The Alpha and the Rookie

By PlanetGinger

34.4K 537 31

Mackenna used to be just an ordinary girl until, very recently, she became a werewolf. Being a werewolf isn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 4

2K 33 1
By PlanetGinger

First thing the next morning, I called Aidan. It felt a little weird asking him to come over and hang out, considering that he was the Alpha and everything. He has more power over me then my own mother.

"Sure, I'm not doing anything today, surprisingly." He chuckled. Even though we were just talking on the phone, I could feel that he felt a little awkward too. "So, what time do you want me to come over? Or does it really matter?" He asked. I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. "Whenever I guess. How fast can you get here?" Right when it came out of my mouth I knew it was a stupid question. Werewolf, duh. I heard him scoff. "Please, I can be over there in...oh, give me thirty seconds."

There was a loud bang on the other end of the phone line. Like it fell and hit the floor or something. "Uh, Aidan? Are you there?" I asked into the phone. No answer. "Aidan?! Hello!?" I yelled. "Hey." I heard a familiar voice behind me and then a chuckle. I spun around and there stood Aidan. He wore a pair of black shorts and I could see his boxer line right above his shorts. He was bare foot and shirtless also. "Oh...that was fast." I laughed a little uncomfortably. He shrugged. "That's sort of my specialty now." He smiled, but it was a smile I've never seen from him before. It was a little...well crooked I guess. Almost uncomfortable, but not quite there.

I suddenly felt breathless. Which was a little strange for me because I've never felt this way before. It felt like a was riding a fluffy cloud and I could practically walk on air. "Yeah, I know the feeling." Unconsciously I took a step forward. Aidan did too.

"So, what do you want to do today? We could play on the Xbox, the wii, we could jump on the trampoline, we could...I don't know. Pretty much do anything." I shrugged. Suddenly, I had to look up just to see his face because we were so close to each other. But, for some reason, it wasn't uncomfortable. At least for me it wasn't, Aidan's emotions were too mixed up to make out what he was feeling. He shrugged back. "What ever you want to do. I'm up for anything. Literally, I never get any free time so I'm up for anything." Oh how I hated it when people would do this to me. Never make up their mind and I had to decide on what to do. I breathed out and my extra hair that fell in front of my face blew to the side.

"Can you please just pick? I don't like making decisions." I finally said. He raised an eyebrow, seeming surprised, which I really couldn't figure out what was so surprising. Then he laughed. "Okay, well I've never really gotten to play an Xbox before. We could check that out." My eyes widened. "What? Why do you look so...shocked?" He asked, confused. "You've never played an Xbox before?" I asked in disbelief. He shook his head. "Nope. And I wanna learn. People say it's fun. I just...don't know how fun. It's not like I have all this free time, remember?" I laughed. "Oh, yeah. You just seem so relatable for someone who really hasn't had that much...experience with all this stuff. Like...the world." I struggled with my wording, wanting not to make it weird or anything. "Well, I wouldn't go that far. I do know way more than most people give me credit for. Believe it or not, I was a teenager before."

"You still are." I replied. He looked shocked. Maybe I answered that question a little too fast. "Says who?" He challenged, taking another step forward. "Says me." I said, then took a step forward too. We were now inches away from each other. "Then it must be official." He smiled that same crooked smile that was slowly getting cuter every time he showed it. I could feel his warm breath across my face. His lips mouthed the words so perfectly that I was about ready to puke. Not that he made me nauseous, it's that he looked so perfect and I probably looked so plain compared to him.

My straight, a little below shoulder length, jet black hair wasn't that impressive. Unlike all the other werewolves, I didn't have very tan skin. I didn't have pale skin, but not really tan either. I was wearing a cute, white spaghetti strap shirt with little white flowers all over it. Then, I had a skirt on that had a thick black strip across the top that was almost like a belt, and the rest of the skirt was white with black polka dots on it. Not the best matching outfit in the world, but I really didn't mind. I don't think Aidan did either. Well, at least I hope he didn't.

"Okay, well let's get playing that Xbox." I finally said. "Yeah, okay." Aidan willingly agreed. We started to run up the stairs when I ran into my brother on the way up. "Get out of my way punk." Bud snapped when I wouldn't move. "Hey, maybe you should move." Aidan snapped back. I felt a little smile spread across my face. I knew Bud was just being a dick head, but I liked the way Aidan was protecting me. It was sweet.

"Okay dude, chill out." Bud rolled his eyes and started to walk by. He stopped by me. "Who's he?" He whispered in my ear. "Oh, I need to introduce you. Bud this is Aidan. The Alpha wolf." I tried to emphasize Alpha as much as I could.

Bud finally realized what I meant. He didn't really mind this whole 'wolf' thing, but he would always forget about it. "Oh, I see. Hey, how's my little sis doing with the whole wolf thing? Horrible I'm guessing." Bud laughed. Aidan didn't think it was so humorous. "No, you're sister is doing amazing. She has lots more self-control than most people do when they're beginners. And your brother isn't doing so bad either, if you're at all concerned about him. You know, it wouldn't be so bad to acknowledge him every once and a while instead of picking on your sister all the time or partying at colleges." Aidan finished. I couldn't help but feel a bit contented when Aidan said that to my brother. Evan and I have been holding those emotions and thoughts back for so long that it was good to get it out in the open like that. The only thing is, I doubt that Bud will actually take any of that to heart. He'll just think that Aidan's eccentric.

Bud looked shocked, then his face turned to puzzled. "Okay...well I have to go. We have a big football game tonight. I play quarterback, of course." Bud bragged. I just rolled my eyes. He probably didn't hear a word Aidan said. Oh well. Then, Bud continued down the flight of stairs and flew out the door, grabbing his car keys on the way.

I sighed. "Ugh...sorry about my brother. He's retarded." Aidan laughed. "No, it's all good. I just didn't like the vibes I was getting from him. He must be extremely annoying." I rolled my eyes. He has no idea...not only is Bud annoying, but he's also extremely immature. "Oh, you don't even know the half of it."

"Actually I do, I know every emotion he's ever made you feel."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I always forget."

We started walking to the game room upstairs when Aidan stopped suddenly. I turned around and looked into Aidan's smiling eyes. His big brown eyes looked straight into mine, stopping the earth's rotation for a moment, and then speeding it up again, making me a little dizzy. "What?" I forced out. Aidan's crooked smile returned to his face. "Would you go to with me? The football game?" I was speechless.

Pull yourself together Mackenna. He didn't ask you out on a date, he asked you to go to a game with him. "Yeah, sure. And I wouldn't mind seeing my brother play either." I decided I better make it seem like I wanted to go, not just because of him, but for other reasons too. "Cool. Okay, now let's get going with that Xbox." He chuckled.

We played on the Xbox for a few hours. It actually was quit entertaining watching Aidan struggle with all the controls. Especially when we started playing Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Whenever he would tense up when he was dieing, I would always be about to bust out laughing with the serious that hit his face. His forehead would scrunch up and he'd bite his lip so hard I thought it was going to fall off at one point.

"Okay. Let's do something else." Aidan finally surrendered when he died for the twentieth time, or probably even more. I sighed and grabbed his controller out of his hand. "Fine. Since you're not man enough to beat me..." I shrugged, knowing that would spark his interest. He rolled his eyes. "It's not that. It's just, video games aren't my...well, specialty." Turning off the Xbox and putting away the controllers, I turned to look at Aidan.

I've never seen him like this before. So defeated. So innocent. So...human. I've never actually gotten to see him acting human. He almost looked like one of those young little boys that just got told no for the first time. Pouting almost, yet really naïve. "Okay...then what's your specialty?" He stretched and leaned back farther on my bed, resting his feet on the coffee table. Let's say, since my dad died we aren't hurting for money.

"Well...I'd say wolf stuff. But I doubt you'd want to take on my skills on that subject." He said smugly. My mouth fell open and a little bit of a scoff came out. "What?" Aidan smirked. "How dare you doubt my skills!" All Aidan did was shrug. "Don't sound so shocked, your highness." He mocked. "But I don't think that a mere werewolf could beat the alpha at anything." He challenged. Oh he was so asking for it.

Something stubborn about me, I am super competitive. Competitiveness is something I definitely got from my dad. We would always play games when I was younger and I guess I picked up on some of his...techniques in playing. Also how he handles loosing.

"Bring it on! You name it and I'll beat you." He chuckled. "We'll just see about that."

The rest of the day was pretty much us experimenting with everything to do with werewolves. Running, jumping, eating, everything.

"So, now what?" Aidan asked, coming out from the laundry room, probably putting a pair of clothes on considering we just phased back into a human. "Well, the game starts pretty soon." I suggested. He pondered this for a moment.

"Okay, well we could go out to get a bite to eat, if you want?" Now I pondered this. But not because I didn't absolutely want to go, it was that I didn't know if I should go. When we were in wolf form, there were a few other wolves in wolf form. Since they all had a direct line to both our thoughts, they could tell we were hanging out. I made sure to keep some of my thoughts secret though. Mostly the ones where I thought about Aidan in a way I never have before. In an almost...loving and caring way.

"Mackenna?" Aidan asked. I didn't even notice that I got super lost in my thoughts. How long have I been standing here, not responding? "Hm? Oh! Sorry, I got a little...lost in my thoughts. Uh, sure! Yeah, let's go. Where to?" I spit out probably a little quicker than I should have.

"Oh, uh...okay. We could go to Club Rezzere." I raised an eyebrow. Club Rezzere was the most expensive and popular place for people our age. Popular for dates, mostly. Or parties. What would everyone think when I showed up with Aidan? My friends wouldn't care, actually they'd probably get the wrong idea and hope that I was dating Aidan. He was beyond attractive and super sweet. But how could that be possible? Me with the Alpha? That's what I was more thinking about. What if one of the wolves are there? News travels fast.

"Sure. That sounds...great." I stuttered. "Cool, I'm guessing you want to drive there, right?" He asked. Hesitantly, I nodded back. I'll probably end up regretting this. "Yeah, you can use my car." My eyes flickered to my keys on the coffee table. "Okay. So, you ready?" He followed my gaze and picked up my keys.

When I realized I was just wearing a skimpy pair of short shorts and a tank top probably two sizes too small, I shook my head. "I better change. Doubt you wanna show up to Club Rezzere with someone dressed like this." I motioned toward my outfit. He chuckled as his eyes swiftly swept my body twice. "Okay." He said, biting his lip. A little suspicious, I walked upstairs and changed into a pink mini skirt and put on a pair of leggings under them. Then put on a blue blouse with a whit undershirt, since the top was pretty low.

I ran back downstairs to see that Aidan had changed too. He was now wearing a pair of jean shorts that were cut on the bottom and a black muscle shirt, which really showed off his six pack abs.

A smile spread across Aidan's face as I walked down the stairs. "Hot." I heard him mutter under his breath. "Thanks, you are too." I said without hesitation. He looked at me a little surprised. Then I noticed I actually said that out loud. "'re ready?" Aidan quickly changed the subject. "Yeah, let's go." I replied back in relief. On the way out the door I grabbed my purse, not knowing if I even had enough money, and followed Aidan out to the car.

"Madam?" He slid between me and the door and swiftly opened it. "Thank you." I nodded. He flashed a smile and glided to the drivers side.

At first it was absolutely silent. I could hear a faint ringing in my ear and finally I couldn't take it anymore. My fingers found the AM/FM Radio button and turned it on. It was about halfway through the song No Love by Eminem and Lil Wayne.

"So, you like Eminem?" Aidan finally broke the silence between us. He sounded almost surprised, but yet like he expected it. "Yeah. He's like my favorite artist." He nodded understandingly. "I thought so." Squinting through the darkness of the car, I finally found his eyes. Hooked on the road, concentrating, but also deep in though and considerate.

"Why? How'd you know?" I asked. His eyes smiled in the bit of light in the car. He shrugged smugly. I know Aidan was good at reading people, but I didn't think he was that good. Good enough to know my favorite artist by barely listening to him.

"Because he sings about real stuff. Very emotional and deep stuff. Kind of like you. Real, deep, but strong." My eyes found their way to the floor, even though his made their way to mine. How could I make eye contact with him when he was being so sweet. Was this right? Being the alpha and all.

There was just one word that I managed to say. "Oh." Anything else would have been...not right. Not appropriate for the mood right now.

He still stared at me, smiling, and I continued to stare at the ground. When I knew it was safe to look up, I felt disappointed. I liked the feeling of him looking at me. The feeling of his eyes on me. Sweeping my body once or twice.

We pulled into the parking lot of Club Rezzere and my stomach flipped. This would be interesting.

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