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By squirtle1313

14.9K 372 49

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379 12 0
By squirtle1313




Dax and Liam had managed to get the score tied on their own. They made it into overtime just in time, "Looks like your going to have to go back to trying," Dax smirked as he raised his brows.

Brett narrowed his eyes at him, "Turns out you have two good players."

"Did you just-" Dax was cut off by the loud ringing coming from the news vans. Dax's eyes screwed shut as he covered his ears but to no avail. Luckily, it wasn't quite as bad as the banshee screech so he was able to move, but he couldn't stand on his own. Brett pulled him off the ground and handed him to Liam.

"Get him out of here. I'll help with the people," Brett said before running off.

"No, Brett," Dax muttered but Brett either ignored him or couldn't hear him as he ran off.

Liam wanted to protest but given the disorientated state of his friend, he decided to listen to Brett and take Dax into the school for cover. By the time he made it into a classroom and shut the door a lot of people came into the school screaming. Liam shut the door. Liam put Dax in a chair. Dax stood up, but he sat back down when he was disorientated. He gave himself a moment to catch his bearings.

Dax stood up the second Stiles and Hayden pulled Brett into the classroom, "The desk! The desk!" Stiles shouted as he struggled to hold up Brett. Brett yelled out in pain.

Liam knocked everything off of the table and helped Stiles put Brett on the table. Brett yelled out again as they did so, "Why isn't he healing?"

"I'm okay," Brett gritted out, "I'm fine."

They pulled apart his jersey to look at the wound. Hayden, Stiles, and Liam all gagged at the sight while Dax panicked slightly. He could see Brett's intestines which is never a good sign as he learned.

"How bad is it?" Brett was taking rapid shallow breaths.

"Screw it," Dax mumbled. He bit into his arm. He looked to Brett to see if he had any protests, but the younger boy nodded instead. Dax put his wrist into his mouth and Brett got some of the blood before Dax's arm healed. Quickly his wounds healed and he sat up, "You stay in here. You do not go near this thing. I don't give a shit whose life is in danger. You let someone else handle it. Got it?" Dax said sternly. Brett nodded as he panted, "And you, make sure he doesn't die, alright?"

"Yeah," Liam nodded.

"I'm going to go help, Scott," Dax said as he walked out.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!"


"I'm so sorry," Dax cried into his chest. His fist balled onto Brett's shirt as he held onto him for dear life. He didn't care that the only thing he could smell was Brett's blood, or that he was covered in it. The thought of drinking his blood repulsed Dax more than he could ever explain.

"It's not your fault, baby," Brett said softly as he hugged Dax's head. He pressed a soft kiss to the boy's head.

"But it is," Dax cried, "I should have known better."

"No, it's not. You saved me," Brett spoke softly, "Now stop telling yourself that and calm down. I'm okay."

Dax calmed down a bit and pulled away to look Brett in the eye. His puffy red eyes slowly blinked, "No, I didn't, and no, you're not."

"Don't worry about that right now," Brett said softly as he wiped away Dax's tears. Dax hugged Brett tightly. He knew Brett was right. They shouldn't worry about it at that moment. There was nothing anyone could do to change it. Brett had a choice to make, and there was an insane twelve-foot psychotic killer werewolf on the loose. Dax took a deep breath and nodded into Brett's chest. The couple slowly stood up together. Dax didn't leave Brett's arms though as he held on tightly to the younger boy.

Scott's face went from sympathetic and confused to focused as his eyes snapped to the door. He looked at Dax and tilted his head to the side as he tried to convey what he was thinking. Dax pushed through the scent of Brett's blood and immediately he knew what Scott was referring to. Dax nodded for Scott to go ahead. Scott gave a slow nod of confirmation. Scott marched out of the room with a purpose. Liam looked at Dax confused.

"You should follow him," Dax said weakly as he looked to Liam, "He might need it."

Liam looked around for a minute. It was obvious that he had a lot of questions, but he nodded, "Scott, wait!" Liam yelled as he ran out.

"What the hell is going on?" Stiles asked as he flailed around, "How is he alive?"

"I thought we were done with people dying and coming back to life," Hayden sighed.

"He didn't die, and he's not alive... He's in transition," Dax answered as his voice wavered. He sniffled slightly as he looked at his boyfriend.

"What does that mean?" Stiles asked, "Are we going to have another vampire running around Beacon Hills? Is he going to turn into some weird vampire-werewolf hybrid?"

"I don't know," Dax answered honestly as he looked up at Brett. Despite all of their important and deep talks, they had never talked about this. Mostly because Dax openly avoided the subject. He never wanted to think about Brett possibly one day becoming like himself or Alex. Brett was better than he was and he wanted to keep it that way.

Brett frowned slightly, "I don't know either."

Dax took a deep breath as he nodded to himself. Relief, grief, and disappointment washed through him like a hurricane. He wasn't sure which one he should be feeling. On one hand, he never wanted Brett to be like him. On another, he never wanted to watch him die. Brett seeming picked up on that and rubbed his arm softly. Anger flushed through Dax as he remembered.

"Who killed you?" Dax growled quietly.

"I don't know," Brett lied, "They got me from behind."

"Guys!" Liam yelled as he ran in. He panted, "The beast... it's Mason! Corey took him."


Brett was getting weaker, but with Mason missing, they hadn't had any time to talk about it. The entire pack was at Dax's house and they were trying to figure something out.

Scott was still injured, so he was lying on the other end of the couch. Kira was next to Scott on the arm of the couch. Brett was curled up in the middle of the couch with his head in Dax's lap. He had fallen asleep due to his diminished state. He was growing paler by the minute and the dark circles under his eyes were getting larger despite being asleep. Dax was worried about his boyfriend, but he was also glad that he was getting sleep. He did want to know if the boy was going to finish the transition, though. Stiles was pacing in front of the tv. Malia was stood to the side thinking. Liam was in the woods searching for Mason. Dax wanted to help Liam find Mason, but he couldn't bring himself to leave Brett's side. He wouldn't leave, not until Brett was either dead, or he had completed the transition. His best friend was missing, and his boyfriend was dying. He was more than conflicted. Thankfully, Brett's weakened state diminished his werewolf abilities, so the scents of anxiety and fear radiating off of Dax were not keeping him awake.

"I think we need to take tonight to heal," Stiles spoke up, "Scott can barely stand on his own, and look at Brett. He looks like he is dying."

"I... I think he is," Malia muttered as she frowned at him, "At least you smell like he is," Malia said as she looked at Dax.

"He will be dead by tomorrow night if he doesn't drink human blood," Dax struggled to speak as his voice cracked.

"And if he drinks human blood, he ends up like you?" Kira asked. Dax nodded as he looked down at Brett. He ran his fingers through the boy's hair.

"You guys can all stay here for tonight if you'd like," Dax's eyes didn't leave Brett as he spoke, "I have three extra bedrooms. I get it if you want to stay with your parents, though."

"I think I'm good right here," Scott said weakly as he closed his eyes.

"Boo," Dax muttered as he rubbed Brett's shoulder, "Come on, let's go upstairs," Brett looked up to him sleepily. He gave him a tired nod and slowly sat up. The two boys linked hands as they walked up the stairs.

Dax shut the door behind him. Brett and Dax sat down on the bed and stared at one another for a moment. Dax was terrified that this was one of the last times he was going to see Brett, so he had to burn every memory he could into his mind and then write them all down in journals just like his uncles, aunt, and mother had done over the course of their long lives.

"I love you," Brett said with a lazy but sad smile.

"I love you too."

"Are you okay?" Brett asked tiredly as he rubbed Dax's knuckles. Dax hated seeing how pale and weak Brett looked. If Dax didn't know better, he would think that Brett was one of the cancer kids that the Avengers were going to see because he would be dead by the end of the week, but the truth was almost worse.

"Am I okay?" Dax asked with a dry, humorless chuckle, "You're the one that needs to be asked that."

"I'm not doing too great," Brett answered honestly, "Now, are you okay?"

"Hell no, Brett," Dax sighed as he hugged Brett tightly. He put his nose into the younger boy's neck and breathed in his scent, "I don't want to lose you too," Tears rolled down Dax's cheeks as Brett rubbed his back gently. Dax tightened his hold on Brett as he pressed his nose further into the boy's neck.

"You won't," Brett said softly. Dax pulled away as he gave Brett a confused look. He had assumed the Buddhist werewolf wouldn't have wanted to become an immortal with the possibility of becoming a serial killer, "I want to be with you, baby. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Brett," Dax said softly as he looked for signs of regret in Brett's eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you about this for a while, but I know how scared you are of this."

"Damn straight. I'm freaking terrified of it," Dax said as he held onto Brett's hand, "You've seen me struggle, Brett... Becoming a vampire... It changed me, but not as much as it changed Alex... Alex went fucking insane after he transitioned. He became obsessed with me. He became controlling and overbearing, and then once we broke up, it got worse. He became a monster," Dax's voice cracked. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"I'm not Alex, Dax," Brett reminded him as he tightened his hold on Dax's hands, "I want this, and I want it with you."

"Are you sure? You can't take this kind of thing back..."

"I'm sure, baby, but I think we need to have a real conversation."

"Okay," Dax nodded as he waited for Brett to put his words together.

"Did you really kill Alex?"

Dax's eyes fell to the bed as he bit his lip, "I did," he answered quietly as he continued to stare at the bed, "I know... I know we're supposed to be better. I know I'm not supposed to kill people. I know it's wrong. I know the way I was raised is wrong.  I was just so angry and... and alone... And he had killed Bash... And I remember the boy he was," Tears rolled down Dax's cheeks as he tried to explain, "And I remember that the only reason he wanted to become a hybrid was so that he didn't have to turn anymore. I remember when he wouldn't kill the spider on the floor because it was a part of the beautiful Creation we get to call home. And then I killed Jack, and he killed his brother and shit hit the fan, and he... he turned into... he turned into a monster... like me," Tears continued flowing as Dax stared at the bed remembering the boy he once loved.

Brett's index finger pulled Dax's chin up so that he was looking Brett in the eye. Brett used his other hand to wipe Dax's tears. Not that it was doing much since Dax was still crying, "You are not a monster Daxton Kol Johnson Mikaelson. Nothing, and I mean nothing could change the way I think of you... But there is something you should know..." Dax tilted his head to the side, "Alex is alive."

Dax's mouth fell open slightly as his eyes widened, "How- How do you... How do you know that know that?"

Brett licked his lips as a guilty expression took over, "He killed me," Dax's shock quickly turned to anger as his eyes flashed bright yellow. Brett cupped Dax's cheeks, "No," He said softly as he looked into the older boy's eyes, "We're not going to repeat past mistakes."

"I'm no longer certain that it was a mistake," Dax growled.

"Stay with me. Don't go after him," Brett said as his thumb rubbed Dax's cheek, "Remember, your weak boyfriend that is in transition?"

Dax took a deep breath and calmed himself. His eyes faded back to their natural blue. He would return to the Alex topic later. For the moment, his boyfriend needed him, "Are you absolutely sure that you want this?"

Brett nodded. He bit his lips as Dax could see the gears of thought turning in his head, "What's going to happen after I complete the transition? Will I keep my werewolf abilities?"

"I'm not going to lie. It's going to feel amazing and horrible at the same time. Your emotions will become so intense that you might not know how to handle them at first, but you'll also feel a lot stronger and the good emotions will feel so amazing that you'll feel like you're flying," Dax explained, "But, you'll also feel a new hunger deeper than you've ever felt before. You won't be able to be around humans alone for a while, or else you might hurt someone... As for your abilities, you should. I mean, witches lose their powers, but that is because their nature servant and nature doesn't like vampires. You're an off-brand werewolf, so you shouldn't lose anything."

Brett took a deep breath, "I'm ready," He nodded.

Dax held eye contact with him to look for signs of doubt, but he gave up after a moment. He could tell Brett wanted it. He bit into his arm and held it out for Brett to take. Brett did so eagerly just like Dax figured he would. He knew the younger boy was most likely starving. Brett's teeth sank into Dax's arm as he drank the older boy's blood. Brett grabbed Dax's arm and held it tightly. Dax's eyes shut as his forehead rested on Brett's shoulder, and his nose pressed into the younger boy's neck. Dax panted as Brett continued to suck the blood from his arm. 

Brett pulled away. He licked the blood from his teeth and lips as he looked at the unraveled state of his boyfriend, "Are you alright?" Dax nodded as his arms circled around Brett's waist. He didn't make an effort to move from his spot as he snuggled closer to Brett.

"Baby?" Dax hummed quietly, "I'm really hungry," Dax groaned as he burrowed further into Brett. He took a moment of breathing in his scent before using his vampire speed to get a blood bag from his fridge and then back to his room. He returned to the same spot he was in before he left as he handed Brett the blood bag. He made sure to hand him the tube first so that he would use that as a straw. Brett took it and stared at it for a moment before giving in to his instincts and drinking it.

"That won't feel like it's enough, but it is," Dax said quietly as he wrapped his legs around Brett's waist as well as his arms.


To explaaaain, Brett drank Dax's blood to complete his transition because he is like the vampire-werewolf hybrids in TVD.

Also since blood sharing is an intimate thing in the books (that I never read or owned), and it's mentioned in the show, I figured the same should be true when it isn't life and death in my books.

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