His Double Life

By sillywriterxx

150K 1.8K 188

"Arms up." He demands. His voice is harsh, yet soothing. I can't help but find his dominance intriguing. I d... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 23
Part 24

Part 22

2.4K 38 3
By sillywriterxx

I wake up to Neal kissing my neck. I giggle and stretch, making him lean back and smile at me.

"You snore in your sleep." He says.

"You're such a liar!" I shove him playful. "I'm quiet and peaceful in my sleep." he pulls me on top of him by my hips, capturing my lips the second he can.

"I love you. Things are going to be okay now." He whispers as our foreheads rest against each other's.

"I hope you're right. Would if Rebecca tries to take everything from you? Or she tries to hurt you or something?"

"She might, I just am not very sure. She knew about my affair for a long time but didn't say a word. Makes me think she's either too in love to make it known at all anything happened, or she's waiting for the right time."

"Is there ever a right time to hurt someone?" I ask.

"Not really, but she easily would."

"Ive been meaning to tell you.. I applied at Johnson and Maree." His jaw drops. "I needed somewhere else to work when I was sure things here were falling apart, and they want to meet me. They are the second best journalism company to be at and-"

"Second. My company being the first. Why even consider leaving? We are together now."

"Neal please don't take it personally.. But in reality it might be better if I didn't work with you. It would look like I was just with you to get higher up in the business. I want my job to be professional and feel that way too. No bullshit drama." I say, standing my ground.

"If that's what you want... Guess I can't stop you. But someday, when I marry you, my company will be yours as well."

"That's intense, but exciting."

"Johnson is a prick of a man. And so is Maree. They built their company off of another and have copied multiple other journalism companies methods-"

"Neal. Let me figure it all out on my own. If there are red flags i'll find them and deal with it."

"Fine. But they can suck my dick."

"Or I can?" His face softens and he smirks, positioning his body so he's laying on his back.

"I think i'd enjoy that."

A few hours later, I make my way to the coffee shop where my meeting is with Johnson and Maree. They are both extremely talented writers and are pretty young like Neal is.

"Jess!" I hear a voice say. I spin around and see just the man I was looking for. Mr Henry Johnson, looking better than I care to admit, and a sparking perfect smile.

"I'm assuming you're on your way to our meeting?" He catches up to me and his eyes pierce into mine. The attraction I have for him is alarming - but I push it aside.

"Yessir! I was hoping to be there before either of you."

"I'm always very early, because I do that too. Wow this might be a problem!"

We laugh and keep walking until we reach starbucks. I was shocked Maree told me to be here, and not somewhere more fancy, but I'd never complain.

"Here," Henry opens the door for me. I thank him and walk inside, finding a table by the window to sit at. I set my things down and go order my coffee.

Once I have my coffee I go sit at the table, nerves starting to attack me.

"So..." Henry sits across from me; coffee in hand. "Why go from working for Neal Greyson, to our company?"

"I want to work somewhere I personally find more unique. I feel like everyone wants to work for Greyson, and I've never really been just like everybody else." He smirks, probably knowing i'm lying. "Look, Greyson is a great company. Number one in the state. But I think Johnson and Maree had serious potential to steal that number one spot. Just need more people like me on your team."

"That answer alone makes we want to hire you." I laugh, hating feeling like i'm bashing Neal.

"Sorry i'm late. Traffic is a cunt." Maree walks in, a fuzzy scarf off, and custom made starbucks cup with his name on it in hand.

"You're thirsty minutes early. No worries what's so ever," I say with a smile.

"Oh to me darling, that's late. If i'm not here before other people I consider it late."

A barista comes over and hands Maree a large drink.

"Thank you babes." He sits down and pours the drink into his mug. It's hard to not giggle at him. Him alone makes me excited to work for them.

"Anyways! Let's get started." He turns towards me and puts on his serious face. "Do you like to salsa?" I chuckle.

"I suppose so."

"Next question. Do you enjoy sappy romance movies?"

"Very much," I take a sip of my coffee and keep eye contact with him, confused by his questions.

"Youre hired."

I nearly spit out my coffee. "Are you joking?"

"No. If you like the sappy movies we will get along great, and I need an assistant who is willing to watch movies with me and not think it's weird."

"I'm your gal if that's the case."

"Will there ever be a serious interview that we have?" Henry asks.

"Oh never. We are not serious and boring at Johnson and Maree. We are hard workers with humor!"

"I assure you, we are professionally our company but we always mix some humor and fun in there. That's what's got us at least to second..."

"I actually love that." I admit.

"When can you start?" Maree asks.

"Literally right now if you wanted."

"Okay great. How about we just get you a tour of where you'll be working and have you start monday? I still have to fire my current assistant."

"Maree! You haven't done that yet?"

"Not yet. Her dog died so she was crying and ugh, it was a mess. So I figured i'd do it a different day to be a little thoughtful."

I think i'll love it there. And Neal is going to hate that fact.

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