All Mine | d.m. (DISCONTINUED)

Da dracosbae111

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"๐’ด๐‘œ๐“Š ๐’ธ๐’ถ๐“ƒ'๐“‰ ๐“€๐‘’๐‘’๐“… ๐“‚๐‘’ ๐’พ๐“ƒ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’ ๐’น๐’ถ๐“‡๐“€. ๐’ฒ๐‘’'๐“‡๐‘’ ๐’พ๐“ƒ ๐“‰๐’ฝ๐’พ๐“ˆ ๐“‰๐‘œ๐‘”๐‘’๐“‰๐’ฝ๐‘’๐“‡ ๐“‡๐‘’๐“‚๐‘’๐“‚๐’ท๐‘’... Altro

*New Characters*
*New Characters*
so sorry


460 18 0
Da dracosbae111

A/N: I don't have much to say except for please vote and/or comment! It means a lot and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Btw in the next chapter (and some in this) there will be lots of time skips because I'm attempting to get to the fourth year. 

Also, I don't know if you guys know but when you add a story to one of you reading lists or other things, the writer/author person can in fact see the name. And we'll just say some of you have some interesting names for your reading lists.😐🥴


"Wot?" I squeaked, my mouth hanging open though the mask restricts it substantially.

"It only is supposed to work for Ravenclaws." Alayna repeats.

"And if you got in by yourself," River adds.

"But I'm in Slytherin." I object.

"Maybe there was a glitch or something." suggests Alayna as she moves closer to River and I.

"We all know there's no such thing as a glitch." River says.

"Should we tell Dumbledore?"

"No." I shouted.

They both turn to look at me.

"I'm a Slytherin." I declare. "All my friends are Slytherin. I am not Ravenclaw."

"But we're your friends." Alayna began but I wasn't finished. Her voice was a bit muffled as her face mask was drying.

"There's no way you can be two houses. Like you said, it was just a glitch. Maybe the knocker saw me with you two earlier so it thought you were around."

"Peyt-" River tries.

"It's fine. It was a glitch." I reassure. River and Alayna exchange a look.

"Yeah." River says uncertainly. 

"Ib bine." Alayna mumbles her face mask restricting the moving of her lips. (It's fine.)

I let out a small laugh.

"I'm gowning bo bake bis ob." Alayna voiced, keeping her mouth at the same half open, half closed, shape. (I'm going to go take this off.) Alayna moves past me and into the bathroom. 

I look up at River with a concerned face.

"It's okay, Peyton" He smiles. "I've never heard of someone switching houses."

I nod, not being able to move my mouth either. River just grins.

"Can you agree to anything I say now?" He laughs.

"Bo. I ban bill balk." I grumble. (No. I can still talk.)

"I'm sorry what was that?" River jokes.

"Bou bow bhat I baid." I glare at him, though its hard. (You know what I said)

I turn around on my heal dramatically  and walk into the bathroom. Alayna has already rinsed her mask off and is currently drying her face on a towel.

I walk over to the sink and turn the water on. I run my hand under that water until it feels warm. 

I then rinse off the mask and dry my face off. 

"Sooo, Peyton." River says siting on the counter in front of me. "What's so bad about being a Ravenclaw?"

"Oh." My mind drifts back to the conversation. "I didn't mean it like that. I just, I don't know, I'm sorry." I look down at my feet.

"It's fine. I'd probably react like that if you said I could be Slytherin." River says and I can tell he's trying to keep a straight face.

"I guess I deserve that." I huff.

Alayna giggles.

"Not a word about it to Blaise though." I say pointing a finger at Alayna and Blaise.

"Why? Is being a Hufflepuff better than being a Ravenclaw?" Alayna say crossing her arms.

River laughs and Alayna and I join in.

(Times skips to the next weekend)

Draco had finally quit his arm act and enjoyed imitating Harry falling off his broom. I didn't find it funny at all, but I didn't speak up.

I spent most of my time with Alayna and River, and they hadn't brought up the knocker once. I thought long and hard about anyway it could have opened by it's self, which resulted in barely getting though classes. Luckily it was now the weekend and I could relax, well some-what.

It was 5 'till 10 and I was hurrying down the girl's dormitory steps to meet River and Alayna in the library.

Today I chose to wear a brown sweater and some jeans, to look cute but comfortable. I had slipped on some shoes, not bothering to check if they were mine or not.

(This is what Peyton is wearing)

As I rush down the steps and out the common room I get many looks from other students. I slide around the corners making my way to the library. I'm going so fast I don't notice the raven-haired boy walking in the middle of the hallway. I slam into him and we both fall backwards onto the stone floor.

"Ohmigosh. I'm so sorry." I say moving to get up on my knees. I stand up all the way and brush myself off. I reach my hand out to help Harry up. He takes it and pulls himself up so he is standing.

"It's okay. I think it was partially my fault." began Harry as he fixed his lopsided glasses. "Where were you heading to so fast?"

"Library." I explain. Harry chuckles. "Sorry again."

"Don't worry about it." smiles Harry. "See you later?" I nod and move around him, going slower this time.

I turn the last corner and walk into the library. I see Alayna and River sitting in the back corner and head towards them.

"Hey girlie!" Alayna yells, which earns her a glare from Madam Pince. Alayna smiles an apologetic smile and turns back to me.

"Hey Peyton." River smiles and I feel butterflies forming in my stomach.

"Hi." I giggle leaning against a table.

"So where should we go today?" Alayna ask.

"Jeez, Alayna, Peyton just got here. She also looks like she ran here." River cocks his head at me and raises his eye brow. Merlin why is he so hot?

"We can still talk about it." shrugs Alayna. "I need to get my nails done soon." She says looking down at her hands. They were purple with gold triangles on them. She's had them on for about 3 weeks and they were fading.

(These are Alayna's nails)

"I don't understand how you deal with them when they're that long." declared River, grabbing my hand and looking at my nails. Pansy had done them for me a few days before. They were a plain royal blue, which Pansy declared was boring, and shined they in the lighting from the lanterns.

(This is what they look like)

I feel my heart beat quicken as River turns my hand, like he's inspecting my nails.

His hands were soft and gentle. I wanted to interlock my fingers with his and never let go.

"Like how do you function with them?" River inquired.

"They're not that long." I shrug.

"Not that long?" River repeats. "Not that long? Not that long? How in the name of Merlin do you wipe your ass with out murdering yourself?"

"First of all, practice, second of all, you wouldn't die if you cut your butt, third of all, let go of Peyton's hand before she dies from a heart attack." Alayna says moving over to us and taking River's hand off of mine.

I blush and look down at the floor, shifting my wait back and forth between my feet. I hear River laugh and back a step away from me. 

"Can we go back to your dorm, Peyton?" Alayna asks.

"Alayna you can't just invite yourself places." River scolds.

"That's why I asked." explained Alayna insinuating the 'asked'. I laugh and look back up.

"Sure." I say and slowly turn on my heal. Alayna skips up next to me.

She just giggles and I don't have to ask what it's about.

"Where'd you get those shoes?" asks Alayna. "They're super cute." I look down at my shoes and notice them for the first time today.

"Um, I think they're Pansy's." I laugh.

"You think?" River says and suddenly I notice he's at my side.

"Yeah. I don't know. I was running late." I giggle.

"Well where did Pansy get them?" Alayna asks rephrasing her previous question.

"No. Idea." I say pausing in between each word. Alayna just sighs. "You could ask her though."

"Oh yeah! I can." Alayna smiles.

We walk back the way I came and stop in front of the portrait.

"Abstinence." I say and it swings open. 

I walk in and Alayna and River follow.

"It's so.... Green." River states looking at the celling.

"Well yeah." I laugh and spot Pansy and crew at the other side of the common room. 

She meets my glance then rolls her eyes. I give her a look and smile at Blaise who has noticed our presence.

"Come on." I say moving over to the stair case. We walk up and I open the door. They walk in and Alayna flops on my bed. River sits at my desk, and I sit down on the end of my bed.

"Are you staying here for break Peyton?" Alayna ask.

"Yeah. Why?" I turn back to her. She doesn't respond but stares at the celling.

I look at River but he shrugs. The with out warning Alayna springs up. I jump and grab the bed post to hold myself from falling off.

"You're going  to give me a heart attack." I say holding my chest.

"Yeah, me and River both." Alayna giggles and pokes my side. "Anyway do you think your parents would let you stay with me?"

"For break?"

"Yeah." Alayna nods.


"Okie!" Alayna smiles.

"Are you not going to invite River?" I laugh. I turn back around to my desk, where River was sitting.

"I'm going to Australia." River smiles.


"And who in the right mind would want to spend a week with two girly teenage girls." River sneers. I scrunch my nose at him.

I spend the rest of the day with the duo and we end up in River's dorm after lunch, mainly because Pansy refused to let us hang out in her room while she was in there.

When we got to the Ravenclaw common room Alayna said she was going to send a letter to her parent asking if I could come stay with them. I followed River up the stairs and into his room. Alayna comes in a couple minutes later and joins us on the floor in front of a board game.

After awhile Alayna realizes it's time for dinner. We run through the empty hallways, though I am careful to watch out for people, and skid into the Great Hall.

At the end of dinner I see Pansy. She meets my glance for the second time today but this time she walk over to us.

"Hey." She says softly.

"Hi." Alayna giggles.

"What's up?" Pansy smiles.

"Nothin' much." I reply.

"So you're River?" Pansy smirks and looks at River, who is standing on my right.

"Oh you've heard of me?" River smirks back at Pansy.

"Of course. You're all  Peyton talk about. River this, River that." Pansy says looking at her hands that she's holding out in front of her on the 'this' and 'that'.

"Really?" River quires. Raising an eyebrow at me.

"No. But I have heard quite a few things about you." Pansy giggles. River just laughs.

Pansy leans up to my ear. "You're right. He is cute." She says purposefully loud so River can hear. I immediately blush. Pansy smiles at River one last time. "Well I'm off to bed." 

She spins around on her heal, just like I do, and walk back over to Blaise and Draco.

"Well then." River says. 

"Well then." Alayna repeats. I stay silent and look down at the floor.

"No comment Peyton?" River ask.

"Nope." I say.

"That's okay." He ruffles my hair which causes it to fall in front of my blush.

"DAVIES!" Someone calls from Great Hall door way.

"I'm being summoned." River says and walks away. 

Talk about saved by stranger. Actually it was probably Jace so not completely a stranger but you get what I mean.

"If she's dead tomorrow, it wasn't me." I say.

"I think it would be you." Alayna smiles.

"Non." I say with a French accent.

(Time skips to later that night at 11:30)

"Why Pansy? Why?" Pansy had just come back from Draco's room.

"Because I knew you were never going to admit it if I didn't help." Pansy shrugged and walked into the closet.

"Pansy." I wine dragging out the 'y'.

"What?" Pansy wines back at me, mimicking my tone. 

"At least say you're sorry."

"But I shouldn't lie." 

"So you're not sorry?"

"Duhhhh." Pansy comes back out of the closet holding her pajamas and walks into the bathroom.

"Pansy!" I yell.

"What?!" She yells back from the bathroom.

"Say you're sorry."

"Sorry." She says blandly, shutting the door.

I groan and lay back on my bed. I fiddle with my nails for a bit before I start to feel tired. 

I hop out of bed and go into the closet. I pull out a over sided shirt and sweatpants. I peel my old clothes off and replace them with the new ones.

I then lay back in my bed. I pull the covers on and snuggle in.

When I wake up in the morning I feel something on top of me. I try to move but this 'thing' keeps me down. 

I reach my hand up to try to push it off. I feel an arm. I jump, as much as I could with the body restricting me.

I hear people laughing and turn my head to open my eyes. When my eyes finally adjust I look slightly down. 

"Blaise? What are you doing on top of me?" I grumble.

"Hugging you?" He replies, smiling and rapping his arms around my waist.


"Because I can." He crawls up to my face. "And Pansy told me to wake you up."

"Wow, thank you Pansy." I say sarcastically.

"Welcome." Pansy says from somewhere in the room.

"Is Draco here too?" I speculated.

"Yep." Draco says, from Pansy's bed.


Blaise rolls off of my bed, allowing me to sit up.

"Good morning to you too." Pansy says stepping out of the bathroom.

"Hm." I hum as a response. I look at what Pansy is wearing.

Today she put on a light pink sweater, most likely mine, and ripped jeans.

(This is what Pansy's wearing)

"You like it?" Pansy says spinning in a circle. "I look like you." She smiles and I roll my eyes.

"I think you look cute." Draco preached.

"No one care what you think, Draco." I bleated.

"I do." Pansy says.

"Also, you don't look like me, just what I wear." I told her sliding out of my bed.

"Oo! You should wear something I would wear!" exclaimed Pansy.

"Is this really what girls find fun?" Blaise asked.

"Yep." replied Draco. Pansy gave both of them a look and ran into the closet.

"I never said yes." I declared.

"You'll like it." Pansy stays silent for a minute as I hear her moving around the closet. "Here." Pansy throws me the clothes she had just picked out.

I let out a huff and make my way to the bathroom. She's given me a white shirt, with a long sleeved shirt and pants. I pull the clothes on and look at myself in the mirror.

(This is what Peyton is wearing minus the hat)

The outfit doesn't feel like me, but I can't say it looks bad. I open the door and step out.

"Ohmigod! That look so cute on you!" squeals Pansy, running over to me.

"Wow Pansy, what'd you do to her?" Draco laughs.

"Made her hot." Pansy declarers.

"Maybe River will ask her out." Blaise laughs.

"Pansy! You told them?!"

"It slipped out! Plus it's obvious." Pansy shrugs like it's the most commonly known thing to man.

"It is pretty crystal clear." I Blaise says.

"And by crystal clear, he means like so obvious that a three-year-old could figure it out." Draco scorned. "Or maybe even a one-year-old." He smirks at me and I give him the death look.

I brush my hair and the four of us head down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit down next to Pansy on her right with Draco on her left. Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sit down across from us.

"So what are we doing today?" Crabbe asks. 

"Don't know. Got any ideas?" replied Pansy.

"Li-" I start.

"No library!" Pansy and Draco interrupt.

"Plus, aren't you going to go hang out with the Ravenclaws?" Draco pondered.

"No, she's too embarrassed." giggles Pansy. She pokes my side causing me to squeal.

"What?" Goyle asked.

"None of your business Gregory." I say. He cringes at his first name and goes back to eating his food.

"So you're just going to ignore him now?" Blaise asks, grabbing a piece of toast.

"Yes. No. Maybe." I stutter. Draco laughs and takes one of my pieces of bacon off my plate. "Hey!"

"Thank you, m' lady." He said biting the end of the bacon and smiling.

"Since when am I m' lady?" I giggle.

"Since I said so." He smirks at me and bites the bacon again.

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