Kiss me forever (Akame x Tats...

By RedNightRaider

17.6K 230 32

Tatsumi and Akame had been married for a while and had lived a happy life but someone doesn't want that to co... More

Character Bio
Chapter 1 (Story's)
Chapter 2 (Family Secret's)
Chapter 3 ("Reunion")
Chapter 4 (The Seven Return's)
Chapter 5 (Preperation's)
Chapter 6 (Begin the chase)
Chapter 7 (Childhood memories)
Chapter 8 (The father's battle)
Chapter 9 (Sword and Spear)
Chapter 10 (New Memeber)
Chapter 11 (Kill the Assassin)
Chapter 12 (Quick brake)
Chapter 13 (Another fight)
Chapter 14 (Memories)
Chapter 15 (Crimson Power)
Chapter 17 (Slight rest)
Chapter 18 (Dream or Vision)
Chapter 19 (Three V.S One)
Chapter 20 (More memories)
Chapter 21 (Red Empress)
Chapter 22 (Duel of heart's)
Chapter 23 (Begining of the end)
Chapter 24 (Sister's Fate)
Chapter 25 (Return home)
Chapter 26 (Party time)
Chapter 27 (Sweet Time)
Chapter 28 (Family Future)
Chapter 29 (Closer Everyday)
Chapter 30 (Perfect Ending)

Chapter 16 (Crimson Origin)

244 5 0
By RedNightRaider

[Art is not mine]

Satoshi's P.O.V

After Merraid fled with Gillberta with her i was planning to chase after her but i was stoped when my armor disabled i know i left them with a lot of question's and i had to answer them.

Hinata:"What was that!?"

Tatsumi:"What the hell is 'Omega Incursio' and why was i never told?"

Satoshi:"I'll anwser all of you question's but i have to start with this suit's origin."


It started thousand's of year's ago when the first emperor ruled his kingdom was on the break of war other kingdom's wanted his power but the Teigu's and Shingu's weren't complete quite yet and there enemy's would be there in less that a day.

The emperor had heard of a legendary dragon known to all as the red dragon king it would destroy all who dared to try and kill it. The emperor knew it could kill him but he tried anyway this was his last chance to save his people. After hour's he found it.

Red dragon King:"RRAAAGGGHHH!"

He looked the dragon in the eye's without fear and approached it knowing we was hear to plead for it's help.

Emperor:"To the crimson ruler of the sky i am here to request your help!"

Red dragon king:"Ragh?"

Emperor:"My kingdom is on the break of war without your power untold number's of innocent's will die i plead to you for your help."

Red dragon king:"Ragh."

The dragon had stood up on it's back leg's and removed an emerald green sphere from it's chest and gave it to the emperor but as it got closer the gem opened revealing a blade.

Red dragon king:"Use my power and save your people do not let this blade fall into the wrong hand's or many will suffer from it's power. The omega Incursio armor to complete the sacred knight's find my brother the tyrant and create the two armor's then find my father the blue tyrant and create the armor. You have your mission now go and persue your destiny."

The dragon flew into the air and the emperor ran toward's his kingdom minute's before there enemy's approached.

Emperor:"My soldier's we have not lost this war yet with this blade we will protect the innocent and defend our kingdom. Now charge!"

The battle long many live's were lost but in the end the kingdom had survived.

Flashback end.

Satoshi:"That is the true origin of this blade."

Najenda:"When i was the general i was told that the blade was casted away for being dangerous so how did you get ahold of it?"

Satoshi:"The reason i got ahold of it is because the old minister Honest tried to weald it the blade rejected him for his evil so he attempted to destroy it but no matter what he did the blade never broke. While i was in the army with the emperor's permission i entered the armorey and found the blade my curiosity got the best of me i grabed the blade after that it linked itself to me."

Lubbock:"Then why did the emperor not take it from you?"

Satoshi:"He saw that it had become fond of me and refused to leave my side i even threw it into the sea but it came back to me everytime."

Kurome:"Why did you stop using it? And why didn't you ever join night raid if you knew how corrupted the empire was?"

Satoshi:"I gave myself a choise continue what's left if my life as a soldier or live my life with the woman i love. Deep down i knew Tatsumi would be worthy of one of the sacred dragon armor's. The armor my grandfather used was mearly a failed attempt to remake Incursio."

Tatsumi:"So my mother didn't want you to use the suit anymore? I'm sensing a missing piece of this puzzle and it's smelling quite funny."

Mizuki's P.O.V

Mizuki:"I knew he couldn't lay that armor down. When it come's to the face of danger his inner soldier come's out and he face's the enemy head on don't worry darling i'm on my way Merraid won't know what hit her when she get's a taste of my armor."

[Hope everyone enjoyed i'll see y'all later bye]

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