Angel or Demon [Taekook Top!T...

By haizy_lush

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An Angel and Demon are sent to earth. They both are given a mission. They have till the end of the week to fi... More

should I?
Bonus pt.1 [Namjin]
Bonus pt.2 (Taekook)
Bonus pt.3 [Yoonmin]
Bonus [final]


3.3K 181 47
By haizy_lush

Angel Realm,

"Is everything going according to the plan? Is the Angel that you picked is well informed about their duties" The Queen asks her son, Jimin.

"Yes your highness, he is. He is out and when he returns he shall go to the human realm and get the weapon and hand it to the Kriegers"

"Well then, you can leave"

Jimin smiles and leaves the courtroom. He sees 3 Angels trying to lift something up the stairs, he simply waves his hand and that heavy thing is already up the stairs.

The Angels turn around, "thank you sire" the bow and leave. Jimin smiles and makes his way around the castle.

"Hey Yuna have you seen Jungkook?" he asks. He has been looking for his best friend for a quite sometime, he went out but he was supposed to be back.

"He—" Yuna starts but is cut off by a clashing sound in the next room.

"Jungkook is that you?" Jimin asks unamused.

"no" a small voice came out of that room.

Jimin shook his head smiling and walked into the room to see Jungkook on the floor surrounded by books, "Jungkook, I asked you to come to me when you came back"

"Yeah I know, I was just trying to bring these books to you"

Yuna smiled and bent down next to Jungkook and picked up the books and offered her hand to Jungkook, "thank you noona" he smiled shyly.

"The ritual is it ready? To go to the human Realm?" Jungkook asks.

The pathway from Demon realm to Human realm is a very simple gate but the pathway from Angel realm to Human realm is a bit difficult.

A ritual is done and a circle is drawn, when the Angel steps on it, the circle lights up and transports them to the human world.

"Yes. It took all morning but its ready" Yuna says.

"Just waiting for him" Jimin says, "He should be here, what is taking him so long?"

"Hello my Angels!! Your sunshine is here" A voice echoes through the hallway.

"Hoseok hyung" Jungkook happily turns around but his smile fades when he sees his bandaged hand.

"What happened to you?" Jimin questions.

"LOCHES" Hoseok shrugs, "It will not stop me, I will heal eventually" he smiles.

"What grade LOCHES?" Jimin questions.

"Grade A"

"Are you okay?" Yuna's voice is heard from behind Jungkook.

Hoseok didn't notice her at first, his careless expression changed seeing her worried face, "Darling I'm fine"

"You do some reckless thing again Hoseok, I will break up with you" she warns but Hoseok finds it cute.

"I'm sorry. I won't be reckless" he kisses her cheeks.

"How did you get off with just a broken hand?" Jungkook gulps, he has never been out of the Kingdom's main wall, let alone a different realm.

"He was there for the rescue" Hoseok points at a Kreiger making his way towards them, "I invited him for the festival as a thank you for saving my life"

The kreiger was wearing his armor and his face was covered by the helmet but Jimin knew exactly  who it was, the only person who could make his angel heart beat like that.

"Is t-that—" that man apparently also turns Jimin, the all powerful royal prince into a stuttering mess.

"Yoongi thank you for saving his life again" Yuna bowed a little.

"It's my duty" the kreiger nodded and removed his helmet. "I came here to inform you that I'm going back, thanks for the invite though"

"No!" Jimin almost yells.

Jungkook bites his lips trying not to laugh.

"Your highness" Yoongi kneels infront of Jimin, greeting him and the prince can't take his eyes off that amazing body.

Jungkook nudges Jimin and breaks him out of his trance, "You may rise" he says and Yoongi stands up, his eyes linger a few seconds on Jimin and he quickly looks away, "I will take my leave"

"No. Stay for the day. I will ask someone to tend to your wounds as well" Jimin used his authoritative commanding voice and Yoongi had to obey.

"Yes highness"

They all made their way to the main hall where the ritual is about to take place.

Jungkook, Jimin, Hoseok and Yuna were friends ever since they were little, as they grew up, Jimin and Hoseok got more powerful and Yuna was powerful in some basis, she can even withstand a fight, but Jungkook could never. He wouldn't be able to fight even a E grade Loches, he can't even imagine fighting a demon. He wishes to go to the Human realm too, but this is a serious issue and Hoseok is the best one for the job.

Hoseok kisses Yuna and makes his way to the circle but doesn't step into it, waiting for the Queen's order.

"Will you be fit?" she asks.

"Yes your highness"

She nods and repeats the mission once again to him and to all the people gathered in the hall.

Jungkook was standing in the front lines watching them. "Give it to me" a voice was heard from behind him, he turned around to see Soobin and Yeonjun fighting about some cool shiny thing, "No, its mine"

"Let me see" Soobin pulled again.

"Hey both of you, cut it out" Jungkook whispered, "Now is not the time to be playing around. This is serious"

Yeonjun stuck out his tongue at Jungkook and went back to examining the thing in his hand, "Give it to me Yeonjun, I wanna see it too" soobin pushed yeonjun.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Keep pushing each other and one of you is going to fall into that circle and disappear into the human world"

They both stopped fighting and Jungkook turned around to face the circle and Hoseok.

"When you step into it, the light will appear and you will be transported to the human world, are you clear?"

"yes" Hoseok nodded.

Jungkook looked at Jimin who kept stealing glances at Yoongi.

"Let me see once" Soobin tried grabbing the thing and Yeonjun while trying to pull away lost balance and almost fell into the circle, Jungkook caught him right before but he slipped and fell into the circle, but thankfully Yeonjun fell outside the circle.

The entire audience gasped. Jimin face palmed and stood up.

Hoseok tried to help Jungkook but he couldn't enter the circle. It was already sealed.

"The circle is sealed. Jungkook is the chosen one" The queen says.

"No! erase the circle and let him out, he can't survive out there, he can't work with a demon" Jimin says to his mom.

"He must go"

Jungkook hears the crowd whispering, him? Who is he? He is that weak clumsy kid, no wonder he fell into that, he is so clumsy...he won't survive, that demon would eat him alive, but he is smart though, he will find a way.

Jungkook wants to cry, tears already forming in his eyes. He doesn't want this huge responsibility, he still doesn't know how to use his powers fully. He is smart, yes but in reality, working with a demon, he can't do it.

He looks at Yeonjun, the boy whispers a soft, "I'm sorry"

"The circle once erased it can't be made again for an entire week, we don't have time for that" The queen says.

"There has to be an other way !" Jimin exclaims.

"Are you willing to do it" the queen asks Jungkook.

A rush of determination takes over him, his angel senses spiking, "Yes your highness I can do it"

"Then you shall go"

Hoseok and Yoongi are outside the circle near Jungkook, "Be careful Jungkook, do not trust the demon, they would probably send a B grade demon for this task, don't show them you are weak, okay?" Hoseok says.

Jungkook nods, he can't deal with a E grade demon, how will he with a B grade one.

"You are not weak Jungkook, you are strong. Remember that. We trained, everything is in your head and it will help you when you need it. Believe in yourself, best of luck. If there is a way, I'll get to you okay? You won't be alone."

"Okay thanks hyung"

The light starts around Jungkook.

"Jungkook" Jungkook hears his name again, this time from a different voice, it was Yoongi, he never directly spoke to him, Jungkook was kinda intimidated by him, "Look out for one specific demon"


"He is an A grade demon—lets hope he wouldn't be the one sent to the human realm—he may appear harmless and fun but he is very dangerous, I fought along side him a few times, he is bad news, Don't become a victim of his charms"

"He is Grade A—so we don't have to worry about him right?" Jungkook smiles awkwardly.

Yoongi shrugs, "His goes by V—" the light completely took over Jungkook and the boy disappeared.

Yoongi's eyes landed on Jimin, the boy looked worried. He didn't like seeing that angel sad or worried.

Jungkook felt like he was falling for nearly 10 minutes and he fell on the ground. He can't remember the name Yoongi said, some alphabet that's all he remembers, besides there's no way an A grade demon would be sent on this mission.

He was in a forest covered by huge trees and to his right was a lake, he looked at his reflection, he was wearing a black pant and white shirt, his hair was not straight and styled anymore, it was a little curly and fluffy falling on his eyes.

He observed his surroundings, he couldn't see any human, not even animals that is until his eyes fell on a boy.

A demon to be exact. He was on top of a tree, lying down on a branch, one leg propped on it and the other dangling in the air, one hand covering his face. one wrong move and he could fall. Jungkook saw the red hair and leather outfit.

'show off' he thinks.

Before he could makes his presence visible, the demon spoke, "Hello my little Angel"

Jungkook couldn't believe his ears, the voice was smooth like honey and deep like the ocean.

"um-" Jungkook wondered how the demon sensed his presence even though his eyes are closed.

"I waited 5 minutes and I hate waiting" now the demon was in front of him.

"Sorry" damn Jungkook don't show your weakness.

The demon smirked, "I'm V, you are?"

The alphabet. That's him.

Oh no.

"Jungkook" he said and V took Jungkook's hand and kissed it, "pleasure meeting you"

Heat climbed up Jungkook's face. "By any chance are you A grade?"

"yes." The demon smiled.

Oh no.

let me know how it is :)

comment :)

I'm intending on keeping this one a short story..let's see.

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