The Quirkless Twin

Da mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... Altro



344 13 1
Da mini0nguy

You quickly joined the group without disturbing anyone, and All Might was in the middle of explaining something. "It will essentially be like a race. You will be separated into groups. You will be racing through Field Gamma. It is just now that I have decided you will be separated into five groups. Four with four, and one with five now that young Y/N has decided to join us." A few of your classmates looked back, and instinctively you looked away. "Anyways, as I was saying, one at a time the groups will have to come towards a distress symbol sent by me. All understood? I will separate you guys into your groups now." I'm with Izuku, Four Eyes, Mina, and Sero? This should work out fine. "You will all start where we mentioned. Once the distress signal fires you may start." All Might and the other walked off leaving the group there. 

"So, how's it been at your internships and stuff?" Sero asked as he started stretching his arms and releasing a few pieces of tape.

"It was great!" Izuku spoke up, and stood up from fixing his shoes. "My quirk improved a lot."

"Oh cool. How about you Y/N? How was yours?"

"It was okay I guess."

"Did something happen?"

"No. I just didn't really like it. It was a waste of time." You started stretching, "Good luck."

You heard the fainted sound of something firing, and looked over to see the distress smoke. Without another word you launched yourself off the platform and started to move. I should be fine if I use two percent. When you looked over Izuku was right next to you and passed you. Woah, he wasn't kidding when he said he was trying. Guess I'll have to do five percent. You managed to match is pace, and stopped when you heard him let out a little yell followed by clanking metal ascending downwards. You quickly stopped and dropped down by him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks Y/N." You held out your hand and helped him up.

"Wait, this is a race though! You shouldn't have-"

"It's fine. It's just training." You grabbed onto the metal and climbed up. I can beat Sero. I know I can, but if I increase the percentage more then I'll snap my own bones. My body can't handle that. When you landed at the platform where the smoke was coming down you fell over and rolled a few feet. "Dang it." You whimpered quietly before standing up and seeing there were more small holes by your knees and elbows. They were all scraped, but it was bound to happen with a fall as messy as that. Oops, I hope Mr. Aizawa isn't mad I got holes in the gym uniform. You looked over to see Sero wearing a sash and smiling. You walked up and put your hand on his shoulder. "Man, I thought I had you. Good job though low budget spidey."

"Thanks Midoriya. Honestly I got nervous because you were catching up really fast even after stopping. You're really quick."

"Haha thanks." You smiled and walked over towards the others. All Might walked over to Izuku right when you were about to go over there, so you stopped and just stayed in the general area to wait and talk to him after.

"Good job young Midoriya. You really improved a lot. I'm proud." You looked back a bit to see All Might giving Izuku and thumbs up. You got a sudden wave of a weird emotion you tried not to focus on, and decided to walk away. It's not important. It can wait.

Everyone else did their turns, and then you all went to get changed. You were standing at the locker when you heard Jiro sigh. "What's wrong?" You asked, and looked over your shoulder while you held your shirt in your hands. You noticed her earphone jack was in the wall.

"Mineta. He found a hole in the wall. I can hear it. He's talking to everyone else about how the previous generations have left them a gift."

"Oh." You sighed, and turned around. "That's what the little hole is."

"I wanna see Yaoyorozu's curves. Ashido's slender waist. Hagakure floating underwear. Uraraka's super hot body. Asui's amazingly soft bobbies! Y/N's stunning-" There was a second before there was screaming from the other side of the wall.

"Thanks Jiro. That perv-" Momo commented holding her shirt over her chest. 

"Why am I the only one he didn't say anything about." She mumbled with her hands crossed over her chest before pulling her earphone jack out of the wall, and back through the hole.

"Boys are gross. Whatever." You sighed, and did the last few buttons of your shirt before throwing the jacket over your shoulder. You didn't even bother tucking in the shirt or tying your shoes before walking back to the class with your bag. "If someone doesn't squash him soon I seriously will."

They started laughing as you left and when you got back to the class you sat in your seat and started to scroll through your phone. You didn't really even notice when Todoroki came in and took his seat. Eventually everyone followed and came in until Kaminari's hand landed firmly on your desk next to your legs that were stretched on it. The perks of wearing pants is the reward of comfortable sitting. "Can I help you?" You asked with a little laugh as you just glanced up at him.

"Soo, Y/N. I have a proposition."

"And what's that?"

"We should switch seats. See if Mr. Aizawa notices."

You got a sly smirk on your face. "Okay bet. Hey, Ojiro, is it okay if I sit behind you?"

"Yeah, sure. Will Mr. Aizawa get mad at you though?" You responded with a shrug. "I don't care." He gave some kind of giggle mixed with a laugh before facing towards the front of the class again.

"Alright Denki. It's a deal." You guys quickly swapped seats, and faced forward after the bell had rung. Then, Aizawa walked in and started to look around. 

He looked exactly at you and Kaminari and just sighed before starting. "I'm sure you are all aware that the semester exams are coming up. You will be required to at least pass the written part to have a chance of passing. Keep in mind the summer training camp is coming up too. If you don't pass you don't go. Simple as that, however you will be required to do make up classes here. Let me warn you that it is going to be a lot harder than a normal day of class. Not to mention that it will be only the normal subjects. You know who is at risk based on your previous rankings. There are no exceptions."

You could immediately feel Bakugo and Izuku's eyes on the back of your head, but you were smart enough to know before and looked to the wall. "Anyways, they're coming up so make sure you're prepared. We'll start the exams later this week. Go to lunch."

Everyone started to stand up, and you noticed Ojiro look back. "Uhh, Y/N? Can you let go of my tail now so I can go to lunch?" He pointed at the door and awkwardly laughed.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. I didn't even noticed that I grabbed on it. My bad." You moved your hands back and grabbed your bag.

"It's all good. Kaminari sometimes plays with it too."

"Well who wouldn't. The tip of it is really soft. You could've told me earlier though." You sunk in your seat a bit and sighed. He laughed before walking out with his things.

"Think he noticed?" Denki asked as he passed the seat.

"Yeah, for sure." you sighed. "He noticed at the beginning of class. My guess would say that if we did that again we'll get in trouble.


You looked up and stood with your bag and phone. Izuku already left, and that just left Kirishima asking Bakugo to get up so they could eat.. You walked over and picked up his bag. "What the hell?! Leave me alone! you two are pissing me off!"

"Then get up you asshole! Don't you see a friend trying to get your lazy ass up?!" You grabbed his arm and pulled him. With the angle and force his only options were to stand up or fall on the floor.

"Y/N, Momo's having a study session at her house. I'm sure you heard almost everyone was talking about it together earlier."

He looked at your puzzled face. "Of course she didn't. She was probably off in her own imaginary world in her head where she can't hear anything besides what she wants." Bakugo scoffed, and stood up as he started to lead the way to the cafeteria.

"Oh, well anyways." Kirishima continued, and you looked over at Bakugo with some sort of half-frown. "I don't know about you, but I need to study. I ranked fifteen." He sighed.

"What? You ranked fifteen?! Lucky!" 

He just slowly looked over at you. "What did you rank? I mean, there's only twenty-one of us in this class." He asked with a worried expression growing across his face.

"The dumbass only ranked 19. The only two beneath her are Dunce Face and Racoon Eyes."

"Geeze. No need to rub salt in the wound." You got your plate of food and sat down by them.

Some people from class 1-B walked by talking about how they knew what was coming for the physical part of the exam and stuff, but you just ignored it. "You don't need to study at the rich girls place. I'll beat the lessons into your skull!"

"That's exactly what I want to avoid. You don't teach you just scream! Then you hit me in the head with papers and books and when I still don't get it you just repeat until I got home and get help from Izuku."

"I scored higher than that loser!"

"I don't care!" You whined before shoving food in your mouth. "I'm not doing it. I'm going to Momo's with Kirishima. That's my final call Boom Boy!"

"The hell you are!"

"Chill out guys. It's fine. Y/N, why don't we try studying with Bakugo? I'm sure Momo will have her hands full with how many people are going too."

"Whatever. You're going to regret it though. When you're head is sore after I don't want to hear any complaining." You crossed your arms and finished eating. "Matter of fact let's study tonight."

"Sure, if that's okay with Bakugo."

"Whatever." He grumbled, and shoveled food into his mouth.

The rest of the day was normal, and studying was just how you said it would be. Getting screamed out and beaten with a rolled up newspaper. You got sick of it quick and retaliated with starting to catch and dodge it which just caused a brawl to break out. That left Kirishima having to stop studying to stop the fight. Then you all went back to studying, and another fight breaking out. The same useless cycle over and over again.

The next couple of days were all the written exams. Testing the knowledge of the core subjects that were required. When those days passed you didn't even touch a single book or any schoolwork and just waited for the physical part of the exams. Everyone got dressed in their hero suits and followed Mr. Aizawa out to the front of a building.

"I'm aware some of you thought that you knew what was going to be in store for this exam. That it had to do with robots. Too bad for you, we decided to change it up a bit. Set it up so there was actually a challenge. The physical part of the exam will separate you guys into groups carefully and pre-made. Each group was paired off of grades, and personal connections and relationships. Also, the compatibilities with quirks. You guys were paired up with a teacher that will be a challenge."

"Isn't that unfair though? I mean you guys are pro's after all." Someone from your class mentioned but you didn't care to see who it was.

"Glad you pointed that out actually. The teachers will be wearing weights that will add half or our body weight to us. The two ways to win are to escape through the escape gate or attaching handcuffs to us. With that said. these are the teams. Kirishima and Sato against Cementoss. Asui and Tokoyami against Ectoplasm. Ojiro and Iida against Power Loader. Todoroki and Yaoyorozu against me. Uraraka and Aoyama against Thirteen. Ashido and Kaminari against Principle Nezu. Koda and Jiro against Present Mic. Shoji and Hagakure up against Snipe. Sero and Mineta versus Midnight. That leaves Bakugo and Midoriya against All Might. That is, Izuku. Then, Y/N will go up against me as well but alone. Any questions before we start?

"No." the class responded.

"Good, then the first team head in. Everyone else go to the spectator area. 

"Y/N, you're really going against Aizawa by yourself?"

"I guess so."

"If it's going to take Momo and Todoroki to have a chance of beating him how are you-"

"I don't know Izuku. They both got in by recommendation. They're like the best of the best. If I get my quirk erased I'm screwed. All it takes is for him to wrap that scarf around me and it's game over."

"You have quick reflexes though, and you can do it."

The rounds passed quick, and everyone was either preparing with their partner or spectating. The only rounds you really paid attention to were Momo's and Todoroki's and Bakugo and Izuku's. Momo and Todoroki used their quirks so well to get Aizawa. Creating a huge ice barrier to block his vision followed by disguises and a light bomb? It was pretty much flawless. Making a scarf out of material that goes back to normal with heat. It was brilliant. Then Bakugo and Izuku's. It left Bakugo and Izuku being rushed to Recovery Girl. Rather, Recovery Girl leaving the spectating area to go aid them, but still they were injured pretty badly. All Might didn't hold back, and honestly it was rough to watch. He pretty much used them as weapons. Throwing them into each other, and destroying almost the whole city. They both ended up passing but it could've turned in All Might's favor if they made one wrong move. It was hard to see, but I think All Might started to turn into his weaker form. There was the same steam from the USJ coming from him. It was covered by the dirt and smoke from the damage, but it was there no doubt.

It's my turn. You started walking down to the area where you would be fighting. It had a lot of buildings and metal pipes sticking out and created a lot of cover. One of the first things you noticed was the building pretty much all connected. There was most likely more cover and hiding places so it would be at least a little bit more fair. It still was open for the most part though. I need to find a way for him not to see me, but it doesn't look like I'll have a lot to work with. "The last round of the exams start now!" You took that as your signal to go, and ran in. 

He's probably going to be higher up and looking down to see where I'll be moving. If I'm not careful when moving fast he'll erase my quirk and I'll fall. You powered your quirk and started hopping around. That's what I'll need though. We have to find each other for this to work. You started hopping up onto the roof, and running on top of the buildings. You felt your power cease right away, and before you completely fell you barely managed to grab onto a metal pipe. It bent at the sudden weight, and you lifted yourself up. There was a cut from the metal on your shoulder, but you decided to ignore it. There's a more important goal. You started looking around quickly, and noticed him standing a couple of buildings over. He was already running at you, and the second you saw his hair drop you powered up and ran straight towards him. 

Your handcuffs were in a compartment of your belt. One reach over. His hair flew up, and you stopped. Then, his scarf flew at you and you barely managed to dodge it. I have to remember his scarf. If I get caught in that I'm screwed. I need a plan. I need to get close enough to put the cuffs on or go over him and run to the escape. His hair fell again and you headed closer, dodging the scarf. There's not an opening. I should just- You planted your hand on his shoulder to jump over, but the scarf flew and wrapped around your ankle. He flung you all the way off the roof and back onto the ground. It left the road with a huge crack in it where you landed. Ouch. You got the wind knocked out of you, and you started gasping for air before noticing he was coming again. I need to keep One For All active all times it's not getting erased. You punched the wall, and ran through the hole it created. 

"You honestly think you can win?" You were running and looked back to move your arm just in time to avoid the scarf. "Look at you, running away. Your quirk developed at age fifteen. Do you honestly think you can win? You can barely control it."

"Yeah, I can win."

"Don't think I haven't noticed. You're weak. You're forgotten." You felt your heart and stomach drop, and your pupils shrink down to nothing as you continued to be chased. "You try to be noticed, and when it fails you hide in the shadows. You don't seek help, and you don't mind failing. You're simply along for the ride aren't you?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm not. I want to be a hero."

"Really, because from a teachers perspective you're here because of your brother and friend. You don't even wear your own school uniform anymore. Not to mention it's clear you most likely copy their work. If you aren't even trying, how are you going to beat me? A pro hero? You're teacher. You can't, and that is plain and simple."

"Shut up!" You stopped and turned towards him. 

"You're the extra. The one that's always forgotten. By yourself. Just like you are right now."

"I'm not! Just stop talking! I'm by myself right now, because that's how you did the pairing!" You felt the power increase in you, and then stop. He's wrong. I'm not forgotten. You pushed off of the ground and started running towards him even though you knew your quirk was erased. He threw the scarf followed by a punch and a kick. You evaded the first two perfectly, but you barely were able to dodge the kick. It would've hit your face, but you lifted your head just in time. You managed to punch him across the face and grab onto his hair. You pulled the goggles off of his face and tossed them. "I'm not weak!" You yelled before punching him again. You grabbed the handcuffs and went to handcuff him but he grabbed your wrists and threw you back into the wall. 

"Really? Or is that why you refuse to use your power? You're trying to prove a point." 

"Yeah! I'll beat you without my power!" You were trying to get up, but your arms wouldn't obey. Come on. One boost of energy. I can beat him. I can!  You looked over to see his nose bleeding from the punches you threw at him earlier, and he started slowly walking over towards you, his eyes still glowing red and his hair lifted off his face.

"Why would you be trying to prove something that doesn't exist? This means that you subconsciously think you're weak otherwise why would you be trying to prove a point?"

"I'm trying to prove it to you! You're doubting me!" 

"Exactly. You are never the first choice are you? You try your best but it doesn't work. Based off of yours and your brother's grades he gets more praise I'm guessing?"

You finally stood up, and felt your body get sore quickly. The wall had a huge indent in it just like the road, and before you had a chance to react you felt the scarf wrap around you and throw you into the ceiling. One hit, the ceiling. Followed next to the floor. Then into the wall again. It's predicable. Too predictable. Especially for Mr.Aizawa. Followed by a punch to the face into the floor again. Just for the scarf to tighten the grip as if it wasn't enough.

"You're pathetic. You aren't even fighting. I take back what I said at the beginning of the year. You don't show more promise than the others. In fact at this rate you'll never be a hero." He flung you onto the floor again, and you just laid there. 

He's right though. I am the second choice, and compared to everyone else I don't stand out. When I try it just backfires. Maybe I shouldn't be a hero and give Izuku his power like I wanted to. I should just quit. I can't win against Aizawa. I changed my mind. I mean sure, I've though about how I would do in combat earlier, but he's smart. Too smart. Brought down my already low mental state. But... it hurts. I mean, I was clinging to what little I had left, and he squashed it. He's wrong about one thing though. I'm not weak. I've been second choice since I was little. You would think that wouldn't bother me anymore, but it does.

"I'm not going down Mr. Aizawa. I want to go to Summer Camp. I want to go to get better. So I can be better." You felt your power increase fast, and managed to loosen the scarf with the wind created from the sudden burst. You didn't give it a second before escaping and going right to punch Aizawa. "You know how shitty of a teacher you must be to put your student down like that right? Especially one that you know is struggling? One that looks up to you for saving their life?" You started sending rapid punches and kicks towards him, but to no avail. "If I'm weak then you're just as weak." You punched in the wall, and watched it crumble to pieces. "Good thing this is a training ground right? The fact you already destroyed a lot of the building too means that I didn't deal most of the damage." Pieces of rock started to fall from the ceiling. Small pebbles starting to get larger until they were chunks of the ceiling.

That's my chance. There was a big piece of the ceiling coming right down on him, and he turned to block it. You launched yourself forward, and caught his wrist in the handcuff as well as pulling him out of harms way. "Got you." You looked down at him, and he got a smirk on his face.

"That's what I thought."


"You are strong. Physically and mentally. All that stuff I said back there wasn't true or even if it was it was to get you aggravated. That's the reason I had you not in a pair and by yourself."

"You jerk! Seriously Mr. Aizawa?" He took your hand that you outstretched to help him up.

"You passed. This part at least." He turned to walk away, "But your written exam might hurt your results."

"Ugh. Seriously? All of that to hear I might fail anyways?"

"Yep, the joys of being a student. You'll get your results when the others do."


"Y/N." You looked up at him, and he looked over his shoulder a bit. He almost looked like a silhouette because of the lighting. "Don't take anything I said back there personal. It was a test. Keep that in mind."

"I will." I still feel like he meant some of that though. You sighed, and then remembered you should probably walk behind him to get out of there too. You stretched you arms up as you walked, "Hey, I managed to beat you by myself though. Momo and Todoroki are like some of the best students and even they had a hard time."

"Don't get too cocky."

"Izuku and Bakugo are going to be okay though right? I mean All Might really wasn't holding back."

"They'll be fine. You will be able to see them right after I give last instructions and let you guys go until the Summer camp." You walked with him back to everyone else, and then he led everyone back to the classroom. "I'm starting with it is your responsibility to tell those who are not here what is happening. We are going to be meeting here in two weeks. Then we will board the bus and head off to training camp. That is, the people who passed. Summer isn't a time to be resting either make sure to train or you won't make it when you come back for the second semester. That is all."

You were the first one up for once, and headed straight to Recovery Girl's office. You knocked on the door, and it swung open quickly, "Excuse me, is Izuku and Katsuki okay?"

"They are fine, just healing. The blonde boy is still knocked out cold."

"Y/N?" You heard from inside the room, and looked over Recovery Girl to see Izuku looking at you. He was laying weird, and his butt was in the air.

"Yeah." You responded, "Are they going to be able to go back home tonight?"

"They both need one more procedure. You can wait here, and then the green boy should be able to walk. The blonde boy's parents will need to come get him. He's going to be unconscious for a while, and needs constant supervision to make sure everything is fine."

"If you want I can bring him to my house. Mitsuki and Masaru are going to be at work for a while. They're about to release a new fashion line. They've been working day and night on it, and haven't been really going back home. They won't until it's officially out too."

"I suppose. There isn't school since it's summer now. You are willing to stay up all night?"

"I usually do anyways." 

"Alright, go ahead and sit there. I'll fix the young boys back, and then he'll be well enough to walk. I'll prop the other child on a wheelchair so you can keep an eye on him, and so he's easier to bring to your house."

You nodded, and sat down on a bench against a wall and watched as she kissed them. It was really weird, and you went on your phone instead of watching. Is that how she heals people? That's so gross. Old Hag kisses to get better? I better not get hurt again. "That feels much better. Thank you Recovery Girl." You looked up, and saw Izuku standing and stretching.

"You good?" You asked him, and looked up from your phone. 

"Yeah, I am." He started flexing his hand.

"You didn't even hurt your hand. Nevermind. We're going to take Katsuki back to our house. Mitsuki and Masaru won't be back from their work for a while, and Recovery Girl said that he's going to need someone to keep an eye on him until he wakes up and reassures that he feels bad. I'm sure you heard that though."

"Yes, and if something is wrong you must bring him back immediately."  She interrupted, and turned to start healing Bakugo.

"That's fine with me. I would offer to keep an eye on him for you but..." He looked over to Katsuki and back, "He wouldn't be happy. He would be less upset if it was you."

"I was planning on doing it anyways, but thanks. It's summer now, so we can stay up late, and have fun-"

"You always stay up late. It's nothing new." He was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Hey, that's not true."

"I'll stop by the classroom and grab our stuff, and then come back. It'll probably be a few minutes anyways until she's done with his recovery. I'll be right back."

It got quiet really quick except for kissing noises which was awkward. Izuku came back like ten minutes later, and had his and Bakugo's things. "Alright, we're good to go." He told you with a smile, holding up the bags.

"Alright." You responded, and shifted Katsuki off the bed until you could carefully move him onto the wheelchair. Once he was on Recovery girl strapped him in so he wouldn't fall on the way back.

"There you go. Make sure he is safe. I'm going to the hospital to heal some other patients if you need me." She said, and started to grab her bag.

"Thank you." You told her, "I'll make sure he's okay." You pushed the chair past Izuku, and started walking home. It was silent for a while, but eventually you thought of the words to say. "You two did really good you know. I mean, for not getting along and going against the number one hero..." You looked over at him, and his face was lit up by the sun starting to go down. 

"Thanks. I wanted to come up with a plan, but Kacchan didn't. I knew that, so I didn't even ask. Honestly it was rough. My back is still sore, and I mean... look at him. He's going to be knocked out for a while most likely. Not to mention All Might didn't hold back. He apologized for all of that."

"Yeah, it was rough to watch. Seeing him as the villain really opened a lot of our eyes I think. If there was a villain with that much power then hero's could be doomed if they aren't careful you know?"

"Yeah." He looked towards the ground and smiled a bit, "I'm just glad we have a lot of strong people on our side. Plus, our classmates are really strong too."

"Mhm. Hey, I've been meaning to ask too. Is everything okay? Like, are you okay?"

He looked a little surprised at the question but just looked up with the same smile. "Yeah. Everything is going great. Also, our classmates were talking about going to the mall soon to go shopping for camp. I wanted to ask if you wanted to go. Honestly I think everyone will end up going except for Kacchan and you if you don't want to."

"Sure, I'll go."

"Oh cool! It's this weekend. I'll get the details from Uraraka when we get back home."

"Sounds good. Just so you know though if you ever need someone to talk to I'll be here. It should be easier too because I know about, you know. It'll be easier for both of us to take on rather than just one of us."

"Yeah. If I need to I'll come and talk to you. You can do the same."

You smiled slightly and nodded. When you got to the door of the apartment, Izuku unlocked the door and you didn't bother even taking your shoes off. You just flicked on the lights and rolled Bakugo to the living room. It was pretty dim, but you managed to undo the straps and get him onto the couch. That was a workout by itself. Moving someone who was completely knocked out was harder than it looked.

"Do you got it in there?"

"Yeah, I just moved him." You pushed the wheelchair up against the wall, "But now we have two of these stupid things. I'll make him take one home."

"Sounds good. Do you need anything before I go into my room?"

"No, I think I'm good. Thanks though." You heard the door to his room shut, and you grabbed a blanket at the end of the couch and draped it over him after grabbing a throw pillow and stuffing it under his heavy head. Well, that'll work I guess. Now I just need to grab my charger and some paper. I'll just sit at the counter I think. Then if something goes on I'm pretty close. He'll be fine though he's just stupid and lazy. Damn Blasty. What the hell was he thinking? Before you got to sketching you grabbed a snack, and checked to make sure he was fine one more time.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have enjoyed so far. Please don't forget that if you want to follow along with the story to add it to a reading list or follow me or do something to find this story again. I am so grateful for those of you that read comment and vote!

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