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By squirtle1313

14.9K 372 49

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912 26 2
By squirtle1313




"I want your help," Stiles said as he marched up to Dax, "I don't know you, but I trust you. I may not know why, but I need help."

"Can't we do it later?" Dax asked, "I have AP Chem in like five minutes."

"No, now come along you little runt," Stiles said as he grabbed Dax's wrist and dragged him to his car.

"What's a criminal tremor?" Liam asked as he climbed into the back of Stiles' jeep. He was holding a bright green sheet of paper up.

"Doesn't matter," Stiles muttered as he put the jeep in reverse and floored it sending both Liam and Dax towards the windshield.


Stiles, Dax, and Liam watched as Theo opened his car trunk. He pulled something out of it. It looked like it was wrapped in a paper bag. He then shut his car trunk and glanced around as if he felt he was being watched.

"I told you he was up to something," Stiles muttered as they watched Theo.

"We spent three hours watching this dude playing video games in his bedroom. He better be out here covering up a mass murder," Liam sighed.

"Or at least a homicide and drugs," Dax sighed.

"Let's find out," Stiles said as he walked out from behind the bushed they were hidden in. Liam and Dax ended up ahead of Stiles as he tripped climbing out from behind the bush, "You still got his scent?" Stiles asked as he caught up to the two of them.

"Yes," Dax answered at the same time Liam answered with, "Don't need it," Liam looked at Dax confused for a second before looking back down to the footprint in the mud. Liam stopped walking. Dax and Stiles turned around.

"What? What's wrong?" Stiles asked as he stepped up to him.

Liam frowned a bit, "I forgot... I was supposed to meet Mason at the school gym."

"Okay, why didn't you just tell him?" Dax asked slightly confused.

"Tell him what?" Liam asked.

"Anything," Stiles answered.

"Well, I can't just tell him anything," Liam responded.

"Why not?" Stiles asked with a loud whisper-yell.

"'Cuz," Liam's arms hit his sides as they swung down, "I haven't told him everything."

"Still?" Dax asked as he tilted his head to the side. He and Liam had told Mason about Dax being a tribrid, but that was it, and with Malivore being a thing, Mason didn't even remember that.

"We told you it was okay," Stiles said slightly confused as he ignored Dax's comment.

"Yeah, I know, but it's not that easy it-it..." Liam huffed at a loss for words, "It's a lot to accept."

"He watched my dad blow up a Berserker with a land mine," Stiles answered slightly confused, "Okay, I think the groundwork has been pretty thoroughly laid for acceptance. Scott and I, we've been through this. Okay? More than once... It-it's just always better when they know."

"I can confirm that when they truly are an ally, they should know. Keeps them safer since they aren't going out every full moon to see if a Nagual is real," Dax shrugged.

"How do you know about that?" Liam asked as he turned to Dax.

"HEard him talking about it before class," Dax shrugged. Liam gave him a skeptical glance.

"But what if he freaks out?" Liam asked loudly as Stiles and Dax began to walk away, "What if he doesn't want to talk to me? What if he tries to stab me something silver? What if-!" Liam was abruptly cut off by the sound of branches snapping and a thud.

Stiles and Dax whipped around to see the beta in a hole. They made eye contact for a second before walking over and looking in the whole. Liam was in the bottom dusting himself off, "The hell are you doing?" Stiles asked slightly annoyed. Liam looked up to Stiles and gave him a shrug, "I swear-" Stiles cut himself off as he looked over to the side, "There he is," Stiles whispered, "Hurry up. Stop screwing around!" Stiles said quickly before running off.

 Liam grabbed his phone and pushed the mud off of it. It lit up and he stared at it guiltily, "You staying down there all day?" Dax asked. Liam glared up at him as he turned on his flashlight. He spotted something at the bottom of the hole, "For real, Liam, I'm not extending my arm all night," Dax sighed. Liam rolled his eyes before taking Dax's hand. Dax pulled Liam out of the hole and onto his feet.

"What are you again?"

"It's not exactly easy to explain," Dax answered. The two boys walked over to where Stiles was. He was behind a branch. Dax looked between the two of them to see Theo stood at the bridge.

"Try to get his scent," Stiles said as he nodded towards Theo, "Get anything?"

"Soap... It's nice... It smells good," Liam shrugged.

"Not his soap, his emotional state! Chemosignals remember?" Stiles whispered loudly.

"Oh yeah, okay," Liam nodded before looking at Theo again, "He's sad."

"Sad?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah, not just sad. It's more like... grief," Liam corrected himself.

"Grief?" Stiles muttered as they stared at him. Theo lifted a flower from the bag-like thing he had taken from his car. He dropped the flower into the river, "Oh my god! Go, we have to go," Stiles said quietly as he began pushing Dax and Liam.

"What?" Dax muttered.

"Why?" Liam asked.

"Go, right now, just go!" Stiles ushered. Ince they started walking Stiles spoke up again, "That's the bridge where they found his sister."

"What sister?" Dax questioned.

"The one who got lost and died from exposure. He's leaving a flower for her," Stiles explained as he moved his hands as they walked.

"Well that doesn't sound evil," Liam said. Dax stopped walking as he spotted Theo in the tree.

"I know," Stiles sighed.

"Uh, guys," Dax put his hand in front of Liam and Stiles stopping them from walking. He pointed up to the tree. The two boys looked up in time for Theo to jump down. Dax rolled his eyes at the dramatics.

"What are you guys doing?" Theo asked as he walked up. Liam growled stepping in front of Stiles, and Dax stepped in front of Liam with a small growl, "Woah, why do I get the feeling these kids are tougher than they look?" Theo asked as he raised his hands in defense.

"Only when we let them off their leash," Stiles said as he tried to get the two to calm down. Dax did calm down but stayed in front of Liam.

"Stiles, we were in little league together. Why are you so suspicious of me?" Theo asked. Stiles looked around for a moment unsure of how to answer.

"Maybe because not everyone comes forward about their true intentions," Dax said with a slight growl.

"Chill, Dax," Stiles sighed before handing Theo something, "Because of these," Theo took the papers and unfolded them, "One's a speeding ticket signed by your dad eight years ago, and the other one's a signature on a transfer form to Beacon High, they're different," Stiles explained.

Theo hummed, "Yeah, they do look a little different," Theo looked up to Stiles.

"No, they're totally different. Signed by two different people," Stiles tried.

"Look, Stiles, I'm all one for starting a fight, but not this late at night in the middle of nowhere, come on," Dax tried.

"So, my dad's not my dad? Like he's an imposter?" Theo asked.

"Something like that," Liam said. Liam was now relaxed slightly and standing next to Stiles, but Dax was still ever so slightly in front of Liam.

Theo sighed and folded the piece of paper back up, "Who do you think I am?"

"We don't know yet," Stiles answered honestly.

"Want me to give you a DNA sample or something?" Theo asked.

"No, I don't have anything from the fourth grade to match it to," Stiles sighed.

Theo seemed slightly hurt by that comment and looked down to the papers in his hands, "You know, Stiles, I came back here for Scott, but I also came back for you," Stiles narrowed his eyes at Theo, "Someone like you... Someone whose willing to walk into the woods in the middle of the night to protect his friends... I don't have anyone like that. Scott does. You all do," Theo said as he looked to Dax and Liam. Dax bit his lip as he thought about how he did have someone like that, "I know I'm in the right place. I'm meant to be here. I'm meant to be a part of this pack."


Stiles, Dax, and Liam walked up to the jeep to see Scott, "Find anything?" The Alpha raised his brows as he asked.

"Nope," Stiles said as he continued getting into his jeep.

"I fell in a whole," Liam offered with an awkward laugh. Dax patted him on the back.

"It was the bridge where his sister died, wasn't it?" Scott asked.

"Yes, it was. Very embarrassing, so we're gonna leave now," Stiles said as he cranked the jeep, but it stalled. Stiles sighed, "Son of a..." Stiles muttered as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Liam, do me a favor. Get in the car, and turn the ignition when I say," Stiles said as he got out of the jeep. Liam climbed into the jeep. Dax walked up behind Stiles and peeked into the hood to see the parts of the car covered in duct tape. Dax looked over to Scott who shrugged.

"Stiles," Scott tried.

"Give me a minute," Stiles said as he screwed something into place, "Try it now!" Liam tried to start the jeep but it stalled again.

"Stiles," Scott said again.

Stiles's head shot up, "Yes, okay! We followed him out here. What do you want me to say that I'm a stalker, huh? That I'm crazy? Totally paranoid? None of this is new information!" Stiles reminded Scott before he trying to screw in another thing in his car.

"You're going to take this guy out on the stalking mission," Scott gestured to Dax, "But you won't give Theo the benefit of the doubt?"

"I give people the benefit of the doubt. I've given a lot of benefit to a lot of people," Stiles snapped before going back to working on his jeep.

"Like Derek," at the mention of the name Stiles sighed and began screwing the lid on harder in the car, "Kira, Liam..."

"I was right about Peter... Try it again!" Again, the car stalled when started. Stiles looked ready to hit something, "You know, I bet you still think that there is something about him that can be saved," Stiles said as his arm flung in the direction of Scott.

"Maybe," Scott nodded. Dax looked at Scott like he had lost his mind. Stiles his the jeep and began working on it again.

"Try it again!" But again, it stalled.

"Why can't you trust anyone?"

"Because you trust everyone!" Stiles yelled before hitting the car with much force. He bit his lip as he looked away from Scott and Dax.

"You alright?" Dax asked.

"I'm fine," Stiles said.

"You could have broken it," Scott said.

"It's not broken."

"Let me see it."

"I'm fine."

"Let me see it," Scott repeated. Stiles hesitantly reached out his injured hand. Scott gently laid his hand on top of Stiles and veins on his arms turned black. Dax looked down at the arms and was startled. He wasn't sure what was happening. Stiles seemed equally as confused.

Scott removed his hands. Stiles moved his hand around wiggling it to show how shocked he was that it was fine. He gave Scott a silent thankyou. Dax leaned into the car and twisted the thing Stiles had been twisting in the opposite direction, "Try it now Liam!" That time, it started.


"Why does Stiles trust you?" Liam asked.

"Because I showed Scott something," Dax answered

"Like what?" Liam crossed his arms.

"Why the hell not," Dax muttered before grabbing Liam by the back of the head.


"It's broken isn't it?" Liam sighed as he stared at his foot.

"It's definitely going to need an x-ray," The doctor shrugged slightly.

"It's broken and it's my fault," Liam brought his hands together and squeezed them.

"They're just insecure assholes, Liam," Dax sighed as he leaned against the wall.

"Either of you wanna tell me what happened?" the doctor tried to look Liam in the eye, but Liam continued to stare at his lap.

"I went up against two juniors," Liam said as he finally looked up, "One of them is captain of the team."

"They were cocky asses who needed to be brought down a peg," Dax corrected him, "Who cares if he's the captain?"

"Liam, remember what we always say. Play smart, not hard," The doctor placed a hand on Liam's shoulder. Dax tilted his head to the side quizzically.

"You mad at me?" Liam asked. Dax could tell that he was slightly afraid of the older male's opinion. Then Dax put it together. Liam mentioned a stepfather and that must be him. If the doctor wasn't his stepdad, he had one creepy doctor, Dax decided.

"No, of course not... Your mom may get mad at me for getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should both wait for the x-ray before we panic. Trust me, I have more reason to panic than you," Liam and the doctor smiled at each other, "It's not over yet... Wait for the x-ray," He assured Liam as he walked out.

"That's my uh," Liam went to explain, but Dax spoke up.

"Stepdad?" Dax looked up from the foot of the bed he had been staring at previously. Liam gave him a dazed look of confusion, "I know the way dads look at their kids and vice versa. He cares about you a lot Liam.

The room fell silent after that.


Dax was supposed to be talking to Liam, but instead, he was staring at Brett who was across the field. The distracting part was that he was getting dressed on the field. No matter how pissed he was, the boy had some abs, and that was his first time seeing them. It wasn't his fault he was staring.

"I don't care if he's a foot taller than me... I think I can take him," Liam nodded to himself.

"Yeah," Mason nodded as he put his attention on Liam for a moment before his eyes drifted back to Brett.

Liam looked at Brett before looking back at his two friends, "What do you guys think you're doing?" Liam asked as he licked his lips and looked at them as if they had lost their minds.

"What, me? I'm just... I'm agreeing with you... I'm being agreeable." Mason nodded, but he wasn't very convincing as his eyes landed on Brett again as he fixed his gear.

"You think he's hot don't you?"

"Hell yeah," Dax answered without removing his gaze from Brett. He tilted his head slightly as he saw the boy smirk.

"No! No... Not at all. No way!" Mason assured before looking back at Brett, "Maybe... Yeah maybe a little," Mason said as he began nodding.

"He wants to destroy me," Liam looked at the two boys like they had lost their minds.

"I think you could definitely take him," Mason assured Liam, "And then give him to me."

"Nope, he's mine, stripes," Dax said as he looked down at Mason's striped jacket.

Liam and Mason chuckled. Dax's eyes drifted back to Brett as the boy let out a chuckle. Dax tilted his head quizzically. The boy wasn't talking to anyone.

"Just go out there and kick their smug Prep school asses, guys," Mason said before he walked off of the field.


"Are you okay?" Mason asked.

Dax watched as Liam seemed to argue with himself for a minute before closing his eyes in defeat and shaking his head, "Yeah, you're right. You should go," Liam looked back up to Mason, "I should probably study too."

Mason stood in the doorway unsure of what to do. Dax and Mason began to make gestures at each other, not knowing what to do. Liam stared at his remote, "See you at school," Liam said.

Mason made a few more gestures to Dax before leaving. Dax climbed down from the bed and sat next to Liam without a sound, "Are you alright, man?"

Dax watched as Liam pressed his lips together and looked around at things on the floor, "I... I'm okay."

"Really? 'Cause I'm not, and I've been doing this for as long as I can remember."

"I said I'm fine, Dax."


"We know something's going on," Mason said as he threw the game onto Liam's bed.

"And we know you don't want to talk about it," Dax added.

"But, you're still our best friend," Mason said as he and Dax sat down on either side of Liam, "And, um, considering the fact that the last good friend I made turned out to be a professional killer and Dax pissed off all of the Juniors, I'm thinking we don't have many options for new ones."

"Speak for yourself, Mason. The Juniors love me," Dax said as he pretended to toss hair over his shoulder. The three boys laughed.

"Alright, maybe he has other options."

"I don't want the other options," Dax said as he patted Liam on the back, "So when you're ready to talk..."

"Talk. And until then, I know I can kick your asses at least one of these games," Mason said as he looked over to Liam.

Liam grabbed one of the games from the bed, "Never played this one," He smiled at Mason.


Dax blinked away his tears at the thought of Brett, "How come I don't remember you being there for any of that?" Liam asked.

"Because it was taken from your memory," Dax said as he struggled to keep his voice level.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really," Dax sighed shakily as he wiped his eyes. He bit his lip before taking a deep breath, "I've been forgotten by everyone around me, Liam. And I'm beginning to think that there isn't a way to get anyone's memories back."

"I... uh... I'm sorry I don't remember."

"It's my own damn fault," Dax sighed knowing he wouldn't have done it differently even knowing the consequences. He would much rather be forgotten than Hope. Dax took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, "Bright side, no deadly assassins coming after me," Dax forced a smile.


Just because I am asking, does not mean it is going to happen, but, should Brett become some awesome/freaky supernatural hybrid? If so when?

Just curious if that's something that is wanted because I'm not 100 percent sold on the decision I am making.

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