Bound By Hurdles

By thecrazybeingg

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➻ Previously called - Loving You Was Never Easy ❧ She was rude, hard-hearted & unusually dangerous to deal wi... More

❥ Prologue
❥ Characters
❥ Chapter 1
❥ Chapter 2
❥ Chapter 3
❥ Chapter 4
❥ Chapter 5
❥ Chapter 6
❥ Chapter 7
❥ Chapter 8
❥ Chapter 9
❥ Chapter 10
❥ Chapter 11
❥ Chapter 12
❥ Chapter 13
❥ Chapter 14
❥ Chapter 16

❥ Chapter 15

494 49 147
By thecrazybeingg


The Terminal Downfall


"I can't believe we are stuck at this creepy place. Fuck my fate! Fuck your goddamn car!" Juhi's annoyed cribs were directed at Harsha who was working on repairing his car that had broken down at a deserted lane, kilometres away from the city. There were no beings around, neither did they see any vehicle except Sonakshi's car that had already sped into the vicinity minutes ago.

"Sona has travelled through this shady byway all alone. This girl! She isn't even scared!" Juhi commented or rather talked out loud to herself in disbelief, unable to digest her best friend's reckless adventures. If she didn't know it was almost close to noon time, she would have assumed it to be midnight. The surroundings were pitch dark with trees covering either side of the road. It was hard to figure out the right path from among numerous narrow passages. Now that they had missed Sonakshi's car, she was apprehensive about reaching Aadyanth on time.

Harsha didn't bother to reply at all. Within few minutes of the meet & travel, he was acquainted to Juhi's demanding character. She was such a problematic woman who complained about everything he did. Given a choice, he would have pushed her outside & drove away. But then it wasn't the time for ridiculous child plays. He had enough problems on his shoulders already. Besides, he was so tensed about Aadyanth that everything else seemed negligible for the time being.

"Will it be done today?" Juhi nagged as she leaned in from the rear seat & long pressed the horn.

"I'm trying!" Harsha replied not taking his eyes off the engine.

"Sona is already gone. What are we going to do about the way? Do you think we will be able to find the place?"

"Hmm!" Harsha simply hummed not giving importance to her never ending, senseless rants.

"If only we have taken my car everything would have fallen into place. But the problem is Sona can identify it real quick. That is why I left it behind. Didn't you see how she stopped twice? She was doubtful. So this has to be the right choice. Nooo! Wait! Not really! We should have taken some other car which was in a better condition. Not mine, not yours but somebody else's! What do you think?" Juhi remarked, indulging her now dense brain in some deep shit thoughts.

"Hmmmm!" Harsha hummed again, stressing the end for a little while longer, to match the length of her essay on which car to choose & which not to.

"Woah! Look at you. I have talked so much but all you do is hmm, hmmm, hmmmm. How cool Aadyanth is! But you're a picky old guy! Stop being so pricey. It won't cost you millions to move your lips" Juhi mouthed in irritation as she imitated his way of talking. Harsha rolled his eyes, indirectly asking her to hold her tongue & went back to whatever he was doing.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me? Remember I'm your senior & I.."

"You can always rag me at college for being a jerk. Right?" He cut in & repeated the tagline he had been hearing like a chant even when he turned around or moved a little.

"Yeah! True. Wait! Are you, by any chance, teasing me?"

"I won't dare to" Harsha pretended to be startled & got inside the car. He started the engine which fuelled into life with a screech. He was glad that Juhi didn't pick out the sarcasm hidden beneath his previous reply. If she did, she might eat his ears off with her list of do's & dont's until they reached the destination.

"Good for you!" Juhi straightened her seatbelt & gazed out of the window, not wanting to converse with the bizarre guy anymore.

They crossed a few kilometres in absolute silence. For their luck, there weren't any confusing by-roads on the way. This continued for several more minutes until the car reached at an abandoned intersection. The real challenge began when Harsha couldn't decide which route to follow. He halted the car & turned back at Juhi to find her equally confused & lost in thoughts.

"Take left!" Juhi voiced with finality after contemplating a little.

"But the road is totally wasted. I'm not sure if we will be able to drive through it. We will have to take right to get out of the woods"

"I'm almost sure it is left" Juhi reasoned, her mind reeling back to the pictures she saw in Sonakshi's drawer. She matched them with the view before her & a voice inside her persuaded to take left.

"Can't you see how that way is totally blocked? You want us to go deep into an even more dense forest & then get stuck there as well?" Harsha raised his voice louder than before having tolerated enough of her tantrums.

"Believe me! I'm serious this time"

"Have you ever been to this place?"


"Then how can you be so sure?"

"I just know" Juhi shrugged, reluctant to pass on more of her best friend's secrets.

"Alright! But if this is the wrong way or some kind of stupid prank of yours, you're going to see a different face of mine" Harsha's unusually firm warning made her furiously look away from him. With that he took a sharp turn to the left.

True to Juhi's assumption, much later, they saw Sonakshi's car parked at a distance. They were now almost close to Aadyanth & that thought alone instantly lifted off a huge burden from Harsha's chest. He mentally thanked Juhi for convincing him to take the right route & rebuked at his own obtuse self for being insolent towards her. He passed a grateful smile at her which she ignored royally. She was still mad at him for doubting her intentions.

As they walked closer, an enormous multi-storeyed mansion came into their view. It was enclosed from all the sides by sky high walls & metallic gateways. The dark aura & dreary atmosphere that surrounded the time-worn structure was strangely overwhelming. It extended beyond the reach of their eyes, probably in acres. Both Harsha & Juhi were dumbfounded as they had never seen something like that in their whole life.

Harsha had expected running into Sonakshi's men or securities as they inched closer. Coming by Sonakshi's nature, there would be a decent number of hooligans positioned in & around the place. He was unsure of defending them alone. But to his utter surprise there was no one within the premises. All the entrances, big & small, were wide open. Even the gate was barely secured. He gestured Juhi to follow his lead as he vigilantly walked past the main door to the insides.

"I can go that way. You please go in the opposite direction. That will help us to reach Aadyanth quicker" Juhi suggested as they reached a stilled corridor which from it's extreme end split into numerous hallways.

"But, will you be okay? It is dangerous to roam here alone!" Harsha asked in genuine concern. He had noticed how Juhi kept scooting close to him in fear all the while. She was still not adapted to the expanse of the mansion. Yet she had offered to help, staking her own safety. He felt all his bitter thoughts on her fade away at that moment.

"It's ok. I can manage. Besides Sona won't hurt me. That much I can assure you. You please take care of yourself" Juhi shifted on her heels grasping the worry in his voice. She was cynical about searching by her own but then she knew no harm would come her way when Sonakshi was around. Besides she couldn't help but agree, the warmth in Harsha's eyes did ease up her anxiety a lot.

"Thank you so much Juhi. I really owe you a lot. And I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier. I was so tensed about Aadi. Hope you don't take it to heart" Harsha sincerely apologized. He felt guilty for misbehaving with her when she had been nothing but helpful from the start. Juhi on the other hand nodded reassuringly not knowing how else to react. Being low-key used to Harsha's monosyllables, she suddenly felt so weird to hear him talk full sentences.

"I can understand. I was equally mean at you. Guess that balances it all" To not add up the awkwardness, Juhi briefly replied before quickly vanishing into one of the hallways.


Sonakshi shoved her hands under running tap for the umpteenth time as she tried to wash away the burning sensation she still felt between her fingers. On the pretext of checking on Narain, she had walked away from Faizan & headed straight to the washroom. Aadyanth's blood was scrubbed off long ago but no amount of moving water could reduce the sting she bore at the blood soaked spots. She roughly scratched the insides of her palms & rinsed it with more water as though trying to dispose her sins along with the flow.

An hour had passed with the duration of seconds. Sonakshi didn't realize it until one of her guards informed her of the same. The fear she then saw on the guy's face only hinted a possibility. Her men had failed miserably in fulfilling her order. It was all of her guards against a single guy. Yet it didn't bring the result she awaited. She felt exhausted & dead from inside. So she simply dismissed the man without any further exchanges.

Sonakshi suddenly had this unexplainable urge to go to Aadyanth again. She wanted to see how he looked like after an hour of continuous torture. She wanted to smell his wounds & know where all he bled now. Earlier it was just scratches & burns. Now it would be full length injuries which might leave long term scars on his body. If not his loud cries, atleast his faint whimpers would echo in the chamber. If not his apologies, she could atleast satisfy herself with his moans of pain.

Taking time, Sonakshi gently wiped her face that was stained with tears she shed for no reason. She fixed her smudged kajal & re-applied light makeup to make herself look presentable again. She saw her reflection which seemed a lot better now. She no longer looked she was mourning for a despicable bastard. The worry lines on her forehead were successfully concealed. Her eyes weren't woeful or disturbed anymore.

She then ordered for a can of chilled beer & a maid fetched it for her in no time. She gulped the bitter liquid down her throat in a single long sip, desperately trying to groom herself into a better shape. She needed courage to go stand before Aadyanth & only alcohol could provide it in the meantime. Finally, planting a wicked smirk on her face, she was ready to confront him again.


Sonakshi sat facing Aadyanth who had blood & sweat dripping from his face ceaselessly. His body was covered with bruises. He could hardly blink or breath. The evil glint on her face soon turned into a pleasant smile when she saw his feeble attempts to break the ties through which he was bound to the chair. His face held no emotions but his eyes had a lot to say like every time.

"So sad Aadyanth! But what to do when you clearly asked for this. Now you might have realized the consequences of messing with Sonakshi Rathode Singhania" She dragged a chair & sat facing him with a dispassionate smirk glued on her face.

"Trust me, this is exactly how I fantasized you ever since we ran into each other. You have no idea, how good your blood reeks" She whispered sniffing his bloodied face like a hungry predator. Her sudden step made him astounded more than ever. He was stupefied by the audacity of the lady before him, for the second time in the day. She kept giving him newer reasons to prove that she wasn't any typical woman who would hide or black out at the sight of blood.

Instead she pretended to find pleasure in gambling with it. Her moves were unpredictable. But he wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of winning over him, not yet atleast. She might be ahead of him in money & man power but he was emotionally formidable enough to face all her advances with ease.

He genuinely smiled admist the horrible pain that shot through his nerves with the only intention of triggering her again. If there was something that could put her off, it was his ability to smile regardless of the tortures hurled at him. He had been doing the same ever since forever, much to her annoyance. It was his way of acting ignorant to her approaches. If she thought thrashing the shit out of him would make him kneel down infront of her, she was highly mistaken.

"This man can smile even during the most distressing state!" Sonakshi thought running her hand frustratedly through her semi curly locks.

How she wanted to see him devoid of that victorious smile for atleast once! But that seemed impossible. He had the power to win over her without even trying while she had to use all her influence to get him seated almost lifelessly infront of her. Her face was now deep red stained indicating how furious she was. No matter how hard she tried to put him down, she would end up feeling like a loser.

"I will make sure, Sonakshi Rathode Singhania soon becomes Sonakshi Aadyanth Vikaas" He slightly winked at her breaking the momentary silence & her thoughts.

The sudden confession stunned Sonakshi to a great deal. What was with him & his back to back intimate remarks directed at her? She would rather die than being closely associated with him in any means. She trembled a little as he stared directly into her eyes as if looking through her soul.

His words enraged her beyond limits. It was too much for her to take in. Here she thought, he would seek forgiveness for what he did to her & beg her to set him free all the while. But this man was something else. He had the nerve to speak against her even after foreseeing his own death & that was what she loathed the most about him. That was it. She clenched her fists in fury as she lost even the last string of her patience.

Sonakshi lunged forward and slapped him hard across his face, not once or twice but until she had finally lost the count. Her hands had gone numb from the continuous hits yet he had null reaction as if he was foretold of the violence. She had never been so helpless in her life. Nothing could provoke him. Was he made of rock?

"Slap me all you want Sakshi. Because once you belong to me, I'll make sure you put the same hands of yours into better use. Like holding me close while I fuck the daylights out of you or threading them through my hairs while I corrupt every inch of your skin with my kisses" Aadyanth announced without an ounce of hesitation.

Sonakshi knew, he would definitely work on making his words come true. He had proved it in all their encounters. The last thing she wished for was to end up with him given any circumstance. She shut her eyes in disgust & screamed her lungs out, feeling that nasty image filling up inside her mind. She could feel her body shaking in panic. But nothing could stop Aadyanth from scoring against her. He loved giving her reality checks very often because that made her realise, she could never hunt him down no matter how much of a big shot she was.

"Your lips are heaven & I can still feel them the essence of them lingering on mine. Every time I see you, I feel like kissing you to death & making you mine. I will keep you all for myself & then tame you in my ways. Trust me, when I do that, you are going to wither in sheer pleasure Sonakshi" His tone was laced with a hidden warning that made her throat dry. She felt as if even the last bit of energy was sucked out from her body. Here she had tormented him physically yet that did not affect him but it only took a few words for him to frighten her to the core.

Sonakshi could no longer think rationally. If she was angry before, she had turned insane after the sequent insults. She was now sure that she had made the right decision by ordering her guards to punish him. There was nothing to feel remorseful about it. He deserved every bit of the brutality.

Her vision blurred with hot tears & her body squirmed in plain disgust when the visuals he planted inside her kept reappearing before her. It awakened the worst side of her even without her knowledge. She pressed her hands on her ears in an attempt to stop him from saying anything more.

A series of events passed through her eyes. How badly she was insulted because of this man! Yet she had tried being considerate. However now, she felt like finishing him in the most painful way. But then, even that wouldn't bring out the reaction she had expected from him. She badly wanted to see him crumbling down infront of her & apologizing. Only that could satisfy her & make her feel contented. But she herself knew, it would forever remain to be her wish.

Why was it her who had to face the loss & insult always? Why couldn't he let her win over him atleast once? Those thoughts kept haunting her making her more restless than before.

Sonakshi couldn't control herself anymore. She started hitting him ruthlessly with everything she found on the floor of that confined space. At that moment she didn't care if he lived or died. All she wanted was to vent out the hatred that was clouding her senses from a long time. Sonakshi's insanity came to a standstill when Juhi appeared out of nowhere & stopped her by holding her hands.

"What the hell Sonakshi!!! Have you lost it? You are going to kill him" Juhi panted trying hard to catch her breath.

"Just fucking stay out of this. Leave me!! Let me finish this bastard. How dare he speak like this to me? No one has ever raised their voice infront of me" Sonakshi struggled to free herself from Juhi's clutches.

She looked exactly like a maniac. Her clothes & hair dishevelled. Her face burning with rage. His condition was no better. He was soaked in blood. Every bit of his body ached but he chose to ignore.

"I will make sure you are mine not to love or pamper you but to show you what real life is, to teach you there is a life beyond money and power" His voice was faint this time. His words sounded more like a threat to her. Juhi pulled her back whilst dragging her out before she could pounce on him again.

Sonakshi turned back one last time to meet his eyes that were longingly staring at her. Those deep dark orbs were enough to hunt her down for the rest of her life.


"Enough Sonakshi! Come with me" Juhi shouted at her best friend who was squirming from within her hold.

Subsequently after she had split directions with Harsha, she heard strident voices erupting from beneath the coiled stairway at the end of a lean passage. Her eyes did immediately search for him, but he was already gone to some other part of the mansion. Gathering all her courage, she climbed down the stairs. As she advanced closer, the sounds became distinct. She was sure, she heard Sonakshi's furious screams from inside what that precisely looked like a forsaken prison. She had immediately ran inside the unlocked cell only to find her best friend shouting like an enraged monster & hitting Aadyanth violently with everything she had her hands on. It took her all her strength to separate Sonakshi from Aadyanth & then yank her out of the chamber.

"LEAVE! LET ME GO!" Sonakshi tried to dive past Juhi who blocked her way from all the possible ends. She had a hard time balancing a very aggressive Sonakshi & hauling her away from the room. She pushed Sonakshi down & forcefully made her sit on the cold floor close by. Sonakshi's high pitched cries rattled her. However she securely embraced her best friend trying to stabilize her turbulent frame of mind.

"Please Sona. Listen to me! Stop wiggling" Juhi spoke, holding Sonakshi's hands which were rudely swatted off in the next second.

"Aadyanth has lost a lot of blood. He looks terrible. I have to call his brother & get him to a hospital immediately! For that you should calm down first" Juhi pleaded holding her more firmly in case she would slip through & rush to him again.

Sonakshi did not hear or see a thing. None of Juhi's words went into her. She could only listen to Aadyanth's threats & watch his disturbing gestures over & over again. Alcohol had slowly started fogging her system, messing up with her in the most dreadful way. It only brought the worst out of like always. She wanted to go to Aadyanth, punch him into a pulp & show him his real place. Everything that stopped her from reaching him was an obstruction in her way. Juhi was exactly being one. She thus frantically kicked Juhi in an attempt to get freed.

"It's me baby. Calm down!" Juhi gently patted Sonakshi's back, as she struggled to dodge the frenzied blows & kicks her best friend was conferring upon her. Even that couldn't soften the havoc a little.

"HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? HE WILL DIE SONA!" Juhi yelled at her wits end, slightly slapping on Sonakshi's cheeks to snap her out of the trauma. And that finally did the job. Sonakshi came back to earth from the high of liquor. She stilled for a while & then dissolved into bitter sobs. She crawled back to a corner away from Juhi. Hugging her knees, she weeped as everything that happened recurred into her in full forces.

"Sonaa, sweetheart, stay here okay? I will go get Harsha" Juhi spoke as she finally found Sonakshi quiet & under control. She wanted to console her mourning best friend for a little while longer. But that would definitely stake Aadyanth's life. She could only manage to look at him once. He was covered in so much of blood that she felt sick & giddy. He should be given immediate medical assistance before something dreadful happened. It was hard for her to support him all alone. She definitely needed help but she didn't know where exactly to check for Harsha.

"Please don't hurt him anymore Sona. I will call his brother & come back real quick. Stay here, will you?" Juhi convinced in a soft whisper for which Sonakshi meekly nodded. She dialled Harsha in a hurry, relieved about the fact that they had exchanged their numbers even in the midst of countless disagreements. If not, finding him in the expanse of this widespread mansion would have been quite a bit of task.

Juhi took a step forward when all of a sudden Sonakshi gripped her hand from behind almost not willing to let her go.

"Don't.. hate.. me Juu. I know.. I'm bad.. I know you're.. disgusted by me.. I'm awful.. but please.. don't.. hate me" She heard Sonakshi's faint cries.

Juhi's heart broke to see her best friend going through so much of pain. Sonakshi looked weak & fragile like a wilted flower. She was emotionally drained. No matter how heinous she was, she didn't deserve such an ugly fate. The whole world fancied her life to be a bed of fragrant roses, almost smooth & splendid like a fairy tale, but only Juhi knew the bitter truths behind it. The luxuries that surrounded Sonakshi were misread as her prosperity & good fortune. In reality, her life was nothing but an unending string of tragedies. All the hate & revenge had made it meaningless. And her miseries seemed to never head towards an end at all.

"We will talk later Sona. You better have an explanation for what you just did" Juhi's mildly sour expression only intensified Sonakshi's worries.

"Will you.. stop being friends.. with me?" She asked through broken words, her now innocent doe eyes distending with new tears. All the insecurities she had been hiding in her heart kicked in at once. She screwed up everything by her own & she was completely hopeless now.

"I said we will talk later. In detail!" Juhi shrugged off the hold unwillingly, not bothering to answer her best friend for the time being.


Harsha shot a hard glare at Sonakshi who was curled up in the same corner with her head hung low in defeat.

Right then he detested that vicious lady with every fiber in him. He hated her with a passion. Even a mere glance of her pricked him beyond all the measures. She was totally pitiable. In his words, even roadside goons who killed others for money were no match to her toxicity.

Even after being aware that Aadyanth was equally at fault if not more, Harsha couldn't curtail his biased thoughts. Questioning a woman's character was a crime that came with no justifications. And the same crime was committed by his brother. But nothing could defend Sonakshi's barbaric deeds in his eyes as he could only think from a brother's perspective after knowing how much Aadyanth had endured in a short notice.

Harsha stiffened as the stench of blood filled up his nostrils. The space he just entered smelled of a butchery. The foul odour of raw flesh made him nauseous. He felt short of air. His breath hitched as he saw Aadyanth tied up in the middle of the room. Blood had spilled like an outpour down his front and gathered in a small pool. Every next stride Harsha took, he stepped on clotted streams of it. For him, It was like all of his scariest nightmares put together.

"Aadi. Wake up!" Harsha choked on his words & froze in the midway not knowing what to do. Aadyanth neither moved nor flinched a little & this time it was real.

"Ease up his ties first!" Juhi exclaimed from behind. Harsha paled as he grappled with the strings & chains. With his fingers shaking hysterically, he couldn't undo the knots, no matter how many times he tried.

"Can you please move? You are doing no help" Juhi spoke in urgency. Without a word, Harsha shifted aside giving her space. She held Aadyanth's wrist & assured that he had a pulse. Then she carefully loosened the knots without actually looking at his wounds.

"Get me some water!" She demanded & Harsha, as if in a stupor, did everything he was asked to. Juhi sprinkled droplets on Aadyanth's face. But there wasn't any reaction from his end to the cold contact.

"Godd! Get up Aadi. Don't do this please!" Harsha smeared more water while his hands shook his brother with a renewed energy. He saw Aadyanth's fingertips move a little followed by his closed eyelids.

"Aadi.. Can you hear me?" Harsha queried for which Aadyanth groaned in a hoarse voice. He strained to open his eyes & hissed in pain as he barely stirred from his position. His entire body was aching like hell from hours of ceaseless torture.


"Harsh.. How did you..?" Aadyanth almost questioned. He winced rather loudly, when his cut lips stung & hindered his speech in the process.

"What are you waiting for? Hold him! We are taking him to a hospital right away!" Juhi snapped at Harsha, totally tired of his numbness. Ever since he saw Aadyanth's condition, he had turned more cold & inert. He responded only when she asked him to do something. Else, he simply stared at his brother with a helpless face & glossy eyes.

"You don't have to! Just leave me here & go home. This place isn't safe. You shouldn't have came here at the first place" Aadyanth breathed out with great difficulty. His chest tightened while he forced out words amidst the bitter pain.

"Shut up Anna. Stop talking nonsense. What are you going to do then? Fight Sonakshi's goons by your own? Or limp all the way home in this state?" Harsha chided, winding his arms around Aadyanth's, in an attempt to help him rise from the chair.

"It is not that. I don't think I will be able to pull through this Harsh. Just look at me! Even you take me to a hospital it is of no use!" Aadyanth mouthed with a dry chuckle, letting the discomfort slide. He groaned disapprovingly when Harsha helped him on his foot. As his dead sole came in contact with the floor, an excruciating pain rushed downwards & spread right through his legs. He was practically immobilized & hence found it extremely strenuous to stay still by his own for even a second.

"You have said this once. Dare you say this again Aadi" Harsha reprimanded in fright.

Aadyanth's words pierced him deep into the core. He couldn't even imagine spending a single day in his brother's absence. He was sure even Rohaan couldn't. They had emotionally bonded with Aadyanth over the years. They had always looked upto him in smallest of decisions & grown up seeing him struggling for their happiness all alone. For them, he was everything an elder brother should be. If Aadyanth left them abruptly, they would be ruined. They would be left in oblivion forever. He shuddered thinking about it.

"I'm being practical Harsh, just learning to accept the reality. You should do it too!"

"For god's sake, enough Aadi. Please!"

"Harsh, listen to me for once. I want to talk to you. I don't know if I will ever be able to say this. Hear me out first & then you can take me to hospital or wherever you want" Aadyanth softly voiced, his sound cracking a lot more than before. Harsha could barely hear him. Seeing his brother suffering everything by himself, letting out no complaints, Harsha's already glossy eyes overspilled. Suppressing the urge to cry his eyes out, he let Aadyanth speak. He listened to everything in patience while wiping streams of rash tears with the back of his hands.

"Before anything else, I don't know if you will be able to accept whatever I'm going to say. But you have to. For me atleast. I never thought things would come this far Harsh.. I frankly didn't imagine myself in this condition. I triggered Sona, angered her & pushed her limits, for my own selfish reasons.. Somewhere I had a hope that things would work in my favour. But then everything flipped in an angle I never expected.." Aadyanth paused for a while before continuing with great travail.

"Now you know, it was me. Just me! Don't ever hold Sona responsible for things that happened here. She has no share in them. I provoked her deliberately, my words guided her actions & she ended up hurting me. You may find this explanation silly. But that is what the truth is.. So even if something happens to me, you shouldn't bother her in future. Don't even think of hurting her. Just forget everything & move on. Now that Rohi doesn't have any idea about this, tell him it was an accident.." Aadyanth explained ardently, almost spelling out each word to Harsha, unaware of the fact that Sonakshi was just a wall away from him, listening to every little thing he had to say.

"And always remember, I love you both. I know, I have been a very bad brother for you & Rohi from past few days. I was so self-centred. Putting my priorities above everything, I troubled you a lot. Whenever I was disturbed, I took out all my anger on both of you. I even screamed at you two for no reason. I'm so sorry Harsh. Forgive me. I wish I could see Rohi for one last time & apologize.." Aadyanth rasped, his mouth dry & his laboured breaths scraping against his own throat, hence strangling him slowly.

"What are you saying Aadi? Oh my god! Stop it please. Nothing is going to happen to you" Harsha broke down entirely.

"Maybe! But I don't want to take any chances Harsh. I don't want you & Rohi to destroy your lives by going behind Sona for any sort of revenge. Besides, I don't want to be the reason for her tears anymore. Because, that woman, she has already cried a lot because of me.." Aadyanth asserted as tenderly as he could hoping Harsha would understand his stand.

"Your wish Aadi.. I swear, she will never face any problem because of us.." Harsha assured, still in tears, not being able to ignore the look of helplessness in Aadyanth's face. He simply couldn't refuse or protest knowing how genuine & desperate his brother's pleas to convince him were. Aadyanth's way of suppressing the death pain that came alongside his lengthy talks itself said a lot about his sincerity in getting Sonakshi to the safer end.

Aadyanth felt a lot light headed when Harsha relented before his final demand & affirmed positively. Everything would be peaced out now. Sonakshi's life would go back to that perfect phase devoid of his presence or intervention. In a way, this was the least he could do after doubting her character & always hurting her on an impulse.

"And there.. is another thing you need to know.. there is someone else.. somewhere around.. save him if you can.." He mumbled in gibberish, smothering the waves of pain that struck him in abundance, as he suddenly recollected the memory of that guy whose cries he had been hearing for days.

Aadyanth couldn't complete his inaudible whispers as he began coughing up blood frantically. His knees gave in once again. He signalled Harsha to let him free & then slumped on the chair, gasping for air. Slowly, that awfully familiar darkness of weeks descended on him in manifolds intensity. Just when it seemed like everything had succumbed to it's dead end, through his blurred vision, he saw a middle-aged lady rushing towards the cell in hurry. That was the ultimate image he captured. With that he felt his heavy eyelids flutter & close, maybe forever!


Finally the prologue is here! I know this chapter as a whole was distressing with hazards all the way. But I promise, a little more wait will resolve things into better. The story will soon enter into a light hearted track that you are all longing to read 😍

Btw how was the chapter? What do you think is going to happen to Aadi? Do you think Harsha & Juhi will be able to save him?

Coming to Sonakshi, what are your thoughts on her?

And not to forget, I can't thank you guys enough for supporting this story even though my updates are always delayed. It means the world to me ♥️

Please, please leave plenty of comments if you enjoyed reading this chapter. That is what gives me a real push to write whenever I'm super lazy, lol.

See y'll soon with a new update!

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