Seoulmates - The Perfect Part...

Bởi Avid_Rdr

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*Sequel to Serendipitous* The funny thing about life is that it never goes exactly how one plans it to go. It... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Eleven

352 28 3
Bởi Avid_Rdr

Jenna and Taehyung sat in a room surrounded by Director Kang, BTS' managers, the CEO, and two detectives. They had told them everything and, who they suspected. The detectives agreed Junmi was the logical suspect.

The company had done a top job of preventing "crazy fans" from infiltrating their company, except for Soohyun. Now they were dealing with someone who was seeking revenge for Soohyun, and that was a whole different animal.

Jenna sat quietly in her seat, hands clasped in her lap. She hadn't looked up yet, and a somber frown covered her face.

Having collected all the info they could, the detectives left, and it was just Director Kang, the CEO, and the managers left behind. No one spoke for a moment, trying to take in all of the current situation.

"Neither of you should feel responsible for any of this," the CEO said to the couple. "We will take care of this quickly and as quietly as possible."

He cleared his throat. "Miss Shepherd?"

Jenna finally raised her head. Lines of worry marked her face. Even when she had had the altercation with Matt back in college, her own home had remained a safe zone. He never got to her living place. She felt victimized in a completely different way by Junmi if it was indeed her giving the threats. She looked up at the CEO, who looked as concerned for her as he would one of his own children.

"Yes, sir?"

"Do not worry about this situation affecting your job. You're still an employee of BigHit. And don't think that we hold you responsible for anything that has or may happen, because of this. Now, before you two came, I arranged with Director Kang here for you to stay with her. I believe your husband is out of town on business, am I correct Director?" He raised his eyebrows at the director, and she nodded in agreement.

"Good. So until we get this matter of your apartment cleared up, you'll stay with her. We've asked for extra patrols in front of the dorm, Taehyung. But stay sharp. Carelessness leads to injury. And we can't have that. Also, one of the managers will be with you at all times. Just till we get to the bottom of this. Is everyone clear on all of this? Any questions? Jenna, do you need anything at all?"

The director's phone rang at that moment, and the CEO nodded in approval for her to answer it.

"Director Kang. Yes. I see. Yes, that's good news. Thank you, officer. Yes, I'll let them know."

She hung up the phone.

"That was the detective. The officers called him and let him know they've swept the apartment for bugs and removed all of them. There were apparently quite a few."

Taehyung had remained silent up to this point. He was fuming on the inside. Junmi, or whoever this was, was trying to seek revenge for Soohyun's death by driving his girlfriend away. She had now been spied on, threatened, and made to feel insecure. This wasn't how he wanted Jenna's stay in Korea to start. He was upset that he couldn't be with her at all times to protect her and care for her safety. He was frustrated that, whoever this person was, had been lucky enough to get footage of him and Jenna that could be used to threaten him, Jenna, and even BTS as a whole.

"I want to apologize for all of this," he said quietly.

"Taehyung-ah, I already told you not to think any of this was your fault. Soohyun made her choices, and apparently, she has someone that is trying to get justice for her on her behalf. Although, I'm not sure what justice she needed. Anyway, I'm worried about you two, but at least I can control the security I put around you. I can't, however, control what this Junmi or whoever it is, does with that footage they got of you two. I can't say I'm happy to hear about it, but I understand you two are in love and have spent most of your time apart. And honestly, you did feel you were in a safe place, and at least you weren't doing that in public somewhere."

Jenna and Taehyung both were blushing and looking intently at the floor. The CEO chuckled.

"I'm just teasing you. I think it's cute. Really. But we do have a business to run here, so that's why we gave you certain conditions. See that they're followed, hm, Taehyung?"

"Yes, sir," he said quietly.

"Now, Jenna, since the bugging devices are all gone from your apartment, is there anything you forgot that you would like to return and get?"

"Actually, yes. We were in such a hurry to get out of there that I forgot some necessary things if I'm going to be somewhere else. I would appreciate being able to go back and gets those items." This man felt like a father to her, and she felt herself trusting him completely.

"Okay. I'll tell you what, I will allow Taehyung and a manager to escort you there. I don't think I could get Taehyung away from your side right now as it is."

He chuckled again as he motioned towards Taehyung's arm that was firmly planted around Jenna's shoulders. Taehyung cleared his throat and removed his arm that he had unconsciously put there.

"Jenna, when you're finished, just return here, and we will head to my apartment, okay?" Director Kang smiled kindly at her.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good! Everything is settled. Director Kang, keep trying to get ahold of Junmi. Maybe she won't know we know anything yet. But I'm sure she's smart. Okay, let's wrap this up. Everyone keep a sharp eye out and let us know of anything suspicious. I'll be in my office."

He nodded towards Jenna and Taehyung and then left.

"Well, you two go get your things, Jenna. I'll be here until you return."

With that, the meeting was over, and everyone left Director Kang's office.

"I'll go get the van and meet you downstairs in the front, okay?"

The manager patted Taehyung's shoulder, and then both the managers left.

Taehyung turned to a quiet Jenna and held both of her hands in his own.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he looked into her eyes.

"I would be lying if I said I was. But I'll be okay. I'm just so worried about her destroying your reputation or causing harm to the group. That's my worst fear."

She sighed heavily and tried to control the tears threatening to well up in her eyes.

"No. Don't worry about all that. I was kissing my girlfriend. At least it wasn't me doing drugs, or getting drunk or something like that. I was kissing the girl I love. I won't feel guilty or be made to feel guilty for that."

As if to emphasize his words, he pulled her close and kissed her gently.

"Besides, I like kissing you. I have no intention to stop doing that anytime soon."

He smirked, and it caused her to giggle softly.

"I am the luckiest girl in the world to find such a sweet, loving guy like you," she said as they walked hand in hand to the elevator.

"Right you are!"

They got into the elevator and rode it to the main floor. The van was indeed sitting out front, and they got in.

They arrived at Jenna's apartment a few minutes later. The manager parked, and they all walked into the building together.

When they reached Jenna's apartment, she input the code for the lock, turned the handle, and walked into a quiet, dark apartment. Jenna reached over to the light switch and flicked it on. Immediately she saw something she wished she hadn't  and screamed, flinging herself into Taehyung's arms.

"What in the-"

He stopped suddenly as he looked past her and into the living area of the apartment. He also gasped and froze in place. The manager was right behind him, and was now trying to rush past the couple to confront whatever was scaring the both of them.

In the living room, hanging from the ceiling fan, was a life-sized replica doll of what could only be assumed was Soohyun. It dangled there as lifeless as its namesake. Taehyung even recognized the outfit it had on as eerily similar to the one Soohyun died in. All along the walls were insults and hateful words painted in red.

"My blood is on your hands" was smeared onto one wall.

The sofa and pillows had been slashed with what a knife of some sort, perhaps scissors. A photo the culprit had taken of Taehyung and Jenna together without their knowledge was printed out in poster size, with giant red x's painted onto it. It was stuck to the wall with a knife and the words, "He was supposed to choose me" painted over it.

Jenna was sobbing over the sheer scariness of all the things in the room. Taehyung was frozen, having momentary flashbacks of Soohyun's death, and the manager was standing in the room on his phone to the police. He reported the incident and then hung up, returning to the petrified couple.

"Let's stop and think. Taehyung-ah, you said you changed her code. How did this person know the new code?"

He stared at the two, willing them to answer him.

"I-I-I don't know," Taehyung stuttered, still staring at the fake body hanging from the ceiling.

Jenna froze. "I think I know. If there were microphones in this room, they probably heard us talking about it, right Taehyung? I remember you saying the new code was your birthday, and I better not forget it."

She sniffled and wiped her eyes, trying to regain her composure.

"That must be it. Okay, we're changing it again. She, or he, whoever it is, won't be getting back in here without a struggle."

He had Jenna change the code to something only she would know and would easily remember.

"Jenna, do you think you could go get the things you needed? Will you be okay to walk through here?" he asked her quietly.

"I'll go with her." Taehyung moved to stand in front of Jenna.

"Jenna, close your eyes. I'll lead you to your room. I don't want you seeing this stuff up close."

He spoke softly and gently to her, seeming to forget his own mental trauma in an effort to help prevent more of hers.


She obeyed and shut her eyes tight and then felt his hands grip onto hers and lead her through the apartment to her room.

He surveyed the room before letting her open her eyes. Thankfully, the culprit had damaged only the living room area. Jenna's room still looked peaceful and inviting. He leaned close and released her hands, moving his hands to her face. He wanted to be the first thing she saw when he told her to open her eyes.

"Okay, you can open them now."

Her big brown eyes met his, and she instantly teared up. But not being willing to become a helpless victim, she smiled bravely and placed her hands on his face also.

"Oppa, you're the best-looking thing I've seen all day," she teased.

She moved away to grab her carry-on case from her flight and began grabbing the few things she had forgotten earlier in her hurry to get out of the apartment.

He watched her, admiring her determined spirit. He felt so sorry towards her that it had come to this. He made a mental note to talk to someone at the company about getting her a new apartment. He wouldn't be able to walk in here again without seeing the mental image of that doll hanging in the living room, and surely Jenna wouldn't be able to either.

She stopped and scanned the room one more time.

"Okay, I think I'm good. Ready to go?"

Jenna smiled at him again, and his heart broke into a thousand pieces. She was trying hard, and he just wanted to hold her and let her know it was okay to be vulnerable and break down, if only when she was with him. But maybe this was how she coped with it. Just remain as brave as possible on the outside, and maybe it would affect the inside. He stepped over in front of her and instructed her to close her eyes. She obeyed, and again he led her back out of the bedroom and ultimately out of the apartment.

The manager shut the door behind them, leaving the ghastly scene to be picked apart by crime scene investigators. The trio waited in the lobby for the police to arrive, and after telling them what they had touched and seen, they drove back to the company building.

Taehyung put Jenna in Director Kang's care with a promise to call her at bedtime and say goodnight and was then taken back to the dorm by his manager. He was greeted by a worried Jungkook as he walked in the door.

"What's going to happen, hyung? Are they going to arrest that woman?" He had a hint of anger in his voice.

"I hope so, and I hope it happens soon. She got back into Jenna's apartment."

Taehyung sat down on the couch in the living room and sighed, staring down at the floor with his elbows on his knees.

"What?! Has she gotten any more messages?" asked Jungkook.

"Well, I guess you could say yes."

Taehyung went on to tell him about the dreadful scene in her apartment, and Jungkook became visibly angry.

"When is she going to be stopped?! When she hurts you or noona? When are the police going to catch her?"

He balled his fists up tightly and spoke through clenched teeth.

He hated seeing his friends threatened, and he knew if this was allowed to continue, one of them, if not both of them, would end up hurt or worse.

The other members had trickled in as Taehyung told his story, and all of them had deep frowns on their faces.

"This is crazy stuff," said Namjoon quietly.

"I feel so badly for Jenna. I wish she could stay here with us so we could watch over her," said Jimin.

He was also very angry and upset that someone could get this close to them and become a threat.

"We have to leave this in the hands of the police. We just need to stay aware of our surroundings at all times." Jin tried to remain the reasonable, calm-headed one in the group.

Yoongi sat on the other side of Taehyung and patted him on the back softly. He felt responsible for him since the night Taehyung had confided in him.

"Are you okay Tae Tae? That must have been frightening for you as well, seeing that scene."

"Yeah, I was shaken up for a minute. But all I could see was Jenna's fear, and I knew I had to be strong for her. I hate that she is having to go through all of this because of me." He put his face in his hands and sighed.

Jungkook knelt in front of Taehyung and tried to convince him to see things differently.

"It's not because of you. You did nothing wrong, hyung. People are free to think what they want and feel how they want. But Soohyun acted on her thoughts and feelings in a way she shouldn't have. You didn't force her to have feelings for you, and you never encouraged it. You also didn't force her to commit suicide. You are not responsible, and I don't want you blaming yourself."

"He's right, Tae Tae. You have to stop thinking that way. You are both victims here." Hoseok stood behind the couch and patted Taehyung's fluffy, brown hair.

"Have I ever told you guys how much of a family you are to me? I really love you guys. I can always count on you to be there for me. I'll try to correct my thinking on this and focus on protecting Jenna to the best of my ability."

Taehyung put a smile on his face for the worried maknae kneeling in front of him.

"Thanks for being so worried about us, Kookie," he said as he patted Jungkook's cheeks.

"I care about you both. I don't want you to end up getting hurt," Jungkook responded quietly.

He stood to his feet and walked away to his room.

Namjoon and the others watched his back as he left.

"He's been really upset, Tae. He keeps thinking of all the horror stories that have happened to groups like ours in the past. Security is tighter nowadays, but those crazy kinds of fans are so hard to control." Namjoon sighed and shrugged.

"I understand. I'll try not to make you guys worry."

"Tae, it's our job to worry about you. Just like you would worry if it was one of us. We're your brothers. We're all in this together. Let us each support you in our own way, even if that's just being overly worried for you," said Jimin with a smile.

Taehyung smiled at each of the members and stood to his feet.

"Thanks, everyone. I'm going to get to bed. It's been an awfully long day, and I promised Jenna I would call her," he spoke through a yawn.

"Well, you know what they say, never keep a lady waiting," teased Hoseok.

Taehyung giggled and walked to the bedroom. He sat on his bed and called Jenna. After about five rings, she answered.

"Hello, babe." Her voice sounded weary.

"Hey, beautiful. Getting ready for bed?"

"Yes, well, actually, I'm already in bed. Director Kang has the most comfortable couch! I gotta remember to ask her where she got it."

"Do you plan on sleeping on the couch often?" he giggled in reply.

"Well, no, not exactly, but it might be nice for napping or guests. Haha! I dunno."

"Jenna, I love you. I'm sorry we're in this mess," he whispered.

"Tae, I don't blame you. Soohyun and Junmi are the ones responsible for their actions. Not me, and certainly not you. I hope Junmi is found and gets some help that she needs."

"Yeah, me too. I don't know about you, but I'm very tired. It's been a long day. I wish I would have kissed you goodnight before I left you at the office." He smiled and felt his face heat up at the thought of their kiss earlier that day.

"Me too. You're such a great kisser after all."

"That's TMI you two!" Taehyung and Jenna both laughed at the sound of Director Kang's voice in the background.

"I think that's my cue to hang up, sweetheart. I love you, and sleep well! Don't worry about me. I'm in good hands."

"You bet she is! I have a Doberman!" Director Kang kept putting in her two cents' worth.

The couple laughed, and Taehyung said goodnight and hung up. He was proud of his girl for remaining strong.

This whole situation wasn't going to get them down, and even if it did, Jenna wouldn't allow either of them to stay down long. He curled up in his bed, not even taking the time to wash up.

Soon, the weariness won the battle and overcame his exhausted mind and body, and he was asleep.

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