Mr. Fück boy (edited)

By Jenna_x-

260K 5.5K 2.9K

Hayley Matthews is one of those girls who keeps herself to herself and she has quite the normal life for a 17... More

. Chapter 1 .
. Chapter 2 .
. Chapter 3 .
. Chapter 4 .
. Chapter 5 .
. Chapter 6 .
. Chapter 7 .
. Chapter 8 .
. Chapter 9 .
. Chapter 10 .
. Chapter 11 .
. Chapter 12 .
. Chapter 13 .
. Chapter 14 .
. Chapter 15 .
. Chapter 16 .
. Chapter 17 .
. Chapter 18 .
.Chapter 19.
. Chapter 20.
. Chapter 21 .
. Chapter 22 .
. Chapter 24 .
. Chapter 25 .
. Chapter 26 .
. Chapter 27 .
. Chapter 28 .
. Chapter 29 .
. Epilogue .

. Chapter 23 .

5.4K 131 84
By Jenna_x-

Hayley's POV:

This was the most boring thing I have ever had to go through. I'm sat in the cafeteria with Colten talking about how great he is and how he thinks he should be the new CEO of his dads company and bla bla bla.

Ugh does this boy only talk about himself.

"Hey Hayley right?" I heard someone ask from behind me. I turned around to see a small girl with dark purple hair and brown eyes say.

"Uh yeah that's me hi." I smiled at her wanting to make as many friends as possible.

"Hi my names Stella and can I just say your outfit is fucking hot." I smiled at her boldness before thanking her.

"Maybe you can come to mine sometime Stella and I can give you a make over like those girls do in the movies." I asked hopefully.

"YES! OH MY GOD YES I WOULD LOVE THAT!" Stella smiled at me happily. I smiled back at her bubbly personality.

"Ok how about we do it today I mean I'm not doing anything after school." I smiled at her again. Hopefully she'll say yes since I don't want to be in the house alone for hours until my mother gets back from work.

"Yes I'll give you my number and you can just message me when to meet you." I nodded and put my number into her phone. We both said bye to each other and she left with her other friends out of the cafeteria.

"Why did you talk to Stella she hates me?" Colten asked making me scoff and look at him.

"Well me and her share the same Hatred towards you then." I smiled and got up from the table and left just as Colten's friends laughed at him.


Once the school day ended I rushed to the front of the school to see Stella already waiting for me with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey who you looking at?" I asked her as I looked towards the direction she was looking.

"You see that blonde chick over there. Well she is in my media class and holy fuck I've liked her for years now but I can never get the courage to speak to her." My eyes widened at the new information.

"Wait your part of the lgbtq+ oh my freaking god THATS SO COOL!" I shouted the last part and hugged her.

"Yep I'm full lesbian and proud I have two mums and they raised me to be a bad bitch and never hold back from telling people my feelings but when it comes to Rebecca my words just crumble and i go all...blah."

I laughed at her expressions and took her hand in mine before dragging her out of the school.

"Well were gonna make you look HOT and then Rebecca will see just how amazing you really are." I smiled and carried on walking with Stella.

I know I've only just met Stella but I already love her as a best friend and the fact that I may never see Izzy again hurts but as long as Stella's here it doesn't seem all that bad.


"Ok so let's go up to my closet and take a look at some options." I smiled at her as I walked over to my walk in Closet making her follow me.

"What's your favourite colour?" I asked her as we looked through all my clothes.

"Purple, it's so elegant and I love how every single shade of purple has its own beauty." She smiled as she played with her purple hair. How ironic.

"Ok so what about.... this skirt." I picked up a pencil skirt that had different shades of purple and some pink all over it.

"OH MY GOD I LOVE IT!" Stella shouted as she took the skirt from my hands.

"Ok and I'm thinking this top to match." I handed her a off-the-shoulder white frilly top that mayyy be a little bit out of the dress code but I think we can work with it.

"Damn Hayley you have style." She laughed as she took the outfit from my hands and went into my bathroom to change.

I sat on my bed and waited for her to change, not even five minutes later she came out with the full outfit on.

(Yeah I know, this top is a little revealing for school but tbh who cares it's cute ok)

"Holy shit Stella you look hot!" I said as I walked her over to my shoe rack.

"Ok what size shoe are you?" I asked her hoping she was the same size as me.

"I'm a 5" she told me making me smile.

"HA I'm a 5 to so let's pick a pair of shoes bitch!" I jumped up and down as I pulled out different shoes for her to try.

"Ok these ones are a yes." I said as I saw her in the white high top converse shoes I made her put on.

"Yes I love it thank you Hayley." Stella hugged me and walked over to my mirror to get a better look at herself.

"Ok wow we made a mess." I said as I looked at all the shoes and clothes spread across my bedroom floor.

"Oh it's fine Miss Matthews I'll clean it for you." My cleaner Mrs Green said as she walked into the bedroom.

"Oh hello Mrs Green, no it's ok really we made the mess so we should be the ones to clean it. At least let us help you." I loved Mrs Green she's been our cleaner since I was born. She was the mum I never had.

"Oh well alright darlings let's start by tidying your closet." I smiled at Stella who returned my smile before walking into the closet with Mrs Green.


Once we finally finished the tidying I thanked Mrs Green and told her I'll see her later.

"Ok let's go out and take some pictures of you in your outfit. It will be an amazing addition to my modelling project for photography." Stella nodded and we both walked down stairs but not before I grabbed my camera and makeup bag.

"Ok so do you have any nice places we can take pictures of you at?" I asked her as we got into my car.

"Um well there is one place." She smirked at me as she punched the address into her GPS and placed her phone in my phone stand on my car.

"Why here?" I asked as we got out the car. We were at an abandoned fun fair that looked like it hadn't been used in centuries.

"Well at first glance it looks like a plain old abandoned funfair but when you look closer you start to see it's true beauty and since it's night time you'll see it even better."

I looked around to where Stella was looking and that's when I saw in the distance the forest behind the funfair had fairy lights handing from the tress and it looked like a well kept garden.

"Every time I felt like I needed a break I came here to breath and let my frustration out. Someone put these fairy lights up a while ago and every night someone turns them on. I have no idea who but I intend on finding them one day and thanking them for making the funfair more beautiful than it already was." I watched as Stella's eyes lighted up every time she spoke about this place and how much it means to her.

"Back home I had my own place to. It was a cliff top where no one else came and you saw the entire city from up there I used to drive my car up there and take pictures, here I have them on my camera if you want to see." I took the camera from my neck and scrolled through the pictures I took of the cliff edge.

"Wait drop a sec, who's that leaning against the car your taking the picture of?" She suddenly asked as she looked at the picture of Ace I took a while ago.

"Oh that's um that's my boyfriend Ace." I finally said but I couldn't help the crack in my voice.

"When can I meet him I mean he is definitely a looker." Stella said as she met eye contact with me.

"Oh well my mum made me cut all contact with him when we m-moved here and I really really miss him." Tears started to slowly make there way to the surface of my eyes and I had to close my eyes to stop the tears from escaping.

"Oh no that's horrible babe." Stella came up and hugged me making me bury my face into her hair and slowly let my tears fall.

"I-I really miss him Stella he was like a therapist to me and h-he helped me in all the hard times and because of one little thing that happened we are now forced to live our lives apart." I was crying now. Hard. I had held back my tears for so long that as soon as I saw one picture of him everything inside me broke.

"How about we take those amazing pictures of me and then we can go get ice cream." I nodded and lead Stella towards the forest and instructed her on what pose to do and what hand movement to do.

Photography was always my sense of calm. My mother never approved of it because she said it and I quote 'wasn't a proper job and you need a real job if you want to be successful in life.'

After taking many pictures of Stella we headed back to my car and drove to the town centre to get some ice cream.

"Ok so your like amazing at photography right." Stella said in between mouthfuls of her strawberry ice cream.

"Well I guess. I was top of my class back when I lived in LA, my teacher loved the modelling project I did and I plan on continuing it. Hey maybe some time I'll show you what I'm doing for my project." I said as I took a spoonful of my mango ice cream.

"Yes that would be amazing but it's getting late now so how about tomorrow at school when I'm wearing this amazing outfit you can show me then." She said taking the last bites of her ice cream.

"Ok sound good." I told her as we both stood up and left the shop.

"Bye!" I waved at Stella from the window of my car as I watched her walk into her house. Now to find my way home.


I opened the front door to my house and looked at my phone to see it was 9:00pm. I groaned knowing my mother would be home.

"Oh there you are Hayley now let's discus what happened this morning, I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt your own mother like that." She said with a slight smirk on her lips.

"Yes mom I did mean to you pissed me off and someone had to put you in your place." I stood my ground again wanting this conversation to be over with so I can go edit the pictures of Stella on my computer.

"It's Mother to you and I don't care if I pissed you off excuse my french, but seriously Hayley bug you need to realise that not everything is all sunshine and rainbows in the world."

What the fuck. I what. I was so confused as to why my mother suddenly said that I mean she's the one who's making it not all sunshine and rainbows.

"Mom your the one who took my friends from me by making me move here." I said as I started walking over to the stairs.

"Oh give it a rest Hayley Matthew life isn't fair so suck it up and get used to it. And please get rid of that god awful camera."

I rolled my eyes and continued my way up the stairs into my bedroom.

I sat my camera down on my desk next to my computer and went into my closet to change out of my outfit from this morning that I still hadn't changed out of.

I quickly grabbed one of Ace's many shirts I stole and put it on followed by a pair of pyjama shorts and fluffy socks.

"Ok let's see what we can do." I mumbled to myself as I turned on my computer and attached my camera to it.

I looked at the pictures of Stella and deleted any out of focus ones or ones that I found to be to dark or to

I narrowed it down to about 30 photos of her. I clicked on my editing app and picked two of the best photos from my thirty stack of photos and edited them.

Once they were both edited to how I wanted them I saved them and printed them to the printer I also had in my room. Perks of having a rich mom I guess.

" quickly grabbed my huge photo album I had that said modelling on the front of it and flicked passed all the photos I have of different people in side. I had Izzy, my dad, surprisingly my mom, Brooke (which I regret but it's to late now), Lucas (yep another one of my many regrets), and Ace. I quickly stuck Stella's name on the clean page behind all of Ace's pictures and then stuck the pictures of Stella down.

My project for modelling was almost complete I had at least two people left I could fit inside and I plan on using Henry as my next victim if I ever see him again.

"Hey Hayley baby do you need anything?" Mrs Green's voice said from my door.

"Oh no I'm ok but Mrs Green have you ever considered modelling?" I asked her as I grabbed my camera and walked over to her.

"Oh goodness no I'm far to old." She said but the sadness in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Mrs Green your eyes and hair and body are all just perfect for this. You have the most gorgeous brown curls I've ever seen and your green eyes match perfectly with your red lips and the small wrinkles on your cheeks just make you even more beautiful. Please Mrs Green I need at least two more people for my modelling project and you are perfect."

I was begging her now as I looked at her small frame.

"Ugh child you know your mother would kill me if I was seen slacking off work."

"That's ok I'll just tell her your cleaning my bathroom she'll be fine promise." I said as I pulled her into my room.

Maybe this will be ok after all.


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