The Swimming Death Trap [A CH...

By Potato0exe

18.7K 938 1.5K

Detective Germany and her uncle Austria hoped for a peaceful travel through the Atlantic Ocean, but traveling... More

1. New And Old Faces
3. Where To Store A Body
4. The Identity Of The Victim
5. Lie Or Truth
6. Lies And Answers
7. Take A Break
8. Past Mistakes
9. Nothing Works There
10.You've Chosen 2
11. A Lot Of Blood
12. Looking At The Crime Scene
13. The Interrogation
14. Words Are Powerful Tools
15. New Pain New Face
16. The Plan
17. Let's The Search Begin
18. Bad Decision?
20. A Little Surprise
21. Malfunction
22. Willing To Risk
23. Time Is Slowly Running
24. It's A Trap
25. Back On Track
26. New Plan
27. Finally Spilling The Tea
28. How To Not Get Bitten
29. Stick To A Gun Fight
30. Preventing A Mistake From Happening
31. Something Missing
32. Is It Worth it?
33. Jumping To Conclusions
34. Stealing Is (not) Okay
35. Case Solved
36. Domino Effect (End)
New Book


364 24 15
By Potato0exe

Hello guys, gals and non-binary pals! I'm sorry for the long break. I barely had time to write and my doggo wasn't feeling well.

But now I'll try my best to go back to my writing routine. I can't really promise if I can update regularly because it depends what results will the vet announce next week.

However back to the story!

Hungary ran up to me and grabbed Panama's leg. Together we pulled him up. Soon the captain was able to grab on the bars. He climbed with our help back to the ship. Shaken he sat on all four, heavily gasping from the shock he just got.

Panama looked up to me and with a smile he gasped, "Thank you. I really thought I'm going to die-"

A strong kick from Hungary landed on his face before he could finish his sentence. It caught us both by surprise and the captain falls helplessly to his side and stare at my brother in shock.

Hungary stood threatening close to Panama and he was about to kick the laying man again who whined in pain. I intervened in time and stood between my brother and the captain.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?" I pushed him away from Panama. Hungary pointed aggressive to him and shouted, "Did he shot Slovakia and Poland!?"

Panama looked to us in horror. Standing protective in front of him I answered, "The situation is more complicated than you think."

For the first time Czechia respond with a cold distant voice, "What do you mean, more complicated?"

"This whole ship thing is planned and we can only make out alive, if he also stays alive." I pointed to Panama.

That's when the captain mumbled unbelievable to me, "You. You are the one who broke into my office."

I glance at him over my shoulder and snarled, "Yes and be happy that I didn't let you die."

The weather seems to get worse. A little rain drop hit on my face. It's only a matter of seconds until it starts raining.

Hungary didn't seem to notice the weather change. He looks clearly confused and aggravated. Waving his hands around he shouted, "Can you explain to me what the hell is going on!"

"It's a long story, but first we should all go inside. It's gonna rain soon." I explained as I helped Panama to stand up.

Unexpectedly Hungary shouted, "No! I don't care about the rain. Tell me NOW what's going on."

I looked up at him and saw his infuriated face staring daggers at me. Czechia stood there emotionless, but I could see how tensed she clenched on her arms with her nails burying into her skin.

My attention went back to Hungary as he shouted again, "Did he killed her!"

Panama stood silently behind me, but I could see how he slowly with small steps goes backwards to the metal door. He freezes as I stare at him.


"YES!" I shouted back at him. More rain drops started to fall. Hungary stood frozen. Unbelievable he looked at Panama and growled, "Why? WHY DID YOU DO THAT!"

The captain remained silent. Not because of fear, but because of not wanting to admit a crime. That enraged my brother more was about to get closer to the captain. I grab on his shoulder, preventing him from doing anything stupid.

Hungary glared at me and shouted, "Why are you protecting him!? He killed our friend!"

"Because we need him. He's the only one who knows how to steer this ship." I tried to reason with him.

He looked at and to Panama. After a couple of seconds he sighed and slump his shoulders. He gave up and said, "Fine, but he will be punished as soon we hit the land."

I nodded and lead all three inside so we could be protected from the weather and to give me the opportunity to explain everything. While walking I realized how mad Germany will be as soon she get the info that I just openly told who the murderer is. Let's hope she's doing a better job, than me.

Germany pov.

The hallways were creepy silent. I walked with the uncomfortable heavy box under my arm. My plan was to bring it down to the small storage room where Italy can repair it, then I can call for help and the rescue team will arrive.

There is still the issue about how to call for help. I have zero idea how to tell them where we are, but that should be a problem for the later. Now I have to be aware to not get anyone's attention. No guest or personal should know what I'm carrying.

I put the box down for a second to take a break. It's harder than I thought because of my ankle and holding the cane at the same time, but if I put small breaks on my way, then I might arrive to the ninth floor. The stairs would be a problem though. I should have asked Hungary or Austria to help me, but it's too late now and I hate the fact that I failed to do something on my own.

Reluctantly I picked the box back up and I was about to go, until I heard footsteps behind me. Soon followed an heavy accent as she spoke.

"Hello Germany!"

I turned around and my theory got confirmed as I saw Russia walking closer to me. To my surprise her dogs weren't with her.

"Oh hello Russia. It's the first time seeing you without your dogs." I greeted her and she immediately answered unbothered, "True. I left them in my room to protect it. Since my goods were stolen and used in a murder, I don't want to happen it again."

"That makes sense." I commented and continued to walk with the box.

Russia seeing this didn't wait long to ask me, "Do you need help?"

"No thank you!" I might answered to quickly because the tall woman now looked at me with judgmental eyes.

She looked at the box and then back to me. With a slight hint of curiosity she asked again, "Are you sure? You look like you can barely walk and I don't have anything else to do."

This woman doesn't want to give up, I thought. That's really problematic. If I keep refusing her offer, then she will be more suspicious, but if I accept it, then there might be the risk of her looking inside the box.

She kept standing in front of me waiting for my answer. Reluctantly I gave her the box in hope she didn't get too curious about the content inside.

Thankfully she hold it without looking inside. "It's surprisingly light. Where should it go?"

"Uhhh to the workshop." I answered.

She nodded and followed beside me as we both walked. Out of blue Russia started to ask, "What happened your leg?"

"It's nothing serious. I just accidentally slipped in my bathroom." I explained and see how she looked at me slightly curious.

"Is that so."She responded, which I'm unsure if it's a good thing or not."I have to say that you're quite talkative today?" I asked her.

Russia rolled her eyes and answered, "Yeah. After Brazil pestering me with her nonstop talking, I needed to have a normal conversation."

"And you're thinking that I'm normal?" I joked and got rewarded by her chuckling slightly. "Well at least you're not annoying."

"Thanks, I take it as a compliment." I said it with a smile. Curiously I asked her, "And what did you two talk? Sorry if I'm too noisy."

"Just normal business stuff. She also complained about unwanted media attention and rumors." Russia explained.

I asked her again, "Are there some rumors about you."

"Pfff. Obviously there are. That's not something new. When people get bored then they often imagine some fake scenarios or facts about the others, only to make their life more interesting."

"What rumors are following you?"

"The usual. Earning money from death and pain of peoples and intentionally stretching military conflicts longer."

"Are those true?" I still remember about Austria telling me this rumor of her selling weapons to terrorists. Of course rumors should never be fully trusted.

"As true as the earth is flat." She commented, "I follow every savety precautions, but what they do with my weapons after walking out of my sight isn't my problem. I'm just a woman continuing a family business. What about you? Are there any rumors in your job?"

"No definitely not." I answered to her question, but I got a vague question from her as a response, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. As police is our job to keep the citizens safe. There isn't anything harmful about us." I insisted. Yet she gave me a smug look and asked, "Then what about police brutality?"

Baffled I looked up to her and I could see a slight smirk on her face. A sign of superiority.

There was a case in the past about allegedly police brutality, but except the suspect and my colleague himself, there weren't any witnesses. He keeps saying that he did follow all protocols before shooting the suspect as self defense. Later in report was written that the suspect was unarmed during the shooting, but I still believe that he didn't abuse his power. He was sane during the intervention.

I breathe in as I spoke, "Police brutality doesn't exist in our station."

"So you're saying the victims were lying?"

Immediately I countered, "No. That's not what I said."

Her expression didn't change,"You said that police brutality doesn't exist, yet there are news about policemen abusing their power."

"News reporter always bend their news to sound it more interesting. More shock equals more views." I countered slowly getting irritated at the topic.

She still hold the light smirk, "I can't deny that, but you're avoiding the main topic. Which side are lying? The police or the victims?"

Uncomfortable I strengthened my grip on the cane. I can't deny about the victim's testimony, but I won't throw my colleagues under the bus and risking to wrongfully accuse them for murder.

There is only one option for me to say," I'm not in a position to judge those situations. Both sides have their validated reasons that has to be respected."

Russia responded with a barely visible head shaking. Her smirk dropped as she sighed, "Foolish of me to ask a cop about abusing their power."

"We aren't-"

"What is even in the box inside?" She caught me off guard with her question. I couldn't even finish my sentence.

"Just some things that the repair group needs." She still looks suspicious to me.

Quickly I added to my lie, "It's for China's murder case."

After a long pause Russia responded, "I see. So you still don't know who the murderer is?"

"Not yet. I do have suspects who might killed him, but I have to narrow them down."

Carefully I gave a small glance to her. She only slightly nodded to my answer and looked at the distance ahead of us.

Thankfully we arrived at the staircase. It gave me the excuse to not talk, but rather concentrate to walk down without falling.

As I walked down the first couple of steps, I could feel Russia starring behind me and seeing how I struggled to use the stairs.

"Hold on my arm. It'll be easier." She offered as she raised her arm to me.

Reluctantly I accepted her offer and hold one hand on her arm while my other hand was on the railing. It was definitely a lot easier to walk down.

We arrived at the last step and I released myself from her. "Thank you for the help."

"No problem. Your injury is quite serious?" She gave me a questioning look which I only responded, " It just hurts a little."

We walked past the many small rooms. Including the storage room where I originally planned to meet up with Italy. Of course I can't do it now because of Russia. For now we'll arrive the workshop, she's going to put the box and leave.

I opened the door to the workshop and we both entered inside. Russia put the box on the nearest table. With a grateful smile I said, "Thank you very much again for your help. I'll now wait for the others."

She nodded as response and turned to the direction of the door. After she will leave, I will wait five extra minutes to be sure that she's gone and then I'll bring the box to Italy.

But it didn't went as planned. Russia stopped in front of the door and turned around facing me. "You know Germany there are some things that are bothering me a little bit."

Okay do not panic, I thought myself. I tried my best to act calm. With a normal voice I asked, "And what is bothering you?"

She crossed her arms while leaning her back against the door. "It's weird how calm you were in the morning as the captain said about the break in inside his office."

Now it's my turn to cross my arms as I was leaning against one of the worktable. "Well of course I was calm. It's important for my job to stay calm and thinking rationally."

To my dislike Russia start to smirk again. "Is that so. Well I understand that you have to stay collected, but it's still surprising to me that you didn't immediately jump up to action as he said that. Yesterday a second murder happened and today the captain of this ship announced that someone broke into his office. Shouldn't that be very concerning?"

Crap. I did ignored it which is unusual. But that shouldn't be a big problem. I could easily play it off as me being tired in the morning.

Before I could answer her, she continued to speak," One more thing. You mentioned about China's murderer, but not about the repair woman, nor mentioning as double murderer. I'm curious if you already solve the murder of the girl."

She got more suspicious about the situation and I started struggling to hold my pokerface. Soon the stepped away from the door and came threatening closer to me. "I count silence also as an answer."

I hold my composer and answered monotone, "I cannot share any information that are involved about the case to outsiders and I should remind you that uninvolved digging into the murder case is strictly prohibited and can end with a prison sentence."

Russia didn't show any sign of fear. Quite the opposite, she smirked. Nonetheless she took a step back and said, "You know very well that my name is enough to prevent me from getting arrested. Seeing that you are unwilling to talk with me, I will go now. If you have any questions for me, then you can find me inside my room. Good luck with the case."

Not waiting for my reaction, she walked out of the room. As the door closed I let out my breath. I didn't realize how long I hold it. It's definitely bad that she got suspicious of me. How stupid am I to do those mistakes!? At least I know that I have to be more careful with my words next time. And I thought that Brazil is the most noisy one about the murder case.

At least I can relax now, waiting a couple of minutes and then go to Italy-


I flinched at the sound of thunder outside the small windows. Starring at the heavy rain hitting on the window, I mumbled to myself, "Great. A storm is the last thing I wanted right now."

2690 words. Sorry if there are more writing mistakes. I wrote it at 1:34 am and my alarm will go havoc at 5 am. If I get to be lucky, then I'll have 3 hours of sleep to win.

I wish you all a good day/night!

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