The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

24.8K 683 340

Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



341 12 0
By mini0nguy

Waking up was like a slap in the face. Everything hurt, and your thoughts from the previous night started haunting your head again. You groaned and rolled on your side, and just stared at the wall. Sure, a lot of the pictures were drawings, but there was one picture right at eye level. It might sound like a dumb possession and overlooked, but if it got ruined or lost it would drive you crazy. You just stared at it for a minute before turning to the other side. It was a picture of Katsuki, you, and Izuku. Smiling of all things. Together like you were all best friends. 

You saw the sunlight barely coming through your black out curtains, and sighed as you moved to lay on your back. You had almost slept the entire day. It was almost dinner time, and you knew the lights outside would fade into darkness soon. You'd spent almost your entire day in bed. I'm bored, but I don't know if I'm in the mood for socializing right now. I could probably run to the store and pick up a few things. I guess I could go irritate Katsuki. You sat up, and just looked at the floor for a minute before getting up and getting dressed. You didn't even bother brushing your hair, and just grabbed your bag, "I'm leaving!" You announced to Izuku before walking out the door. 

Right when you walked outside the wind hit your face, and you looked over the balcony before walking down. You walked to the store, and picked up some pre-packaged ramen. It wasn't the best, and for sure wasn't better than that ramen place. It was what you could afford though since you still owed him money from all the meals he'd paid for you. Lets see, I think all I need is red pepper. They should have everything else I need to make it. The recipe I saw online at least. I don't know how good it will be though. Seems kind of tacky compared to the ramen shop we went to last time. You grabbed what you needed along with a drink and checked out. 

You started walking to his house, and when you got there you knocked before taking out your key and putting it in the slot and walking in. "Hey moron, I'm here!" You announced, and took off your shoes at the door and walked in. Mitsuki and Masaru would be at work all day today for sure. They're about to launch their new fashion line. You walked into the kitchen, and set down the bags of groceries on the table. "Katsuki?" You called out, but there wasn't an answer. You gripped your phone in your hand as you walked upstairs, and over to his room. "Dude, are you-" You stopped when you saw his door open and him facing away from it. 

He had music blasting, and he was facing a mirror. He had something around his torso, and then you realized. You just stood there trying not to laugh as he pulled the strings to the corset around him, and he clearly pulled too tight because he immediately started turning around to try to undo it. He was cussing because it was so tight he couldn't breathe. He jumped back as soon as he saw you there, "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU KOCK?"

"I did. I announced myself and everything but nobody responded." You looked at him, "Where'd you get a corset?" You asked, getting a cheeky grin on your face.

"I didn't get it! I found it! Damn it! Leave me alone! Go away!" He kept trying to undo the strings that were now to tight.

"You can barely breathe huh?" You asked, smiling. "I can tell because your yelling was quieter than usual. "

"Shut up!"

"Here." You told him and walked over. "I'll help."

"Don't touch me!" He said, and turned around swatting your hands away.

"Okay, then I'm going to go try a new ramen recipe I saw online. You can have fun with this."

"Shit." He mumbled, "Fine! If you tell anyone about this you are dead!"

"Okay Boom Boy, but first," He looked up, and the noise from taking a picture on your phone went off. "Smile." 

"I'm going to blast you to hell!"

"I'd like to see you try in that thing." You said, and locked your phone. "Now, ready for me to help you?"

"I hate you!"

"Yeah, yeah I know." You responded, and spun him the opposite way and started to undo the strings. "I do have to say though, you can pull of a corset Blasty. Especially with your boobs."

"What the hell?!"

"What are they... D cups at least?" You said, making a face that made it seem like you were thinking hard about the issue. "Nah maybe DD."

"Shut up! Just get me out of this thing! I don't have boobs! They're pecks!"

"Alright, if you say so." You shrugged, and undid it enough for him to rip it off and throw it at you.

You caught it, and just looked at him. "I don't want it! It's not even mine! You keep it!" He yelled as he went to storm downstairs after snatching a shirt from his closet.

"I don't like corsets! It's probably not even my size you weirdo!" You responded, and tossed it on his bed. After he went downstairs you opened his closet and grabbed the first volume of a romance manga that seemed pretty new and walked downstairs. 

When he saw it in your hand he erupted, and you could swear you could see fire around him. "Where's you find that?! Give it to me! It's not yours!"

"I found it in your secret stash of romance manga. In your closet like where I said it was last time." He tried to take it, but you pulled it away. "Stop, I want to read it."

"It's new! You're going to bend the binding! Just give it to me!"

"Chill, I'm not going to ruin it." He took it successfully this time and marched up to his room with it in his hand.

"Stop going through my stuff you psycho!" 

You sighed, "Whatever, you hungry?" You asked, and started to take the food out of the bags.


"Stop being so angry. I won't touch your manga. Are you actually hungry?"


You rolled your eyes, "Fine,  but I'm making food!" You called up to him, and started making the ramen while he stayed in his room. When you were done you dished out the two servings, and quickly cleaned the dishes and put them back before grabbing chopsticks and bringing the food up to his room. "Here." He looked between the food and you before rolling his eyes and ignoring you. "Just try it you stubborn ass! I made it, so at least give it a review!" You yelled at him before forcing it in front of him, followed by you sitting down and eating your portion. 

"It needs more pepper and whatever the hell this sauce is. Add more spice next time too." You looked up at him with noodles hanging out of your mouth.

"Is it good at least?"

"I just told you what was wrong with it!"

"Yeah, but still!"

"It's fine! When are you leaving?! I'm not in the mood to babysit tonight!"

"What? You aren't babysitting!"

"Then why the hell do I have to tell you to not touch stuff, and to do this, and not to do that?"

"Ah- bitch! I can take care of myself, rude."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes and laid down. You rolled your eyes too and grabbed his bowl along with yours and walked downstairs. "Someone's just pressed I caught him trying on a corset earlier." You said before walking down the stairs and cleaning the dishes. You cleaned around the house a little more before putting on your shoes, "Bye!" You called out before grabbing your bag and leaving, locking the door behind you. Right when you turned to walk on the sidewalk towards your apartment your phone started to buzz.

Incoming call... Manliest Man🤜🤛


"Hey Y/N! What are you up to?"

"Oh, nothing much. Just walking home. How about you?"

"Just taking a walk. Hey, maybe we can walk together if you want. Where are you? Oops, I guess I should ask if you even want to first haha."

"Oh, yeah sure. I don't have any plans. I'm walking back from Bakugo's right now."

"Oh, that's funny. I was about to pass his street. I'll be there in a minute. Mind waiting where you are?" 

"No, not at all."

"Alright. I'll stay on the phone with you until I get there. Plus, then I can ask if I get lost." He laughed. "Okay I'm almost to Bakugo's house. Where do I go from here?"

"You keep walking down that street, and then make a left. I'm on that street."

"Oh alright. You really did just leave when I called huh?"

"Yeah haha. Why'd you call anyways?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to try to plan a hang out with Kaminari or something tonight. That or play video games."

"Oh bet."

"Y/N! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!" The sudden screaming was loud and hurt your eardrum coming through Kirishima's end of the phone. "ARGHH! JUST LEAVING WITHOUT WARNING WHAT THE HELL-" A little whimper came from Kirishima, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE SHITTY HAIR! WHERE'S Y/N?!"

"I'm going there right now man. Cool your blasters." 


"HEY I DID WARN YOU!" You yelled into the phone, and he barely heard it.

"GIVE ME THE PHONE DUMB HAIR!" The phone made rustling noises before you held it away from your ear. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE?!"




"It's okay, stop yelling you two..."




"What? Yes I will." He protested.

You took a deep breath. "I'm going home. Tell Kirishima I'll have to hang out with him later."

"DON'T YOU DARE HANG U-" You clicked the end button and started walking in the direction of Bakugo's house. When you peeked around the corner you saw Bakugo yelling at the phone, and Kirishima trying to calm him down. Probably before Katsuki had a chance to break his phone. Kirishima said something, and pointed in your general direction so you took that as your time to leave. He was probably trying to rationalize with him that that's where you said you were and it wasn't too late or something like that.

You turned around, and pulled the hoodie over your head, and put in your headphones. You constantly started to look around you, and overall ended up turning down the music and taking an earbud out. As you walked you accidentally looked down an alleyway, and stopped for a second. There was a warp gate guy, and that blue haired guy from the USJ. You barely managed to stay on your feet and keep walking except this time you tried to pick up speed. When you passed you heard them talking. Wasn't his name Shigaraki or something? They're the League of Villains right? I'm not going crazy? Keep it together. It's okay just keep walking. "I'm going to kill those two damn brats Kurogiri. The ones with green hair. Those damn Midoriya's! They got in my way!" His voice was raspy, and it sounded like he was about to throw a tantrum. 

You felt your heart drop into your stomach, and forced yourself to walk. When they got quiet though that just made you more nervous. What if they saw me? I'm all alone. Maybe Bakugo was right. At this point I'm still closer to his house. Maybe if I just wait Mitsuki can take me home or something? No, she won't be home and neither will Masaru. What if they noticed I'm here? What if they block my way to either places? My hair is still sticking out of the hood, so they could've easily saw it. You turned around, and kept your head down as you quickly made it back to Bakugo's. When you repassed the alleyway you could still hear them talking. "Be patient Tomura Shigaraki. We will get insight on them, and you can have your fun."

"I want them dead." He was breathing rapidly, "Especially the stupid girl. She got in my way even more than the other brat!"

"Relax Shigaraki. You will get a chance. After all, you saw them at the sports festival. I am sure to say the girl will be harder to kill than the boy. She uses her power wisely. I think we might want to consider offering her a place in our group. Her physical strength and power, not to mention agility could be an asset for our league of villains."

"No! I want her dead! We are not adding scum like that to our group." There was silence, and it felt like walking past the alleyway was taking hours. You could hear your footstep echoing in your head with every inch you moved forward. They're going to kill me. "Who is that?" You felt your feet get heavier and you stopped. You couldn't help but look into the alleyway from under the hoodie, and sure enough they were looking right at you.

Without wasting another second you faced your head back down, and kept walking except at a normal speed to try to make it look more natural. You were taking slow breaths and everything seemed to be slower. Once you passed the alleyway fully, you broke out in a run. "They are running." You heard Kurogiri say.

As you were sprinting your hood flew off your head exposing the green hair in the moonlight. "It's her. Did she hear all of that?" He asked, "Ugh! Didn't anyone ever tell her it's rude to eavesdrop! I hate brats like her!" He yelled. "Kurogiri, get her!"

"I can't. The next street over there are people."

"Use your warp gates to take her to the base."

"She's already in earshot of people. Chances are they might report it. We should retreat, and plan."

"Ugh!" You heard come from the alleyway as you turned onto Katsuki's street.

The street lights were barely lighting up the street, but you fumbled with the keys in your hand, and opened the door to the Bakugo's as fast as you could. You swung open the door, and slammed it shut, locking it before sliding down on the back of the door and curling into a ball. Your whole body was shaking so violently the keys and your phone slipped out of your hands. "Y/N?" You lifted your head barely to see Kirishima peek out from the corner of the stairs. "I thought you were going home." He said before looking at you and noticing something was clearly wrong and quickly walking over. "Hey, is everything okay? What happened?" He asked as he knelt next to you. "Hey, talk to me." He tried to grab your hand to try to keep at least one part of your body from trembling but you just moved it away and buried your head in your arms. "Hey, what happened? Do you need something?" When you didn't respond he started yelling for Bakugo. "Bakugo! Come here!"

"What do you want shitty hair?!" Responded from upstairs.

"Just come. Something's wrong with Y/N!"

"I thought she was going home! Said she was strong enough!"

"This isn't the time! Come down here man! Something spooked her or something!"

There were steps followed by, "What the hell is it?" He was closer, and then there were quick footsteps running down the stairs. "Y/N, what happened?" He asked, but even though you didn't look up you felt like he was crossing his arms. "Don't play this victim state. What happened?" 

"Don't be rude man. Y/N, what happened? You can tell us. Please just look at us." 

They want me dead. They're going to try to kill Izuku and I. What if they followed me? I put Katsuki and Mitsuki and Masaru in danger now too. I'm so stupid. Why did I freeze? I made it so obvious. All they need is Kurogiri's quirk and they can easily kidnap Izuku and I now. I am so dumb. You're breathing started to increase more, and you could feel Kirishima getting more worried.

"Something's wrong. Y/N, please. Just tell us maybe we can help."

You started trying to slow your breathing, but the voices and thoughts in your head just grew louder. They were so loud it felt like you could barely hear Kirishima and Bakugo. "Call Izuku." You murmured. "I need him. I need him really bad."

"What happened?" Bakugo asked again, "Stop murmuring. Speak up."

"I'm pretty sure she said to call Midoriya."

"Why the hell do you need that damn Deku. What happened?" 

You lifted your face a bit, "Just call him please."

"You look pale. Are you okay?" Kirishima asked, trying to calm you again, but you dodged his hand.

"Actually I take that back. Don't call him. I don't want him to get hurt." You took a deep breath and managed to calm yourself, and you loosened out of your state. "It was them. The villains that attacked the USJ."

"What about them?" Kirishima asked.

"They were in an alleyway when I was walking home. I heard them say that they wanted me and Izuku dead. Then the warp one, uh, Kurogiri said he wanted to offer me a spot on the league because I can be a great asset to them. Then the other, Tomura, said he'd rather just kill me since I got in the way. And- and-" It was weird. Stuttering and feeling this scared. It hadn't happened in forever, but you were all alone.

"It's okay."  Kirishima said, "Do you need a hug or something? I'll help however I can."

You were dripping with sweat, "No. I'm fine. It scared me. That's all." That's right. I'm not alone now though. It's okay there's three of us. But now I might've put them in trouble too.

"Call your mom." Bakugo ordered, and you looked up at him.

"What? Why?"

"Tell her what happened, and then tell her that you'll be sleeping here tonight since they're roaming around the area."

"That would scare the ever loving shit out of her. Are you crazy? I can't tell her what just happened. She'll probably pull me out of UA and everything. Izuku too."

"Then don't tell her what happened. You aren't going home tonight."

"I am though. I have to."

"No way. You're the stupid one. You can sleep on the couch. Shitty hair. Go home it's late, and you don't need to be recognized either."

"Are you sure?" He asked. "I can walk Y/N home if you need."

"She's staying here. I'll make sure she makes it safely back home tomorrow in daylight."

"Alright. If you say so. If you need anything Y/N just text or call me okay?" He said as he put on his shoes and opened the door.

"I will. Thank you." You responded, and Bakugo shut the door behind him and locked it. When he sat on the floor next to you, you could barely keep it together. They want me dead. They want Izuku dead too. They're gonna kill me. Your hands gripped your head, and you started rocking back and fourth subtly. "I'm going to get killed. They're probably trying to plan an attack."

"Stop mumbling. You have to talk slower and louder damn it." He put his hand on your shoulder, "Look at me." He said, and you managed to look up a bit from your state of hiding. "Give me a run down of what happened."

You felt your chest start to heave up and down. "That guy that destroyed my ankles, and did that to Mr.Aizawa's elbow. He was in an alleyway when I was walking home with that warping guy. I heard them talking." You had a hard time forming the sentences, "Shigaraki was talking about how he wanted Izuku and I head. He wants to kill us."

"Then what?"

"Then Kurogiri mentioned possibly offering me to be a part of their league because I would make a good asset. For my strength and physical abilities. Then Shigaraki said that he wanted me dead instead with no exceptions."

"It's fine. They won't kill you. Is there more?"

"I decided to go back to your house since it was closer, but they saw me pass, and once I was past the alleyway I started running. The hood fell off and they saw it was me."

"Well shit. That's not good." 

"They could've easily taken me and killed  me. I think it was because I was in earshot of people they didn't or something like that. They're in the area though. That makes it worse."

"It's fine. Just breathe. Give me your phone."


"Just do it." You unlocked your phone and set it in his hands. He clicked a few things and held it up to his ear.

You could hear someone answer, "Y/N? Are you almost here? It's late."

"She's not going to come home tonight. She'll stay here."

"Kacchan? What? Why? Is everything okay?"

"She had a run in with two villains. We're trying not to get your mom to freak out too. Don't come and get her either they were talking about you too."

"Well, did you guys report it?"

"There's no point. They already left the city most likely." You told them. "Just stay home, please. I don't want you to possibly get seen or anything. I'll just sleep on the couch here and stuff."

"Okay then. Stay safe."

"I will." You responded, and took the phone and hung up.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. It's just what are the chances of me hearing them talk about that? Not to mention why were they there anyways?"

"I don't know, but it's late."

"It's literally 8:30."

"Exactly. Time to go to bed."

"You're so boring." You said with a yawn. "It's so early."

"You're the one seeking shelter at my house, and my parents aren't home. So, I say when it's time to go to bed. That time is now. Your toothbrush is in the cabinet, and you can sleep in those clothes or I can get some of my moms."

"No it's okay. I'll sleep in these." You said, and stood up. "Thanks anyways." You went into the bathroom and brushed your teeth. 

"You can go sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the couch. Don't irritate me though."

"I can sleep on the couch."

"Just do what I said. Go to bed and leave me alone!"

"Alright then." You shrugged, and started walking upstairs. You shut his door and locked it. It was a habit to lock the doors when you slept, and then you jumped onto his bed and went on your phone.

Broccoli Bro 🤢🥦👊

Are you ok?

Yeah I'm fine just got a little spooked that's all

Please don't go out because they're looking for you too

What did they say?

They want us both dead. I'll be back in the morning

Wasn't Kacchan walking you home?

No he was being the biggest bitch so I left

The one time I leave on my own something bad happens 

Now he probably won't let me walk home by myself at all 😪

That's not the most important thing right now

Anyways, I love you goodnight

Love u too

You started scrolling through social media until you got the best idea. To mess with Bakugo.


You know, you were being awfully nice back there 😌

What the hell are you babbling about

When I was freaking out, you were being calm and nice

No I wasn't 🙄

I think you have a soft spot for me

Is it because I've been your best friend all these years? 🙃

Hell no shut off your phone and go to bed

You're on your phone too plus it's so early

You of all people need the damn rest

I changed my mind. I'm going to go home. Now that I've calmed down I'm ready to test my luck

The hell you are I heard the bed creak sit your ass down

I don't want to go to bed.

Too bad.

You got up out of his bed and turned on the TV and console. You grabbed his headset and logged into his account. You saw that Kirishima and Kaminari were logged on and joined their party, "Woah, Bakugo joined without us begging him to?" Kaminari mentioned right away.

"Shh, it's me. Don't tell him I'm on."

"Oh, Y/N!" Kaminari said. "How is everything.

"First, are you okay?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah. Now that I've calmed down I kinda want to go home. I'm going to spend the night here though."

"Oh you're spending the night at Kacchan's?" Denki asked.

"Yeah, but he wants to go to bed this early, like what a party pooper. I was going to sleep on the couch, but he ended taking it. Maybe that's to make sure I don't try to escape in the middle of the night now that I think about it."

"Damn sounds like he has to babysit you when you go over there." Kaminari laughed.

"No way if anything it's the other way around. Anyways, as you could guess I'm supposed to be sleeping but I'd rather play games. Plus, I'm not going to listen to him."

"We need help actually so that works great. You can join us." Kirishima mentioned, and an invite came through on the screen.

"Thank you, thank you."

You were playing with them for about three hours, "Denki there's a guy right in front of you. He's probably not alone. Oh shoot!" A guy game around the corner, and you made the character slide and barely miss the bullets before shooting him down. "I got one, finishing him off. There's two or three more most likely."

"I got the one in front." Denki said.

"Alright. I'm getting a better view up top. Sniped one. The other is to your left Denki, your right Eijiro."

"Got it Y/N." they both responded. 

"Okay there's one team left again." Denki said. 

"Alright, I don't see- Oh shoot. I'm down. They're on this building. Clutch the win for us guys they finished me off."

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP?!" You got startled and dropped the controller.

"I'm not up! you're delusional! How'd you get in? I locked the door!"

"Turn it off!"



"No! What are you even doing up? I'm supposed to be in this room right now! You shouldn't come in that's creepy!"

"It's  my room, and you aren't sleeping!"

You looked at him, and smiled, "You right." You picked up the controller and you heard Kirishima and Denki laughing on the other end. "You aren't my mom."

"Obviously! Get your ass to bed!"

"No-" Was all Denki and Kirishima heard before Bakugo's character went off the screen and the profile status was offline, and they erupted with loud and obnoxious laughs.

"That wasn't an option you intolerant shit. Go to bed!" He took the controller and headset downstairs as he slammed the door shut and you could hear his angry footsteps walking down the hall.

"Whatever you say mom!" You called back and crossed your arms as you laid on the bed.

Manliest Man🤜🤛, Buzzed Boi⚡👀

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: That was the funniest shit I have heard in so long! XD

Smartass 😎🙄: Haha sooo funny

Manliest Man🤜🤛: It really was though lmao

Smartass 😎🙄: Ya ya. I wanted to play until at least 1:00, but I made it longer than I thought too. 

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Just hop back on

Smartass 😎🙄: He took the controllers and headset 😐

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Lmfaooo

Smartass 😎🙄: Guess I should probably actually go to bed

Smartass 😎🙄: So goodnight you lovely assholes see ya later 😙✌️

Manliest Man🤜🤛: Good night

Buzzed Boi⚡👀: Goodbye my partner in crime see u tmrw 😉👉

You rolled around, and plugged in your phone before falling asleep. When you woke up it was kind of refreshing. That was the most sleep you'd gotten in a long time. There was a knock at the door, and you leaned up and pushed your knotted hair out of your face. "Yeah? What do you want Izuku? Just five more minutes." You mumbled before looking around and remembering you weren't at home. "I meant Boom Boy." 

There was a low raspy response from the other side. "I need my damn uniform."

"Shiiittt I don't have a uniform." you groaned and rolled off the bed, and hitting the floor. "Ow." You grumbled before getting up and unlocking the door. 

He walked in and looked at you, "Wow, you look like shit."

"Oh shut up." You responded, and went to lay on the bed again.

"Here." He tossed a spare uniform at you, and you just looked at it.

"Nah, I'm not going to school today."

"Get dressed. God, you're so annoying."

"I'd rather sleep."

"You finally sleep for once, and now you won't get up. Get dressed we're leaving in thirty minutes."

"Fine." You sat up, "But you're uniform is going to be too big."

"The pants should fit, the shirt might be a little big. Just get dressed. Hurry up!"

"Fine, then get out." You grumbled, and wiped your face. It's too early for this. You got up, and put on the extra uniform, and looked at the mirror. It was way too big, not to mention you didn't have shoes. "I'm just gonna run home and get my own uniform or wear Izuku's!" You called down, and started to get changed into your normal clothes.

"There isn't time!" He yelled back.

"Well then I'll just have to be late! Mr. Aizawa can't do anything about that!" You fixed your shirt and grabbed your phone and bag before walking downstairs. "I'll try to be quick."

"What if they're still there?"

"It's daytime."

"They can use the warp gates idiot. Did you forget about that?"

"You're right, but I can't go to school if I'm not wearing the uniform."

"Well, then it doesn't matter does it?" He rolled his eyes. "Get something to eat."

"Nah I'm not hungry." You responded, and started to slip on shoes. "I'll see you at  school."

"Don't die!"

"Thanks! Very inspirational!" You called out as you ran out the door, and all the way back to the apartment. He actually let me go on my own? Wow, I see he was quick to give me a second chance. You put your key in the door and ran in. Without a second thought, you grabbed Izuku's uniform that you wore the day before and put it on before grabbing your schoolbag, and running out the door and up the hill to school. When you got to the outside of the classroom, you took a second to mentally prepare for Aizawa's bad mood, and then pushed open the door.

"You're late." Aizawa said without even turning his head.

"Yep." You sighed, and walked straight to your desk. 

"You missed what we're doing for the day."


He sighed, "Stay here. Everyone else, go get ready and meet with All Might." You kicked your feet up on Denki's desk and laid back as everyone got up to go get ready. "Why are you late?" He asked once everyone left.

"I had to get a uniform."

"You aren't even wearing your own uniform. Typically that would be against the dress code, but frankly I don't think dress code benefits becoming a hero."

"Thank you! Finally a teacher who agrees. Anyways Teach, what are we doing today?"

"Is there something else you need to tell me?" You sat there for a second and spaced out. "About why you're late?" You managed to look over at him and slowly shake your head. "Nothing? Not even about the League of Villains?"

"Izuku said something didn't he?"

"Tell me what happened. We need to put it into the report."

"They left before anything happened. Izuku just reported it because I was spooked. They didn't really give any important information."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I mean all they were talking about was wanting to kill people which is typical villain stuff. Can I join the rest of the class now? I'm sorry I'm late. I really am."

"I don't care. If anything else happens that's of use just let me know. You're going to get in your hero costume, and do training with All Might to see your growth." 

You immediately looked away and bit your cheek, "Uhh, Mr. Aizawa?"

"What?" He asked and looked over his shoulder. Once he saw your face he sighed, "Go get a gym uniform. Bring your costume in for repairs and washing tomorrow. No excuses."

"Thank you."

"Uh huh. Just hurry or you'll do even more training."

"Yes sir." You told him before running out of the classroom. As you ran to get changed into the gym uniform you couldn't help but feel relived that you were safe, and didn't end up dying. We just have to be careful from here on out. 

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