Splintered Illusion

By groovygia

350K 8.3K 4.6K

BEWARE: the writing in this is from when I was younger, and is extremely cringey and cliche. I advise you not... More

》splintered illusion《
» one «
» two «
» three «
» four «
» five «
» six «
» seven «
» eight «
» nine «
» ten «
» eleven «
» twelve «
» thirteen «
» fourteen «
» fifteen «
» sixteen «
» seventeen «
» eighteen «
» nineteen «
» twenty «
» twenty one «
» twenty two «
» twenty three «
» twenty five «
» twenty six «
» twenty seven «
» twenty eight «
» twenty nine - epilogue «

» twenty four «

5.2K 164 156
By groovygia

The following morning was chilly, foggy and damp from the rain late last night. It reflected my mood perfectly, and I yearned to stay in bed. But I didn't need to miss any more days of school than I already did.

So I dragged myself to school, shoulders slumped from the weight of my backpack and legs aching from the walk.

I didn't realize a car was pulling up beside the sidewalk until the door slammed, indicating that someone had just gotten out. My lips curved up into a small smile at the sight of the familiar pink car and blond hair and I halted, watching Owen stride up to me with a smile on his face.

"Helloooo," Owen greeted, beaming despite the melancholy weather.

My own smile widened, and I appreciated the effort he made to forget about the last time we were in each other's presence. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"Thought I'd give you a ride to school," he said, shrugging like it was no big deal.

"Aww," I cooed. "You're so sweet! You didn't have to do that."

Owen flushed, and started rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "It's no big deal. You were tired the last time you walked to school, so I thought it'd be easier for you."

I bit my lip to contain the smile that threatened to break out on my face. He was so...nice. So gentlemanly. So unlike Puck, who continuously broke my heart. Owen was safe, and though that was what I wanted for so long now, I couldn't undo being used to danger...to Puck. The thought of him was consistent at the back of my mind, and I hated that. Why was I thinking about him when someone like Owen was standing right in front of me, thoughtful enough to notice that I was struggling the other day and making amends that would make me more comfortable?

"Thank you, Owen," I said sincerely, shaking off all thoughts of Puck as I opened the door to the passenger side of his car and ducked in.

Owen re-entered right after me and smiled. "No problem."

Just as Owen began driving, something black and shiny caught my attention from the corner of my eye. Frowning, I turned slightly in my seat to look out the window. There, in the shadows, a familiar black car was parked. It was too hidden to tell whose it was, but I knew I'd seen it somewhere. My heart lurched when a silhouette inside the car moved, seeming to turn towards me.

I quickly looked away, my heart thumping inside my chest. It's no one, I reassured myself, wringing my fingers together in my lap. It's just a stranger. Someone I don't know. Someone who happened to park there due to their own reasons.

It had nothing to do with me.

Taking a deep breath, I allowed my mind to accept that fact for a minute, relaxing as Owen drove, the soft hum of the radio in the background granting me what few seconds of peace it could.

Because God only knew what was waiting for me at school.

»« »« »«

"Polly Woods. Please send Polly Woods to the front office. I repeat, please send Polly Woods to the front office."

Everyone turned to look at me and I flushed underneath their curious gazes. Did I do something wrong? I wondered, clutching the strap of my backpack tightly as I hoisted it onto my shoulder.

Everyone watched me as I go and I felt extremely awkward when I accidentally stumbled, tripping over my own shoes. Owen - who was in my class this period - sent me a questioning look and I shrugged, just as confused as him.

The classroom door closed behind me with a thud, leaving me alone in the empty hallway. The only noise was the sound of my shoes against the floor as I made my way to the front office. My palms felt sweaty and I tried wiping them on my jeans, my stomach queasy from whatever I could be called for.

Was I in trouble?

But...I don't remember doing anything wrong...inside of school, that is.

Had they somehow found out about my kidnapping? Was I going to get in trouble for that? To be fair, it was my fault for being abducted. Had I listened to him, I probably would've been safe that day.

And maybe...just maybe, Puck and I wouldn't have fought...

No. It was no use thinking about that. I wouldn't allow my mind to do that again - that thing where it thought up of better scenarios had I taken the right choice.

I was tired of blaming myself for everything. And though, I didn't pin it on anyone else, I tried to convince myself not think that it was my fault - that everything was my fault.

Just as I was about to turn the corner leading up to the front desk, an arm grabbed my forearm and pulled me the opposite way. I opened my mouth to let out a shriek just as I was pulled into an empty classroom, the door closing behind me before the random wanderers in the hallway could hear my plea of help.

I whirled around, my cheeks flushed, feeling incredulous. My eyes widened at the sight of a sheepish looking Puck.

Of fucking course. Who else would it be?

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed, taking a step away from him. "What do you want?"

Puck set his attention on me firmly. "Nothing," he said, raising his hands in a defensive manner. "I just --"

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," I interrupted harshly. "What don't you --"

"Get about it?" Puck finished and I raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I get it. I just don't want to...listen to it." I opened my mouth to retort, but Puck beat me to it, holding his hands up as a sign of surrender. "Wait. Just...hear me out." I gritted my teeth but kept my mouth closed and watched in anticipation as he reached for something behind him, pulling his hand back out to reveal a bouquet of flowers.

I stared in shock as he held them out for me, my eyes flickering between the flowers in his hand to his face. Was this some kind of joke?

"They're for you," Puck said, looking almost...shy?

I finally blinked, trying to think of an accurate response. All I could come up with was one question. "Why?"

Suddenly, Puck seemed a little unsure, his eyes darting away from me nervously. "Because that's what guys do when they like a girl, right?"

My breath hitched in my throat and I mentally cursed myself for allowing myself to have that reaction to his words. He did the same thing each time - he convinced me he was going to be nice and the second I let my guard down, he sent a slap to my face.

The reminder was a cold dose of reality, and when I didn't reply, Puck looked back towards me. "We could go to the roof," he suggested. "Like that last time. I brought food." He stared at me, his dark eyes hopeful, full of something indecipherable. But this was his plan each time. And I wasn't going to fall for it this time, no matter how much my heart ached at his wounded look as I stepped back, away from him.

"No, thanks," I forced myself to say, looking past him instead of at his crestfallen expression. "I've gotta go."

And when I turned, I didn't look back, though I could feel his penetrating gaze on me, hoping - begging for me to come back.

But I promised myself. I wouldn't fall for it again.

Just a reminder that I love you guys <3

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