Iron Man: My Hero Academia Se...

By Fireheartsage

48.2K 936 747

Takumi Sakai has become the Iron Man of the MHA world thanks to his mentor, the ghost of Tony Stark, doing on... More

Trailer: The story truly begins
Episode 1: The Black Widow
Episode 2: Calm before the next storm
Episode 3: Two weeks left, scout the competition!
Describing Takumi Sakai
Episode 5: Shadow of the Panther part 2 (new version)
Episode 6: Shadow of the Panther part 3
Episode 7: The UA Sports Festival finally starts
Episode 8: In their own quirky ways
Episode 9: A Strategic Battle
Bonus omake story: Costume Studies Course?!
Episode 10: The Cavalry Battle's Grand Finale
Episode 11: The lunch amongst heroes.
Episode 12: Who are we gonna fight? The calm before the storm
Episode 13: The Astro Protocol
Episode 14: Battle on Challengers
Episode 15: The forest of bodies, something sinister lurks!
Episode 16: Midoriya vs Todoroki
Episode 17: The clash of technology and nature!
Episode 18: Define your own fate! Takumi vs Shoto!!
Episode 19: The Invincible Iron Man vs The Unstoppable Bakugo!
Post Sports Festival Q and A (Bonus "poster" added)
Episode 20: Massacre Man Nitro!
Episode 21: To pay back a debt
Visual edits of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 22: The Invincible's encounter with the Amazing and the Incredible.
Episode 23: Time to pick some names
Episode 24: Madness in the Streets of Hosu City
Episode 25: The men society failed... Clash of the broken
Episode 26: The battle of the broken comes to an end
Episode 27: The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain
Episode 28: The Makluan Hunt begins.
Episode 29: Welcome to Murderworld!
Episode 30: The Unworthy Child
One year of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 31: The boy with the Iron Will
Class 1-A threat levels (as thought by me) as of 'The Hunt begins' arc
Episode 32: Technological clash! Iron Man vs Arcade!
Episode 33: The trial of drawn lines
Episode 34: For the path forward, gift from a friend

Episode 4: Shadow of the Panther part 1

1.4K 28 42
By Fireheartsage

Advanced Idea Mechanics... AIM... some of the greatest minds in the world working together to shake the foundation of the world and gain power over it. One such mind was a man named Basil Sandhurst, one of the higher ups at AIM, who was smiling as he was researching the Nomu that had fought All Might thanks to the help of some crooked cops, courtesy of Wilson Fisk. Sandhurst chuckled.

"Shock Absorption.... the right idea but the problem with quirks is that they have limits... not like the wonders of technology. As long as the human race continues to expand their minds and advance, technology has no such limits. After all... it was technology that allowed us to discover the existence of the strange metal known as vibranium." Sandhurst spoke to one of his subordinates.

"Mr. Sandhurst, I'm a mercenary being paid to be an AIM trooper, not a scientist. What's so special about this vibranium stuff?" The subordinate asked. Sandhurst chuckled.

"It can absorb any form of impact energy, making it indestructible. If they had simply coated the Nomu with vibranium, it would have protected the creature long enough for it to have finally killed All Might during the League of Villains' USJ attack. However, we are not going to make the same mistake. It will be AIM that takes the life of All Might, not that League of Villains." Sandhurst declared as he checked his phone and saw a text.

"Magnum has made it to the city. Tomorrow, we meet up with him and get that vibranium... then the scientist can continue our project." Sandhurst said.

The next morning:

(Gotta go by Gyom starts to play)

Takumi was hard at work working on his emergency armor set as well as his counter to Shinso's quirk. He was also working to add some emergency features to the wristband mode of his armor in case something happened. Alongside him was Spirit Tony, who was making JARVIS 2.0 compatible with the whole workshop.

"You do know that once we start really working on multiple armors, this small space isn't going to cut it... right?" Spirit Tony told his pupil. Takumi looked at the ghost with curiosity.

"What do you suggest I do about that?" Takumi asked. Spirit Tony sighed.... if Takumi had been as rich as he was during his life, this would be a no brainer... he would have just bought a building to use as an armory and just be done with it. But Takumi was a middle class student being raised by a single mother who is often away from home due to work. The only reason Takumi was able to even build anything as advanced as his Iron Man armor was because he was using the resources of UA's support course.

"I have no idea." Spirit Tony replied honestly. Takumi sighed. Maybe he could ask for some space in UA? Seemed like a long shot though.

A man in black stood above the city of Musutafu. The man had been graceful and agile when he had gotten himself onto his current perch point. He was looking for any sign of the villain he had been chasing down for a while. A villain he had followed into this country... Moses Magnum.
"Father, I promise you... Magnum will answer for your death." The man spoke before he leaped off the building and onto the next rooftop. Then he leaped onto the next building. He stopped and saw a few trucks. He then saw people, in what looked like bee keeper outfits, get in their trucks and drive off.

"This country is proving to be a very strange place." The man in black said as he continued his search for Magnum.

Naomasa Tsukauchi was surprised when his phone buzzed. He picked up his phone to see that there was a text message from a police officer that he had undercover in the group called AIM. AIM had previously made a name for itself in America due to being in a crime war with a mysterious organization known as the Tong... but then, for some reason, AIM decided to move it's operations to Japan. It was Officer Misty Knight in Harlem that had informed Tsukauchi of her suspicions that AIM was planning something big in Japan. Ever since, Tsukauchi's boss had assigned Hideo Keikan, one of the best undercover ops officers in Japan, to become a member of AIM and report back on their plans.

'Sandhurst is making a deal with known arms dealer, Moses Magnum. Magnum somehow got his hands on a metal known as vibranium.' The text read. Tsukauchi shot up from his bed and sighed, so much for sleeping in today. Tsukauchi went to his desk and turned on his laptop to do some research about what vibranium was.

'Vibranium drop off at 8:00 at night. Magnum said to expect trouble... should get a hero in on this.' Keikan texted. Tsukauchi grabbed his phone and was about to press All Might from amongst his contact list, but then he remembered that his time limit lessened after the USJ incident. He sighed as he thought to call Endeavor, but he knew the fiery hero would see this as beneath him. And the hero known as Hawks was busy. Tsukauchi sighed again as he realized he still had one logical choice... and it was one that he was hesitant on since he didn't want anything bad to happen to said person.
"He proved capable during the Black Widow incident though..." Tsukauchi said as he started to look through his contacts for Takumi Sakai's number.

The progress bar for JARVIS' next update was now at 85%. Takumi sighed, knowing that this next update would change everything, as it was rooted in his past. Suddenly Takumi's phone rang.
"Hey, it's All Might's police friend." Spirit Tony informed Takumi. Spirit Tony tossed the phone to Takumi, who caught it and answered.

"You've reached Iron Man HQ, how may I direct your call?" Takumi quipped.

"You ever heard about Advanced Idea Mechanics?" Tsukauchi asked.

"Yeah, they did some operations in America back when I lived there. 2 years ago, they tried to steal some type of experimental dimensional portal from Hank Pym. The Pro Hero team, The Fantastic Four stopped that operation, although rumor has it that Reed Richards is still looking into the science behind inter-dimensional travel." Takumi replied.

"Man. You really know your stuff. AIM has gone on to try different schemes after that one, but that's besides the point. AIM is now running it's operations here in Japan." Tsukauchi informed him.

"Bold, quite the risk with All Might being here in this country." Ghost Tony noted out loud before he realized what he had just did.

"You have a guest at home with you?" Tsukauchi asked curiously.

"It's my uncle. He's a bit of a science whiz, but he's also been in a few fights in his time. He's helping me train for the Sports Festival." Takumi replied quickly.

"Well, your uncle is right... it is a huge risk to move your operations to a country with a lower crime rate... especially when the Symbol of Peace resides here. Anyway, I have a guy undercover in AIM's operations. He's been inside of AIM since they were first discovered to be here in Japan. A group that was almost successful at stealing a dimensional portal, however unfinished that it is, are no slouches in the criminal underworld. They seem to be gearing up for something. They made contact with an infamous arms dealer by the name of Moses Magnum." Tsukauchi informed Takumi. As soon as Tsukauchi finished saying that statement, JARVIS accessed files on Magnum from all around the globe and showed his research to Takumi on some kind of holographic screen.

"This guy has quite the rap sheet. He's wanted in the USA, England, France, Spain, Italy, Mexico, dude also pissed off some Russian government officials and holy crap... this guy very nearly almost started a civil war in Wakanda after he killed their king, King T'Chaka." Takumi said as he quickly skimmed over the various files that appeared in his lab.

"Do I even want to know how you know all that?" Tsukauchi asked. Takumi chuckled.

"I have my ways. Anyway, do you know why AIM would want to make contact with this Magnum guy?" Takumi asked. Tsukauchi sighed before he answered.

"Magnum somehow got his hands on Wakandan vibranium. AIM hopes to buy it off Magnum to help complete some kind of big project. The drop off is going to be around 8. We don't know the location of the drop off yet, but there has been speculation that Magnum's men has been getting hit hard. Magnum is expecting some kind of trouble, and if that's the case, getting regular officers near him will be very difficult." Tsukauchi explained.

"Magnum's not gonna want to stand around forever. Even if he has a hotel room here in the city... if there is a slight chance he gets recognized he'll attract the attention of whoever is taking out his men. If he's smart, he'll be going around the city pretending to be some kind of tourist who is here for the UA Sports Festival." Takumi thought out loud.

"I didn't say we didn't have eyes on Magnum though... like I said, we have an undercover officer with him. He's wearing some spy gear that allows us to track him and see where Magnum goes. Although you are right about one thing, Magnum has constantly been on the go all day. Whenever he eventually makes his stop, chances are he's getting food or we found his rendezvous area with AIM." Tsukauchi replied.

"Alright, keep me updated. Do I have your permission to go on patrol, in case something shakes up with AIM or Magnum?" Takumi asked, knowing that unless he could team up with a Pro Hero, he could not do any solo work unless it was allowed for by the police. And it seemed like Tsukauchi was becoming his unofficial police contact.

"Fine. But if you see any big moves from either side, report to me before you engage the enemy. Are we clear? And remember, the drop off is at 8 at night, so once we get word on where the rendezvous point is, assuming you don't find out what it is first, I will make sure to inform you so you can be ready." Tsukauchi added.

"Sir, yes, sir." Takumi replied. Takumi looked at the progress bar for JARVIS' latest update again. Still 85%. Takumi wished the update would get done faster... but he knew he had to patient... he had to do this right... there were no other options if things go wrong.

"Hey, Takumi. I have a question for you." Astro  stated as he looked at his friend and creator as Takumi was drawing up designs that would one day evolve to his first set of armor that he made before meeting Spirit Tony. Takumi looked up from his sketching and looked toward Astro.

"What's on your mind, Astro?" Takumi asked.

"Do you think a robot could become a hero?" Astro asked. Takumi gave Astro a curious look before he nodded.

"Yeah. I think anyone could become a hero if they put their mind to it and they trained hard. Why?" Takumi asked. Astro shrugged.

"Mom told me the other day that you want to be a hero, so I started researching heroes and I found that I admired them too. I would love to be like them, flying around, using their gifts to keep other people safe. But not because I want to show off or anything. I just think that with all the gifts I have as a robot, I could probably save people and make them feel safer." Astro explained. Takumi nodded again.

"I want to be a hero too. Although, according to the world around me, I don't have much of a chance to be one, despite my personal beliefs." Takumi replied. Astro gave Takumi a look of confusion. Why would it seem like Takumi had no chance to be a hero?

"Do you know what all those heroes, including my favorite hero of all time, All Might, have in common?" Takumi asked before he grabbed his laptop and looked up All Might's first major rescue effort.

Takumi then played the video to show it to Astro. There All Might was, standing on a bus as it seemed like everything around him was on fire, laughing in sheer confidence.

"Look! He's got more!" A man yelled as All Might was seen carrying people on his back. All Might then took one step forward.

"Fear not, citizens. Hope has arrived. Because I am here!" All Might declared in the video.

"I don't know. What do the heroes all have that you don't? You have a good heart. You can be really strong. I don't understand what you would lack." Astro admitted honestly. Takumi sighed.

"A quirk. Every major super hero has a quirk. Other than that Knuckleduster vigilante guy who patrolled the Naruhata district of Tokyo, there are no quirkless heroes. There has never been a quirkless Pro Hero. It's caused people to believe that it's impossible for there to be one. Some villains quirks are just so strong that it makes it almost impossible for a quirkless person to logically beat them. Most quirkless guys and gals that want to be heroes end up being police officers because no hero school in it's right mind would ever take a quirkless student into it's hero course. That's the disadvantage that I'll one day need to overcome." Takumi explained. Astro now understood why Takumi's dream would be less plausible than his own.

"Yeah well, if anyone could figure out a way to fight powerful quirks without having one.. it's you. You're smart. I think you'll figure it out." Astro assured Takumi with full confidence in his 'brother'.

Present day:
"Takumi, hey are you okay?" The voice of Mrs. Sakai got Takumi out of his thoughts. Suddenly a box of tools started to fall and before Mrs. Sakai could even register the fact that she knocked down the tool box, Takumi caught the box of tools.

"Mom, hey. What's up?" Takumi asked. Mrs. Sakai shook her head.

"Nothing much. They had too many people at work today so I got sent home since I had been working a lot of hours recently. I was just curious to see how you were doing. The UA Sports Festival is coming up soon and I know that may seem like a crazy thing to have right after your class got attacked by villains and..." Mrs. Sakai started to ramble before she caught herself and stopped.

"I'm feeling alright about the whole Sports Festival thing. I think it's important for the school to show that we are as strong as ever and that those villains won't shake the spirits of the heroes of tomorrow." Takumi replied, knowing full well how corny he probably sounded. But at least he was honest about it.

"Have you started to look into the Makluan Rings yet?" Mrs. Sakai asked. Takumi then noticed that her hands seemed to shake when she asked that. Almost as if the idea of him digging into it scared her a bit. Takumi sighed. 

"I only looked into what Dad may have wanted to do with the rings. You know... how he wanted to uncover if it was actually ancient alien tech and if it could possibly hold the key to defeating cancer." Takumi answered. Mrs. Sakai nodded as she looked like she wanted to tell her son something... but she didn't have the heart to say what she needed to say. So, she opted to change the subject.

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with that police officer guy. Are you going to go after this Moses Magnum? Are you going to go out and patrol in a little bit?" Mrs. Sakai asked. Takumi nodded.

"I have to. The police cleared me for action and I have to make sure an evil organization named AIM doesn't get their hands on the vibranium that Magnum stole from the Wakandan people." Takumi confirmed. Mrs. Sakai nodded in understanding.

"You are so much like your father. More than you know, you become more and more like him, and I'm so very proud of you." Mrs. Sakai told Takumi before she hugged him. Takumi wondered what brought this about, but hugged her back. After they released the hug, Takumi walked out of the lab and started to walk out of the house to he could go into Musutafu as Iron Man.

When she was sure her son had left, Mrs. Sakai closed the door to Masanori's workshop and she pressed a hidden button on the wall. A hidden room opened and she walked inside of it to see a black hoodie with some red details and a bunch of weapons.
"Masanori... I want to tell our son the truth about you so badly... and yet... I still haven't got the courage to tell him about your true self." Mrs. Sakai spoke as if her husband was there and she sighed as she sat down on the ground.

"I can feel it... something is coming... and it's not just the League of Villains that attacked the USJ. Masanori... I've seen men watching our house. I believe your enemies, the Tong, are back. They'll never leave our family alone. Once again... I feel... that our family is destined to clash with the Mandarin once again... and this time, you're not here to protect us. I spoke with Kyo... he feels it too. The Tong is watching us again... and we don't know if they want us to make the first move... or maybe, they already made the first move and we don't know it. All I know is... Takumi HAS to get to those rings before the Mandarin does. The fate of the world depends on it. Give him your strength, Masanori... protect him. Requiescas in pace, Masanori." Mrs. Sakai pleaded before she left the room and made sure to hit the hidden button, hiding the room once again. Mrs. Sakai walked to the window of the house.

"You better not die on me out there, Takumi."

Iron Man was flying high above Musutafu City, looking for any sign of AIM or shady people who resembled Moses Magnum. Then he found something interesting. There was this guy in what looked like some kind of black cat based costume tailing a limo.
'I wonder what that's about.' Iron Man thought as he started to fly closer to the man in the black costume.

"Hey, are you a licenced hero or someone with permission by the police to patrol in this city?" Iron Man asked the man curiously before the man in the black cat costume looked at him.

"I see. I should have known Magnum would hire a powerful guard to protect himself from me! But he should know that no one can stand in the way of the Black Panther!" The man in the black costume yelled.

"Wait I'm not working for..." Iron Man started to say before Black Panther leaped at him. Iron Man groaned before he flew back to get out of the Black Panther's leap range. However when the Black Panther landed, Iron Man noticed he had tossed EMP bombs at him.

"Oh crap!" Iron Man said before the devices went off, making Iron Man fall onto the rooftop. After he landed onto the rooftop, the Black Panther was standing over him and the armor went back into wristband mode for the arc reactor to recharge the suit.

"Magnum must have wasted his money when he hired you." Black Panther taunted Takumi.

"I DON'T work for Magnum. That's what I've been trying to tell you." Takumi retorted as he stood up. Black Panther noticed... Takumi had gold eyes. Eyes he had heard about before in stories...

"Then you must work for Magnum's buyers, AIM. Why else would you interfere in Wakandan business. And now you will pay for that!" The Black Panther growled before Takumi sighed and activated an emergency blade that he added to his wristband in case he needed to fight and his backup armor was still not ready for field work. The blade was made of another metal that was quite legendary... a metal so rare that even UA had a very short supply of it... Adamantium.

"I once had a dream as a child about this type of blade. I never thought I'd put my dream to the test." Takumi spoke before the Black Panther leaped at him. But before Takumi could even think about what to do, he felt himself step to the side and slash at the Panther with his blade. Much to Black Panther's surprise, the small but sharp blade managed to cut into his vibranium costume and Takumi managed to cut his skin.

Black Panther let his claws out and he tried to slash at Takumi, but Takumi blocked his slash and he kicked the Panther back. Somehow, Takumi's body was responding to Black Panther's attacks perfectly and he had no idea how. As Black Panther somehow stumbled back, Takumi pressed a button on his wristband and it began to glow as another modification to the wristband mode was starting to be revealed. The blade opened up and a repulsor blast was shot out of the blade. The force of the repulsor was more than either of the combatants expected as Black Panther was sent flying back. Black Panther was stunned... there was no way a quirkless person should be able to move like this... unless... the gold eyes... the stories he heard...

The Mandarin laughed as he watched the clash go down from a distance.
"So, Sakai.... it has begun. Your body is starting to remember what your mind still does not. The memories my predecessor took away from you... the truth to who you truly are... It's starting to awaken itself." The Mandarin cheered as he clenched his fist.

"Good. We'll need you at your peak condition if you are to find the Makluan Rings for us. Remember who you truly are... the life you live now... is based on a history of lies planted by the previous Mandarin, but only by discovering what you really are, will you find yourself becoming useful to me, Takumi Sakai!" The Mandarin declared.

Back with Takumi and Black Panther:
"This shouldn't be a fight I'm winning. I... I don't know how I'm doing any of this. I never wanted to fight you!" Takumi griped with fear in his eyes. Finally, the Black Panther realized that in his haste... he attacked a child trying to protect his city... not a guard for AIM... nor a guard for Magnum.

"Who are you?" Black Panther asked.

"I am Iron Man. I was given permission by the police to patrol  Musutafu in hopes of stopping AIM from getting their hands on Wakandan vibranium. Who knows what AIM would do with that stuff. Those AIM guys... they are monsters... terrorist even. If they got that vibranium and people in Musutafu died because I failed to stop them... I would never be able to forgive myself." Takumi replied. Black Panther sighed and took off his mask.

"I am King T'Challa from Wakanda. Please forgive me for my haste. The king of Wakanda is usually given the mantle of it's greatest protector, The Black Panther. As of late, my father, King T'Chaka did not establish great relations with other nations, so I assumed that you were an enemy to Wakanda. I apologize for that. I am new to the role of king and to the role of the Black Panther." The boy around the same age as Takumi, now revealed to be the new king T'Challa himself said. Takumi's eyes widened.

"CRAP! I JUST SLASHED A KING!" Takumi yelled in a panic.

"It was self defense. It was as much my fault as it was yours. I do not blame you. Although I must ask... your eyes.... that blade design... you come from the Assassins... do you not?" T'Challa asked. Takumi looked at him in confusion.

"Assassins? What assassins?" Takumi asked. Suddenly Takumi's phone rang.  It was Tsukauchi.

"Tsukauchi, what's up?" Takumi asked. 

"My undercover officer has just informed me that Magnum has planned a distraction for a man known as the Black Panther. He is a protector of Wakanda and is know to be quite fierce. Now, we have a problem. Magnum's men have kidnapped a child from America who was with his dad on vacation here in Japan... and he wants to use that child to keep the Black Panther away from the vibranium!" Tsukauchi explained. Takumi and T'Challa looked at each other in horror.

Magnum brought a kid into this so he could ensure that the Black Panther would stay away from the sale starting around 8.

"Did Magnum say where he was keeping the kid in case the Black Panther showed up?" Takumi asked.

"He sent his men, seen with a kid, to a place called the Sila Inn. He left a simple message for Black Panther with spray paint... COME AND GET HIM! I think Magnum chose it because it's closed and has yet to ever reopen after everything that has happened to it." Tsukauchi responded.

Takumi and T'Challa looked at each other.
"Will you be able to go after Magnum with that wound?" Takumi asked. T'Challa nodded.

"My costume heals me. I'm once again prepared for any battle." T'Challa revealed. Takumi nodded.

"Good. Then you'll be going after Magnum and trying to get the vibranium. I'll get the kid." Takumi replied. T'Challa nodded before giving Takumi a device.

"Take this. This will allow you to track my location. Once you are done rescuing the kid, you'll be able to join the fight against AIM and Magnum. And again, sorry for jumping to conclusions. It's just... with all the enemies to Wakanda I have met time and time again on my quest to avenge my father, I never actually expected for someone to be on my side for once." T'Challa spoke and Takumi smiled.

"And I'm sorry for having to wound you earlier. Glad to hear your suit heals you though. That's pretty handy." Takumi commented, already starting to think of ways he can make his armor immune to EMPs. The two of them shook hands.

They may have been two grand figures in the eyes of the public, one being a growing symbol of change in how the world views the quirkless and the other being the new King of Wakanda... but at their core, they were two kids trying to learn how to adjust to their new roles. Although one question was now gnawing at Takumi's mind.... what did T'Challa mean by Assassins?

Omake: Happy Birthday!!
Author note: As of the time of writing, this was supposed to come out yesterday, July 15... but it took me a while to finish this chapter due to how I wanted to handle the scene with Mrs. Sakai and the mysterious room. Answers will come in time about all of that by the way, but let's just say... the past is A LOT more complicated that Takumi remembers. Anyway, onto the omake that was supposed to come out yesterday!

It was Izuku Midoriya's birthday (and also Mirio's but Takumi hasn't met him yet, so he wouldn't have known) and ever since he first met Midoriya and his friends and joined their lunch group back when he was a support course student, he had become close to Midoriya and his friends. And now it was Midoriya's birthday. Takumi sighed. He wished the others had informed him of this sooner, but here he was, in front of a store filled with super hero merch.... Stan the Man's Stand. It was on Horikoshi street (because you KNOW I gotta reference both legends), and Stan, the owner of Stan the Man's Stand, was known for having some rare super hero merch that was hard to find after it got out of regular circulation. Stan was an American man who moved to Japan because he was fascinated by the boom of heroism there, and now his whole business was about selling hero merch. It was a good life for Stan, since he was always so excited about it all. Takumi just hoped Stan had the one All Might figure he remembered Midoriya telling him he had never managed to find before.... the limited edition All Might Young Age figurine. It was the last limited edition All Might figure that Midoriya needed to complete his collection.

As Takumi walked into the store, Stan smiled at him.
"Ah, Takumi! How's it going? Good seeing you again." Stan greeted with a smile. He was familiar with the boy after Takumi became a regular at the store.

"It's going well, Stan. Just looking for some All Might merch for a friend who, honestly, might rival me as an All Might fan. And since it's his birthday, I was hoping to find the only missing All Might limited edition figure in his collection." Takumi explained. Stan nodded.

"Limited edition All Might figures, huh? Yeah, I think that's going to be in the collection piece section near the back of the store." Stan replied. Takumi smiled.

"Thanks, Stan! You're the best!" Takumi stated. He then went to the collection piece section in the back and started to move the figures around until he finally found a limited edition Young Age All Might figure. The only figure missing from Izuku Midoriya's limited edition All Might figure collection. Happily, Takumi walked over to pay for the figure.

When Takumi went to UA, where All Might supposedly called Class 1-A for a supposed 'emergency training' session, Takumi saw his various classmates help decorate the area they were using for the real operation... A surprise Birthday party for Midoriya. Takumi walked over to Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Hey, uh, Momo.... I'm not sure how to ask you this... not even sure why I'm asking you specifically but thank you for listening in advance... but... could you help me wrap the present I got for Green? I'm... kinda sloppy at wrapping presents and it always looks like a three year old wrapped the present when I try it." Takumi asked with some embarrassment. Momo giggled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be happy to help you with that. I was about to go help Jirou with the table cloths for the party, can you take my place while I get this wrapped up?" Momo asked. Takumi nodded.

"You got it! Thanks Momo! You're awesome!" Takumi replied before he went to go help Jirou set up the table cloths for the party.

A bit later:
Takumi, Uraraka, and Iida felt anxious. The part of the UA yard they were using was now finished and everything was set up for the party. Everything from the All Might themed decorations, to the All Might color schemed cake Sato made for the occasion.

"I wonder when Deku is going to get here?" Uraraka spoke.

"All Might said he was going to bring Midoriya here, so we shouldn't have anything to worry about, ribbit." Tsu assured her.

"Why do I have to be here. I don't want to celebrate that nerd!" Bakugo yelled.

"No one forced you to be here. You came without being reminded, so if you didn't want to celebrate Midoriya, why did you come?" Kaminari asked. Bakugo growled since, for once, he had no response to that.

"WE...." The voice of All Might suddenly boomed when there was a sudden explosion of All Might colored confetti near the 'entrance' of the party grounds.

"ARE HERE!" All Might finished as he and Midoriya appeared in the sky as if All Might had taken a massive leap into the air when he arrived and they landed in the center of the party grounds. That's when Midoriya noticed all of the party decorations around him.

"Wait, I thought we were doing some training." Midoriya commented before...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIDORIYA!" Class 1-A, even a disgruntled Bakugo, yelled in unison.

"You guys... thank you!" Midoriya said with a smile on his face.

"Okay everyone. I heard this was Midoriya's favorite food... so make way for today's lunch.... pork katsudon!" Lunch Rush announced as he unveiled the meal he cooked for this party!

"WHOA... IT LOOKS SO GOOD!" Most of Class 1-A said in unison. Takumi, however, looked a bit nervous. There were still so many dishes he kept forgetting to try when he moved back to Japan and he had never even heard of pork katsudon before today. It seemed Midoriya was aware of that from seeing his friend's curious but slightly worried face and Midoriya put a hand on his shoulder.

"I think you'll like it. Let's grab a bowl and eat!" Midoriya told his friend. Takumi nodded.

Takumi sat at a table with Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, Kaminari, and Jirou. Takumi ate his first bite of pork katsudon and he was amazed by the mix of flavors and how it all worked together well. Of course, being cooked by Lunch Rush also helped tremendously, since Lunch Rush was a master chief who never made a bad meal before in the short history of his (him being Takumi, not Lunch Rush, since I'm sure Lunch Rush has been there a while) time at UA.

A bit later:
"Alright everyone. It's time for Young Midoriya to open his presents and then we will serve the cake!" All Might announced.

Gift 1: From Bakugo
Midoriya seemed almost surprised that he even got a gift from Bakugo but when he opened the gift, there was a Bronze Age All Might hoodie inside!
"Awesome! A Bronze Age All Might hoodie! Thanks Kaachan!" Midoriya said. Bakugo simply nodded so as not to ruin the moment by saying his usual rude drivel. Who knew even Katsuki Bakugo could be so aware? Midoriya looked at the hoodie again with sheer excitement.

Gift 2: From Iida
When Midoriya opened Iida's gift he seemed pretty excited when he saw what is was! It was the sequel to Midoriya's favorite video game!
"Awesome! Now I can finally play All Might: His Justice 2!" Midoriya cheered in sheer joy!

Gift 3: From Uraraka
Uraraka looked a bit nervous when Midoriya grabbed her gift next. She had saved up a lot of money for it. When Midoriya opened his present, it was a whole set of comics, mostly written about All Might but there was some other heroes in there too.
"Oh wow! I lost this volume of the All Might manga as a kid! I'm so happy to have it again! And all the rest of the comics... I had no idea the All Might series kept going after the United States of Smash arc! I can't wait to dive on in!" Midoriya said in excitement.

More various gifts were opened by Midoriya, most of them All Might themed in some way. And finally, Midoriya grabbed Takumi's present. Takumi had to admit, Momo did a fantastic job wrapping it. It was almost a shame to see the paper being ripped, but such is life. Midoriya let out a surprised gasp when he saw what it was.

"It's... the limited edition All Might Young Age figure! It's the only figure that was missing in my collection, Sakai... how did you find it?!" Midoriya asked in awe. Takumi chuckled.

"I just knew where to look." Takumi replied.

"Now I got the complete limited edition All Might figure set! Thanks man!" Midoriya told Takumi.

"No prob, Green."

"NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE CAKE!" All Might announced before a loud "YEAH!" was heard and there was Present Mic... being a DJ for the party. No one knew when he got here, but the music for the rest of the party was pretty great.

Spirit Tony: Now that the omake is over it's time for the preview!

Takumi: Now I have to fight a bunch of people holding a kid through a hallway, all without my armor!

Spirit Tony: As if that wasn't enough, now you need to find out why Black Panther thought you were some kind of Assassin before your conversation was interrupted.

Takumi: And that has to come AFTER I stop the arms dealer which comes AFTER I rescue the kid. No one ever said being a hero was easy.

Spirit Tony: Next time, Shadow of the Panther part 2

Takumi: Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA!

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