The Billionaire's Extraordina...

By island_rose

3.7M 131K 18.4K

No one deserves to be stuck in a complicated love triangle with their arranged husband and his girlfriend, es... More

Chapter 1: Black Sheep Of The Family
Chapter 2: An Unwelcome Change
Chapter 3: Meeting The Billionaire and His Girlfriend
Chapter 4: Life's A Mess
Chapter 5: The Wedding Reception
Chapter 6: Sleeping Beauty And Prince Charming
Chapter 7: Prince Charming Or Bipolar Beast?
Chapter 8: Solo Beach Picnic
Chapter 9: Unplanned Laughs, Wishes and Memories
Chapter 10: Deep Blue Underworld
Chapter 11: Tears He Doesn't Deserve
Chapter 12: The One Who Cares
Chapter 13: Nick, Hugs, Surprises and Plans
Chapter 14: Catching Feelings
Chapter 15: Broken Promises
Chapter 16: Undecided
Chapter 17: An Arguementative Liberty
Chapter 18: A Taste Of His Own Medicine
Chapter 19: Husband and Wife Secrets
Chapter 20: Finding Common Ground
Chapter 21: The Special Friendzone
Chapter 22: Memory Imprints
Chapter 23: Insecurities
Chapter 24: Untamed
Chapter 25: The Unforseen
Chapter 26: The Innocent Victims
Chapter 27: Mom Knows Best
Chapter 28: Gambling With My Life
Chapter 29: Blazing Sting
Chapter 30: Losing All Sanity
Chapter 31: Opportunities Unleashed
Chapter 32: Saving Grace
Chapter 33: A Passion For Escape
Chapter 34: Bittersweet Reunion
Chapter 35: Steamy And Unforgettable
Chapter 36: Sizzling Sensations
Chapter 37: Sweet To Sour
Chapter 38: The More The Merrier
Chapter 39: The Art Of Pleasure
Chapter 40: Sticking Together
Chapter 41: Overwhelming Emotions
Chapter 42: Fulfilling Desires
Chapter 43: What Is Love?
Chapter 44: Too Late?
Chapter 45: Misunderstandings
Chapter 46: No Saint
Chapter 47: Fought Battles
Chapter 48: The Prowess Of A Wife
Chapter 49: Melting Softly
Chapter 50: Intimacy
Chapter 51: Plans Gone Awry
Chapter 52: Tricked And Punished
Chapter 53: Without Wishing
Chapter 54: Sweet Distraction
Chapter 55: Brazilian Encounter
Chapter 56: High Hopes
Chapter 57: Steamy Escapade
Chapter 58: Goodbyes
Chapter 59: I Love You
Chapter 60: Deep Inside
Chapter 61: Blazing Flame
Chapter 62: The Unexpected
Chapter 63: Sexy Seductress
Chapter 64: Suspicious Mistakes
Chapter 65: Eventful Friday
Chapter 66: Drunk In Love
Chapter 67: Passionate Intimacy
Chapter 68: The Prowess Of A Husband
Chapter 70: Deep In Love
Chapter 71: Favourite Addiction
Chapter 72: Apart And Distraught
Chapter 73: Pillow Talk
Chapter 74: You're Mine
Chapter 75: Mysterious Package And Setup
Chapter 76: Broken Hearts
Chapter 77: Heartbreaking Moments
Chapter 78: Stay With Me
Chapter 79: Broken And Empty
Chapter 80: Threats And Changes
Chapter 81: Ugly Confrontation
Chapter 82: The Game Has Changed
Chapter 83: Strength And Resilience
Chapter 84: Truths Revealed
Chapter 85: Mission Accomplished
Chapter 86: Happy Place
Chapter 87: Unquenchable Desire
Chapter 88: Perfect Match
Chapter 89: Forever Yours
Author's Note

Chapter 69: Late Night Call

27.3K 986 55
By island_rose

Jayden's POV

Three months later

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.

My marriage was one of the biggest successes of my life. The love I felt for my wife wasn't something I could give justice to using words. Every single day, I fell deeper in love with her. She gave me a reason to love her more, to cherish her, respect her and want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Now that the contract's terms and conditions had been revised, we were going to stick to each other till death and even beyond death. I wasn't going to let anyone or anything separate us. She was my woman and I was willing to fight with the entire world to keep her happy by my side.

Kyra was lying on her belly on the comfortable four poster king size bed, busy typing on her laptop. She was wearing red lingerie with a plain black hoodie and grey knee high socks. Her butt cheeks were on full display, teasing me with their perfection.

"Can we go shopping before we go back to New York?" Kyra asked, her full attention still on whatever she was working on.

I took a sip of my black coffee made especially for me by my loving wife and sat back in the rocking chair. "Of course. That's if you're okay with the rain."

It had been raining since we got to Paris two days ago for business purposes. They had been really busy days and now was the only chance we had gotten to relax in our luxurious suite on a beautiful night with light showers.

"Sure. It's Mom's birthday so I have to look around for the perfect gift."

"Of course. I'll gladly come with."

The previous three months had been both tough and amazing. Business wise, we had been performing extremely well and dominating all the industries we were involved in.

Since our contract with the Casellas had been revised, we had long term projects we had started working on together. We had already opened shopping malls as partners and we were starting a fast food chain together as well.

We had travelled a lot together over summer to many countries especially in Asia. Our summer vacation was in Greece and it had given us ample time to enjoy each other's company.

I finished up my coffee and stood up, joining Kyra on the bed. I was shirtless with grey pants on. I lay on my back on the comfortable bed.

Kyra looked at me and she put her hand on my cheek. "What's up, honey? Are you tired?"

I slipped her hand from my cheek to my lips and planted sweet kisses on it. "I'm just worried about you. You've been working since like seven and it's almost nine. You had a long day to top it off. Aren't you tired?"

"I am exhausted, but this presentation is important for my meeting tomorrow in the morning. I have to finish it before going to sleep." Kyra removed her hand from my lips and refocused on what she was typing. I rolled to my side, facing her as she worked.

She was one of the most hardworking and determined people I knew. She was responsible, organised and always  updated on her work. Her hard work paid off for sure. She had started receiving various awards attributing to her work and opportunities to collaborate and work with great people all over the world. I was proud of her.

"But you can take a break for a short while, Kyra. Come on."

Kyra looked at me with a glint in her eyes. She bit on her bottom lip and closed her laptop. She climbed on top of me, her legs falling on either sides of my hips. She sat directly on top of my cock and I gasped lightly, feeling it harden.

"Hmmm.... That was quick," she hummed, swirling her hips seductively. I clamped my hands on her thighs and teased her delicate flesh with my fingers.

Kyra crashed her lips onto mine and kissed me teasingly then she took my bottom lip between her teeth and sucked it. "It's always instant with you," I assured her.

She chuckled, sitting up on top of me. Her hands trailed up and down my chest, tracing every inch of my skin. "Did you see Kylie and Kevin? They're here in Paris."

My muscles tensed up. Hearing that scoundrel's name made my blood boil in anger. I had never detested any man as much as I detested him. "Yeah. I didn't expect such bad luck in such a beautiful city."

"Tell me about it. I just hope we don't run into each other. I'm not in the mood for his drama and fake kindness. It's good we've been barely seeing each other over the past weeks."

Kevin Morgan had been unfortunate enough to be on my list of enemies and it was completely his fault. He called it upon himself by messing with me and he got the full package.

He had crossed the line from the very start by arranging something private with Kyra with intentions best known to him. He had the audacity to approach her with his dirty intentions and keep her worried over that matter.

I had followed all his steps carefully and come to a conclusion that he wanted to turn Kyra and I against each other and take Kyra to be his sex toy.

It was clear he only wanted sex from Kyra, but that would only happen over my dead body.

I had confronted him face to face and quite to my surprise, he denied the obvious. I laid out all the evidence to him and he decided to act smart and make up a bunch of meaningless excuses under a fake pretense of being a friend, not an enemy.

Hands down, he was a pro at pretending and covering his tracks well, but he didn't fool me. He was a dangerous predator that killed silently.

Even after I had warned him to stay away from my wife and not to bother her, he still continued with his secretive behaviour of sneaking up on her, telling her his dirty fantasies and threatening her.

I was glad Kyra told me every single thing without thinking twice. That's when I decided that talking to him was useless. With him, actions spoke louder than words.

I had a Private Investigator look into his background and everything about his life. Turned out he had a lot of shady stuff attached to his background before he became the rich person he was and he had committed serious crimes that'd lead him straight to jail.

I had managed to get him off our backs in the meantime by attacking him in the business world. He had lost quite a lot of big deals and money because of his actions. If he pushed me further, I had my things in place to file a lawsuit against him that'd leave him penniless and bankrupt.

"I'm being soft on him because we haven't been meeting over the past few weeks, but if he does anything to you even by mistake, I'll destroy him entirely."

"He hasn't really been doing anything lately, but if he does, I won't stop you from attacking him because I hate him. I can't stand him and his dark and evil thoughts."

"But Kylie doesn't see that. It's like she worships him and she believes every single word he says. She's willing to turn against everyone for him."

"Well, she already has. It's all about Kevin to her these days. Do you think he really loves her like he claims?"

Kyra put her hands on my head and she started massaging me by the temples. "I don't know. Whoever sees them together can tell they're madly in love, but we can never know what his true intentions are. If he loves her so much, why is he pursuing you?"

"I don't know. Maybe that natural cheating gene in men?"

"Well, whatever. Why would I care? Your safety is all that matters. Kylie is on her own. I tried warning her, but she gave me a deaf ear and didn't let me explain."

My cellphone rang just after I spoke, interrupting our conversation. Kyra got up and took it from the coffee table where I had left it.

"Speak of the devil," Kyra sighed as she sat back on top of me, straddling me. She handed the phone over to me.

"Kylie? Why would she be calling me at this hour?"

"Just pick up. Maybe it's something important."

"I hope so. I don't want to have anything to do with her if she has Kevin by her side," I muttered, picking up the phone. I pressed the phone to my ear and waited for Kylie to speak up.

"Hello, Jay. Are you there?" Kylie asked me softly in a voice close to a whisper.

"Yes. Hie, Kylie. What's up?"

"I'm sorry to disturb you this late at night, but it's very important that I talk to you right now. This is the only opportunity I have to talk to you freely."

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

Kyra was busy trailing my abs with kisses while she swirled her hips torturously, grinding slowly into my growing erection. My free hand automatically landed on her naked butt cheeks and I caressed them.

I heard vague background sounds on the other end of the call and the sound of traffic. She was probably outside.

"Not over the phone. In person, Jay. I can't talk to you about this matter over the phone."

"It's too late for me to go out right now."

"Please. I promise it's important and it won't take much of your time."

"You can come here if it's that important."

"Jayden, we're not staying in the same hotel. Let's meet at a bar. I'll text the address right now. It's not too far from where you are staying. You can get a taxi."

"Kylie, I'm not coming there. I have a wife and I can't leave her to come and see you this late at night," I reasoned with her. Kyra chuckled lightly and pecked my lips.

"I know, but you have to sacrifice. This is something important. A matter of life or death. I am begging you desperately. You can come with Kyra if it'll make you more comfortable," she insisted. I heard her sniffle shortly after as if she were crying.

"Can't we talk tomorrow morning?"

"No. It'll be impossible then. We have to talk before it's too late. Like I said, it's a matter of life or death."


"I'll be waiting for you. Please try and make it," were the last words she said with a hint of nervousness in her voice before she ended the call abruptly.

"So? You're going?" Kyra asked me, sitting still. I threw my cellphone on the other side of the bed frustratedly. What did she want?

"I don't feel good about this. What if it's a trap or something?"

"Maybe it's important."

"She said it is important. A matter of life or death. She sounded weird... scared and nervous. I wanna believe it's something important, but she's Kylie Facer and I know her ways."

Kyra continued grinding into me. "She hasn't been up to any mischief lately. I don't know. Just go and see what it's about. Maybe she's serious. Maybe she discovered the real Kevin and has important information."

"But I don't want to leave you all by yourself, Princess."

"Come on. If you step out for a few minutes, I'll get an opportunity to finish up my work without any dirty thoughts lingering in my mind. I'll be done by the time you get back."

I pondered on my thoughts and weighed the two sides of the situation. Maybe she had useful information and I'd thank her later. After all, this was almost the same thing that had happened with Natasha. She ended up giving me useful information when at first I thought she just wanted to fool around.

Kyra climbed off me and I got up after we agreed on me going. I dressed up and grabbed my cellphone, ready to leave.

"I would have come with you, but I really have to finish up my presentation, plus I trust you."

"Don't worry, my love. I'll be fine. I'll be back in less than thirty minutes."

"Better be. I'll be waiting for you." Kyra got up from bed and stood before me, closing the buttons of my trenchcoat. "Don't be late and stay safe. If you're gonna drink, make sure it's only one glass. Don't get drunk and don't look for trouble with anyone. If Kylie has an ulterior motive, don't let her succeed. I'm just a call away if you need anything."

I wrapped my arms around Kyra and hugged her tightly. "I'll do just as you say. I'll be back before you know it. I love you."

Kyra pulled away from the hug and she pecked my lips. "I love you too, Jayden. Come on, get going before it's too late."

I smiled at Kyra one last time before approaching the door. Leaving her all by herself in a hotel suite wasn't something I was pleased about. Whatever Kylie wanted had better been important.

"Honey, wait," Kyra called out before I opened the door. I turned around and looked at her as she gracefully walked towards me with an umbrella in her hands and her signature enchanting smile.

What would I ever do without her? She handed the umbrella over to me. "Don't get wet. I wouldn't want you to get sick."

I took her hand and kissed it tenderly. "I'm glad I have a wife like you. How did I ever get to be this lucky?"

Kyra put her warm hand on my left cheek, cupping it. "You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and my whole heart. I never thought I'd fall this deep in love with a man in my entire life who would love me back like you do. I'm proud to be your wife and I'm proud of you. Everyone else can praise you and shower you with compliments, but you should always know that your wife is your biggest fan in the entire world. I love you and my prayers are always with you."

These were the kind of words that made my heart skip a beat and beat at a crazy pace after that, saying her name. Loving her was the best decision I had ever made in my entire life.

I hugged her, feeling strong emotions bubble up within me. "I love you," I breathed.

When we pulled away, I wasn't the only one with a big smile on my face. The love I felt for her was beyond intense.

"Lock the door and don't let anyone in before they tell you who they are. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye. I'll see you soon."

When I left the room, I was pretty much in a hurry. I had to get back to Kyra as early as possible. Walking down the hallways alone made me feel uncomfortable. It felt as though someone was following me and watching me closely from the moment I left our suite. It was just a feeling that disappeared as soon I reached the lobby and proceeded to go outside.

The showers were becoming heavier by the second. I hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of the bar. The ride was short and peacefully quiet with soft classic music playing on the radio.

When I got off the taxi, I went straight to the bar and left my umbrella inside by the door. The bar was pretty much luxurious, small and empty. The lighting was amazing and so was the furniture and decor.

I walked in, looking around for Kylie. I didn't want to be here. I didn't feel good about it and I was beginning to regret coming here in the first place. Why would I even trust Kylie, my obsessed ex, at night, who wanted to meet up mysteriously?

We hadn't been talking much since both of us had busy schedules. Getting such an alarming call from her was unexpected.

I saw a lady seating in a booth in a corner with blonde hair, wearing a beanie. Kylie dyed her hair often so I wasn't sure if it was her. I approached her and luckily, it was her.

I put my hand on her shoulder lightly and she jumped in fright. She seemed agitated. She stood up with a watery smile on her face as soon as she saw me. She was wearing a pink Chanel sweatsuit and a white beanie.

"Jay, sorry, you kinda scared me," she panted lightly, looking around as if she was expecting to see someone. "Where's Kyra? You didn't bring her with?" she asked, still looking around.

"Yeah. She's busy. Why'd you call me here this late at night?" I asked her, taking my seat opposite her. She sat down, rubbing her palms on her sweatpants nervously.

"Firstly, thanks for coming here. I seriously thought you wouldn't come, but thanks. I thought drinks wouldn't really be necessary because we'll be out of here in at most five minutes, but if you need champagne, here's the bottle." There was an unopened bottle on the table and glasses, but I wasn't in the mood.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, observing how nervous and agitated she seemed.

"Yes. I'll make this as quick as possible. I've been trying to talk to you, but I haven't found the opportunity to. What I'm about to tell you might sound unbelievable, but you have to believe me."

"Okay. I'm all ears."

Kylie looked around before leaning in. She took a deep breath. "I've made some shocking discoveries which I'm not sure about, but need your help to confirm. Not only my life is affected, but yours as well."

"Just get to the point. You're making me nervous."

"Okay. Kevin is..."

Kylie stopped talking when a loud bang echoed through the bar, probably from the main door. She shot up abruptly and looked around hysterically.

"No, no, no, no. Get up, get up, Jayden. Get out."

"Excuse me? You called me here to kick me out?"

"Just get out. Use the back door and pretend this never happened. Please just leave. I'm begging you. Get out," she literally begged, putting her hands together.

She literally dragged me up, confusion clouding my senses. As soon as I got up, we heard heavy footsteps approach. We both looked at the door that led straight into the bar. Since the windows covered like half of the wall, I could see everything happening on the other side of the wall, the hallway.

When I saw a red-faced Kevin walk towards the entrance, I sighed, face palming myself. I seriously wasn't looking forward to this. To make matters worse, he looked drunk.

"Jay, he's drunk. Please don't fight with him. Just leave peacefully and I'll handle things."

"Is this why you called me here? To make us fight?"

There was no need for a conversation as Kevin stormed in, banging the door irritably loud. He lunged at me with an aggressive passion to probably inflict the most intense pain he could inflict on me.

Kevin grabbed me by the collar of my trenchcoat and he pushed me backwards until my back hit a wall. "You tell me to stay away from your wife, but you go ahead and fuck around with my girlfriend. You always talk about playing fair, but is that it? Is this fair?" Kevin tightened his grip on my coat, pressing his gruff hands into my throat. If he continued like this, I'd choke.

"Maybe you should get your facts right before lying your dirty hands on me," I replied calmly, trying to resist the strong urge in me to break his nose and his face all together.

Kevin clamped his hands around my neck and squeezed ruthlessly. He was going to strangle me without any remorse. I put my hands on top of his and tried removing his hands. I was beginning to choke.

"Kevin, let go of him! What are you doing?" Kylie cried, struggling with Kevin's arms.

"Stay out of this, Kylie," he barked. He was so close to me that I could smell his breath. He reeked of alcohol. I gripped both of his hands powerfully and ripped them off my throat, giving him a resounding slap that left him reeling to the floor.

Kylie fell on her knees, checking to see if her lover was still in good shape. She helped him up, cupping his cheeks and asking him whether he was okay.

"Baby, come on. Let's get out of here. Baby, please. We have to leave," Kylie pleaded with Kevin who gave her a deaf ear and moved towards me yet again. Kylie stood between us, pushing Kevin away from me.

"Don't do this, Kevin. You're gonna make things harder for you. Please don't pick a fight." Kylie knew very well how capable I was of ruining Kevin's life's and making him suffer. Hearing Kylie say it didn't make Kevin happy. It definitely hurt his ego.

Kevin laughed bitterly and he grasped Kylie firmly by her shoulders all of a sudden. She gasped. "Kevin..."

"My love, sit down and don't get involved, okay? Let Montero and I do the talking. You just sit down and wait for me. We'll go home soon and do everything you want us to do," he spoke to her in a menacingly soft voice.

I could see the aggression and how terrified she was of him. Why was she still with him, supporting him and loving him?

"No, Kevin. Let's go. I don't want to stay here. I don't want you to fight with anyone. We're leaving right now."

"No, sweetheart. You'll listen to what I'm saying and sit down, okay? I call the shots here, okay? Now be a good girl and listen to what I'm saying."


"I said sit down and keep your mouth shut! What's so hard about that?" he barked, shoving her back into her seat. Kylie whimpered in pain, tears falling down her cheeks.

Once Kylie was seated, Kevin looked at her face and noticed her tears. His facial expression immediately became softer and he crouched in front of her.

"Shhh, my love. I'm sorry, okay?" Kevin stroked her hair gently, kissing away her tears. "I didn't mean to."

I seriously didn't have time for this. I had way better things to do. I moved forward, but Kevin shot up and shoved me backwards. I was sick and tired of his aggressive behaviour.

"Look here, Morgan. I don't wanna fight with you tonight. Let me leave in peace."

He didn't listen. He decided to start yelling and take out all his anger on me, attracting the attention of the bartender.

"Is everything okay here?" the French-accented bartender asked. Kevin attacked him too, breaking the unopened bottle of champagne and pointing it at his throat. He was seriously sick in the head. He needed help.

"You mind your own business. Move. Go back to your job and sit down quietly unless you want me to slice your throat open," he threatened him in a grave tone. The bartender slowly backed off with his hands up. He sounded more than capable of it. For his safety's sake, the bartender went back to the counter and sat down. He was terrified.

Kevin turned around swiftly and he pointed the broken bottle at my throat. By that time, he was fuming. I could see all the bitterness and anger in his eyes. He had been holding back on the few encounters we'd met and had succeeded in playing all cool.

I wondered why he'd lose it so bad all of a sudden in front of Kylie and unleash the ruthless beast in him. I wasn't scared of him, not even a little bit. He'd definitely regret his actions the next morning.

"Do you have any idea how much I've suffered over the past three months because of you? I've never lost so much money and so many deals in such a short space of time simply because you wanted to prove yourself better than me and you jumped at every opportunity I had to make money and snatched it away from me. Now you want to take away my girlfriend as well. I thought you loved your wife and you were done with Kylie."

"Business is business, plus you called it upon yourself. I love my wife, Kevin. Cheating on her is not my cup of tea."

"Well, guess what? It's not over until I win. I'm going to destroy you in the most painful and ruthless way ever. I'm..."

"Yeah yeah. Whatever. Let's pretend I care. Excuse me. I have better places to be."

I heard a door open and close amidst Kevin's bitter tantrums regarding how I had ruined his business for him. I wondered who was coming in. I was getting impatient with a drunk and emotional Kevin, threatening me with a broken bottle. Was his situation that pathetic?

I furrowed my eyebrows in shock and confusion when I saw Kyra walk down the hallway towards the entrance. Kevin must have read my facial expression as he turned around swiftly.

When he saw Kyra who was already opening the door, he looked at me and smirked, cocking his eyebrow. "Jackpot."

Kevin didn't let me move as he had the broken bottle pointed at my throat. One silly movement and he'd press it in. He was capable of it in a sober state, worse in a state of intoxication.

Kyra was wearing a lilac trenchcoat, denim skinny jeans and silver glitter ankle boots. What on earth was she even doing at this bar all by herself this late at night? Anything could have happened to her while she was alone on the streets.

"And you stay right there, London. Not another step unless you want to see your husband bleed." Kevin's words made Kyra stop dead in her tracks. Looking into her eyes gave me a little comfort. She didn't look scared. Rather, she looked surprised by the entire situation.

Kyra sighed, folding her arms. "What are you doing, Kevin?" she asked him calmly.

"I don't owe you any explanations. It's your fault I have to go through hell in my life now. You keep on saying stuff, opening your dirty little mouth every single time! This wouldn't be happening had you just been obedient!" Kevin bellowed.

"I have better things to do. Let my husband go and let us leave in peace."

Kevin smashed the glass into a wall and it shattered completely. The sound was loud and irritating. Kyra flinched, shaking a little. She didn't like the sound of shattering glass. It gave her bad memories.

I decided to take matters into my own hands and take action before he hurt my wife. I pushed him aside forcefully and Kyra ran into my arms as he staggered sideways to where Kylie sat quietly with unshed tears in her eyes.

She had been sitting there the entire time in silence and fear she was trying to conceal ever since Kevin had made her sit.

I gently pushed her behind me and she hugged me from behind. "Are you okay?" she whispered. I could feel her heart beat. It was uneven.

Kevin staggered up and his eyes settled on the two of us. "I'm okay. It's okay. Don't be scared," I whispered softly.

"Just wait until I get my hands on you when you're defenceless, London! You'll regret playing smart with me!" Kevin attacked Kyra with his words, but I made sure that physically, he couldn't get his hands on her.

Kylie finally stood up, standing between Kevin and I once again, but this time not as confident as she was before. I had never seen her so helpless before.

"Kevin, what're you doing? What's the meaning of this? Where did all this come from? Why are you being so violent?"


"I don't wanna hear it. Please. This is enough humiliation for a lifetime. Let's just get out of here. You..."

Kevin pushed Kylie aside roughly and her forehead collided with the edge of the table as she fell. She winced in pain, clutching her forehead. She was bleeding.

Kevin hadn't noticed. He was hell bent on hurting us. He formed a fist, ready to punch me in the face, but I caught it just in time before he damaged my face and pushed him away.

"At least be respectful towards your girlfriend. Can't you see you hurt her?"

It was only then when Kevin looked at Kylie and saw the state she was in. She was crying quietly. She just looked at Kevin who had suddenly begun stammering and ran off with Kevin right behind her, calling her name.

Their love was unique. One minute he was hurting her and the next he acted like he cared.

Kyra slipped her hands off my body and I turned around to face her swiftly. "I seriously wonder if that's how they live every single day. Even after everything that happened tonight, do you think she'll still trust blindly in him?"

"Forget about them. What are you doing here? Why'd you leave our suite?" I scolded her. Kyra held my hand and gave me a light kiss on my cheek.

"We've gotta leave. This place could be  dangerous. Let's leave. We'll speak in our suite," she spoke softly, clinging onto my shoulder.

"Okay," I agreed, choosing not to argue in such a place. We walked forward to the counter. I had a talk with the bartender, apologised for any inconvenience caused and paid for the damages caused, plus a tip. That was the most I could do in the situation to act responsibly and avoid making the headlines for such behaviour.

Kyra had already booked a taxi so we got into the taxi as soon as we left the bar. In less than ten minutes, we were in our suite.

Kyra removed her trenchcoat and hung it on the hook as soon as we got in. She collapsed onto the bed and worked on her boots. I locked the door and removed my coat as well.

"So can we talk now? Why did you come?" I asked her, hanging my coat.

Kyra kicked off her boots and she stood up and faced me. "Firstly, are you okay? Did Kevin hurt you in any way?"

"No, Kyra. I'm perfectly fine. He was just drunk and showing his true colours, but he didn't harm me. Now, back to my question, Mrs. Montero. Why did you leave when I told you not to? I'm mad at you, Kyra. What if something had happened to you out there?"

Kyra folded her arms and pulled a fake serious face. "Blame my wifey instincts, Jayden. I thought it over and concluded that it wasn't very wise of me to let you go and meet your ex this late at night after an alarming call."

"So coming after me was the best option? You could have called. I'd have answered on the first ring."

"Jay, I tried, but the reception was poor. I decided to follow you so I tracked you down. I'm glad I did. Heaven knows what could have happened to you with that drunk psycho," she defended herself with a cute pout.

"What if you had been attacked while out there alone?"

"I knew that was a possibility, Jay, which is why I left this room prepared. I had pepper spray and a tactical knife for self defense, plus I can defend myself better now. I've become stronger than I used to be," she boasted, showing me her biceps proudly. I laughed, feeling them.

"Yes, my love. Very strong indeed," I chuckled and she pushed me away playfully. "Try me," she snarled, forming a fist.

"No need. I've been a victim of your strength and anger before. You nearly broke my nose."

"Oh, come on. I still feel horrible about it. I'm sorry."

"Hey, I'm just kidding." I kissed her nose and led her to the bed. We both sat down, holding hands. "I deserved that."

"I'm sorry, honey. I was just worried about you tonight. We've come a long way from where we began and we've both worked hard on our relationship. I wouldn't want anything to ruin it. Letting you go was a bad move."

"Yeah. I've learnt my lesson and I won't repeat that mistake again."

"Fill me in, Jay. What happened? Why did Kevin suddenly lose it and show his true colours in front of Kylie? Was it because of the alcohol?"

I told Kyra everything as it had happened. There was no need to hide anything from her because I couldn't figure anything out on my own.

"So he didn't know you two were meeting up?" Kyra asked after my narration.

"I believe so. He must have found out about it and got jealous. I don't know. Maybe it was a trap or Kylie really had something to tell me."

"What do you plan on doing about it?"

"About Kylie, nothing. If she was serious, she'll make it happen. About Kevin, I'll meet him in a conference room tomorrow."

"Just be safe and take care of yourself for me. I need you by my side every single day, safe and sound."

"Don't worry. I have things under control. I'm all cool unless he messes with you."

"Okay. I trust you. Let me get our pyjamas. It's cold. Take off your clothes so long."

I gave Kyra a forehead kiss. "Sure."

Kyra stood up and went to get clean pyjamas from our suitcases. I stripped to my underwear and she handed the cotton pyjamas to me. I slipped them on and settled on the bed with my cellphone.

I watched her as she changed into her pyjamas. She was simply flawlessly beautiful. She climbed into the bed and sunk next to me. She sat cross legged and opened her laptop.

"You're not yet done?" I asked her, playing with her hair.

"Yeah, but I'm almost done. I should be done in fifteen minutes. You can go to sleep. I'll join you soon."

"No. I'll wait for you. Let me know if I can help in any way."

"Sure, thanks."

I scrolled through my Instagram feed while lying back on the soft pillows as I waited for her. I didn't want to distract her. She was done before I even knew it. She put her laptop in its bag and she put it away. I put away my cellphone as well.

We both got into the blankets, talking about our plans for the next day. We had different schedules and we'd only meet after midday.

I lay on my back and Kyra put her hand on my throat gently and she started massaging me up and down slowly. "Are you sure he didn't hurt you?" she asked me, leaning in.

"Yes. I'm okay," I assured her, pecking her lips.

Kyra put her lips on my throat and she started kissing me lightly. It felt so good having her lips on my skin. Her lips trailed all the way up to my lips and we kissed tenderly before cuddling up.

"Don't worry, honey. All this will pass. As long as we are together, nothing else matters. We're a team and we just have to stand by each other. Always."

"Till death do us apart," I murmured in agreement.


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