't know what to do and just sang in a harmony.

Sekai: Harmony!

Denwa: Harmony?

Kyle: Harmony!

Ruru: Harmony!

Pinni didn't want to do it. Their Harmony died down as Pinni's Aunt was in a disgust face.

Pinni: Look Aunt, We just need a little help...

Kyle: From a pro on the stage.

Sekai: Yes, we need to go big and go for the gold!

Pinni's Aunt was not proud that they needed her help.

Pinni's Aunt: I never been asked help from my Niece before. Excuse me, I got to perform my happiness!

Pinni's Aunt leaves the room and Everyone comes to a little talk.

Pinni: What are you all doing?

Kyle: We're sorry, but we need to find your Phantom. I may have Phantom sense, like Koito. I felt your Phantom's was in that Drama club. We'll stick to your plan, Find your Phantom, seal it and don't stage act again!

Pinni: Well at least you listened.

*Insert Realia/Ayumi's Bio*

*Insert Operia's Bio*

Back at Hosea, Everyone was still in the drama room, still rehearsing, But Ayumi was being a bit of a Push over.

Ayumi: Idiots! Losers! Hacks! We'll never win by that Crappy acting!

Everyone was now regreting not going with the Others.

Haruhiko: We should of gone with the others!

Mai: And Ruru said she wanted to come! I wish I was Ruru!

Rira: What about me?

Haruhiko: Well at least your like Ruru!

Reina: Lucky her.

Back at Pinni's Aunt, They were performing for Pinni's Aunt. She saw Ruru and though she could be in the show. Koito also came to see how everyone is doing.

Pinni's Aunt: Ok kids. Now five, six, seven, eight!

She presses on a key on her keyboard and everyone starts singing.

Sekai: Bop 'til you drop!

Denwa: Shake it 'til you break it!

Kyle: Move it 'til you loose it!

Ruru: Make it 'til you hate it!

Pinni: Spin it 'til you win it!

Pinni's Aunt stopped them all.

Pinni's Aunt: Stop, Stop, Stop! Yuck, If my ears were Phantoms, they will run away! Sekai, Love the Energy, Hate the streak!

She flicks Sekai's hair up.

Pinni's Aunt: Denwa, your trying to give it your all, but try harder!

She looks at Kyle and Ruru.

Pinni's Aunt: Kyle, Ruru, Like Phantoms, Don't change anything!

Ruru sits on Kyle's head.

Pinni's Aunt: and Pinni, Niece, try to be here!

Koito: She is more worst then Ayumi!

Pinni's Aunt: Ok, moving on. We'll move on to the Show-stopper. Pinni, don't let history repeat itself!

Pinni: AUNT! It was Operia! I was 9!

Everyone got confused.

Koito: Who's Operia?

Pinni: The Phantom of the Opera, or the Opera Phantom!

Pinni's Aunt: She's real. The Niece to the real Opera of the Phantom who's body became a Phantom!

Pinni: Since my Aunt though a 9 YEAR OLD can face her, But I ended up running scared, tripping infront of the audience, humiliating myself and my whole school!

Pinni's Aunt: If you want to win big, you have to go bigger. OK, Take five!

Pinni's Aunt walks out of the room.

Sekai: I can see why you ran away, It's because Little-Miss Actress here can't deliver the big one.

Pinni: Yeah, I can deliver the big one! Look, I'll talk to my Aunt later, but Plan! Find my Phantom, Seal it up, Never stage act again!

Sekai: I don't know, we could possibly win this?

Pinni had an unimused face on.

Sekai: Fine, we'll stick to the plan!

Back at Hosea, Haruhiko was calling Ruru to see if she's and the others are ok.

Haruhiko: Ruru, How are the others doing?

Ruru: Well, it's a slow start, but Pinni's getting their.

In the background, Everyone was doing their practicing again.

Sekai: Bop 'til you drop!

Denwa: Shake it 'til you break it!

Kyle: Move it 'til you loose it!

Pinni: Spin it 'til you win it!

Haruhiko: they sound like a mess! you know what, call Kyle and Pinni, I'm telling them who Ayumi is!

Ruru: Are you sure, she is a bit...upset about her aunt!

Haruhiko: ok, She'll show her true form at the performing festival tomorrow.

Ruru: Sounds good.

They both hang up.

*TimeSkip, Brought by Chibi Pinni Moonwalking*

It was the day of the school performing festival. Everyone of Team E was waiting for their turn. They saw the others, as they were also in the same play. Ayumi was not with them as she was getting her costume ready.

Pinni: And quick little spin, Barrel roll, Barrel twirl and do a little ballet twirl.

Denwa does a ballet twirl, but kicks Sekai.

Sekai: Ow! Dude, you gotta keep a distance!

Denwa: I was keeping my distance, you was not distanced!

Kyle: actually, I agree with both of you...

Pinni: Guys! Remember the plan. Find my Phantom, seal her and never stage act again!

Ruru: But this is your home town, Pinni. Don't you want to win this?

Pinni Snapped.

Pinni: The only Preformance I want to be in 'Show me exit stage left and Seal these Memories Like a Phantom!'

Pinni's Aunt: Excuse me?

Everyone then saw Pinni's Aunt looking confused.

Pinni: Aunt I...

Pinni's Aunt: You only needed to find...your Phantom?

Pinni: I should tell the truth. Aunt, I was...never learning to become a Stage Actress or a preformer. I found something I liked, Something I am happy with. Aunt...

Pinni's Aunt was confused. Pinni then summoned Emolga using the Pin.

Pinni: I'm a Phantom Catcher. and the real truth is that a Phantom Kyle made for me ran away two years ago and we think she might be here today and we need to get her back. I know you don't agree with this but me and My Family are proud of what I can do, and I want you to be proud of me too.

 Pinni's Aunt turns her back on Pinni, very upset.

Pinni's Aunt: How can I be proud of a Niece who used their favourite Aunt just for a silly Phantom! and I'm not going to watch you make a huge mockery of Our Family tree's one thing!

Pinni: Aunt I...

Pinni then got upset after her Aunt was upset.

Kyle: Pinni, I'm so sorry.

Sekai: Maybe if she saw you in action?

Pinni: no, I'll be ok guys.

Ayumi came back, as it was their turn.

Ayumi: We're on next!

Sekai: Give us a minute. Pinni is upset because of her Phantom and her Aunt.

Ayumi: Don't worry, you guys won't be on then it's your line.

Everyone then goes on stage, leaving the Phantom catchers on stage. Kyle then sensed Phantom Aura from her.

Kyle: Guys, I think it's Ayumi. I sensed Aura from her. She must be the Phantom!

Ruru: I sort of Knew.

They then heard something on stage. Kyle, Denwa, Ruru and Sekai saw Ayumi in her Phantom form. but now she had Dark Aura.

Sekai: You know what, we can't let her get away again! I say we kidnap her!

Pinni: We are not kidnapping, we are going to do this stage show, but we're doing this play our way!

Everyone: Our way?

Meanwhile, Everyone was still on stage, as Ayumi was still enraged.

Ayumi: I'll Show you puny humans what happens when you mess with a Phantom! Awooo!

Haruhiko: This is mental! Where are the others?

Koito: We need Phantom catchers on stage, right now!

Meanwhile backstage, Everyone was in their outfits with their Catching Accessories with them.

Pinni: Remember, Don't harm her much, we just need to calm her down.

Denwa: I feel a bit shy.

Sekai: Oh that's just nerves.

Denwa: not that, It's just I never caught a Phantom on stage before.

Sekai: Ok, I'm happy she told us that.

Koito: Where are the Phantom catchers?

Pinni: Forget the plan, just Catch and Preform at the same time!

Kyle: If I do what I did before, we could have a huge applaws!

Sekai: We can do a Duel seal, catching her at the same time!

Denwa: My Phantoms can be anything, and it may help us out a lot.

Ruru: Who can't resist a cute Phantom?

Pinni: I'm happy you guys are my friends. It's Show time!

All: Gotta Catch them!

Meanwhile on stage, Everyone can't even use their abilities near an enraged Ayumi.

Ayumi: Hahahaha! All Humans are done!

Koito: C'mon, Where are they!

Pinni: Did someone call the Phantom catchers?

Ayumi: What?

Then the spotlights go to the Phantom catchers, who then summoned their Phantoms into battle. Ayumi then summoned ninjas.

Ayumi: Stop them!

Kyle's Phantoms made work on them three of them. Denwa's blasted them into submission and Mothios clawed the last one out of exsistance.

Kyle: Go after Ayumi!

Ayumi: You can't stop me!

Had Enough of this, Pinni then summoned her courage and called out Operia.

Pinni: As the stage is set up, she will come and take the show. I call out the Phantomette of the Opera, Operia!

Then a Female wearing a Black Kimono was summoned and took out Ayumi into a glitch. Everyone gasped at what Pinni summoned.

Kyle: The Legendary Operia!

Pinni: The Phantom is sealed! 

The Others didn't know what's going on, but goes with the flow.

Phantom catchers: We are the Phantom catchers!

Everyone didn't know what happened as everything goes back to reality. as it did, everyone applawed at the end of the show. Everyone then bowed down. as the curtained closed, Pinni didn't see her Aunt.

Everyone goes onto backstage and the Phantom Catchers celebrate.

Sekai: Haha, That was awesome!

Denwa: We just stage acted and caught a Phantom at the same time!

Kyle: That was better than the real script!

Ruru: I never felt alive!

Pinni then comes, with an upset expression.

Kyle: This wasn't possible without Pinni. because of you, Everyone are safe from Ayumi's powers.

Pinni: Thanks, but It would been more enjoyable if my Aunt saw me...

Pinni's Aunt: Pinni...

Everyone saw Pinni's Aunt again. Pinni rushed over and hugged her.

Pinni: Aunt! You saw me Act?

Pinni's Aunt: Better, I saw you protect. That pesty Phantom was up to no good, trying to take the show, but I saw you do what you had to do to save the show.

Pinni: So your not mad at my for being a Phantom catcher?

Pinni's Aunt: no! I'm proud. Everyone has a little thing that makes them them. My Niece is a Hero.

Ayumi: Urrr...Pinni?

Everyone saw Ayumi, who didn't have her mask on and showing her swirl on her head.

Pinni: Realia...oops, I mean Ayumi!

Ayumi: I was thinking...Please let my be your Phantom again!

Pinni: But You ran away a long time ago?

Ayumi: Haruhiko, Remember then I said all the fustration turned into a Phantom?

Haruhiko: Yeah?

Ayumi: Well, that was a Lie, I was born to act, but I was also born from Pinni's fear: Stage acting.

Pinni: Don't worry, since I now have Operia with me, I don't have that fear anymore.

Ayumi: Well, since you are now stage actors, how about joining the drama club?

Pinni: Don't push it!

Ayumi: Well, you can't please anyone?

Everyone then laughs.

*Timeskip, Brought by Ayumi turning into her Phantom form and back.*

Everyone was at Pinni's Aunt's house, Celebrating for getting first place from yesterday.

Kyle: I think showing everyone that two clubs can team up, the show can be better.

Mai: And I'm confused on why Ayumi had gone mad?

Ayumi: I don't know also?

Sekai: Well at least we're back to our made Phantoms from Kyle.

Pinni: Don't worry, We may solve this dark Aura problem for both Phantoms and Humans.

Haruhiko: And one day, we may find piece between them.

Pinni's Aunt then came in with a framed picture.

Pinni's Aunt: It's not a trophy, but This better then any trophy anyone can win.

Sekai: What is it?

Reina: Let me see?

Pinni's Aunt puts it up, with everyone in it.

Kyle: oh me.

Denwa: No way!

Ruru: Look at that.

Pinni: Hehe!

Pinni's Aunt then brings everyone into a group hug.

Pinni's Aunt: Now you all are part of the acting family!

Everyone laughs and embraced the group hug.

*Insert Outro*

A/N: Operia's Bio

Operia is a Legendary Fiction Phantom. She only appears for thoses who wanted to get through their stage frights. She's a Single Strike Phantom.

Phantom Title: Opera Phantom

Element: Wind

Battle Type: Healer

Rarity: Legendary

Card Type: Holo Rare V

Yep, this Whole Chapter is about Stage Acting. I took some notes from Ninjago Episode, The Royal Blacksmiths. 

Next Chapter will be about Ruru become Natsuo Ramune again, The Witch Phantom joining Kyle's Team and Ruru's crush on Kyle.

Up Next: Little Ruru's Big Crush

Word Count: 3462

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