Angel or Demon [Taekook Top!T...

By haizy_lush

82K 4K 671

An Angel and Demon are sent to earth. They both are given a mission. They have till the end of the week to fi... More

should I?
Bonus pt.1 [Namjin]
Bonus pt.2 (Taekook)
Bonus pt.3 [Yoonmin]
Bonus [final]


2.4K 129 28
By haizy_lush

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you hold the answers. Now drink this, I know your Angel powers are weak. It will help you to go back to the Angel realm if you want to. Staying in the Human realm or going back, it is up to you. You need to make the right choice"

Jungkook grabs the drink and drinks it. He did that because he needs to protect Taehyung if some Angels or demons come looking for them. Taehyung is just a human, he won't be able to fight against supernatural beings. He wouldn't be able to even face LOCHES. Jungkook should be the one protecting him.

"One more thing.." Dimian continued.


Outside the building, Taehyung was getting weird vibes. Something didn't feel right. If he had his powers he would have known what's wrong. He misses his powers. It was the only thing that was so dear to him for the past 122 years. It was the only thing that was constant in his life. He sure had a couple of people he hung out with once or twice. Everyone adored him and cared for him maybe, but still he didn't feel the same way. His powers were the only thing and now it's gone. He has only Jungkook. He won't let anything happen to him.

Jungkook was shocked hearing the words from the Guardian.

"That is can leave for now" Dimian says and Jungkook stands up and makes his way to the door.

He opens it and sees a serious looking Taehyung, "Taehyung I--"

"This place doesn't feel safe, let's go" Taehyung drags him away.

They are in their hotel room.

Lying side by side not saying a word.

"Jungkook, what did the man mean by the weapon that doesn't exist?"

"I--I'm not sure. He said that I hold the answers"

"Does he mean you as in Angels or you particularly?" Tae asks.

"I don't know. I'm smart I'll figure it out somehow" Jungkook closes his eyes and cuddles up to Taehyung, "I'm tired"

Taehyung couldn't sleep, there were too many thoughts in his head. His powers, Jungkook's powers, the weapon, the demon king waiting for the weapon, the Angel Queen waiting for the weapon, the Kreigers waiting for the weapon...all when it doesn't exist. Mainly his love for Jungkook and if it's even possible for them to stay in the Human realm without any trouble.

It's been an hour or so, but just when he was about to sleep he felt Jungkook shifting and shivering in his sleep.

Another nightmare?

He shook him, "Baby wake up"

Jungkook woke up with a gasp, he looked mortified.

"Baby calm down, what's wrong? What did you dream about?" Tae rubbed Jungkook's back.

Jungkook shook his head, not wanting to talk about it.

Tae nodded, "It's okay, don't have to talk about it"

"Help me take my mind off it" Jungkook whispered.

Tae smiled, "I'm right here baby, nothing bad's going to happen okay, you got me" he placed butterfly kisses on the Angel's shoulder.

"I--in my dream I saw a baby held by two grown men, they looked scary...I think one of them was a demon and the other was a krieger..." Jungkook said between hiccups.

"Shhh..don't talk about it" Tae continued kissing the boy.

"T-they fed their blood to the baby...the baby was so small" he said tears streaming down his face.

"Calm down...shhh" Tae said.

"I think I know what it is"

"You are hiding something aren't you?" Tae asked.

Jungkook nodded, embarrassed.

"It's okay..we can talk about it later...go to sleep" he lied the boy back in the bed.


Tae hummed.

"Taehyung. the weapon...the Guardian said it needs to be activated by shattering something...."

"We don't have to talk about it right now Jungkook" Tae said with a low voice, but Jungkook wasn't paying attention, he continued talking about it.

"His guardian also said that Hoseok hyung wasn't meant to come here, even if he stepped into the circle it wouldn't have lit up....he said me falling into the circle was meant to be. That was all part of a plan" Jungkook looked at Taehyung.

"What do you mean?" Tae asks.

"It means.....I am the weapon," Jungkook says.

Taehyung stares at him. "For real?"

"Yes--I don't feel like a weapon, I --Jimin what will he say--we were looking for the weapon and it is me-oh God" Jungkook was rambling nonsense.

Taehyung leaned in and kissed the boy's lips, "shh" Jungkook kissed back.

Taehyung pulled away, Jungkook looked confused as to why the older stopped kissing him.

Taehyung raised his hand and a knife magically appeared in his palm.

"Tae..what? Your powers are back?"

"Something like that"

Before Jungkook could react the Knife was plunged deep into his heart, Tae holding the other end of it, "T-Tae.."

"I told you not to talk about it" Tae forced the knife deeper into the boy.

Jungkook's eyes slowly closed, his last thing to see was his lover stabbing his heart with a knife, oh what a way to die.

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