One Chicago: First Christmas...

By OneChicagobyA

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Book 8 of the Miracles Series. This was something Matt and Gabby never thought they'd ever experience...Chris... More

Prologue: Christmas Eve
Chapter 951
Chapter 952
Chapter 953
Chapter 954
Chapter 955
Chapter 956
Chapter 957
Chapter 958
Chapter 959
Chapter 960
Chapter 961
Chapter 962: Merry Christmas
Chapter 963
Chapter 964
Chapter 965
Chapter 966
Chapter 967
Chapter 968
Chapter 969
Chapter 970
Chapter 971
Chapter 972
Chapter 973
Chapter 974
Chapter 975
Chapter 976
Chapter 977
Chapter 979
Chapter 980
Chapter 981
Note to Readers
Chapter 982
Chapter 983
Chapter 984
Chapter 985
Chapter 986
Chapter 987
Chapter 988
One Chicago: Health First Part 3

Chapter 978

35 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Jay's POV: As I sat in bed, waiting for Erin to come upstairs, I decided to put my phone on silent since I wanted her alone when I saw that Hank was calling. I then sighed and answered. "Hey Merry Christmas." Hank chuckled. "Merry Christmas to you too. Where's Erin?" I chuckled. "On her way upstairs. She's just putting stuff in the dishwasher." Hank didn't like that answer. "Jay, why aren't you doing that! She's pregnant." I sighed and then got mad. "Because I can't control everything she does Hank! It's Erin we're talking about. You try controlling her actions!"

Hank sighed and understood. "Fine. But you put your foot down when she's recovering." I sighed and nodded. "Of course. Now listen, me and Erin are going to relax now that it's Christmas." Hank sighed. "You are keeping me on until I can talk to her to say Merry Christmas at least. Please Jay, it's the last you can do considering I can't see her this Christmas." I sighed and agreed. "I get it. But, you realize that it's for your own good as well. COVID is deadly."

We both agreed and understood what I was trying to say since I couldn't say it directly. But, he already knew because he was told to stay home as much as possible by the higher ups at CPD. "The CPD is trying to convince me that this is the perfect year to retire since I can't go to the office much. However, I am not ready to retire." I thought about it. "Well, you could always go into semi-retirement and let Antonio take over as interim unit head."

He thought about it and chuckled. "That way you all get your way. He gets to lead the team for a while and then Erin gets the job permanently." I agreed and smiled. "Well technically, me and Erin both do. She says she's going to put me in charge of undercover operations." Hank actually liked that idea when I mentioned it. "Why haven't I thought of that. A designated member of the team to take lead in undercover operations that involves guns."

I chuckled. "Hank, you have to remember she probably got the idea from her time at the FBI. However, you can definitely start it now on one condition...I get to be the leader when I come back. Erin is already going to be making me the leader when she takes over so, I am going to eventually need to be trained." Hank agreed. "What's your title going to be?" I chuckled. "Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover and Tactical Missions" Hank liked the title. "Sounds good. Maybe then I can make Antonio the Deputy Head of Intelligence for Gang and Mob Crime." I thought about it and knew that would be a perfect fit for Antonio.

"That would be a perfect fit for him since he speaks Spanish and a majority of Chicago's gangs primary language is spanish. So, I think that would be a perfect role for Antonio." That's when I heard Erin walk in. "What role is Antonio getting?" I smiled. "Here, let me put Hank on speaker." She agreed and I put him on speaker. "You're on with Erin." Hank chuckled. "Merry Christmas Erin. How you feeling?" Turning to look at me, Erin smiled. "I'm feeling great."

Hank then told her what we were talking about. "So listen, Jay just informed me that you are going to name him Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover and Tactical Missions. Honestly, I love the idea. We should've had someone in that role for a while." Erin smiled when he said that. "Is Jay going to take that role now?" Hank chuckled. "Nope, you are. You are going to be my Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover and Tactical Missions. However, Jay will be my Assistant Deputy Head of Intelligence for Undercover and Tactical Missions." 

Me and Erin then both smiled, liking the idea. "What about Antonio?" Hank then chuckled. "Antonio might be Deputy Head of Intelligence for Gang and Mob Crime." Erin nodded and loved the idea. "That sounds great. Maybe we can talk to him about it first? If so, then he could start that from home. He can command the mission using radio and stuff with cameras." Hank agreed and smiled. "This is going to be perfect. It'll allow me to delegate more." 

I was shocked when he said that and laughed because I thought he was joking. However, neither Hank nor Erin were laughing. "Oh, you were serious." Hank chuckled. "I know, crazy right? But, I want to be around long enough to see my granddaughter grow up. Plus, if you guys are going to take over....I need to train you guys in those roles and I need to observe. That way, I can retire when I think you're ready to take over. After that, I'll become a Full-Time Grandfather."

Erin smiled at the sound of that. "Maybe you can watch her while we are at work." I turned to look at her and thought of that idea before nodding. "That sounds perfect. However, you do not tell her about how I pursued her mother against your wishes. We want to tell our daughter how we got together our way...not your way." Hank agreed and chuckled. "Of course, that's fair."

Erin then turned to look at me and smiled. "Listen Hank, I am starting to get tired. Think maybe we can pick up this conversation later? Maybe we can do a video chat for supper." He agreed and smiled. "Sure thing kid." Erin didn't like that name. "Can you at least use my name? I'm not a kid anymore Hank. I'm going to be a mom in a few months and I'm a married woman." I smiled when she said that before turning her head. "More specifically, my married woman."

Erin smiled and leaned down to kiss me softly when I said that. "I love you." I smiled and nodded as I tugged the covers up more before turning my attention back to the conversation we were having with Hank. "Listen, you guys probably want some time. So, I'll let you go and we'll talk later. Have a good afternoon." We both agreed and smiled as I hung up. Erin then turned to look at me and cuddled up to my side while putting her hand on my abs.

"You like touching those don't you?" Erin nodded and smiled. "What can I say? My husband is really hot and sexy when he's shirtless like this." I smiled when she said that before wrapping my arm around her shoulders and rubbing her arm. I then turned my head and started to kiss her slowly when I got a text from my brother. 'Merry Christmas, sorry it's late.' I then chuckled and showed Erin the text.

He nodded and smiled. "Text him Merry Christmas too then turn your phone on silent, I want my husband in bed for a little bit." I nodded and agreed, texting Will quickly. 'Will, you said it at the firehouse remember? But, Merry Xmas to you too. Now, TTYL. :)' I then moved to set my phone down before rolling over to lay down close to Erin. Wrapping my arm around her back, I then brought her against my chest when I started to feel something coming up my throat. "Oh shit." I then pushed the covers up and rolled out of bed before rushing to the washroom. "Jay?"

Erin then got up nervous and followed me to the washroom. 

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