y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka'...

By Gavi_is_Queen

438K 11.3K 2.9K

Please don't copy, repost, or/and steal my work! ------------------------- "Ah, you're both twins. Not identi... More

||1, Prologue||
||71, Epilogue||
||OHSHC as Vines||
||Famous Last Words||


2.8K 110 125
By Gavi_is_Queen

{64; Confessions!}

"Y/n..." Kyoya's low voice sounded through Y/n's ears as he hovered over the wavy haired female.

The girl's wide brown eyes stared into his inexplicable, brownish-grey ones. She sensed her cheeks heat up at the state of affairs she was in. "K-Kyoya-Senpai, can you, uh, get off? Please?" Y/n requested compromisingly, shifting her gaze away from the male that was on top of her.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Kyoya's lips as he leaned his face closer to Y/n's, his short strands of raven-black hair brushing against her cheek. "Why?" His lips were positioned next to her left ear as his voice came out in a whisper. "Am I making you nervous?" His warm fog of breath encountered Y/n's ear, making a shiver travel down her spine as well as causing her body to tense up.

Y/n gulped and shook her head frantically, being mindful of the head that was beside her. "No, not really... I know you won't do anything to me--you're not that kind of person." She stated, attempting to sound unaffected and calm.

He could patently notice that the wavy haired female was mendacious by how red her face has become and how she expressed discomfort through her body language, which caused him to hum in amusement. But he knew that the last part of the girl's sentence was sincere.

'Why am I so nervous when he's pulled a stunt like this before, back when we went to the beach? And I know he won't do anything to me, so then why am I so flustered?!' Y/n reflected back to the trip the Host Club took to Okinawa for a visit to the private seaside that the Ootori family owns. She could practically hear her rapid heartbeat as it pounded against her chest that she wouldn't be surprised if Kyoya could hear it as well. 'Maybe because I didn't have these strange feelings for him before.' She thought as her face turned into a deeper shade of red.

"Are you sure?" Kyoya began, moving his head to where it previously was, making eye contact with the girl below him. "I don't recall you behaving this peculiarly when a similar situation like this occurred when we paid a visit to my family's private beach resort in Okinawa. So, Y/n, what were your intentions of being alone with me?"

'Huh? Does he think I was going to do something while he was asleep?! What the hell?!' Her facial expression converted into one of transfixed and embarrassment. 'Is he messing with me?'

Kyoya waited for the brown haired girl to answer his question, securing his grasp on her wrists. "Are you going to provide me with your explanation?"

Y/n promptly began to speak, her blush still evident on her cheeks. "I-I wasn't going to do anything. I was just going to see if you needed a cold towel to bring your temperature down, I swear! You're sick right now so you're not really being yourself. How about you lay down and go back to sleep while I go get you a cold rag for your forehead?"

Kyoya grumbled under his breath and abruptly collapsed on the girl, making her let out a small squeak. His head settled on the crook of her neck, his hair coming in contact with her jawline. Y/n felt the pace of her heart increase as a fluttery sensation roamed around in her stomach, her face feeling as if it was about to detonate due to how warm and red it was.

He detached his grip on Y/n's hands and moved towards the left side of the girl so his back could land on the mattress, his left arm being positioned over his eyes.

Y/n has never gotten up faster than she did at that moment. "I-I'll be right back with the cold towel." She quickly turned around and took a couple of steps forward, but soon came to a stop and rotated back around. "Um, where is the bathroom?"

"It's right over there." Kyoya responded, using his right hand to point at the door that was installed in the right side of the room.

"Thanks." Y/n said and walked towards the door her upperclassman directed her to. She opened the door and entered the sizable bathroom, which could probably resemble the size of her and Haruhi's bedroom. "Woah. How big does a bathroom have to be?" She muttered.

She approached a long, white, vertical cupboard and opened it, revealing various towels in different sizes. Y/n collected the first small towel she saw and brought it to the sink.

The countertop was designed with a white marble pattern, and there was both a bathtub and a shower that maintained a blurred glass door. Y/n turned one of the handles that allowed cold water to stream out of the faucet. She moved the small towel under the cold water, causing the cloth to absorb the clear liquid, glancing up at her reflection in the mirror as she did so.

Her face still had a tint of pink on her skin, causing her to inhale deeply before releasing the air she drew in, moving her gaze back down to the sink.

Once the towel was drenched in cold water, she scrunched up the cloth to extract the additional amount of water. Soon after that, she walked out of the bathroom and back into the room.

Y/n's eyes slightly widened when she caught sight of Kyoya sitting up on his bed with his laptop situated on his lap and his glasses laying on the bridge of his nose.

"Hey, what are you doing? You're supposed to be resting." Y/n rebuked lightly as she proceeded towards the raven haired male.

"I don't possess the time to be resting. The Ouran Fair is going to transpire in a month." Kyoya modestly stated, his brownish-grey eyes remaining on the bright screen of his laptop as he guided his fingers across the keyboard.

'The Ouran Fair? Ouran has a fair?' Y/n wondered curiously.

As if he could read Y/n's mind, Kyoya provided a description. "It's an event that takes place at Ouran Academy for both students and their families--it's just like any other school festival."

"I doubt that." Y/n mumbled confidentially to herself in a expressionless tone. "Anyways, why can't you do all that when you're feeling better?"

"I just told you my reason." Kyoya began, unceasing the movements of his fingers as he pressed down on certain keys on the keyboard. "The festival is a month away and I still have a fair amount of preparations to arrange for the Host Club's theme."

Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, the cold, damp rag still in her hand. She was debating with taking away his laptop and placing it away from him. She knew that Kyoya didn't appreciate people touching his personal belongings, but he's sick and she was appointed to watch over him to ensure that he won't do anything.

Y/n sighed and uncrossed her arms, letting them drop on either side of her. "Kyoya-Senpai, you're sick--you need to rest." She reached her unoccupied hand that wasn't holding the damp rag, and delicately pushed forward the screen of his laptop, making sure to not accidentally capture his fingers as she brought the laptop to a close.

Kyoya glanced up at the wavy haired girl since she was standing beside his bed while he remained seated on the mattress. "May I ask what you're doing?"

Y/n carefully grabbed the laptop and gently settled it down on his nightstand. "I'm looking after you."

"Have you forgotten that my family establishes medical institutions, Y/n?" He mentioned. "I'm completely adequate, and I am provided with my very own physician."

Y/n directed her head towards her left before turning it to her right, observing her surroundings. "I don't see them anywhere." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Like I mentioned formerly, they left before you and the others arrived." He repeated once more.

Y/n inwardly rolled her eyes as she held out the small, damp cloth. "Here. Put this on your forehead."

Kyoya's attentiveness lingered on the brown haired female for a moment before inaudibly exhaling, and accepted the absorbed rag from her. He discarded his spectacles and positioned them on his nightstand, soon reclining his back against the headboard of his bed.

"Now that I think about it." Y/n wondered aloud, her index finger being brought to her chin. "Where are your parents?"

"My father is currently on a business trip to undertake the expansion of our company whereas my mother is visiting my older sister." Kyoya acknowledged but inconspicuously raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, really. Just curious, I guess." Y/n responded with a shrug of her shoulders, the atmosphere becoming silent.

Y/n continued to stand beside his bed, increasing the feeling of self-consciousness as she fiddled with her fingers, enabling her eyes to roam around the second level of the bedroom.

"You are allowed to sit down if you'd like."

Y/n stared at Kyoya and faintly sweat dropped. "R-Right. Uhh..." She looked around the room and noticed a desk that was accompanied with a task chair. "Can I sit on that chair?" She requested, pointing her finger towards the said furniture.

"If that's what you prefer." Kyoya permitted indifferently.

Y/n showed a small nod of her head and walked towards the task chair. She perceived the wheels that were attached to the base of the chair, which made it easier to bring it to the side of Kyoya's bed. Once the task chair was positioned as Y/n wanted it, she lowered herself down on it.

The room once again fell into silence, making Y/n glance down at her hands that were resting on her lap. 'Why does it have to be so quiet? It wouldn't feel this awkward if he were asleep.'

"Y/n, why did you settle on remaining here?" Kyoya suddenly questioned, staring at the girl from the corner of his eye.

Y/n directed her gaze towards her raven haired upperclassman. "Well, Tamaki-Senpai entrusted everyone with different responsibilities. He sent Hikaru and Kaoru to the store to buy some things for you with Honey-Senpai and Mori-Senpai, and he told Haruhi to go to the kitchen to cook some soup for you, and he just followed after her. So he left me here to look after you for the time being."

Kyoya let out a small hum. "I see. I apologize for his way of acting and for him to force you to keep me company."

Y/n was mildly dumbfounded at his apology for something so inconsequential. "No, it's fine. You don't need to apologize." Her brown eyes softened as a small, gentle smile formed on her lips. "I really don't mind being here, looking after you. I think it's nice spending time with you without the others around."

Kyoya's eyes discreetly widened at what the female just said, but instinctively displayed his habitual expression. "I suppose so."

Just then, the doors to the bedroom swiftly opened, the sound of multiple, rapid footsteps journeying up the stairs, revealing the other Host Club members with considerable grins on their faces, except for Mori and Haruhi. The twins, Honey, and Mori were clutching onto some plastic shopping bags that consisted of the items they purchased, while Haruhi held a bowl of chicken-noodle soup.

"Ta-da! We're back!" Tamaki, the twins, and Honey announced joyfully.

Y/n blinked and sweat dropped while looking at the small group who noisily walked up the stairs, presently showing Kyoya the things that were purchased at the store while Tamaki attempted to feed the raven haired male the warm, flavored broth.

Y/n thought back to what she told Kyoya before the six individuals disrupted the moment. Her brown eyes moderately widened as a small blush appeared on her cheeks. 'Did I just admit to him that I didn't mind looking after him and that it's nice being around him? I'm just as oblivious as Haruhi...'

- - - -

"Get better soon, Kyoya-Senpai." Hikaru and Kaoru addressed, the seven high schoolers preparing to take their leave from the mansion.

"Yeah, get well soon, 'kay?" Honey smiled sweetly, hugging his pink stuffed bunny closely to his chest.

The group waved one of their hands towards Kyoya as if exhibiting a wordless farewell, advancing towards the stairs that led to the first floor of the raven haired male's room.

The seven individuals paused their movements once Kyoya called the attention of a certain wavy haired female. "Y/n, I would like for you to stay here for a moment to discuss something with you."

The said girl turned her gaze towards her brownish-grey eyed upperclassman, curiosity evident on her face. "Yeah, sure."

Tamaki, the twins, and Haruhi were equally as curious as to why Kyoya needed to speak to Y/n alone--not so much as Haruhi since she knows her sister would inform her about it.

And so, the visitors walked down the stairs and exited the bedroom, the doors closing behind them as they left Y/n and Kyoya unattended.

"So what do you wanna talk about, Kyoya-Senpai?" Y/n chimed in, not wanting the others to be waiting long outside in the limousine for her.

"I would like to invite you out on a date."

"Huh?" Y/n's eyes slightly widened as her mouth moderately became agape. "A date?"

"Yes. I will confess that I have developed enamored feelings towards you and would like to express them by spending a day with you." Kyoya confessed collectively, staring into the female's brown eyes.

"You...like me?" Y/n examined, sensing her brain cells slowly dissolve at how idiotic she was behaving by repeating everything he's stated. She quickly regained composure as a light shade of pink dusted her cheeks. "I mean I, uhm, would love to go out on a date with you."

A small, genuine smile formed on the Shadow King's lips at Y/n's acceptance. "Very well then."

Y/n contained her constructed bliss as a miniature grin formed on her lips. "Well, I hope you get better soon, Senpai."

Kyoya acknowledged her words with a small nod of his head. "Thank you. Goodnight, Y/n."


With that being said, Y/n walked down the stairs of Kyoya's bedroom and exited the territory, making sure to close the doors before releasing a quiet, delightful giggle.

She made her way downstairs and departed from the Ootori family's manor, approaching the long, black vehicle that was waiting for her.

She expressed her gratitude to the chauffeur as he opened the back door for her, allowing her to enter the limousine.

When the door to the backseat closed, she noticed the attention that was directed towards her by the six teenagers, each of them displaying a questioning and eager definition in their eyes, excluding Mori.

"Why did Kyoya-Senpai ask you to stay behind?" Kaoru quizzed, sensing a nervous sensation in his stomach.

"Did he need something from you?" Hikaru asked further.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it, okay?" She exhibited a closed eyed smile.

The twins and Tamaki attempted to restrain their comments of how adorable Y/n appeared to look, their curiosity quickly vanishing as a faint, adoring blush materialized on their cheeks. "She's so cute!"

The youngest Hitachiin twin however, had more than a blush on his cheeks--he also encountered a fluttery sensation in his abdomen as he stared at the wavy haired female.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ahhh!! I did it! I finally revealed Kyoya's feelings for the reader.
I honestly feel so bad for making you guys wait and question if this was an actual x-reader fanfiction or a reader-insert. I'm so sorry!
I have already decided that when I finish this book, I'm going to edit everything and add more moments with Kyoya and Y/n to hint out that they're going to be love interests.
Thank you so much for being patient with finding out Y/n's love interest this far into the story. I really do feel bad about it, and I'm not proud of how I didn't write more adoring moments to make this an actual x-reader fanfiction while sticking to the plot of the anime.
I guess I just wanted to make the story last longer.
Thank you for all of the support!❣️
"See you then!"

Posted on: June 1st, 2021.
Edited on: October 21st, 2021.

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