Halo Male Spartan reader X Re...

By JustyTurner

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The UNSC Class destroyer known as "The Free for All" has been drifting through space trying to escape from th... More

Main Protagonists
Chapter 1: The arrival of Blood Gulch
Chapter 2: Explore the ring
Chapter 3: Robot on a run
Chapter 4: Rouge A.I
Chapter 5: The deal go wrong
Chapter 6: Teleport mishap
Chapter 7: Rescue mission
Chapter 8: Split apart (Lemon)
Chapter 9: Plant the bomb
Chapter 10: The Nightmare within
Chapter 11: Andy.....who's Andy?
Chapter 12: An Elite in our base
Chapter 13: The long trails
Chapter 15: More to Blood Gluch then we know
Chapter 16: Distracting the tank.....with words
Chapter 17: The Battle of Blood Gluch
Chapter 18: Never say goodbye (Lemon)
Chapter 19: A new threat
Chapter 20: The beast of Project Freelancer
Chapter 21: Meeting old friends
Chapter 22: They have to ruin everything
Chapter 23: The fall of Project Freelancer
Chapter 24: A Spartans party (Lemon)
Fireteam: Spartan-Rangers (Y/n's Team)
Chapter 25: Welcome to Spartan Utopia
Chapter 26: Simple rescue mission
Chapter 27: The supplie cut mission
Chapter 28: The missing friend in danger
Chapter 29: The Blues unit
Chapter 30: One final push
Chapter 31: Getting back home
Chapter 32: A friend in need
Chapter 33: She's back
Chapter 34: Spartans will never die out
Chapter 35: A walking tank.....literally
Chapter 36: The odd one out returns
Chapter 37: A boring day as a Spartan (Lemon)
Chapter 38: We meet at last
Chapter 39: Going rogue
Chapter 40: The hunt begins
Chapter 41: Can you really trust him? (Lemon)
Chapter 42: It's not all my fault
Chapter 43: Fight together, win together
Chapter 44: Winter contingency has been activated
Chapter 45: A jouned mission
Chapter 46: This battle went to extreme
Chapter 47: The largest battle they have ever faced
Chapter 48: The greatest hunt begins (Lemon)
Chapter 49: The Covenant invasion begins
Chapter 50: The fall of New Alexandria
Chapter 51: Honour and Sacrifice
Chapter 52: I have the gun
Chapter 53: Lost everything but not our hope
Chapter 54: A hunting ground
Chapter 55: Is there any survivors?
Chapter 56: Clear the flag ship
Chapter 57: We're the same
Chapter 58: Space trip (Lemon)
Chapter 59: Bug problem
Chapter 60: The Resistance
Chapter 61: Secret project
Chapter 62: A new plan
Chapter 63: The Siege on the capital (Part 1)
Chapter 64: The Siege on the capital (Part 2)
Chapter 65: The Siege on the capital (Part 3)
Chapter 66: Returning to Earth
Chapter 67: Welcome to Earth
Chapter 68: Battle of New Mombasa
Chapter 69: The Arbiter
Chapter 70: Outbreak
Chapter 71: Silent city
Chapter 72: Covenant control city
Chapter 73: The Capital of the Covenant
Chapter 74: Within the Heart of the quarantine
Chapter 75: Secret to uncover beneath the city
Chapter 76: Hive of the drones
Chapter 77: The Great Schism
Chapter 78: A city to escape
Chapter 79: The Blues vs the Brutes
Chapter 80: What is left
Chapter 81: Nest base invasion
Chapter 82: The dig site
Chapter 83: The Floods arrival
Chapter 84: Last chance
Chapter 85: Tank beats all
Chapter 86: Storming into the map room

Chapter 14: An unsettling guest

1.2K 39 7
By JustyTurner

We see Landon and Simmons walking up to red base so Simmons can rejoin after they think he was crazy of an imagination tank and put him far away from them so they think Simmons won't act more crazy.

They walk up the ramp to the roof of the base when Donut who was standing above the walking ram says.

Donut: Stop right there, who gose there?

Simmon: Donut it's me Simmons, can you let us in?

Donut: Sorry but Sarge can't let you in until your out of your imagination tank thing.

Landon: Donut that was a real tank which was Sheila. Look where's your Sargent and let me talk to him?

Donut: Sorry but we don't let strangers into the base.

Landon: Strangers?

Then Landon realise he was talking to him which Landon sighs and said.

Landon: Donut I'm no stranger. I'm a ODST Sargent and besides, I'm red so I'm technically not a stranger if I'm red right?

Donut: Well guess that's true but what if your a blue disgusting as a red?

Landon: Why would I want to disgusts myself as your guys? And beside we don't have blue paint here so how could I?

Then Sarge walks over to Donut and asked.

Sarge: What is this about blue disgusting as red?

Donut: We have visitors that wants in.

Sarge turnns to see Simmons and Landon and then asked.

Sarge: Aren't you the soldier from the blue base?

Landon: For a while yes but look, just let us in and we can talk.

Sarge: I don't know. I can't let Simmons in because of his imagination tank he talks about.

Landon: (sigh) Sheila!

Then Sheila rolled up behind Simmons and Landon which Sargeband Donut sees as Sheila turns to them and says.

Sheila: Hi.

Landon: Now will you let us in?

Sarge:.........Umm yeah sure come on in, we are glad to see you back in action Simmons.

Donut: Yeah nice to see you back and you were right about the tanks, guess you proof me wrong.

After Sarge left Donut also left as Sheila rolled back to Blue base while Landon sighs and asked Simmons.

Landon: I felt bad for you. How do you deal with them?

Simmons: (sigh) You don't wanna know.


At Blue base we see Church open the doors and stumbled upon a high tech leb with high tech equipment and many others that amazed him and wants something like that.....if he knows science.

He walks over to Y/n and with him was Watcher on a holopad beside him, Ashley, Sophie and Ave as they were looking at the Index key that is sat on a table as they look at it. Church sees it and asked.

Church: So that's the key that will wipe out all life in the universe?

Watcher: Yep, plug that into the ring and "boom" goodbye life itself.

Church: Whoa, that's dangerous.

Y/n: Yeah but luckily we got it before the Covenant would get it first.

Ashley: Still what should we do with it?

Church: Why not destroy it?

Watcher: Yeah I may hate being in this ring, this index key is more important then everything else.

Church: Huh I see, hey wanna ask you something?

Y/n: Sure what is it?

Church: When you came back, did Tucker did or touch anything or something?

Y/n: Nothing I could think of no, why?

Church: Well Tucker is up there eating all of our supplies, have these mood swings and just all being sick up there.

Y/n: How sick?

Then Caboose enter the lab and said.

Caboose: Um Tucker throw up at a soldiers helmet and now that soldier is pissed and nearly killed him because of it.

Y/n: Never mind.

Sophie: How did that happen?

Ave: Don't ask me, all I know that Tucker was acting weird on the ride back and all that started to happen.

Church: Oh and Tucker give me this. He told me that elite jab this inro his back.

Church hands him a alien convnent kind syringe and Y/n take it and looks at it.

Y/n: What ever that elite did, this has something to do with it.

Church: Well if it's infections then we may have a problem.

Watcher: Is being around Tucker is a problem to you?

Church: Yes but this is serious. Who knows what's inside of Tucker and if can infect all of us.

Y/n: We don't have enough scientists or medic's around, and I don't think their not brave enough to find out what's inside of Tucker.

Sophie: So we need to find someone who can?

Ave: But who?

They have a think about it and then Y/n has an idea but I think the rest may not like it.

Y/n: Well.....there is one that might help.

They turn to Y/n and they realise what he is talking about.


We see Y/n, Ave, Sophie, Ave and a few soldiers along with Remington and Cali as they stand on top of the canyon waiting for this person to arrive.

They see a vehicle in the distance as UNSC soldiers aim at it but Y/n pulls up his fist and they lower down their weapons. Soon the vehicle gets closer and closer until it made a stop in front of everyone as they clearly see is a troop carried warthog.

Sophie: (whisper) You sure he will help us?

Y/n: (whisper) Let's hope his "own" self can convince him.

Then a person step out of the warthog and walks towards them and we see it's Doc/O'Malley as he looks at them and says.

O'Malley: I got your call, so what do yous want?

Doc: Hey guys, nice to meet yous all after what happened last time.

O'Malley: Shut up and let me do the talking.

Y/n: Listen, I know you want to kill us and I get it. But we have a sick men down and we need your help.

O'Malley: And why should I help you?

Y/n: Because we may not know what happened but he is in there and sick and your maybe the one that will help the scientists to find out what's wrong with him. If not, then this things might kill us all or we don't know what it is.

O'Malley: And do you think I'll be willing to help yous?

Y/n: I'm not asking you. Doc, your still swimming in there?

Doc: Yeah, still here.

Y/n: I know they treat you badly but this might be a good time to proof yourself useful to them. So Doc....Will you help us?

Doc: Of course.

O'Malley: What?

Doc: I mean. You and the rest of the UNSC treat me great and you give me some supplies to help me still living. True you may forget to tell me about the A.I rampage thing but apologies will be accepted in my books.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Doc.

O'Malley: What do we get?

Y/n: What do you want?

O'Malley: Can't say unless there is something I want.


O'Malley/ Doc pulls out his hand and Y/n takes and they shake on it. During all this we see Griff as he sees all this and said to himself.

Griff: Shit.


We see Sarge, Donut, Simmons and Landon at the garage as Landon explains about Sheila and blue base which Sarge says.

Sarge: Ahhh now that makes sense. Why didn't you tell us that Simmons.

Simmons: I did! But you just say there was no tank and call me nuts.

Sarge: Because you REALLY didn't say there was a tank.

Simmons: How?

Sarge: By telling us about the blues tank.

Donut: Yeah, you were saying "Tank" not "Blue tank" that's sometimes confusing.

Simmons: (Sigh)

Landon: Well at least we got everything sorted and we can go back to our normal thing.

Then Griff runs down the garage and runs up next to Simmons and says.

Griff: Hey got some bad news.

Sarge: What's the bad news?

Griff: The blues have made alliance with O'Malley and at their base right now.

Sarge: (shocked) What?!

Landon: (thought) And here I thought things couldn't get worse.

Sarge: I knew we shouldn't trust those duty blues.

Griff: That's not all. Y/n and the rest of his UNSC buddies are also in this as well.

Sarge: (shocked) Double what?! What are yous up to?

Landon: Nothing, I'm sure there is a reason for all of this.

Sarge: There will be a reason once I put my shotgun up their asses once we come back with a scouting mission.

Griff: Damn it, maybe I shouldn't open my mouth after all.

Donut: So what do we do with Landon?

Griff: Well I did manage to get Lopez back.

Then he puts Lopez on the floor.

Lopez: (Spanish) Hello.

Sarge: Whoa great job private Griff.

Griff: Thanks, Permission to go sleep for 24 hours?

Sarge: Permission denied.

Griff: Eh worth to try.

Sarge: Lopez will stay here and mind our new prisoner whole we head out and see what the blues are up to. Let's go.

They start to walk away leaving Lopez to mine Landon as they walk off.

Donut: Sweat this is gonna be awesome spy mission ever.

Griff: If you do Jetpack noises then I'm out.

Once their gone there was a awkward silence as Landon looks around the garage until he ask Lopez.

Landon: So.....how was in O'Malley's place?

Lopez: (Spanish) It was kinda annoying but I don't know what truly is annoying, here at red bass or at crazy A.I's place.

Landon:..........I wish I shouldn't have skips Spanish class while I was in college.

Lopez: (Spanish) Maybe you shouldn't.


We see Y/n standing in a cave and just looking at the entrance as he heard there is a small body of water that the soldiers made it into a spar bath for them to relax.

Ashley finds Y/n and walks up to him and stands next to him and asked.

Ashley: What are you doing?

Y/n: Some of the troops made a spar bath in this cave while we were away and I wanna see this is true.

Ashley: (surprised) Really? How do they do that?

Y/n: What they told me they find some spare parts and find a cave and inside was some large body of water and they turn that into a spar bath.

Ashley: (smile) Sounds very relaxing, let's head in and see.

The two walk into the cave and can feel soft mats that were placed down below their feet. They walk a bit more and they were met by white curtains in front of them.

Y/n pulls over the curtains and Ashley peeks over and they see a large circular spar bath which looked pretty great and they see the soldiers installed some fans to get rid of the steam and buff them outside.

Ashley: (surprised) Whoa this is amazing!

Y/n: (surprised) Yeah, guess the soldiers were pretty good at making spar baths.

Ashley: Come on, let's hop in.

Y/n nods and they took off their spartan armors and walks in. The spar bath was empty so it was just them. Ashley and Y/n claim into the warm water and they felt their brains have been melted away.

They felt relaxed as they lend back as they enjoy the warm water.

Ashley: (smile) Man this is the best.

Y/n: (smile) Tell me about it.

Ashley: Do you think other spartans do this?

Y/n: Can't say but if not, their missing it.

Ashley: (giggle) Yeah.

Ashley lend over to Y/n and gets close to him. So close that her breast was pressed on Y/n's arm as Y/n turns to her and Ashley says with a smile.

Ashley: (smile) This is really nice, don't you think?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah this is great. We deserve this after we been through right?

Ashley: (smile) Yep and I know some girls have their go with you, I can tell.....so....may I?

Y/n can't say no since Ashley is cute so he nods. Ashley smiles and she lend in and so dose Y/n. They lend their heads close and their lips met as they kissed.

Ashley grabs Y/n on the shoulders while Y/n wraps his arms around Ashley's waist as their kisses turn into making out as they move their tongues around inside as they share a few moans as they make out. Ashley gets a bit turned on as she sat on Y/n's lab and she kisses harder which made Y/n a bit turned on as he grabs Ashley by the butt and squeeze them which made Ashley moan a little as they make out.

Ashley: (thought) Oh god yes. More....more.....more~!

Suddenly the curtains swing open as Church came into the spare bath and asked in surprise.

Church: (surprised) Wait we have a sparbath here? Holy shit this is awes-

The two stop making out and turn to see Church. Church looks at them and see the two naked and making out as there was an awkward silence between them with Ashley and Y/n blushing and so dose Church as Church says.

Church: (blush) Oh.....I....I didn't know yous were in here so......I-I should go now.

Church awkwardly walks backwards and pulls over the curtains and close them once out. Y/n and Ashley were a bit awkward to continue on so they exit out of the spar bath and change back into their spartan armors and leave the spar bath.


Doc exit out of blue base after he was finish up with Tucker as he stands in front of everyone. Then Y/n and Ashley walks over and Ave asked.

Ave: Where were yous at?

Y/n and Ashley: (blush) No where!

Ave smirks underneath her helmet as he knows what they have been doing and wished she can join in the fun but she turn back to Doc as Doc says.

Doc: Alright, yous might not believe me but thanks yo the UNSC scientists and with a little help of Watcher, I have now know what's wrong with Tucker.

O'Malley: (chuckle) And it's hilarious.

Caboose: Is Tucker dead? (Gasp) I knew it, he is dead I knew it!

Remington: Don't worry, he's not dead i think.

Doc: No but I can't say it without making things weird but fuck it i guess I tell yous.

Y/n: Well we stumbled to an ancient alien weapon that will wipe out all life in the universe so what ever it is we can understand.

Doc: OK here it goes. Tucker is.......Pregnant.



Church: What the fuck did you say right there Doc? Because I think my helmet maybe broken.

Doc: Tucker is Pregnant and it seems that the baby is gonna very soon.

O'Malley: Hahahahahaha! This is surely is the most funny thing I have ever heard in my life!

Caboose: So Tucker is Pregnant? Then who's the mother......or father?.....or is it both?

Church: Caboose, shut it. There is no way Tucker is Pregnant.

Doc: Well it's true. I mean do you believe me Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah um are you sure your not acting a bit crazy Doc?

Doc: Look it's true, even Watcher conforms it. What ever that elite ejected inside Tucker, that must have Pregnant him.

Cali: How the hell is that possible? I know covnenant and there is no way they have the technology to make humans Pregnant, especially male humans.

Remington: Let's not forget, he's an rouge Covnenant like the rest who now served this "The Angel of the ring" person. They must have done some experiments to make that happen.

Church: Still this is bullshit and if we are paying this, I went a refund.

Doc: Look how's about you come with me and I'll show you.

Church: Fine.

Church goes with Doc while everyone else sats around outside of Blue base while we see the reds behind some rocks and see all this and Sarge says.

Sarge: That's it! I'm calling for backup.

Simmons: But what about the crazy A.I?

Sarge: It is a risk we have to take.

Sarge turns on his radio and calls up Vic.

Sarge: Vic, do you read me? This is Sarge of red team, please respond?

Vic: (radio) Hello Hello who's there?

Sarge: This is Sarge of red team.

Vix: (radio) Oh hey there Sarge, how may I help you?

Sarge: We need back up. We're out numbered and we need some back up right away.

Vic: (radio:l Your in luck, a drop ship is heading in your way as we speak.

Sarge: Nice, thanks for the help Vic. Over and out.

Sarge cuts off as Griff asked.

Griff: So what is the plan?

Sarge: Simple, we wait for back up, beat the blues, leave you to die and win and you be dead.

Griff: Yeah but what about Y/n and the UNSC? As far as I tell, they look pretty badass and ready for a fight.

Sarge: Ha! Their nothing, what do they have while we don't?

Griff: Um they have high tech armor and are very trained.

Simmons: And they have many weapons and learn how to use them very well and they have those A.I's to help them.

Donut: And their pretty strong.....and cool as well, wish I have something like that.

Sarge: Still we're the reds and we can't let those UNSC tell us what we shouldn't and should do.

Y/n: Hey guys.

Sarge and the rest jump back when they hear and see Y/n walking over to them and Y/n asked.

Y/n: What are yous doing hanging behind a wall?

Sarge: That is jone of your business but we know what your up to with O'Malley.

Y/n: Yous do?

Sarge: Yes! Yous are gonna work along him to kill the reds and help the blues to kill all the reds throughout the universe so the blues will be the Victor's.

Y/n: Noo he's here because of Tucker since he is kinda unwell.

Sarge: What a wise story, tell us. What is "Tucker" has that made yous call O'Malley to our canyon?

Y/n: Well an elite injected something into Tucker that cost him to get pregnant and now Tucker is in there and having a baby right now and we have no idea if this baby is friendly or not.

Red team:............

Griff: Um what was about Tucker being Pregnant?

Y/n: Yeah you see why O'Malley is here but we're mostly need Doc since he is a medic and we need his help after all. There isn't enough scientists or medics to help Tucker.

Sarge: What a nice story but that's not gonna convince us.

Y/n: Belive me or not but its true, I can show you it if yous follow me-

Caboose: (radio) Um Y/n we have a problem.

Y/n: Caboose! I told you not to be on radio while O'Malley is here?

Caboose: (radio) Yeah Doc says O'Malley is gone all of a sudden and Tucker is giving birth right now.

Y/n: Wait then that means someone use the radio? If so then.......Sarge.

Sarge: I.....kinda use the radio to call in back up.

Y/n: God damn it.

Donut: You said a baby is gonna come out?! I wanna see!

Then Donut runs off as Sarge said.

Sarge: Wait for back up to arrive.

Donut stops and turns to Sarge and says.

Donut: But Sarge we don't know when back up arrives. It will take days, weeks, months or even years!

Then just he said that a pelican came out of the sky and crashes onto of Donut making a large thud that sent the reds and Y/n back and land onto the ground.

Y/n: (shocked) Donut!!!

Simmons: Huh. Ships here.

Griff: Shot gun!

Y/n stood up and runs over to the pelican and tries to pull it up so he can free Donut but it was no use, it was too heavy.

Y/n: Fuck!

He let's go and stand calling out to him just as Ashley, Ave, Sophie, Cali and Remington runs over to see what happened.

Y/n: Donut do you hear me! Donut! Damn it!

Ashley: What on earth was that?

Ave: (surprised) Is that a pelican?

Y/n: Yeah and it landed on top of Donut.

Remington: Uh no!

Cali: We need to pull this Pelican off of Donut otherwise he'll die.

Y/n: Sarge get some help, Simmons, Griff yous stay here and help us.

Griff: How? This must have weight like a tone.

Y/n: We gonna try somehow.

Sarge: Lucky I've made a death laser that will do the job. I'll be right back.

Sarge runs off back to Red base to get his "death laser" as Ave asked.

Ave: Dose he really have a death laser?

Griff: Probably not. You can tell because we use parts from old vehicles as tables and chairs.

Ave: why not order some chairs and tables from command?

Griff: Tried and they refuse.

Then they hear tapping coming from the pelican as they heard it and thinks its Donuts.

Y/n: We need to find a way to get inside and lift this pelican off of him.

Sophie: I think I found a switch.

Y/n: Alright pull i-

Ashley: Wait!

Y/n: What is it?

Ashley: I've detected one life form in there and since this is a unmarked UNSC ship, it's possible who ever is in there is not on our side.

Cali: Who do you think is in there?

Remington: Could it be another Freelancer?

Ave: Maybe soldiers here to take us out?

Y/n: One way to sure, lock and load.

They aim their weapons at the back of the pelican while Sophie grabs the lever to open it. She turns to Y/n and Y/n nods at her. She nods back and pulls down the lever. Steam came out as the pelicans back doors start to open.

The four spartan were ready for anything and so dose Cali and Remington as Griff and Simmons wonder who is in there. The door touch the ground and they hear footsteps coming out.

Y/n and the rest were ready but they were surprised to see.......one. A yellow amor female soldier like the reds and blues in this Canyon as she step out and looks at them for a second. Then she grabs her helmet and pulls it out to reveal a short twin pony tail light brown hair with green like eyes as she looks at them and said while have one hand at her hip.

???: Who the heck are yous?

Y/n and the rest see she is friendly so they lower their weapons and Y/n said.

Y/n: I'm Spartan Y/n-453 of the UNSC Free for all. And you are?

Kaikania: (smile) Oh I'm Kaikaina and I'm Griffs's sister.


Y/n, Sophie, Ave, Ashley, Cali and Remington: (shocked) YOU'RE GRIFFS SISTER?!

To be continued.................

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