The Lies That Cover The Truth...

By 16ShuichiOuma010

81.1K 2.5K 2.8K

Shuichi is done with Kokichi's lies and decides to try to make a deal with him. . . . "Oh? And what kind of d... More

Why do you lie?
Being Together
School and Friends
You're With Him
Back To School
Lunch with Rantaro
Nap Time
Midnight Thoughts
The Long Story
Finishing the Project
Sugar High
The Date
Love, Real Love
Waking Up
My Little Tsun~Tsun
The Party
Go to bed Angry
Are you Going to be Okay?
Calmer Together
Connecting With Friends
The Encounter
Operation Komahina
Being Boyfriends
Shuichi and Kokichi
Calls and Coming Together


628 19 5
By 16ShuichiOuma010

The next day they all decided to meet up together. Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kokichi all met up in the lunchroom by a table where Kaede was with her crew. They were always there earlier in the morning and it was definitely convenient for them to be able to find them...

but the next hard part is getting each of her "friends" alone to be able to talk to them and see if they are hurting inside even though Kaede is making them feel as though they are doing what will make them wanted. When in reality there are many people at Hope's Peak that accept people for who they are no matter how crazy. These kinds of people are the people the world needs to show everyone that you don't have to change to be happy.

"Okay guys, you all know what to do." Rantaro spoke as some of the others came to the meeting place. This was the first checkpoint and only some of the people they talked to about doing this would come here. Rose, Ryoma, and Chiaki were the people in what they called group A. There are four groups of 3-4 people. It actually surprised Kokichi at how many people wanted to help show others how toxic Kaede's behavior is.

Group B was composed of Shuichi, Kokichi, Rantaro, and Himiko, Group C had Maki, Tenko, Hajime, and Nagito, Group D had Ibuki, Akane, and Sonia. They all were the main groups but there were many standing on the sidelines to be there just in case they needed another person. It was spectacular to see this kind of teamwork from most of the students. Some other people with authority in the school took note of this.

"Okay, I will make sure to see where they all go...I have been asking around to see who knows each girl's schedule because I know for a fact they all don't have the same classes as Kaede." Rose paused for a moment putting her hand to her chin.

"I know that Kuno ends up going to the bathroom halfway through lunch so Chiaki and I can both go in there to get her alone and talk to her. Juna doesn't have the same second or third period as Kaede so there is a moment when she is walking alone in the halls before meeting back up with Kaede and the others." Her hand moved to hold Ryoma's. The others could tell she was nervous about doing this at all, but they all respected how much thought and effort she put into this.

"Mikai only has one period with Kaede and from what I hear she always stands by herself at the end of school by one of the trees in the front for about 12 minutes before she walks home. So she will probably be the easiest to get alone while the others are more complex--" Ryoma cut her off by holding her hand to his chest while he shushed her. "Shhh...Kuno is leaving the table to go to the-"

"Bathroom, come on Rose!" Chiaki whisper-yelled as Rose took a hold of her hand for a moment as they walked over to the bathroom making sure to keep their own distance. The group at the table sat down when they had all gathered there and had some food on the table so it was as if they were just there for a meal and to talk with some friends.

"So they are off to talk to Kuno...I hope this goes well--"Kokichi sighed, playing with his fingers before Shuichi grabbed his hand. "No need to worry Rose and Chiaki are understanding and kind so I'm sure even if it doesn't go as planned they can handle it." He gently planted a kiss on Kokichi's cheek making him smirk a bit.

"Oh Shu~ You are still so romantic~" Kokichi teased making Shuichi blush a bit before he got defensive. "I-I wasn't! I was just trying to make you feel better because you seemed sad andidon'tknowwhati'msayingbecauseyouarejustsoperfectandohgod-"

"We get it you're gay for each other," Rantaro teased cutting Shuichi off before he could ramble anymore. Shuichi just blushed more and slumped in his seat, officially dying of embarrassment. Kokichi just laughed under his breath before he wore himself out and just moved his hand to hold Shuichi's trying to get him to calm down a bit.

"Okay back to what we were saying--the plan was for Group B and C are to go and talk to Juna while Group D will talk to Mikai. Is everyone okay with this plan? And remember Group B also has the task of being the side group if anyone needs assistance." Shuichi and Kokichi nodded to Rantaro's statement before Ryoma added,

"And also remember Kaede may end up walking into the conversation and I'm positive she will try to get them back, so be ready for that...and try to diffuse the situation--getting into fights may end up getting the principal involved and that's the last thing we need." Rantaro nodded at him. "Yes we don't want anyone getting into a fight with Kaede...who knows how she will make it seem to get the blame on us." Rantaro sighed and moved his hand to the back of his head running his fingers through his hair.

"Okay okay--we get it" Kokichi groaned sitting up in his seat as Shuichi slowly moved to look at the others as well. "What we need to do is focus on the task at hand. Every group is ready to do their tasks but know there is help if something goes terribly wrong," His voice was more serious and this made Shuichi get over himself and let his hand fall from where it was covering his face.

"Kokichi's right, we have all got this," Shuichi moved his hand to pat Kokichi on the head before earning a little glare from him. "Yeah! I believe in you guys!" Rantaro said, sounding more enthusiastic but that may be his stress talking...


"Hey Kuno," Rose spoke as she and Chiaki walked into the bathroom together after walking across the cafeteria. They got some odd stares probably because they were holding hands, but they were too focused on going and talking to Kuno that they didn't mind this fact.

"What the hell are you guys talking to me for?" Kuno turned around abruptly and seemed to be very irritated with the interruption. Her voice was cold and so were her eyes. She looked dead inside like all the hope she once knew as a little girl was drained out of her. She was always the one in Kaede's Clique that was smiling and laughing a this change startled Rose as well as Chiaki. "Well we noticed that you have been coming into the bathroom everyday after you eat your we just came here to check in with you and make sure you are okay?"

Rose's voice was calm and composed, but Chiaki could tell this took a lot out of her. "Well what makes you think that's your concern?" Kuno asked again, making Rose back up a bit in defense. "Ah well..." She started before Kuno wiped her lip before she pushed past them.

"Then maybe learn to keep your mouth shut, thorn." Rose could feel her hand clench into a fist before she bit down on her lip hoping that she would be able to calm down. They used to call her thorn as an insult whenever she ended up saying anything out of turn...and god it hurt her to hear that again.

After a few moments she ended up breaking down and bursting into tears right then and there. Chiaki noticed this almost immediately and moved to place her hand on Rose's shoulder. She flinched a bit from the action but Chiaki spoke softly to calm her down, "Hey it's okay, you aren't with them have Ryoma by your side and all the rest of us here for you, so remember that," She smiled a bit and Rose felt some more tears come down her cheeks for a moment before she let Chiaki's words sink in.

She was right, Rose had been able to move on from the past and she was proud of herself for doing that. "Thank you," Rose said with a sniffle. "Yeah anytime," Chiaki smiled before Rose pulled her into a hug. She wasn't expecting her to hug her but she ended up hugging back glad to know Rose was feeling better.

"So let's go back to the others so you can talk to Ryoma. I know he is able to help you when you are feeling like this and I can tell by the way he looks at you and talks about you that he loves you." Rose smiled and let out a small laugh at this. "You are right about that," She said, making Chiaki let out a small laugh as well.


"Mikai?" Sonia spoke softly as they all bumped into her in the middle of the hall. This was in one of her passing periods. Mikai seemed confused when this happened, but she just smiled and looked at us and smiled. "Why hello! What do you need me for?" She asked in her more childish tone. Ibuki knew her before all of this happened and she was one of the members of her band. She was emo and was really confident in herself. She would always do what she pleased before Kaede ended up putting her into her group somehow. This just shows how powerful her popular poison can be to others...regardless of how independent and confident they are.

"Ah well we wanted to talk to you about a more serious matter," Akane said with a confident look in her eyes. Mikai could tell they were serious and she kept up her smile. "Ah well, whatever you need I can help!" She said with a smile...except this time Ibuki could tell that there was a sense of her old self in it, and she got a little excited.

"Aha! Ibuki sees the old Miaki in there somewhere!" Ibuki said, moving to poke her cheek. Mikai just blushed and got all flustered at the action. "W-what are you doing?!" She gasped a bit, making Ibuki back away from her with a frown. "The Mikai Ibuki knows doesn't stutter and get all flustered...she would usually give a remark back and be more confident..." Akane and Sonia could tell this was bothering Ibuki that her friend was changed because of what Kaede was making these girls believe.

"Well that's not someone I know," Mikai said, putting a hand to her chin, giggling a bit. "Sorry if I end up finding someone like that I will let you know!" She said moving towards her next class. Ibuki moves to hold her hand before she can leave.

"Mikai," she said before Akane came over to look her in the eyes. "This isn't who you are," Akane said, frowning a bit. "I know it's not good having to pretend you are someone you aren't...and from how Ibuki is acting I'm sure this isn't making you happy either."

Mikai frowned a bit remembering what she used to be. She used to be the life of the party, so free, so happy...but now...she didn't even know who the hell she was. She looked up at the others, but when her eyes met Ibuki's sad gaze that snapped something inside of her making her do these things to herself in favor of Kaede's wishes...

"Oh Mikai," Ibuki said, wrapping her arms around her as she broke down. Mikai just let herself cry, hating herself for all the things she has done and hating how trapped she made herself feel.

The tears were genuine and the other girls could tell she had been holding this in for a while. They gave her a moment while they all soon formed a group hug with her in the middle.

"I'm so sorry," she whimpered as Sonia softly smiled. "It's okay," before Ibuki added, "it's all great now because Mikai is back to herself" she smiled feeling a tear fall down her cheek.

"We are all glad you are back,"


Juna left Kaede's side as the groups were walking into the positions they needed to be in to be able to talk to her without Kaede in the picture. At this point the only one by Kaede was Kuno who had been pretty stubborn about accepting that she wasn't being treated well by Kaede just as the others.

Kuno knew this deep down but she just shook her head and looked the other way on the issue. She could see the ways Kaede made Mikai act like a cute child so the males would be more attracted to her and she even went as far as getting money from making Mikai go on dates with them.

Juna on the other hand would always frown when she was away from Kaede. She always looked so tired and seemed to always be exhausted. Sure this was a normal trait of a student...but in her case she just seemed like she was sick and could collapse at any moment.

Well...that's assuming she didn't just fall to the floor with a loud thud.

"Oh my god," Kokichi said, rushing over with Shuichi to the girl who just collapsed. Juna was on the floor with her face on the floor with her back facing them. Kokichi moved to tap her shoulder before Maki called out her name.

"Juna?" She asked once while the girl didn't even move or flinch at the noise. "Juna." She said in a louder, more serious tone. Nothing. Maki sighed. "Juna!" She yelled causing Juna to twitch before whispering.

"I'm okay...just give me a minute" Juna spoke softly from the floor before she blacked out. "Oh my god what just-" Tenko called out before Himiko put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, calm down we don't want to cause a scene" Tenko ended up quieting herself before Maki stood up. "Me and Rantaro will carry her to the nurses office, Kokichi and Shuichi try to get in contact with any of her old friends to see if they know anything about this. Hajime and Nagito come with us to the nurses office to make sure Kaede doesn't end up trying to get Juna back into the situation where this could happen again." Her voice was calm and somehow also forceful.

They all understood the gravity of the situation and went to get to doing their own tasks...but the same thought was on all their minds.

"Why the fuck did Kaede do this to the people closest to her?"

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