Strive // Kai Parker

By CobraKai_1994

50.5K 1.7K 626

Azalea Bennett, she got her happy ending only to realise it was just the beginning of the epic ride Kai Parke... More

<Epilogue: Part One>
<Epilogue: Part Two>
<Epilogue: Final Part>
My final say ❤


825 23 1
By CobraKai_1994

My mind flickered back to a day i longed to forget, where the Doctor couldn't see anything, couldn't hear a heart beat. Now my mind raced with conflict. If they weren't here, if these babies were just a trick i wanted to savour my time. Hold them like i would have held-

But if they were real, if they were suffering in this room i had to get them out, had to push back what i wanted in replacement for what they needed.

"Where is Kai?" I asked Klaus swiftly, pushing past him with vigour. He followed after listening for a moment.

"Upstairs but he will be down in just a moment." Klaus paused to smirk as Kai came flying over the railing, standing with a scowl of annoyance before flinging his hand back out. The witch who had attacked him came hurtling forward, throat connecting with Kai's ringed hand as he began to scream out.

The glow of a siphon illuminating over his skin.

Behind Kai, Rebekah and Kol appeared, followed by Elijah who paused to adjust his cuffs. Each covered in an array of blood. It seemed to be the pattern including Kai, aside from me. I watched as the man dropped to the floor, having his neck snapped for good measure before all eyes fell on me.

"Bloody hell." Rebekah sped closer, eyes raking over what i held. Like a proud child i brought the babies up cooing words to them and her as if i were some sort of mad man.

"Where in the hell did you find-" She began only to be cut off as i shushed her.

"The circumstances aren't important." I clipped, swiftly walking out of the building leaving everyone in my wake. Simultaneously they called out to me, i stopped for none. 

I had been rubbing soothing circles on the little ones arms, feeling the friction between my hands and their skin, thankful that they were warming slightly. I realised when i got to my car that for one, i couldn't open it, nor could i drive it. Making me turn back on my heel and rush up to Kai.

His eyes were wide and ablaze, confusion flitting over his face. 

I didn't acknowledge it, knowing that face held nothing but bad news. I gestured swiftly to the car, eyes downcast on his suit avoiding his eyes. 


"They're real Kai." I spoke almost desperately.

"They are as real as you and I. They are here, they are breathing and they are cold. So please Kai, please save what ever your going to say for tomorrow. Let me have this night." I finally looked up, his eyes not on my face but the ones in my arms. I pulled them closer breath hitching in my throat. Fear creeping along my bones like an old chill.

He swallowed, unbelieving eyes looking up as i had before he slowly nodded.

"What do you mean they are real? Of course they are." Rebekah interrupted, eyes glancing between us frantically. My heart began to beat erratically and i knew all the vampires had heard. I brushed it off as Kai opened the car door but they only continued to pester.

Especially Elijah, who i had expected better from. 

"Azalea Monroe Bennett." He had sped to the car, backing me against. My throat tightened, i did not want to speak about it, in fact i never wanted them to know. If i had my way they would never know what i lost.

Apparently, Elijah looked a little to confrontational as he neared me. His stance may have been one of a noble man but to Kai it looked threatening, he wasted no time as if second nature. The vampire was sent spiralling into the car opposite us, indenting the sides with such force i was sure it had broken bones. 

That didn't go down well with the Original family. I for one did not want to see Kai vs The Mikaelsons. Even if i had full faith in my husband. 

Klaus was quick to vamp out, teeth elongating as if this was the final straw, the line crossed in the sand. Kai didn't bristle, he did not move from in front of me and the babies, all this over the fact i did not want to tell. All because of me, again-

"We lost..." I choked. Words physically unable to leave my mouth. I looked to the vampires who had turned to look at me. 

A single tear rolled down my cheek, landing on the old flimsy rag i held in my hands. 

"We lost our child." I cleared my throat after my voice had broken, looking up to face them fully. I shook away the tears, afraid of looking so weak. How selfish did i look? Rebekah couldn't even have children, here i was crying over one i never truly had-

But. But it had been real, to me, to Kai. I looked to him now, his back tense and rigid, breathing so harsh i could hear it even though he faced away. I felt awful, having told a secret that was not only mine. I did not look around me again, in fear of what i would see.

I didn't want pity, didn't need it. I had, had enough pity to last me a life time and more.

Kai turned around, opening the car door for me. I nodded a thanks climbing in. All the while despite how cruel it may be, i was happy. Happy to hear the babies in my arm cry, anything. If it meant tomorrow i could hear their laughter.

Kai climbed in after me, knuckles turning white around the wheel. For a moment i thought he was mad at me, enraged i had given such a detail about his life away. Only for a brief moment however as in the next he had taken a breath, glanced to my side and down before a small little smile dropped onto his face.

"You think they're witches? Twins? Siphons?" I couldn't help but mirror his face, chuckling in excitement as i watched him heat them up with a small warming spell. 

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