Lost In Ice (Various x Fem. R...

By rainydoesnothing

130K 4.8K 1.8K

Y/n awoke in a bed made of ice that was covered in blankets. Now she's the daughter of a crazed wizard who ki... More

Melted Disaster/Prisoners of Love
Y/n's Profile
The Enchiridion
The Jiggler
Ricardio the Heart Guy
Business Time
My Three Favorite People
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain
City of Theives
The Witch's Garden
What Is Life?
Ocean of Fear
When Wedding Bells Thaw
Birthday Chapter
The Duke
Freak City
Stranger in the Ice
What Have You Done
Their Hero
Gut Grinder(s)
Y/n's Profile (Season 2)
It Came From The Nightosphere
The Eyes
Blood Under the Skin
Loyalty to the King
Slow Love
Crystals Have Powers
The Other Tarts
To Cut a Woman's Hair
The Soft Chewed
Her Parents
The Real You
Death in Bloom
Susan Strong
Mama's Cookin'
Mystery Train
Go With Me
The Limit
This Mortal Folly
Mortal Recoil
Adventure #1
Adventure #2
Morituri Te Salutamus
Memory of a Memory
Too Young

Tree Trunks

11.6K 311 222
By rainydoesnothing

Outside of Tree Trunks's house, Finn and Jake were using swords to cut up apples that they threw in the air.

"Swords! Yeah, swords! Whoo!" they both cheered.

Inside her little house, Tree Trunks popped her head out staring at the boys.

"Oh, men and their swords. . . You boys, stop horsing around with my apples!" She scolded them.

The two stopped and stared at her, whining

"Aw, Tree Trunks!"

Tree Trunks just smiled at them.

"Now, come on over! I baked y'all an apple pie."

The two cheered in happiness.

"Yeah, apple pie! Whoo-hoo-hoo!"

Finn turned to Jake with a competing look.

"I'm gonna eat it all before you even GET there!"

He runs to the house laughing, leaving Jake behind.

Jake's face morphed into a horrified expression to the thought of no pie for him.


Inside the house, Tree Trunks was laying out a pie onto the table. The door slammed open quickly.

"Apple pie!"

Jake started to try and block Finn from getting inside.

"Don't let him eat it all!" He whined.

Tree Trunks just chuckled at their antics.

"Now, you boys sit down and behave yourselves. Oh!"

Tree Trunks suddenly noticed a fly that had landed on her pie.

"Shoo, fly! Get off my apple pie!"

Tree Trunks started to try and swat the fly away. The fly ended up flying away.

"Huh! A fly landed on my pie. That's no good."

She gasped. She slowly picked up the pie and threw it in the trash.


Finn was only shocked.

"Why are you throwing the pie away?" He asked, saddened by the departure of the pie.

The pie that was thrown in the trash no had a bunch of flies on it, eating away. Finn and Jake just groaned in disgust.

"Flies wanted it, they can have it."

A small ring of a timer went through the house.

"Anyways, don't y'all worry 'cause the new pie is coming in the wag of a lamb's tail."

Finn and Jake perked up at the thought of more pie.

"New pie?" They chimed together.

Right as Tree Trunks had her trunk on the oven handle, a knock was on her door.

"Oh my, who could that be?" Tree Trunks wondered.

She waddled over and opened to door.

"Oh! Y/n, what a lovely surprise."

Finn and Jake perked up at the mention of said name. Was it the same human that they had heard of and seen?

"Sorry for the intrusion, I just wanted to drop off the basket that you lent me."

Y/n was wearing a pair of overalls with a white t-shirt. Her black boots had water left on them from the melted snow that was stuck on them.

"Oh, thank you! Why don't you stop on in for some pie? I was just about to serve some to Finn and Jake." Tree Trunks said, inviting her in.

The two boys hoped that she would say yes so that they could get to know her.

"I don't know. . . oh, well, okay! Sure!" Y/n agreed, making the two boys sigh in relief.

Y/n walked in to see Finn and, assuming, Jake.

"Hi! Um, you might not remember me, but I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you both."

Y/n was blushing lightly. Jake was the first to speak.

"I'm Jake! I'm a magical dog," he explained, showing off his magical prowess by stretching out a part of his hand.

Y/n gasped in amazement.

"Woah! That's amazing!" She cheered.

Finn was worried. Was he going to make fun of himself in front of another human? Let alone a girl?!

"I-I'm Finn! I'm a human boy and I like adventures!" He introduced.

His voice had cracked, and in the middle of such an important introduction, too! He expected Y/n to laugh at him but she didn't, she just smiled and nodded.

"It's nice to meet you too Finn. This is better than our first encounter."

Y/n giggled lightly. Tree Trunks finally opened up the oven and made her way over to the table.

"Here you are."

The pie's scent wafted through the air. Y/n had never smelt anything this good before.

"Wow," Finn mumbled, looking at the beautiful treat.

"Come on, go ahead." Tree Trunks said, encouraging them.

Finn and Jake happily took a slice as Y/n faltered with her hands. She has never seen or tried any dessert like this before. Finn noticed her faltering hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked Y/n.

Her gaze floated up and she let donned a nervous smile.

"I've never tried a pie before. I don't know what it'll taste like."

She let out an awkward laugh after her statement. Both Finn and Jake stared at her in disbelief.

"What?!" They both exclaimed.

Jake's mouth was hung open while Finn's eyes were wide.

"You've never had pie before?! That needs to change right now!" Finn told her.

Y/n looked down at the pie and slowly reached for one of the pie slices. She picked up the warm piece and slowly brought it to her mouth. She looked up and saw the two boys staring at her, waiting for her first bite. She looked down at the piece, a bit worried at the prospect of eating such a foreign food.

'You can do it, Y/n! It must be amazing if Finn and Jake like it so much!'

She opened her mouth and took a small bite. Instantly her eyes widened. The flavor was amazing. The apples still tasted fresh and crisp with the buttery and flaky crust. A slight tang of cinnamon mixed with the apples made it perfect.

"This. . ." She paused looking down at the slice.

Finn and Jake were staring at her intently.

". . . is. . . the best thing I've ever had!" she exclaimed, her voice high with excitement and glee.

The two boys laughed at her excitement and started to go down on the pie. Y/n was content with her one slice and ate it slowly to savor its taste.

Tree Trunks made her way over to the side of the table.

"What'd you think, boys?" she asked them.

"Best apple pie ever!" Jake exclaimed.

Finn had taken the last slice right as Jake was going to take it and ate it quickly.

"Oh, Jake, thank you. But, that ain't the best apple pie." Tree Trunks stated.

Finn paused, staring at her.

"What are you talking about, Tree Trunks? What can be better than your apple pie?" he questioned.

Jake looked at the now-empty pan, sadly.

"You ate all the pie. . ." he huffed out, sad.

"Finn, what would you do if you could do anything?" Tree Trunks questioned him.


Finn paused thinking of the one thing he wanted to do.

"Well, I'd catch a shooting star, travel to outer space, and fight space monsters!" he exclaimed.

Jake soon followed with the same excitement.

"I'd carve my face on the moon so the moon would look like my face!"

Y/n laughed at the two, she knew it was her time to go on with the question.

"I'd want to travel every single place in the world, maybe have a kingdom name after me," Y/n spoke with a hand holding her chin up.

Finn turned to Tree Trunks.

"What would you do, Tree Trunks?" he questioned her.

Tree Trunks looked off to the side.

"I would go pick an apple."

Finn. . . didn't really think that was too exciting.

". . . Lame."

Jake then quickly smacked Finn on the arm.

"I'm sorry. I mean, it's just you pick apples every day."

Tree Trunks nodded in agreement but continued on with her dream.

"This apple ain't like the apples that I pick. They say it's the apple of apples; rarest kind of all. Legends call it the Crystal Gem Apple."

Somehow, Jake had gotten a cup of tea and spit it out all over Finn.

"That sounds awesome!" He exclaimed.

Finn didn't mind the tea that was sprayed all over him, he just ignored it.

"Where is it?" He questioned.

Y/n paid her attention to Tree Trunks, this seemed very exciting.

Tree Trunks started to tell what, she heard, was the supposed area where the apple was.

"I've heard that it grows at the deepest end of the Evil Dark Forest."

Finn got excited about Tree Trunks' dream.

"Whoo! Tree Trunks, you gotta go pick that apple!"

Jake agreed with Finn's statement.


Tree Trunks blushed in embarrassment.

"What? Me? Oh, no. I'm just a cute little elephant. I'm not cut out for adventuring."

Y/n stood up, getting eager for this. She had never been on an adventure before and she wanted to get in on the action.

"Tree Trunks, please, this is your dream! Think about picking that apple and eating it on your own. Nobody else would do that except for you!" Finn joined in, trying to convince Tree Trunks.

"Imagine the flavor."

"And your satisfied face," Jake added.

Tree Trunks grew confident, but confused.

"Really? You think I can handle the Scary Dark Forest?" She asked.

Finn smiled reassuringly.

"Yeah, and we'll help you."

Finn placed his arm around Y/n's shoulders. It was a little weird since she was a few inches taller than him, but he managed.

"We love you, Tree Trunks," Jake told her.

Tree Trunks just smiled bashfully.

"Okay. I'll do it. Call me. . . Adventurer Tree Trunks."

Finn and Jake only cheered for her as Y/n smiled contently.

"Yeah! Tree Trunks!

The four were walking through the dark forest, well three of the four were walking. Tree Trunks was actually on Y/n's head. Y/n knew that her little legs wouldn't let her go on for too long.

"I love being so high up from the ground!" she exclaimed happily.

Y/n giggled at how wholesome she was.

"Psst, I can take you even higher on my shoulders." Jake tried whispering to Tree Trunks, but Finn stopped him.

"No, Jake. She has a weak heart." Finn told him.

Y/n hard what he said about Tree Trunks, but ignored it since Tree Trunks was happily talking to her.

"Oh, yeah," Jake mumbled.

They suddenly step on a squishy substance that covered the ground.

"Eww, why is this ground all squishy?" Finn muttered in disgust.

Y/n wasn't really liking it either. It felt all fleshy and goopy. Jake, however, liked the feeling and began to rub against it.

"Whatever it is, I'm liking it. Oh, yeah!"

Tree Trunks saw Jake having fun and wanted to be apart of it.

"I wanna try!" She happily said.

Y/n picked Tree Trunks off of her head and gently set her on the mushy ground.

"Alright then, Tree Trunks, have fun."

Tree Trunks smiled happily and giggled at the feeling of the new substance.

"Heeheehee! It's like some cookie dough!"

To the left of Tree Trunks was a wall of the fleshy substance. An eye slowly opened at stared at her, Tree Trunks instantly noticed.

"Oh, hello there." She greets it.

Finn quickly notices.

"Uhh, Tree Trunks, stay away from that."

The wall suddenly emerged at started to attack.

"Ugh, you're gonna get it wall of flesh."

Finn and Jake go off and try to fight the creature back. Y/n didn't have a weapon or really any known experience with fighting, but she felt an urge to do at least something. She glanced to the side and saw what seemed to be a piece of metal. She ran towards it and picked it up. She took hold of the metal and gripped it near the base, she looked at the fleshy mess in front of her and glared at it. She finally took all of the courage built up in her and swung towards the beast. It leaned back away from her, trying to get away from her hit.

Tree Trunks was staring at the wall that only had a singular eye and a mouth.

"An eye and a mouth. Well, I think I got the perfect thing for him or her. . . stickers!"

Tree Trunks pulled cards of stickers out showing them to the monster.

"Careful, Tree Trunks, this thing is evil," Finn called to her, trying to defend himself from the monster's attacks.

Tree Trunks ignores Finn and takes each stick off, placing it on the monster.

"Here's a rainbow sticker and here's a scratch-and-sniff sticker. Smells just like a pickle. Oh, and this one is a holographic unicorn, but it doesn't have a horn."

The monster grew bored of Tree Trunks being polite and grew another arm, grabbing her. Tree Trunks was confused and didn't see the danger she was in.

"Oh, now, whatcha doing?" She questioned.

"Huh? Tree Trunks!"

Finn quickly noticed that Tree Trunks was in danger and yelled for her. As the monster was about to put her in its mouth, Y/n slammed the metal pipe down on its arm, clearly breaking it. The beast whimpered in pain, quivering and hiding in a tree.

"Whoo!" Jake cheered.

He patted Y/n's back, her head had a little sweat dripping from it.

"Nice going Y/n! You're getting the hang of it."

Y/n sighed contently and nodded.

"Yeah, it was kind of a cool rush," she responded.

Finn just stared at the whimpering monster.

"You better stay in that tree, baby. Um, Tree Trunks were you putting stickers on that evil monster?" Finn asked her.

Tree Trunks only smiled.

"Yes, I thought it needed some tender love and affection."

Her attention was soon broken as she spotted a 'butterfly' which was actually a skeleton with wings.

"Oh, what a pretty butterfly!"

Tree Trunks chased after the 'butterfly' with Y/n watching her leaving figure.

"Uh guys." She tried to speak, however, Finn and Jake were too busy talking to each other.

"Ugh. Jake, I just realized that Tree Trunks is old and bonkers. We can't take her through this Evil Dark Forest." Finn complained but Jake was being laid back with everything.

"Nah, she'll be fine." He reassured, but Finn kept on trying to convince Jake.

"But the monsters?" He added.

"It's fine. It's fine!"

The two still didn't notice Y/n. She gave up and started to go down the path that Tree Trunks went down.

"Are you sure? 'Cause she has zero adventurer training."

Finn's undivided attention was now on Jake.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fine, she'll be fine. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine."

Jake finally reassured Finn.

"Maybe it is fine."

Finn laughed. He looked around and finally noticed that not only Tree Trunks was missing, but Y/n was as well.

"Tree Trunks? Y/n?" He mused aloud, slightly startled by their disappearance.

"Where'd they go?" Jake questioned looking around as Finn continued to call for them.

"Tree Trunks! Y/n! We gotta find them, Jake! Tree Trunks! Y/n!"

Finn was, undoubtedly, worried. Tree Trunks was an old soul and Y/n really didn't have much experience with fighting the creatures in the Land of Ooo.

"Where are you guys?!" Jake joined in.

Finally, they spotted Tree Trunks setting up a small picnic with the small 'butterflies' around her. Yet, Y/n was nowhere to be seen.

"And here's your teacup, and here's my teacup."

Tree Trunks was grabbing the teacups and placing them on the blanket. From the trees, there were danger signs that had come to life, and were walking to where Tree Trunks was.

Finn and Jake were quick to notice the danger that Tree Trunks was in.

"Tree Trunks!" They gasped.

Tree Trunks noticed the signs but saw no danger from them.

"And here's your sandwich."

The sign that was being handed the sandwich slapped it out of her trunk, but she didn't mind it.

"Oops, you dropped it."

"Tree Trunks, run!" Finn yelled, rushing to where Tree Trunks was to protect her.

"Oh, hey, Finn." Tree Trunks remarked, still calm despite her situation.


Jake came running in, attacking the signs. Finn came through and started to fight alongside him.

"Time to call your mamas, evil signposts," he threatened.

Both boys were fighting the signposts, sending their attacks. Tree Trunks was still laid back, watching everything.

"Patience, boys. There's enough tea for everyone," she stated.

Finn grew agitated.

"Grrr. . ." He growls.

The signposts grabbed Tree Trunks for a split second, but Finn saw and grabbed her. His body covering hers so she wouldn't get hurt.


"Oh, Finn. What a nice hug." Tree Trunks hummed out loud, although, Finn wasn't taking the supposed compliment well.

"I'm not hugging you! I'm trying to save your life! There's too many!!!"

Finn kept getting kicked and punched by the creatures. Jake heard Finn's screams and turned to him.


Jake grew and made his fists big to punch the signs. They were now laying on the ground, broken.

"Oh, Finn. That tea party was crummier than a big old biscuit." Tree Trunks said, annoyance seeping into her tone.

"Grr. . . Tree Trunks, I'm all jacked up because of you! Look at my jacked up face!" Finn exploded out, his anger was talking over.

Though his face really was messed up.

Tree Trunks looked sad, eyes tearing up as she tried not to cry.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked him.

Finn finally calmed down and answered.

"No, I'm not mad. You're too super-cute for me to be mad at you, and you're a top-notch adventurer. Now, let's go find Y/n and that apple."

Finn glanced around the area that they were in when, suddenly, a snake-armed, ruby-like beast made its way out.

"Dang it!" Finn groaned as the beast made its way over to the group.

"You go fight, I'll keep Tree Trunks out of trouble," Jake told Finn.

Finn turned to Jake with a smirk.

"Awesome," he responded before going off to fight the beast.

"J-Jake, I think Finn is getting jacked up again." Tree Trunks stuttered out.

"Yeah, Finn can handle it. He's 12." Jake reasoned.

Finn was doing the best he could to defend the beast off.

"I think I know a way to help him out." Tree Trunks told him.

Jake didn't like the sound of it.

"Uhh, you should stay here, Tree Trunks." He tried suggesting to her, however, she kept on pressing.

"But I thought Finn told me that I was a top-notch adventurer. And my adventurer instincts tell me to seduce that tentacle critter with my womanly charms and elephant prowess."

Jake only grew more worried and confused.

"Uhh, no way."

Tree Trunks had somehow convinced Jake to let her help Finn with the beast. She was wearing heavy makeup. She soon stood on her hind legs and started to do a little dance. Finn noticed her.

"Uh, what are you doing here, Tree Trunks?"

Tree Trunks continued to dance.

"I'm helping you by tempting this guy with my body." she simply told him.

Finn grew annoyed once more.

"It's not a guy, Tree Trunks! It's a Snake Armed Ruby Brain Beast!" He shouted at the small elephant.

"Even brain beasts get lonely, Finn!" Tree Trunks told him.

Some of the snakes were moving along with her dancing, however, in reality, they weren't really distracted by her dance.

"Jake! You were supposed to watch her!" He yelled at his brother, but Jake was sitting on the floor with lipstick stains on his face.

"She got past me, man. I tried to stop her, but she overpowered me." He sighed happily.

"Get her out of here!" Finn screamed, getting more irritated.

Behind the beast, muffled yelling could be heard.

"Huh?" Jake wondered, could it be Y/n?

He grabbed the beast and tried to look behind it. In its arms, Y/n was being held.

"Y/n!" Jake yelled in shock.

He tried to get her out but it was no use.

"Finn, kill it!" he yelled.

Finn grew worried as he couldn't find the weak spot.

"I can't find its magic gem weak spot!"

The beast turned a bit to reveal its weak spot which Finn quickly saw.

"Oh, there it is."

Finn stabbed the creature in the spot, killing it. Y/n was finally free and she breathed heavily.

Tree Trunks cheered thinking that she did something to the creature.

"I did it! I helped! I'm the sexiest adventurer in the world!"

Finn had finally had enough of Tree Trunks.

"Tree Trunks! You're not an adventurer! You nearly got yourself and Y/n killed! Do you wanna die, Tree Trunks?! Is that what you think adventurers do?! Die and make all their friends feel terrible 'cause they couldn't save them?!" Finn yelled, his face glowing red with anger.

Tree Trunks couldn't handle it and started to sob.

"Whoa, man." Jake said, taken aback by Finn's yelling.

"I'm going home now." Tree Trunks huffed, clearly upset.

She started to walk off on her own with Finn calling after her.

"Ugh. . . Tree Trunks. Tree Trunks!"

Tree Trunks was already down the path.

"Don't follow me. Oh, Finn. . . You shouldn't yell at cuties that just wanna help you. Oh!"

Her cries slowly faded away.

Y/n turned to the two.

"Thanks for saving me, guys, but I'm gonna go follow her."

She gave a small, thankful smile before quickly walking off in the direction of Tree Trunks.

"Man, I feel horrible. I was only yelling because I care about her safety." Finn sighed in defeat.

Jake tried to comfort him.

"That's what happens when you care too much, dude."


"Oh my!"

Finn and Jake heard Y/n and Tree Trunks gasp. They had no idea what was going on. They quickly picked up their feet and ran to find them.

"Tree Trunks! Y/n!"

Their running stopped as they stared at what was in front of them.


Tree Trunks turned around and was happily jumping.

"Finn, I found the crystal gem apple," she exclaimed as Y/n marveled at the gorgeous fruit.

"Woohoo!" Finn cheered.

"You're the man, Tree Trunks!" Jake happily shouted.

Finn then kneeled down to Tree Trunks's height.

"Tree Trunks, I'm a huge butt guy for getting mad at you. I'm a huge fart. I was only upset because. . . I love you and I don't wanna see you get hurt." He apologized, being truthful with his words.

Tree Trunks only smiled, being thankful.

"That's precious, Finn, and I'll accept your apology if you let me kiss your cheek and let Y/n kiss your cheek for saving her."

Y/n's face flushed at the idea. Tree Trunks really didn't have to mention her for Finn's apology.

"Uhh, I don't know, I-!" Finn stammered.

His face was glowing red, however, this time was due to a completely different reason. He really didn't mind having Tree Trunks kiss his cheek since she was a grandparent-like figure to him. But, having Y/n kiss his cheek? It was random and weird. They had only formally met that day and barely knew each other.

"Whoa! Let them kiss your cheek, man. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Especially since-!"

Jake's sentence was cut off with a weird crystal like figure making its way from behind the tree that the crystal was on.

"Whoa! Let her kiss your cheek, man. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." The Crystal copied, part of it looking like Jake.

"Uhh, I don't know. . ." The other part of the guardian that looked like Finn repeated.

"A crystal guardian! Tree Trunks, Y/n, stay out of the monster battle this time. I don't want you both getting hurt." Finn gasped.

Tree Trunks stayed where she was.

"Alright, I promise I will."

Y/n was kneeling down, watching the fight begin. She was going to stay back until she had enough information about the guardian.

"Radical! Back off you!" Finn yelled at the crystal.

"Back off you!" It repeated.

"Stop copying me! Grrah!" Finn grumbled in annoyance.

"Stop copying me! Grrah!" The guardian copied him again.

Finn grew angry and started to throw a punch, the guardian did the same as their fists hit each other.

"Ahh! Ah ah oww. . ."

Finn cradled his hand in pain. Jake saw this and grew mad.

"Finn! Graw!" Jake growled, running to the guardian and ready to headbutt it.

"Graw!" The crystal growled.

The two hit each other as Jake moaned in pain.

"Ow! Ow."

Y/n finally knew what to do, but she needed to wait.

Finn finally noticed what the guardian was doing.

"He's copying everything we do."

On the side, the 'butterfly' had come back making Tree Trunks smile.

"Hey! It's my butterfly-friend. That's precious." She noted, starting to dance with the butterfly.

Jake noticed her dancing.

"Whoo! Shake it, Tree Trunks!" He called out to her.

"Whoo! Shake it, Tree Trunks!" The guardian mimicked.

Finn leaned to Jake and told him a plan.

"Gem-clam! Let's beat it up while it's copying Tree Trunks! Yaaah!"

They both run to the guardian to try and attack it, but it copied quickly hitting them back.

"Crud, this is barf, dude," Jake said.

Y/n made her way over to the two.

"I've got something in mind if you'll hear me out," she told them.

They glanced at each other before putting their attention on Y/n. She smiled at them.

"Good. Now, the guardian does what we do, correct? What if we don't fight it and just go get the apple politely?"

Finn and Jake both realized what he was talking about and glanced at each other, smiling.

"Let's do it the Tree Trunks way," Finn agreed.

He got what Y/n wanted them to do instantly.

"I'll get the makeup," Jake said getting up.

The four had their makeup on, stacked on each other. Y/n was at the front with Finn behind her, Jake made his way up with the guardian copying them. Y/n's makeup was mildly interesting. She had yellow eyeshadow with black lipstick on. Small stars covered parts of her cheeks.

"Hey! Crystal Guardian, are you okay with Tree Trunks taking a bite of that apple?" Finn called out.

"I'm okay with it," Y/n said.

The guardian copied her.

"I'm okay with it."

Jake decided to add on.

"And I'm stupid."

The guardian obediently responded.

"And I'm stupid."

Jake laughed at how stupidly simple the guardian was.

"Heh-heh, you heard the guardian, TT. Bite that thing."

Tree Trunks gladly agreed.


Y/n lifted her up to the apple. Tree Trunks took a bite and started to chew it.

"Whoo! How's it taste, Tree Trunks?" Finn asked her.

"Yeah! How is it?" Jake asked.

The three were waiting happily for her response.

Tree Trunks held a disgusted face from the taste of the apple. She just stayed still then out of nowhere, she exploded. Her body just disappeared. Jake, Finn, and Y/n just stayed there, stunned. Their mouths were wide open along with their eyes. The guardian copied the same reaction. No one really moved. Y/n finally broke the silence with a scream.


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