Girlfriend Corporation

By IntoItCC

62.5K 3.1K 4.3K

Shin Ryujin.. the epitome of a perfect girlfriend. Would teach you a lot of things; including how to love. A... More

Girlfriend Corporation: One
Girlfriend Corporation: Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Ten
Girlfriend Corporation: Eleven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twelve
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fourteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Seventeen
Girlfriend Corporation: Eighteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Nineteen
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Twenty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Two
Gilfriend Corporation: Forty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty One
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Five
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Six
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Seven
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Eight
Girlfriend Corporation: Fifty Nine
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty One
Hello, beautiful people.
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Two
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Three
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Four
Girlfriend Corporation: Sixty Five

Girlfriend Corporation: Forty Seven

757 47 27
By IntoItCC

GFC Forty Seven

Ryujin's Point of View..

"This isn't the way I've, 'we've' raised you, Ryujin! We didn't took you and Heejin from a dumpster to embarrass our family like that! We've gave you shelter, a place you can call home, fed you, dressed you up, gave you the best education, gave you basically everything a decent parent could give you. How did you turned to be this way?! And to think that you've dragged your sister into lying so you could get away with this?! Why?! Ryujin, I'm literally just an inch away from throwing you both away from MY family! You choose, abandon that child or stay with all the luxury my family can offer and continue living off a completely different and good life?" I looked at the sleeping figure of Zephora. Completely unaware of the screaming match that was happening just a few meters away from her crib. I couldn't help but tear up. Isn't abandoning her just as bad as killing her? I also looked at my father who only kept quiet and had his eyebrows furrowed in.. concern. He's always been warm. I looked at my older sister who refused to look me in the eye. What happened to 'We're in this together?' What happened to, 'No matter what happens, I'll explain it in your behalf, Jin.' 'I promise to protect you and Zephora with all my might.' Where are those comforting words, Unnie? I badly need you to defend me right now. At this point, I'm going to lose my mind if you don't say something.

I badly wanted to scream, shout, throw things in frustration. Mom was right. They gave me, us, all of the things that we wouldn't be able to experience if we stayed on the orphanage. I wouldn't be able to experience having a 'reliable' and 'understanding' sister. The sister that I've wished to have since garnering an awareness of what happened to me when I was still basically an infant. And they were asking me to do the same to Zephora.

"If it wasn't for your older sister asking to look for you, we would have never bothered adopting you, Ryujin. Do you know how much I'm regretting it all now? What would other people say if they find this out? And to think that the child was already a month old and you didn't even bothered telling us? We could have done something to.. prevent this from happening!" Abortion. That was what she was trying to say. It was funny how it was also my sister's first thought when she found out. A muffled sob escaped my trembling lips. "Ryujin, imagine what will our business partners would say. Or the media outlets. That the biggest tycoons of the country failed to raise their children into becoming a decent women, huh? Imagine them writing your name in the headlines being a disgrace to the Shin Family and Incorporate? I don't want to hear the end of it. I am NOT going to have any of these, Heejin, Ryujin." I brought my hand to my head and pulled my hair in distress. I took a side glance on my sister who stayed still and was biting her nails. Clearly just as frustrated as I was. Or even more. She's always been looking out for me but I wonder what made her so quiet this time. This time that I badly needed a back-up. Just a single word of encouragement would be enough, Unnie. Because I'm so close of crushing down right now.

Asking me to abandon Zephora in exchange of being still in the family, having not to worry about anything else. Waking up being served by tons of maids, a driver that could drive you to school, a card that could buy everything you needed and wanted to, a life that absolutely everyone would kill to experience. But, was it worth it having to live a life offered on a silver platter by.. leaving.. and killing an innocent child? It would never suffice.. nor justify it no matter how much I think about it. Sure, I respect those people who resorted to abortion for personal and good reasons too. But.. I just couldn't see myself doing the same thing.. for what? Money? Fame? Cars? Expensive education? Silver spoon on my mouth? Though.. am I ready to get cut off? Am I ready to live alone? Raise Zephora by myself? And.. my sister? Am I ready being disowned? It couldn't be that bad.. right? I, we, pretty much grew up without our parents attending on our needs. It was always other people. The only thing that would change on my perspective was the luxurious life. Am I ready to face the world outside without the usual help from my Foster parents? I could live without that much money.. right? For Zephora? For my sister.. and for myself?

"I.." I started and swallowed the lump on my throat. I wiped my tears away and took a glance on Heejin Unnie who was subtly shaking her head. Clearly telling me not to say what I was about to say. 'Ryujin, no.' That's what she muttered. But I shook my head opposing her request. We've been here, Unnie. There's no way that I'm going to back down and give up now. Never. "I'm not.. I'm not going to leave Zephora." I bravely held my chin up and looked at my mother's eyes. I was surprised that I didn't faltered when her stares burned on mine. This is the first time that I've seen her this mad. If we were blood related, it would have been more easy for them to accept the situation at hand. But we weren't. And all I can do was to be thankful for the decade that they kept and took care of Heejin Unnie and I.

The moment I saw how my mom's veins almost popped out of her neck, I already knew that the worst was coming. I received a hard slap. That landed twice. On both of my cheeks. I felt myself stumbling on my steps. Falling flat on the floor. And the stinging pain of the slap on my face. I can feel the burning and the salty and musty taste on my lip. It was bleeding on how hard the slap was. I haven't even recovered yet when I felt that I was being lifted from the ground using my hair. Of course it hurt. But compared to the burden inside my chest,  it was far more heavy than anything else. Far more painful. I don't think even a hundred series of slaps as strong as earlier would still be incomparable. Make it a million.  It maybe would come close.

I couldn't hear anything else but my pounding heart. It was almost like it was tied up in a time bomb with merely ten seconds before it explodes. It was making the best to beat out of it. Like this is the last few seconds that it's going to pump and make me breathe. I was ready to scream but not because I wanted to take back my decision and choosing Zephora over our family. I wanted to scream why.. why I just can't. But that was until I heard my father's deep voice shouting my mother's name telling her to stop. Separated us both, stopping my mother from killing me right on the spot. All I could do was sob, ensure the pain as much as I can, and continue to live on right now without mg parents.

"I don't want to hear anything from the both of you ever again. Do you understand me?! You're not going to get a single penny from MY family. Understand that, Shin Ryujin, Jeon Heejin?!" That's the last thing I've heard before the door slum shut hard.

But I'm not going to forget my father's stares at  my direction. A sympathetic stare. But he didn't said anything and guided my Mom through the door. That's when I freely let myself cried in mess.

Lia's Point of View..

"Baby." Ryujin sighed and leaned forward to give me a hug after planting a soft kiss on my cheek. She might have thought that I didn't caught that subtle stare down of hers on Yeji's direction. "Where have you been? I told Yuna to take care of you. Tss." I snorted on Ryujin's childishness. Though I'm still curious as to why she seemed to be not affected by Yeji's presence behind me.

"I'm going inside. Happy Birthday again, Lia." Yeji said while tapping my shoulder softly to get my attention. I looked at her nodded with a small smile.

"Thank you. See you around." Yeji just nodded her head and throw an.. awkward smile on Ryujin before walking off inside the venue. All Ryujin have did to acknowledge Yeji's presence was curt nod. They might have ended in a bad note. No, scratch that. They absolutely did end on a bad note. It was so obvious from the thick and heavy tension between the two of them. The way Ryujin's smile slowly faded when I turned my attention to Yeji. And how she glared on Yeji upon seeing us together. It wasn't the usual stare of jealousy. It was a personal matter.

"You look stunning, baby." I felt my cheeks heat up at the compliment accompanied by the endearment. It never failed to do so. I've received tons of good words tonight but Ryujin's was the only one that stirred up my insides. Damn that whisker dimples of hers.

"And so do you. You looked so badass. A boss." I voiced out honestly. Ryujin was wearing a knee high black boots, black leather pants with some silver chains and such, then the black cropped top that was buried by her cropped leather jacket. It almost seemed like she was performing in a mini concert instead of attending a party. Her hair was straightened, her make up was so on point, her gray contact lenses added to her appeal and guess what? The red lipstick was the 'icing on the cake'. Ryujin.. I just know that she would steal the show the moment she she step inside the hall. I'm not even complaining. I'm more on worried..

"Why, thank you. I 'am' a boss, baby. But, let's go inside. Don't want to miss my girlfriend's party." Ryujin winked as she intertwined our hands together. I've expected for to be more reactive and shock knowing that Yeji and I were friends but I was grateful that nothing had changed on how she was acting like Chaeryeong did. There's no reason for Ryujin to be scared, right? Because it was Yeji who haa an age old feelings towards her and not the other way around.

"Okay." I answered with a shrug as she casually opened the wooden door for the both of us. As soon as Ryujin and I stepped inside, I could feel the whole attention of the people inside the room. But it wasn't on my direction. It was definitely on the gray head beauty beside me. Who has her eyebrows knitted together making her look so intimidating. I grinned proudly. I squeezed Ryujin's hands making her look at me. The heels that I was wearing made us on the same height. And I unknowingly smiled the moment our eyes met. Her whisker dimples never failed to make it all better. Ryujin, was freaking attractive. And I don't think I would ever get tired of saying it over and over again.

At the corner of my eye, I saw Yuna smiling while checking Ryujin out. Now that I remember, I haven't seen Chaeryeongie and Chaeyoungie.

"Where is Chaeryeongie by the way?" I soflty nudged Ryujin's side as I asked her.

"Oh. She was sick. She told me to apologize in behalf of her. Yuna didn't told you?" Ryujin asked surprised. I shook my head as an answer. My best friend might have forgot about it. She's just as busy as me the whole day so I understand. I shrugged it off and walked towards my parents.. who was still talking to Yeji's parents. I looked at Ryujin with a worried expression but she wasn't displaying any discomfort or some sort. It almost seemed like she was.. ready for this. Was it possible that Ryujin knows.. wait.. how can I make sure that Yeji and her haven't met each other the first two months of their stay on the university?

"Ryujin, you're even more gorgeous than the last time I've seen you. How's your sister and.." I kinked an eyebrow when Yeji's father didn't finished his question. And who? Zephora? Ryujin's daughter? But.. Yeji.. does she know?

"Oh. They're doing just fine, Uncle Hwang." Ryujin formally answered with a comfortable smile. Just like earlier, Ryujin seemed relaxed than I've ever witnessed before. I couldn't help but smile as well. "Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Choi." Ryujin charmingly greeted my parents who smiled in return. My mother's face was engulfed in a face eating grin and an approving raise of eyebrow after she ran a stare on Ryujin's outfit. Seems like it wasn't me who found Ryujin friggin' sizzlin' hot tonight.

"You're stunning, darling." I heard my Mom complimented as she leaned in and kissed Ryujin's cheek as greetings. She didn't even complimented me on how I look and she was gushing over Ryujin like she wasn't a married woman. I looked at Dad who was now frowning. I really can't understand my family dynamics. An overly strict and fangirl Mom over my girlfriend and a jealous father who's scared of Ryujin thinking it was a competition over my Mom's attention. I rolled my eyes at the thought. "Jisu's grandparents wants to meet you, Ryujin. Mind meeting them now? They are a bit impatient." I looked at my Mom who encourangingly nod on my direction as if cheering me up. Nice. I couldn't even find the chance to complain because Ryujin already nodded. Poor soul has to go through the scrutiny of meeting the homophobes. I sighed and looked at Ryujin. It was funny how I'm more worried with Ryujin than myself. Maybe because I know some struggles of her that she's going or have gone through her teenage life. Or it was just because I like her. Maybe a little bit of both.

Ryujin and I walked up the stairs where my grandparents were. Mom said that they weren't much fond of a huge gathering so they settled on one of the rooms upstairs.

"Just giving you a heads up, my grandparents are the traditional couple who doesn't believe that homosexuality exists and they would literally try to pull you on to the 'bright side'. I can already envision it." Ryujin chuckled softly as she circled her arm on my waist guiding me up the stairs.

"Don't worry too much. I have dealt with enough people like them. I'm ready." Ryujin casually answered with a confident smile. I wonder what to eat to have such confidence and charming personality as Ryujin. "Maybe you should get to have a taste of me so I can rub off my personality on you. You're always worried and.. tense." W-what? Did I heard Ryujin right? Judging by the.. smirk on her face, it might have been the truth? A taste of what? Her? Am I.. just a dirty minded fella or it was what was Ryujin implying? The moment I realized what she meant, I slapped Ryujin's shoulder as hard as I can.

"You, my Mom's guards could hear you, you know? We're not going to survive the second time if she did hear you." I glared at Ryujin who still had the audacity to grin wider. She's getting bolder and bolder. This two faced bitch who acts like an angel in front of my parents and a whole different person when she is with me. What an asshole.

"You're really cute when you're flustered. I can't help it." I felt her squeezed my side a bit after she said that. I rolled my eyes but deep inside.. you already know what.

"Fuck off." I need calm myself down or my mom will kill us both if what happened on our house yesterday would happen again. I don't want that to happen. I still want to live.

I sighed as I have seen the room number where my grandparents were staying. I stopped in front of the door and contemplated whether to knock or just bust in the door. It would be a better idea to just runaway and don't let them meet Ryujin. And having to come out with such close-minded Catholics. Thought before that overly-zealous people are the most interesting people. Not until religious beliefs comes in close.

"Were they that bad?" I heard Ryujin said beside me. I looked at her calm but somehow worried face but I didn't answered. I just sighed heavily and rolled my eyes at the thought of my grandparents.. eavesdropping on the other side of the door. "Look, we're just gonna leave if they don't take it that well. As if they can do anything about it. Your parents are fine with it so why should you be worried about them? They'll eventually come around. Trust me." Ryujin cupped my face and forced me to look at her. "I'm here. I'm not going to leave." Ryujin's voice was laced with tenderness. As she leaned in to give me a chaste kiss on the lips, I immediately felt better after. Geez. Does she have some magic or sorcery that her touches would make you feel so much better than you've ever been? Or was it just me?

Nevertheless, I smiled and intertwined our hands together before slowly opening the door. The interior of the hotel room was so much better than I originally anticipated. A modern yet a touches of classical and medieval paintings and furniture. The huge glass window with its curtains neatly folded on the sides, the neatly organized queen size bed in the middle, the carpeted floor, and a fancy chandelier hanging on the ceiling illuminating the huge room. At the veranda, the two older people was standing in front of the railings looking at the busy streets outside of the hotel. My old fashioned grandparents dramatically looked on our direction the moment they noticed our presence in the room. Geez. This isn't some kdrama where you gotta pull that stunt on us, grandma, grandpa. The fixated their gaze on Ryujin who was just as composed as earlier. Is there actually anything that fazes this girl?

I softly tugged on Ryujin's hand to walk over to the veranda to finally introduce her to them. And it was nerve wracking. I feel my nerves raising to the ceiling and it genuinely feel like I was palpitating. I felt Ryujin's hand letting go of mine and placing it instead on my lower back as she opened the door for us to enter the veranda. Ryujin and her chivalrous ways.

"Jisu." The stern voice of my grandma was enough to make my spine straighten. The fact that her good old ways of calling my name hasn't withered and changed these past years was enough to astonish me. Not to mention.. a little bit scared. Aside from Mom, grandma is the only person that I am actually scared of.

"G-grandma." I cleared my throat after I unintentionally stuttered.

"You brought a new.. best friend. Where is that noisy and crazy girl named Yuna? Why isn't she the one whom accompanied you with?" I raised an eyebrow on how she described Yuna. But Ryujin might have found it hilarious considering her shameless chuckles beside me. Or it might have been the fact that they addressed Ryujin as my new.. best friend. Funny how it was the first thought that came out of them. Just confirmed my suspicion that they would not going to take this well.

"You look oddly familiar. Have we met before?" My grandfather voiced out while looking at Ryujin's face intently. "You're.. you visited us once years ago, didn't you?" I immediately kinked an eyebrow on his statement. He didn't sound like he was kidding and Ryujin's smile slowly faded from her face.

"I'm surprised you remember me.. sir." Now, I'm actually lost.

"She did?" My grandmother on the other hand seemed to be just as perplexed as I am. What's going on? I just found out a little bit of information from Yeji and now..

"She did. With Yeonjun." My grandfather confirmed. "Don't tell me you're.. dating my grand daughter this time?" He hissed while he took a step forward on Ryujin. Out of reflex, I immediately pulled Ryujin behind me to keep her out from his reach. "You dyke! What have you done to my grand daughter?!" I flinched when he screamed and took a step back when he raised his hand acting like he was about to hit me, us.

"What the? She didn't do anything to me! I've been into girls since I was still in my mom's womb!" Okay. That was obviously a pun but I shouldn't have said that. Now I actually made them both.. flaring mad. "I mean, I'm still into boys but.. I have a girlfriend. Ryujin is my girlfriend. Can you like.. just let me, or us be? The way you're reacting was like.. I killed someone. Which is I didn't and would never."

"Julia! Can you hear yourself?! This isn't how you're supposed to live! And you! Weren't you just dating--"

"Yeah. But I'm done with guys. So I'm dating your grand daughter this time. How awesome, right? That's the biggest glow-up anyone could have had." I felt my eyes widened at Ryujin's statement. And the way she was smiling with her whisker dimples showing, and how she clicked her tongue after she finished her statement.. if that answer was directed to me, I would have punched her on the face.

"You dirty lesbian!" It was my grandmother who have yelled this time.

"Geez. I take a shower two-three times a day. I smell good and doesn't have body odor. What makes you say I'm dirty though?" Oh my God. Shin Ryujin have definitely lost her mind! I took a two more step backs so now we're inside the room instead of the veranda. This would be easier so we could just ran away after this.

"You! Didn't you slept with my grandson without even getting married?!" That stopped me. Immediately halted my actions as I looked at Ryujin's emotionless face. Wait.. w-what? "Jisu, break up with the bitch! She's just after our family's money that's why your cousin broke up with her! You can go home with your bastard daughter! We would never accept her as a member of our family! Who knows who and how many guys you actually slept--"

"You can insult me all you want. But there's no way in hell I'd let you do the same thing to Zephora. And who the fuck asked for your acceptance anyway? Zephora and I are fine without your asshole grandson. Without an asshole grandparents such as yourselves. Thought I would have to deal with homophobic remarks but it ended up into more stupid argumentation now." I can hear some shakiness on Ryujin's voice for trying hard not to raise her voice. This isn't how I envisioned our interaction would be. I thought it would be more about my sexuality. How did it end up about Ryujin's personal life? And.. Yeonjun? Who the heck was he? My nonexistent cousin? I bit my lip as I faced Ryujin. I can feel the shame crawling through my skin. The whole Choi clan was just embarrassing.

"Ryujin.." I swallowed a lump on my throat as I put my hands on her shoulders. "Can we just.. get the hell out of here?" I whispered solemnly. I looked directly into her eyes as she held both of my wrists.

"Jisu, you're an embarrassment--"

"Oh, please. It's the other way around. You have no idea how embarrassed I am to be on the same bloodline as you. Go on. Curse me all you want. My parents are fine with my sexuality so why should I care for your opinion? If it wasn't for them I wouldn't even bothered talking to you and introducing MY girlfriend." I answered back irritated. I stood firmly on Ryujin's side and held her hand as tight as I could. "Go live your life being homophobes. See you in hell." I didn't know where I've got all of my courage to say that to them but I just felt my fear and a little drip of respect for them dropping down the drain. It's satisfying how Ryujin's presence can do so many things. Maybe I'm getting too dependent but right now, she said that she's not going to leave. I've gotta hold on to that.

I turned away swiftly as I dragged Ryujin hastily. I know my mom would probably bury me alive if she find out I talked to her parents on such way. But, I couldn't help it. Ryujin and I ran down the stares not minding the heels that I was wearing. Considering how clumsy I actually am, I'm surprised that I haven't had an intimate moment with the floor.

I've seen how the guests inside the hall was looking at Ryujin and I's odd behavior. But I didn't stopped running. I can hear my parents calling for my name as I ran past them but I don't want to deal with them right now.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I heard Yuna's voice not too far away from us.

"Eloping!" I heard faint gasps as Ryujin shamelessly answered and laughed hysterically afterwards. "Just kidding!"

"Hey! Choi Jisu!" God. Remind me to write some letters for my loved ones before my mom actually kill Ryujin and I.

Kinda short and boring I know. But this story is getting near on its end. I mean, not really near. About 15 minimum chapters left? That's pretty plenty still but I feel like it's not enough to actually meet some of your expectations. I've been having a hard time writing some solid and interesting chapters after Yeji appeared. Lmao. I kind of been having some troubles with the added characters and with the side characters as well. I might just write some special chapters to make it up somehow. I guess?  Maybe the next two chapters would be purely just the side characters or the next two chapters after the 48th? I haven't made up my mind yet.

ChaerJi or ChaerYuna? ;) (A genuine question for future reference.)


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