The Bloom Titan (1/2)

By Supreme_Noeva

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The waves crash onto the golden sand, leaving foam on the shore as it pulls back. It is a special day, as a g... More

CH.1: The Adori Manor
CH.2: Devastated and Alone
CH.3: Bad Dreams
CH.4: Goodbye Home
CH.5: On the Run
CH.6: More Friends and Foes
CH.7: The Final Tests
CH.8: The Night of The Ceremony
CH.9: All Hell has Returned
CH.10: Promise
CH.11: The Forgotten
CH.12: Roses
CH.13: Strange Power
CH.14: Humanity's Last Hope
CH.15: Relief for Trost.
CH.16: Trial to Determine Life or Death
CH.17: The Special Operations Squad.
CH.18: An Expedition Outside The Walls
CH.19: Ghost on our Trail
CH.20: The Female Titan
CH.21: A Pain Filled Cry
CH.22: Failure or Success?
CH.23: Counter Attack
CH.24: Plan B
CH.25: Fire Against Fire
CH.26: Danger Within Wall Rose
CH.27: More Like Us
CH.28: Cold hands
CH.29: Traitors in our Midst
CH.30: The Repeat
CH.31: Bloom
CH.32: Rare Encounter
CH.33: New-found Power
CH.34: Sweet Failure
CH.37: Body Double Mission
CH.38: Distant Memory
CH.39: Distant Memory (Pt.2)
CH.40: Mission Failed
CH.41: The Cave of Crystal
CH.42: Ritual
CH.43: A Massive Problem
CH.44: Against a Giant
CH.45: Action
CH.46: Kenny Ackerman
CH.47: Queen Historia
CH.48: Answers
CH.49: Arielle Harper and Dr. Jeager
CH.50: Understanding
CH.51: The Night Before Hell
CH.52: The Lands We Once Called Home
CH.53: The Return of the Traitors
CH.54: Nobility
CH.55: Grace
CH.56: Tranquillity
CH.57: Elegance
CH.58: Numbness
CH:59: Discovery of the Unknown
CH.60: Outside the Walls
CH.61: Malice
CH.62: The Restorationists
CH.63: Blessings and Paradise.
CH.64: The Angel of Destruction
CH.65: The Curse of Ymir
CH.66: An Extra Traitor
CH:67: The Funeral for the Fallen Heroes
CH.68: February 8th, 851
CH.69: Dream

CH.35: New Grounds

197 9 4
By Supreme_Noeva

I stand at the edge of water. Salty water. I gaze out into the distance, tears pooling my eyes. The waves were crashing onto the sand heavily. The suns beams making the sand warm to walk on.

"Armin was right, there was an ocean beyond the walls. And I've made it, Marco..."


I sit the last crate on the table in the main room with a sigh of relief. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and walk back out to the cart to get more crates.

Eren, Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Historia and I were chosen for the new Levi Squad, also known as the Special Operations Squad. We were ordered to move to a farm in the middle of nowhere so Hange could conduct experiments on Eren and I without scaring civilians. There was another reason but we weren't informed of it. But I guessed it had something to do with protecting Eren, Historia and I because of the last incident. Historia's remaining family is her father, Lord Reiss. Later on tonight she's going to explain her life story to us so there are no secrets because we need to know why she hid her identity with a fake one.

I lift up another crate that had potatoes in them. Sasha and Armin were helping Jean and I since they felt bad but I'm having doubts about Sasha feeling bad.

"Just try swipe some of this food, Sasha. I'll have Captain Levi turn you into mincemeat if you do." Jean warns her. We walk back into the cottage.

"I won't! Unless..." Sasha trails off as if she was getting ideas.

"Hey! Did you guys clean your shoes before you came in?" Eren asks/shouts. He was on cleaning duty, so he had to make the place as clean as Levi's standards, which is almost impossible to get.

"What?" Jean asks him.

"Huh?!" Eren shouts.

"No way. How could we clean our shoes while carrying all this?" I remark, sitting the crate down on the table.

"What do you think Captain Levi would have to say about that attitude?" Eren sneers. He turns to Jean. "And you. If I hadn't tucked in your sheets this morning..."

"Would you give it a rest? Who are you, my mum!?" Jean shouts at him. Mikasa and Historia come in the door holding piles of wood and Mikasa holding an axe.

"We're back." Mikasa says nonchalantly.

"Wait, why were you chopping firewood?" Armin asks getting worried.

"I don't want to get rusty." She reply's.

"You were injured by a Titan! You should still be in bed." He continues. While we were trying to get Eren back from Reiner and Bertholdt, she went to kill Bertholdt but got her ribs crushed in the hand of a Titan. But luckily Jean saved her.

"I told her not to do it, but she insisted." Eren sighs as Mikasa goes to put the firewood somewhere safe. "She was even doing sit-ups earlier!"

Jean gasps. "You were peeping on her, you scoundrel?"

"Huh?" Eren pants.

"Mikasa, you're not a wild animal!" Armin runs by me after Mikasa.

"What part of that sounded like peeping to you!?" Eren shouts back at Jean.

I start walking over to Historia so I could help her with the logs. "Here, I'll take them." I smile. She just looks and hands the logs to me.

"Thanks." She reply's in a flat voice unlike her old bubbley self. Must've been hard for her to deal with Ymir leaving.

"It kinda feels like we're back in the Training Corps." Sasha says as she sorts food.

"Yeah... But why were we all picked for the new Levi Squad? Isn't protecting Eren, Ezlyn and Historia too important to leave up to us?" Armin sighs.

"I just means they can see we're talented." Sasha says in an upbeat tone. She slips something into her bag that was likely food related. Armin realises.

"Sasha, what did you just put in your bag?" He asks.

"Nothing remotely resembling bread." Sasha replys in a suspicious tone.

"Hey, you damn kleptomaniac! Put it back!" Jean shouts. Me and Historia just stand back and watch the scene before us.

"Forget that! We gotta finish cleaning before the Captain gets back!" Eren whines. As if on que the door opens and Levi walks in.

"Come on, we know you have it." Armin pleas Sasha.

"Why are you all fighting?" Levi asks, sounding annoyed. But no one seemed to hear him.

"You just never learn, do you?" Eren says to Sasha.

"We can't afford to waste food!" Armin yells. Eren seems to notice the Captain and he winces, practically hugging the broom he held.

"Cut the crap, Potato Girl!" Jean shouts. They all seem to notice Levi and stop arguing.

Levi runs his hand under the table then brings it up to his face to inspect it. He turns to the others. "Interesting. I know I gave you enough time." He says plainly. Everyone groans in frustrasion. "Oh, well... We'll discuss you lax cleaning job another time." He wipes his hand with a handkercheif. "Eren. Ezlyn. Hange is itching to get an experiment started."

I let out an exhausted sigh. "Right." I say, sounding tired.

"Cheer up. At least you didn't go to the Military Police Brigade." He turns to me. "We leave now. You, Eren and Historia will be in the cart with me. The others get your horses."

"Yes sir!"
We arrive at the destination where Hange and her squad were and I jump out the cart to greet her.

"Hello, Hange!" I smile, running up to her with my hands in the air.

"Ezlyn!" She exclaims with a massive grin on her face. I stop right in front of her and turn round to wait for the others. "So, guess what we're doing today?" She says.

I sigh and face her again. "I don't know. Tell me what we're doing crazy scientist?"

She scowls. "I'm not a 'crazy scientist', I'm just really into experiments." She whines. Eren comes over.

"Hello Section Commander Hange." He says formally.

"Ah, Eren. Just on time. I was just going to explain what we're doing today." She grins. Erens face falls into an exhausted look. "So, today we are going to see how many times you can shift, so we can take note. Are you up for it?"

I like the sound of this experiment for once. "Yeah, sure. I'm down." I say with a cheesy smile. I look at Eren whos cringing at me.

"Uhm, yeah. I'm up for it aswell." He sighs.

Hanji claps her hands. "Great! We'll have Ezlyn go first since her's is bigger." she says enthusiastically. I nod in responce and we turn round to face the others. "I want three to four of you on horses at the bottom of this cliff so if one of them go rogue they can't escape." Hange explains. "I want Armin and Historia to stay here with me, I want Armin to share and combine his smarts with mine." They both nod. She then turns to Levi. "Would you mind staying up here aswell?"

"Yes, I'll stay up here. At least I'll be closer to their napes if they do go rogue." He says waving the bottom of his cloak away, revealing his ODM gear.

"Perfect!" Hanji turns back to the group in front of her. "So, I want Abel, Keji, Jean and Mikasa on the ground. The rest of you scout out the Area, make sure there are no civilians!" She orders.

"Yes ma'am!" Everyone shouts in unison, scrambling to their stations. I follow Hanji, Moblit, Eren, Armin and Historia to the edge of the cliff.

We waited a few moments until everyone was in their places and Hanji turned to me. "Ready?"

"Yep." I say popping the P a bit too much. She smiles in response.

"Then go ahead and transform."

I take a deep breath and turn round the forest and walk towards it for a run-up. I stop just at the edge and take another deep breath. I bend down and reach into my boot for the trusty dagger. I wrap my fingers round the hilt and pull it up to my waist. I start sprinting towards the edge as fast as I can and launch myself over te edge

I sit the dagger's blade between my thumb and pointer finger and slash it across the flesh. Blood flys across the air infront of me then a bright yellow light emits from me.

There was a pressure and heat until I landed on the ground with a thump that made it shake beneath me. I stood up straight and I could see over the tree's. I turned to face Hanji and the others that were on the cliff. Hanji had a crazy look on her face that looked like admiration.

"Should I come out now?" I ask. Hanji started making weird noises then started squealing like a little girl. "Hanji?" She stopped and cleared her throat.

"Yes come out and do it again." She says holding back her obvious excitement.

I roll my eyes back then I'm outside my Titan. My face was boiling hot and it felt like half of my energy was drained.

I heard ODM lines and someone landed on my titans shoulder. It was Moblit. He walked over to me and offers his hand to me with a soft smile. I smile back and take his hand. He pulls me to his waist and we fly back over to the cliff edge.

We land and my knees felt weak beneath me. Hanji comes over to me. "How do you feel?" She asks.

"I feel drained but I don't mind doing it again." I reply, feeling out of breath.

"Okay then. Go ahead." She grins evily and pushes me over the edge. I gasp and quickly bite my hand hard.

Once again I'm standing tall and strong. I turn round to face Hanji who was getting shouted at by Levi. They both look at me. "Can I try something?" I ask.

Hanji starts nodding crazily and Levi rolls his eyes. I bend down and place my hands on the ground. I envision a tree. A big Fuji tree that has sweet apples dotted round it's branches. I feel the ground shake beneath me then my hands began to burn.

A massive tree spouts out the ground that was the same size as me when I am kneeling down in Titan form. It feels like life was draining from me.


A massive Fuji tree spouts out the ground where the Bloom Titans hands were. Apples dotted everywhere around its branches. It's said that Fuji apples are the sweetest apples within the walls.

Ezlyn stands up but starts to wobble. She loses balance and falls face first onto the ground. She was so drained of energy, she lost her consiousness within her Titan.

"Oi, Ezlyn! Get up!" Hanji yells at her. Sounding worried and fustrated.

"She needs to get out of there!" Eren panicks. He turns to Hanji faster than lightning. "Ma'am we need to get her out. It's likely that she has lost her consiousness!"

Hanji's eyes widen and she jumps from the cliff towards Ezlyn using her ODM gear. She stands above the nape as Ezlyn emerges from it. Steam was everywhere but still she reached for the sleeping girl.

Hanji drags Ezlyns unconsious body from the piping hot carcass. "Woah, so hot!" She yelps. Moblit comes down next to her.

"Calm down Section Commander!" He shouts at her, grabbing Ezlyns other arm.

They both carry Ezlyn back to the top of the cliff and lay her down on the grass then cover her with a spare cape. Hange wipes her hands together

"That should do. She'll just need some rest." She sighs, turning to Eren. "You're going now. See if you can transform as many times as Ezlyn." Eren nods then takes a deep breath. He stands at the edge of the cliff, looking at his hand. 'I can do this!'

He jumps off the cliff and bites down on his hand as hard as he could. A bright, yellow light fills the area as he transforms. The Titan comes out of thin air and lands on the ground, letting out an ear-piercing roar.

This process repeated two more times until Eren's titan was missing muscle on its lower back and some other places.

The Titan lets out a final roar and falls to the ground.

"Eren!" Mikasa yells out.

"Not again. What's wrong, Eren!? Get up! All of humanity is counting on you and Ezlyn! Get up, damn it!" Hanji screams out to him.

"Hey, four-eyes." Levi says from beside her. "Something's off about that body. It's not even 10 meters tall, and the lower half is just bones. Plus, Eren's ass is hanging out." He says nonchalantly.

"I can see that!" She yells back at him. "Eren! Can you still move!? Give us some kind of signal!"

Mikasa jumps from her horse and runs towards Eren. "Eren!" She wails.

"Mikasa!" Jean goes after her.

"Look. The gloomy brat is acting on her own again. Is it about time to punish her?" Levi says calmly.

"No, he's not signaling. We've got to cut him out!" Hanji and Moblit jump down the cliff to were Eren is. Ezlyn starts to move around in her sleep, until she opens her eyes.

Ezlyn POV

I open my eyes to find myself lying on top of soft blades of grass being covered by my cape. I prop myself up on my elbow and lift my other hand up over my eyes to shade them from the sun, that was burning on the horizon.

"Awake?" A person says while walking infront of the sun, their shadow casting over me. It was Captain Levi.

"Uh- Yes, I'm wide awake." I say, trying to project my voice a bit more so it could be heard clearly.

"Good, because I think we're leaving soon. Experiment has went to hell almost." He sighs, kneeling down infront of me.

I snap up in shock. "What do you mean, Levi?" I question sharply.

"Well, Erens not responding after transforming three times. And you transformed twice and made a tree, but fell unconsious quickly after." He explains to me.

My lips form a 'O' shape and I mutter an "Oh..."

"But not to worry. The brat is getting saved at this moment in-"

A facinated scream interupted him. "Look at that, Moblit! Quick, do a sketch of Eren's face!" Me and Levi look at eachother with a 'know-it-all' look and we both made our way to the edge of the cliff. I crawled while Levi was walking over.

I got to the edge and looked down at a steaming carcass. Eren's, Titans Carcass. Mikasa cut the piece of flesh that Eren was still attached to and Hanji fell back onto her butt. My breath hitches as Eren was missing body parts like his hands and his lips and eyes. His tongue was also hanging out.

Hanji suddenly looks guilty and says something but I'm out of ear-shot.

"Looks like it'll be a long while before we can use the Titans' hardening ability to seal the wall." Levi says.

"Yes. I knew it was a long shot when I suggested it. But Ezlyn's ability to create plants and flowers can possibly be used instead." Armin says, making me jump beause I forgot he was there.

"It's a good plan in theory. We wouldn't need o transport tons of materials to the wall, only Eren and Ezlyn. But in the end, only them two can take the shot." Levi reply's calmly.

"Experiments over! All troops, disperse at once!" Hanji announces from below. And with that everyone that was on horseback below goes to scout out the area.

I try standing up but fall back onto my butt due to my legs being so weak. "Ow." I hiss. I try again and manage to stay on my feet. I wobble a bit but then an arm goes under mine. I look back to the figure and they were hooded. But I knew who it was. It was Historia.

She takes my arm -without saying anything- and slings it over her shoulder. She keeps a stoic expression and helps me walk towards the wagons.

"You two, get on the cart Eren's in. I'm headed for Trost District with Hanji's group." Levi says.

"Okay." Historia reply's. We continue to walk towards the wagons in silence.

My legs ached and my hip joints popped as I walked. We reach the wagons and Jean offers a hand to help me up onto it.

I take it and he pulls me up with ease. As if I'm lighter than a feather. I plant myself next to him as he helps Historia up. Mikasa was swooning over Eren, making sure he still had a pulse and stuff.

Armin was driving the cart and Sasha and Connie were at the back of it, trailing behind on horseback. I waved goodbye to Hanji as her cart went away the other way on the road to Trost District. She waved back enthusiastically, blowing kisses as if saying goodbye to her child. Her behaviour never failed to make me smile.

We started heading back to the cottage as fast as we could. I exhale firmly and swing my head back over the edge of the cart. My short hair fell over my eyes, instantly making me bored because I couldn't see the scenery properly. I sit back up properly and start fidgeting with my cape and belts.

I could see the cottage in the distance. My new home for now.

I felt a hand on mine and I look down at it. It was a masculine hand so I followed up the arm to see who it was. And it was my best friend Jean.

"What is it?" I ask. He points to my hand and I look at it. The side of my thumb was bleeding.

"You were picking the sides of your thumb and started to draw blood. So, I thought I would stop you." He says, adding a small chuckle at the end.

"Oh. Thank you. I would've regretted it later." I smile softly.

He laughs nervously and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, you would've. It's like having a hang-nail."

"Oh my walls! Don't mention those pains in the ass'es." I nudge him with my elbow. He laughs again but there's no hesitance this time. 'What's up with him?' I join him with laughing and suddenly I'm in hysteric's for no reason but so is he.

"Ugh! Can you two please stop for now. I've got a splitting headache from Eren's roars!" Sasha whines. I let out a few more chuckles then I calm down.

The cart finally stops and we all start getting off. Jean gets off before me and turns to face me and puts his arms out.

"Jump, I'll catch you." He says assuringly.

"Tch, I can do it myself." I lie, acting stubborn. I try standing up but instantly fall over the side of the cart. I landed in someones arms just like I predicted.

I was put down onto my feet but my arm was slung over Jean's shoulders. I was curious to find out what he was hiding from me. But after I have a long sleep.

He walks me into the main room then down the corridor to my room that I share with Sasha. He sits me down on the bed and I take my boots off.
"Thank you, Jean." I say with a bright smile.

"Oh, yeah. No problem. I'll, uhm. Go now." He stutters, walking out the door and closing it behind him.

I start taking my clothes off to replace them with my nightware. Before I put my night-shirt on I had a quick look at my body.

My stomach and arms were riddled with scars from when I was younger. The scar that Cliff gave me wasn't there though. It's as if all my recent scars have disappeared because of my healing abilitys.

Suddenly the door opened and Sasha and Connie walk in with their arms full of food. They ignore me and sit the food on Sashas bed. Sasha turns to look at me.

"Ooo, you've got muscles." She coo'es. Connie turned round to see aswell.

"Woah, you've got more prominant muscles than me and the other boys." He muses.

I roll my eyes. "No wonder. You two are stuffing your faces with stolen food rations. If Levi finds out your both dead men." I say putting my shirt on.

"Ah! Don't tell him. Please! I beg of you!" Sasha begs.

"I never said I was going to tell, stupid." I remark. She and Connie let out a relieved sigh together.

"Thank goodness." Connie sighs.

"But, I will tell if you interrupt my sleep." I growl in a low tone, settling under the covers.

"Okay. Okay. We'll stay quiet!" Sasha assures me with a nervous smile.

"Good." I fall into the bed and roll over onto my side. Relaxing into the mattress. Connie and Sasha were hissing whisper to eachother but it never bothered me.

I finally fell into a deep sleep soon after closing my eyes. Drowning in a dark, infinite sleep that could never end if I didn't want it to.

300 VIEWS?! Wow, I never knew people would actually read this. Like look at the cover I made myself. I wouldn't pick to read a book with a cover like that.

But anyways, Thank you for giving me motivation to continue writing this. I hope you have a lovely night/day and I'll see you in the next chapter.

(P.S: Have you realised how oblivious Ezlyn is when it comes to feelings yet?)

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