9 years later( a modern httyd...

By multi_fand0mxx

4.7K 63 3

hiccup first met astrid at outcast village when astrid lost her beagle puppy stormfly. their feelings have be... More

Chapter 1:Goodbye Out-Cast village
Chapter 2: An awkward first day
Chapter 3: Hiccup the gentleman
Chapter 4: A tragic incident
Chapter 5: An accidental kiss
Chapter 6:Leaked photo
Chapter 7: Hiccup's confession
Chapter 8: Save the date
Chapter 9: Candlelight dinner
Chapter 10: Karaoke King?
Chapter 11: Parenting duties
Chapter 12: Family dinner
Chapter 13: Exciting news
Chapter 14: Clumsy Astrid
Chapter 15: The day before the trip
Chapter 16: School trip
Chapter 17: Travel buddies
Chapter 18: Lokied
Chapter 19: This isn't a dormitory
Chapter 20: A day at the beach
Chapter 21: "Double" dates
Chapter 22: Operation super birthday
Chapter 23: A memorable present
Chapter 24: The art science museum
Chapter 25: Who's that?
Chapter 26: Crazy ex-girlfriend
Chapter 27: Kpop the night away
Chapter 28: Boys and girls talk
Chapter 29: Back to Berk
Chapter 30: La Vie en Rose
Chapter 31:Poisoned
Chapter 32:Under investigation
Chapter 33:Nightmares always happen
Chapter 34:Road to recovery
Chapter 35: Welcome back
Chapter 36: Group study
Chapter 37: Surprising the couple
Chapter 38: Stay cool in the pool
Chapter 39: The power of besties
Chapter 40: Babysitting Astrid's sister
Chapter 41: Dinner with the Haddocks
Chapter 42: Truth and dare with the gang part 1
Chapter 43: Till we meet again
Chapter 44: Where's Hiccstrid?
Chapter 45: Stalker alert!
Chapter 46: 6 flags with the gang
Chapter 47: A new member has joined
Chapter 48: Truth or dare with the gang part 2
Chapter 49: End of year exams
Chapter 50: Results day
Chapter 51: Prom night shopping.
Chapter 52: Prom night
Chapter 54: Barbeque party
Chapter 55: Sleepover before the trip.
Chapter 56: Embarking to Singapore
Chapter 57: Day 1 in Singapore
Chapter 58: A day at Universal Studios Singapore
Chapter 59: Dinner under the sea
Chapter 60: A morning swim on the last day
Chapter 61: SEA aquarium
Chapter 62: Back to Berk
Chapter 63: Surprise visitor
Chapter 64: Quadruple dates
Chapter 65: 9 years later...

Chapter 53: Graduation day

42 1 0
By multi_fand0mxx

Astrid's pov

I woke up extra early today, feeling excited yet a little sad. It was my last year being a senior in Berk High though I only entered a few months ago, but still I'm gonna miss my best friends Heather and Ruffnut, but most importantly my love, Hiccup. I went to my closet and picked out my robe and hat as I changed out of my night clothes into my dress robe.

"Morning honey, woah, someone is up early." My mom started as she saw me getting ready for my graduation day. Today, I styled my hair into two French braids while adding the rose pin Heather gave on my birthday. My mom looked at me and commented, "Awwwww, my girl's all grown up." A tear drop escaping her eye as I hugged her.

"Who's ready for graduation?" Dad said as he came in with a bouquet of lilies in his hands. "For my little angel who is all grown up." He continued as he handed the bouquet to me, the first ever bouquet I got for graduation.

"Thanks guys." I said as I hugged my parents. Caroline then came into my room holding a single rose.

"For you sissy." She said.

"Awwww, thank you Caroline." I said as I carried her and gave her a kiss. "Well, I should get going, I'll see you guys later." I continued as I put Caroline down, grabbed my hat and left.

"Woah wait, shouldn't we get a picture with our grown up angel?" Mom said as she took out her selfie stick.

"Right, of course, how could I forget." I said as I smiled for the photo. "Okay, now I should get going, see you guys later." I continued as I left the house.

"Our girl's all grown up." I could hear mom say as I waved goodbye to my family.

Hiccup's pov

"Son, you've come a long way, congrats on your graduation." Dad said as he came into my room. Gobber even knew it was my graduation day so he took a day off to see me graduate from Berk High.

"For your girlfriend lass, a combination of roses and tulips." Gobber said as he handed me the bouquet to give Astrid later. "Congrats on your graduation Hiccup." He continued as he came up to me and hugged me.

"Thank you so much Gobber..." I said, struggling to breathe.

"Since today is your graduation day, we decided to send you to school." Mom said. "But before that, a photo for memories." She continued as she set up a tripod stand and placed the camera on it and took the picture.

"Well you don't wanna be late on your graduation day, let's go." Mom said as everyone headed to dad's car.

Author's pov

The gang were all gathered outside the school waiting for Hiccup to arrive.

"Hey here come's Astrid." Heather said pointing at Astrid who was slowly closing in. Heather and Ruffnut went up to Astrid and gave her a hug.

"Finally, you're here, where's Hiccup?" Ruffnut asked.

"His parents are sending him today." Astrid said. "Who gave you that bouquet Heather?" She continued.

"Fishlegs did when I reached school." Heather said, blushing slightly.

"Someone's blushing." Astrid teased as Heather retorted back saying she wasn't as the girls returned to the gang.

"Guys, that must be Hiccup." Snotlout said as he pointed at a black Mercedes. When the car pulled up to the school, the door opened and Hiccup exited the car holding a bouquet of flowers. Everyone waved at Hiccup's parents as he exited the car.

"See you guys later." Hiccup's mom said as the car drove off.

Hiccup presented the flowers to Astrid as he planted a kiss on Astrid's cheek.

"Thank you." She thanked Hiccup softly as everyone took out their phone and took picture of the couple.

"Hey, we can take pictures after the ceremony." Astrid said. "Let's get inside the school first." She continued as the gang entered the school. The first place they headed to was their classroom where their form teachers gave the students encouraging notes, awards and the yearbook.

"Graduating students, please proceed to the hall now to get your certificates." The announcement went off as the students made their way to the hall to see their family members all seated down.

"Now, it's time to present the graduating certificates to the students, we'll start off with class 4A." The host said as the students lined up to get their certificates.

"Now, form teachers of class 4B may come on stage to present the certificates to the students of 4B." The host said as the class stood up and made their way to the stage to receive their certificates. Once the whole cohort has received their certificates, they sang the school song for the last time as they tossed their hats into the air, indicating that they have officially graduated.

"This marks the end of your high school journey, I wish all of you good luck in life and hope you guys will succeed." The host said as everyone went out to take pictures with their friends.

"WE'VE FINALLY GRADUATED!!!!!!!!" Tuffnut yelled once the gang got out of school.

"Now is the time where we take pictures." Astrid said.

"Hey I think Hiccstrid should be the first pair to take picture since we have no idea how long we're not gonna see this couple anymore." Tuffnut said, already having his camera out.

"Alright fine, c'mon Astrid, let's take the picture first." Hiccup said as he pulled Astrid as the couple stood outside the school and took pictures together.

"Hey Heather, Fishlegs, your turn." Astrid said as she could hear Heather groan. "Cmon, just one picture Heath." Astrid persuaded her best friend.

"Yeah Heather, besides, I got something to tell you later." Fishlegs said.

"Alright fine, but no one is posting this." Heather said as she stood next to Fishlegs.

"Go closer you two." Astrid said as Heather groaned once again as both of them went closer to each other to take the photo.

"You guys should do a heart shape." Astrid said.

"WHAT?!" Both Heather and Fishlegs shouted in unison.

"C'mon, only one picture, please." Astrid begged them.

"Ughhh, fine, gosh." Heather said as she and Fishlegs made a heart shape symbol as the gang started cheering for them.

"Alright Ruff, your turn." Heather said.

"Come here Snotlout." Ruffnut said which made Snotlout shocked.

"Alright, I confess, I may have hated him at first but now he's not that bad and I like this kind of boys." Once she ended what she said, she kissed Snotlout in front of everyone as everyone started cheering for the new couple. (I'm sorry if I had to ship Snotlout and Ruffnut in this story)

The parents were talking with each other and the gang's siblings were bonding together.

"Hey you guys, wanna take a group photo, after we graduate we may not see each other so we should take a group picture one last time." Heather said.

"Okay guys, gather around and smile." Hiccup's mom said as the flash went off. After the gang said their goodbyes, everyone went their different ways, the gang has officially graduated, and are now excited for their 3 days 2 nights trip to Singapore.

Heather's pov

"Heather!" I heard Fishlegs's voice.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

"Go talk to him for a sec hun." Mom said as I went up to Fishlegs.

"Look Heather, you were my best friend and partner in crime, you were the best travel buddy and study buddy and I have something to confess." He said as he started to blush.

"Get to the point Fishlegs," I said.

"I have a crush on you, since last year." He blurted out. I was shocked, my best friend has a crush on me this whole time. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He popped the question. I looked at my parents and they gave the thumbs up sign, saying it is okay to date him.

"Yes, omg." I said as I planted a kiss on Fishlegs's cheek as I saw him bush even harder. 

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