It's Been Only You!

By mairafly

40.6K 3.5K 2.7K

★"Ajeeb Dastan hai yeh,★ ★Kaha Shuru Kaha Khatam,★ ★Yeh manzile hai konsi,★ ★Na woh samaj sake Na hum!"★ «Old... More



744 58 146
By mairafly

"Ya Moms! I am absolutely fine. I even took all the medicines and have eaten full. Please don't worry and stop wasting your precious tears. We'll surely be fine soon!" Ahana said handling the cellphone in her palm. She was doing a face-time with the family. The left side consisted of Pranav, Prachi and Arpita while the right side had Gautam and Anuja.

"You could have told me soon, child. You are aware that I have plenty of lawyers working under me. I could have called anyone and brought you back home," Gautam said.

"Dad! I know but this case is sensitive. We can't make the world aware that I am in jail," She replied.

"We know, that's why I hanged the call with my lawyer in the midway. We were so worried for you," Pranav said snatching the phone from Prachi's hand.

"I understand, Dad! That's why, I did everything to get your daughter out of that jail," Dhruv said holding Ahana from behind by her waist and resting his head on her shoulder.

"Moms, Dads and Dadi! I'll keep the call now. We are given limited data. We can't use it full in this face time. We'll call you soon. Bye!" Ahana said and bid them bye.

"What was this?" Ahana said in a serious tone.

"What what?" Dhruv jumped on the sofa.

"You held my waist in front of our family. What would they think now?" Ahana joined him on the sofa.

"Nothing! They'll think nothing! We are married. We have all the rights," Saying this, Dhruv pulled her on his lap.

"There are CCTVs here. We can't do anything! You know, right! Who know, that Chauhan jumps out of nowhere and stop us again," Ahana stopped the growing feeling in him.

"I know! I remember! But this isn't sex! It's our time and there's nothing wrong in it. Infact, I am giving the officers new trick how to love your wife even without saying or doing sex. That Chauhan will also start learning from me about how to impress our wifes," He said and smiled.

"You are really something!" Ahana laughed.

"Ya! Your love!" He whispered.

Both started laughing.

Accidentally Dhruv pressed a remote button resulting the T.V. to flash on. Both got scared for an instance but understood that it was by mistake.

Ahana took the remote and was about to shut it off when the news Channel showed the picture of DK's building.

Dhruv snatched the remote and increased the volume.

"The great DK company's shares are lowering minute by minute. The share holders are fighting for their money!" Dhruv read the headlines flashing on the screen.

"How... Fuck... How the shares dropped? It was absolutely on top till yesterday. Who? Who did it?" Ahana stammered by this huge life changing news. She never even imagined to face such a day.

"Hello, Jasmine?" Dhruv called.

"Sir! I can't hear you sir!" Jasmine on the other side of line struggled as there was a huge group of people gathered down the building. She can't even answer her calls due to the ruckus down there.

"Sir... The scene is getting out of control... I don't know what just happened in the evening. Infact...Ah... I came here just now," She said on the call without hearing anything from the opposite side of the call.

Dhruv hanged the call immediately as he could sense the noise from the other side.  Even if he starts shouting right on the call, she won't be able to understand even a letter of it.

Ahana understood the what exactly was happening on the call.

Before they could figure out something more, Gautam's call flashed on Dhruv's phone.

"Yes, Dad!" He answered.

"Dhruv! Don't panic. I have taken the situation under my control. I have paid half of the shares and the company will be stable until morning. Don't worry!" Gautam said.

"But... Dad DK's shares were huge!" He was on the verge on breaking down.

"I know but H&L(Gautam's Company) is not so small too. Don't worry about the money, child. I don't have any second child so what is mine, will be yours soon. I even discussed everything with Pranav. DK can't use the official bank account as it got seized due to 20 crores void scam. Khurana's were taken back so I decided to take this step. You and Ahana, please don't think of anything more right now. Just focus how to take Adhiraj down. That should be your main goal right now," Gautam calmed Dhruv and completed.

"Dad... I... I just don't know what to say... I don't even have guts in me to call Dad-Mom and say this. My parents trusted a lot and handed me DK but I... I lost everything today. What will I answer to them? I risked DK, I risked my wife's life, I risked my own family and moreover, I risked all employees' family too. What has gotten into me, Dad? Why can't I do something smoothly and perfectly? No words... I have no words. Everyone trusts me a lot and I... I disappointed everyone," Dhruv started crying on the call. Those warm tears rolled down his cheeks and touched the floor.

Ahana ran near him and held his other hand. No doubt she had wet eyes too. A sense of grief surrounded them. What they had wished to start their lovelife and what they ended up with.

"No child! That's not the truth. We are still  with you. You know why I called you and not your father? Because he didn't wanted you to break infront of him. He knew that you are getting weak second by second. Infact, he blamed himself to get you involved in all this. It was him who forced you to return back to India and join DK.

Trust me! It's the trust and love, that is, still alive in everyone's heart. No matter how low or high you bring DK, you'll still remain their child and they'll still love you," Gautam said in a numb voice.

Ahana didn't know what Gautam was speaking but she just nodded her head when Dhruv looked at her hearing Gautam's advice.

"Dad! Can I say you something?" He said wiping his tears.

Gautam was silent for a bit but then hummed giving him the permission.

"Till now I loved your daughter but I think one day I'll fall in love with you!" He said.

Ahana smiled brightly to his sentence.

"Oh God! You are so cheesy, My son. But you better look forward, me as your father and not something else. I already love your Anuja Mom more. She'll remain my love. Okay?" Gautam too joked. He literally rubbed his eyes as he also was on the verge of crying.

Dhruv chuckled.

"Understood Dad! Even I love your daughter and she is my life now. I look at you as my father, my support system, my backbone, just like my own father. I love you, Dad!" He confessed.

"Love you too, Son! Now go and have something to eat and then sleep peacefully. Don't take any stress regarding DK as I and Pranav are there to manage it. You focus how to get that bastard behind bars."

"Hmm!" Agreeing to Gautam, Dhruv hanged the call.

"What was the matter? Why were you crying in the middle? Did something huge happened? Is everyone fine out? Dad? Dad said what? What about DK? And... Why did you say I love you to Dad? Dhruv speak na! Kill this suspense fast. I can't breath properly. Please tell...Just shoot things out. I want to hear everything," Ahana kept on asking him questions while he just stared at her. He was just drowned in her beauty. Those pouty lips when she asks him something, those concerned orbs with which she looked at him, those shivering fingers which she held his hand with.... everything looked godly to him.

"Dhruv! Dhruv!" Ahana shaked his forearm bringing him back from his la la land.

Before thinking twice, he closed the distance between them and kissed her.

Ahana forcefully pushed him which let him touch the ground.

"Oouch!" He cried in pain.

"Here, I am getting worried and you are busy romancing with me," She shouted.

"Darling! Listen to me!" He got up but she just turned herself.

"First, I just want to listen what Dad said to you and second, I am not your darling!" She said immediately.

"Okay! You want to know what Dad said, right? Fine!" He turned Ahana towards him.

He went closer towards her and touched her ear with his lips.

"To keep romancing with your wife! This is what your Dad said," Dhruv stepped back after whispering in her ears.

Ahana was red. She was blushing hardly.

"You... You won't listen na!" She showed her fake anger in order to hide her dazzling smile.

"No... Okay Fine. Your Dad's company invested in our company and handled the business. DK's official account was seized due to 20 crores scam so we couldn't do anything. So for the time being, our Dads will handle the company and we should focus on Adhiraj's case." Dhruv said.

"Thank God! I was so scared seeing you cry and hearing DK's news," Ahana left a relief breath.

Dhruv nodded.

"Fine... Now I'll just check in the kitchen and make something to eat," Ahana headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll help you too!" Dhruv jumped in the middle.

"What? You'll help me? Like seriously?" Ahana mocked.

"Ya... seriously!" He dragged Ahana in the kitchen.

She smiled and then started checking the shelves in the kitchen.

Everything went on good. They both together were making their dinner.

Dhruv was chopping the veggies even though Ahana gave him the job of removing the bowls and dishes. Moreover, after chopping them, he started stirring the curry as professional.

Ahana got suspicious of his action. She immediately snatched the spatula from his hand.

"You know how to cook right?" She asked.

"No... Of course no! I... I don't know how to cook!" Dhruv refused immediately.

"Do I look fool? Say the truth," She said angrily this time.

"Umm... Yes! I do know! But how did yo—"

"I can figure out easily who can cook and who cannot. The skills with which you were chopping the veggies... The way you were adjusting the flame on the gas... Everything were shouting that you know cooking that too very perfectly," She explained.

"You are so smart!" Dhruv looked at her in shock.

"I know!" Ahana pulled her invisible collar up.

"Now come let's serve the dinner. I am hungry!" Dhruv cried. He didn't want to disclose the reason that he wanted to irritate her in the starting. Our Ahana was no fool anymore. She wanted to hear it from him and guess what, he spilled the beans right after serving her at the dinning table. He was scared at first that Ahana will be angry on him but to his disappointment, Ahana started laughing as a mad. She just couldn't control herself from bursting out. The reason that she was laughing for was not because Dhruv wanted to irritate her but was due to the trick Dhruv had used.

"You... You thought I'll be mad at you for cooking? Dhruv, I love cooking! I never refused to make dinner for you because I love cooking for people. You thought you'll harass me in the name of cooking? Seriously?" There she again started laughing.

"It's not funny anymore. Stop laughing! Even I know cooking. I was staying alone in London. I started learning over there. Every meal time, I used to Video chat with Mom and learn how to make food for me," Dhruv said eating his dinner.

"Fine! I won't laugh!" Saying this, she yet left a chuckle out.

They both ended up laughing!

I really want to talk about the last chapter today... I seriously thought that the chp will be super bakwaas or something which u all won't like but the responses I got on it are fab....... It's the most commented chp of all... Close to seriously 😂😂 I really don't know whether to laugh or cry......I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!😂😂❤️❤️❤️

Next thing, I really appreciate those people who shared their small moment on the in the last..... I read everyone's comments down...... I'm touched.

Last thing... Dil tham ke bethiye....Next Joke of thd day!

~What did the blanket say when it fell of the bed?
~Oh sheet!

SMS these jokes to ur friends and wait for their reactions istg🥳😂😂😂

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