Partners For Life [A Bensler...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

32.1K 1.7K 152

They had had each others backs for years, and when Elliot needed more than just someone to make sure he didn'... More



813 42 6
By GirlandHerKeyboard

Elliot tried his hardest to ignore what Cragen was saying about himself and Olivia, and just focused on getting home at the end of the night to see his girlfriend and kids. Over the next several weeks, Elliot helped Olivia clean out her apartment and officially move in with him, and they really started to plan what they wanted to do with their life together. They did decide that they wouldn't get married just because they were having a baby together, because Elliot didn't want their relationship to end up how Kathy and his had.

"How was work?" Olivia smiled, once Elliot came into the house. The kids were all at different after-school activities, so Elliot and Olivia had some time to talk without any interruptions.

"It was actually better than other days." Elliot grinned.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah, really. Cragen went one full shift without blaming me for you leaving." Elliot replied, before stepping closer to his girlfriend. He wrapped his arms around her body before kissing her deeply.

"I'm glad that your day went good. Especially since we have a few more hours before the kids get home."

"How was your day?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged a bit as she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and led him towards the living room.

"It was just as uneventful as usual. I sat on my ass, stared at my computer for eight hours, had to get up four times because I either had to pee or because I had to get sick. But other than that, nothing much happened." Olivia smiled.

"Do you want to come back to working with us? Then maybe you-"

"I thought we weren't going to discuss that until after the baby is born... speaking of our baby, I think that I'm starting to show... a bit. I don't know, especially since this is my first baby." Olivia breathed nervously. Elliot looked at his girlfriend for a moment, before reaching out and placing his hand to her stomach.

He smiled as he felt where she started to swell, which was much later than when Kathy first started to show when pregnant with Maureen.

"Are you smiling because I'm just imagining things?" Olivia asked quickly, and Elliot shook his head as he finally met Olivia's eyes.

"I'm smiling because this is getting so much more real and you are really starting to show. It's exciting, isn't it?"

"Like I knew that we were having a baby, the doctor said so, I have seen our baby... but this is just really crazy. I'm gonna be a mom." Olivia whispered, and Elliot smiled.

"And you are going to be an amazing mother, which you already are to my kids."


Olivia took the next day off for a doctor's appointment, where the doctor was able to tell what the sex of the baby was. When she got home, she was so excited and wanted to look at the sonogram to see if her baby was a boy or girl, but she couldn't. Because Elliot's mother was knocking on the front door.

"Elliot and the kids aren't here. I'm the only one home." Olivia spoke as she walked up the path.

"Of course you are the only one here." Bernie frowned.

"What can I help you with?" Olivia sighed as she unlocked the front door before allowing Bernie to walk into the house.

"I need to talk to Elliot. I don't think that the kids are doing well with you here, and I want to move in. I want to take over and take care of my family."

"I'm not leaving Bernie, and I thought you realized that months ago when we had this talk before." Olivia smiled. She took her jacket off and hung it up, before turning and looking at Bernie.

Once again her eyes were wide and full of disgust as she looked at her.

"What's that?" Bernie breathed.

"I'm pregnant, Bernie. Elliot and I are having a baby together and we are dating... so you can try all you want, but we are in a strong relationship and I won't be abandoning him nor his kids just because you want me too."

"N-no. That bastard will not be my grandchild!" Bernie yelled, and Olivia nodded.

"You really made sure of that. Because no matter if you change your mind or not, calling my baby a bastard isn't going to help with anything. Now, get out."

"No, you get out! Get out of my son's house! He and Kathy will be raising their kids here, not yours!" Bernie screamed. 

"Kathy and Elliot got a divorce, Bernie. They are officially not together. You need to accept that, because Kathy made her choice and Elliot did too."


"Did you get to see the baby today, Livvie?" Eli asked sweetly, as Olivia got him ready for bed. Elliot was late coming home, so Olivia had to do everything in regards to the kids tonight. She made lunch for tomorrow, made them dinner tonight, checked homework, and made sure that Eli and the twins had bathes.

"I did get to see the baby today." Olivia smiled softly.

"When do I get to see the baby?" Eli sighed as Olivia ran a brush through Eli's curls.

"I do have a picture of the baby, but I want to show your Daddy first. So maybe tomorrow morning." Olivia smiled.

"That's not soon enough." Eli started to whine.

"You shouldn't be whining at Livvie. She takes care of you." Elliot spoke, and Olivia turned and looked at the doorway as Eli squealed and ran to his father.

"Hi, Daddy!"

"Hey, little guy. It's bedtime, so hop into bed."


"You heard him, baby. Get into bed and tomorrow morning you can see the baby."


"How was your appointment today?" Elliot smiled as he and his girlfriend climbed into bed that night.

"The doctor could tell the sex of our baby today. I haven't looked at the sonogram yet, but that was cool."

"What's wrong?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard before grabbing Elliot's hand and squeezing it.

"Your mother showed up again today. She knows about the baby and she called it a bastard... and she wants me to move out again. But this time she plans on moving in right away and getting rid of me... so that is what is wrong."

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