One Chicago: First Christmas...

By OneChicagobyA

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Book 8 of the Miracles Series. This was something Matt and Gabby never thought they'd ever experience...Chris... More

Prologue: Christmas Eve
Chapter 951
Chapter 953
Chapter 954
Chapter 955
Chapter 956
Chapter 957
Chapter 958
Chapter 959
Chapter 960
Chapter 961
Chapter 962: Merry Christmas
Chapter 963
Chapter 964
Chapter 965
Chapter 966
Chapter 967
Chapter 968
Chapter 969
Chapter 970
Chapter 971
Chapter 972
Chapter 973
Chapter 974
Chapter 975
Chapter 976
Chapter 977
Chapter 978
Chapter 979
Chapter 980
Chapter 981
Note to Readers
Chapter 982
Chapter 983
Chapter 984
Chapter 985
Chapter 986
Chapter 987
Chapter 988
One Chicago: Health First Part 3

Chapter 952

45 0 0
By OneChicagobyA

Gabby's POV: As I walked out to the living room, I got a little nervous. After all, this was the first time I was formally meeting Nancy. Walking over to her, I smiled as I saw her using her iPad. "Seems like you are tech wise." She then looked up at me and smiled. "Gabby. How are you?" I then looked at her. "I was about to start some hot chocolate unless you want coffee?" Nancy sighed and looked at me. "Gabby, don't be nervous. Trust me, I'm in no place to judge when it comes to the character of my son's wife. Last time I checked, you were already better than me just by not being an ex-con." I sighed and looked at her before going to sit down.

"I am so sorry that you and Matt had to go through all that by the way. He told me what happened and Mrs. Casey..." Nancy then stopped me. "Please, Nancy! I'm your mother-in-law." I laughed and nodded. "Well Nancy, he told me what happened and I honestly feel so bad. No woman should ever have to go through that." Nancy agreed and smiled when I said that before grabbing my hand. "And nobody should have to go through what you've gone through. I mean, loosing your child and then almost loosing your husband? That reminds me, where is my son."

Matt then walked out as if his mom ordered him to. "What's up mom?" She glared at him. "Why did I have to learn about you almost dying in a fire in a newspaper when you got an award? You are my son! Regardless of whether or not our relationship was strained, I still worry about you when you run into fires. You almost died and I haven't gotten a call." I sighed and looked at her. "There was a lot happening after that. Honestly, I am shocked we even got through it."

I sighed and looked at her. "It was a rocky time during our first marriage. Honestly, if you don't mind...we've decided not to really talk about our first marriage. So, if you wouldn't mind...could you please try and not talk about it? We are looking forward." Matt then looked at me and then walked over to me. Grabbing my hand as he stood behind the couch, he smiled at me. "Gabby, you've got this. And remember, I'm not going anywhere this time around. Forever."

I smiled as I looked at him. "So, how long are thinking of staying in town mom?" Nancy then bit her lip and sighed. "At least 2 nights. Maybe 3 nights. I was hoping to try and get lunch with Christie while I'm in town to try and repair our relationship." Matt sighed and looked at her. "Mom, this isn't really the time. We are still trying to repair our relationship." That got her quite concerned. "What happened between you two? I mean, you were very close the last I heard."

Matt sighed and looked at her when he started some hot chocolate. "You sure you don't want some tea mom?" Nancy then smiled at the sound of that. "Have green tea?" He nodded and smiled before going to start some. "I'll take the Hot Chocolate okay babe?" Matt nodded and then went to grab a K-Cup for our Keurig to make some hot chocolate. Once that was started,  my mom continued the conversation. "I assume that's a touchy subject."

I nodded and sighed. "Your daughter called our son illegal. She thinks I'm an illegal immigrant." Nancy was shocked when I said that. "That's not it Matt?" Matt then sighed and nodded. "Mom, I hate to say this is." Nancy sighed. "I'm going to talk to her." I then stopped her. "Please don't. We've already repaired our relationship with her and we'd like to keep it repaired." Nancy nodded and agreed. "Okay."

Matt then smiled when my hot chocolate was ready. Walking over to me, he gave it to me before smiling. "Mom, I am making you one right now. Then I need to relax. I have a cold." Nancy then looked up at him. "Oh honey, then let me take over. You should be resting." Matt sighed. "I'm okay. I just had to dive into a pond to save my friend's life." I chuckled when she said that because it's true. I also remembered what we did to warm him up.

Matt smirked when he saw my face. "Okay relax Gabby, my mom is here and that means we need to calm down." I turned to look at him and stuck my tongue out at him. "Your loss. I'm okay without you know..." Matt nodded and smiled. That's when my mom said something that shocked us. "So, how long until I get a second grandchild?" Gabby then coughed and looked at my mom, sighing. "Uhm. Matt, I am going to change my shirt. Can you?" I nodded.

I then sighed and looked at my mom as Gabby walked away. "Mom, Matteo is only 4 months old!" My mom then sighed. "Matt, I'm's just something I've always wanted to ask you and your wife. What's wrong with that?" I sighed and looked at her. "We aren't having another child unless we use a surrogate. Either that or we are adopting." My mom was shocked when she said that and was about to say something when I decided to explain to her what the case is.

Walking over to her, I went to sit in front of her. "Mom, I'm going to tell you this once and you can't mention it ever again okay? It's a very sensitive topic and it's what ended our marriage the first time." My mom then nodded. "We wouldn't want that to happen now would we?" I shook my head and then took a deep breath, explaining to her just exactly how much Gabby loves me because of the risks she's taken to give us a family. I just hoped this was a good enough explanation.

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