Till the End of Time ~ A Pete...

By purplenarwal15

60.7K 1.5K 67

Her mother was one of the few who still believed Aslan would return. Her father and even her brother didn't... More

Author's Note
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~
~Chapter 31~
~Chapter 32~
~Chapter 33~
~Chapter 34~
~Chapter 35~
~Chapter 36~
~Chapter 37~
~Chapter 38~
~Chapter 39~
~Chapter 40~
~Chapter 41~
~Chapter 42~
~Chapter 43
~Chapter 44~
~Chapter 45~
~Chapter 46~
~Chapter 47~
~Chapter 48~
~Chapter 49~
~Chapter 50~
Author's Note PT. 2

~Chapter 7~

1.7K 45 2
By purplenarwal15

I was sitting outside watching everyone at the feast. I didn't know why but something felt off. Something wasn't right...
I was sitting next to Luc, picking at the food on my plate as he talked with some fauns.

"Luc..." I whispered.

He was smiling as he turned to me.

"What?" He asked, taking a swig of ale.

"Something's wrong..." I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" He asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Aslan hasn't been out since his meeting with Jadis..."

He looked up and followed my gaze to Aslan's tent. "After a meeting with her I'd need a long time to recuperate too." He chuckled.

But I wasn't laughing. I was worried...

When the feast was over I couldn't sleep so I resorted to walking around the camp.

I noticed at last, Aslan walked out of his tent and into the woods. I didn't follow, not wanting to disturb him. But I decided to return to the tent Luc and I were sharing. I didn't go inside but sat near the opening. I reached into the pocket of my shirt and pulled out the picture of my mother. The picture that almost cost me my life.

I sat there, looking at it till the first light just started to poke out over the horizon. Then I felt a slight breeze rustling through the trees... I watched as the flower petals made their way softly through the camp and into Peter and Edmund's tent.

I found it was strange, so I followed it. I walked quietly over to the tent and stood outside.
I could faintly hear talking,

"Be still, my Princes. I bring grave news from your sisters..."

I placed a hand over my mouth as I heard what the voice had to say...

Aslan... was dead. My first thought was he sacrificed himself for Edmund... That was what they had to have agreed on. 

I hid behind a nearby bush as I saw Peter walk out, Edmund close on his heels.

When they were out of earshot I stood and ran back to Luc and I's tent.

I opened the tent flap and rushed to Luc's side, shaking him awake. He was a little groggy from all he had to drink.

"Luc." I whispered, letting tears fall.

"It's to early." He replied.

"Luc, Aslan's dead."

That got his attention. He turned and looked at me kneeling next to his hammock.

I'm sure he didn't think I was telling the truth but when he noticed the tears running down my face. His smile quickly faded.

"Oh, you're serious..."

"I overheard a dryad tell Peter......" I whispered.

He placed his hand on my face. "It's okay..." I wrapped my arms around his neck and we embraced.

"I... I need to talk to Peter." I whispered as I let go. Luc got up and started getting ready as I walked out.

I started walking towards Aslan's tent where Peter, Edmund and Oreius, the centaur, were standing. Just as I approached, I heard Edmund say, "Aslan believed you could. And so do I."

"The Witch's army is nearing, sire. What are your orders?" Oreius asked.

Peter let out a deep breath.

"I guess we need to prepare then... Assemble everyone... Tell them to be ready. We leave at noon."

Oreius nodded and walked off with Edmund, leaving Peter to look at the map on his own.

"If it makes you feel better." I started as I drew closer to him. "I believe in you too."

"I assume you heard..." He mumbled.

I nodded.

"They want me to lead... Me. Not even a week ago I was in the professor's study reading with my siblings... Now I'm the leader of an army that's on the verge of one of the biggest battles of the century." He whispered.

I placed a hand on his.

"I don't know how reassuring it is... But Luc and I will fight with you till the death for the freedom of Narnia."

Peter glanced down at my hand and moved it so he was holding it.

"That's what I'm worried about... So many are going to die during this..."

"And that's a risk, they...We're willing to take..."

"I honestly think everyone has too much confidence in me." He chuckled, but I could hear the self-doubt seeping in. "These people are gonna die and there's nothing I can do about it..." He mumbled.

I let go of his hand and placed my hands on his shoulders, turning him towards me.

"Don't talk like that... You need more confidence in yourself... Peter... They wouldn't be asking you to lead if they didn't believe in you."

I noticed the sun started to rise, casting golden rays across everything, including Peter's hair.

"Sire..." Oreius said as he approached. "Everyone is assembled."

Peter looked at me before I took my hands off his shoulders.

"You can do it." I whispered.

He nodded as he started walking towards Oreius and towards where the army was waiting.

I found Luc, clad in his brownish greyish green cloak, with his quiver on his back, longbow in hand, leaning against a tree as Peter walked past him and in front of the crowd.

Peter cleared his throat before looking up at all the Narnian's gathered. "I'm sure you all heard by now... Aslan is gone... He died to save my brother... I'm not sure what the outcome of this war will be but, all I can say is we fight today for Aslan... We fight for Narnia!"

The army started roaring out in cheers.

I smiled as I clapped for him as he walked down towards Edmund.

"You like him..."

My head snapped to glare at Luc.

"No, I don't... He needed someone to... Give him a pep-talk. That's our future king. I was talking to him as a concerned subject..." I said.

"Yeah and I'm the new Aslan." Luc chuckled as he walked off.

Peter caught my eye as he walked past with some centaurs. I gave him a reassuring thumbs up and he smiled.

He started talking to a faun before walking into his tent. He was then followed by the faun who had picked up and was carrying a chest.

I walked over and stopped the faun before he followed Peter into the tent.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Sir Peter's Armor."

"Can I take it to him?" I asked.

The faun nodded as he placed the rather heavy chest in my arms. He walked away and I walked into Peter's tent.

He was sitting on a stool, head in his hands.

"Peter?" I asked as I dropped the chest on the ground.

He looked at me before looking back at his hands. "What do you want?" He asked.

"I'm here to help you with your armor," I said opening the chest, before picking up the red tunic inside.

"You?" He asked.

"You forget. My father was a knight." I said throwing the thin shirt to him.

He took his leather jerkin off before his blue shirt. He put the red one on as I laid out the pieces of armor.

"Stand up straight." I said as I grabbed the chainmail. Peter put his arms up and I fitted the chainmail over his head.

"How do people fight in this..." He asked adjusting it near his neck.

"Practice..." I replied going back to the chest for his breastplate.

"And that's something I wish I had more of..." He mumbled as he put the greaves on his shins.

"We all wish for more... More people... More resources... More time." I said as Peter put his arms to the side and I put the breastplate on him.

"Why do you want to be so involved in this... You're a girl. You shouldn't be in this battle." He said as I tightened the buckles on his shoulders.

"Because... I want revenge." I mumbled as I walked back to the chest. I knelt down and reached in, taking the other red tunic out... This one though, had a yellow lion crest on it.  It looked gold when the sun caught it, kind of like Peter's hair. I stood and walked back over to him.

"You can do this. I know you might have so much self-doubt right now but. You can't. Think of all the people. Who believe in you. They could have laughed and booed you the second you said Aslan was dead. But they didn't. They cheered. They were excited and ready to fight for you. Now. You need to be the king that you are. Your people need you." I said as I pulled the tunic over his head and armor.

He took a deep breath and a smile crossed his face. It was small, but genuine.

"Well if I'm king does this make you my squire?" He asked as I reached down to grab his scabbard.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." I smiled as I held his helmet under my arm.

"Now your highness. Your army awaits." I said as I motioned towards the tent opening.

He took a deep breath as he took a step towards it. But he stopped.

"What is-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as he took my face in his hands and kissed me.

I backed away, in shock.

"What was that for?" I glared

"Just in case." He replied.

I exhaled deeply, suddenly feeling light headed.

"Peter... We... We need to go." I said as I turned him around and pushed him towards outside.

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