Iron Man: My Hero Academia Se...

By Fireheartsage

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Takumi Sakai has become the Iron Man of the MHA world thanks to his mentor, the ghost of Tony Stark, doing on... More

Trailer: The story truly begins
Episode 1: The Black Widow
Episode 3: Two weeks left, scout the competition!
Describing Takumi Sakai
Episode 4: Shadow of the Panther part 1
Episode 5: Shadow of the Panther part 2 (new version)
Episode 6: Shadow of the Panther part 3
Episode 7: The UA Sports Festival finally starts
Episode 8: In their own quirky ways
Episode 9: A Strategic Battle
Bonus omake story: Costume Studies Course?!
Episode 10: The Cavalry Battle's Grand Finale
Episode 11: The lunch amongst heroes.
Episode 12: Who are we gonna fight? The calm before the storm
Episode 13: The Astro Protocol
Episode 14: Battle on Challengers
Episode 15: The forest of bodies, something sinister lurks!
Episode 16: Midoriya vs Todoroki
Episode 17: The clash of technology and nature!
Episode 18: Define your own fate! Takumi vs Shoto!!
Episode 19: The Invincible Iron Man vs The Unstoppable Bakugo!
Post Sports Festival Q and A (Bonus "poster" added)
Episode 20: Massacre Man Nitro!
Episode 21: To pay back a debt
Visual edits of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 22: The Invincible's encounter with the Amazing and the Incredible.
Episode 23: Time to pick some names
Episode 24: Madness in the Streets of Hosu City
Episode 25: The men society failed... Clash of the broken
Episode 26: The battle of the broken comes to an end
Episode 27: The Aftermath of Hero Killer Stain
Episode 28: The Makluan Hunt begins.
Episode 29: Welcome to Murderworld!
Episode 30: The Unworthy Child
One year of Iron Man: My Hero Academia
Episode 31: The boy with the Iron Will
Class 1-A threat levels (as thought by me) as of 'The Hunt begins' arc
Episode 32: Technological clash! Iron Man vs Arcade!
Episode 33: The trial of drawn lines
Episode 34: For the path forward, gift from a friend

Episode 2: Calm before the next storm

1.9K 33 30
By Fireheartsage

As Takumi walked to school the day after he helped Black Widow, he was singing to Michael Jackson's Baby be Mine, taking some time to stop and dance a bit before continuing onward.

"Never took you as a dancer. And... you really are a great singer, you actually sound like Michael Jackson." A new voice said behind Takumi, surprising him out of his vibe. Takumi turned around in horror to see that the person who had caught Takumi in his vibe was Kyoka Jirou.

"Oh, right... you must be one of my new classmates... I'm Takumi Sakai, other wise known as Iron Man..." Takumi replied awkwardly with his hand extended to initiate a handshake. Jirou laughed as she shook his hand.

"I'm Kyoka Jirou... and yeah, I'm one of your new classmates in Class 1-A. So... where did you learn to sing and dance like that?" Jirou asked, clearly not expecting to meet another music lover in her class. Takumi nervously chuckled as they started to walk together to UA.

"Even though I'm Japanese, my Dad was transferred to work in America, and I spend most of my life living in America. While I was going to school there, there was this girl that I thought was pretty cool... she was a dancer and I was TERRIBLE at dancing, so she agreed to teach me, and I honestly originally only agreed to try and impress her. As for singing and guitar playing... I never remembered a time when I didn't do that. So one day, that same girl heard me sing Michael Jackson's Thriller and dared me to try learning some of Michael Jackson's dance moves... then I became a pretty well known Michael Jackson impersonator in my town after I got good at it." Takumi explained with a look of embarrassment. Jirou shook her head in amusement.

"And all of that was originally for a girl?" Jirou teased. Takumi chuckled.

"I was a dumb kid." Takumi replied. As the two kept walking, they saw Fumikage Tokoyami.

"Hey... you must be one of my other new classmates... Tokoyami, right?" Takumi asked. Tokoyami nodded.

"Yes. And you're the infamous Iron Man, right? I'm surprised you didn't fly to school." Tokoyami replied bluntly, but not rudely.

"Now that you mention it, why are you walking to school today?" Jirou asked. Takumi chuckled before he answered.
"With the city having so much focus on Iron Man recently, I just... kind of wanting to take a few moments for me to just be me before class."

Jirou nodded. She never really thought of what it would be like whenever her hero name becomes well known. Nor did she ever think about how she would possibly take the time to just be herself after becoming a pro.

Soon enough they reached UA, where they heard a loud yell.
"TAKUMI SAKAI!!! WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME YOU GOT TRANSFERRED TO THE HERO COURSE?!" The voice of Mei Hatsume yelled in the distance. Takumi's face paled... he forgot to tell her and she sounded pissed! Not to mention the fact that she wasn't tinkering around with her tools for making support items, which meant she now had her undivided attention on him!

"Gotta go!" Takumi told his new classmates as he ran, being chased by a pink haired girl with a giant gun.


"MEI, I CAN EXPLAIN....." Takumi yelled before Mei fired the giant gun and out came a missile the size of a Bullet Bill from the Super Mario series! The issue was... it didn't actually fly very far.

"OH NO... I GRABBED THE PROTOTYPE THAT WASN'T EVEN READY YET!" Hatsume yelled as the giant weapon exploded, leaving a crater in front of the school and a very angry Power Loader.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TESTING BIG WEAPONS IN PUBLIC?" yelled Power Loader, and now it was Mei's turn to run away. Jirou and Tokoyami both sweatdropped at what had just transpired.

A bit later:
After the sheer madness of what had happened in the morning went by, Takumi promised to have a real talk with Mei about everything after class was over. And now, Takumi was sitting down in his seat in Class 1-A.
"You guys? Did you watch the news last night?" Toru Hagakure asked. Takumi froze as he wondered where the invisible girl was going with this.

"Yeah." Mashirao Ojiro replied.

"It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background." Hagakure continued. This reminded Takumi that before they covered the news of his newest escapade as Iron Man, they retold the story of the USJ attack.

"Probably not." Mezou Shoji agreed with Hagakure.

"It is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves." Ojiro pointed out. Denki Kaminari put his arms behind his head and leaned back in his chair.

"We're totally big deals. Those news channels loves us... we're basically celebrities. And speaking of celebrities... I'm wondering what was up with that OTHER news story our classmate Sakai got into." Kaminari said. Takumi sighed. Ever since the news media had managed to snap that photo of Thalia kissing his cheek, it spread through social media like wildfire, and suddenly everyone was wondering if the Iron Man was now off the market.

"Yeah, you helped unite a girl with her mother and got a pretty manly reward for it. She your girlfriend now?" Kirishima asked. Takumi's face went red with a strong blush as he shook his head.

"No, she's not... although we do have each other's numbers but, no the Black Widow and I are just friends." Takumi replied quickly.

"So you have each other's numbers.... ooooo, Sakai." Mina Ashido teased as Takumi buried his face in his desk.

"Then there was that incident earlier with the pink haired chick chasing you... care to explain that, Sakai?" Jirou asked, becoming amused as she watched him squirm.

"Mei Hatsume was my first friend here in UA back when I was in the support course. She was probably the only one who didn't judge me for being quirkless... and she was probably ticked that I forgot to mention my transfer into the hero course to her. She doesn't know I'm Iron Man yet, so she's probably worried I'll just die here." Takumi explained.

"You should have just told her from the start, quirkless." Bakugo told him.

"Going back to the USJ story, did you guys see All Might fighting the bird guy? That dude was super strong amd he still destroyed him!" Rikido Sato asked the class.

"Yes. His strength is truly a thing of wonder." Tokoyami agreed. Suddenly Iida ran to the front of the room.

"Attention. Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats." Iida instructed.

"Uh, we're all sitting." Takumi and Kirishima pointed out in unison.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero continued.

Iida went to his seat with a look of embarrassment.
"Dang it." He said as Uraraka had an amused smile. Takumi chuckled and smiled.

'He really did not think that moment of leadership through.' Spirit Tony said.

"Don't sweat it." Uraraka said. Then, Mina turned to the seat behind her.

"Hey, Tsu. So... who do ya think's gonna teach class today?" Mina asked, at one point almost tipping her seat over, but she was thankfully saved by a push from Tsu to get the chair back in balance.
"No idea. Mr. Aizawa's still in the hospital recovering from his injuries." Tsu answered when the door to the class room opened.

"Morning." Aizawa greeted his class as he stood at the door, his face was covered in bandages.

"Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here?" The students asked in unison.

"Talk about hardcore... to have taken a beating from that Nomu guy and still attend the class after that despite his injuries not fully healing. Yeah, I think hardcore might be a good word for it." Takumi said in surprise.

"No kidding. What a pro." Kaminari added. Iida then raised his hand.

"Mr. Aizawa. I'm glad you're okay." Iida told the teacher.

"You call that 'okay'?" Uraraka asked as she was still stunned that Aizawa showed up, despite having no real time to heal. Aizawa started to make his way to his desk at the front of the classroom.

"My well being is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Aizawa replied as he turned to address his class.

"Our fight?" Bakugo asked.

"Don't tell me..." Midoriya said but couldn't finish the thought.

"Those bad guys came back for a Round 2?" Takumi asked in shock putting his hand near his wristband to activate the Iron Man armor if need be. Aizawa tried to see his students through some gaps in the bandages on his head.

"The UA Sports Festival is about to start." Aizawa explained.

"Yes!" Kirishima cheered in his seat.

"UGH! WHY WOULD YOU SCARE US LIKE THAT?" The other students yelled in unison.

"THE SPORTS FESTIVAL!" The students all cheered in unison after taking a second to process the relief of not having to deal with more villains.

"LET'S GO KICK SOME ASS!" Kirishima yelled. Suddenly Kirishima's face was pushed aside by Kaminari.

"What a second." Kaminari said as he pushed Kiri's face since a thought went through his mind. Apparently, the thought going through Kaminari's mind also went through Jirou's as she spoke up before Kaminari could.

"Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after villains snuck inside?" Jirou asked.

"They could attack once we're all in the same place." Ojiro pointed out.

"Apparently, the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus, they're beefing up security compared to past years. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villains." Aizawa explained.

"Uh, I'm sorry, but why not? It's just a sports festival!" Mineta argued. Takumi groaned from the back of the room.

"Mineta, is it? Don't you get how important the sports festival actually is? Pros from all over come to see the next generations of heroes. It's how they scout us for internships and maybe in the future, actual jobs at various hero agencies." Takumi explained.

"I know that! I just don't wanna get murdered, and you shouldn't either considering the fact that you are quirkless... the sports festival would just destroy you." Mineta replied.

"Not quite. As our first quirkless hero student, Sakai is allowed to use almost any support item he can build that allows him to compete with students with quirks... the only exception being the Iron Man armor itself, which would only be allowed for use IF and only IF, Sakai can make it to the final round of the tournament." Aizawa explained. Bakugo smirked.

"Then I'll make sure he doesn't get close. A quirkless loser shouldn't even be in this room." Bakugo declared, making Takumi roll his eyes.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic games, but then quirks started appearing. Now, the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition. there's only one tournament that matters. The UA Sports Festival." Aizawa continued.

"That's right, and like Sakai has already stated, top heroes everywhere will be watching." Yaoyurozu stated.

"No use having them watch if you're just gonna get killed." Mineta replied

"Sakai was also right about the sports festival being how we get scouted, and that's super important since after graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick." Kaminari explained with a thumbs up.

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks." Jirou pointed out before she looked at Kaminari.

"Actually, that's probably where you're headed. You're kinda dumb." Jirou told Kaminari blunty. Takumi winced.

"I heard of brutal honesty before but that was messed up." Takumi said as his mind was trying to adjust to the fact that Jirou just roasted Kaminari.

"Anyway, It's true that joining a hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. One chance a year. Three chances in a lifetime. No aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival. That means you better not slack off on your training." Aizawa told them.

"Yes sir." The students replied in unison except for Midoriya, who had the festival in mind.

"Class is dismissed." Aizawa told them.

It was the start of lunchtime as the lunch bell rang and Cementos exited the classroom of Class 1-A. While the students knew that UA had to teach other subjects that normal high schools would teach, as well as heroism since it was still a hero school, there was only one thing on everyone's minds... the UA Sports Festival.

"That villain stuff sucked, sure, but I'm pumped for these games!" Kirishima announced excitedly.

"We put on a good show and we're basically on the road to bein' pros!" Sero added as he walked up to Kirishima and Sato. Takumi smiled.

"That means I'm really going to have to up my game, especially if I'm not allowed to go full Iron Man armor mode from the start. And I say, bring on the challenge, being the world's first quirkless hero student just means I need to work harder than everyone... so I'm gonna do my best!" Takumi announced confidently with a smile.

"Well, one cannot argue against the fact that you certainly have the spirit of a hero." Tokoyami told Takumi.

"For sure, but don't forget why the rest of us is here in the first place. We're aiming to be pros, so we are going to do our best too." Sato told Takumi with a smile of his own.

"We get so few chances. We have to make the most of this." Tokoyami told the group.

Hagakure jumped in front of Ojiro and began to speak to him.
"Oh, man, Ojiro. I'm getting kind of nervous about the festival. I have to come up with a way to get noticed!" Hagakure told him.

"Uh, sure." He replied.

"Maybe with a cheer!" Hagakure thought out loud.

"Maybe you should be looking at a shinier costume or something? Otherwise, you're gonna have to try really hard." Ojiro suggested. Takumi chuckled. If there was one thing he already liked about Hagakure, it was her excitable nature.

"My, what's a boy to do? I stand out even when I'm standing still. That means the scouts won't be able to take their eyes off me!" Aoyama said with a pose in front of Koji Koda.

Suddenly Takumi remembered.
'Of course... they don't want me to reveal I am Iron Man until the finals or the end of the Sports Festival... But they never said anything against me using my 'proto' weapons.' Takumi thought.

'Which means, we could make a prototype style suit for you to wear under your UA gym uniform that will allow you to use the weaker versions of your Iron Man weapons. Then you'll be able to fight on equal footing with the others.' Spirit Tony added, liking the way his student was thinking.

"This is gonna be nuts. Everyone's so excited." Midoriya said near Takumi's desk. Takumi turned to see Midoriya and Iida nearby.

"Well, yeah, of course we are! We enrolled at this school with the sole aim to become heroes." Iida pointed out, standing up from his seat as he spoke.

" So naturally, we're all getting fired up." Iida continued as he did some kind of dance of excitement.

"Wow, Iida. Those are some interesting moves. Ribbit." Tsu teased as she and Mina watched from in front of him. Takumi chuckled.

"Yeah. He's right. This is an exciting time for us all, isn't it?" Takumi said.

"Precisely! You both are excited too, right, Midoriya, Sakai?" Iida asked them.

"Well, yeah, or course I am!/ You know it, Sonic." Midoriya and Takumi said at the same time respectively.

"And also nervous." Midoriya added. Before anyone could say anything, Uraraka's voice came into the conversation.

"Deku, Iida, Sakai.." She started. The three friends looked at her, curiously to find Uraraka having the most intense look on her face that the three had ever seen from the girl.

"Let's do our best in the sports festival." Uraraka told them.

"Uraraka, what happened to your face?" Midoriya and Takumi asked in unison. Midoriya looked terrified, Iida looked shocked, and Takumi looked concerned... wondering if he had did anything to piss her off due to the sheer intensity in the look on her face.

"Seriously, what's up? You're normally , like, the most laid back girl ever." Mina Ashido commented as she took a peak at Uraraka's face and saw what caused the reaction out of Takumi, Iida, and Midoriya.

"PMS?" Mineta theorized before he was smacked in the face by Tsu with her tounge. Uraraka raised one of her hands in the air.

"EVERYONE! I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" Uraraka declared.

"Yeah!" Takumi, Midoriya, and Iida all cheered in encouragement at the same time.

"Yeah!" Ashido added. Uraraka then looked over at Kirishima and the group of people he gathered to speak with.

"I SAID, I'M GONNA DO MY BEST!" Uraraka announced.

"Got it..." Kirishima replied in confusion as he and the rest of the class raised their arms up like Takumi and the others did, although they were much more confused about what was going on.

"You ok? You kinda look like you're losing it." Kirishima asked in concern, worried about Uraraka.

'She's certainly fired up.' Spirit Tony commented.

Soon enough, Takumi was making his way to the cafeteria with Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka.
"Hey, Uraraka." Midoriya said.

"What's up?"

"Why did you decide to come to UA? What made you wanna be a pro hero?" Midoriya asked.

"Oh..." Uraraka said, clearly not expecting this question to come up. Takumi then realized... he knew Midoriya's motivations, and he knew Iida's... but why did Uraraka choose this life?

"Well.... because... for the money, really." Uraraka answered. Takumi and Midoriya stopped in shock.

"For the money?" The two asked, as they were not expecting that to be the reason she chose to come to UA.

"You wanna be a hero so you can get rich?" Midoriya asked as Uraraka rubbed the back of her head in shame.

"If we're cutting to the chase, then, yeah. I'm sorry if it sounds greedy. You three all have such admirable motivations... one to become like All Might to inspire people, one to honor a family legacy, one to change the way people see the quirkless and so, open the door for anyone to chase their goals... I hope you three don't think less of me now." Uraraka told them as she looked away from them.

"Not at all! Your goal is to support your wellbeing which is a perfectly admirable ambition to have." Iida pointed out.

"Mm-hm. It's just kind of surprising." Midoriya added.

"Yeah... the way you spoke about being a hero back when I was in the support course... I always thought there was more to it than that. But there's nothing wrong with it at all if I was wrong. Being a hero is a pretty lucrative business, so yeah... you'll be able to sustain yourself." Takumi explained. Uraraka sighed.

"There is more to it, you're not wrong about that, Sakai. The thing is, my family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work lately, so we're flat broke. Anyway, this isn't really something I usually tell other people, but..." Uraraka started to explain. The three boys put one of their hands under their chin in a thinking pose.

"Construction, eh?" Iida thought. Takumi and Midoriya gasped.

"If she got licensed, I bet she could use her quirk to bring cost down a lot." Midoriya stated.

"They could then make some money from selling..." Takumi started.

"Their heavy-lifting equipment. She could float everything!" Iida finished. The three boys smiled, as it seemed that the three of them were on the same wavelength.

"I know right. I've been telling Dad that since I was a kid! But... my parents instead want me to focus on achieving my own goal in life." Uraraka explained as she tightened her fist which was near the skirt of her UA uniform.

"I'm gonna become a pro. I'll sign with a good agency and make plenty of money. Then, I'll be able to let my parents have an easy life!" Uraraka explained. The three boys looked at her in awe. Iida was so moved by this that he raised his arms in the air and applauded her, surprising Midoriya since he was not expecting Iida to react so dramatically.

"That's beautiful! So noble! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!" Iida cheered, surprising Uraraka. Midoriya smiled at her and Takumi hugged her.

"You really are an inspirational hero already, you know... fighting to save the people you love... even if it's financial in this case... that's the makings of a hero." Takumi encouraged her as she hugged her friend back.

'Unlike you and Green, her goals are a lot more grounded... kind of like Clint Barton from my world.' Spirit Tony told Takumi as he let go of the hug. Suddenly another laugh came from the halls, surprising the four friends.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA IS HERE!" All Might declared as he arrived and pointed at Midoriya.

"Whoa, All Might! What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked curiously.

"Lunch! Ya wanna eat with me?" All Might asked as he showed that he had packed Midoriya a lunch box.

"That's adorable!" Uraraka said as she gushed about the situation.

'I swear this happens so often it's almost like All Might adopted Green.' Takumi thought in amusement.

"Sure thing." Midoriya replied as he walked with All Might. The three that were left smiled.

"All Might really has taken a liking to Midoriya." Iida said.

'Of course... one does not choose a successor they are going to hate. Of course, your friends don't know how One for All works, so they have no idea All Might passed his powers over to Green.' Spirit Tony said.

A bit later:
Takumi, Iida, and Uraraka were now standing in line together to get their food.
"I wonder what he wanted with Deku." Uraraka said.

"Sakai... you were there weren't you... when All Might was attacked you and Midoriya tried to save him. Perhaps that's what this is about." Iida suggested.

"That wouldn't make much sense with Sakai still being here with us." Uraraka pointed out.

"Maybe it's what Tsu pointed out on the bus... similar quirks and all that." Takumi suggested, being careful not to say too much.

"Yes, the similarities in the quirks may have peaked All Might's interest and now he's become quite fond of Midoriya. How lucky!" Iida said. Little did the trio know... Shoto Todoroki was listening in on their conversation from ahead in the line.

Eventually, Takumi and friends got to their table and began to eat their food when, to Takumi's surprise, Mei Hatsume came to the table and sat down.
"M-Mei.... you actually CAME to lunch today?!" Takumi asked in shock. Mei looked at Takumi and nodded.

"You have some explaining to do. I know you wanted to become a hero, so I am extremely happy for you for getting transferred in. But you are a quirkless guy and I'm... I'm not sure how you'll be able to handle things... which is why I brought my babies!" Hatsume said as she pointed at a bag full of support items. Takumi chuckled and sighed.

"Uh, who is this?" Uraraka asked.

"My first friend in UA... Mei Hatsume... a true genius in the support course." Takumi replied before he looked at Hatsume.

"I made it to the hero course because I managed to make a case for quirkless heroes with my actions... not my words. It wasn't the most legal way of doing things but, there was no possible way for me to make my case legally.... I was a vigilante... and now I'm on a special deal that allows me to legally fight crime if I am with a Pro Hero or working directly with the police, although it only applies when I'm in Musutafu. Mei... the simplest way to explain how I did all of this is.... I am Iron Man." Takumi told Hatsume. Hatsume looked at him in awe.


"If you add too much, not even the experimental arc reactor that powers the armor would be able to manage it all." Takumi explained. Iida and Uraraka looked at him in concern.

"Arc Reactor?" Uraraka asked. Hatsume shrugged... she never heard of one either. Takumi remembered the excuse Tony had given him to say whenever he needed to explain the reactor.

"The arc reactor is a device originally meant to provide the world with sustainable energy, but... it was lost sometime before we were born, but my dad... before he died... managed to find some schematics that showed how the reactor once worked. It was essentially a fusion reactor that removed electrons from hydrogen atoms. This creates something called an ion plasma... a sort of ultimate source of energy. However, scientist in America were unable to miniaturize the design, making the arc reactor very impractical at it's conception. Somehow I managed to miniaturize it. The energy source is basically endless... to put it into context the sustained fusion reactions like the ones my arc reactor does, operating at a small scale can power a whole block of houses very easily... and for a lifetime." Takumi explained.

"So... you basically have an unlimited energy source that powers your armors?" Uraraka asked in awe. Takumi nodded.

"Unlimited to an extent at least... because of it being miniaturized, if I overload my armors with too many weapons, the energy may overload the components that hold reactor together and then BOOM... I'm dead... so I've been trying to find a way to strengthen the arc reactor materials... find ways to better maintain that crazy amount of energy." Takumi explained.

'Not to mention the fact that the reactor is using a Palladium core... you're lucky it's not directly inside your chest... or you would be getting a major case of Palladium poisoning over time. Still... if we could just get a Particle Accelerator...' Spirit Tony said.

"How does it not get to the point where it's so hot that the it melts through the casing?" Hatsume asked. Takumi winked.

"Trade secret. If I revealed that, everyone would be making arc reactors and then instead of using it as an energy source like intended, I might end up inspiring some bad people to instead weaponize the reactor... and that's the LAST thing anyone needs." Takumi replied. Hatsume then stood up from her seat as she finished eating her food, much to the hero course trio's surprise since they never saw her eating.

"Well, that's all I needed to know. Now I got some babies to build... see you later, Takumi." Hatsume said as she ran towards the development lab. Iida and Uraraka looked at Takumi curiously.

"First name basis?" The two asked with teasing looks. Takumi rolled his eyes.

"Raised in America, remember... if I went off instinct I'd be calling you Ochaco and Tenya right now." Takumi explained. (Yeah turns out there is two spelling for Ochako.... the one widely used in the manga is with a c though... so I guess I'll be using that one from now on. ~Sage)

Spirit Tony appeared to Takumi as he was working on a proto suit to wear under his gym clothes.
"I know you know how important this sports festival is to the people of this world... pros from all over will be watching you. And there will be lots of people, civilians and Pro Heroes, who think UA is crazy for letting you into the hero course as a quirkless student." Spirit Tony spoke. Takumi looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, Mr. Stark. I'm sure there will be lots of people in the audience wondering what Principal Nezu was thinking when he let me into the hero course. That thoughts been on my mind all day." Takumi told his mentor. The ghost nodded and put a hand on Takumi's shoulder.

"Well... this is your chance to prove yourself to the world. I chose you to become Iron Man in this world partially because of your smarts. You probably would have been able to find out how to make the armor and arc reactor even without me, eventually.... but also because you are far more responsible than I was. It took me a long time to get to the point of caring about the needs of others... but you... you cared from day one. I chose you because you know how important it is for people to feel safe and secure... that you felt true responsibility in wanting to answer the call to action. I chose you because I know you can inspire others... now is your chance to show everyone that you are a hero not because of power... but because of your intelligence and your willpower. Show the world a hero that has the guts to get back up and keep moving forward... because once All Might's powers are gone and One for All is all on Green's shoulders, the world is going to need more heroes that can keep moving forward, no matter the odds. Both you and Midoriya... I know both All Might and I see it... you two will become great, as long as you keep your willpower strong... and this Sports Festival is just the first step in showing the world how strong it is." Spirit Tony told his student. Takumi nodded.

"This is going to be my official hero debut... let's make it a good one." Takumi replied.

End of Episode 2

Preview (Edited to current episode 3 plans):
Tsu: Hey, Takumi. I'm doing the preview with you today.

Takumi: Awesome! So it seems there are a lot of people who are checking out Class 1-A before the start of the Sports Festival.

Tsu: Yeah, no kidding... why is that purple haired guy that looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep glaring at you?

???: Your class seems like a bunch of egotistical brats... and you are the worst of them all if you think a worthless quirkless person can become a hero.


Tsu: Next time... Two weeks left, scout the competition!

Takumi and Tsu: GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!!

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___________________________________________________ "This is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes." ___________________________________...
52.7K 1.5K 20
**PLEASE AGE SHIGARAKI DOWN!!!** (Y/N) is a Quirkless 15 year old girl. She was very used to her normal life, hanging around her best friend Izuku Mi...