Myriad Colors Phantom World:...

بواسطة BlackvoirYanderevoir

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Phantom Catchers are Legendary catchers for Catching Phantoms, but what if Hosea gets one? Kyle Torihiki, son... المزيد

Kyle Torikara and Denwa Genjitsu Bio's
Chapter 1: The Legendary Phantom Catchers
Chapter 2: Phantom Field Day
Chapter 3: Two Battle Styles
Chapter 4: Dimensional Camping
Chapter 5: Parental Rivelry
Sekai Rifuko Bio
Chapter 6: Dynamaxing
Chapter 7: Invoking Legendary!
Chapter 8: Kurumi and the Eternal Dragon
Toko Kashima's Bio
Pinni BajjiTochi Bio
Chapter 10: Hot Spring Sprang Sprung
Chapter 11: Kyle's Ability and Secret
Chapter 12: Opera Phantom Catchers
Chapter 13: Little Ruru's Big Crush
Chapter 14: Sister Meeting
Hanako Izumi Bio
Chapter 15: The Phantom Prince
Chapter 16: Facing the Fear
Chapter 17: New Phantom Catchers
Chapter 18: Where did Kyle go?
Chapter 19: Farewell, Phantom World

Chapter 9: Phantom Dynamax Adventure

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بواسطة BlackvoirYanderevoir

Kyle was enjoying a drink and introduces the chapter to you.

Kyle: Hello again, Kind readers. Today's chapter will be another video game based chapter.

Then a screen showing a Dynamax Den shows up.

Kyle: We'll be going into a Dynamax den. what that means is we'll be doing a Phantom raid!

Ruru: You can Raid Phantoms? can humans do that?

Kyle: Only Phantom catchers with experience can. you can have only one Phantom from each catcher to start the raid. Only one Phantom catcher can Dynamax their Phantom to catch it.

Ruru: why are Phantoms in Dens a huge Problem. *giggles* see what I did their?

Kyle: Heh, well, Phantoms in their bigger state can effect a huge area, such as humans and animals.

Ruru: oh, so like one day, you want to wear pants, but the other, you want to wear a mini skirt?

Kyle: well...yeah?

*Insert intro*

Kyle and his Phantoms were waiting at the train station for Haruhiko and Ruru. They then saw a newsreport on the screen.

Newsreporter: Mysterious Dens have been spotted around the areas of Japan, we don't know how or why, but Phantom catchers from Fantamu have been spotted going near then and going into them.

Kyle: Dynamax Dens!

Newsreporter: in other words, after a few minutes, they come back out, but only from glowing beam dens!

Ruru: (echo) Haruhiko, c'mon! Kyle is quicker, get some lessons from him!

Haruhiko: (echo) ok ok!

They both came to the station, being greeted by Kyle and his Phantoms.

Kyle: Hey Haru, Little Ruru.

Haruhiko: Sorry I'm a bit late, I tripped over a den thing and...

Kyle: oh, the trains here.

after the train came, they both got on and go to Hosea, not knowing they're being followed.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Mai keeping a Phantom in a Den*

Kyle and Haruhiko were in the clubroom hanging out with Sekai and Denwa. They were talking about the dens popping around the place. Shosuke was with then also, but something was wrong with him and Haruhiko, as both of them were just started napping.

Kyle: are you both ok?

Denwa: what kind of bedtime scedual do you both have?

Haruhiko: *Yawns* It's not like Sekai sleeps in classes.

Sekai: Hey, don't pull me into this! I never sleeped in class! well, unless it's a class that boring.

Denwa: not helping!

Then Mai and Reina came in with a pink haired girl wearing sunglasses.

Pink Girl: Wassup Catchers!

Kyle: Pinni?

Denwa: Pinni?

Sekai: Pinni?

The girl smiles while doing a peace sign.

All Phantom catchers: Pinni!

Mai: whats happening?

Kyle: Oh yeah. Guys, meet our fourth Phantom catcher friend, Pinni.

Pinni: It's a been a while!

Haruhiko: urrr...can you take off your sunglasses?

Denwa: rude.

Pinni: no biggy!

Reina: why is she cool with this?

Sekai: She's a Heterochromia.

Ruru: Heterochromia?

Kyle: it means...

Pinni takes off her glasses, showing her eye colours.

Haruhiko: ...Two different eye colours!

Mai: ok, she is more random then Sekai and Ruru.

Denwa: She has a playful mood then at Fantamu.

Then the lunch bell went off.

Pinni: Lunch, the most important meal of the day...that and going home. *Laughs*

Kyle: I think eating will get people woke up.

Denwa: yeah, sounds like a plan.

Sekai: yep!

Everyone leaves the clubroom and goes to the dining hall.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Pinni doing a cat dance*

Everyone was sitting with each other on one table. for some reason, everyone but the Phantom catchers, were having fish.

Haruhiko: are you sure you all don't want fish?

Kyle: no thank you, because...I don't like fish.

Reina: It's ok if you don't like anything.

Pinni: so have you guys seen the dens all over the place?

Mai: yeah, I don't know what's going on with them.

Sekai was concentrating on nothing but a single meatball on his plate. He tries to get it, but everyone just kept moving the table, making it roll away.

(Like Jay does in Ninjago)

Mai: So how do we stop them?

Denwa: You can't stop the dens, but you have to stop the Phantom inside them.

Sekai: Hehe, C'here, you little sucker! Ah-ha!

He jumps after the meatball, but accidently stabs Haruhiko on his hand.


His reaction made everyone look at their table. Reina and Kurumi both covered their eyes, while Pinni was just giggling.

Sekai: oh man, can have my fork back?

Haruhiko: Don't!

Sekai gets up and goes after another fork.

Sekai: I'll be back for that meatball!

Meanwhile, Koito was walking around outside. She walked to the new Tea house as she was sensing a Phantom near it, but she found nothing.

Koito: This is strange. We stopped the Phantom here last time? why would the same aura be here?

As she walked away, she didn't knowest a den glowing.

Back at the dining hall, Everyone was still talking about the dens, while Sekai was after the meatball again.

Kyle: If you go into a den, you have to face the Phantom inside. but the problem is you must be a group of four to do it.

Mai: well, that's perfect. I mean, you guys are a group of four.

Denwa: yep, but to find a Phantom, the den must have beacon coming from it, meaning we found a Phantom.

Kyle: well, when we were talking, Haruhiko and Shosuke was looking sleepy.

Pinni: A Sleeping Phantom? Boy, I heard that one before!

Sekai: I got it!

Haruhiko: you have an Idea?

Sekai: I fested the Meatball!

Mai pushed him off his chair. as he was on the floor, he ate the meatball.

After lunch, Everyone goes back to the clubroom. Koito wanted to tell everyone something is weird going near the Tea house.

Haruhiko: really? the Phantom we faced left the cat mansion a year ago?

(The barriers are no longer their, but a Den is close to it)

Sekai: you guys had a cat mansion?

Mai: doesn't matter. Why would a Phantom be back their?

Kyle: Phantom's can come back to the same place they were sealed before.

Kyle and the other Phantom catchers then saw Mai in a cat pose.

Denwa: why?

Mai: it's comforty.

Sekai: you better stop or I'm taking picture...under the Skirt!

Mai kicked him away.

Sekai: ok...ok!

Haruhiko: So it's a cat Phantom?

Kyle: Sounds like it.

Pinni: Well, I have some Ideas where we can stop this Phantom!

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Haruhiko clawing at Kyle's door*

Haruhiko, Reina, Mai, Kurumi and the Phantom catchers were now at a pet store in the Cat Ille.

Denwa: This isn't funny, Pinni. why are we really here?

Pinni: we can lure a Cat Phantom with stuff a cat likes.

Kyle: this is the worst Idea anyone has ever came up with! Plus, The smell I can't take!

Haruhiko: what are you talking about, this stuff smells great!

Kyle: what?

The Phantom catchers looked behind them and saw everyone looking at the cat food.

Sekai: whats happening?

Mesmo: I have literally no idea!

Ruru then came with a cat toy.

Ruru: This thing again! Kyle, can we have this for a camp?

She shaked it left to right, grabbing everyone's attention. Mesmo then goes to another Ille.

Sekai: Dude, Mes' getting something again!

Kyle: I'll pay for it!

Sekai: He has a bat!

Kyle: he was into baseball.

Denwa: I thing he's battering up again!

Kyle: what?!

Mai was about to pounce onto Ruru, but Mesmo hit her away from her. Reina and Kurumi were about to pounce again, but was thoated by Mesmo.

Haruhiko: what's going on?


Kyle: why get second place?

Sekai: Hey Mes, Use this!

He gives him a Water gun. Mesmo uses it on Haruhiko, who hisses like a cat.

Haruhiko: Nya!*Hisses*

*Insert Emolga's Bio*

*Insert Cat Mansion Bio*

The Next day, Everything was not connecting to the Phantom catchers. Kyle was thinking it's a large Phantom, or a Den. 

Ruru: Hey Mes, thanks for saving my yesterday.

Mesmo: No problem, us Phantoms stick together!

Haruhiko: so have you found out the problem?

Kyle: not yet, but I'm thinking it's den!

They both walk to ground, where the sports group were now freaking out from their cat features. Pinni saw Kyle and Haruhiko and walked to them.

Pinni: How Nyow doing, *Knyale? *Giggles*

(Sorry if this doesn't make sence. it literally Kyle and Nya)

Kyle: not your fooling anyone, Pinni.

Pinni: C'mon, I always bring the joy, Kyle

Haruhiko: where are the others?

Pinni: Denwa and Seaki are looking around the tea house. That must be where the Phantom is.

Reina: Kyle, Haruhiko. I have a...bit of a problem.

They all saw Reina, now wearing hat.

Kyle: pretty hat.

Reina: Ok, I have a problem!

Reina then shows then three her her cat ears and tail.

Kyle: they make you look...pretty?

Mai: Kyle, whats happening?

Everyone then saw Mai and Koito with cat ears and tails.

Ruru: Take a picture!

Kyle: nice try! I don't know what's happening, but the Phantom is near this school.

Mai: where?

Kyle: Koito, remember then you sensed a Phantom near the tea house?

Koito: yeah, but their was no Phantom their.

Kyle: I know, but I'm thinking...wheres the tea house?

Haruhiko wanted them to follow him to the tea house.

*Timeskip, Brought by Chibi Kyle ear scratching Chibi Kurumi, Mai, Koito and Reina*

They all made it to the Tea house. They all found Sekai, Denwa and Kurumi, who has been inspirited as well.

Denwa: Kyle, Kurumi needs help!

Kurumi: can mew help me-ow?

(why does she look so fricking cute!)

Kyle: ok, that is so cute! and I think I know where the Phantom is.

He walked up to a Dynamax Den.

Kyle and here it is!

Koito: I feel the Phantom's presents inside it!

Sekai: wait, the Phantom was down their the whole time!

Kyle: well, it looks like it's time for a our first raid!

Sekai: oh yeah!

Denwa: Lets do this!

Pinni: I wanted to go down their all day!

Denwa: no you didn't!

all the Phantom catchers got their Phantom they wanted to do the Raid with. Kyle had Mesmo, Denwa had B00st, Sekai had Mothios and Pinni had a Flying Squirrel Phantom.

Kyle: ready?

Denwa, Sekai and Pinni: Ready!

Haruhiko: wait! how long is one of these raids?

Pinni: as long as it takes.

after All Phantom catchers touched the rims of the den, a red beam of light enfused them all, bring them all into the den!

After that, all of them were inside the den. they all were now faced by a cat Phantom with a Mansion on its back. it was Dynamaxed.

all of them brought out their Phantoms. Kyle brought Mesmo out last.

Kyle: Lets raid!

(Yes, it's appropriate to use this as it's theme!)

Kyle Dynamaxes Mesmo to start the raid.

Mothios attacked the Phantom first, doing little damage. B00st uses it's attack on the Phantom, doing a lot of damage to it.

The Phantom then activated a barrier to protect it. Pinni wanted her Phantom to attack, but it broke the barrier's health just a little.

Kyle: Mes, use Max Winds!

Mesmo used a wind attack that damaged the Phantom's barrier at the point of breaking it. doing that made the Phantom's health go down a little.

Everyone did their attacks again, doing damage to the Phantom. Mesmo uses Max Winds again, taking out the Phantom out.

The Phantom explodes into a glitch, allowing Kyle to catch it. Kyle Dynamaxes a blank card and throws it at the Phantom, sealing it away.

After completing the raid, Everyone goes back to the real world. they all saw the girls cat ears and tails have disappeared.

Haruhiko: so...

Pinni: Done and Done.

Kyle: I thought it was a Den.

After a long day, Everyone celebrates at the tea house. Kyle then was telling everyone about what happened.

Kyle: So, what I was thinking, the Phantom inside the den missed where it lived before and came back, but it spawned inside a den, inspiriting everyone.

Pinni was looking around the tea house.

Pinni: so this place was the mansion before you stopped the Phantom?

Haruhiko: yeah, it was only because Kurumi's friend's cat came inside.

Pinni: neat!

Reina: hey Pinni, what are your Phantoms?

Pinni: oh yeah, My Phantom team is just Emolga. I did have a Phantom that Kyle made for me, but it dissappeared a few months ago.

Ruru: what did it look like?

Pinni: it was a very big Kitsuke-Like Phantom. remember what I called her, Kyle?

Kyle: Realia?

Pinni: yep.

Koito: I'll try and look for it for you.

Pinni: thanks Koito! I'm so glad Kyle made some awesome friends!

Ruru reacted to what she said.

Ruru: (thought) yeah, friends)

She thought of that then was looking at Kyle.

*Insert Outro*

A/N: Yep, a Heterochromia Phantom catcher and she will get a Bio as well.

anyway, Next chapter will be a hot springs one where The Phantom catchers see how everyone tries to beat it. and also, I'll be bringing in another Legendary Phantom that Denwa will be calling 'The Big Boy'!

Up Next: Pinni BajjiTochi Bio

Word Count: 2367

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