By xoxo_annie_exo

1.6M 37.3K 12.9K

What if there was a school for the magicals, in Korea? Park Sarang is suddenly transferring to Park Cha... More

introductions and characters
New Powers
D.O~ Park Chan Jae High
Kai~ developing feelings
Chen~ The Past Inside Him
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 2 ]
Chen ~ the past inside him [ part 3 ]
$uho ~ shopping
$uho ~ shopping [part 2]
Sehun ~ bubble tea café
Sehun ~ trouble ahead
Tao ~ halloween
Tao ~ Costumes
Lay ~ Halloween
Baekhyun ~ Lights out
Kris ~ Fighting the enemy
Kris ~ The Monster
Hyun Woo ~ The Past
Hyo Ra ~ My so-called Brother
Luhan ~ Hurt
Luhan ~ Story Time
Xiumin ~ Frost
Xiumin ~ Caught
Chanyeol to the Rescue
Chanyeol ~ Dessert & Idols
D.O - @maecah10
Chanyeol & Luhan
Lee Hyunwoo ~ Revenge ?
Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up
Minhyuk ~ Red Light
Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks
Sarang Special: Wake Up Call
Sarang ~ Dangerous Charmspeak
Sarang ~ Missing Person
The Change
You Reap What You Sow
The Unknown Truth Revealed
Hopeless ; He's Back
Scarlet Diamondé
Beginning of Chaos
Tree of Life
His Façade
The Blonde Wolf Awakes
The Wolves Bark - Her Comeback
The Black Pearl
Kris ~ The Dragons
Sehun ~ Who?
Sehun & Baekhyun ~ Fire
Planet of Peace
Q & A
Hyde & Jekyll
Fanfiction Revamp
Lost & Found
The Seal
KaiSoo ~ Suffocate
Lay ~ Hide & Seek
Right Back
Pre-War Chant
# tagged
Breaking News ; Announcement
and so it begins. . .
battle cry × xiumin
recap + not a chapter
run × luhan
blood shed × kris
defense × suho
wounded × lay

The Start of a New Journey

9.8K 316 45
By xoxo_annie_exo

Chanyeol ~ << The Flame >>

"It has come." A voice had said, making the twelve of us look around in curiosity, fear, confusion, and excitement. Who is this person?

"The legendary one is near. The Twelve is complete, but more is to come. All shall hear, and one will become... At first it is concealed, but the power is real. All will travel to far away lands, and at one destination, find a seal. The seal will prevail in good hands. In bad hands, the others know, but one will misunderstand. Play with the powers of nature, good and bad. Light and dark fight till they clash. Millions dead and survived arise, the last one will have the prize. The last one standing will prove it all, while the other will fall." The voice continued as Sarang immedietly raised her hand and swirled her fingers, making a small golden white aura. The aura captured the sound of the voice, and the aura spun as it entwined the words inside itself. The voice kept on repeating itself over and over again, and Sarang commanded it to split into twelve.

I suddenly froze along with my eleven other friends, and Sarang made the small auras go into our heads. I felt her manipulate the deepest part of my brain, and she put the prophecy inside and locked my brain once again.

"That.... was weird." Xiumin hyung said as we shuddered from the brain shock.

"Sorry about that guys. I felt like the twelve of us needed it in our minds to remind ourselves." Sarang says as we stay quiet.

"So the legendary one...." Kris hyung says.

"It's close?" Kai asks. "Why is it called it? Why not he or she?"

"It would've made more sense if the voice did say that..." Lay hyung said.

"And this prophecy..." Suho hyung said with a face. "I think I've heard it before. I just don't know where."

"All shall hear." Baekhyun hyung repeated the line I had said.

"All shall hear what?" Tao asks as we stay silent to think.

"Maybe we all will need to hear something important." Kyungsoo adds.

"This is a prophecy, right? Then we'll need clues to help us, and the clues are in the prophecy itself." Sarang says as we kept thinking.

"And you have all the Twelve powers now Sarang. What now?" Luhan hyung asks as some of us nod.

"I have no idea. The prophecy.... I feel like it's not just only for the legendary one... I think it's about us twelve and other people." Sarang says as we nod.

"We all need to find a seal of some sort. And from the voice, it's important. It's like a life and death situation." Chen hyung says seriously.

"But it said all. All as in Exopian all or like Cursian all or is it everyone all?" Sehun points out as I sigh.

"The power is real but concealed. One will become...." I say, thinking.

"Maybe there will be a hidden power that we think is fake?" Lay hyung questions as we cannot find the answer.

"Aish prophecies give me headaches..." Tao cursed as Suho hyung gave him look.

"We'll figure it out soon guys. We can't get ourselves distracted too much. And we need to think a lot before we can decipher all of this. Let's go back inside and tell your grandfathers." Sarang says as we all slowly go back into the palace.

Everything else became a blur for us after that. It was more like Sarang explaining what happened while my friends and I just stood their in the moment. I just remember fire and Sarang's face and grandfather's face and... I... I just don't know.


Park Sarang ~ <<  Healer  >>

"Chanyeol? Chanyeol!" I called, seeing how the tall person behind me rolled his eyes back and staggered.

I quickly caught him, along with the help of Tao and Kai, who were next to him. Elder ChanYoung rushed to his side, yelling his name.

"Chanyeol! Chanyeol? Can you hear me Yeol?" The elder asks, shocked and worried.

I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, and realied that my connection with Chanyeol was really strong.

"I'll go and take care of Chanyeol." I volunteered, helping the unconsious Chanyeol stand up from the arms of Kai and his grandfather.

"You guys must all be tired, so just go to bed. I'll take care of everything." I say as the members tried to help out. I shook my head and reassured that the giant firetamer was fine, and took him to his room.

I was thankful that the members left us alone, and how they listened to my words despite their wanting to help.

I lay Chanyeol on his bed, and tuck him inside the blanket. I immedietly use my healing powers to check if anything in Chanyeol's body was broken or wrong.

I heard the door open, revealing Chanyeol's grandfather. "Elder ChanYoung." I bowed as he gestured for me to sit back down on a chair.

I grabbed another chair and helped the elder sit down and he thanks me.

"Gosh this kid..." he says. "He's such a troublesome kid, isn't he?" he says, looking at his resting grandson.

"Aniyo. Chanyeol is someone who is full of love and happiness, so he's not troublesome at all. He always tries his best, even at things he isn't good at." I say as the grandfather nods.

"The kid is always happy no matter what, hmm?" Elder ChanYoung gestures to Chanyeol as I nod.

"He reminds me of myself and his father. Boy if we were all born in the same year, we'd be the happy triplets." He chuckles.  "When Chanyeol's father and I were kids, we'd scrape a knee and continue smiling even if we had tears falling." A silence passes us. "Chanyeol... Chanyeol had a tough life even though the kid is smiling all the time. He was bullied when he was litttle. And when he started middle school and high school, his powers arose. And it took him quite a long time to not harm anyone when the bullying got worse. But now, I barely notice it anymore."

"Oh. I-I didn't know Chanyeol oppa went through such a tough time." I comment, feeling upset as I heard something new about one of my friends.

"It took us a while to know too since this kid smiles too much. He looked like he was fine all the time, until his mother and sister told his father that he was getting hurt and crying in his room all night. But now... I don't see any of that. I'm sure the bullying stopped, but sometimes, it lingers around my grandson. I worry about that, but I don't have to now."

"Why?" I ask as the Elder looks at me warmly.

"I have seen a change in my grandson's eyes, and I know that it is the look of liveliness and love. I too, was also in that phase when I met my wife. She's in a better place now." The Elder smiles sadly as I apologize.

"I'm sorry for your loss Elder ChanYoung. I hope grandma Park is happy and peaceful in Eden."

"Thank you dear. That makes me feel more relieved." I look at the Elder, who was looking at a smiling, sleeping Chanyeol. "Haha. This rascal. Smiling in his sleep. I think he's having a good dream."

I smile, feeling a weight lifting off my chest. Chanyeol's fine... thank god.

"Now, Sarang-ah. I just want to tell you of prophecy you heard earlier... I know of it. We, the people of EXO Planet and Planet Cursia have awaited to hear the prophecy with our ears one day. And now that we have, I'm sorry to say that only you sixteen people, you, your family, and our grandsons may only go on this dangerous trip. Our planets know of another planet in another galaxy. And that planet contains the power to stop this war. It is very important not to lose each other's trust and friendship, because of the danger lurking on the pathway to that planet. Don't let things fool you too easily. The last time someone has tried to find this mysterious planet was just a century ago, where someone has heard the same prohpecy. His name is Pyeong Hwa."

"His name is... Peace?" I ask as the Elder nods seriously.

"Pyeong Hwa was a hero among our planets, and right before the modern war, our planets broke out in a plague that was widespread and often deadly. He went to that planet in search of the cure, but we have not heard of him since."

"Wait... Pyeong Hwa... I think I've heard of him before. Was he the ghost that went looking for the Air of Gold? The air that heals anything?" I ask, vaguely remembering the story that I learned in history class.

"Ne. It is just that famous legend as some say. Pyeong Hwa was indeed a ghost, but he is also part human, and part EXO-Cursian. He is the first person in the entire galaxy to be all four species. But the truth was that he is not a real ghost. He exists, and at the same time, he does not. Only very rarely he shows up in front of people. People who have seen him or even spoke with this extrodinary legend is believed to be very lucky. And I'm telling you this is because you might see him during your trip since you are going as the same pathway as him."

"I-I am?" I asked, surprised. "I'm supposed to find the Air of Gold? But isn't it a made-belived legacy?"I asked, truely shocked.

"It is not. Only one person has seen the Air of Gold before. And that is the very person of Pyeong Hwa himself. Since he is peace himself- he is the belief and though of peace as well. He was born from nothing, and he makes everything there is today. One of his creations when he was famous was the Air of Gold. He created it, hid it in another planet. He left on a journey to search for it, to make sure that it is safe. But even though the air is his creation, even he cannot find it easily. The air is extremely hard to find, and Pyeong Hwa has done everything to throw searchers off their paths. Pyeong Hwa has created a path to find the air, but the path is dangerous for anyone. Pyeong Hwa has used the things opposite of him to distract searchers. He uses evil, danger, manipulation, and disaster to obscure the path and idea. Many people who have went searching for it has come back unsuccessful, sometimes some went crazy and forgot everything, and even friends have become enemies. So you must understand that the only way to help everyone in this galaxy is just that Air of Gold. And you have to know why it's so dangerous." The Elder says as I absorb all the words in carefully.

"I want to ask so many questions, but I feel like I shouldn't." I chuckle.

"I'm sorry for all this Sarang. You're our only hope. Our planets haven't had someone like you for a millennia, and we're excited to see if you're the one. If you really are the legendary one, then... you will not be harmed, I assure you. We need a leader to lead us to our futures. For Earth, Cursia, EXO Planet, the entire Milky Way." Elder ChanYoung says as I imagine the dark galaxy, filled with dull stars and destroyed planets that pulverized into old dust as it sits in the galaxy, just waiting to be created once again. I didn't like that future or the new and dangerous path in front of me, but I have pathways. And I will choose the best one for the sake of our precious lives for everyone.

I took a deep breath and nodded. I now know my present, but I'm worried about our futures.


Yay an update! This chaper to me is just like an informational chapter. So I hope this brings something new and exciting to most of you guise, and I'm really hoping that this isn't even more confusing.

I put way too much info into my chapters, don't I? And tbh, I feel like this story isn't going anywhere


I do however, promise lots of romance MANY chapters later. And that's a promise. Just please wait forever for it XP

Well thank you for everything guise! Have a wonderful, daebak Saturday evening!

Gomawo and annyeong!


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