The Quirkless Twin

By mini0nguy

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Y/N is Deku's twin sister. After idolizing All Might her entire life along with Izuku she decided to try to g... More



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By mini0nguy

"That concludes this lecture. Bakugo, Y/N, you two are new to this stuff. You have much to learn. Did you catch everything I said?" He asked.

"Uh, yes sir." You replied, trying to make it look like you didn't just wake up a little bit before. 

"Good, and you Bakugo?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever. Can we start doing actual hero stuff now!?"

"Watch your tone. It is about your delivery." You covered your mouth and held in a wheezing laugh.00

"You jackass!" He yelled as he hit the top of your head.

"Ow! You jerk!" You yelled back and went to hit him.

"Knock it off you two! Get outside with the others. Act professional."

"Act professional." You mocked him moving your hands and standing up with an eyeroll.

"Oh, and Y/N?" You looked over to your side. "That will be an extra mile." You rolled your eyes and looked ahead at Bakugo to leave. "Make that two. Stop the attitude or it will be more."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." You mumbled as you walked off. "I know I have decent physical abilities but that doesn't mean I actually like to workout or train." 

"Oh shut up you act like its a big deal." Bakugo told you as you guys stepped into the elevator.

"Because it is!" You threw your hands out, and Bakugo already prepared himself for the whining. "I don't see you running 12 miles in one day! Followed by the rest of those stupid ass workouts that waste energy and end up not doing much!"

"Quit your whining you sound like a damn baby!"

"Says that guy who literally hangs around his mom all the time!"

"I do not hang around that old hag!"

"Sure Blasty. Whatever you say."

He looked forward, and the doors opened. You pushed him out of the way and walked forward and straight outside to the training area. "What the hell is your problem?!"

"Nothing! Why are you being so bitchy today?!" You made eye contact with him and cracked a smile before laughing. "You really need to talk to someone about your anger management issues." You laughed before shaking your head and walking forward. "Chill out dude. I would think at this point you would know when I'm joking."

"You seemed pissed about the extra miles!"

"I am, but that's not your fault. Relax dude, you need to do it more often. You're so tense all the time."

"Oh? Well maybe you shouldn't be a lazy asshole all the time and actually pay attention for once!"

"Nah that sounds boring." You responded as you walked over to the track area for the seven miles you had to run. "This is bullshit though." You mumbled as you started doing a few stretches to get ready to run.

"You know I think you're pretty cool. Running all that this morning, and now running more miles?" You looked up to see someone that had been working with Best Jeanist talking to you. "In full honesty I don't think I could do that. You're tough."

"Oh, thank you."

"Midoriya, right?"

"Yeah, and you?"

Before he could answer Best Jeanist walked out and started talking. "You know the drill. Everyone does it except for Y/N who will run an extra two miles and then follow up the rest of the training. Make sure to cheer her on to keep her motivated. She'll need it."

The anger building up within you made you want to punch him but instead you turned and got in a running stance. What is this guy's problem?! What the hell? I'll just leave everyone in the dust then. Then right after his dumb ass lecture that he insists I still go to I'll go to bed. To hell with him. "You're going down Boom Boy." You said before Best Jeanist gave you guys the signal to go.

When you were on your 6th mile you felt your legs getting weak. It was too much for a single person to do in a day continuously. He wasn't joking, but surely he couldn't even come close to this right? "Get your ass moving!" You heard from behind and looked back. "Get out of my way!" Bakugo said as he ran past you.

"What are you doing?" You called out to him, picking up your speed. "You're supposed to be doing suicide runs with the others!"

"And let you beat me?! Hell no! I'm the better one!"

"Yeah, okay I agreed to that. Why are you running?!"

"We have to get it done!"

You took a deep breath in before running and barely managing to catch up to him. "I'm too tired."

"You can sleep after!"

"I'm not letting you win!" You said as you tried to make your legs carry you longer, and faster. Just beat him. It kept echoing in your head. Show them all wrong. They don't know what they're talking about.

You managed to pass the finish line right next to Bakugo, and you both ran over to continue.  He was picking up the speed, and you were slowing down. You could feel it. Everyone stood by and watched as you two raced each other. It was clear who was winning though. Your eyes were fluttering from exhaustion as you finished and Bakugo was standing up ready to be completely done. You finished holding your plank and stood up to do your last 5 sprints while Bakugo slowed down from finishing his. You ran over to the group, and that's when you finally felt it the most. The exhaustion as your vision got blurry and black and your muscles ceased at the weight of your body. You fell forward and felt someone catch you. 

One of your eyes fluttered open as the light coming from the ceiling made everything seem blurry as they adjusted. "Are you okay Y/N?" Best Jeanist asked. He had such a soothing but painfully irritating way of talking it was hard to listen to. Without getting irritated at least. You didn't really respond besides closing your eyes and slowly opening them.

"She'll be fine. I'll take her back to the hotel room and get her dinner."

"Are you sure Bakugo? You tend to be... rather violent. I'll send one of-"

"I got it! I took care of her stupid ass last night. It's fine I won't hurt her or anything. I want to be a hero after all dammit. I'll have her back here in the morning, and she'll be ready to run whatever got it? I'll make sure of it!"

It was silent for a bit before Best Jeanist responded. "If you say so. If she isn't back in the morning you are held responsible, and will face consequences from your homeroom teacher and school understand? No funny business!"

"Tch." You could feel a sweaty palm grab your forearm and hoist you up. I can't move. What's happening? I heard what's happening, but I can't see. Why? Am I safe? Even from your sleep you could feel your heart rate increasing as you got draped over someone's back. 

"Call the agency when you two get there safe. It's my job to make sure that you guys are safe got it?"

"Whatever!" He responded with a raspy yell. The ding of the elevator as Bakugo started walking out woke you up a bit. You could start to see little shapes from the light, but the sounds of the city hurt your ears. The almost silent room to the busy city wasn't pleasant, and you tried to bury your head to cancel out the noise.

"Can you walk?" You heard him ask, but just the thought of responding tired you. He grunted as he kept walking. The rhythm of his steps were calming, but you were so tired anyways it didn't really matter. This is new. He's never this nice to me. Usually he would shake me awake and demand I walk. Like at his house tell me to hurry up because he was tired and he needed to make sure I got home safe because I'm just so weak I need someone else to take me home. Or, tell me to go get something from the kitchen and stay down there until his mom got home to take me home. Or insisting I call Izuku to get me but then yelling and walking me home because he won't be able to ensure my safety or something. But this? Carrying me back to the hotel? "You're so damn lazy. This is what you get for not going to bed early enough. You're going to have to eat dinner you know?"

You managed to slightly nod you head, and then a few minutes later heard sliding doors open followed by a cool breeze of air conditioning. He cleared his throat, "We're interning at Best Jeanist's agency. Floor 16, room 602 and 604. Call them and let them know we arrived safe." It was quiet for a second before he grumbled a, "Please." 

"Yes, of course. Is she okay? Do you need someone to take care of her? Medical help maybe?"

"No, I got it. If they could send some paper towels up that would be good though. You know, the shitty brown ones that become almost translucent when they get wet? Yeah those thanks." He said before you could feel his footsteps start again followed by a ding from the elevator. you heard the click from the doors lock unlocking followed by you getting thrown onto the bed. 

That woke you up, because you landed on the chip bags you smuggled and had hid. "Ow..." You grumbled. "What the hell dude?"

"What did you just land on you pig?"

"Chip bags." You heard him snarl as your eyes opened and you rubbed your bag. "I was hungry!" You defended yourself and moved the bags. "Not to mention you pretty much just crushed the ones that had a chance."

"Oh, whatever. What do you want for dinner?"

"You paying?"

"No, you are."

"Oh, then I'm afraid dinner budget will be one dollar because that's all I brought in my bag." You pointed over at it before throwing the chip bags, and what were chips on the floor before laying down. 

He sighed, "You're a pain in the ass. I'll go get udon from that place across the street. I'll be taking that one dollar by the way, but I'll cover the rest." He rolled his eyes. 

"Thanks, you're the best."

"I know." There was a knock on the door and he walked over and answered it.

"You're paper towels."

"Thanks." He responded before slamming the door. 

You sat up, "Is that food? Already?" You asked raising an eyebrow followed by water running in the sink.

"The hell it is. I haven't even left yet." He walked back over and slapped something on your forehead before pushing your head back on the pillow. "Lay down, and don't you dare sit up until I get back with the food!" You're hand reached up and peeled off the paper towel stuck to your head. "Keep it on!" He yelled before slapping it back on and walking out, slamming the door behind him.

"Yeah, yeah." You responded, and rolled over on your side. 

Broccoli Bro 🤢🥦👊

Did you decide to go today?

Yeah he made me run 12 miles and do exercises after

That's a lot of miles...

Are you okay? Don't you overheat easily?

Ya I'm fine. Bakugo brought me back to the hotel

He just left to get food

Oh, well that's good

I was just texting to say goodnight that's all

I figure you'd be going to bed soon and I'm out to do training near Hosu

Oh ok well goodnight love you

Love you too be safe I'll see you tomorrow since we get back

I will you be safe too 

You scrolled through social media too before you heard the click to the lock and sat up. "Yes! You brought the offerings. Give me them."

"Give me a second to get them out of the bag." He said before opening them and handing you a bowl. You slurped your noodles, and before shooing him away he changed the paper towel one more time before leaving one of his room keys and taking one of yours. "This is only if you need something and it's an emergency you understand?!"

"Yeah, yeah. Why do you need one of mine?"

"In case something happens, and so I can come in and help if I need to."

"Fair enough. Wake me up in the middle of the night though, and you're a dead man."

"I'll be sleeping you idiot." He rolled his eyes and gave a scowl before walking out of the room.

"Shut the door!" You called after him, and it followed with a semi- loud slam.

You fell asleep practically right after, and in your sleep everything was peaceful it seemed. It was nice. A bright day with small fluffy clouds with green grass coating the ground. That was until you woke up to a thump. Followed by a thud lower on the ground. You slowly sat up and looked around the room. It was 4:12 a.m. It was dark. From the wall behind you, you heard something skid across the floor leaving an unforgivable sound erupting from the floor followed by something else falling. It took you a second before it registered that it was Bakugo's room. You sat up and peeled the paper towel off your head before grabbing the key he left and running out of the room. What's wrong with him? Is he okay? Is everything okay? There were so many thoughts running through your head as you fumbled with the key until it finally unlocked and you opened the door and quickly but quietly let it shut behind you. You creeped in to see Bakugo in the corner of the room huddled into a little ball. He was covering his head and the moonlight reflected off of him so well it wasn't hard to tell he was drenched with sweat.

"Hey, are you okay?" You asked quietly as you dropped the card and ran over to him. You got on your knees and tried to get him to look at you but he swung at you. You felt your heart skip a beat as the wind from his fist glided softly against your skin. "What the hell?!" He went to swing again, but you caught his arm as it flew past you again. "Dude, stop. It's me."

"Get back! Get away!" His voice was shaking. "Shit! Die!" He suddenly started yelling.

"What's wrong?" You asked, ignoring him. "Look at me." You lifted your hand off of his arm, and tried to move his face to look at you. You noticed his palms lighting up, and dove backwards as an explosion went off. It wasn't a big explosion but it was still pretty loud, and could've probably done some damage.

He was mumbling something and you walked back over and knelt down. "Hey, it's okay. Tell me what's wrong." You told him, and instead of trying to get him to look at you, you laid your hand on his head. He flinched at the touch, but it was almost like he couldn't see you. "Boom Boy, are you okay?" You sat back, and tried to look at his face but it was down, and his whole body was trembling. "Please, tell me what's-" You got cut off as he darted towards you and wrapped his arms around you.

You were so shocked you just sat there with your eyes wide as he tightened his grip. You managed to free your arms just a bit to wrap them around him barely, "So, are you gonna tell me what's up now?" You asked. Your hands barely made it to his back, but something was wrong. Then it clicked, "Was it a nightmare?" His trembling stopped for a second and he let go from the sudden hug and sat back. In all the years you two had been friends you never hugged or even got close unless it was to start punching one another. It was clear something was wrong, there was no doubt. that had to be it. A nightmare. Right?

"Screw off! Leave me alone!" He yelled, and pushed you before barely making it onto his feet. He had to grab onto the bed frame to stay up. It's weird. Seeing him this weak. So vulnerable. There's no way he would let me see him this way. "Why are you still here?!" You were laying back on the ground, and just looked up at him. "Don't make me repeat myself! Why are you in here?! I told you only to come in here if you were having an emergency!"

"I woke up to thumps and stuff. I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Go away!" He pulled back his arm like he was going to swing and you flinched, scooting back away from him. "I don't need help from a weakling like you!"

"What's wrong Katsuki? You can barely stand. Just tell me. I'll help you."

"I don't need your help you damn nerd! I'll never need help from a weakling like you!"

"I'm not Izuku. Stop treating me like I'm so below you. I'm trying to help you. It was a nightmare wasn't it?"

"Shut up!"

"From the USJ? The sludge villain? Was it a PTSD attack?"

"Just be quiet! Leave me alone!"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on! What's bothering you? The way you gripped onto me earlier is another reason I'm staying. You were scared. I felt it."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" He got closer to you, and you slapped him across the face.

"Get it together! No one is out to get you, especially me! I'm sorry that stuff happened but you're going to end up destroying yourself if you keep it up." You stopped and looked down at your hand. "I didn't mean to slap you it was instinct. Sorry." Your voice slowed down and got softer when you got near the end of the sentence. "Just relax. Just because you need help or need to vent or talk once in a while doesn't make you weak. Stop thinking about it that way."

"Just leave me alone!"

"No. I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened." You reached up and tugged on his arm until he sat down. "What's up?"

He let out a deep breath as he just stared mindlessly at the floor before looking up at you. His typically red eyes seemed duller. They looked sad, tainted even. "No, I don't need help from someone as weak as you."

"I'm only saying it one more time. Tell me what's wrong please. I want to help you." You looked at him and saw that his expression didn't alter at all. "I won't look at you differently, or see you weaker."

There is was. Only for a moment but his mouth moved and his eyes softened for a half a second. "It was a nightmare. That's all. Can you mind your own business now?"

"Was is the sludge monster?" He nodded slightly, and turned his head towards the ground. It was more of an instinct, but you leaned forward and brought him closer as you hugged him. "It wasn't your fault that happened." You felt him hesitantly wrap his arms around you to return the hug again. This time it was more relaxed though. "It wasn't your fault." You repeated. "You don't have to say anything else. When you're ready I'll leave though okay? It's almost time to head back to Best Jeanist's anyways. It's the last day." 

As expected he didn't say anything, and about thirty seconds later he let go and stood up. He was different again, not a trembling mess anymore. He held out his hand and helped you up. "You can leave and get out of my room now. Like I asked the million other times!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'll leave it to you to wake me up in about thirty minutes." You yawned and walked out with a wave. 

"You lazy dumbass! Just get ready!"

"I'm still in my hero suit! I never changed out of it!" You called back, and shut the door to your room.

You yawned as you walked into Best Jeanist's agency about an hour later. "Oh, Y/N. Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Nothing was too hard though. Just over exhausted myself I think that's all."

"That's good to hear. Bakugo brought you home safely last night right?" 

You nodded, and Bakugo spoke up, "Of course I did! Didn't the front desk call?!"

"They did. Just asking to make sure. Anyways," He turned towards everyone, "We are going to be patrolling since it is the last day of the internship here for Midoriya and Bakugo. For those of you that aren't in your costumes go get changed. You will separate into your regular groups for patrol. Bakugo and Midoriya will come with me. I will run the basics with them, and make sure to not get involved if there is something suspicious. You will come and report to me. Understood?" there were murmurs from the others agreeing. "Good, get going then. Bakugo. Midoriya. You guys are already dressed lets get going." He led you guys out of the building and started walking the streets.

"So, what is the point of this?" You asked with a sigh.

"That is a great question Midoriya. Although, it is common sense. Not only is a hero's job to take care of crime and villainy, but it's also to give the public a sense of peace and hope."

"Oh my gosh! That's Best Jeanist! Hi! Can we get a picture?" Some girls came up running.

"Of course." He responded. "Midoriya, Bakugo. Watch and learn." He warned as he walked over and started to take pictures with them.

When his back was turned you leaned closer to Bakugo and whispered, "Is it just me who thinks this is dumb?"

"No." He replied, crossing his arms and grunting. You returned to your original stance and just stood there awkwardly until Best Jeanist walked back over.

"That is what you're going to be doing when you become professional heroes. It's about your presentation and making people feel safe with your presence."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Bakugo grumbled.

"Oh, wow! Isn't that the explosion guy?" A little kids voice was loud, and you looked to see a small group of them standing behind Bakugo.

He grumbled, "Great, more fans from the sports festival." He knelt down to their level, "Want an autograph or something?"

"Isn't that the guy who got attacked by the sludge villain?"

"Yeah!" One of them responded.

"He was so weak that the number one hero had to come and save him!"

"You damn brats! I'll kill you! We'll see how much you're talking when I'm the number one hero!"

"Bakugo, your presentation. You've scared them. The exact opposite of what you're supposed to do. You're supposed to-"

"Make them feel safe whatever." He mumbled and stood back up. "Yeah, that's me but I didn't need help! Scram you damn brats!" They ran off crying and he turned around to come back next to Best Jeanist and you.

"Wow Blasty, you got pissed didn't you?" You asked and he just looked over and glared, "Alright, well I mean your hair isn't slicked back anymore. Also, asking if they wanted an autograph?" You started laughing. "You aren't that much of a big shot yet."

"Shut the hell up!" He yelled.

"Knock it off you two. We're going to patrol for about another two hours, and then you two have to catch your ride home. I hope you remembered to prepare and pack your stuff. Also, don't wear your hero costumes on the way back."

"Alright." You responded. 

Nothing in those two hours were particularly interesting. The occasional fans asking Best Jeanist for pictures, and just the normal thugs that only took him a second to restrain with his threads. When you all got back tot he agency he pulled Bakugo and you over. "Listen, you guys have potential, and I am glad you chose this agency. I hope you guys learned how public appearance effects your ranking, and it's important to give people hope. Make sure to remember these or I will request to have you guys here again. And would you two... stop fighting! It makes heroes look like a joke."

"I mean, we kinda are though. There's so many it's like," You looked up and he was glaring, "never mind."

"You guys should get going. I hope I helped you guys one way or another."

"See ya." you responded and walked out the doors. "I am so sick of this place." You mentioned once the doors shut and you were outside. You looked over at Bakugo and he didn't say some snarky remark like he usually would. "You okay?" You asked.

"I'm fine damn it! Just leave me alone! Stop asking that!"

"Uh, huh. Alright then." When you guys were standing in the elevator going to the floor with your rooms you mentioned, "You might want to try to fix all the furniture before we leave. It was a wreck in there."

"I will!" 

"Okay. Just trying to remind you that's all. You got it?"

"Yes! You're so annoying just leave me alone!" He stormed out of the elevator and went right into his room and slammed the door. 

"Alright then." You quietly said to yourself with a sigh and shrugged. You walked into the room and took off your hero suit and threw it into the case. You grabbed sweatpants and a hoodie and put them on after taking a quick shower. You grabbed the key, your phone charger, your phone and bags and walked out. Bakugo wasn't out yet so you just walked over and knocked, "We have to go are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I'll be right out!"

"Alright. I'm going to check out of my room can you slide my other key under the door?" Nothing was said but the card slid under the crack from the door and you slid his back and took yours. "I'll be down in the lobby. Don't take too long." You told him before walking to the elevator and going to the first floor. You checked out of your room and sat on the couch until he came down and checked out.

When you got on the train he didn't say anything on the way back to Shizuoka Prefecture. Neither did you. You both just sat there and looked out the window with your earbuds on high volume listening to music. You ended up falling asleep for a bit and then woke up to the loud train noises. You started scrolling through your songs when a call came through and hesitantly answered it.

"Hello?" You asked quietly. I probably shouldn't be talking on the phone it's bad manners, but what if it's important?

"Hello, is this Y/N Midoriya?"


"We are calling to inform you that your brother along with two of your classmates are in the hospital. He has gotten injured, but will be fine. We are calling to tell you that he is open for visitors if you would like to come, and they got injured getting involved with the Hero Killer and a Nomu attack in Hosu."

"They're all okay though right?"

"Yes they are. We can give you details when you get to the hospital if you would like. He should be released fairly soon. Maybe a day or two."

"Okay, thank you. Bye." You hung up the phone and noticed there were people looking at you. You felt your heart clench in embarrassment. "Sorry, it was an emergency." You said quietly, and people started looking away. You started up your music, and Izuku started texting you. 

Broccoli Bro 🤢🥦👊

Y/N, I'm so sorry! I told them not to call you, but I heard one of them talking to you

It's ok not a big deal are you ok?

Yeah I am

What the hell happened to stay safe huh?


Just for that I'm not coming to see u 😤

I'll see you when you get home 

That's ok. I'll be let out soon anyways 😄

Ok but now I'm sure I'll have to calm mom down because of you 😒

I'm sorry Y/N I swear it was an accident

Anyways how was your internship?

It was fine

Don't chance the subject!

Lmao sorry but I wanted to know

Are you on your way home?

Yeah I am

Okay then well be safe I'll see u when I get home

Nope I'm not answering the be safe thing

But ya sure see u when u get back from your cell 🤪

The speakers buzzed, and you didn't notice that it was your stop until Bakugo grabbed your arm and lifted you off the seat. "Let's go dumbass." He said as you finally got the hint and started walking fast in front of him. 

"Alright, well thanks for reminding me to get off the train. See you at school. Later loser." You said as you picked up the speed and started heading towards the apartment direction.

"You really are an idiot." You ignored him as you put an ear bud back in. "Slow down damn it!" You already zoned him out though and started walking to the beat of the music. When you felt a hand on your shoulder you swung around, but he caught your punch. "TAKE OUT ONE OF YOUR EAR BUDS YOU DAMN MORON!" You slowly took one of them out. He tightened the grip on your wrists. "You shouldn't even have it that loud! It's bad for your ears!"

"Yeah, sure okay. What do you want?" You asked as you tensed your muscles and pulled your arm free. 

"I'm making sure a weakling like you makes it home safe obviously!"

You tilted your head to where it was practically laying on your shoulder. "Fine." You sighed. 

"What do you mean fine? You didn't have a choice!"

"What if I wasn't going home?" You asked, and he raised an eyebrow.

"You never leave your damn house unless it's school, my house, or the grocery store for food. Don't lie to me." 

"Damn, that glare though. If looks could kill huh? With all your gremlin faces you would be a serial killer. I wasn't lying though. I was gonna go to the hospital. Wanna come?"

"Why the hell would you go there?" It was followed by a snarl, and him crossing his arms.

"Visiting Izuku, and a few of our classmates. I don't know if the other two are still there but Izuku is."

"What happened?"

"They ran into the Hero Killer guy I guess in Hosu. Then it also had a Nomu attack on top of that." He shrugged his shoulders, and you sighed. "Look, I'm going there. You can come if you want."

He let out an almost growling sound, and just followed behind you. When you got to the hospital you checked in for visitor, and headed up to the room while Bakugo waited in the lobby. You knocked before entering, and when Izuku's voice responded with, "Come in." You pushed open the door. When he saw it was you a huge smile lit up on his face. "Y/N! You did come?"

"No, this is just an illusion. I'm not really here." You responded and walked over into his arms that were outstretched waiting for a hug. "Are you okay? You don't look too good."

"Yeah, I'm okay."

"You're pale, and all bandaged. What happened?"

"Well, we were on a train and then it got attacked by a Nomu. Gran Torino told me to stay there, but I couldn't. Then I saw Iida in an alleyway with the hero killer about to stab him, and I ended up getting in a fight with the hero killer. Then I sent locations out to everyone, and then Todoroki showed up! then the three of us ended up getting him tied up, and he got really hurt after breaking free and taking down a Nomu that had picked me up. A rib stabbed into his lung or something, and oh shoot. I shouldn't have said that. I mean, Endeavour took down the Hero Killer, and-"

"That's a lot of information. Also I didn't get a location text, but is that the cover up since you all don't have hero licenses yet?"

He nodded, "I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. That's weird. Maybe I didn't select everyone with the panic."

"Don't worry I won't say anything. I'm just glad you're okay." He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed.

"Me too. I mean- I'm glad nothing happened to you, and-" You started laughing. 

After chatting for a little bit you looked up at him, "Alright, well it's about dinner time. I should probably be getting over to our house. Plus, I'm sure Katsuki is sick of waiting in the lobby."

"Kacchan's here?"

"Yeah. He insisted on walking me home since I'm weak or some bullshit like that. Don't do anything dumb while I'm gone." You sighed, "I'm gonna go home."

"Oh okay. Be safe, tell Kacchan I said hi." He smiled, "Plus, we can talk about your internship tomorrow hopefully. Whenever they let me out."

"Yeah sure." You responded before waving and leaving. You walked back into the lobby and started walking back with Katsuki. "He's doing good. Thanks for asking." You said as you started to nervously bite on your cheek. The two of you had already been walking for about five minutes.

"I didn't ask."

"Yeah, I know. I know you don't like him for some reason, but it would be nice if you at least were considering others for once. He said for me to tell you he said hi by the way."

"Well I don't say hi back to a loser like him."

You rolled your eyes and picked up the pace. "He didn't do anything to you, you know. Why do you have to be the biggest bitch to him?" He matched your pace and started walking next to you.

"I don't need help from a weakling like him! Not with anything. I'll do it by myself."

"Oh, like when you fell off that log into the river? He asked if you were okay and offered to help you up? You wouldn't take his help? Don't think he didn't tell me about that by the way. I'm sick for one day and you start treating him bad. You would've done that if I was there would you?"

"Tch. Whatever" He motioned his head to the door. "Go inside so I can go home."

You rolled your eyes, "Whatever dude. You're lame. Maybe at least try being nice to him for once." You told him before walking in. What the hell. He wasn't even gonna ask how he was doing? Izuku would've been by his side the entire time. That I know for a fact. He's so kind, what would make Katsuki not like him? I don't get it. You put the key to your apartment in the hold and twisted it open and walked in. Well, I guess it's time to see how mom's handling this. You sighed and walked in, shutting the door behind you.

Tysm for 2k reads. I'm going to be putting out the extra chapter I mentioned as soon as I can. I hope you all enjoy, and please feel free to let me know if you're liking it by voting or commenting. Even if you don't that's completely fine I hope you like reading it! Also, if there are misspellings I am sorry I'm not the best at editing, but I try my best 😅

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