Our Week Off Together!

By LookForwardToWinter

30.7K 937 1.9K

Luz Noceda celebrates her first day of a free school week by visiting the fair with King. After a classic mis... More

First Day, Part 1
First Day, Part 2
Second Day, Part 1
Second Day, Part 2
Third Day, Part 1
Third Day, Part 2
Third Day, Part 3
Third Day, Part 4
Fourth Day, Part 1
Fourth Day, Part 2
Fourth Day, Part 3
Fifth Day, Part 1
Fifth Day, Part 2
Fifth Day, Part 3
Fifth Day, Part 4
Sixth Day, Part 1
Sixth Day, Part 2
Sixth Day, Part 3
Sixth Day, Part 4

Last Day

816 40 42
By LookForwardToWinter

It didn't seem fair to Amity having to wake up and realize this was it. The last time she'll spend a night over at the Owl House. Such a shame too, she had just gotten used to the weird scratching and whispering sounds within the walls.

There wasn't any time to do anything since she's expected to return home soon. Eda and King excused themselves to let Amity and Luz have time to themselves during breakfast. The feeling of the inevitable hangs in the air, but Luz kept an optimistic attitude so Amity wouldn't feel down.

"Come on, let me teach you!" Luz begs.


"Why not?" Luz leans in close across the table, making Amity sway her head away. "I'm way better at Spanish than a book! You wanted to learn for me, didn't you?"

Amity blushes but goes in full denial. "I-I only did it so I'd know you weren't making fun of me! I wasn't doing it so I would impress you or anything!"

Luz leans back in her chair with a pout, "You're being such a tsundere."

Amity slams her hand on the table and points accusingly at her, "See! That's exactly what I'm talking about! What is that spanish for?"

Luz tries to hold her laughter in with her hands but this only enrages Amity even further. "You are making fun of me, aren't you?" Amity shouts at her while grabbing Luz by the collar.

Eda raps her knuckles at the doorway for the girls' attention, probably saving Luz's life once again. "Hate to interrupt your little lovers' quarrel, girls. But it's about to be noon..." Eda says with a sigh.

"Oh..." Amity lets go of Luz and slinks back into her chair. The mood dramatically shifted back to the dreariness of this morning. "It's that time already, huh?"

Luz's emotions spike as she desperately looks to Eda, "No! Come on, this isn't fair! Eda can't you, I don't know, use some sort of time magic and rewind this week back?"

Eda firmly shoots down her plea. "Kid, I'm not going to break the laws of physics for you two to get chummy again. Besides, even if I was capable of that, I rather use it to tell young me the winning lottery numbers. Oh, I would abuse that spell real good."

"What about finding out who cursed you?" Amity asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Eh, priorities," Eda shrugs it off before heading back to the living room.

"Guess I better start packing then," said Amity as she stands up to put away the dishes.

Luz's spirit took a massive hit but still managed a smile. "Can I help?"

Amity was hoping she'd ask and says, "Of course." After they clean up, the two retreat upstairs to the bedroom. Even though it has only been a few days, Luz could hardly recognize the room anymore. It's going to feel a little lonely to move back in.

Luz had also hoped that packing would take a while, but unfortunately she's dating probably the most organized and tidy witch in the Boiling Isles. They ended up finishing rather quickly only to find the only mess left belonged to Luz.

"Honestly, you need to take better care of your stuff!" Amity chastises her while picking up the scattered pile of papers. "This better not be your schoolwork!"

"It's not! It's not!" Luz swears. "Just a bunch of drawings and little writings of mine."

"Oh, you like to write?" Amity checks one of the papers she recalls having scripts on them. She clears her throat before reading, "'You claim that only the darkness is your ally but you're just pushing away the light that exists in your heart. Why not give it another chance by being my friend-'"

Luz yanks the paper from her hands out of embarrassment, "That one is a rough draft! It's not ready to go public yet."

"Okay... can I read it when it's done?" Amity asks.

Normally, Luz would be thrilled to have someone interested in reading her works but the idea of having Amity seeing it feels more exposing than having her mom walk in while she's writing. Luz covers her blushes with the papers in her hands and shrugs, "I don't know... you might not like it. I've been told my writing is... pretty gushy."

"And what's wrong with that?" Amity scoots closer. "I like to read that stuff too. With an imagination like yours, I bet it'll be fun."

"I..." Luz swallows and tries to steady her breathing. The anxiety rush of excitement and embarrassment made her feel sick to her stomach. "If you're really interested, I think I wrote a little story when me and King tried being co-authors. Can't remember where I put it. Maybe I should ask the typewriter."

Seeing her squirm for once gives Amity the confidence to go a step further. With them both in this room together with no one around, this is probably the only chance she'll get.

Just thinking about it is giving her head a rush. Her heart feels like it's about to burst from her chest and her blood drains from her hands. Should she rip the band aid off and give her a peck? But what if she freaks out? Is she even the type of person who likes to receive a kiss? Luz gave her a lot of hugs, sure, but this is different. Something neither of them will forget.

Luz did offer it as a joke before on the night of their confession. Maybe she wasn't being serious, but if the thought did cross her mind then wouldn't it mean something? What would she have done if Amity said yes then?

Amity struggled with her emotions before coming to stay over at the Owl House. Through Eda's help and fighting against the literal incarnation of her fears, Amity managed to confess to her only to find Luz felt the same way. So why is she hesitating now? The worse she could do is say no.

"Hey... Luz?" Her voice is barely a whisper but still caught the girl's attention.

"Watsup?" Luz asks, noticing Amity is keeping her face hidden by staring at the floor.

"D-do you remember that time... the night when we told each other about our feelings?"

Luz remembers it clear as day. She nervously chuckles and cringes at the thought of her being so painfully unaware of Amity's feelings. "Yeah... I don't think I could ever forget a night like that. Especially with the spiders."

"Then... you remember what you said before right? After we confessed?"

Amity waits for her answer, hoping she knows about the 'joke' she made. A little roundabout way of asking for it but you try asking for a first kiss from your date.

"Oh..." Luz murmurs to herself, giving Amity a burning hope before she suddenly shouts. "Oh, CRUD!"

"W-what?" Amity asks, taken aback by the response.

"I almost forgot something! W-wait right here! I'll be back in a minute!" Luz bolts out of the room like she's being chased by some monster looking to wear her like a coat.

Amity sits there in silence, feeling a cross between agitation and disappointment. No matter, she says to herself, she can just try again until Luz gets back. Amity looks around before testing her breath. Feeling self-conscious, Amity hits her forehead with her hand while muttering, "What am I doing...?"

"Hey, Green Head!" shouted Eda's voice from downstairs. "If you're finished packing, come down here real quick!"

"I refuse to answer that," Amity groans. With nothing else to do and Luz occupied with whatever she has planned, Amity takes her belongings and goes down.

Eda and King stand there waiting for her at the bottom of the steps to greet her. "All packed up?" Eda asks. Amity confirms with a nod. "Good. King has something he wants to give you before you go."

That surprises Amity as she looks down at the little guy, "Oh?"

King, with his arms behind his back, hesitates before getting nudged by the end of Eda's staff. "Ow! Alright!" he whines. He extends his paws out to reveal a small cupcake covered in a mess of frosting. Amity tries to hold back her shock at the site of it.

"I, uh... I'm really sorry for making you feel unwelcome and making you and Luz fight. I made this for you," he says.

"Oh, that's so sweet." Literally, she might add.

Eda chuckles and raises her hand to try to block her words from King, "He made that with one of those small appliances from the human world. I think it was called an EasyCake oven or something."

"The box says years six or over, but I made that in just two hours!" King proudly exclaims.

"I love it," Amity says, genuinely. "Now, do you have a napkin I can use or-oh, okay, you're just dumping it into my hands now."

"When you come back, maybe we could do something together?" King asks, hopefully.

Amity smiles sweetly as she takes a few sheets from a roll of paper towels Eda levitates over for her. "Of course, I would love that," she says.

"Since I'm the adult here, I'm not obligated to give you anything," Eda said, bluntly. "But my doors are always open to you. Any friend or girlfriend of Luz, is a friend to us. If there's anything you want to know more about her, I can sneak a few deets." She winks.

Saying goodbye to them now just feels as painful as saying goodbye to Luz. It's not for good, she keeps telling herself, she'll see them again. Even Eda is willing to let her come back whenever she wants.

Amity takes a bite of the cake in her hand. It's not bad, way too sugary, but it's not bad. It helps her to fight against the mistiness welling up in her eyes.

"You ain't gonna start crying in front of us, are you?" Eda asks.

"No, shut up," Amity says before popping the whole cake in her mouth while averting her eyes.

"Amity!?" The three hear Luz shouting from upstairs followed by rapid footsteps. "Where'd you go, Mitty? Amity!"

"She's down here, silly!" Eda shouts to her student. She sighs and tells the other two back up as she prepares a glyph. Luz runs over to the steps and starts making her way down with a thunderous march before tripping over halfway. Eda catches her with the spell just before her face is about to hit the last step and levitates her over to the floor next to them.

"Thanks, Ed-AH!" Luz grunts as the spell lets go, allowing her fall facedown.

"You're welcome," Eda said while dusting off her hands as Amity tries to hold in her laughter.

Luz shoots up in front of Amity and tries to speak while out of breath. "I... have... something... to give you!" she pants. She holds up a sweater similar to Luz's style only instead of blue it's pink. It even has a pair of its own cat ears Luz sewn onto it. Amity recognizes the sweater to be the same one Luz pulled from Eda's shop.

"I wanted to give you something to remind you of our time here. You like pink, right? I saw you wear pink before so I thought this would be perfect. Don't worry, I washed it thoroughly and patched up any tears. It's practically good as new?" Luz beams at her. "Do you... like it?"

"I love it," Amity answers, although a bit too hastily. "I mean, thank you. This is so sweet of you. But I... I didn't get you anything."

Luz waves her hand after handing the sweater over, "Ah, that's okay. I couldn't ask anything from you."

Amity raises an eyebrow, "... you do know my family is filthy rich, right?"

Eda intervenes by shoving Luz out of the way with dollar signs as her pupils. "How rich are we talking here? Like having your own island kind of rich or swimming in snails kind of rich? Because that couch was on sale for a hefty price when I stole it."

Luz pushes her mentor away to prevent her from trying to extort her family's wealth. "As I was saying, I don't mind! I'm more of a 'comes from the heart' kind of gal," she explains.

Both Eda and King chanted out, "Boo!"

Luz sighs and guides Amity out the door to leave themselves alone. Amity waves a goodbye to them before the door closes behind her.

Hooty is crying and sniffing to himself as Luz and Amity steps out. "Oh, don't cry, Hooty." Luz strokes his face to calm him down, "I know it's sad, but Amity can't stay with us forever."

Hooty stops crying and frowns, "Wait, Amity was staying over? Man, how come nobody tells me anything anymore? Hoot."

Luz frowns and decides its best to take this a little bit further away from the house. With them out of earshot, Luz gives Amity a hug. "It's going to feel a little quiet without you around," she says.

"I doubt that," Amity jokes, knowing full well the kind of people they're talking about. "I'll miss you too. I'll, uh, call you when I settle back home. You know how to use the crystal ball, right?"

"I do," Luz smiles before pulling away, "I'll be waiting for sure."

"Then I guess the next time we'll see each other again will be at school." Amity timidly holds her bag in both hands while adjusting her backpack with her shoulders. "I'll see you then."

"See ya!"

With no more words to say, Amity turns to start her trip back home. What Luz mentions back there about accepting gifts that comes from the heart rattles in her mind. Her heart feels wracked with regret to leave things like this. After everything they went through and all those words they say to each other. It doesn't feel fair to stop when she is so close.

Amity only made it a few feet before stopping in her tracks. She clenches her fists, fighting against the anxiety to turn back around.

"Amity?" Luz notices her hesitation and jogs up to her out of worry. "What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

"A little..." Amity mutters. It's now or never. Swallowing back her pride and ego, she turns to face Luz and asks in a trembling voice. "I... actually have something I want to g-give you..."

Luz lights up like a star and grins, "Really? Oh, but Amity, I already told you-"

"It's from the heart! I swear," she interrupts. Curse her colorful cheeks trying to spoil the surprise. "I want... I want to... hmm..."

Luz patiently smiles and tilts her head at her, "It's alright. Anything from you would mean the world to me. Take your time."

"I..." Invigorated by Luz's words, Amity puts the message across by pursing her lips and tapping her cheek. If she had somehow seen herself doing this, there would be no doubt she would jump headfirst into the boiling ocean.

It took Luz a moment to consider what she meant before turning into a shade of red herself. "Oh... OH, wow, really? I-I mean, that's fine! I-I-I didn't know we were on that step yet..."

"Is it too much?" Amity asks, as silent as her voice could get.

"No! I'm just surprised!" Luz takes a moment to take a deep breath and exhales. "Hoo boy, is it hot out here or something?"

Inside the house and watching through the window, Eda and King stand there watching the whole scene unfold. Eda takes a sip from her coffee and frowns, both of them unable to hear what's going on.

"What the heck are they doing?" King asks.

"Probably speaking like a typewriter going 'I-I-I or uh-uh-uh' or something like that," she guessed, correctly. "They should just kiss and get it over with-hey, hold on a minute, are they...?"

Luz and Amity close in together, both nervous and sweating in their palms. Luz coughs out the words stuck in her throat and asks, "D-do you want me to or..."

"I want to!" Amity mentally hits herself for having poor control over her words but doesn't stop. "Just... on the cheek. Nothing serious! A little peck is all!"

"Okay," Luz nods vigorously. "Okay, that's cool."

"Is it?"

"Yeah! I'll, uh... just turn my head this way?" Luz looks over to the right. "Or do you prefer the other direction?"

"It's fine..." Amity nods, and wets her dry lips. This was it. Nothing to be weirded out on. It's just a simple gesture between couples. Something for Amity to remember back fondly on.

Luz ends up holding her breath waiting for Amity to close in. She can feel the warmth of her face as the distance draws in. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage. She half expected for this to be when her mother somehow shows up and goes, "Mija! What are you two doing?"

But none of that is happening. For the first time this week, it's just them two alone. Sharing one last moment of goodbye through a kiss.

Or so they thought. As a certain Owl head pops up next to them. "Ooh, what's going on here? Are we having a pecking contest?"

Annoyed, Luz turns her head to scold him, "Hooty! We're in the middle of-MMPH!"

Amity didn't stop her approach. It was an accident. The type of accident Luz only sees in the books and mangas she reads. Instead of going for the cheek as planned, the two connect their lips together. A brief contact only lasts a couple of seconds before either of them realizes what happened. They break away, both fiercely blushing and covering their mouths.

Eda spits her coffee at the window in sheer surprise and coughs before handing the cup over to King who takes a swig himself and spits it out as well.

Hooty looks between the girls, confused by what happened. "Oh it's okay," he says to them. "It took me a while to be able to break a skull with my beak!"

For once, Amity couldn't hear anything from Hooty. All she could see in front of her is the girl who stole her first kiss. Her voice is barely recognizable as she breathes, "Y-you..."

Luz feels her stomach churning and her arms shaking. It was an accident, she wanted to say. "Amity, I-!?"

Whatever she wanted to say to her is cut off by the sound of laughing coming from the front door, as King and Eda step out to witness the train wreck.

"Hoo, man! Are you girls just a ball of all things that are embarrassing! Hahaha!" Eda leans back against the house as she nearly cries from laughter.

Amity is filled with rage at them, at Hooty, and even at Luz. "Y-you all can just-fall off a cliff! I never want to come back here again!" Amity turns and runs away while covering her mouth.

"Amity! Wait!" Luz chases after her. "It wasn't that bad, was it?"

Hooty retracts his neck back to the door where the others are still laughing. Eda strokes his neck and wipes a tear from her face, "Oh, Hooty. Just when I thought about why I bother putting up with you, you always manage to remind me why I love you so much."

Hooty smiles wide and says, "Aww, shucks... wait, what was that first part again?"

Everyone looks over to see Luz slowly coming back with her hoodie pulled over her head and closed as tight as it can get. She keeps walking forward until she bumps into Eda and lets out a muffled whine.

"There she is, our Blushing Beauty," Eda says, patting her student on the head. "So, kiddo, how was it? Experiencing your first kiss? How you feeling?"

"Like I want to shut myself in my room and never come out," Luz replies, while tightening the hoodie even harder. "... and it was incredible. Probably the greatest feeling I ever felt."

Eda chuckles and smiles proudly at her girl, "Good for you, kid. Come on, let's celebrate this occasion with some hot chocolate."

King follows Eda inside before exclaiming, "Whoa! We get hot chocolate for Luz sucking on Amity's face? You should do that more often!"

Luz replies with a drawn out whine before Hooty shuts the door behind.


Amity is sitting at a bench near a shop where the twins told her they'll meet at. She arrived a bit earlier than expected due to her running non stop out of embarrassment. With finally a moment to compose herself, Amity takes out the sweater Luz gave her. The scene and feeling of that kiss plays over in her head like it is the only memory she has.

"To think I would receive my first kiss like that..." Amity presses her face into the sweater, feeling her reddened cheeks getting cool by the gift. Why did it have to be an accident? And why did she flip out like that in front of her? She'll have to make it up to her. Did she at least enjoy it as much as she did?

"I kind of... want to do it again..."

"Yo, mittens!" Amity shot up at the sound of her brother's voice and quickly stuffs the sweater into her bag. The twins arrive with Emira taking a seat next to her little sister while Edric leans onto the back of the bench.

Emira gives her cheeks a loving squeeze between her hands while pressing her head against her. "Oh, I miss you so much, baby sister! You would not believe how boring it was without you."

Emira stops and looks at her hand then back to Amity, "Wow, your face is really hot. Are you feeling under the weather?"

Amity retorts with a groan and pushes her away, "I-It's nothing! It's just the sun. You two took your time."

"Really, it's the same time like we said it would take for us to arrive." Edric says before looking down at her bag and noticing a sweater poking out. He raises an eyebrow at it, "Ooh, whatcha got there?"

Amity firmly zips the back up and barks, "None of your business. Just some clothes I got during my time there."

Ed gives her a mischievous grin, "Oh? From your girlfriend-ow!" He felt his ear getting flicked by Emira's hand who shot him a glare.

"I told you, don't make fun of her about that!" she warns him. Amity rolls her eyes but hides her smile well, now knowing the same boat her older sister is apparently in.

"Okay, sheesh," Edric says while rubbing his ear. "Color me surprised."

"If you're both done, then let's get home already. I'm assuming mom wants me to help her prepare for a show?" Amity gets off the bench and starts walking in the direction of their house.

Emira follows after her with Edric lagging behind before sticking her head in front of her. "Oh come on, is that all you have to say to us?" she asks. "You're not going to share with us about the time you spent in the Owl House?"

"Nope," Amity bluntly answers.

"Cold," Ed commented. "Well, can you at least tell us if you had fun or not?"

Amity stops before them. Her hand squeezes the strap of the bag where the sweater is in. She thinks about the moments again, replaying them in her head. There were a lot of dire events, one that probably would even get the twins worried for her sake. But thinking back to the moments she spent with the Owl House crew, going to the beach with Willow and Gus, confessing her feelings with Luz, going on their first date, and sharing their first kiss because of a weird Owl tube.

These were the memories she will cherish for the rest of her life.

Amity looks back to her siblings and gives them a small smile, "Yeah. I did. It was the most fun I ever had."


Author's Note:

It has been fun writing this fic and sharing it with you all. The Owl House has quickly become the type of cartoon I've been waiting for. The Lumity ship was the first lgbtq+ ship I really liked. Amity and Luz are very wonderful characters and seeing Amity developing her crush gave me the motivation to write about it.

Writing these jokes, wholesome moments, and dire events have been a blast. I do realize that it became more action or climatic than the wholesome adventure I first thought the story to be, but it would seem very out of place for nothing to keep happening in the Boiling Isles.

Season 2 is right around the corner, and already there are leaks flooding Youtube. So far, I can tell it's going to be very promising and I'm really excited. I hope this story helps some of you through the Post Season 1 drought along with other fics of this show. Having this much attention and support was insane and something I never thought to have. So genuinely, thank you all so much for reading this.

Take care.

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