cadnis oneshots so i can get...

By maybeimamuppet

19.5K 328 6.1K

[REQUESTS OPEN] basically exactly as it sounds. fluffy oneshots of cadnis, with a few bonus relationships/cha... More

i should've told you
the first date
tale as old as time
let's get together
the second first date
the rainbow in you
the best medicine
someone gets hurt
dance with you
i think i wanna marry you
thank you!!
catch you when you fall
city of love
the intervention
face reveal and facts about ezzy!
just a farewell
in her pride
guess who?
it's me and you
i got you
i see stars
the blood of angry (wo)men
the bless book
the game is afoot
you happened
ahah oops
dream a better dream
it takes a village
what's in a name
lost and found
love by the light of the moon
the happiest accident
the terrible horrible no good very bad day
little miss perfect
it takes a village II
i should've told you (redone)
choose your own adventure
i'd rather be me
home away from home
a few little drabbles
the blood of angry (wo)men II
pinky swear
i'll take you anywhere but dinner
the blood of angry (wo)men III
some more little drabbles
i'll be there for christmas
even more little drabbles
and all the devils are here
yet more little drabbles
i'll be there for christmas II
the melted clock
i'll be there for christmas III
i learned math (so i can learn love)
the terrible horrible no good very bad day II
as long as my lungs can breathe

queen of hearts

387 8 238
By maybeimamuppet

hi friends!! happy wednesday! did someone say royalty au?? no. but i wrote one anyone so here you are. this is my favorite thing i've written so far, but buckle up, it's a doozy.
trigger warnings for:
period-typical homophobia
mentioned child/domestic abuse
attempted r*pe/assault
graphic injury
and death!
if i missed any please let me know, that's entirely possible. also, if you're bothered by historical/medical inaccuracies, maybe skip this one. otherwise, please enjoy!
Once upon a time, there was a brave knight; who fought in many battles, vanquished terrible beasts, and could wield a sword like no other.

Her name was Janis.

Janis was an energetic child, bouncing off walls and ripping holes in dresses by the time she was two. By four, she had mastered the art of tree climbing, and by six she was a pro at arm wrestling.

Janis always knew she was different. She was never particularly interested in typically 'feminine' activities, and she felt a special distaste for boys. But girls, on the other hand. Girls were a different story.

When she was twelve, Janis worked for the George family, a rich family of noble blood, with rumored connections to the royal family. They had a daughter just a few months older than Janis herself, named Regina. Janis was a servant, but the two quickly became friends. And then, more than friends.

But it was too good to last. Regina's father caught the two girls holding hands one day, and gave Janis a lashing so severe she saw stars. He forbade Janis from ever seeing his daughter again, and marched her home by the ear.

Janis' parents were of a similar mindset. They gave her a single loaf of bread, and allowed her to keep the clothes on her back. With a final hug from her baby sister, Janis was disowned, never to see her family again.

She slept in a barn for a week, huddled up with a sheep for warmth. The farmer discovered her after a while and made her leave, but his wife took pity and gave her a hot dinner first.

For nearly a year, Janis slept outside the door to a tavern. She joined an underground fighting ring for money, and would occasionally make bets to earn more. As she continued, she realized she wasn't eating enough to maintain her strength.

So, Janis took up pickpocketing too. In less than a month, she had mastered the craft. She could steal the wallets of the strange men who passed her without a second glance on their way in to the tavern, take their money, and put the wallet back with the men none the wiser.

Until Ron Duvall came along. Janis could tell by his clothing that he had some sort of connection to the royal family. He must have a lot of money. She managed to steal the wallet and the money without him noticing, but she fumbled putting it back. He drew his sword and whirled around, threatening to slice her arms off at the elbow for daring to steal from him.

But upon turning, he came face to face with a young, severely malnourished girl, in tattered clothes several sizes too small and with wide, terrified eyes. He could tell by the way she was clutching the money that she was truly desperate for it. Something in his heart told him to help.

From that day, Janis had a new home. As it turned out, Ron Duvall was the captain of the royal guard. He had the highest position, and was the most trusted soldier in the ranks. Janis joined them, training alongside the other soldiers and living in the barracks.

She finally had clothes that fit, plenty of food, a warm bed. She met a boy named Damian after a month or so, a seamster around her age who worked in the castle. They became instant best friends, inseparable except to attend to their duties. Janis had a family, and didn't plan to let go.


Janis is hacking at a straw man, poking holes in his torso and lopping little bits off. Out of her peripheral she spies Damian barreling towards her, which is slightly concerning.

"Janis! Janjan! Jan!" Damian calls as Janis slices the head off her dummy and sheathes her sword. She turns towards him as she wipes the sweat from her face.

"What's the matter? I never thought I'd see you run voluntarily," Janis comments.

"I take offense to that," Damian pants. "But the King and Queen have asked for you."

Janis whirls around from the trough of water she's scrubbing her face from. "Who wants me?"

"The King. And the Queen."

"That can't be good," Janis mumbles, color draining from her face. "What do they want with me?"

"They didn't say," Damian huffs, still trying to get his breath back. "But it can't be too bad or they would've sent a guard instead of someone like me."

Janis dunks her whole head in the tank quickly, pulling back out and walking briskly to her barrack. "Come on then."

Damian follows after her quickly, sitting on her bunk as she pulls her daily uniform from the trunk at her footboard.

"I will never understand why they put so many fucking buckles on this thing," Janis grumbles as she fastens on her blue and gold uniform jacket. She grabs a cloth from her trunk as well, scrubbing at her face harshly. "Can you plait my hair for me?"

Damian pulls her damp hair back, braiding it quickly down her back and tying it with a leather cord as she tugs on her boots and sheath again. "There."

"Thanks. I'll tell you what they say later, wish me luck. Love you," Janis says hastily, kissing his cheek and running towards the palace.

"Good luck, love you too," Damian calls after her.


The guards at the main gate snap to attention as Janis barrels up the high steps towards them, but relax slightly upon seeing that she's in the same uniform as them.

She stops just in front of them, panting slightly. "I have been requested by the King and Queen."

"What is your name, soldier?" One of them asks.

"Sarkisian, Janis."

"Come with me."

She follows after him, looking around in awe at the elaborate decor around her. She bumps into him outside the door to the throne room and earns herself a disapproving glare. He enters and announces her, so she puffs up her chest and follows him in.

The royals don't react, so she goes to the respectful distance and kneels before them. "Your Majesties."

"Stand, soldier," The Queen says. Janis does. "You are Sarkisian?"

"I am, Your Majesty," Janis replies politely, bowing her head respectfully.

"Duvall informs me you're his best fighter," The King says. "Is this true?"

"Um, I like to think so, Your Majesty. I have trained for years in both swordsmanship and archery," Janis responds. "But many of my fellow soldiers are likely as skilled as I."

"How old are you, soldier?" The Queen asks.

"Seventeen, Your Majesty," Janis says politely.

The King raises his eyebrows in surprise. "You are young to be so skilled."

"I am aware, Your Majesty. However, I have been training since I was thirteen. I fought in the war against Kingdom Sherwood when I was fifteen," Janis responds. "I am confident in my skills."

"And your family?" the Queen asks. Janis looks down.

"I was disowned at age twelve, Your Majesty," she murmurs, just loudly enough for them to hear. "I have not seen any of them since."

"Why?" the Queen asks suspiciously.

"Several reasons," Janis replies. She knows she can't reveal the true one.  "But mainly due to the fact that they were poor. They could not afford to house both me and my younger sister."

The King gives her a sympathetic glance, but Janis can't read the Queen.

"Please excuse us for a moment, soldier," the King says kindly. Janis bows, walking out of earshot and looking around in awe. There's several portraits decorating the walls, of the King and Queen, eventually with the Princess making an appearance. She grows older in every portrait, from a fiery haired infant to an impish looking child, to an elegant and refined looking young lady.

She can overhear bits and pieces of the conversation between the royals. "She's her age." "But she's a girl." "I'd feel better having a girl perform this task anyway."

Eventually, she's called back, bowing again.

"We have a position for you. Our daughter needs a personal guard, we think you would be best suited for the task," the King says.

Janis is stunned. "Me? I- Forgive me, Your Majesties, I'm-I'm honored, but... would you not rather have someone with more training guard the Princess?"

The Queen looks at the King meaningfully, as if agreeing with her, but the King shakes his head. "We trust Lord Duvall's judgement. If he recommends you, we trust him. It also helps you are close in age to Princess Cadence, and a female."

Janis thinks. "Thank you, Your Majesties, I'm honored, truly. I shall protect the Princess with my life."

The Queen looks slightly relieved at this. "You are dismissed, soldier. Guard, take this young lady to the Princess' quarters."

"Right away, Your Majesty."

Janis bows once more as she takes her leave, hustling after the large guard towards the Princess' wing of the palace. Eventually they reach one of the tallest doors Janis has ever seen, and the guard knocks politely on it.

A soft, melodic voice rings out from inside, sounding rather melancholy to Janis. "Come in."

The guard opens the door, gesturing for Janis to enter and following after her. A small figure is sat by the massive window, looking out over the gardens of the palace. She turns, and Janis has to withhold a gasp. Very few of the people outside the palace have ever actually seen the Princess, but she's absolutely beautiful.

Long auburn curls hang down her back to her waist, and she has gorgeous crystal blue doe eyes. Freckles are spattered all over her pale skin like stars in the night sky. She's in a long dress, pale blue in color with a skirt that brushes the floor.

"He-oh," the Princess stutters. "Hello. Forgive me, I... wasn't expecting a lady. Is this who they've chosen?"

"Yes, your Highness. Knight Sarkisian," the other guard says.

"Hm. Thank you, Mike, you may go now," the Princess says, looking Janis up and down. He bows politely and takes his leave. "What is your name?"

"Um, Janis Sarkisian, Your Highness. At your service," Janis replies, bowing awkwardly.

"Oh, god, please don't. It seems we'll be spending a fair bit of time together, there's no need for all the formalities," the Princess replies. "I detest them, anyway. Call me Cady."

"Yes, Your-uhm, Cady," Janis stutters as she rises back up. Cady chuckles.

"Have you been in the palace before, Janis?" Cady asks, opening the door and leading her down the hall.

"I have not, Y-Cady," Janis says. "It's magnificent."

"I'm glad you think so," Cady says with just a touch of sadness. "Tell me about yourself."

"I don't think there's really much to tell. I'm seventeen, was born in the slums. My family was poor, I started working as a house servant in the nicer part of town when I was six to support my family," Janis replies. Cady turns to look at her with wide eyes, as if she's hearing the most interesting, surprising thing she's ever heard.

"You began work when you were six years old?" She asks in shock.

Janis nods. "I didn't have a choice, it was either work or starve. I'm far from unique in that regard."

Cady looks at her sadly. "My apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Please continue. If you wish to."

"Please don't apologize, Cady. Um, I continued work for several families until I was twelve. I was disowned, I slept in a barn until I was discovered and then started living outside a tavern. I competed in street fights for money for food, and sometimes pickpocketed if I didn't make enough in a day. I tried to steal from Ron, and nearly lost my hands for it," Janis chuckles. "But, he took pity on me and took me in. Taught me everything I know about the sword and bow. I rose quickly through the ranks, fought in the war. And now I'm here."

Cady freezes outside the door to their apparent destination, trying to take in everything she's just been told. "My goodness. The war was only finished two years ago, you couldn't have been more than-"

"Fifteen," Janis replies.

"Fifteen," Cady repeats hollowly. "You could've died, so young. And you lived on the streets for... how long?"

"A year or so, I didn't keep track exactly," Janis says. "Had other things on my mind."

Cady hums sadly. "Have you heard from your family at all?"

"Not since I was forced to leave, no," Janis replies. "But I've found people here that I consider closer family than they ever were."

"I'm glad for that," Cady says. "My apologies, if I'm prying. I just find the lives of others fascinating." She finally opens the doors they're in front of, revealing the massive gardens of the palace. "Walk with me, won't you?"

"Of course. Would you tell me about yourself, now? I feel I should know you, if I am to protect you," Janis replies. She's slightly on edge now that they're outside, but there are guards nearly everywhere and they're still walled in. She just needs a little extra caution.

"I'm not sure you'd find my life so interesting. It sounds so terribly dull in comparison to yours," Cady says, holding onto her arm with her right hand and holding her skirts with her left. "But very well. I am seventeen as well. I was born here, raised here. I am the only child, only heir to the throne. I've been stuck in classes on everything from medicine to diplomacy from the time I could speak."

Janis is slightly envious, but hides it and gestures for her to continue.

"I've almost never set foot outside the castle walls. Once a season we take the carriage through the villages, and every once in a while I sneak out to the stables. I've always loved animals," Cady says with a sigh. Janis gets the sense immediately that Cady is not as fortunate as she had thought. She seems... stuck, trapped. How sad.

"How do you sneak past all the guards?" Janis asks. "You must be like a spy."

Cady chuckles, coming to sit on the edge of a fountain. "The guards all let me go, and agree not to tell my parents so long as I have at least two of them to protect me on my way down. I'm not really sneaking around anyone but my parents."

"They don't let you go see the horses freely? How dangerous could that be?" Janis asks as she sits next to her.

"I've never done anything freely. I've always wished to see the town up close, or go through the woods, or walk down to speak to the soldiers training," Cady sighs. "But it's not safe. I'm the only heir, if something happens to me the whole kingdom of Evanston falls. I'll likely be kept in here the rest of my days."

"That sounds a rather miserable existence. I'm sorry," Janis says.

"Do not apologize, Janis, it's not as if you have any part in my entrapment here. And your life has been... much harder," Cady replies.

"That doesn't mean your life hasn't been hard too," Janis says. "They don't cancel out."

Cady looks at her thoughtfully. "I suppose not. You speak very eloquently for a guard, were you educated somewhere?"

Janis chuckles. "Not anywhere near what you're thinking. I had to learn to read and write for my job as a child, and I learned to add and subtract to make sure I had enough money. When I joined the guardhood I was trained in royal etiquette on the off chance I was ever required to serve inside the palace. That's about the extent of it."

"Oh. Well, lucky that you were trained then," Cady jokes weakly, but Janis still laughs. "Do you have any hobbies or interests? I don't know how much free time you have as a royal guard."

"Not much, I'll admit. I spend most of my time working on my fighting, keeping my strength up, things like that," Janis replies. "But I actually like art quite a bit. One of the ladies I worked for was kinder than the rest, an artist. She taught me a few things about painting and such, I always enjoyed that."

"That's lovely," Cady says, as if relieved Janis has something she can enjoy. "I never was much good at art. Do you have any works? I'd love to see them."

"I haven't been able to get much in the way of materials, but I have a tendency to doodle," Janis says. "I- wait, will I be moving into the palace?"

Cady giggles. "If you want this position, yes. You'll be living in the guards quarters outside my bedroom from now on."

"Oh. Then I suppose you'll see some little things I've done eventually," Janis replies. If Cady wanted into her own bedroom, she would have to pass through Janis' from now on. "What about you? Any interests I should know about?"

"Not really," Cady hums thoughtfully. "I always enjoyed my mathematics classes more than the others, and I love animals. I enjoy being outside more than anything, I do most of my work on the balconies and I walk outside at least once a day."

"I've never enjoyed being indoors either," Janis responds. "Mathematics, though, really? I never liked numbers."

"Yes, I never quite understood why. Numbers always just... made sense. Very little else does," Cady says, looking off into the distance. "Anyway. I suppose you want to know why I suddenly need a personal guard?"

Janis hadn't thought of that. The King and Queen obviously had personal guards, and there were many others stationed around the castle for their protection, but the Princess has never had one assigned just to her before. "Yes, I...yes."

Cady sighs heavily. "I come of age this winter, in February. I am to be married, but obviously have not had an opportunity to find a husband. My parents have decided to throw a festival and invite Princes from the neighboring kingdoms to come and compete for my hand in marriage."

"You don't sound pleased about this," Janis says. "Do you not wish to marry?"

"Not yet, and not like this," Cady replies. "But I must. Ten men are coming in January, just after the new year. I'll be married to one a week after my birthday."

"That's... awful," Janis says. "You're younger than I, you shouldn't be forced into a marriage yet if you don't wish to."

"It's how it must be done. To meet a husband on my own I would have to leave the palace, leave the kingdom, and talk with people outside. Since I can't do that, we must bring people from the outside, in. And hope for the best."

"So... my job is to keep you safe from a potential husband? What-why would they bring these men here if there's a chance they would do you harm?" Janis asks. None of this makes sense, so far.

Cady just sighs. "In theory, nothing should happen. These men are all royalty; trained in diplomacy and etiquette. They should all be perfect gentleman, and I'll take my pick. But there is always a chance one won't be. I've tried telling my parents we shouldn't do it this way. When I marry, I wish it to be for love. But they insist. The kingdom needs a royal family. I have to continue it, and soon."

"I'm sorry. I hope my position here won't be necessary, but I will protect you with my life if need be. And I hope you can find love with one of the suitors," Janis says. She suddenly feels lucky, not being born royal. She's had so much freedom that she took for granted.

"Thank you. I... I hope your position won't be needed either, but I'm glad to have met you," Cady says. "You've been through so much more in the same time as me. You have every right to hate me and yet you've been... kind. So far."

"I think I'll continue. You have been through things that commoners like me don't think about. You didn't ask to be born into your position, I don't hold your birth against you," Janis replies. "You have every right to treat me like a servant, but you have also been kind."

"Your job is to keep me alive, I think it's in my best interest to be kind," Cady jokes. "But thank you. I... I don't think I've ever had a friend before. I hope I can consider you to be one."

"Of course, Cady. I see no reason we shouldn't be," Janis says. "Being your friend sounds nice."

"I'm glad."


Janis' birthday rolls around a few months later. Damian surprises her with a pastry he had snuck from the kitchens in the morning.

"Happy birthday, Janjan!" He whispers excitedly, since the Princess is still asleep.

"Thanks, D," she chuckles groggily, sitting up in her cot.

"You're welcome. I have to go, I can't be late for work or I'll be punished again, but I'll see you later," Damian says as he leaves. "I love you!"

"Love you too," Janis says as she nibbles at the pastry.

Cady enters a few minutes later, as Janis is getting dressed with her breakfast waiting on her pillow. Cady's braiding her hair over her shoulder as she heads down to breakfast with her family.

"Good morning, Janis," she says. "Did your friend bring you another pastry?" She points to her pillow as she finishes tying a ribbon around the end of her hair.

"Good morning, Cady. Yeah, um... today is my birthday," Janis explains. "He snuck me a special breakfast."

"It's your birthday? Why didn't you tell me?!" Cady asks as she comes to hug her tightly. Janis tenses slightly, they're not really supposed to be this intimate with the royals, but returns the affections after a second. "I have to get you a gift."

"No, Your-Cady. That's why I didn't tell anybody. It's just another day for me, I don't want a big deal made of it," Janis explains.

"Aww. Today should be special; you come of age today," Cady pouts. "And I've never had a friend's birthday to celebrate. Can I please get you a present?"

"I feel I came of age a long time ago, Princess. I suppose you can get me a gift, if you must," Janis begrudgingly allows. "Just nothing extravagant or expensive."

"Yay!" Cady squeals. "Oh, I'm late. I'll see you later, Janis! We'll do something special then. Happy birthday!"

"Okay, um. Thanks," Janis blinks. She had not expected Cady to be so excited.

She dons her uniform and heads down to her own breakfast with the rest of the guards. She sneaks a few extra apples, deciding to go see her horse, Pancakes.

On the way, she runs into Cady talking with a servant about something. The servant bows respectfully and heads for the main doors of the palace.

"Oh, Janis! Hi," Cady calls, making her way over to her. Janis is fascinated by the way Cady moves, every motion is somehow elegant. "Where are you going?"

"Um, the stables. Figured I'd take my horse around a little bit," Janis replies, trying to hide her sneaky fruit.

"I already saw them, Janis, you don't need to hide," Cady chuckles. "May I go with you?"

"Um... sure," Janis replies. "Follow me."

Cady does, running after Janis as she holds up her skirts. One of the guards at the main door gives the signal, and another pops around the corner to follow after them.

Janis holds the door for her when they reach the stables, heading to the stall in the far corner.

Cady smiles when she sees Janis' horse, taking one of the apples from Janis as a friendship offering. "This is yours? What's his name?"

"Pancakes," Janis mumbles sheepishly. "Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry, that's just... really cute, I didn't expect it," Cady giggles, stroking his nose as he accepts the apple from her hand. "He's beautiful."

"Thanks. Trained him myself," Janis says. "Yeah, hi, stupid. Here's some breakfast."

"You trained him yourself? Wow," Cady says. "He's very docile."

"He's just lazy," Janis replies. "Do you-um... want to come? On the ride? I'm not leaving the grounds, if that other guard follows you'll be safe. And I have my sword and bow if anything should happen, god forbid."

Cady is nearly vibrating with excitement, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet before she throws herself at Janis. Maybe not every move is quite so elegant.

"Yes! Thank you! I've never-wait, I've never ridden a horse before. Is it scary?" Cady realizes suddenly.

"It might take a little getting used to. But if you get scared I'll just take you back," Janis replies, saddling Pancakes and kicking over a stool so Cady can clamber up. "After you, Princess."

"Thank you, my lady," Cady giggles, taking Janis' offered hand and wiggling her way onto the horse. "Wow, he really is calm. Sorry boy."

Her gown doesn't stretch enough to ride normally, so Cady rides side-saddle as Janis sits astride the horse behind her.

"Ready?" Janis asks before she starts him moving. Cady nods excitedly. Janis sets Pancakes off to a trot. Cady gives a frightened squeak and clings tightly to Janis, but once she gets used to the motion of it she starts laughing happily.

Janis holds Cady around the waist with one arm and the reins in her other hand, gradually picking up speed as they ride around the yard in a loop. Cady really seems to enjoy it, so Janis keeps going a little longer than she had planned before she rides them back to the enclosure.

She hops down and holds out a hand to help Cady off, removing everything from the horse and letting him wander to the trough for some water.

"Oh, Janis, that was wonderful. Thank you," Cady says happily, hugging her tightly. "I have a lesson now, but I'll meet you for tea once I finish. Hopefully Gretchen will be back with your gift by then." She shoots Janis a wink and turns back, running back to the castle.

"Fuck, this can't be happening again," Janis grumbles once Cady leaves, resting her forehead against the fence in exasperation. "I can't afford to fall in love with another girl."


Janis takes over for her substitute outside of Cady's study, where she's currently in a lesson on diplomacy and etiquette with foreign dignitaries.

Once the clock chimes the hour Cady comes rushing out, before she clocks Janis grinning at her and turns back around.

"Janis! Hi," She breathes. "I wasn't expecting you to be here. You could've taken the day off, you know."

"I have nothing else to be doing, Cady," Janis says.

"You could have spent the day with... oh, what is his name?" Cady huffs, pressing a hand to her forehead as she tries to remember.

"Damian, Princess?"

"Yes! You really must introduce me to him someday soon, I do much better with names when I have a face to match it to," Cady replies. "Couldn't you spend the day with him?"

"He has work to finish, but he promised to find me before dinner today. I may go with him then and get someone to cover my duties for a while, if I am excused," Janis says. "But I know he would love to make your acquaintance once he has the time to."

"I could have excused him from his duties for the day as well if you wished, Janis," Cady says gently. "I would like to dine with you alone, but I can give you a pass afterwards to spend the rest of the day with him, if you like?"

Janis thinks for a second. "That would be great, thank you, Cady."

"Of course. Come along now, I want to give you your gift," Cady says excitedly, grabbing Janis' hand and rushing through the corridors towards her bedroom.

"Are you not eating in the dining hall today, Princess?" Janis asks as she runs after her, still holding her hand.

"I want to give you your surprise first, Jay," Cady says. "But no. Let's eat in the gardens, today, it's lovely outside."

"Jay?" Janis asks. A nickname? She calls Cady 'Princess' as a cute joke, since Cady hates it. She hadn't expected Cady to return the favor.

"Oh, um... do you-do you not like it? I thought it was sweet," Cady says shyly. "I won't call you that if you don't like it."

"No! No, I like it, Princess. I just didn't expect it, is all," Janis says hastily.

"Oh! Okay then, Jay," Cady says with relief as she finally comes to a stop outside of the door. She peeks in first, squealing at whatever surprise she has prepared. "Close your eyes." She comes to cover Janis' eyes, guiding her into the guard's quarters. "Ready?"

Janis nods, so Cady removes her hands. Janis gasps happily at what she sees. Cady bought a very nice oil paint set, complete with several brushes of different sizes and shapes, canvases, and even an easel.

"You-you-this is for me?" Janis asks, trying not to cry.

"Of course. It's all yours," Cady says with a wide smile. "Go on, look closer."

"Thank you," Janis breathes as she runs a finger over the end of a brush. "This is... incredible, truly. I love it."

"I'm glad," Cady says. "But you have to paint me something with it. I don't mind what, but I want one of your paintings."

"Absolutely," Janis says, smiling as Cady wraps her in a hug. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Happy birthday. Now come on, join me for tea," Cady insists, grabbing her hand again.

"Yes, Princess."


The holiday season comes and goes, followed by the New Year. Exactly a week later, Janis is standing beside Cady on a high balcony, watching ten ships make their way into the harbor.

The town below is bustling with activity, banners in the kingdom's colors decorate every lamp and wall as the villagers rush around in their cloaks to prepare. Cady looks at them with a sort of longing, leaning casually against the rail.

Eventually she gives a sigh, turning to go inside. "I have to be in the throne room to greet everyone, we should go."

Janis removes her own cloak and takes Cady's, hanging them to dry on a rack just inside the door before following her down. She's in her dress uniform for the special occasion, which somehow has even more buckles than her usual one. She had nearly missed breakfast trying to get it on.

Cady plops on her throne with a huff, sitting in a very unladylike slouch while they're alone. "Keep an eye on each one, and then you can tell me what you think of them once we're alone again tonight."

"Yes, Princess. Are you alright?" Janis asks, standing at attention next to her.

"Yes, everything's fine. I just am really not looking forward to this."

"I understand, Cady, but I'm here to protect you," Janis replies. "I'm sure they'll be perfectly kind gentlemen."

"Hmph. They'd better be," Cady huffs. She straightens and Janis kneels when her parents enter, both snapping to their proper positions.

Janis is bid to stand once the royals are all seated, looking very proper and with a hand on her sword sheath in case someone tries something on Cady.

She tries not to jump when some very loud horns blow, announcing the arrival of the first Prince. He's handsome, announcing his name as Jason. Janis doesn't like him but doesn't clock him as a threat.

As it turns out, Janis doesn't like any of the Princes. She can't tell if it's because her instincts are telling her they're dangerous or because she doesn't want anyone else to be with her Princess, but she's on her top form the whole time.

She feels a special distaste for the tenth Prince, Shane. He carries himself with a haughty air, coming to kiss Cady's hand with an arrogant smirk. Janis has to physically hold back a groan of disbelief.

Once introductions are held, the Princes are escorted to the courtyard and into carriages for a short tour of the local villages. Cady and her family eat dinner during the parade, and then Cady has the evening off as the King and Queen give a speech to the commonwealth in the plaza from the main balcony.


"So what did you think of them?" Cady asks as she brushes her hair out for the day. Janis technically isn't supposed to enter her room unless it's an emergency, but Cady usually asks for her company before they go to sleep.

"They were... fine, I suppose," Janis answers, trying to hide her true opinions. Speaking about royalty so freely is improper.

"You can be honest with me, Jay. Nobody else is here," Cady replies knowingly, looking at her in the mirror.

"Fine. They were all mediocre at best and I don't trust the last one." Janis says rapidly, making Cady laugh.

"Shane? What was the matter with him?" Cady asks. "I didn't like him, either, but he seemed fine."

"The way he carried himself, like he owned the whole place. He thinks he's elite," Janis replies. "He looked at you like a possession, not a person. That's not something that changes. He would own you, if you married him."

Cady looks slightly startled at that. "You gathered all that from, what, three minutes?"

"I learned how to read people very well, helps me perceive threats in a fight," Janis replies casually. "But really, if I'm allowed any input into your decision. Don't pick him. He's who I'm supposed to be protecting you from."

"Okay, I won't pick him, don't worry. Um... what did you think of me, when we met?" Cady asks gently, turning around in her seat.

Alarm bells go off in Janis' head, she can't reveal too much or risk being tossed away again. "Um... I thought you were very beautiful, and that you were almost too kind to be the Princess. And that there was a sort of sadness or longing to you beneath the surface."

Cady just blinks at her. "Wow. Well, thank you, for saying I'm beautiful and kind, I suppose."

"Cady, I meant no offense by-" Janis bursts out, worried she'd still managed to screw it up.

"I know, Jay, it's fine. I'm not offended. You're not wrong, I do have a sense of longing. But I'm sure you learned why, once we had a conversation," Cady replies. "Anyway. What about the rest of the Princes? I quite liked the third, Aaron?"

Janis tries to remember the rest of the men. "He was handsome, and I don't think he's a threat. But he didn't strike me as really wanting to be here, either."

Cady comes to sit on her bed, patting the spot next to her for Janis to join her. "I should keep you around more, if you're this good at assessing people. If he doesn't want to be here I suppose I shouldn't pick him."

"It's your choice, Princess. If you like him and can form a connection with him, then I'm sure he'll enjoy being here eventually. Who wouldn't? You're great company," Janis says.

"Thank you," Cady says softly. "You're good company too. Certainly much easier to talk to than these men will be."

"You'll do fine, Cady," Janis comforts. "I'm sure of it."

Cady looks at her strangely, as if realizing something, but doesn't say anything for a long moment. "Thank you, Jay. I'm glad I have you to speak with."

"Um, you're welcome, Cady," Janis says nervously. "Uh, goodnight!"

Cady looks confused, and almost sad that she has to go. "Goodnight, Janis. Sleep well."


There's only three rules that Cady has to follow for the festival. Number one, all ten Princes must stay for a minimum of a week. Number two, she must consider them all, no matter how much she wishes the festival wasn't happening in the first place. She has to spend a roughly equal amount of time with them throughout the event, and consider their interests and personalities. And finally, she must stay inside the grounds of the palace. The Princes are all allowed to leave so long as they have guards to accompany them, but Cady is still under lock and key.

Janis now spends practically every waking moment with Cady. She takes her breakfasts earlier so she can guard Cady during her morning lessons, and takes her lunch late so she can protect her while she spends the late mornings and early afternoons courting all the Princes. Unless one of them requests it, Cady still dines alone with her family for dinner, and Janis takes hers at the same time.

She's certainly not complaining about the extra time with Cady, but it feels like she's getting less. They're not really spending time together anymore, Janis is just... doing her job. Guarding Cady, keeping her safe as she chooses someone to marry. She liked it better before, when it felt more like they were just friends.


On the fourth day of the festival, Janis gets a slight panic. Cady really seems to like this Aaron fellow. Janis came to terms with the fact that she had fallen hard for Cady long ago. She hadn't quite yet come to terms with the fact that she was going to have to watch Cady fall in love with someone else.

At the very least, Aaron is kind. He's a shy individual, who treats Cady with respect and makes sure to indulge her interests. He'll make a fine husband, a fine king. And yet, Janis gets a burning sense that he doesn't want that. He seems to like Cady in return, but none of the romantic things they do together seem to get him interested any more than he was when he arrived. Janis is either going to have to watch her best friend and secret love marry this man, or console her when he inevitably leaves. Maybe both.

She's deep in thought as she follows them around the gardens, ignoring the pang in her chest when she remembers this is the first place she ever really got to know Cady. Janis walked with her first.

Janis did a lot of things first. But Cady does several with the Princes as well, leaving Janis to wonder how special those moments really were. Cady goes riding with Jason, strolling around with Aaron, and even talks about art, albeit very briefly, with Shane.

Janis notices that Aaron keeps looking to their left, and that the corners of his mouth tick up just a bit when he does. Cady doesn't notice, she's looking at the beautiful sky and listening to the birds as the two of them chat peacefully. Janis looks with Aaron on the fifth time his head turns and is shocked to find that he seems to be looking at none other than her best friend.

Damian is working in the sewing room, hemming garments and sketching new gowns for Cady. Wedding gowns, most probably. He also keeps glancing up at them through the window, grinning slightly when he sees Aaron. How odd.

Janis realizes she's been staring at him for a while when he smiles and waves, and she waves back quickly before rushing to catch up with Cady and Aaron, who have gotten quite a ways away from her.


Cady sighs contently as she gets herself ready for bed that night, dizzy and dreamy. Janis is tense as she stands by the door.

"God, Janis, Aaron is so sweet," Cady swoons. "He spent our whole walk today just asking about me. He really wants to know me as a person, it's so wonderful."

"It is, Princess, I'm glad you enjoy his company," Janis grits, trying to hide her seething jealousy. If this keeps up she'll be out of a job. Get it together. "He seems wonderful for you."

Cady picks up on her tension, looking at her oddly. "Are you alright, Jay?"

"Hm?" Janis hums. Shit. "Oh, I'm fine, Cady. Just... tired is all. Longer days now, and everything."

Cady, blessedly, realizes that it's not something Janis wants to talk about. She grins comfortingly at her. "Okay. You should go get some rest, then. You can have tomorrow off, if you need. Can't have you getting too tired on the job."

Janis chuckles. "That's true. Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, Janis," Cady replies as she crawls into her bed.


Janis does end up taking the next day off, to try and clear her head of this swirling mess of emotions. She spends it harassing Damian instead, pestering him with questions about his crush on Aaron as he tries desperately to catch up on his tasks.

"You think he's cuuuuuuute," Janis teases when Damian flushes at the mention of Aaron. "Damie's in looooove."

"Would you shut up? I have several sharp needles here and your eyeballs are within my reach," Damian huffs. "And besides, you're not any better with the Princess."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Janis demands. "I'm-I'm just her guard. Maybe a friend, that's it!"

"But you want more," Damian teases as he sticks his needle in a pincushion. "I see the way you look at her. You love her."

"As a friend!"

"No, Jan," Damian sighs. "I can tell. You had to pick the Princess, huh?"

"I didn't mean to," Janis mumbles. "She's just so pretty! And she's so nice, like... unless she's in the throne room it doesn't even feel like she's royalty."

"I understand," Damian sighs sadly. "I wish things were different. For all of us."

"You have no idea," Janis sighs back. The clock chimes then, signaling Janis has to leave for dinner and get back to her duties. "I love you. Remember our pact."

Damian laughs. They'd both decided that if they hadn't found anyone they could marry by the time they were thirty, they'd marry each other for tax benefits. "I love you too. Come down here more, I never get to see you."

"I will, I promise. Once Cady is married I'll have more time," Janis says. "Goodnight."

"Night, Jan."


"So how was your day?" Cady asks as she chooses her nightgown for the evening. "Is Damian well?"

"Yeah, he's fine, thanks," Janis says distractedly. "It was nice, I suppose."

"Missed me too much?" Cady teases from behind her privacy screen. Janis tenses. "That was a joke, Jay, you can laugh."

Janis forces a chuckle. Cady has no idea. "Yes, you're right, I can't bear to be away."

"Good, I miss your company when you're away too," Cady responds. "You've known him since you came here, right?"

"Yeah, he and I met about a month after I joined the guard," Janis says with a fond smile. "He was sort of the first person to feel like family after I was disowned."

Cady sits next to her on her bed. "He sounds wonderful. Um... may I ask you something?"

"Um, yes," Janis says anxiously. If she's asking permission, it must be a deep sort of question. "Go ahead."

"Why were you disowned? You've told me it's because your parents couldn't afford you any longer," Cady asks gently. "But I refuse to believe a parent would send their own flesh and blood away with nothing more than one loaf of bread and the clothes on her back if that were the only reason."

Janis leaps up and presses her back against the wall defensively. "I can't tell you the true reason."

"Why not? You don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable, but I would never judge you," Cady says, looking at her sadly.

"It's not safe," Janis says hastily. "I would be... I would lose my position, maybe be exiled. Or worse."

"Is it that bad?" Cady asks, suddenly looking rather afraid of Janis. That's not what Janis wants, but she's desperately afraid to spill her secret. "Please, Jay, what happened to you?"

Janis supposes losing her position wouldn't be terrible. She doesn't want Cady to be scared of her, and maybe Cady can get someone better to guard her. It would help the crush go away, too. She takes a deep breath. "I... I fell in love."

"Oh. Why... why would they send you away for that?" Cady asks in confusion. "Come back, please."

Janis sits by her with a sigh. "I fell in love... with-with a girl. I've never felt anything for men."

"That's awful," Cady says. "Not that you fell in love," she amends hastily. "But you didn't deserve that. You didn't deserve any of that. You were a child."

"It would've happened at some point or another," Janis sighs in response. "They would have noticed I showed no interest in finding a husband. It probably would've been worse as I got older. I could adapt to life on the streets as a child."

Cady suddenly hugs her tightly. "I won't tell anyone else, you don't have to worry. You're staying here."

"But... why?" Janis stutters. "I'm, legally, a criminal, why would you allow me to stay? Aren't you worried I'd... corrupt you, or something?"

"Of course not," Cady chides. "I would never turn you away for something like this. I thought you had killed someone or something. Falling in love with a girl is fine, in my book. And I'm gonna be the Queen soon, my opinions are rather important." Cady decides not to tell Janis about the fact that she feels the same way sometimes. Not quite yet.

Janis chuckles. "Thanks, Cady. You're a good friend."

"You're even better," Cady says back, bumping their shoulders together. "The best first ever friend I could've asked for."

Janis grins at her. "I'm glad. You should rest, you have a long weekend ahead of you."

"Ugh, you're right," Cady groans at the reminder. She had to inform the Prince or Princes who would not be remaining by Sunday. "This is all so complicated."

"You'll figure it out," Janis says, squeezing her shoulders one last time before she stands to head into her own quarters. "Goodnight, Princess."

"Goodnight, Janis," Cady grins back. "Thank you."

Janis just salutes and heads into her room for bed.


Prince Shane continues to be a thorn in both of their sides. He gets his one on one time with Cady on Saturday, and spends no less than ten minutes complaining about how she had spent the week ignoring him. She hadn't, she had simply decided to give the Princes their allotted two hours with her in the same order they had arrived in. Shane just happened to be last.

Once their activity, a cooking lesson, is underway, Shane demands to know Janis' qualifications. It's clear that he thinks less of her abilities as a guard simply because she's a female. The absolute bastard. He rattles off questions for nearly the whole duration of his time with Cady, not even paying attention to the Princess or attempting to get to know her.

Janis chuckles as Cady adds entirely too much salt to their pie to get back at him, making Shane glare at her. She glares back, raising an eyebrow to dare him to try something.

Janis is tense as a brick wall by the time their pie is baked, waiting for him to taste it. He takes a large bite, while Cady barely gets a forkful. She grins coyly as he splutters at the salty taste.

"What did you do to it? Why is that so vile?" He demands. "You stupid woman, what did you do?"

"Back the fuck off," Janis growls when he grabs Cady's collar, reaching for her weapon. He glares at her, but does release Cady. She looks to Janis in thanks, her eyes wide in fear.

"Well, thank you for this, I had a lovely time," Cady says quietly and insincerely once she takes a deep breath. "If you would follow me to the main hall."

He does, with Janis between them in case he tries something again. He purposefully walks more quickly, bumping into Janis and stepping on her boots. Janis knows she can't stoop to his level, no matter how badly she wants to knock him to the ground and remove his tongue.

"Hello mother, hello father," Cady greets politely. "Mike, would you please gather the rest of the candidates here? I've made my first decisions."

"Right away, Your Highness," Mike says with a bow as he rushes out of the room. Cady goes to sit on her throne by her parents, leaving Shane to wait aimlessly in front of them.

In less than ten minutes, all nine of the other men are next to him, some looking more anxious than others at the prospect of going home. Cady takes a deep breath and stands.

"Hello, gentlemen," Cady greets, making them all finally shut up. "I'm sure you have been told, but I've gathered you here to inform you that I've made my first decision as to who will not be remaining in the competition for my hand."

The King nods approvingly behind her, proud of his daughter.

"The first and, as of yet, only Prince to be leaving us will be Prince Shane," Cady continues, prompting a dismayed gasp from him. "For truly deplorable and despicable behavior. The fact that you are handsome and from the kingdom of one of our best allies does not guarantee you a victory here. You have no right to speak to me, or any woman, for that matter, the way you have spoken to me. I pity your future spouse."

"Cadence!" The Queen chides.

"No, Betsy, let her speak," The King insists.

"As for the rest of you, please enjoy the weekend. You may feel free to explore the town or palace at your will. Our activities will resume on Monday," Cady concludes before she sits down and waves them all away. Shane glares at her and storms out of the room in a huff.

"Cadence, really, that was highly inappropriate," her mother scolds once the four of them are alone. "Whatever were you thinking?"

"He almost assaulted me," Cady says casually. "And called me a 'stupid woman', and was harassing Janis about her position, and demanded I spend more time with him than the other men, and told me to hold my tongue, and told me I should cover up more, and told me he would be under my skirts before too long. I think I was rather polite, actually."

The royals both look startled. "Cadence, why didn't you let us know earlier? We would have removed him right away!"

"It would have reflected poorly on us if I sent any of them away so soon," Cady replies. "The rule was a week. I stuck to it. May I please be excused now?"

"Yes, of course," The King says. The Queen still looks rather upset, but also nods. "Get some rest, dearest."

"I will, goodnight father," Cady says, hugging him gently. She begrudgingly hugs her mother as well after a moment's consideration. "Goodnight mother."

"Goodnight, Cadence."


"God, why are men so dense?" Cady spits as soon as they're alone in her quarters again. Janis bursts out laughing.

"There's a reason I prefer the company of women, Princess," Janis giggles. "I suppose we'll never know."

Cady growls and starts pacing. "He was here to compete for my hand! In marriage! How does he think grabbing me that way and speaking to me so rudely was a good strategy? Of course I won't choose that!"

"I don't know, Princess," Janis says. "Are you alright? You looked frightened when he grabbed you."

"I... I was," Cady says quietly, stopping her movements. "I've never... nobody's ever touched me, that way. I was lucky you were there."

"I always will be," Janis replies gently. "Your father was right, you should get some rest. You have much to recover from."

"I suppose," Cady sighs. "Goodnight, Janis. Thank you."

"Goodnight, Cady. Anytime."


Janis stays up late to polish her things. She's about to turn in when she hears a scream come from Cady's quarters, the end muffled. She grabs her blade and hurries in, looking for her charge.

She finds her, pinned beneath Prince Shane, who has a hand held over her mouth and his pants down. Somehow he didn't hear Janis enter, allowing her to slam into him and knock him off of Cady.

He cries out in surprise as he's shoved to the floor, and again as Janis kicks him between the legs. "What the fuck were you doing to her?"

"That little slut doesn't even deserve me. Figured I'd at least get my chance before I'm done here, show her what she's missing," he snarls. Janis winds up and punches him between the eyes as hard as she can. He screams, "You fucking dyke!"

He punches back, nailing her left eye, and kicks her in the ribs. Janis thinks she hears a pop, and there's a sharp pain in her chest, but she ignores it. She lunges for him, pinning him on his stomach with his arms behind him. He squirms uselessly, she has him held.

The scuffle alerted the other guards, a few barreling into the room and observing their Princess, wide eyed and sobbing with fear on her bed, and Janis straddling a Prince with his pants around his ankles and his arms pinned behind him.

"Sarkisian, what is the meaning of this?" One of the other guards demands.

"This scum," Janis spits. "Tried to assault the Princess. Take him to the dungeons, let them deal with him until he's removed from the premises. And get someone to guard her window, from now on."

"Right away, soldier," he replies, grabbing Shane from the ground roughly and dragging him out the door.

"I was just trying to get what I deserve!" Shane calls as he's led down to the dungeon.

"You're getting it now, asstown. I hope you rot," Janis growls. Once they're alone she rushes over to the Princess. "Are you okay, Cady? Did he do anything?"

Cady shakes her head, but is still crying hysterically. Janis is familiar with the terror in her eyes, she's felt it herself. "H-he-he... wh-why?"

"Because he's a misogynistic piece of shit, Princess. No part of this is your fault," Janis insists. "Can I touch you?"

Cady nods desperately, reaching for her. Janis sits on the edge of her bed, grunting with pain slightly as Cady leaps into her embrace and sobs into her shoulder.

"Shh, he's gone. You're safe, I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you. I'm here, shh," Janis repeats, holding her close and letting her cry. Cady cries for a long time, weeping and whimpering into her shoulder. "Shh, you're okay now, I promise."

"He hit you," Cady sniffles once she's calmed down a bit. "Your eye."

"I'm fine, Princess, I'll deal with it in the morning," Janis says, but winces slightly as Cady brushes the area where he kicked her. Cady holds the hem of her shirt and looks at her, lifting it when Janis gives a begrudging nod.

"Oh, god, Janis," Cady sobs. "What did he do to you?"

"He kicked me, but please, Cady, don't worry. I've been hit harder, I'm fine," Janis replies.

"No, you're not," Cady sniffles. "Lie down, I'll be back in a moment."

"Cady, what-" Janis tries, but Cady pushes her down and runs from the room. She returns a few moments later with tears still pouring from her eyes, holding several bottles and cloths.

She wets one of the small cloths with cool water from the basin by her bed, wringing out the excess and pressing it gently to Janis' eye. Janis winces slightly but accepts it, holding it herself as Cady moves to her torso.

She presses around the already bruising area gently, pulling back abruptly when Janis gasps in pain.

"God, Janis, he broke a rib," She sobs again. "I'm so sorry."

"Princess, please, don't worry. I'll be okay," Janis comforts, stroking Cady's cheek.

Cady pours several of the bottles onto another much larger cloth, brushing it as gently as she can over the bruise before grabbing a dry one and helping Janis to sit upright. She wraps it tenderly around her torso to hold her ribs in place tightly, resting a hand on the uninjured side when she finishes.

"Thank you," Janis says quietly. "Are you okay?"

"No." Cady says bluntly. "I told my parents we shouldn't have done this. Look what happened. You could've been killed if he had a weapon. I was almost raped. I'm not going to be okay for a long time."

"I understand," Janis says, stroking a hand through her hair gently. "I've been there, too. But you're safe now. I've got another guard by your window now, there's no way for anyone to come in unless you want them to. And my injuries will heal, I don't want you worrying about me."

"How do you do it, Jay? How-how do you keep going, after everything?" Cady asks, lying down beside her and cuddling into her side. Janis tenses, if anyone were to walk in this would be difficult to explain.

"I don't know. I am affected by my past, more than I let on. But I just... remember the reasons I have to stick around, I guess," Janis responds as she pulls her closer.

"Like what?"

"Like... Damian. Who else would be his best friend, who else would steal extra pastries from the kitchen with him? Or like Pancakes, who else would take care of him, sneak him apples? Or... like you."


"Yeah. Who else would keep you safe, who else would have tea with you when you're alone, who else would chase you around the gardens? You're so dear to me. I shouldn't say so, I know, but I fear I've gotten rather attached to you," Janis replies. "Sometimes it's just the littlest reason that coaxes me to stay. Like, if I left I would never see the way you fidget with your hair when you read again."

"I do that?" Cady sniffles.

"Yeah. It's cute," Janis replies as she tries to sit up. "You'll find your own reasons to keep going, I promise."

Cady doesn't let her go. "Stay, please. I don't want to be alone tonight. Please?"

Janis looks at her. She can't resist, Cady still looks terrified. "Okay, sure. If you want me to stay."

Cady nods. Janis lies on her good side next to her, and Cady nuzzles into her chest gently. Janis instinctively pulls her closer as Cady tugs her soft blankets up around them.

"I'm cancelling the rest of the event. I'm done," Cady says, muffled by Janis' chest. "We'll throw another one later. My parents will agree, after tonight."

"Sounds like a plan, Princess. We'll let everyone know tomorrow," Janis replies. "Get some sleep, I'll keep you safe."

"Okay. Thank you, Jay," Cady says as she somehow presses closer.

"You're welcome," Janis says back. She waits for Cady's breathing to even out before she kisses her hair gently and whispers, "I love you."


The men are all sent home over the following week, and none of them are allowed to see Cady. She needs time to heal and recover, so she spends most days on her balcony with Janis. Sometimes they play games. Cady teaches Janis how to play chess and Janis teaches Cady how to play cards. Other times they just talk. Janis reveals a bit more about her past, and lends an ear to Cady when she needs to vent.

Almost exactly a month later, Cady's birthday finally arrives. She and Janis have spent most of the month trying to think of something to do that would appease the commonwealth, since most everyone was looking forward to a royal wedding and sorely disappointed that there wasn't going to be one. Cady decided on a trip through the villages. Just her, and almost every guard in the palace.

Her parents approved the idea after several weeks of coaxing, and only because she would be bringing so many guards with her and because they knew the people were unhappy with Cady. The commonwealth hadn't been told the reason all the Princes were sent home, to respect her privacy.

Cady is particularly excited about this trip because she's allowed to leave her carriage, for once. Council appointed soldiers to search and guard vulnerable points at certain stops along their route. Cady would be allowed to stop and greet her people at these points.

"Jay, forgive me if this sounds rude," Cady says the night before they go as she's getting ready for bed.

"Oh goodness," Janis sighs jokingly from her perch on Cady's bed. "What is it?"

"You lived in the villages before you came here. What would... what should I do, when I speak to the people? To show them that I care, and such?" Cady asks gently.

"Oh. That's not rude at all, Princess," Janis says. "I can't speak for every single villager, but I would say just to be yourself. Be kind, try not to judge them. People like when you interact with children, and the poorer the kid is the better, I would say. Just talk to them like people."

"Be kind, talk to children, and treat them like people," Cady repeats. "That was my plan anyway, so I'm glad you think that's what I should do."

"I figured it would be, it's not like you to be haughty or anything," Janis replies. "Just try not to seem too... royal. I wouldn't do anything to remind them that you control the money and things, tomorrow should be happy, they don't need a reminder of that stuff."

"Okay, I can... I think I can do that, anyway," Cady says anxiously.

"You can. Just treat people like you did me when we first met and you'll be fine. The people adore you, nothing will happen," Janis comforts. "When I was out there I heard stories all the time from other kids who had family connected here. All anyone would talk about was how beautiful and smart and kind the Princess is. That hasn't changed."

"They speak about me?" Cady asks shyly. "So kindly? I thought they would hate me."

"Some probably do, but they won't make an effort to come see you if that's the case. Everyone who will be there tomorrow  adores you," Janis says with finality. The clock chimes midnight then. "Happy birthday, Princess."

Cady giggles and turns around in her chair. "Thank you, Janis. Where are you going?"

Janis is rooting through her quarters for the gift she's made. With a loud crash, she finds it buried under the mound of things under her bed. She comes back sheepishly holding the piece of canvas to her chest. "Um. Here."

Cady takes it gently and turns it around. She grins widely when she sees it's a landscape painting of the woods on the outskirts of the kingdom, bathed in snow. Janis even included Pancakes in the background. "Oh, Jay, this is beautiful! Did you do this?"

"Yeah. I was hoping it would be done by Yule but I couldn't go out to the woods very often, so it took a while," Janis says shyly.

"I love it, thank you," Cady says happily. "I'll hang it just here, I'll be able to see it every day." She holds it up just above her mirror. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Princess," Janis says, blushing. She didn't think it was that good. "We should rest, you have an exciting day tomorrow."

Cady comes up to hug her tightly. "Goodnight, Janis."

Janis hugs back just as tight. "Goodnight, Cady."


The next morning, Janis is in her uniform and fed bright and early, sitting next to a very eager Cady in the royal carriage. Pancakes has also been given a special duty for the day. He's been trained to pull carts and plows over the last several months, so he gets to be part of the team pulling them along. He looks very dapper in his fancy bridle.

Cady squeals in shock when they set off, but recovers quickly and looks eagerly outside. Janis smiles at seeing how happy she is.

Her excitement only builds when they reach their first stop. The other guards have been walking along beside them to stop anyone rushing the carriage, but they sus out the crowd and eventually part to let Cady approach the people. Janis follows at a close distance, but lets Cady approach on her own.

They have a limited amount of time to spend at each stop, but Cady reaches to shake hands with as many people as she can and even holds short conversations with a few. Everyone is delighted to see her, as Janis predicted.

Each stop is similar, until the last. The guards do their usual check and part for Cady, but almost instantly they're yelling for her to get back. Cady looks around in shock briefly and Janis tenses, but it turns out to just be a stray child that broke past the barrier to see the Princess.

Cady gasps when the small form hits her leg, looking down to see a young girl in a patched dress and her face smudged with dirt. She waves her guards off and crouches down to her level.

"Hello, little one, what's your name?" Cady asks kindly, smiling when the girl stumbles to curtsy.

"My name is Evangeline!" the girl grins happily, showing off her missing teeth.

Cady smiles gently. "That's a lovely name. My name is Cadence. But my friends call me Cady."

"That's pretty too," Evangeline smiles. "Are you really the Princess?"

"I am," Cady chuckles. She points to the castle up at the top of the hill. "I live in the palace up there."

"Wow," Evangeline says in awe. "Your mommy and daddy are the King and Queen?"

"Yes, they are, you're very smart," Cady says. "Speaking of, where are your mommy and daddy? You seem to have broken away."

"They're over there, they wouldn't let me see you," Evangeline points as she pops up on her tippy toes to see. Cady looks and finds two terrified looking adults. "So I ran away."

"Well, I'm glad to speak to you, but you shouldn't run away, Evangeline," Cady says gently. "Come with me, introduce me to them."

She stands and takes the young girl's hand, who skips happily back to her parents. "Mommy, Daddy, this is the Princess! She's so pretty!"

"Your Highness, our deepest apologies, we never thought she would have run off like that," the mother apologizes as they both bow frantically.

"It's quite alright, we had a lovely chat," Cady says happily. "You have a beautiful child. Here you are, Evangeline. You should stay with your family from now on."

"Thank you, Your Highness," the father says. "Evan, give the Princess your gift, you mustn't forget."

"Oh!" Evangeline says suddenly, rooting through her pocket and pulling out a slightly crushed crocus. They're the national flower of Evanston, and Cady's personal favorite. "I picked this for you!"

Cady takes it gently with a quiet gasp. "Thank you, this is beautiful! I'll wear it here." She tucks the flower behind her ear so it pokes out from her hair. "Good?"

Evangeline nods with a grin. Cady crouches down again to hug her goodbye.

"Goodbye, little one, it was lovely to meet you," Cady says, squeezing her tightly.

"Goodbye, Princess," Evangeline says sadly. Cady stands and makes her way back to her guards as the family turns to leave. Cady and Evangeline wave goodbye one last time before the family is out of sight.

"That was precious," Janis chuckles when Cady comes back to her. "And she was lucky I saw she was a child in time, I nearly took her head off."

"Jay!" Cady chides in shock. "Don't you dare. She was lovely, so sweet."

"I'm kidding," Janis groans. "You should speak to more people if you wish, we're running out of time."

"This is the last stop, we can take a little while longer," Cady responds. "Come with me?"

Janis follows after her as she approaches the barrier again, greeting the people waiting there. Some offer small gifts, perfumes and flowers or baked goods. Cady takes them all with a thank you and makes light conversation with as many people as she can.

Gradually, the crowd starts to clear. Janis relaxes ever so slightly now that there's fewer people around them. Until she hears,

"Sic semper tyrannis!"

Janis snaps to attention instantly, drawing her sword and pushing Cady behind her roughly, towards the rest of the guards.

"Get behind me, stay with them," She insists.

"No, Janis," Cady pleads, trying to pull Janis away as well.

"Go!" Janis calls, pushing her hands away and rushing up to their attacker before he can get any closer.

Janis takes a brash swing at the terrorist, their swords meeting with a loud metallic clang. She lunges away from a stab, dodging skillfully.

Several other guards rush up to aid her in her fight, but leave Janis to handle the main battle. She knows she should leave this scumbag alive for interrogation, no matter how much she wants to slash his head off for threatening her Princess.

She takes a step closer, trying to get to a position where she can disarm him. He gets to her first, slashing his sword down in a vicious swipe. She feels a burning pain searing in her stomach, looking down and seeing her uniform neatly torn and stained scarlet with her blood, in a long line across her abdomen.

She falls to her knees, ears ringing as she faintly hears a desperate cry of "Janis!" from somewhere behind her. Cady. Love Cady. Keep Cady safe.

She grabs her sword again, and with what little strength she has remaining, thrusts it forward into her foe's lower left abdomen. He cries out in pain and falls back into Janis' backup, immediately handcuffed and led to a carriage to take him to the dungeons. She presses a hand to her gash and hears a pained cry. Her own? Arms suddenly surround her, she's being cradled tightly in a soft embrace.

"Princess," she rasps, Cady's beautiful eyes going in and out of focus above her. "I'm sorry."

"Shh, Jay, don't speak. You're gonna be okay, you'll be fine," Cady sobs, her tears dripping onto Janis' face. "We'll fix you, get you back, you'll be okay."

Janis knows her chances of being okay are slim to none. She's about to die. But there's one thing she's always wanted to do. The crowd around them gasps when she grabs Cady's collar and presses their lips together gently.

Then her world goes black.


Cady gasps as Janis kisses her, the softest brush of lips. Janis' are going cold as she's bleeding out in her arms. She has no time to process as Janis collapses, unconscious.

"No, no, no, Janis, wake up, please," Cady begs between sobs. "You have to come back, I can't lose you like this. God, this is my fault, what have I done?"

Janis' eyes flutter briefly and she gives a pained gasp, making Cady think she's woken up again.

But Janis doesn't inhale again afterwards. Her eyes are still open, glassy and staring blankly up at her.

She's not breathing. Cady frantically checks for her pulse. Nothing. She feels herself scream, resting Janis on the ground and pressing roughly on her chest as she calls for her guards to come keep pressure on Janis' injury.

"No, Jay, come on, come back to me, my love," Cady sobs. Her hands are soaked with blood that's not her own. She doesn't care. She's sobbing so hard she can barely see what she's doing. She doesn't care about that, either. "Come on, I can't lose you, you have to come back."

Cady continues her efforts until Janis' eyes flutter again and she inhales sharply. She sobs in relief, making sure Janis has a pulse again before she stops. She does, but it's weak and uneven. Janis is alive, but could die again at any point.

"We have to get her back to the palace, now, or she'll die," Cady commands, standing. "Keep pressure on her wound and get her back in the carriage, as fast as you can. I don't care how fast you have to go, just drive."

"Yes, your highness," her guards say, lifting Janis' limp form and hauling her back to the carriage. Cady crawls in after her and lifts Janis' head onto her lap. She grabs the cloth one of her guards has found, pressing hard on the cut as she strokes Janis' cheeks gently with her other hand.

"I love you. I've loved you from the moment I met you, it's always been you, I'm so sorry," she sobs desperately. "Please wake up, come back to me. I can't go on without you, please."


Once they finally pull up to the gates, the palace doctor is already there, waiting with a stretcher. The guards load Janis onto it and rush her through the halls towards the medical wing.

Cady runs after her, refusing to let Janis out of her sight. Her parents suddenly grab her, hugging her tightly and yammering on about how grateful they are that she's okay.

She wriggles out of their grip, much to their dismay. "I'm only alive because of Janis, and she's about to die. I'm not leaving her now. I'll find you once she's stable, I promise. Just let me go to her for now."

She doesn't wait to hear whether she has approval or not before she runs down the hall again. She bursts in just as Janis is being shifted to a bed and prepped for surgery.

"What are you going to do to her?" Cady demands protectively, grabbing Janis' limp hand.

"All we can really do is clean out the wound and stitch her up, your Highness. You should not be present, it is quite graphic. No place for a Princess," the doctor says as he pours alcohol on his hands to sterilize them.

"Fuck you," Cady spits. She feels a little guilty cursing out the man who brought her into the world and helped her every time she got hurt as a child, but she refuses to leave Janis. "My personal guard is dying in front of me, and you want me to leave her alone? I'm the one who's kept her alive long enough to bring her to you, I'm staying. I don't give a shit how graphic it gets, just save her."

The doctor blinks in surprise, but seems to understand the situation and allows her to stay. He hands her the bottle, telling her to use it to sterilize her hands as well.

He places a funnel shaped thing over Janis' face and floods it with a gas that Cady doesn't recognize. He explains that it's anesthesia, to ensure she doesn't wake while they close her wound. Not that there was much chance of that anyway.

He cuts the scraps of Janis' uniform away with scissors, and then wipes away the blood with a sanitized cloth. He takes another to the wound itself and pours several more bottles of alcohol over her whole stomach.

"What is all this alcohol for?" Cady asks as the doctor pulls the cloth away. Oh god, Janis' muscle is exposed. Cady thinks she can even see her ribs.

"To sanitize it, Your Highness. Prevent infection," the doctor responds. "She is lucky, none of her organs were sliced or penetrated. She may buck involuntarily when I start stitching, please hold her hips and chest down."

Cady does, pressing on the side of Janis' torso as he takes a needle and thread, stitching the cuts inside that are on her muscle and fat layers. He was right, Janis' hips buck slightly against her hand, but she doesn't wake.

He works carefully but quickly, pouring still more alcohol over it once he finishes all the internal stitches. The doctor grabs another needle with more thread, pulling Janis' skin back together and stitching up her outsides. Cady tries to count the stitches, losing track after the twentieth.

"What now?" Cady demands.

"Now we sterilize it once again and wrap it in a sanitized cloth. And pray she wakes again." The doctor responds.

"May I? Surely one doesn't need to be a doctor to apply a bandage," Cady says. She just wants to be alone with Janis, finally.

"I suppose, Your Highness," the doctor replies. He hands her the cloth and what remains of the alcohol supply, finally leaving them alone. Cady pours one of the bottles over Janis' stomach, and the other over the cloth, wrapping it gently around her torso until she runs out of material. She leaves her hand there for a second, resting gently on the cut that nearly took her love away.

Once that's done, she spies a basin of water and more cloths by Janis' head. She wets one and heads to a mirror nearby. She looks about ten years older than she did that morning, her eyes haunted and her face caked with blood and dirt. She scrubs roughly at her face and hands, but she can't remove the terrifying memories of the day. She knows that the emptiness in Janis' eyes when they were last open has been permanently seared into her mind.

She grabs the scissors from the table and cuts the rest of Janis' uniform away, before she pulls the blanket over her to protect Janis' modesty and starts tenderly cleaning the blood and dirt from her, scrubbing gently at her face and hands and chest.

Once they're both clean, she tells one of the guards waiting outside to fetch two nightgowns from her room, and let her parents know she'll be there to speak with them soon. He bows and rushes off but quickly comes back with her two softest gowns.

She thanks him and heads back in as she changes into the second best one. She looks at Janis, wondering how to do this without moving her. The only way is to cut open the gown. She has plenty of nightgowns, and the seamstresses can make her a new one anytime. Janis needs it. She cuts a slit up the back, then rests it over Janis and tugs her arms through so she's wearing it as best she can.

Janis is still breathing so shallowly. Cady bends down to kiss her again, anxious at the still-cold temperature of her lips. She's starting to realize it's entirely possible that, even with the surgery, Janis may still die.

"Please come back, my love. Wake up, please. I can't lose you, don't make me lose you. I miss the shine in your eyes, the sound of your voice," Cady whispers between sobs, sitting on Janis' bedside and holding her limp hand. "I miss being held in your strong arms. Please, wake up. Whenever you feel ready. Just come back to me soon. I can't live without you."

She sits for a while, stroking Janis' hair, until she realizes she promised her parents she would speak to them once Janis was stable. Cady squeezes her hand and pecks her cheek once more before she goes, commanding Kevin, a guard she knows well and can trust, to look after Janis.

"Check her pulse regularly, here," Cady demonstrates, showing him where to feel Janis' neck. "If it stops at any point or she stops breathing, press hard on the middle of her chest repetitively and call for the doctor. I'll be back after I speak with my parents."

"Yes, Your Highness," Kevin responds, watching Janis vigilantly.

Cady runs down the halls towards the throne room, barreling into her parents arms once she arrives.

"Cadence, what happened today?"

"A terrorist," Cady spits. "He said something in Latin, I don't remember what, and then tried to attack me. Janis is the only reason I'm alive. She pushed me to safety and fought him off. She deserves to be rewarded, once she wakes. She saved me, saved the kingdom."

"How is Janis?" Her father asks gently. "Is she stable?"

"For now. She lost a lot of blood, she still might not make it," Cady mumbles. "I want that man gutted, once he's been interrogated. If Janis dies because of him I'll do it myself."

"Calm down, Cadence," Her mother chides. "Your behavior today is not befitting of royalty."

Cady pulls back, glaring at her. "I almost died! Janis did die! And she might again! I don't care if my behavior isn't befitting, I saved her life!"

"And we're glad you're both okay, dearest, but-"

"No! You've never cared for me as a person, as your child, all you care about is me as the heir to Evanston. I'm fucking sick of it," Cady insists. "Have my dinner and a cot sent to Janis' room, I'm staying with her."

"Cadence, that's really not appropriate-"

"I don't care! I don't give a shit. I love her, more than any of this. She's shown me more love in the last few months than anyone else has in my entire fucking life. She's shown me how good the world can be, she's given me a reason to stay. I'm staying with her," Cady says, crying again. "Goodnight. I love you both." And with that, she turns and runs back to her love.


Cady doesn't see her parents for nearly a week. She's by Janis' side every minute of every day, having her meals delivered and sleeping on the uncomfortable cot she's been brought. She doesn't complain. She cleans Janis with cloths daily, reads her stories to keep her mind active, shifts her around gently so she doesn't get sores. The closest she gets to her daily walk through the gardens is opening the window and explaining the different birds to Janis.

A few days into Janis' recovery, a boy around their age shows up and demands to see her.

"Your Highness, I mean no disrespect, but Janis is practically my sister, and if there's a chance she's going to die I demand to see her," he says hastily. Cady recognizes him as one of the seamsters.

"What is your name, before I let you see her?" Cady insists.

"I'm Damian Hubbard, Your Highness," he says. "Now please."

"Come in. I know who you are now. Janis speaks highly of you," Cady says softly, going back to her side.

"God, Janis," He gasps sadly upon seeing her. "You reckless idiot, I never should have let you take this position."

"Please don't blame yourself, Damian. I- this is all my fault. I should never have asked to go into town, I made myself vulnerable. It should have been me," Cady replies, trying to hold back her tears in front of a practical stranger.

"You shouldn't blame yourself either, Your Highness. Janis was doing her job, she swore to protect you with her life. She speaks highly of you as well," Damian replies comfortingly from Janis' other side.

"She does?" Cady asks with a sniffle.

"God, yes. Never stops," Damian grumbles jokingly. The situation is dire, but his mere presence somehow makes her feel better. Cady can see why he's Janis' best friend. "Your Highness, really, she wouldn't want you to blame yourself."

"You don't have to use my title. We're alone, there's no need. Call me Cady," she says. "May not have the title too much longer, anyway." She adds in a mumble.

"Why not, if I may ask, Cady?" Damian asks gently.

Cady strokes a gentle hand over Janis' cheek. "Because... because I love her. If-when she wakes, I'm going to ask for her hand. I may lose my right to the throne at that point. I've worked for this all my life, and yet I care about nothing less."

"You love her that much?" Damian asks in awe.

"I do. She's-she's the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me. Janis is the only person who ever treated me like... like a person, instead of the Princess. Right when we met, she spoke to me like I was a friend," Cady says softly, tears streaming down her face. "I just wish I had realized I love her when she could hear me say it. Before I-before we lost her."

"She's not dead, Cady. She may be able to hear you," Damian says. "I've known Jan since we were thirteen, she's the strongest person I know. She'll pull through."

Cady and Damian continue chatting about Janis and their own lives well into the evening. They share a dinner, until Damian has to leave. Cady is comforted by his promise to return the next morning.


Janis falls ill that night. Cady wakes to find her breathing impossibly shallowly, her skin waxy and pale. She's burning with fever and clammy to the touch.

Cady has a sinking suspicion she knows what's happened. Sure enough, when she pulls the nightgown to the side and her dressing off, Janis' wound is visibly infected. They'll be lucky if Janis doesn't get sepsis.

"No, no, no," Cady says desperately. Janis had finally been showing signs of stirring. Cady had sworn she'd squeezed her hand yesterday. This may kill Janis again. "No. You'll be okay. I'll-I can fix this. You'll come back to me soon, Jay. Fuck, you have to come back."

She commands Kevin to watch her again, running as fast as she can to the kitchens. She nearly barrels Damian down on the way, until he grabs her shoulders to steady her.

"Cady, what happened? Is Janis okay?" He asks with wide eyes.

"No, her cut is infected, she's ill. She might-she might die, again," Cady says quickly, wiggling to be let go.

"What do you need? I'll help," Damian says, letting her go and running after her into the kitchens.

"Honey, light alcohol, and every cold thing they have in the kitchen," Cady huffs, picking up speed.

The cook looks rather startled when the Princess and a servant come barreling in and start rooting through everything. Cady grabs a few jars of honey and bottles of alcohol. Damian raids the ice box, finding some frozen vegetables and scraping some ice off the sides. He grabs a couple of pastries, too.

"Thank you!" Cady calls over her shoulder as they run back to the medical wing. The cook just blinks in surprise and heads back to making the day's meal.

Damian follows her as they burst into Janis' room, resting their supplies on a cart.

"Soak these in water and then the alcohol," Cady demands, handing him a pile of cloth as she checks to make sure Janis is still breathing. "Thank you, Kevin, you're excused."

"Do you know every guard's name?" Damian asks as he dips them in the basin of water and then pours the alcohol over them.

"Most. I make an effort to learn the names of every servant and guard, since my parents never really bothered," Cady replies as she takes the cloths and swipes them over the infected wound.

"That's kind of you. Is she-is it bad?" Damian asks nervously.

"Very. It's bright red and weeping slightly. If the infection gets in her bloodstream she'll almost definitely die. Honey, please," Cady says, holding a hand for one of the jars. "She might anyway. All we can do is sanitize it and bring her fever down, and hope she comes back."

Janis is very weak. She hasn't been conscious to take in any fluids or food; she's losing weight very rapidly. Cady is starting to lose hope.

"What does the honey do?" Damian asks curiously as she pours it over the wound.

"Provides a barrier, keeps anything else from getting in, and will help fight anything already in," Cady replies as she bandages the wound again. "Now we put these cold compresses around to help bring her fever down."

"Cady?" Damian asks suddenly as he rests one on Janis' forehead.

"Yes?" She replies from where she's resting some on her feet.

"She's awake."

"She what?! Jay," she sobs, rushing to her side. Her eyes are only half open, but it's the most action they've seen from her in several days. "Can you squeeze my hand?"

Janis does as best she can, which is very weak, but Cady still sobs happily. Janis slips unconscious again after she does, her hand going limp again. Cady double checks; Janis still has a pulse.

"Okay, that was a very good sign," She sighs, brushing the tears from under her eyes. "Put those under her arms, please."

"Do you think she'll wake again?" Damian asks once Janis is covered in compresses.

"I'm not sure. It depends on how the infection progresses. All we can do now is hope," Cady says as she takes one of the pastries. "Oh, shoot."

Damian looks up abruptly. "What's the matter?"

"I forgot to get a new book from the library. I've been reading to her, in case she can hear me. Keep her mind active," Cady replies. "I finished the one we've been working on yesterday."

"I'll go get one, if I'm allowed," Damian replies.

"Would you? Here, take this one back. Thank you, Damian," Cady says with relief.

"You're welcome. Anything for Janis. And the Princess," he replies, taking his leave.

Cady sits on Janis' bedside, kissing her cheek gently. "You woke up, my love. I hope you do it again. I can't lose you. We're going to take care of you, we'll make you better. Please don't leave me."

She snaps her head up when she hears someone come in. Damian hasn't been gone long enough, it's somebody else.

"Hello, Cadence," her mother mumbles sheepishly.

"Hello, mother," Cady replies coolly. "What are you doing here?"

"Your father and I haven't seen you in days, Cadence. And we did not end our last conversation on a great note," her mother says. "I wished to check on you. How is Janis?"

"I have no idea. Her wound is badly infected, but she woke earlier. I'll have to wait and see," Cady says sadly.

"Did you use honey?" Her mother asks.

"Of course."

"Good girl. I brought some herbs, they'll help with her pain when she wakes again and reduce her fever."

"Thank you."

"Of course," the Queen says. "Cadence, I think it's time I told you some things. I realized the last time we spoke I should have told you a long time ago."

"Okay," Cady replies suspiciously.

"To begin, I would like to apologize. You are right, I have treated you as an heir rather than just a daughter. That was wrong of me, I am sorry," her mother says. She takes a deep breath before continuing. "You had a brother. Long before you were born."

"A brother?"

"Yes. He passed away from an infection when he was four. I was... consumed by grief. I removed all portraits of him, anything that reminded me of him. They're all in the East Wing," her mother sighs. Cady can see tears brimming in her eyes. Cady had never been allowed in the East Wing. Now she knows why. "We were so relieved when we found out we were expecting you. We had a new child, the kingdom had an heir again. You were such a blessing."

Cady takes her hand, but doesn't say anything.

"I spent years researching first aid and medicine, so I could save you if something similar happened. That's why I taught you everything, as well. But you, blessedly, survived your childhood. So we had to turn you into the Princess. Into the heir. I regret that decision more than anything. You deserved to be a child. You still do. You deserve a life outside of being royal."

"I don't want it, anymore. The day I broke a rule, this happened," Cady says dangerously, looking back to her love. "I lost her."

"That's my next point, Cadence. When we last spoke, you said you love Janis, more than any of this. Is that true?"

Cady squeezes Janis' hand for confidence. "Yes. I understand it will not be accepted. When she wakes I plan to ask for her hand. If she dies or refuses my proposal, I will carry out my duties as heir. But if she accepts, I will abdicate and leave."

"Abdicate? Whatever for?" Her mother asks in shock.

"Because... we are both women? I would be a criminal, if we were to marry. My right to the throne would be nullified anyway. Emma can have it, she would be the next in line."

"A criminal? Where did you hear this, Cadence?"

"I read it during one of my lessons. Homosexuality is illegal in Evanston. Great-great grandfather Lionel put it forth," Cady replies. "Due to my status I likely would be able to avoid arrest, and would be exiled instead. I'm fine with that."

"Hm. May I tell you another tale?" Her mother asks, squeezing her hand. Cady nods. "Do you know how your father and I met?"

"No, you've never told me. Surely he had a festival, like the one we tried?" Cady asks, tilting her head.

The Queen shakes her head. "I am not of royal blood, Cadence."

"You what?"

"It's true. I lived in the village as a girl. My parents passed away when I was a teenager, so I took up work in a bakery. Your father was on a tour one day and stopped by. He's always said he fell in love with my croissants first," her mother chuckles. "But it was forbidden for us to be together, as well."

Cady is stunned. "What did you do?"

"Your father insisted your grandfather change the law, or threatened to leave as well," her mother says. "He was the only heir, so your grandfather obliged him. Now it is legal for commoners to marry royalty if approved by the council."

"Oh." Cady says. "Oh!"

"There you go, Cadence. Your father is in his study," her mother says, patting her as she dashes away.

"Wait, can you keep an eye on her, please?" Cady backtracks. "And if a servant boy named Damian comes back, let him in. He's a friend."

"Yes, Cadence, go on now," the Queen chuckles.

Damian enters just as she leaves, just barely missing each other. "Cady, I'm back. I- Your Majesty! My apologies." He stumbles to kneel, bowing his head in shame.

"I'm assuming you are Damian?"

Damian briefly looks up in shock. "Um, yes, Your Majesty."

"Cadence tells me you are a friend. Please stand, there's no need to bow," the Queen says. "Now tell me more about Janis, I understand you've been friends for a while."


"Daddy!" Cady calls loudly as she throws open the doors to his study.

"Cadence? What's the matter? Is Janis alright?" Her father asks once he's recovered from the shock of her sudden entrance.

"She's... it's complicated, I'll explain in a second," Cady pants, stomping up to his desk. "First, I demand you put forth a law to council, to make homosexuality legal. Or I will abdicate and leave the kingdom."

Her father chuckles and pulls her into a hug. "Your mother finally talked to you, eh? I've been waiting for you. It's all written up."

"Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" She throws her arms around him.

"Of course, darling. You'll have to propose it to council yourself, however. My father made me do the same."

"What if they say no?" Cady asks worriedly. Council has never been terribly willing to listen to her.

"They won't. You'll write a speech that will make them say yes, if you're that serious about this girl. I know you will. Get back to her now. Let Sharon know if anyone needs anything." The King says.

"Okay. Thanks, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, Cadence."


Cady comes back to sheer pandemonium. Janis, evidently, has woken again. She's screaming, calling for her mother, her father. For Cady.

Her mother and Damian are trying to hold her still as she thrashes around on the bed, begging for the pain and burning of the fever to stop.

"What the hell happened?! Janis," Cady cries in horror, rushing to her side.

"We don't know, your mother and I were talking and then she just started screaming. She won't hold still, she's going to rip her stitches," Damian says frantically.

"Janis! Look at me," Cady demands, grabbing Janis' face and forcing her to look at her. Her eyes are wide and frantic, but she calms upon seeing her.

"Cady," she croaks.

"Yeah, my love, it's me. I'm here," Cady says with a choked sob.

"Make it stop," Janis begs. "Please."

Cady knows she can't do much for her, which breaks her heart. "Okay, love, I'll make it stop hurting, but you have to hold still. I know it hurts, but you'll make it worse thrashing like that."

Her mother is frantically grinding herbs, to neutralize the pain and put her back to sleep. She adds some hot water to make it into a tea, resting it in Cady's hands.

"Drink this, love, it'll make the pain stop. You're going to be okay, I promise," Cady says, helping Janis to drink her medicine.

Janis does, resting back on the pillows again once she finishes. "Cady."

"I'm right here, my love, you need to rest," Cady comforts. "I'll be here the whole time, you're okay."

"Keep her safe," Janis whispers before she finally slips unconscious again. Cady breaks into heavy sobs, bent over double with the force of it. Damian and her mother wrap her in a tight hug.


Janis spends a majority of the next weeks unconscious. She wakes for a few minutes every day, mind addled with fever and screaming in pain. Sometimes she recognizes Cady, sometimes she doesn't.

Cady pretends to be whoever Janis is calling for, and takes the opportunity to feed Janis broths and water, before she fills her with herbs again and Janis slips away.

Cady is terrified each time. Every time Janis wakes could be the last.

After almost a month and a half of near torture, Janis' fever finally breaks. Cady doesn't notice, deep asleep in a chair next to her with her head slumped over on her bedside.


Janis blinks her eyes open slowly. There's a burning sensation over her stomach, and a strange tingling in her legs. She groans with exhaustion, lifting her head to see where she is. What the hell happened? Am I in a nightgown?

Janis lifts the fabric curiously. She is, she's wearing a soft gown that's a few sizes too small, with a slit cut up the back so it's resting over her like a blanket. There's a weight on one side.

Janis looks and sees Cady, sitting in a chair by her side and slumped over onto her bed. Janis lifts her arm with a great deal of effort, stroking a hand through her hair gently.

Cady's eyes flutter open slowly, before she remembers where she is and sits bolt upright, looking around frantically. "Janis! Jay."

"Hi," Janis chuckles, wincing in pain when she does. "You look like hell."

Cady looks at her in shock, clapping her hands over her mouth as she chokes out a sob of relief. She pins Janis back to the bed, locking their lips together passionately, kissing her hard.

Janis' eyes fly open in shock as she gasps. Cady tastes like the sweetest tea, an elixir of life. She doesn't want to taste anything else again. But she could probably do without the taste of her tears.

Cady pulls back abruptly and apologizes frantically. "I-Janis, I'm-I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have-I mean, you- but you were-and then you-" before she dissolves into broken sobs.

"Hey, Princess, shh," Janis comforts. "Come here." Cady cuddles into her gently as she weeps into her shoulder. "I'm okay, it's okay."

"But you weren't! For-for so long," Cady says desperately. "What do you remember?"

"Um... we were in town. And then-oh." Janis realizes. "I was wounded. How-how long has it been? What happened?"

"Look at your stomach," Cady insists. Janis does, yelping and slapping the blanket back down when she sees the gash that goes across it that's been neatly stitched and covered in... honey? And vodka? "It was a terrorist attack. You saved my life, but he got to you first. You die-you-you died in my arms. I had to-to revive you."

"God. I'm so sorry, Princess," Janis breathes. She had died. In Cady's arms. "Were you hurt?"

"No. You wounded him enough that the other guards could arrest him. He's in the dungeons, they're working on the interrogation. He'll likely be executed," Cady answers with a sniffle. "You're a hero. You saved me."

"I swore I'd protect you with my life," Janis responds. "How long has it been since that day?"

"About a month, I think. I'm not sure," Cady replies, holding her so tightly but also being mindful of her injury. "You-you were... it's a miracle you're alive. The doctor closed your wound, but it was infected. You were so ill, the fever almost killed you again. You would wake up screaming, just b-begging me to make your pain stop, and-and I couldn't do anything." She breaks into sobs again.

"Shh, Cady. Clearly you did something. I'm awake, no fever. And I feel... fine, all things considered," Janis replies. "Were you here with me the whole time?"

Cady nods. "I didn't trust anyone else to know what to do with you, to take good enough care of you. I couldn't leave. I-I love you. I'm in love with you."

Janis had sort of gathered that from Cady's reaction to her being awake. "I'm in love with you too, Princess. I love you so much."

Cady sobs with relief again. "Janis, I want you to retire. I can't lose you again. You almost died before I realized I love you, I don't-I can't go through this again, now that I know. It's too dangerous."

"What else am I supposed to be?" Janis asks. She understands Cady's position, but she's been a soldier for years. It's all she knows. Cady sits up and cups her face, leaning in to kiss her again, gently this time.

"My wife," Cady chuckles. "If you'll have me."

Janis sits bolt upright, hissing in pain. Oops. "Your what?"

"My wife. I've always wished to marry for love. I had resigned myself to marrying for the crown, being forced to marry someone I do not love. But I found you; I love you. Marry me," Cady begs. "You'll be so much more helpful than anyone of royal blood could be."

"But-but won't you lose your title? You've worked your whole life to become Queen, I won't let that all be for naught," Janis insists as Cady props her up gently with pillows so she can sit.

"It won't be. My father has written a proposal to legalize marriage between people of the same sex. I am to write a speech to convince council to pass it. I write well, it will be passed," Cady says with false confidence. "And if it is not, I'll abdicate and leave the throne to my cousin. All I need is you. Living without you for a single month is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. And you know I've never cared for my status."

"I- should we not court one another first? Are you sure?" Janis asks with concern.

"If that is what you wish," Cady deflates slightly. "If you need time to know this is what you desire. I would marry you tomorrow, if I were able."

"No, Princess. I need no time. I've loved you since I met you. Yes, I will marry you," Janis replies. "Just not tomorrow."

Cady chuckles, and leans in for another sweet kiss. "I was just making an expression, my love. We'll wait until you're well again. You have some reading to do, anyway."

"Reading?" Janis asks confusedly. "What for?"

"You'll be ruling with me someday, Jay. You'll be Queen as well," Cady reminds her. "Unless you do not wish to, I would understand. It's a large responsibility."

"I would be Queen," Janis repeats absently. "Oh, god."

"Breathe, my love, it's okay. We'll train you on everything you need to know, my father will hire advisors and tutors for you. You'll be prepared, if you do choose to become Queen," Cady comforts. "And you don't have to decide today."

"What would I become if I chose not to be Queen with you?" Janis asks.

"Princess Consort, probably," Cady responds. "You wouldn't have much in the way of real power, it's sort of an empty title. But if it would make you more comfortable, we'll do it. Whatever you choose."

"Okay," Janis breathes. "I will think on it. But I have a proposal for you as well, Princess."

Cady looks at her oddly. "Okay, what is it?"

"I want you to learn how to defend yourself," Janis says. "I'll get Ron to train you, and help you myself once I'm able again. But we came too close to catastrophe. There's always a chance a guard won't be around to save you. You should know how to fight for yourself."

"Okay," Cady says anxiously. "You make a good point. I'll speak to my parents."

"What do they have to say about all of this?" Janis asks curiously.

"They've been very supportive, actually. I was surprised, I was expecting to be banished," Cady says. "But my father is helping me make our relationship legal, and my mother has actually done a lot in getting you well again. She brought me things for you, and spent time down here so I wouldn't get lonely. She and Damian have gotten quite close."

"You finally met Damian, hm?" Janis asks. "I'm glad you weren't alone with me. I can't have been great company."

"You were fine, my love. I got to read all sorts of stories to you, tell you about the creatures outside your window. But Damian is so lovely, he's an absolute joy," Cady says.

"Aw, thanks," Damian says as he enters the room, not realizing Cady is speaking to a lucid Janis. He gasps when he sees her awake and back to relative normalcy. "Janis! You're okay!"

Janis reaches for him, and he runs over to hug her while being careful of her injury. "Yeah, I'm back. Aww, Dame, don't cry, I'm fine."

"Sorry," Damian sniffles. "I just... I hate to say it, but I was starting to lose hope. I'm just so glad to see you again."

"Was it that bad?" Janis asks. "Cady did say it was a miracle, but..."

"Jan, I had to hold you down as you screamed for your mother and father because of that fever so you wouldn't rip your stitches and hurt yourself worse," Damian sniffs. "Cady's right, it's a miracle you're here."

Janis is leveled by the fact she called for her parents. She's not seen them in years. "I'm sorry, D. I'm better now, we can raid the kitchens together again."

Damian chuckles. "Good. I want to catch up more later, but I have some new nightgowns to make for a certain someone." He glares jokingly at Cady.

"She needed clothes!" Cady defends. "Get out of here, dork, we'll come find you later."

"Okay," Damian laughs. "Love you both." Janis blows him kisses and Cady waves goodbye.

"Well, Jay, what do you want to do now that you're back in the land of the living?" Cady asks with a squeeze of Janis' hand.

"Take a bath," Janis says. "But first..."

"First what?"

Janis pulls her into another kiss. "I've waited so long to do that. I want a lot more, if you're amenable."

"I certainly am," Cady giggles, leaning to kiss her again. "You'll get plenty, we have a month to make up for. Let's go get you clean."

She leaves Janis in bed to go have a servant draw a bath in one of the best bathrooms in the palace. It's not quite the nicest, but since Janis can't go upstairs yet it's the best Cady can do for now.

She returns with the doctor so Janis' stitches can be removed first. Cady holds her hand and distracts her from the large scissors being taken to her gut with cute stories about what she and Damian got up to while she was unconscious.

"Thank you, sir," Janis says to the doctor when he finishes and heads to leave. He nods back, bowing in respect. Janis realizes she'll have to get used to people doing that.

"Alright, my love, everything's ready," Cady says. "Do you think you can stand or should I get a wheelchair?"

Janis doesn't want to be seen as weak. Her whole identity revolves around her strength. "I'm fine, Princess, I'll walk." Cady removes her blankets and gently pulls her upright. Janis feels like she's been kicked in the stomach by a horse.

Cady holds under her shoulders and pulls her to stand. Janis feels steady, but the second she tries to take a step forward her knees buckle under her and she falls into Cady's arms.

"Whoa! Easy," Cady yelps, guiding her to sit again. Janis sighs heavily, looking to the ground. "Hey, love, it's okay. The doctor said this would probably happen, we'll work on getting your strength back up. I'll help you."

"How am I supposed to protect you if I can't even walk?" Janis growls. "I'm useless now, look at me."

"Hey! Don't talk like that," Cady demands, cupping her face to look into her eyes. "Your job isn't to protect me anymore. Your job is to love me, and care for me. And I know you don't have to walk to do that. You're allowed to be weak. I know it's frustrating, but this isn't permanent. It's my turn to take care of you for a while, and you're going to let it happen or so help me I will put you back in this bed myself."

Janis nods sheepishly. "Okay. I love you."

"There we go, that's more like it," Cady smiles, leaning in to peck her sweetly. "I love you too. Wait here."

Cady comes back with a wheelchair, lifting Janis into it gently. "There. Comfy?" Janis just pouts. "Janis, you've been unconscious for a month. You haven't even had solid food in that long. It's gonna take time, but I'm here for you. We're gonna be okay."

"It's not that, I'm sorry," Janis mumbles. "I just realized I must've ruined your birthday."

Cady grins sadly. "I'll have others. If you hadn't done what you did, that might not be the case. I'm just so glad you're back, my love. That's all I wanted. Now come on, or your bath is going to be cold by the time
we get you in it."

Janis has just enough strength to push herself down the corridor with Cady walking next to her. Cady holds the door open for her.

"Should I leave?" Cady asks.

"No, you can stay. Just... uhm... turn around for a moment?" Janis replies, preparing to shift herself into the tub. Cady turns around and covers her eyes, so Janis pushes herself up with a great deal of effort and plops herself in, then removes the gown and covers herself with bubbles. "There, you can turn back now."

Cady turns back around and sits in the now-empty wheelchair next to her. "Ooh, this is fun."

Janis grins happily as she pushes herself in little circles around the room. "You're cute."

"Thanks," Cady giggles. "I try."

Janis has a cloth and bar of soap, so she uses them to clean herself gently, scrubbing away what remains after a month straight in bed. She's lucky her hair was braided when she was wounded. Cady hadn't been able to figure out a way to brush her hair safely, so it would've been a tangled mess otherwise.

Janis removes the leather cord and jumps as Cady crashes into the wall. "Princess, we just got out of the medical wing, I'm not anxious to go back."

"Oops," Cady says sheepishly. She gets out of the chair and sits on the ground by the tub instead. "Your hair is so pretty."

"Mine? Have you seen yours?" Janis responds as she weaves her fingers in to separate the dirty strands of tangled hair. "It was the first thing I noticed about you."

"Really?" Cady asks.

"Yeah. I mean, you weren't looking at me when I first saw you, but it was that and your eyes. And your freckles," Janis says as she rinses the dirt out. Cady helps her to sit back up once she does, since her core is still exceptionally weak.

"I noticed your eyes first too," Cady says quietly. She looks down then and bites her lip. Janis obviously notices and reaches for one of her hands, dripping slightly on Cady's lap.

"What's the matter?" She asks gently as Cady takes hold of her hand.

"Nothing. It's just, when" she trails off. Janis can connect the dots well enough. "Your eyes were open. I can't stop seeing that. Whenever I close my own. It's... haunting."

"I'm so sorry, Princess," Janis says quietly. "Thank you for saving me, by the way."

"I couldn't... I couldn't just leave you there, I had to do something. I'm lucky I knew what to do in the first place," Cady sniffs. "I'm so glad you're alive."

"Believe me, I am too," Janis jokes. "Please don't be sad, I'm back. I won't leave your side again."

Cady grins slightly at her. "You'd better not. Finish your bath, you need to eat as well. Get your strength back."

Janis does, letting go of her hand and finishing cleaning herself off as fast as she can. Cady hands her some impossibly soft towels and a robe to cover herself with temporarily, then turns so Janis can have some privacy.

Janis quickly realizes she can't get up on her own, she's not strong enough to push herself back up. "Um... can you help me out? You'll see me nude at some point, most probably, it might as well be now."

Cady giggles and comes to help lift her out, resting her on one of the towels in her chair and draining the tub. Janis dries herself, and Cady helps her to brace against the wall so she can tie on the robe.

"I should fetch you some clothes, do you have anything in particular you would like to wear?" Cady asks as Janis sits back down and wraps a towel around her head.

"Shouldn't I wear my uniform? I haven't resigned from the guard quite yet," Janis says in confusion.

"Um... you don't have a uniform anymore. For a few reasons," Cady replies. "Your personal one was ruined in... the incident. And we're in the midst of designing new ones, every guard will wear chest armor and a helmet now regardless of where they serve. So it doesn't happen again."

"Oh. That's good," Janis says. "In that case, you can just pick any old things from my trunk, they're all decent, I suppose."

"Okay. Damian will want to see you, I'll meet you there? Can you get there on your own?" Cady asks, holding the door again so Janis can get out.

"Yeah. Thank you, Princess," Janis says as she inches her way down the corridor.

"Hold it! Come back here, you forgot something," Cady demands in her 'royalty voice'. Janis freezes and rolls herself backwards.

"What? I have everything," Janis says confusedly, raising an eyebrow at her.

"No," Cady grins coyly and bends down to press their lips together. "There. I love you." Janis chuckles.

"I love you too."


Janis, Cady, and Damian all spend the evening together. They dine together and chat, filling Janis in on everything she missed while she was out.

Janis and Cady sleep in the same bed for the first time in a long while, and Damian joins them on a cot nearby. He falls asleep almost instantly, leaving the girls alone together.

"Goodnight, Princess," Janis whispers against Cady's lips. "I love you."

"Goodnight, my love," Cady replies. "I love you so much."

They fall asleep wrapped contently in each other, Damian snoring away in the corner. Janis dreams for the first time in a while. She's riding Pancakes with Cady, hearing her laughter and feeling her cling tightly to her. It's the most peace Janis has felt in a long time.

Until Cady suddenly sits bolt upright with a scream next to her and muffles sobs into her hand. Janis rubs her eyes blearily, and squints at the clock in the corner. It's just past three in the morning.

"Princess, what happened?" Janis whispers, reaching to pull Cady into a hug. Cady jumps when she touches her, but throws her arms around her neck and cries into her shoulder. Damian wakes up as well, sitting by the girls on the bed and gently rubbing Cady's back. "Shh, come here, what is it?"

"Nothing, I'm sorry," Cady whimpers.

"It's clearly not nothing, Sunshine, come here," Janis whispers.

"It was... just a dream," Cady chokes. "It... it happened again, but I couldn't-I couldn't get you back. And it was-it was Shane, who did it. I had to-had to watch."

Janis had nearly forgotten about Cady's other major trauma. It makes sense they'd both appear in her nightmares. Janis hushes her sadly.

"Oh, Princess, shh, come here," Janis whispers. "That asshole is long gone, and you brought me back. I'm here, Sunshine, everything's okay."

"I'm sorry," Cady sobs. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"If you're this upset, we want you to," Damian says gently. "Janis is fine, nobody can hurt any of us. You guys should go back to sleep."

"Stay, Damian, please?" Cady sniffles. "I'll feel better with both of you here."

"Sure," Damian says. Janis lays them down and holds Cady to her chest while Damian goes to grab his pillow and blanket. He tucks them all in and cuddles into Cady so she's nestled in between them. She's still weeping gently, but her sobs are slowing.

"Listen to my heartbeat, Sunshine. It beats for you," Janis mumbles as she kisses her forehead. "I'm here."

They fall back asleep like that, all three of them holding and comforting one another.


The next morning, the King and Queen request that Janis join the family at breakfast. Janis dons her nicest casual clothes and allows Cady to brush and style her hair for her.

"Do I need to do anything special?" Janis asks anxiously. "They never taught me dining etiquette, what if I do something wrong?"

"Janis, it's just a meal," Cady says gently as she braids the top half of her hair into a crown and pins it at the back of her head. "Just eat the food and speak to them. They probably just want to fill you in and start preparing you for your studies, things of that sort. You'll be fine."

"Okay," Janis says. "I'm just nervous. I don't think your mother likes me very much."

Cady chuckles. "She's just like that. She certainly likes you well enough now. And my father adores you. He brought all of his work down with him one day while you were healing so he could be with us."

"That's nice of him," Janis replies. Cady holds up a mirror so Janis can see her hairdo. "This is nice. Not in my face but still fancy looking."

"You look dashing," Cady says, bending down behind her to kiss her cheek. "Now come along, we're late."


Cady holds the large double doors open for Janis and follows her in. "Good morning mother, good morning father."

Janis knows just enough about royalty to be confused by the table set up. The King is at the head of the table and the Queen is at his right side, that's all correct. But by his left hand, where the King's third in command is supposed to sit, there's no chair. It's clearly reserved for Janis. Cady sits in the chair next to her mother, but she's supposed to be in Janis' spot.

"Is something the matter, Janis?" The King asks politely when she doesn't move. Janis looks up at him in shock.

"Um... am I supposed to be there, Your Majesty?" Janis asks, pointing to the spot.

"Yes, you are," The King replies. "For today, at the very least. We wish to thank you for what you've done, to save Cadence as well as the future of this kingdom."

Janis blushes as she makes her way over. "I was just doing my job, Your Majesty. You hired me to keep her safe."

"This is true, but we did not hire you to willingly put yourself in harms way to protect her when someone else could have taken that on," The Queen pipes up. "You performed a truly heroic act, that day. Everyone is grateful to you."

"And you did more than stop just one terrorist, isn't that right, father?" Cady adds. Janis looks between them in confusion.

"Yes, indeed," The King replies. "The man you faced that day was the first of a number of others. He's part of a group of anti-monarchical terrorists from out of the country. They're cropping up more and more in other kingdoms. Because of you, we now have valuable intelligence about the other members. Duvall is putting a team together to handle them all."

Janis is leveled. She had only followed her instincts. Nothing mattered in that moment other than protecting the Princess. "Um... I'm not sure what to say. May I ask what is to be done with the man I faced?"

"We thought it best to let you decide," The Queen answers. "If you choose to rule alongside our dear Cadence, you'll be forced to make several tough decisions. This will be a good first step, if you would like to follow through with it."

"Am I allowed to speak with him?" Janis asks.

"Absolutely not," Cady insists, suddenly looking up from her plate.

"Cadence," her mother says quietly.

"No! He killed you, Jay! I won't let you face that villain again," Cady says frantically.

Janis looks nervously to the other royals. "May I have a moment with her, please?"

"Of course. Cadence, behave," the King chides. Janis rolls herself just out the door, and Cady follows quickly.

"Janis, what the hell are you thinking? You want to speak to the man who-who nearly put you in your grave?" Cady says quickly as she paces in front of the door. "I won't allow it."

"Do I not deserve that closure?" Janis asks quietly, stopping Cady in her tracks. "I understand that you're frightened, but if I have the opportunity to, I must. And he can't hurt me again. If he's in the dungeons, he has no access to weapons. He won't even be able to reach me around the bars, he's in a cell. If this is to be my first decision as royalty, I want it to be an informed one."

Cady looks at her. "I just don't want you hurt again. What if seeing him triggers something in you? Or what if he's got something hidden and attacks you again?"

"Come here," Janis says, reaching for her. Cady shuffles over and sits on her lap gently. "What if I take Ron with me? I'll get him to search the man and his whole cell, and he can stay with me while I speak with him. If something happens he can remove me right away."

"I suppose," Cady grumbles. "Ron and someone else, as well. I want a minimum of two guards with you."

"Whatever you want, Princess," Janis replies. Cady rests her head on her shoulder and sighs against her neck.

"Are you angry with me?" She mumbles.

"Of course not," Janis replies. "It's understandable for you to be protective, Sunshine. I'm not looking forward to it, but I need... I need answers."

"And what if you don't get them? What if he won't speak with you?" Cady asks.

"Then I'll have learned my lesson about expecting criminals to converse with me and live my life not knowing why he tried to kill the love of my life. I'll move on, be happy with you," Janis says. "It'll take time, we both have a lot of trauma. But this would help me deal with mine."

"If it's that important to you, I suppose I have no choice but to let you," Cady mumbles. "But I'm not pleased about it."

Janis chuckles. "I didn't think you would be. Do you have anything else you'd like to argue with me about or can we go have breakfast?"

Cady swats her shoulder gently. "I wasn't arguing. Let's go back in."

"You were so arguing, Princess," Janis teases. "Go on."

Cady sheepishly returns to her spot, and Janis does the same. The King grins at them. "Everything sorted, ladies?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Janis says. "When am I able to speak with him?"

"Whenever you feel that you're ready," the King says gently. "But please don't force yourself into it."

"I won't, Your Majesty, thank you," Janis replies and finally gets to dig into her breakfast of pancakes. She thinks Cady might have something to do with that.

"There's no need for the titles anymore, Janis. You are to be family soon," the Queen says. "I hope."

"Yes, Your-um. What shall I call you, then?" Janis stutters.

"Chip and Betsy will do just fine," the King pipes up after he swallows a mouthful of fruit juice. Janis had never anticipated being on a first-name basis with the King and Queen.

"Okay. But yes, I accepted Cady's proposal," Janis says quietly. "She says we will be married when I am well again."

"Good. Once Cadence has made her proposal to council we'll begin preparations straightaway," the Queen says happily.

Now Janis just has to get better.


The next week, preparations are made for Janis to speak with the man who nearly ended her life for good. Ron, Mike, and Kevin would be accompanying her.

"Princess, I promise I'll be fine," Janis comforts a shaking Cady. "I have the captain of the royal guard and two of his best men with me, and the terrorist will be behind bars the whole time. I'll be back in an hour and then we can move on with our lives and never think about him again, I promise."

Janis makes a big deal about promises. She only makes ones she knows for a fact she can keep. Cady knows this, so the promises that she's going to be okay actually soothe her quite a lot.

"Okay. I love you," Cady mumbles anxiously. "Be safe, please."

"I will be. I have you to come back to," Janis says. "I love you too, Princess."


Ron meets her outside Cady's door to help escort her to the dungeons. Janis is actually more nervous than she let on. She knows there's no chance of her being hurt again, but she doesn't know what being face to face with this scoundrel again will do to her mentally.

The stairwell down is thin enough that she can actually walk, bracing herself against each wall and taking impossibly careful steps. Cracking her head on a stone would
be an unfortunate series of events after such a miraculous recovery.

She makes her way over to the thoroughly searched man inside his cell, gratefully taking an offered seat just outside. The three men accompanying her wait at the perfect distance. They're just far enough away that they can't hear their conversation, but close enough to see and hear if something should go awry to save Janis.

He looks much worse for wear than the last time Janis saw him. His face is gaunt and sunken, and he subconsciously holds the area where Janis stabbed him so many weeks ago. He received the same medical care she did, so she knows he must be healed by now.

"Who're you?" The terrorist growls angrily. Janis can tell from his accent that he's not from anywhere even near Evanston.

"Do you not recognize me?" Janis responds politely. "Or do I need to be bleeding out in front of you for that?"

"Ah. The soldier," the man grumbles. "Defending your precious Princess."

"Yes, I was, actually, since that's my job," Janis says.

"'Ow old're you?" The terrorist suddenly asks. He doesn't look remorseful, but Janis can detect a glint of something in his eye.

"Eighteen," Janis replies coolly. "Barely."

"Cripes," he breathes, bending to rest his head in his hands. "Why're you 'ere?"

"I want to know why. Why you did this to me, why you tried to kill the Princess," Janis says quietly. "That's it. I am to decide your fate. I want to make an informed decision."

He looks rather startled to learn that the his fate is to be decided by this young girl that he brutally attacked. "Ask them. I already told everything."

"I want to hear from you. Not them. I'm not deciding whether they all live or die, but I am doing so for you," Janis insists.

"Why? You ain't royal," the man growls.

"Because I am the one you wounded," Janis replies. She nearly tells him that she is about to be royalty, but realizes that has a higher potential of making him biased against her. "The royals have graciously allowed my input."

"Graciously, my arse." the terrorist spits. "Royals ain't never gracious."

Janis is getting nowhere, so decides to change the subject. "Where are you from?"

"Winter River," the man says confusedly. "Wha's it to you?" Janis has heard of that kingdom. They had recently had an uprising of the people following what occurred in Russia, their monarchy was overthrown. The uprising itself was brutal, but now that they were in the process of rebuilding, they were prosperous and peaceful.

"That's a ways away. Why did you come here?" Janis replies, ignoring his question.

"Continue what we started," he says. "Rally the people."

"If that's all you wanted to do, why the attack on the Princess? The people love her, they would never have joined you. Especially if you murdered her on her eighteenth birthday," Janis challenges. "The monarchy in your kingdom was corrupt. You were right to overthrow them. It isn't like that here. Did you not see the peace, the joy of the people on the streets? This is a small kingdom. Even the poorest of people are happy with the way most things are. And Cady will only improve things."

"I didn't know she's so young," the man says. There's the hint of remorse Janis was looking for. "Wasn't s'pposed to get to me. They didn't tell me anythin' about 'er."

"What do you mean, it wasn't supposed to get to you?" Janis asks confusedly.

"We 'ad others at all the stops. Too many other people stuck 'round there. Couldn't follow through. She wasn't s'possed to make it as far as me." He mumbles. That's concerning information.

"Why did you do this if you know nothing about the way things go here? Why try to kill her if you know nothing about her?" Janis asks. She's about to hear what she needs to, she can feel it.

"Vengeance," he spits. There it is. "I wasn' there, when the revolt star'ed back home. They-they took them."

"Who?" Janis asks gently. "What happened?"

"My love. And my boy," the man mumbles. "'E was only thir'een. Wanted to join the revolt. 'E got taken. Arrested. My wife wen' after 'im. Took 'er too. Killed 'em both in front of me."

"I'm so sorry," Janis says. "I lost my family too. I was disowned when I was twelve. I don't know if they're even alive." Janis knows all she needs to, now. This man isn't who she had expected to speak with.

"I'm sorry for you too," the man replies with tears in his eyes. Janis seems to have gotten through to him. "Sorry I put you 'ere, too."

"I've recovered. I'll continue to do so," Janis says. "Goodbye. I wish you the best."

"Good-goodbye," the man stutters.


Cady runs to her when she finally makes her way into the throne room, having been waiting there with her parents.

"I'm fine. I told you everything would be okay," Janis comforts as her fiancée throws her arms around her neck. "No new injuries, nothing set me off."

"Good," Cady breathes. She returns to her throne next to her parents.

"Well, Janis, have you reached a verdict for the villain?" The Queen asks.

"I have. I wish for him to be exiled permanently, and to be thoroughly questioned and searched should he ever make an attempt to return," Janis says, trying to practice speaking as eloquently as she can. "In addition, the guards should be retrained in assessing crowds for threats. He has informed me that he was the last resort, and that other assassins were waiting at every stop. They all decided not to act simply due to the size of the crowds present. We got lucky."

Cady looks aghast at the fact that Janis hasn't ordered his execution. Personally, she wanted vengeance for what happened to Janis. Begrudgingly, she accepts that it is to be Janis' decision, and that she made it based on information she wasn't privy to.

"It shall be done. Have you any other points?" The King asks with a proud glint in his eye.

"One, sir. I want Cady to learn defense and weapons skills," Janis says boldly. "She is not a damsel in distress or a prize to be won. She's come too close several times to bodily harm or worse, she was simply lucky someone was there. She should know how to save herself. Or prevent things of that nature from happening in the first place. Just a few basic self defense moves and skills with the sword and bow will suffice."

The Queen looks slightly more disgruntled at this, but does agree to it when the King leans in to discuss with her. "Very well. Excellently done, Janis. You have exceeded even our highest expectations. Your resignation from the guard is accepted, and we are eager to begin your royal studies."

Janis heaves a sigh of relief and slouches slightly in her chair. Cady grins widely at her. "May we be excused now, please?"

"Of course. Go be kids, you've done enough adulting for the day," the Queen orders. Cady runs towards the door, and Janis pushes herself after her quickly.

"They're right, you know," Cady says once they're alone. "You really did a superb job, there. I'm so proud of you. You'll make an excellent leader, however you choose."

"You're not angry I didn't order him to be killed?" Janis asks.

"I'm not pleased, but I know it's petty of me to order his execution simply because he hurt you," Cady replies. "You did something out of the ordinary, here. You clearly based your choice off of some information I don't know."

"I suppose," Janis says. "He was... misguided, I would say. If he had said that he just wanted to overthrow the monarchy here to continue what's happening elsewhere, I would have gone through with it. But he didn't even know anything about Evanston. He joined his group to get revenge on all monarchy. He's from Winter River, the monarchy there killed his family. He's grieving and went about it the wrong way."

"That's good of you, Janis. Maybe you should do this sort of thing more often," Cady says gently. "How did you get him to tell you?"

"Please, no, this alone was almost too much for me," Janis chuckles. "I just... spoke to him. I don't forgive him for what he did to us, but if you treat anyone with dignity there's always a chance they'll respond in kind."

Cady freezes and turns to look at her. "You," she says, cupping Janis' face and kissing her. "Are impossibly wise. I've trained for my whole life to deal with situations like this, and I would have never thought to do what you have."

"Maybe I should be Queen then," Janis jokes.

"Is that what you want? You've proven today that you'd be excellent at it," Cady replies. "I could use your input either way."

"Um... yes. I want to rule with you, help you be Queen. I'll become Queen as well," Janis replies. Cady kisses her again happily.

"You've always been Queen to me. Queen of my heart," she says. "You'll make a wonderful Queen, my love."

"So will you. What should we do with the rest of today?" Janis replies with a grin.

"You should decide, you've had a stressful day," Cady says gently. "Damian said he has something for you, though. Shall we go see him?"

Janis nods, so they make their way down to the servants area of the castle. "Oh, Janis, darling! It's wonderful to see you well, how have you been?" Ms. Norbury, the head housekeeper, says when they're just outside the sewing room. Janis has always loved her, Ms. Norbury was the closest to a mother she could get when she first arrived at the palace.

"I've only been awake for a few days, but I feel fine," Janis replies, begrudgingly accepting a hug. "Better with each."

"Grand," Ms. Norbury replies. "Well, I must be off. Come see me soon, girls. Join me for tea."

"We absolutely will," Cady replies as Ms. Norbury dashes away. "She was always one of my favorites. She used to play with me when my parents were busy."

"She's always been my favorite too," Janis replies. "She taught me how to sew and gave Damian and I passes to steal extra from the kitchens when we were hungry as kids."

"How sweet," Cady coos. She pushes the door open. "Damian? Are you here? Oh, is that what I think it is?"

Damian looks up and hastily hides a letter he was reading through. "No! It's nothing. Hi."

"That's the most suspicious you've ever fucking acted, what is that?" Janis asks knowingly.

"A letter." Damian replies childishly. Janis inches her way around the mess of tables to thwack him on the head.

"I know that, dipshit, who's it from?" Janis grumbles. "You're grinning at it like your favorite meal."

"It's... from Aaron. Cady's mother helped me set up a way for us to send letters back and forth privately," Damian mumbles sheepishly.

Cady smiles happily, which Janis wasn't expecting. She had really liked Aaron, Janis would've expected Cady to be jealous of Damian. But she's clearly not.

"Oh, wonderful! Is Aaron well?" Cady asks happily. "He must visit soon, we could go on double dates."

"He seems well, yeah," Damian says shyly. "I'll let him know you want him to visit."

"Damie's in looooooooooooove!" Janis squeals happily. "With a booooooy!"

"Janis, I swear to god," Damian groans. "I still have needles and you still have eyes, I don't care if you just came back to life."

"Okay, whoa," Cady says, pulling Janis backwards slightly to break them apart. "Play nice. Dame, you said you had something for us?"

"Oh! Yeah," Damian suddenly seems very excited. "My friend Karen, she's an inventor. She's been working on new designs for machines to help the elderly get around, and she was wondering if Janis could try this."

He pulls around a contraption that looks to be a series of metal bars welded together with wheels on the bottom. "She calls it a walker. You hold yourself up like this. And, for you anyway, it'll help you build the strength in your legs until your muscle tone comes back enough that you can walk on your own."

Janis will do anything to be able to walk again. She'd anticipated being stuck in this wheelchair for a minimum of a month. "I'll try it."

Damian positions it in front of her, and Cady helps push her upright once Janis grabs onto the rubber covered handles. Damian is waiting in front and Cady is behind her in case something goes wrong, so Janis takes a tentative step. Then another. Then another.

"This is incredible," Janis breathes excitedly.

"It should help you re-learn faster," Cady says happily. "You seem more stable already, you couldn't even do one step with me holding you up the first day. You'll be back in no time, love."

Janis' excited smile is the cutest thing she's ever seen.


"Here, Princess, you can wear these. They're clean, I promise," Janis says roughly a week later, handing over one of her practice outfits. It's simple, just some plain brown trousers and a blue tunic, along with some boots. "I'll see if Damian can make you something better."

Cady takes the clothes and heads behind the changing screen, coming back with the sleeves way past her hands and the trousers a bit baggy. Janis thinks she looks absolutely adorable.

"Oh, this is so comfortable," Cady sighs happily as she spins around in front of the mirror. "I had no idea trousers were so lovely. They're so light!"

"I know they are," Janis chuckles. "You look beautiful, Princess. Come here."

Cady sits next to her on the bed, allowing Janis to help her roll the sleeves up so she can use her hands and tie her hair back so it's out of her way. Cady tucks the trousers into the boots, and borrows a belt to hold them up at the waist.

"There. Now you look like a proper soldier," Janis compliments. "Ron's waiting for us in the yard, come on."

Cady walks beside Janis as she inches herself down the corridor, occasionally bouncing or twisting to test out her new garments. She grins happily every time.

"Ah, hello, Your Highness!" Ron calls once they reach the end of the corridor. Janis scoots herself to sit on the short steps to watch them, but Cady goes down into the yard to shake his hand.

"Hello, Captain, it's lovely to meet you," she says politely. Ron chuckles.

"Lovely to meet you as well, Your Highness. Now, I'm not going to treat you like the Princess, here. You're going to be put through the same stuff I put everyone else through when they first join my ranks," he says. Cady nods confidently.

"I can do it."

"Good! Now, your first weapon is always your voice," Ron says, getting right into it. "If someone were to approach you, wanting to hurt you, what would you do?"

"Um... I would probably run," Cady says anxiously.

"That can be a useful strategy, but say you couldn't run away. Then what?"

"I would say 'please leave me alone'," Cady says.

"That's... a good start," Ron says. "But I want you to think more along the lines of 'back off!' or 'get away from me!'"

"But that would be rude," Cady admonishes. "I couldn't do that!"

Janis snickers from her spot. "Princess, if they're trying to kill you, it's okay to be rude."

"Oh yeah," Cady says. "I would say 'back off, motherfucker!'"

"That's more like it!" Ron congratulates. "We'll work on that. Noise helps, and you need more power behind it. For now, would you like to start with the sword or the bow?"

"Um... the sword, please," Cady hums nervously. Ron picks up the training sword and hands it to her. Cady instantly drops it and has to jump away to avoid losing a toe. "Whoa! That's heavy, I'm sorry."

Ron just laughs and hands it to her again, making sure she has a solid grip on it first. "That's quite alright, Your Highness. Here you are, let's try this again."

Cady manages to keep it in her grip this time, holding it aloft and giving a delighted laugh. Janis is a little concerned, but remembers the power she felt on holding her first sword and just laughs with her.

Ron brings over a straw man and runs over to stand by Janis, just letting Cady go at it to see what she'll do inherently. Cady gives a guttural grunt and immediately lops his head off, following with a series of random jabs in the abdomen.

"She's really going for it," Ron mutters slightly anxiously. Cady gives another battle cry and cuts off an arm.

"She's been through some stuff," Janis mutters back. "Just let her get it out, she'll probably calm down."

Once the dummy is sufficiently mutilated for Cady's taste, she turns around to face them, panting heavily. "Did I do it?"

"Uh, yeah! You... did a little more than we thought," Ron replies. "Very well done."

Cady beams happily. "What now?"

Ron doesn't seem to know what to do with her from here. "Um... let's move on to archery for a while. Sarkisian, give her some water."

Cady comes to her fiancée's side and eagerly takes the offered canteen, sucking the water from it hastily.

"Having fun, Princess?" Janis chuckles when she finally breaks away from the bottle.

"Yes! This is awesome," Cady says as she kicks her legs happily. Maybe she wouldn't calm down like Janis had thought.

"You're doing a great job. I've never seen Ron speechless before," Janis chuckles affectionately. "Just don't go too hard, or you'll be too sore to do more for a while."

"Oh. Okay," Cady replies, seeming to calm slightly. "Ooh!" She squeals as Ron comes back carrying a target and a bow and arrows. Never mind.

Cady kisses Janis for strength and heads back over, listening intently as Ron explains the proper stance and way to hold the bow. Cady is left-handed, which makes things interesting for them, but she manages well enough. He runs to use Janis as a human shield once Cady actually has arrows to use.

"Hey!" Janis says as she swats him away. Cady loads up her weapon, gets into the proper stance, and pulls the string back.

"I missed," she says dejectedly once she's fired, missing by about a foot to the side. Janis chuckles.

"Good job, Sunshine!" She calls, and Cady turns to pout at her. "I'm serious! You did good! Try again."

Cady pulls another arrow from her quiver and sets up again. Janis can see the gears turning in her head, learning to adjust her grip slightly and aim carefully. The wind picks up, and she watches Cady adjust accordingly. She fires again, and gasps happily when the arrow makes contact with a resounding thwack.

She barely hit it, it's about six inches to the left of a bullseye, but she still dances around happily.

"I hit it! Jay, did you see?"

"I did, Princess, excellent job," Janis replies. "Do the rest, it's almost dinner time."

Cady does, aiming and firing her remaining eight arrows. She manages to make five of them hit the target, her closest being about three inches away from the center. She rests everything away properly and shakes Ron's hand again, thanking him for the lessons.

"Oh, that was so exciting!" Cady squeals as they walk towards the bathing rooms. Janis is gaining some speed back every day, and is walking longer distances.

"I'm so proud of you, Sunshine. We'll make a fighter out of you yet," Janis chuckles. "Go and get yourself clean, I'll meet you in the dining hall."

"Okay. I love you," Cady hums, leaning in for a kiss. Janis goes to fetch Damian so they can prepare for dinner while Cady goes to take a bath. "I'll see you soon."


Cady gives a resounding groan when she wakes the next morning, startling Janis awake.

"Princess? Whassamatter?" Janis slurs, hauling herself to sit. Cady blinks at her wearily.

"I can't move," she whines. "Everything hurts."

Janis rubs her eyes with a chuckle. "I warned you."

"Yeah, after I had already pulled every muscle in my body," Cady grumbles. "How do you make it go away?"

"Wait here," Janis huffs affectionately. She pulls herself out of bed and heads into their en-suite, filling a glass of water from the tap.

"Janis," Cady says excitedly when she comes back.

"What?" Janis asks in confusion.

"Look down," Cady grins. Janis does. She forgot to grab her walker, she made it there and back on her own steam for the first time since her injury.

"Holy shit!" Janis calls, nearly dropping the glass in her hand. "Ha! Eat that, stupid muscles."

"Good job, love," Cady says. "Come here."

Janis crawls back into bed and pulls her fiancée on top of her for kisses. She'd learned the hard way that Cady really did not like when things were the other way round, so she does this instead.

"Oh, Princess, I'm sorry," Janis says hastily when Cady gives a pained whimper at the motion. "I forgot, I'm so sorry."

"It's fine," Cady says, wincing as she's laid back down. "God, how do you deal with this?"

"It won't happen forever, eventually you'll get used to it," Janis replies as she hands her the water. "But for now, hydrate, rest, and heat. I can also massage you if you think that would help."

"Anything," Cady says desperately. "Please."

"I'm sorry you're so sore, Princess," Janis says gently as Cady slowly turns to lie on her tummy. "It really does stop hurting so much once you get used to working your muscles."

"My hands hurt so badly," Cady says with a relieved sigh as Janis starts rubbing her shoulders. "Is that normal?"

"Yes, it's from the force of the sword, most probably," Janis replies. "You did more than we were expecting, yesterday. I'm proud of you, Sunshine."

"Why do you call me that?" Cady asks quietly with a happy grin on her face. "I like it, but why?"

"Because you light up my world," Janis replies sheepishly. "You always have, since the day I met you. Even when you're sad, even when I'm sad. I just look at you and the clouds sort of part. At least for a while."

"How poetic," Cady teases. "I love you, Jay."

Janis works her way down Cady's back. "I love you too, Princess. So much."


After another month, Janis can walk fully again with no support. She had taken to using a cane for a while and could do short distances, but with Cady's help doing her exercises, she quickly recovered her strength.

Cady has also made a remarkable amount of progress, and improves in leaps and bounds once Janis is able to help teach her. Janis even joins in sometimes to get more of her strength back. Cady loves sparring against her fiancée an almost worrying amount.

The preparations for their wedding take another few months, since they have to send invitations to other kingdoms by ship and await their responses, as well as handling everything domestically. Damian refuses to let Janis see any of the plans for Cady's wedding gowns, much to her dismay. Janis had elected to wear her old dress uniform, newly decorated with medals of bravery and honor, to honor the way she'd met her love. Luckily, that one is still intact and tucked safely in her trunk.

Finally, in July, the day arrives. It's impossibly warm outside, and Janis' nerves aren't helping.

"Janis, calm down. Everything's going to go beautifully," Damian comforts as he styles her hair in an intricate series of twists and braids to form an elaborate updo.

"What if it's all a trick?" Janis mumbles nervously.

"Janis, you were in a coma for a month and Cady barely left your side once," Damian says. "And the King and Queen have been working with you for months on stuff, it would reflect badly on them to lie to you. They all love you. I'll be calling you Your Majesty by the end of the day."

The royals had announced their abdication the week prior, deciding to step down from the title but still act as advisors and mentors to Cady and Janis as they got their bearings as the first ever joint Queens of Evanston. Janis and Cady would be married and then coronated in the same ceremony.

"No you will not," Janis demands. "I'm still not used to it. You're not allowed to call me that, ever."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Damian teases. Janis swats at him behind her head. "There. Beautiful. Oh no, hold on, we lost it. Ah, there."

"You absolute cad," Janis grumbles. She turns around to bury her face in his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jan. Let's go get you wed," Damian chuckles.


Ron and Damian both give Janis away in place of her father. She hugs them both tightly when she reaches the altar, her eyes already watering as she sees them cry. Damian is one of her best men, along with Aaron, who's visiting from his own kingdom for the occasion. Cady and Janis were sharing best men and maids of honor, as well.

She takes a second to breathe, wiping her eyes before the organist suddenly picks up again. Janis snaps to look to the door, ignoring the sea of people between them.

She gasps and almost falls down when she sees Cady, Damian has to catch her and push her back up.

Cady looks radiant. Her dress is long and absolutely massive, with big poofy skirts starting at her waist and flaring behind her. The bodice is tightly corseted, which makes Janis a little worried about her ability to breathe, but Cady doesn't seem to mind. The sleeves are puffed at her shoulders and then tight around her arms, ending roughly in the middle of her forearm.

Her hair is loose in her natural curls down her back, and Janis can see her wide, delighted smile through her veil. Cady hugs her parents tightly when they reach the altar before coming to stand in front of Janis.

The bishop may as well be speaking French for all Janis can understand, lost in her almost-wife's eyes. Damian has to jab her in the back when it's time for her vows, which she quickly forgets in favor of staring at her love again. She finally tunes back in when Cady begins her own.

"Janis, my love," Cady says, already crying slightly from Janis' vows. "I don't know if you remember, but I met you for the first time exactly a year ago. Right away, it was like we'd known one another for our whole lives. In a single year, you've given me the happiest moments of my life. And, in the same amount of time, one of the worst. Living without you was the hardest thing I've had to do. Seeing you injured and ill will stay with me forever."

Janis reaches to hold one of her hands as Cady's voice breaks.

"So, instead, I vow to be with you forever and for always. I vow to love you, even when you steal from my plate and take the blankets in bed. I vow to take care of you when you're ill or hurt, and to treasure the moments we have together when we're both well. I vow to protect you the way you protect me, and heal with you as we grow on this journey together. I love you so much, Janis Sarkisian."

Janis is fully weeping by this point. She never thought this would happen to her, so many emotions are running through her mind at this moment. Cady reaches to brush her tears away with a grin.

The bishop pronounces them wives and says they may kiss, so Janis grabs her wife's face and pulls her in happily.

"Hi wife," she whispers against her lips when they pull back for a second. Cady smiles delightedly.

"Hi wife."

They head back up the aisle and out of the room, and Janis immediately picks her wife up to spin her around. Cady squeals and clings to her happily.

"Jay! Since when can you lift me?" Cady asks happily.

"Since always. But recently, probably about a week and a half ago," Janis responds.

"Very impressive," Cady purrs, leaning in for a kiss. "We're married, Jay."

"We are, Sunshine. Should we go become Queens?" Janis responds happily.

"Indeed," Cady says, offering an arm to lead her back in for the next ceremony. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Your Majesty?" A servant named Gretchen asks at the ball to celebrate, having to repeat it a few times before Janis realizes she's speaking to her.

"Oh, my apologies! Yes?" Janis asks, turning away from her wife for a second.

"There's a young girl outside who seems desperate to speak with you. She says you're her sister?" Gretchen replies, seeming very anxious.

Janis chokes on a sip of her wine. "Did she give a name?"

"She says it's Juliana, Your Majesty," Gretchen says. "Do you wish to see for yourself or shall we send her away?"

Cady suddenly returns from where she's been conversing with Aaron and Damian. "What's the matter, my love?" She asks worriedly.

"Um... apparently my sister is here. She wants to see me," Janis replies in confusion.

"Oh," Cady says. "Do you want to see her?"

"Yes," Janis says. "I really do."

"Well, go on then. Shall I come with you, or do you want to be alone?"

"I'm not sure if it's actually her yet, I haven't heard from her in six years, I don't even know what she looks like," Janis says anxiously. "But you can come if you like."

Cady nods and takes her hand, both of them following after the servant as they're led to one of the holding rooms.

"Julie?" Janis asks apprehensively as they enter, and a young girl snaps to look at them.

"Janis!" she says excitedly as she rushes to hug her. The guards attempt to stop her, but Janis waves them off and crouches slightly to look closer at her features. They share the same warm brown eyes, and round full cheeks. This girl has the same freckle on the tip of her nose that her little sister has.

"Prove you're my sister, first. When's your birthday?" Janis asks.

"March fourteenth," the girl replies. That's the same, too.

"What was the last thing I said to you before I left?" Janis asks to seal the deal.

"Be brave, I'll always love you," the girl replies easily.

"It is you," Janis sobs happily, hugging her so tightly. "God, you've gotten so big! How old are you now?"

"Twelve," Julie says with a grin.

"And mother and father? Where are they?" Janis asks. She hadn't expected anyone to show up, but Julie had to have gotten here somehow.

"Um... they died, two winters ago. The flu did it," Julie says sadly. Janis holds her a little tighter.

"Oh. Where have you been staying, since then?" Janis asks worriedly. Julie looks about the same as she did when she first arrived here.

"I move every night. Sometimes the bakers let me sleep inside if it rains or snows," Julie says casually. So she's been living on the streets as well.

Cady decides now is a good time to step into the conversation. "Hi, darling. Can I talk to Janis for a moment? You can have her right back."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Julie replies, curtsying politely. "I'm sorry if I ruined your wedding."

"No, Jules, not at all. We're so happy to see you, we just need to chat for a moment," Janis comforts with another hug.

Cady pulls her into a corner. "Do you want her here?"

"Yes," Janis says. "Could we do that?"

"Of course," Cady says gently. "She's technically part of the royal family now, she's perfectly welcome. She's adorable, she looks just like you."

"We both take after our mother," Janis says fondly. "Thank you, I love you so much."

"Of course. I couldn't let her stay on the streets. I want to work on that as soon as possible as well, for other children. Some sort of place for kids who have nowhere else to go," Cady replies. "Julie, could you come here, please?"

Julie comes skipping over happily and bows again. She's been on the streets for even longer than Janis was, but her spirits don't seem dampened even slightly. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"How would you like to live here, with us? You can see Janis every day, and won't have to be in the cold anymore," Cady says gently.

"Here? In the castle?" Julie asks with wide eyes. "Are you sure, Your Majesty?"

"Absolutely, you're family. I'm so happy I get to meet you," Cady says. Julie runs to hug her desperately.

"Thank you!" Julie calls loudly, muffled by her dress.

"You're welcome, honey. Gretchen, can you prepare a bath and plate for her? And tell someone to prepare a room?" Cady asks politely as she hugs the small girl back. "We'll get you cleaned and fed, and then Janis and I will come find you in the morning so we can all get to know one another. Does that sound good?"

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty," Julie says, running to hug her sister again.

"Call me Cady," Cady giggles. "You two take as long as you need, I have to get back." Janis kisses her goodbye and continues holding desperately to her little sister.


"Welcome back, love," Cady greets as Janis returns about an hour later. "Is she well?"

"She's delighted, she's so happy to have met you," Janis responds. "Thank you for letting her stay."

"Of course. She seems a lovely girl, I'm excited to have met her too," Cady says. "Come celebrate."

"I love you so much," Janis hums as she and Cady dance together. "My wife."

"I love you too, my wife," Cady giggles happily.


"And then you were born," Cady says, looking down at their six year old son, who looks back at her with wide blue eyes that match her own. Prince Rhys the Second of Evanston.

"Wow, Mama. Did Mommy really get hurt that badly?" He asks in awe.

"She did. It was very scary, for all of us," Cady replies. She had left out most of the details, but had decided he was old enough to know the gist. "But she recovered, and now she can play with you all you want. She healed very quickly."

"Because you took care of her. And you gave her the true love's kiss, to wake her back up," Rhys says with confidence. "That's why she's okay."

"You're right, my little Prince," Janis says as she enters the room.

"Mommy!" He calls, running to her. Janis picks him up to hold him close.

"Hi, my darling boy! Have you been taking good care of Mama while I was away?" She asks. She had been in Sherwood for two weeks, working on re-establishing civility between their kingdoms.

"Yes, Mommy," He replies.

"Good. I've missed you so much," Janis says, kissing his little cheeks as she sets him down to greet Cady.

"Welcome home, my love," Cady says as she leans in to kiss her. "How was your trip?"

"Very dull. I would much rather have been here with you," Janis replies. "And how is this one?"

Cady chuckles as Janis rests a hand on her stomach. "Very active, lately. Must be another little fighter like you."

"God, I hope not. I've already had enough excitement to last a lifetime," Janis sighs. "But it's been so, so worth it. Hasn't it, my little Prince?"

He shrieks with laughter as Janis grabs him to toss him in the air, before she pulls him close to tickle his belly.

"Let's get you to bed, little one, we have a long day of playing to catch up on tomorrow," Janis says, tucking him in.

"Mommy, can I be there when you marry Mama next time?" Rhys asks sleepily as Janis leans down to kiss his forehead. "I wanna see the dresses."

"Sure, my little Prince," Janis responds with a chuckle. "Goodnight. We love you."

"I love you too," Rhys says, rolling over onto his side and drifting off.

Janis follows Cady to their own bedroom, changing into pajamas and crawling into bed with her wife.

"How have things been around here while I was away?" Janis asks as they both lie on their sides to look at each other. It's unusual for Janis to be the one traveling, Cady is usually the one to leave while Janis controls things domestically.

"Good, nothing terribly exciting has happened," Cady responds with a calm smile, glad her wife is home. "Oh, but the midwife did the ring test for the baby the other day."

"And?" Janis asks excitedly. Their midwife has been doing her job for thirty years and her ring test has only been incorrect three times. It was correct for Rhys, anyway.

"She says it's a girl," Cady says happily. "Our little Princess."

"Really?" Janis squeals.

"Mmhmm. What should we call her?" Cady asks, wriggling closer for a cuddle.

"Harmony," Janis says instantly. She's always loved Cady's full name, and decided she liked Harmony almost as much.

"That's beautiful, love. Little Princess Harmony of Evanston," Cady grins. "I love it."

"She seems to as well," Janis chuckles as the baby suddenly kicks against her. "Be nice to Mama, Harmony."

Cady giggles. "I love you, Janis."

"I love you too, Cady."

And they all lived happily ever after.


hope you enjoyed! i'm so sorry.

our status for requests is still the same. i am taking them, but please be aware that it will be july before i can get to anything new. i'm going as quickly as i can.
thanks for reading!

lots of love,

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