y/n fujioka ||haruhi fujioka'...

Gavi_is_Queen द्वारा

419K 10.9K 2.8K

Please don't copy, repost, or/and steal my work! ------------------------- "Ah, you're both twins. Not identi... अधिक

||1, Prologue||
||71, Epilogue||
||OHSHC as Vines||
||Famous Last Words||


2.5K 95 9
Gavi_is_Queen द्वारा

(A/n: The song above is called There Are Worse Things I Could Do from the movie Grease. I'll let you all know when to play the song. I hope you enjoy this chapter!)

{62; Grease the Musical! At Ouran Academy!}

"I can't just lock her up in the apartment, Tamaki-Senpai." Haruhi denoted through her cellphone that was pressed against her left ear.

The official day of the musical Grease was taking place that day. Ten minutes of Haruhi's Saturday morning was depleted with her sitting on the side of her mattress in her bedroom, conversing with the male members of the Host Club on a phone call while Y/n took a loosening, warm shower.

"Yes you can!" Tamaki asserted. "Just lock her up in the room you two share so she could fail to attend the musical and she could stay in the Host Club forever!"

"Wow, that's a little harsh, boss." Hikaru mentioned. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah, talk about being cruel." Kaoru said.

"We can't lock Y/n-Chan in a room. That's too mean!" Honey agreed with the auburn haired males, making a hum of accord come from Mori.

"Don't you guys want Y/n to stay in the Host Club? What if she leaves us to join the Glee Club! I know she's too talented for us, but we can't let her go! The Host Club won't be the same without her!" Tamaki reasoned with panic evident in his voice, Haruhi imagining him ruffling up his blond hair as he paced around his room--her thoughts being quite accurate. "How about we tell her that the musical has been canceled?"

"That's a pretty stupid idea. Wouldn't Y/n know if the musical has been canceled or not?" The twins questioned in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Yes, Y/n would get a notification of some sort from the Glee Club if the musical has been called off." Kyoya claimed.

"You're right." Tamaki began in a thoughtful tone. "Alright, Haruhi, you're going to distract Y/n and-"

"Listen, I'm not going to lock my sister in a room or do anything that makes her miss this play. Besides, she needs to leave in four hours for the last minute rehearsal. She's been putting a lot of effort into memorizing her script for two weeks, which is a very short time for a popular musical like Grease. And believe it or not, she's really happy and excited to be a part of it. She's finally accepting the fact that she really loves performing and that being a doctor isn't her goal--she hasn't even picked up a medical book ever since the talent show." Haruhi's stern voice sounded through the cellphones that belonged to the other hosts. "I have always supported Y/n in whatever she does and decides, so if she wants to leave the Host Club and join the Glee Club, then I'll support her just as much. If you guys really do care for Y/n, then you'll support her too."

And so, Haruhi ended the conversation and closed her flip phone, placing it on her nightstand. She brought her hand up to her forehead and released a sigh that resembled a groan.

Meanwhile, Y/n just finished taking a shower and was currently drying herself off with a towel while humming a song from Grease. Once she was done removing the drops of water from her body, she clothed herself in a loose, black t-shirt and a pair of black leggings. She grabbed a hold of the hair dryer and began to guide the warm air around her head.

When her shoulder length, wavy hair was no longer damp, she carefully wrapped her hand around a flat hair iron, passing the hot object through her locks of hair, making them undeviating.

Her brown hair was now straightened, making it two or three inches longer than it usually is. She then proceeded to grab a curling iron and began to style her hair into tight curls, making her hair a bit shorter. She made sure to bring her strands of hair closely together when it wrapped around the curling wand. After curling her hair, Y/n applied an appropriate amount of hairspray so her curls would stay in place.

Ultimately completing her hair, she exited the bathroom and entered her bedroom to obtain her script, noticing Haruhi sitting on her own bed studying.

The short haired female directed her brown eyes to her sister, a small smile appearing on her lips once she caught sight of Y/n. "Hey, I like your hair. It looks really cute."

Y/n returned her sister's smile as she approached the left side of the room. "Thanks. It was hard getting the curls to be like this though."

"Why didn't you just do it at school after your last minute rehearsal?" Haruhi quizzed, her eyes following her sister's movements. "I thought everyone was getting ready over there."

"We are, it's just that I wanted to get my hair over with since it takes the longest. If anything, all I need to do is curl it up some more and apply some hairspray." Y/n explained, picking up her script that was situated on her nightstand before glancing at the digital clock that was positioned on the dresser. "I'll need to leave in three hours."

Haruhi hummed. "Yeah, it's already twelve o'clock in the afternoon. You'll have to be at Ouran at three o'clock, right?"

"Yeah." Y/n confirmed, sitting down on her mattress. "So for the next couple of hours I'll just go over my script."

- - - -

The time that was now presented was two:forty-five in the afternoon, meaning that Y/n had to depart her apartment and advance to Ouran Academy for her final rehearsal before the production.

Y/n carried a black backpack that accommodated a spare change of clothes for after the show, her curling iron, hairspray, and her script. Her flip phone was in her hand as she made her way towards the front door, Haruhi following after her.

"Okay, remember that the show starts at seven." Y/n reminded, putting on a pair of light grey sneakers.

"I know. Dad and I will be there with the others." Haruhi assured, referring to the male members of the Host Club.

"Okay then, I'm going. See you later." Y/n smiled and showed a small wave of her hand as she exited the apartment.

"Good luck! Or...break a leg?" Haruhi called after her sister, who was walking down the metal stairs.

Y/n let out a small laugh and looked back at the short haired female. "Thanks, Haruhi."

She finished journeying down the stairs and began to walk to Ouran Academy.

- - - -

Once Y/n arrived at the prestigious school, she strolled towards the auditorium where the individuals who were participating in the musical were, preparing for rehearsal.

Mr. Kurosawa turned around at the sound of the auditorium doors opening, making his lips form a smile once he caught sight of who arrived. "Y/n! Great timing! Just settle your bag somewhere backstage. When we're done with rehearsal, everyone will go to the clubroom to get ready. The costumes are already in there and are labeled so people know which costume is theirs." He elucidated kindheartedly.

"Okay, thank you, sir." Y/n responded with a small smile and made a start towards the backstage so she could leave her backpack somewhere.

"Hey, Y/n!"

Turning around at the feminine, enthusiastic voice, Y/n saw Ayumi waving at her with a sizable smile. "Hey, Ayumi-Senpai." She greeted as the mocha-brown haired girl approached her.

"Today's the day! Are you excited?" Ayumi questioned, clasping her hands together.

"Sure, but I'm also pretty nervous." Y/n began. "It's those stage nerves, you know?"

"I totally get it, but it goes away once you start performing." Ayumi reassured sweetly, placing a hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"She's right." Kenji initiated, appearing beside the two girls with Daisuke and Emiko by his side. "There's nothing to be nervous about."

"You've been working really hard for the past two weeks and it's really going to show throughout the production." Daisuke remarked, smiling at the brown haired first year.

Emiko nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they're right."

A soft tug occurred on Y/n's lips as she looked at her new companions. "Thanks guys, that really means a lot."

"Everyone back on stage, please! Everyone back on stage!" Mr. Kurosawa repeated, his voice being heard by the students who were backstage.

"Ready for our very last rehearsal for Grease?" Emiko asked the other four people standing with her, being answered with a nod. "Then let's go." She showed a small smile as Ayumi giggled gleefully.

Everyone who was a part of the musical advanced towards the stage, following the teacher's instructions.

And finally, rehearsal began.

- - - -

"Let me do your makeup." Ayumi vocalized, standing behind Y/n who was fixing the curls of her hair with the curling iron and hairspray she brought.

The final rehearsal before the actual performance has ended and everyone was now getting ready. Ayumi was surprisingly done getting changed into her character's appearance.

"Um, sure." Y/n showed a small nod of her head, putting the hairspray bottle down once she was completed with her hairstyle.

Y/n turned her chair around, away from the black, portable, vanity mirror, making her now face her female upperclassman.

Ayumi displayed her signature bright smile and began to do Y/n's makeup--placing concealer under her eyes and blending it out with a makeup brush, then putting some black eyeliner on her upper lash line to make a small wing, then putting mascara on her eyelashes. Ayumi grabbed the last makeup product for Y/n's face which was red lipstick. She carefully filled in Y/n's lips with the red color.

"Alright, I'm done!" Ayumi announced with a proud expression on her face.

Y/n turned her chair back around to stare at her reflection through the vanity mirror, making her brown eyes slightly widen. "Woah." She mumbled, not really expecting the makeup to be so simple-looking, but she was more fond of it this way. Nothing was exaggerated--the red lipstick pulled the girl's appearance all together. "I really like it, Ayumi-Senpai. I look great thanks to you."

The mocha-brown haired female, who was now wearing a shoulder length blond wig, waved her hand dismissively with a flattering smile. "It was no problem, Y/n."

Emiko, Kenji, and Daisuke walked up to the two girls as Y/n got up from her chair, dusting off her black tube-like dress.

"It looks like it's going to be a full house today." Daisuke commented, showing a closed lipped smile. He was wearing a black leather jacket over his bluish-white t-shirt and dark blue jeans, his hair being styled in a pompadour-like hairstyle.

"Yeah. I saw your brother in the crowd, Y/n." Emiko informed to the said female.

'Oh, right.' Y/n began to ponder. 'They don't know that Haruhi's a girl.'

"The Host Club is here too." Kenji added, then held out two pairs of headset microphones to Ayumi and Y/n. "Oh yeah, Mr. Kurosawa said to put these on."

The two girls took a microphone headset for themselves and placed them on over their head.

Y/n's anxiety for the production slowly increased as she showed a miniature smile, finishing placing the microphone on her head. "Are you guys ready? We're going to start in any minute now."

"Heck yeah! I was born ready!" Ayumi jumped up with her fist raised in the air.

"It's not the first time we've done this." Kenji said, making Daisuke nod his head. "But yeah, we're ready."

Y/n closed her eyes as she deeply inhaled before releasing her long breath of oxygen. She opened her eyes and stared at the four people standing in front of her. "Then let's get this performance started."

- - - -

The musical was halfway through and everything was exceptional. The drive-in movie scene was about to take place, the scene when Y/n's character Rizzo tells the character Marty that she might be expecting a child.

Y/n was positioned on the right side of the stage where some females were standing. The setting was supposed to represent a public restroom, so there was a vanity without the mirror intact so the audience could observe Y/n's facial features.

Y/n pretended to be fixing up her hair as the girl who plays the role of Marty Maraschino started the conversation. "What is with you tonight?" She questioned.

"I feel like a defective typewriter." Y/n acknowledged, her fingers pushing her hair up repeatedly.


"I skipped a period." Y/n finally disclosed, bringing her hands away from her hair as she glanced at the girl beside her.

She gasped, a shocked expression assembling on her face. "Do you think you're PG?"

"I don't know--big deal." Y/n shrugged her shoulders, continuing to run her hands through her brown hair.

"Oh, was it Kenickie?"

"Nah, you don't know the guy." Y/n answered simply and began to walk away from the false vanity.

The female playing the role of Marty walked after her and halted Y/n's movements, positioning herself in front of her. "Hey Rizz. Look, look, it's okay. I caught Vince Fontaine trying to put aspirin in my coke at the dance."

The girl that played the role of Marty turned around to advance away, but Y/n gently grabbed her arm to stop her. "Hey. Marty, you ain't gonna tell nobody about this, right?"

"Oh, sure, Rizz. Look, I'll take it to the grave, okay?" She reassured and continued to walk away, making Y/n shrug and follow the girl.

The extra females who were a part of the production quickly took the vanity prop to the right side of the stage's exit, cutout boards of cars setting the rest of the stage.

"Coming through, coming through. Come on, lady with a baby." The girl representing the character Marty called, pushing through two individuals.

Y/n made her eyes widen at the girls words, making the girl look back at Y/n with an accidental definition on her face.

Y/n slowly walked away as a boy asked the girl playing the role of Marty what was occurring, circling the rumors about the pregnancy to many people.

Finally being at the other side of the stage, Daisuke appeared behind Y/n, catching her attention and making her discontinue her actions.

"Rizzo, I hear you're knocked up." Daisuke mentioned with a fake cigarette in his hand, the girl playing the role of Marty now standing near the two people.

"You do, huh?" Y/n quizzed, waiting for confirmation.


"Boy, good news really travels fast." Y/n pronounced firmly, casting a small glare at the girl who plays the role of Marty, making the said girl turn her gaze away sheepishly.

Y/n took two steps forward before Daisuke stopped her again. "Why didn't you tell me about it?" He questioned.

The brown haired female turned around to face the walnut-brown haired male, an untrue, warmhearted smile on her lips. "What's it to you?"

"I thought I might be able to do somethin'."

"You did enough." Y/n slowly shook her head, a derisive chuckle escaping her mouth.

Daisuke laid the fake cigarette in between his lips, inhaling the counterfeit fumes before exhaling it and removing the cigarette from his lips, wrapping an arm around Y/n's shoulders. "I don't run away from my mistakes."

"Hey, don't worry about it, Kenickie. It was somebody else's mistake." Y/n revealed, her smile turning into a scowl as her sarcastic, nice tone was replaced with an unfaltering one.

Daisuke let out a compact huff, a distressed smile made its way on his lips but he attempted to cover it up with a grin. "Thanks a lot, kid." He removed his arm from around Y/n's shoulder and began to walk towards the right side of the stage.

"Anytime." She sounded out after him. After a moment, her own facial expression changed into one of repentance before she exited the stage by going through the left wing.

- - - -

Y/n was leaning up against the olive-green lockers, her arms wrapped around her red binder when Ayumi walked passed her.

The said girl stopped walking and looked at Y/n, her blond wig swaying as she did. "Oh, hello, Rizz. You going to Thunder Road?"

"Not a chance." Y/n answered, directing her gaze away from the female.

"I've got to go. I have to talk to Danny."

"Unless you've got wheels and a motor, he won't know you're alive." Y/n interjected, now looking at Ayumi.

"Listen Rizzo, I know that we haven't been the best of friends, but if there's anything I can do..." She trailed off.

"Oh, I can take care of myself... And anyone else who comes along." Y/n established, glancing down at her abdomen before looking back up at Ayumi. "You think I don't know what people are saying about me?"

Ayumi frowned slightly at her words and began to walk away.

"Hey." Y/n began, making Ayumi stop and look back at her. "Thanks." She showed a limited, grateful smile, which made Ayumi smile as well.

The female wearing the blond wig walked away and exited from the left side of the stage. Soon after the female's exit, the girl that plays the role of Patty Simcox strolls along with three other female's. The four girls stopped to take a glance of Y/n, then continued to walk away.

"That's the one I was telling you about." The girl representing the character Patty said with a small chuckle and the other three girls laughed, making their way off the stage through the left wing.

Y/n looked at the direction the four girls went off to as music began to play.

(A/n: Play the song now! Sorry that you have to scroll all the way up to play the song..)

"There are worse things I could do,
Than go with a boy or two." Y/n sang, looking at the audience.

"Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy, And no good,
I suppose it could be true,
But there are worse things I could do."

Y/n stopped leaning against the lockers and slowly moved her right hand across them as she steadily began to walk towards the right side of the stage, her left arm supporting the binder against her chest.

"I could flirt with all the guys,
Smile at them and bat my eyes.
Press against them when we dance." Y/n separated her hand away from the lockers and wrapped them around her red binder.

"Make them think they stand a chance,
Then refuse to see it through.
That's a thing I'd never do." Y/n stopped walking, facing the audience once again.

"I could stay home every night,
Wait around for Mr. Right.
Take cold showers every day,
And throw my life away,
On a dream that won't come true." Y/n leisurely moved back until her rear side was leaned up against the propped wall.

"I could hurt someone like me,
Out of spite or jealousy.
I don't steal and I don't lie,
But I can feel and I can cry.

A fact I'll bet you never knew.
But to cry in front of you,
That's the worse thing I could do."

When Y/n concluded the song, the stage lights dimmed and the audience clapped their hands, applauding the girl's performance.

- - - -

The musical was officially over, ending with the song
You're The One That I Want and with Y/n's character Rizzo not being pregnant.

After Mr. Kurosawa announced each person and the character they portrayed, everyone exited the auditorium, making their way to the hallway.

The Host Club and Ranka were waiting across the entrance of the auditorium, clothed in elegant suits as everyone was wearing exquisite clothing.

"Y/n did a wonderful job in the musical." Ranka smiled sweetly, breaking the silence as he reminisced his daughter being on stage. Suddenly, a shadow casted over his eyes. "I just hope that she didn't actually kiss that boy." He referred to the small amount of times Y/n and Daisuke made intimate contact with one another during the production.

Haruhi sweat dropped at her fathers sudden change of expression. "No, she didn't kiss him. She told me that she places her thumb in between their lips so their lips don't connect."

Y/n exited through the backstage door of the auditorium, soon making her way to the entrance where she immediately caught sight of her father, sister, and the male members of the Host Club.

"Hey, guys." Y/n greeted them from where she was standing, quickly making her way towards them.

"Oh, there's my girl! I'm so proud of you. You did great!" Ranka enthused, pulling Y/n into a tight hug.

Y/n smiled sheepishly with a faint blush on her cheeks due to the acclamation. "Thanks, dad."

"For only two weeks of mesmerizing a script and attending rehearsals, you did amazing." Haruhi smiled, putting her hand on her sister's shoulder after their father released her from the embrace.

"Yeah, you were a natural." The twins remarked with a miniature smile, their tone of voice holding hesitation.

Y/n displayed a small smile before perceiving the unusual silence of the Host Club. "Alright, what's going on?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Why are you guys being so quiet?"

"Hm?" Ranka hummed in pure confusion, scrunching up his face in puzzlement.

"Well..." Haruhi trailed off, twiddling with her fingers.

"Are you going to leave the Host Club, Y/n-Chan?" Honey suddenly asked with a downhearted smile.

"Huh?" Y/n let out in bewilderment. "Why are you asking that, Honey-Senpai?"

"We snuck into one of your rehearsals and heard the girl with black hair recommend that you should join the Glee Club." Tamaki introduced collectedly, yet in a emotionless tone. "And you said that it wasn't a bad idea."

Y/n glanced at Haruhi, who was avoiding her sister's gaze by staring down at her shoes.

"So Y/n," Kyoya chimed in, his hands in the pockets of his black pants, "have you formulated your decision?"

Y/n opened her mouth to respond, but Haruhi spoke first. "Look, I don't really care if you do join the Glee Club and leave the Host Club. You know that I support you in anything you choose and decide." She recollected in a soft tone.

Y/n looked at Haruhi for a moment before sighing and directing her gaze to the rest of the group. "Guys-"

"Before you tell us your settlement, we want to let you know that we support you as well." Tamaki interrupted the shoulder length, brown haired female, showing her a faint smile.

"Even though it will be completely boring without you around-" Hikaru began, scratching the back of his head.

"-we can't change your mind." Kaoru finished, making Mori hum and nod in agreement.

"Takashi and I aren't in the same year as you, so we won't be able to see each other everyday like we always do." Honey caught a glimpse of the floor before looking at Y/n, his smile enlarging. "But we can schedule a time where we can have cake together."

"So what's your answer, Y/n?" Tamaki questioned motionlessly.

Y/n stared at them and blinked before speaking. "Thanks, you guys. I really appreciate your support and all that stuff, but why didn't you come and talk to me sooner?"

The hosts momentarily froze at the question as they comprehended that they could've gone through that course of confrontation.

"And we live together." Y/n directed her attention to Haruhi, who flinched and sweat dropped. "You could've asked me at any time of the day." She went back to gazing at the rest of the Host Club. "It was never a situation of leaving one club to join the other. Emiko just commented about it and I just said something back. Besides, I prefer to stay in a club that I've been in for most of the school year than to leave that club and join a new one. Remember when those Lobelia girls tried to get Haruhi and I to transfer to their school? Do you guys remember what we said?"

The hosts remained in their thoughts, remembering that specific school day of first encountering the Zuka Club of Lobelia Girls' Academy.

"Wait, so you're not leaving the Host Club?" Kaoru asked with a raised eyebrow, vaguely tilting his head to the side.

Y/n slowly shook her head, a miniature smile appearing on her lips. "I'm staying."

"So we were worried for nothing?" Hikaru examined straightforwardly.

"Yeah, that's about right." Y/n responded simply.

"Y/n-Chan!" Honey hollered happily and lunged himself towards Y/n, wrapping his arms around her neck.

The twins finally grinned and brought their arms around Y/n while Mori and Kyoya held a small smile on their lips.

Tamaki's violet eyes brightened as he joined the small group hug, miniature tears of joy forming near the corners of his eyes. "My daughter isn't leaving!" He cried out cheerfully.

"Okay, okay." Y/n began, detaching herself from the group embrace. "Now that we've got that settled down, I'm going to go change out of my costume really quick. Just wait out here."

"Okay!" The twins, Honey, and Tamaki smiled happily as Y/n walked away.

"Did I miss something...?" Ranka questioned quietly to Haruhi, still not being aware of what fully happened.

Haruhi shook her head slowly with a small smile. "Don't worry about it, dad. I'll explain later."

All that mattered to the group of seven teenagers at that moment was that Y/n wasn't leaving the Host Club after all. Their club wouldn't be complete without her--but thankfully, the shoulder length, wavy, brown haired female wasn't going anywhere and was going to continue to keep the Host Club in one piece.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is a long ass chapter. Damn!
I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.
The section where Y/n sings There Are Worse Things I Could Do, the background and her movements are different than in the movie because I took it from Grease: LIVE!
Thank you all so much for 53.7K views! I can't believe that many people has read my book!
Thank you all so much!❣️💞💖❤️
"See you then!"

Posted on: May 18th, 2021.
Edited on: October 18th, 2021.

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