Ugh... These Stupid Geeks- I...

By kitkat29

148K 4.1K 548

Now why am i on this team again? Oh, yeah.. To become a great ninja.. But that's nearly impossible with an AD... More

Ugh... These Stupid Geeks.. I mean Ninja (Naruto fan Fiction-Sasuke)
My sensei is such a weirdo....
Our Sensei is a damn pervert...
I got a bell!!! But I failed? o.O
Climbing Trees... Great Training
Rematch against Zazuba
We're Going Home Now
The... Sand.. Ninja... ARRIVE!!!
The First Part Of Chunin Exams! And Sasuke Gets HIs Butt Wooped XD
The Forest of Death? Yeah... Kinda obvious with the name...
Scary, scary dreams... seem to calm down when im with someone...
End of the Second Exam! FINALLY!
Now a Third Part?..... Are You Freaking Kidding Me?
FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! Hey... Why are we chanting so suddenly? o.O
Wait one second..... GIMME BACK MY CONTACTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Fear of Dreams
Swear... Naruto can be so stupid sometimes.... -_-
Training with Naruto and Sasuke is NOT fun
Kakashi's Face
Haru vs. Kyoko WOO! WOO!!!!!!
Hospitals SUCK..... And A Weird Offer... o.O
A Little Clarification
Kakashi Put In A Genjutsu
Sasuke vs. Itachi
Leaving Konoha
Haru vs. Kyoko 2 :DDDD
Kyoko vs. Haru Part 2 of 2
No Regrets- The Beginning of the End
The End

Snake Pedo! Ewww.....

4.2K 128 10
By kitkat29

I've forgotten what happens after that, but anyways, all I can remember is that snake pedophile in the second part of the exam... Nowww!!! Let's continue~

   We continued walking forward, until there was this super gust of wind. "What the-" I crossed my arms in front of my face to protect me from the twigs and leaves flying by.

   Then, I suddenly saw kunais fly at me and pierce my legs and arms. Chakra was around me. Ugh... Genjutsu... 

   I took a kunai out and stabbed my arm to snap me back. Too bad I stabbed myself a bit deep and blood was dripping out. Sasuke had stabbed himself in his leg and Sakura was standing there, shaking with fear.

   "Where's Naruto?" I asked to nobody in particular. He must've flown away..... Or something. That wind was strong. 


   "Here! Take our scroll!" SAsuke yelled at the woman who attacked us.

   "SASUKE! HAVE YOU TURNED MENTAL?!" I shouted at him. Sasuke gave me a glare and threw it at the woman.

   A flash of orange appeared and snatched the scroll. It was naruto. He punched Sasuke in the face with rage.

   "You aren't Sasuke," he growled.

   Ohhhh. Go Naruto. Nice save.

   "What? You idiot! I'm real!" Sasuke clutched his now red cheek and yelled at Naruto.

   "The Sasuke that I know wouldn't run!" Naruto yelled back and caused Sasuke to visibly flinch.

   "Hate to say, but i have to agree with orange," I agreed.

   "Having a nice chat?" we heard the woman speak and we spun around to find her using a summoning jutsu.

   I quickly turned around and started running. "RUN YOU IDIOTS!" I yelled.

   A snake about the size of a freaking HOUSE popped out and was about to swallow Sasuke, until Naruto stopped it. His back was pressed against the mouth of the snake, stopping it from going any further.

   "Are you okay, scaredy-cat?" Naruto glanced at Sasuke. His eyes were red. Like a demon...

   Sasuke stared at him in shock until a tongue wrapped around Naruto. "The muther freaking fudgicles?!" I said in surprise. 

   Um... Let's just say that that snake pedo completely voilated naruto and touched his stomach. O_O o.0 Yeah.. I'd rather not get into any of those details watsoever.

   The snake woman threw Naruto at the tree at full force, but Sakura managed to save him by throwing a kunai that pinned him onto the tree sfaely, preventing him from falling to his death.

   At least Sakura can be of some help here...

   Sasuke had finally managed to gain some courage and he did hand signs. "Fire style! Pheonix Flor Jutsu!" (I think it was like some fireballs come out... I forgot O_O)

   I grinned at hima nd decieded to join in. I took out some small fans and coursed chakra threw them. "Wind style! Giant Breakthrough!" (Aha... Yeah... I'm guessing its used like that. -_-' Do not blame me!!!! My memory is not so good with SPECIFIC details!!!!!) 

   The wind caused the flames to have more effect, seeing that more oxygen was allowed into the flame, making the fire have more fuel. A huge explosion of dost ended up from the collison.

   "Is that all you got?" the snake woman came out..... except that her skin was peeling off. I could've sworn I was going to faint from disgust.

   Sasuke stood there with fear, imobilized wth fear.

   The snake woman was actually a guy in disguise. "So, you're gay?" I gasped outloud. "And here, I thought that Sasuke was the only one!" I realized what I had just said and mentally slapped myself and purposely ran into a pole for saying that.

   The snake guy seemed slightly pleased at what we did to him. "Hm... A Shiryoku and Uchiha, I wonder what eyes I want." he grinned sickly at us. "Maybe both... Yes, both will be good."

   Okay.. First off... WHAT THE FCK IS HE SAYING!?!??!?!??! The snale guy did some hand signs and looked at us.

   "My name is Orichimaru and if you wish for power, seek me later on," his neck stretched out towards Sasuke and fangs were shown.

   I looked behind me and probably did the dumbest thing I've ever did in my entire life, besides sacrficing myself for Naruto and Sasuke.

   I stuck my left arm out and blocked the snake pedo, causing the fangs to sink into my wrist.

   The pain quickly shot up my hand to my head. It felt like being shot in the stomach ten times, then healed through torturous ways, then shot all over again, but five times worse. I collapsed on my knees, clutching my arm and tried holding back a scream of pain.

   It didn't work and I screamed in agony. The sound echoed through the forest and Sasuke continued staring at me in shock.


   I glanced at him and managed to speak out, "My b-body just moved, okay? I-It's not l-like I wanted t-to." I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming again and I tasted iron. Sweat was forming on my face and the snake guy finally spoke out.

   "You should have ran when you had the chance," he did the same to sasuke. Sasuke was too scared to run and was bitten on his left shoulder. He screamed in agony and passed out.

   "S-Sasuke?" Sakura was crying by now and the snake pedo left, finally.

   Fck! I have to stay awake! My vision was starting to get blurry. I have to... I saw doubles and then closed my eyes. I have... to stay awake......... And then it went all black.

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