
By nikki13088

30.6K 1K 636

This story takes place a few months after the final battle, the trio returns to Hogwarts to finish school an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note

Chapter 11

1.1K 34 18
By nikki13088

Ginny laid on her bed all evening thinking about Draco, she even skipped dinner because of the cocktail of emotions she was feeling. She couldn't help the few tears she was shedding over the whole situation between them. All she knew was that she had feelings for Draco........strong feelings. She was so confused by his behavior the past few days. She hadn't had a chance to talk to him yet; with her parents being at Hogwarts, it was hard to get enough time away from them. When she did finally manage to get away from them, Draco was nowhere to be found. When she would go to his dorm room and knock nobody would answer. Ginny wasn't sure if this was on purpose or he just wasn't there. She was starting to think that she did something wrong and he was upset with her. She heard Hermione come into the girls' dorm and took a seat on the bed across from her.

"Hey Ginny, are you alright?"She asked, folding her legs to get more comfortable on the bed.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just so damn frustrated," Ginny said, sitting up on the bed and wiping her tears. She ran her fingers through her wild red hair that was tousled about.

Hermione gave her a small smile. "I told your mom you were just tired and wanted to get some sleep. She was persistent on bringing you up some food, but I told her you were asleep already"

"Thanks," Ginny said.

Hermione studied her friend's face for a moment before deciding on her next words. She took in a deep breath and then gave a loud sigh that got Ginny's attention.

"What's wrong Hermione?"

"Uh, Ginny.......Are you in love with Draco?" Hermione cautiously asked her.

"WHAT?" Ginny shrieked with surprise at the question.

Hermione looked away from her for a moment and then continued, "You heard me, are you in love with Draco?"

"Why are you asking me that? Did he say something?" Ginny asked anxiously getting up from the bed.

"Uh, no.....well, yeah but......I don't know," she stuttered unsure of what she should reveal to Ginny and what she shouldn't.

"You don't know?"Ginny asked, sounding agitated.

"I was just asking"

"This is insane; I need to talk to him. Especially now that we are leaving tomorrow and I haven't had a chance. Even if he isn't coming with us tomorrow I need to at least say goodbye to him........right?" she turned to Hermione as if seeking approval.

Hermione smiled at her and then gave her a quick hug."Go ahead, I'll cover for you, but don't take long, I don't know how long I can hold your mother off," she joked.

"Thanks Hermione," she said and then grabbed a sweater and made her way down to the common room.

"Oh, hey Ginny you're awake, I'm glad to see you're getting plenty of rest." Mrs. Weasley called from the couch as she was crocheting.

"Oh, Mom, what are you doing in here? Thought you and Dad had your own room you were staying in." She said pulling on her sweater.

"Yes, dear, but I figured I'd get started on these Christmas sweaters for now. Plus, I wanted to make sure you were ok." She smiled at Ginny.

"I'm fine, Mom, I'm uh...just going to grab something to eat from the kitchen downstairs."

"In your pajamas?" she asked, looking over the top of her glasses.

"Mom, please, I have a sweater on," Ginny growled in frustration.

"Alright, alright, I'll stop pestering you. Go get yourself some food." Molly said going back to her crocheting.

"Thank you," Ginny sighed and then gave her mom a quick kiss on the cheek and walked through the portrait hole.

Once Ginny was out of the portrait hole she rolled her eyes by how overprotective her mother could be and then made her way down to the dungeons. The closer she got to Draco's room the more nervous she became. She had a mixture of emotions going through her. She was a bit annoyed, but also worried about how he would react to seeing her, especially right before bedtime. She eventually came to his door and took a deep breath before gently knocking.

Nobody answered. She knocked again and still there was no answer.

She knocked a bit harder and her stomach did a flip when she heard the door unlocking and saw it open up. Draco was surprised to see her as she assumed he would be. He didn't say anything, he just looked at her standing there in her pajama pants and a tank top with a light buttoned down cardigan over it. She looked as beautiful as ever with her hair a mangled mess and her bedtime attire on. He was pulled from his thoughts when she spoke.

"Hey, can I come in and talk to you?" She asked nervously.

He felt his heart sink at the question. He was trying to leave things be between them and really thought it was a bad idea.

"Uh, actually I was sleeping, so maybe another time," he said and tried to close the door.

She put her hand up to the door to stop him from closing it and an angered look spread across her face. She forcefully pushed the door open and walked passed him inside.

"Sleeping huh? With the fire just freshly made? With an open book on the table? With your bed still made? Why are you lying to me?" She asked angrily turning to face him.

"Come in I guess," he drawled closing the door behind him.

"What is going on with you Draco? I thought we were friends?" she asked with rage.

"All because I saved you makes us friends?"

He regretted the words as soon as he said them. The hurt look on her face made him want to grab her and hug her. He felt horrible for the way things were turning out between them. He looked at her; she was contemplating something in her head he could tell. He saw all the thoughts and emotions running through her head and being carried over into her facial expressions.

"Are you in love with me?" she asked suddenly.

Of all the things Draco thought might come out of her mouth next, that was the last thing he ever would have thought. He was so caught off guard, it was plain as day on his face. He wasn't expecting such a personal question, but he could tell how fed up Ginny was with him.

"What? What are you talking about?" he tried his best efforts to play off his shocked expression.

Ginny had heard enough and swiftly walked up to him and crashed her lips against his. Draco's eyes went wide by the unexpected action but then gave into the kiss. Having her lips on his was everything and more. Ginny pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes. His eyes looked over her small face and he traced his thumb over her lips.

"Are you in love with me?" she asked again.

He was breathing heavy; he didn't like being put on the spot like this. Of course, he was madly in love with her, but he didn't want to admit that to her. She lifted her lips to his again and Draco was trying with all his might to keep his emotions in line, but the feel of her lips on his was driving him crazy.

He pushed her away a bit. "Ginny, please.......don't make me..." He trailed off in a choked whisper.


She made another advance on him and he couldn't pull away, she was so addicting to him; he found himself giving in more and more easily every time she kissed him. The kiss this time had intensified. One of Draco's hands snaked through her hair and pushed her lips harder into his while the other hand was on the small of her back, keeping her close to him. Her arms were around his neck and one of her hands she ran through his hair. Ginny soon found herself pinned against a wall and felt their bodies pressed together. She broke the kiss and looked up at him. His eyes took her to another place; there was nothing else in the world that mattered at this moment but the man before her.

"Are you in love with me?" She whispered through her heavy breathing.

Draco rested his forehead against hers, trying to catch his breath. He felt the light breath of the words she breathed out and Draco started to nod.

"Yes.....yes...I'm in love with you." he said closing his eyes against her forehead.

A smile formed on Ginny's face and Draco opened his eyes to look at her fiery ones. "Good, because I'm in love with you too," she said and crashed her lips against his again.

Draco wasn't sure what happened after Ginny said that. All he knew was that Ginny just said she was in love with him and he felt an emotional wall fall down and put everything he had into that next kiss they shared. He was holding Ginny so tightly against his body and he suddenly felt Ginny wrap her legs around his waist. He instinctively grinded in between her legs as she was pinned against the wall. He trailed kisses down her neck and his hands seemed to have a mind of their own as he pulled off her sweater and tossed it aside. He gently kissed her shoulder, making Ginny let out a soft moan that only made him want her more. Before either of them knew it, all their clothes were on the floor and Ginny's legs were once again wrapped around Draco's waist. Draco looked at her for a moment. They were breathing rapidly and then the fact that they were both completely naked and very much in a sexual position had just seemed to dawn on them. They stared at each for a few more moments before mentally coming to a decision that Draco was able to read in her eyes.

Draco pushed himself inside of her and her nails immediately dug into his back as a small gasp escaped her mouth that Draco quieted with another kiss. He pushed into her again and this time she moaned in pleasure and then crashed her lips down to his again. Her hair hung around her face and fell over onto Draco's bare shoulders. The feeling of her fiery hair lying against him fueled him in an entirely new way. He increased his thrusts which by Ginny's reaction she was more than happy with. He felt her getting ready to climax, which made him ready to lose it. Soon Ginny threw her head back in ecstasy as she and Draco reached their peak.

He carried her over to his bed and placed her down on it. He climbed onto the bed with her and she came over to him and placed a deep kiss on his lips. She rested her head down and a mane of red hair was spread across his chest as he held her in his arms. They both laid there just hearing each other's breathing start to slowly return to normal. Neither one spoke to the other. They were both in a state of shock at what just occurred between the both of them. Now that the rush wore off of them, they found themselves lying cuddled together naked. Ginny pulled the blankets down and got under them. She then pulled them up over her and hid her head under them suddenly. Draco looked over to the mound under the blankets that he knew to be Ginny's head.

"What are you doing?" he asked with amusement in his voice.

She didn't say anything and he then crawled under the blankets with her and lifted the blankets over his head. He saw her sitting there with her head in her hands.

"Are you ok Ginny?"

"Yes," she said in a small voice.

Draco was starting to feel uncomfortable, he thought he did something wrong. She then pulled the blankets down off her head and lay back on the pillow; Draco followed along.

"Then what's the matter?" he asked, turning to face her.

A smirk crossed her lips and she looked at him. "I can't believe I just lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy."

Draco didn't know she was a virgin until he was inside her. He figured she wanted him to keep going when she had mentally given him the go ahead.

Draco smirked back at her. "Well, I can't believe I lost my virginity to Ginny Weasley," he said with a smile.

"What? You were a......I didn't think....."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, it's hard to believe with this amazing body of mine," he joked and she laughed along with him.

"Oh gosh, I don't know which one sounds worse, the fact that a Weasley lost their virginity to a Malfoy or that a Malfoy lost it to a Weasley."

They both busted out laughing and when their laughter died away they lay there again in silence.


"Yeah," she said turning over to see him better.

"I don't know if I'm ready to be open with.......this whole thing yet," he said nervously.

Ginny looked at him, she knew he wasn't ready to tell the world that he and Ginny were seeing each other or that they were both in love with the other. She knew Draco needed time to let his walls down.

"It's ok Draco, I understand," she said with a small smile.

He felt horrible about asking her to keep their relationship under wraps for now until HE was ready. There he goes being selfish again and only thinking of himself.

"Good luck though with that since everyone pretty much suspects it," she chuckled scooting closer to him and lying in his arms again.

The feel of their bare bodies against each other ignited another arousal from the both of them and soon they found themselves lost in each other for the second time that night.


Ginny still had the scent of Draco fresh in her mind. She loved the smell of his cologne, the smell of his hair and everything else about him. She smiled to herself at the thought of this and snuggled her face deeper into her pillow. She felt so warm and safe right now in her bed, she didn't want to wake up. She would have rather stayed in bed and thought more about Draco. Then she suddenly realized it wasn't her pillow at all she was sleeping on, it was Draco's chest. She quickly sat up and realized she was in Draco's bedroom. She saw the fire had been out for a while and she saw the first crack of dawn start to surface. She immediately started panicking.

"SHIT!" she yelled and jumped out of bed.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, sitting up abruptly, seeing her in a panic.


Draco slipped out of bed and pulled his pants on and then grabbed Ginny's panties that were under the bed and held them up.

"Don't forget these," he teased her dangling them in front of her.

"Draco, please, I'm serious," she said, grabbing her panties and slipping them on.

"Calm down, Ginny, it's still pretty early, the sun isn't even up yet. You could probably slip right into Gryffindor tower without anyone noticing," he said, handing her the sweater he only hours ago ripped off of her.

Ginny sighed and slowed her pace down. She slipped on her sweater and then looked up at Draco. He was wearing only pajama bottoms and had his chest exposed. He noticed her staring and then smirked at her.

"Don't you need to go Ginny?" he said with an amused tone.

"Uh, yeah." she turned to leave and then turned back to him. "Draco, I really want you to come with us, please?" she pleaded with him taking a few steps closer.

He looked at her for a moment and saw the sadness in her eyes. He felt like she needed him there more than anything. In truth, he didn't want to be away from Ginny at all and he really didn't know if he would ever see her again if he didn't go.

"Maybe," he said and he grabbed her into a hug.

"Ok, well we're leaving around noon. I hope I'll see you in the entrance hall if not then......." she trailed off.

"I'll see you later, Ginny," he whispered in her ear and gave her a soft kiss before she hurried out of his room.

Ginny ran as fast as she could through the halls. She ran up to the portrait hole and slipped quietly inside. She practically jumped for joy when she saw the common room was empty. She let out a huge sigh and bent over to catch her breath.

"Ginny?" came Hermione's voice from the staircase to the girl's dorms.

Ginny jumped at the sound of Hermione's voice.

"Oh my god Hermione, you scared the crap out of me," she said, holding her hand to her chest.

"Are you just now getting in? Where were you? I waited forever and your mom is suspicious," Hermione whispered.

"I'm so sorry it was a complete accident, I fell asleep and -"

"Fell asleep?" Hermione interrupted. "Fell asleep where exactly, Ginny!" she demanded, sounding an awful lot like Mrs. Weasley.

Ginny let out a defeated sigh and then grabbed Hermione's hand and dragged her upstairs to their dorm room since it was just them staying in there. They sat down on her bed and Hermione was staring at her waiting to explain.

"I talked to Draco and.....he told me he was in love with me."

Hermione squealed with delight and gave Ginny a hug.

"Oh my gosh, it's about time he let it out, what did you say back?"

"I told him I was in love with him too, and then we kissed and stuff."

"And stuff?" Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ginny ran her hand through her hair and a red tint came to her cheeks. She stuffed her face into her pillow on the bed. "I lost my virginity to Draco Malfoy," she muffled out into the pillow.

"SHUT UP!" Hermione yelled, slapping her on the arm. "ARE YOU SERIOUS GINNY?"

Ginny just looked up at her and looked down again. "Twice," Ginny added, burying her face in her pillow again.

"GINNY WEASLEY!" she yelled out in disbelief.

"Shh, Hermione, please be quiet. This stays between us ok?" She gave Hermione a stern look.

"Of course, but still, I can't believe you left for a quick chat and came back no longer a virgin."

"WHO'S NO LONGER A VIRGIN?" Mrs. Weasley's voice came from the doorway.

Ginny and Hermione's eyes went wide and turned to look at her. Of course, her mom was up at the crack of dawn. Molly came over to the two girls and had her hands on her hips.

"Uh...um..." Ginny stuttered, trying to think of anything to tell her mom that would make her story seem believable. Hermione was just looking at the floor afraid of the conversation that was about to unfold.

"Well, young lady?"

"It's Hermione" was the only thing Ginny could think of to get her mom's attention off of her.

Hermione shot her head up to look at Ginny and her mouth went wide in shock.

Mrs. Weasley looked at Hermione for a moment; who was looking at the floor now. Then she turned on her heel and walked out of the room yelling, "RONALD WEASLEY!"

It wasn't long before they heard yelling downstairs.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Hermione, I panicked," Ginny explained.

"It's ok Ginny don't worry about it, it's not like it's a lie anyway." she smirked.

Ginny gave her a playful smack and they both giggled when Ron came upstairs throwing the door open.

"HERMIONE, WHY THE BLOODY HELL WOULD YOU TELL MY MOM WE'RE HAVING SEX?" his eyes then fell on Ginny and his face turned red. "Oh, uh, hey Gin," he said, scratching his head.

"I think I'll just go jump in the shower," Ginny laughed and walked into the bathroom.


Noon was approaching and Ginny made her way down to the Entrance Hall with the rest of the Weasley clan. She dragged her suitcase in the barbaric manner that she used when boarding the Hogwarts Express. The Entrance hall was filled with staff and Order members all saying their goodbyes and wishing each other happy holidays. She overheard McGonagall talking to her parents about having a meeting at the Burrow with the Order over the holiday and how she would be sending out letters to families in hopes of getting students back after the break. Ginny felt bad for the Headmistress, she knew how much the school meant to her and was sad to see it so empty.

She walked up to Hermione and Harry and whispered into Hermione's ear. "Everything ok with Ron?" Hermione looked at her and gave a small nod and they both giggled.

"I hope Draco decided to come," Ginny said, looking around the crowd of people in the Entrance Hall in hopes of seeing him. She then saw Harry and Hermione look at her about the comment she just made.

"Uh, you know because who wants to be alone for the holidays?" she quickly added.

"Right," Harry said with a smirk.

Then she saw him walking over, he looked a wreck compared to when she had just seen him a few hours prior. She figured he must have endured one of his father's sessions. He gave her a small smile when he saw her staring at him. An instant smile danced across her face and she was just about to approach him when Mrs. Weasley's voice rang out.

"DRACO, SO GLAD TO SEE YOU DECIDED TO JOIN US," she said, grabbing him into a suffocating hug.

Ginny watched him wince in pain at the gesture. She knew his body was sore from the curse he had just experienced.

"Alright Mom, you're squishing the poor guy," Ginny interrupted.

"It will be so nice to have you with us this holiday. You look a mess; are you feeling alright?" asked Mrs. Weasley, starting to overload him with questions and even went as far as putting a hand to his forehead to check for a temperature.

"MOM!" Ginny called, grabbing her mom by the arm and dragging her to the side. "Mom, please, you're overwhelming him with your.... Momness."

"Momness?" she asked, confused.

"An overabundance of motherly attention," Ginny explained.

"Nonsense Ginny, I'm just being nice."

"Please Mom, just back off a bit."

"Alright, alright," her mom said, giving her a hug.

Ginny walked back over to Draco and gave him a small smile.

"Sorry about that."

"It's ok, she seems nice though," he said rubbing his ribs.

"Another attack?" she asked him already knowing the answer.

Draco nodded. "It wasn't that bad though, besides, I was still on a high from some earlier events." he winked at her.

Ginny rolled her eyes and then couldn't help the red tint that came to her cheeks. They smiled at each other for a moment when Hermione came walking over.

"Alright, you two lovebirds it's time to start heading out," she teased.

It was Draco's cheeks that turned a light shade of red this time at being caught smiling at the youngest Weasley.


They arrived at Hogsmeade village where they made their way to a local Pub to use the Floo Network. They all stepped inside and called out "The Burrow" and those familiar green flames erupted around them taking them to their destination. Soon they all arrived and stepped out into the Weasley's living room. Draco stepped out last into the small room and studied his surroundings. He saw many crocheted blankets thrown over a couch and a nearby rocker and hundreds of family pictures covering the walls. He noticed the family's clock where it showed all of the Weasley members on it and where they were. He noticed Ginny's hand moved to "HOME" and he gave a small smile. He then noticed Fred's hand was set on "IN A BETTER PLACE", he frowned at this. He then thought back to his encounter with Fred in the spiritual world and his decision of whether to stay or come back. He couldn't help but think if it really was a "better place" for him to be in right now.

"Ginny, why don't you show Draco to his room," Mrs. Weasley said making her way into the kitchen.

"Ok, follow me.....Draco," she said with a smirk on her face.

Draco shook his head with a smirk and followed her up the winding staircase. The floorboards creaked with every step he took; at one point he thought his foot might go through the floor. Ginny stopped by her room and put her stuff away real quick.

Draco walked in after her. "Oh, so I get to stay with you?" he joked.

"Nice try ferret boy, come on," she laughed and went to the next room right beside hers and led him in.

"This is Percy's room; he's not coming for the holidays so....." she trailed off.

"Thanks," Draco said, walking into the small room and putting his stuff down.

He looked around the room and noticed it was extremely clean and very organized; there was a spot for everything. Ginny followed him into the room and he turned to face her. She snaked her arms around his neck.

"Sorry, it's no Malfoy Manor," she teased.

"Ha, I think it will do," he smiled and leaned down to kiss her when Harry came walking past the room.

"Your mom's coming," he quickly said as he passed not stopping to take in the scene.

Harry and Hermione pretty much knew Ginny and Draco have been waiting to confess their affection to each other. Ginny and Draco quickly broke apart and sure enough, Mrs. Weasley appeared in the doorway.

"Ah, perfect, I see you made it to your room. I'm going to make us some lunch and in the meantime Ginny, why don't you show Draco around," She said happily and then made her way back downstairs.

Ginny cleared her throat and called after her mom, "Uh, yeah, ok, Mom" and then let out a relieved sigh.


Ginny took Draco all around the Burrow and showed him everything she thought of interest. She took him out to the yard and showed him where she and all her brothers would spend hours playing Quidditch. She took him to the edge of the forest and told him that past the ward there was a small clearing that she used to go to that had a small lake to swim in. On their way back to the Burrow for lunch, Ginny took him through her mom's garden and told him about all the different fruits and vegetables her mom was growing. Ginny did most of the talking and Draco just listened and took everything in. They made their way into the house and sat at the table for lunch.

"Charlie and Bill will be here shortly, I'm so excited to see my boys again." Mrs. Weasley said serving them all a pyramid of sandwiches. "Ginny dear, you and Hermione will be my little helpers tomorrow with all the baking and cooking we need to get done for Thanksgiving," She added, taking a seat at the table.

"Yes, Mother," Ginny answered, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Draco, what does your family usually make for the holiday?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

They all stopped and looked at Draco, then Ginny shot her mom a look. Mrs. Weasley just gave a small sympathetic smile towards him.

Draco cleared his throat at the question directed towards him."Uh, well...we don't........we don't really celebrate the holidays." Draco answered.

There was silence for a moment and it became quite awkward.

"Excuse me, I think I'll go rest a bit, not feeling too well," Draco said suddenly and Mrs. Weasley gave a small smile and nodded that she understood.

Draco walked out of the kitchen and all heads turned to Molly.

"Wow, Mom, you're sure on a roll," George joked.

"I can't believe you said that Mom, you know he's a very private person," Ginny said in disbelief.

"I'm sorry dear, it was an honest question. Maybe I'll go talk to him," she said making her way to get up.

"NO" they all yelled in unison. She just looked at them and sat back down.

Ginny just shook her head at her mom and they continued lunch in light conversation.


Later that night Ginny made her way to Draco's bedroom and gave a small knock on the door. He didn't answer so she cracked the door open and peeked her head inside. Draco was lying on his bed with his hands folded behind his head. The room was dimly lit by a small lamp on the side table.

"Hey," she said in a small voice walking in and closing the door behind her.


"Listen, I'm sorry about my mom, she's a bit much sometimes."

"Nah, it's fine."

Ginny walked over and sat on the bed next to him. They sat in silence for a bit and Ginny turned to face him. He looked up at her and noticed how even in the poor lighting her fiery hair was as vibrant as ever. He swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and at the thoughts that teased his mind. Ginny must have been feeling a similar way because she closed the distance between them with her lips against his. He ran his fingers through her hair and brought her closer to him, her fiery hair falling onto his face made him intensify the kiss. She willingly allowed him into her mouth and she leaned down further until her chest was leaning against him. His other hand made its way around her back and up her shirt. The contact of his hand on her skin made Ginny let out a soft moan that drove Draco seconds away from ripping her clothes off and ravishing her senseless. Their eyes suddenly snapped open at her mother's loud announcement that rang through the house that dinner was ready. They broke apart and Ginny quickly sat up; her face was flushed and she was a bit taken aback at how easy it was for her to get lost in him. She stood up and headed for the door.

"Uh....well... I'll see you downstairs for dinner," she stuttered a bit.

"Uh, yeah, see you there," Draco said, sitting up from the bed.

Ginny gave him a small smile and quickly left his room and closed the door. Of course, as she was leaving his room Harry was making his way down to dinner. He saw her flushed face and a matted knot in her hair.

"Oh, hey Harry," she said, not making eye contact with him.

He smirked at her and shook his head. "You know eventually your mom is going to catch on."

"Catch onto what?" Ginny asked, playing dumb.

"Really Ginny? Well, if you want to make your protests more convincing, maybe you should brush your hair real quick," He laughed grabbing the knot in her hair.

She blushed and felt the knot in her hair and gave a small gasp, "Ugh, really Draco?" she mumbled walking away into her room to brush it out.

"What is she on about?" Draco asked, walking out of his room making his way downstairs.

"Oh, just going on about how someone made a mess of her hair," Harry said walking with him downstairs.

"Oh.....uh......wonder who," he said clearing his throat.

"You guys are ridiculous, you do realize I just saw you two about to lock lips earlier and you're still playing stupid?"

"I don't know what you saw Potter," Draco snarled.

"Oh yeah? Hmm, ok," Harry said, walking past him, "By the way, that's a lovely scent of perfume you have on. I didn't know you and Ginny wore the same scent," he teased and then walked into the kitchen.

Draco grabbed his shirt and gave a quick sniff before turning around and going back upstairs to put some cologne on.


Draco walked into the kitchen and was immediately greeted with handshakes and slaps on the back by Bill and Charlie thanking him for saving their sister. He just nodded and decided to take the thank you's rather than fight them. Draco also noticed Fleur and Luna were at the table. He figured they must have arrived earlier when he was up in his room. Draco took a seat between George and Ginny.

"Nice of you to join us Draco, I assure you being in a house full of Weasley's will drive you insane." Mr. Weasley joked as Molly hit him on the arm.

"How would you know you're at work all day." Molly shot back.

"I wonder why," Mr. Weasley whispered down the table.

Draco gave a small smirk at this and then filled his plate with food along with the rest of the Weasley clan. The rest of dinner went by rather smoothly; Charlie and Bill talked about work and Harry and Luna were deep in conversation. There was talk of Quidditch and the upcoming Christmas holiday. Soon Molly cleared the table and served dessert and settled into a seat herself next to Arthur.

"I need to discuss a pressing matter with you all." Arthur said suddenly making everyone turn their heads in his direction. He took Molly's hand in his and looked up at the rest of them. "Molly and I have been asked to assemble a group for an Order mission. Now we aren't sure when exactly, but there is some information that Kingsley Shacklebolt has asked us to look into. He wants to know that if needed we have Order members willing to go into the field." He looked down at the table. It hurt his heart to ask his family to put their lives on the line, but he and Molly have been a part of the Order for a long time to know how important it was. "Now nobody needs to answer now, but start thinking about-"

"You know that we're all in already Mr. Weasley," Harry said suddenly.

They all nodded in agreement and Arthur gave a small smile. He turned his attention to Draco.

"How about you Draco? The Order can use more members now that there aren't many of us left."

Draco looked at him for a moment and then he turned to look at Ginny, who was looking back at him. He turned back to Arthur. "Nothing would make me happier than to bring an end to my father." He said in a murderous tone.

Arthur gave him a firm nod.

"That's the spirit mate," George joked, giving Draco a slap on the back.

"Alright, alright, enough of this matter for now; we can further discuss it after the holiday." Mrs. Weasley said, getting up and shooing them all out of the kitchen.


Ginny lay in her bed that night thinking about the blond Slytherin in the next room. Ever since their intimate encounter; she had found herself thinking about him nonstop. All she wanted to do was have his lips against hers again or his hands on her body. She rubbed her face to try and get the images out of her head of his bare body and his piercing eyes that took her to another place. She turned to the clock and saw it was almost midnight. She slipped out of bed and walked to her door. She pulled it open and stuck her head out to see if anyone was around. She saw everyone seemed to have gone to bed and tiptoed as quietly as possible to Draco's room. She decided not to knock and gently opened the door and slipped into his room. She was met with blackness and couldn't see where she was walking.

"Draco?" she whispered.

She could hear his soft breathing and figured he was asleep. She started walking a bit closer to his bed and misjudged the distance and bumped into it and fell right on top of him.

"OOF, WHAT THE HELL?" he shouted.

Ginny quickly put her hand over his mouth to quiet him.

"SHH, it's me," she whispered removing her hand.

"What the hell are you doing in here Ginny, if your Mom comes in-?"

"Shh! It's ok, everyone's asleep."

Her eyes started adjusting to the darkness and she could see his mercury eyes staring at her.

"So what's wrong?" he asked lying back on his pillow.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you," she said, getting under the covers with him.

Draco noticed this and was surprised at how comfortable she seemed to be around him. A small smile came to his face at this thought. He was always used to making people feel the total opposite and it felt nice for a change. He felt her hair on his arm and then realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. It wasn't long before Ginny seemed to have noticed this also.

"Don't fall asleep again," Draco joked.

"Oh my gosh, imagine if," she laughed.

They lay there in silence for a few more moments. They were listening to the sound of each other's breathing; finding it somehow calming.

"I saw Fred," Draco said suddenly.

Ginny propped herself up on her arm and looked down at him. "What?"

"And Lupin and Snape......and Dumbledore," he added in a whisper.

"I don't understand.........where?" she searched his eyes for answers.

"When I died," he whispered into the darkness.

An understanding filled Ginny's mind and she snuggled under his arm and laid her head on his chest. He shared with her what he remembered of the encounter and she just lay there in his arms listening. He told her how Fred looked and how he still had his sense of humor. She laughed at this and wiped away a stray tear.

"I'm glad you came back," she said quietly.

"Yeah, me to......me too."

"Well, I guess I better head back to my room," Ginny said slipping out of the bed.

She immediately missed the warmth of his body against hers and it took everything in her not to slide back into his arms. She wasn't sure if she should kiss him again or not; she didn't want to make it seem so casual. She still wasn't sure where she and Draco stood as far as relationship wise went and she didn't want to make him feel pressured to make it official. She turned to leave when she felt him grab her arm and spun her around to face him; their lips only a few inches apart.

"Goodnight, Ginny," he whispered and then gently brushed his lips against hers.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW! I'm am dying to know what you guys think!

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