Bound By Hurdles

By thecrazybeingg

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➻ Previously called - Loving You Was Never Easy ❧ She was rude, hard-hearted & unusually dangerous to deal wi... More

❥ Prologue
❥ Characters
❥ Chapter 1
❥ Chapter 2
❥ Chapter 3
❥ Chapter 4
❥ Chapter 5
❥ Chapter 6
❥ Chapter 7
❥ Chapter 8
❥ Chapter 9
❥ Chapter 10
❥ Chapter 11
❥ Chapter 12
❥ Chapter 13
❥ Chapter 15
❥ Chapter 16

❥ Chapter 14

426 47 160
By thecrazybeingg


Mixed Feelings


Sonakshi parked her car at the destination after hours of lonesome drive. Taking off her sunglasses, she paced along the lush green lawn as her vision scrutinized the premises. Unlike all other times, the ride wasn't smooth today. She kept feeling someone's gaze on her way as if she was being watched & followed. It continued almost for an hour. She even halted her car a few times at the lane to subdue her suspicion & resumed the wheels on finding no being around.

"Just check if someone is around. Quick! And make sure nobody comes in. I mean NOBODY!" Sonakshi commanded to the henchmen who were stationed outside her mansion. They gestured affirmatively as they dispersed along different directions while Sonakshi herself dashed indoors.

As she walked past the hallway, she decided to converse with Narain's doctor over his recent health records. It was the chief reason why she had given a miss to all other plans for the day. She would have rather preferred having some girl time with Juhi but her presence here was mandatory. Things were almost slipping out of her hands & she couldn't simply watch it happen.

"I was waiting for you Madam. Please take a seat" The lady doctor spoke as Sonakshi barged inside her cabin. She stood up from her position & collected a few scattered papers from the table, which looked alike medical reports. Studying the pages for one last time, she handed them over to Sonakshi.

"How is he doing now?" Sonakshi asked, switching her curious gazes between the report & the woman before her.

"There is no progress Madam. Infact his condition is worsening day by day. His body is not responding to medicines & that is where the major problem lies" She heard a sharp intake of breath & gulped hard on finding Sonakshi intently studying her face.

"He has a lot of internal injuries. I'm trying my best. But I don't think that is going to make any difference. If you want him to survive, you'll have to shift him to a hospital & provide him with proper treatment. Unless you're ready to do that, I'm helpless" The woman completed in a nervous whisper making Sonakshi scowl bloody murder.

More than Narain's state, the irresponsibility of her employees was heating up her temper. They were thoroughly proficient at cracking lame excuses & just that. These thoughtless morons had been earning hefty amounts as their salaries, yet they were never precise with the works assigned to them.

"You're going to treat him right from here & he is going to survive. End of the discussion!" Sonakshi mouthed dismissively with her eyes spewing fire.

"But.. Madam, that is.. impossible!"

"Do I look like I care? Just do as I say or be ready to face the consequences" She fumed & the lady having no other choice, affirmed in fear.

"Also make sure you mail every single detail to me by today itself. I will check it later on & see if there is something that can be done!"

"Sure Madam!" The doctor readily nodded. With that the room fell into abrupt silence. The tension in the air only ascended when Sonakshi turned the pages of the report, learning them in earnest attention. Except for the occasional flipping of papers, there was no other source of sound around the place.

She could only make out a bit from the quick read as she wasn't really familiar with all the medical terms. But from the little she deciphered, it was obvious that the doctor's assumption was right. Narain was in the jaws of death. There were numerous fractures in & out of his body. The limited facilities allotted within the mansion indeed did no good to his already declining health. Perhaps a change from the present environment might favour his response to the treatment. She decided to think of it in depth & arrive at a decision afterwards.

"Have you checked on Aadyanth yet?" Sonakshi probed a while later, as though suddenly remembering the most exciting part of her visit. Narain & his state of health were soon enough forgotten!

The lady turned pale at her abrupt question. Her gaze flitted everywhere but on Sonakshi. She stood almost affixed to the spot as though contemplating an answer.

Sonakshi was surprised to see the doctor restless from her simple query. With one look, she could make out, the woman was anxious or rather extremely scared. But why? She just asked if they had checked on Aadyanth. What was the whole point of being terrified for a normal question?

"Is something wrong?" Sonakshi asked, perplexed from the doctor's strange behaviour.

"Madam, it's time for Narain sir's medication. May I?" The lady nervously gestured towards the exit & excused herself in lieu of responding to Sonakshi's question.

"Fine. You can leave!" Sonakshi dispersed her whilst deciding to see Aadyanth by herself. After all, that was what she had been eagerly looking forward to. A face to face notice at this point would definitely declare herself as the mightier one among both of them. Gosh! How long since she had been waiting for this moment. To witness her sworn rival's dreadfully crumbled form under her foot, at her sole mercy!

Sonakshi ignited the dark lanterns hung across the walls as she climbed down the coiled stairs that opened on to the dungeon. The corridor greated her with stillness as usual. Her exhales soared high in nervous excitement while she anticipated what the face off had in store for her this time. She frowned when she saw the door that lead to the cell wide open for anyone to come & leave with ease. The guards were nowhere to be found, neither was Faizan. That pissed her off again. They badly needed a tongue lash from her for being so careless.

She took short & careful steps owing to the spine chilling darkness inside. It was disturbing her more than she thought it would. As she finally reached the extreme end, a gush of stagnant smoke hit her nostrils making her cough & choke forcibly.

The corner niffed of cigarettes & alcohol. She waved her hand in air, simultaneously fishing her handbag with the other to find her mobile phone. That was when she realized, her bag was practically empty. The first thing she searched for was her guns. They were missing. She couldn't feel the rest of her belongings as well. The darkness wasn't helping either.

Sonakshi heard the door close behind her with a thud. She felt someone's presence next to her. For a second, she doubted if it was Aadyanth. Even after being extra cautious, did he just save himself? She stilled & fumbled in horror before turning on the flashlight of her phone. Locating the master switch, she swiftly lightened up the confined space.

Aadyanth wasn't present anywhere beside her. Instead he was securely tied up to a wooden chair in the center of the chamber with his back facing the entrance. The door might have slammed shut of it's own accord. She was probably imagining creepy stuffs. The sudden anxiety that embraced her ever since she stepped inside the room contributed a lot to it. She rubbed her palms together trying to bring her heart rate back to normal.

Sonakshi walked towards the chair in apprehension. As she faced Aadyanth, she felt herself going dizzy. A sudden coldness swept through her as though waves of chilled breeze had cut through the space. She thought she would be conversing with a conscious Aadyanth, not a half dead one.

Sonakshi kneeled down on the floor, extending her hands forward, as she gently touched his bruised forehead & cheeks. It was almost like a caress. Her fingers trailed downward towards his shirtless torso. She winced as she stroked circular scars on his upper half.

It didn't took her much time to realize that they were deliberate cigarette burns. While a few were freshly placed, others had started to discolor into purplish swells. The deep wound on his right hand looked like many days old stab. Blood around it had dried up but the cut was pretty much worse in state.

Sonakshi shook Aadyanth's shoulders with force, trying to wake his drowsy figure. She patted his cheeks careful enough to not apply pressure on the bruises. She couldn't make out whether he was asleep or sedated. He slept through all her calls unaware of what was going around him.

That only made her frightened. All the excitement she had a while ago was replaced with sheer concern. She didn't know why that happened. The satisfaction she thought she would attain from his pain never came. The victory she desired was never real. Regardless of the hatred she had for him, she couldn't bring herself to be contented with the sight.

All she underwent was helplessness. A sense of discomfort washed through her. Not even once did she feel the same when Narain was tortured to the very roots in front of her eyes. What was so special about Aadyanth?

"Sona di, you're here! You didn't tell me, you were coming. Wait! Why are you sitting on the floor?" Faizan appeared inside startling Sonakshi at the intrusion. She immediately straightened her posture. The boy walked closer & wrapped his hands around her shoulder. He began hurling questions one after other at her but she had turned deaf to his talks. Expect for the burning cigar between his fingers, she couldn't focus on anything else.

"You did this!" She murmured & pushed the boy away from her furiously. Her eyes accused him. She snatched the cigarette & furiously tossed it on the ground. Crushing it under her heels, she glared at him like mad woman.

"What.. happened di?"

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THIS FAIZ?" Sonakshi screamed & Faizan staggered back in fear. He knew, she didn't appreciate his smoking habit. Many times she had asked him to quit it as well. But she never forced beyond a point. Neither did she blast or shout at him. This was a first & the kind of behaviour, totally unanticipated.

"What.. did I.. do?" He probed with an anxious sigh. He had only witnessed Sonakshi taking out her anger on others. Experiencing it by himself, that too for a reason unknown, he realized how intimidating it was.

"You hurted Aadyanth. I clearly asked to not touch him. DIDN'T I?"

"Calm down di. Please! I promise, it wasn't me. Why will I do that?" Faizan swore taking hold of Sonakshi's hand in his.

"I have no grudges against him. I don't even know what is his fault that you have locked him up here. Why will I hurt someone I have no idea of?" He further explained trying hard to prove his innocence. He couldn't afford his didi misunderstanding him. As though sensing the sincerity in his words, Sonakshi simmered down. The boy would never lie on her face. If he did something, he was gutsy enough to admit it. So it wasn't him. Then who?

"Then who did this Faiz? I want to know. Who dared to go against my words?"

Faizan sighed again having least expected a similar reaction from someone like Sonakshi. Though she used to chide them for hurting Narain in her absence, it was for her own selfish reasons. She didn't want that bastard to die so soon. But with Aadyanth, he could see the difference. Sonakshi genuinely cared this time. And she was trying to mask her concern through anger.

"You hate him right? Then why are you getting so bothered?" Faizan retorted with the question that was plaguing in his mind.

Sonakshi suddenly looked taken aback to a great deal. A myriad of emotions flashed through her restless orbs. She struggled to justify her behaviour but nothing befitting came out of her. Fighting with her inner self, she eventually realized that she herself wasn't aware of an answer.

"That doesn't answer my question!" Sonakshi argued, not ready to display her uncertainty before the boy. Faizan shrugged his shoulders knowing how she would never admit her defeat. Telling her the truth seemed to be the only reasonable pick.

"It was guards Sona di. They were high on drinks last night. When they couldn't find the ashtray, they snuffed out cigars on his body. For aftergames, they took turns & punched him until he bled" Faizan explained observing Sonakshi's face. She had started breathing in & out erratically. Her hands that were within his hold had turned frigid. They were shaking on an impulse & she didn't even seem to notice it.

"Why didn't you stop them?" Sonakshi asked closing her eyes in absolute dread. She felt herself going numb as she imagined the scenarios Faizan described. The goofy guy she knew had now turned into a bloodied lump of flesh. Wasn't that exactly what she wanted? Then why did it pain so much? Why did she feel defeated again?

"They won't listen to me. You think I can manage six bulky drunkards all by myself? And I thought you won't give two hoots about it. I mean, they used to do the same with Narain too. But you never reacted. Infact it was you who persuaded them to torture him in all possible ways. What is so special about this guy? Why should I get involved & get my butt hurt? So I left it to their wish, simple as that!" Faizan explained in a no nonsense manner.

"They did it in my presence. I didn't even think of stopping them. Because I believed, you were totally cool about it. If I'm not wrong, you hate him as much as you hate Narain. Or else you wouldn't have brought him over here. Why are you getting so worked up for a trivial matter? Gosh! I can't really understand you Sona di"

"Trivial matter? How dare you Faiz! I have repeated over & over again to not touch even one of his hairs. I told those morons to bring him here without a single scratch. And what have they done? Amidst all my warnings, they have beaten him up, stabbed & burned his skin. And then you want me to stay unaffected? Is this how they value my words? I don't pay those fucking bastards to make their own damned rules & behave the way they like. Besides, It is my part to hurt Aadyanth. Just mine & nobody else's!"

"I thought you brought him here to torture him. Whether you do it or someone else do it, what is the difference di?" Faizan probed at his wits end making Sonakshi go silent again.

"I don't know!" Her lips barely moved after a few seconds. But it was audible enough for him to hear.

"You are crying!" He exclaimed, both in surprise & worry. Her eyes glistened in the dim light & he could see it perfectly.

Faizan was utterly bemused. The last time he saw tears in Sonakshi's eyes was during his sister's cremation. He knew, she used to mourn in desolation to unburden herself. Many times her puffy eyes had spilled the guts. But she was too proud to let someone know of her vulnerabilities. That was one of her unannounced policies.

But today she defied it, that too for a man who was her enemy. What exactly was happening? Apparently he was missing out way too much of happenings in his didi's life. He should probably rely on this Aadyanth guy & get the truths out once she left for home.

"Whattt? Noooo!!" Sonakshi tentatively touched her face & was shocked to feel a teardrop sliding down her right cheek. She indeed was crying!

"I have never seen you defending someone so genuinely. You sure you hate him?"

"Faiz, be in your limits!" Sonakshi warned, retrieving her hands from the boy's hold. She was swamped in daze, clueless about what had gone wrong with her. She couldn't believe, she had cried for an asshole. When she thought over it again, her nose scrunched in disgust.

"I'm very much in my limits. Now tell me. Is something brewing? Do you like him?" Faizan grew curious as Sonakshi remained silent. He decided to delve into the details & end it once & for all.

"Staying around you for years, I know you like an open book Sona di. So even if you pretend, it isn't going to work, atleast not before me"

"You won't cry for someone unless they're very dear to you. Now stop beating around the bush & tell me the truth. You like him, don't you? Uhm.. Were you forced to keep him here? Like his life is in danger or something & you being a superwoman decided to shield him from the world" Though Faizan tried to sound serious, the tad bit of tease at the end gave it away.


"Woah, woah! Take a chill pill woman. And stop shrieking right into my ears. You don't want to me to turn deaf with all the screaming or do you?" Faizan rebuked running out of tolerance. Sonakshi who was already so irritated & cranky saw red when she heard Faizan chuckle.

"How dare you pig! You tease me, annoy me, spit all bullshit on my face & now you have the audacity to laugh at me?!" Sonakshi growled hitting him with her handbag.

"Ouch di. Stop it. When did I laugh at you?" He spoke cluelessly trying to dodge the blows. His didi was so aggressive today. She was acting like bipolar lunatic. One minute she was screeching at him, the very next one she was crying & now she was being volatile. Sonakshi panted & almost dropped her bag when she heard it again.

She heard the annoying devil laugh, more louder than before!

"You can laugh at me but I shouldn't. This is not done Sona di" Faizan complained with a pout hearing Sonakshi snicker in a baritone amidst the hits. Her voice sounded too masculine & heavy for his liking. He wondered how she could do that with her mouth closed.

"When did I do that? YOU were laughing now. Not me!!" Sonakshi exasperated as she twisted his ear until it turned into a brighter shade of red.

"What has gotten into you today? You're behaving like a jungli billi" Faizan whined, stroking his flushed ears to reduce the sting. He heard a chortle again & eyed at Sonakshi. She was glaring at him with her hands clasped on her hips.

"How do you do that di?"

"Do what?"

"Laugh with your mouth closed!"

"That wasn't me.. Wait! it wasn't you either, Huh?!" Sonakshi sobered down as she realized it wasn't Faizan who was laughing at her.

As an immediate response, her eyes tilted downwards & ceased on Aadyanth. She felt like she saw his eyelids flicker for a moment. Later on there was absolutely no movement from his part. Was it him? Did he act like he was sleeping all the while? But his drained & feeble appearance said a different story. He really seemed to be unconscious.

"You didn't tell me how you did that!" Faizan quizzed & Sonakshi let out an irritated groan.

"You're unbelievable! I'm done talking to you Faiz"


"Hush! Enough of your nonsense! Go call the guards in. I'm dying to meet them. And when you come back, bring me all your stocked up cigarette packets & a lighter. It's time for those rascals to have a taste of their own medicine. Let me show them the aftermath of going against Sonakshi's orders"

"But it wasn't completely their fault Sona di" Faizan justified, knowing she had made her mind up to make the guards suffer. He didn't appreciate the idea of Sonakshi punishing her employees for an outsider. He wanted to ask it out loud, who was more important to her - her trusted henchmen for years or an unknown traitor who also happened to be her rival.

"NO MORE EXCUSES FAIZAN!" Sonakshi commanded authoritatively & the boy had no other choice but to relent.

"Fine! Give me five minutes" He dashed out, complaining under his breath.

As the boy left, Sonakshi leaned on the nearby wall trying to gather herself together. If Faizan had stayed for a few minutes more, he would have suffocated her with his countless questions. She felt so tired. She so wanted to unburden herself by screaming on the top of her voice. Her hormones were not helping at all. They were running so wild that she felt agitated, sad & weary, all at once.

Finally making up her mind, she decided to summon the doctor to check on Aadyanth & tend his wounds. Now she could deduce why the lady looked unusually strained when asked about him. Everyone was aware of what was happening inside the cell but nobody cared to interfere, Sonakshi thought with a humourless smile.

"Argh! Why am I getting worried about this idiot when I have better things to do?" She spoke out loud deciding against treating his injuries. But then she couldn't erase his agonizing image out of her head. It kept floating in her mind. Feeling frustrated & helpless, she ran her hands through her hair whilst finally dialling the doctor's number.

As Sonakshi turned around waiting for the call to get connected, she was met with a pair of familiar eyes staring at her way in mischief & amusement. Her phone slipped through her hold as she gaped at the sight with her jaw dropping all way down the floor. When the reality sunk in, she yelped aloud, faltering a little.

The guy who was deep in sleep all the while was now glancing at her with a subtle smile lingering on his lips. She blinked her eyes rapidly with her head reeling in wonder. Her dreams, her damned illusions, they seemed to be back!

"Reminds me of the time when I barged into your house Sonakshi. This is exactly how you looked like then. Lost & clueless as if you were dreaming of me" Aadyanth softly began with a chuckle. His smile widened seeing Sonakshi gaping at him like he was some alien dropped from a different planet.

"And how can I forget about the sexy little clothes. Even that hasn't changed a bit" Aadyanth's eyes brimmed with mischief ran over her figure & ceased at her legs that were full on display. She followed his trail, unknowingly checking herself out. Feeling stripped & exposed infront of him, she internally trembled. Even though she was used to wearing short clothes, his gaze made her way too conscious & uncomfortable.

But what that rendered her speechless was the way his eyes were fixed on her without a speck of drowsiness or exhaustion in them. He wasn't obviously asleep all the way. It was all pretensions. The satisfaction she was seeking for within herself was rather adhered on his face. Minusing the blood stains, his overgrown stubble & tousled hair, he looked as fresh as morning dew, his radiance easing tension in the air.

Now that was definitely not how Sonakshi wanted to see him. If he was to snigger merrily & crack silly jokes at her expense, she wouldn't have dragged him to this hell hole. Though not knowingly, she had pushed the extreme buttons of torture but there was no expected reactions from his end. No anger, no regret, no resentment, nothing!

"Wasn't that you who was laughing at me? I should have known it! You were awake & pretending to be asleep all the while. You sick pervert!" Sonakshi uttered in absolute hatred just the moment her bubble of thoughts were broken. She no longer looked like the woman who cried for him. His state didn't trigger her anymore. The care, concern & worry she felt for him vanished as quickly as it came. She eyed him like a piece of dirt.

Aadyanth was slightly stunned seeing her swapped demeanor. Nevertheless he behaved nonchalant. This was needed. He had to put off the fire inside her. He had to make her feel defeated. And that can only be done by showing himself unaffected by her outburst. He owed her countless apologies, but they could wait. For now all that mattered was putting up an act & finding a way out of this dangerous maze.

"I'm glad I stayed up all the way long Sona. I'm glad about the way your guards treated me. About the wounds & the burns. They didn't let me sleep a wink. But then, if not for them I would have missed out some really interesting confessions" Aadyanth smirked at the end referring to her earlier conversations with Faizan.

Ever since a few minutes, Sonakshi's talks with the boy was all that he mused about. His thoughts kept falling back to it, though he had thousands of other important stuffs to deal with right then.

The fact that Sonakshi cared made him ecstatic in a way nothing else could. It took away all the darkness he had endured in a week's time, replacing his heart with a comforting warmth. It made him want to let Sonakshi top over him very badly. But for the sake of evolving her into better, he controlled himself from giving in.

The indifference she was showing wasn't disheartening anymore. He was aware, deep inside Sonakshi didn't wish anything untoward to happen to him.

"If you think I was bothered about you, I wasn't. You're mistaken. I don't care if you live or die. That matters the least to me. And I wasn't angry at my men for hurting you. It was because they disobeyed me & just that. I wasn't crying either. Forget everything Faizan said. He is an immature kid who speaks without prior thoughts. Just because he was assuming shit, you don't dream too much Mr Vikaas!"

"Why are you explaining all this to me Sona? Did I say something now?" Aadyanth asked innocently smothering his smile. Sonakshi's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. She was downright flustered. She had blurted out a lot more than needed in anger. Frowning her brows, she skilfully covered the tongue slip with a shrug.

"You have your head up in the clouds! I was trying to bring it down to the Earth"

"Aww Sonakshi! You're so generous. And yeah! I indeed have my head in the clouds. Ever since you shed your inhibitions & openly declared your concern for me, I'm floating in the sky" Aadyanth teased & she gritted her teeth in anger.

"You're so full of yourself! How many more times do you want me to repeat, I - wasn't- concerned? I will never be concerned for an abuser. Neither will I go easy or show any mercy on a molester. Get that shit in your head & wait for your turn patiently"

"You can try convincing yourself all you want Sona. You can bottle up your emotions from the whole world. But that isn't going to change anything. One day or the other, truths will have to come out. You know what, I never thought someone's tears would make me feel so happy! After my mother, you're the only woman who cried for me. I don't know if that mean anything to you, but for me it is a big deal" Aadyanth paused for a while as he found Sonakshi thoroughly discomfited. His talks were affecting her as much as his pain did. The boundary she had drawn between them slowly seemed to diminish. She had started swaying from her stand.

"What I meant to say is, you have changed Sona.. in a very pleasant way! Here I thought it will take me forever to do that. But you are not as tough as you seem to be. If keeping me here will give you peace of mind, go ahead! I have no complaints or whatsoever. I can't even bring myself to be angry with you for a long time. But in between all the chaos, I want you to introspect your feelings. Ask yourself Sonakshi! Ask yourself if you have slowly started falling for the man you detest the most.." Aadyanth whispered the last part with right volume of softness & mirth.

It took Sonakshi a few seconds to fathom his words. She instantly looked away forsaking his remark. She couldn't even bear to see his eyes. They were so intense that she doubted if they would read through her thoughts. Moreover every word of his held way too much of sincerity, a trait she rarely saw in men she had encountered at different points.

"What a load of crap Aadyanth! God bless your delusional heart" Sonakshi mocked in spite of the mixed sentiments blooming inside her. She loathed how determined he sounded with everything he said. That was draining her confidence.

"The way you behaved today, do you need a better proof than that? On a better note you have already fallen for me Sakshi. You have fallen for me as much I have fallen for you. And.. I believe.. one day, you will start loving me as much as I.." And Aadyanth left his confession incomplete knowing it wasn't the right time or situation to express what he felt for Sonakshi. His love declaration shouldn't be out of a forced act to save himself. Neither should it make Sona feel worthless. She deserved to experience the feeling of being cherished. He owed her that the least.

For the meantime, his plan was to sow a seed of doubt inside Sonakshi which would push her in the right direction. He knew he was successful in doing that as Sonakshi looked troubled from face. She was starting to have second thoughts about her behaviour. She was almost starting to wonder if she had already fallen for him. Now she would brood over it for a while, introspect her feelings & break her resolve eventually. The whole process might be time consuming but he was sure, this would definitely bring a change in Sonakshi & the noxious relationship they shared.

Sonakshi looked at him in confusion as she struggled to digest his words. Her expression slowly turned stiff before finally settling on an unbelievable stare.

"If you are man enough, complete whatever you were going to say" She demanded somewhat nervously as she tried hard not to sound desperate.

For the first time ever she realized how enticing it was to have her body jitter from top to toe. She completed his unsaid words by herself & her heart did a somersault in her chest, threatening to beat out of it. She didn't know if it was his genuine smile or the way he called her Sakshi or his almost love confession that made her feel butterflies in her tummy.

"Patience Sweetheart. I bet you can't wait to hear it from me now!" Aadyanth remarked in a flirtatious tone.

"You're sick. I can't even manage to talk to you for a few seconds. You disgust me so much!" Sonakshi pursed her lips having provoked beyond the limit. She so wanted to undo everything that happened from the moment she stepped into the room. She wished, she didn't behave the way she already did.

"Even me Sona! I can't continue talking with you anymore. It isn't because you disgust me or anything. Infact I had a lot of questions in my head to ask to you. But thinking of the way you touched me a while ago, I keep forgetting everything Sweetheart" Aadyanth faked a dreamy smile making Sonakshi's anger escalate manifolds. She wondered how could he stay overjoyed when his life itself was at stake. Within few minutes of the meet, he had successfully redefined her definition of pain & revenge.

"STOP IT AADYANTH. YOU BETTER STOP TALKING!" She raised her voice louder than before, warning him. Even enclosed segments of the mansion sprang into life with her uproar. But Aadyanth was unmoved. Infact none of her threats could hit the right chord in him.

"You make my name sound so sexy even when you are riled up. That makes me want to know how will it be like to have you utter it in absolute bliss!" He continued, paying no heed to her furious screams with his only motive being overpowering her.

"SHUT UP!" Sonakshi shouted as she felt fury spreading throughout her system. He kept insulating her but she couldn't defend herself. She didn't even have enough guts to address the truths he said. She was truly a loser. A big zero even before a man who was restricted from all ends. He was successful in making her feel conflicted.

"Even now you have asked to bring your guards in to punish them. Isn't that for hurting me? Can you look into my eyes & tell me it isn't? Come on Sona, do it!"

"You think you can mask everything with your anger & no one will find out? Now that doesn't make you smart. It is called spinelessness. You're a coward Sonakshi"

"It's been a week now. What did you achieve by tying me up here? Another round of humiliation? Embarrassment? I really want to know!"

Aadyanth went on with the taunts but Sonakshi had already turned oblivious to his incessant counters as she approached him in long strides. Anger graced her features. It took over her senses, making her go insane. She had started to regret pitying him. The guy who messed up with her life big time, why should she feel sorry for him? She kept recollecting the miseries she was put through because of him. More than the physical abuse & ill treatment, his hurtful words still disturbed her. Then why was she sympathizing him? What was the uneasiness all about?

He hadn't even spared her best friend. Just like her, even Aiira was a victim. He had almost molested her. Aiira's description about the incident that happened in her basement was still roaming in her memory. Back then she had difficulty in believing her friend. However now after experiencing everything by herself, it was obvious that Aadyanth was a womanizer & a sexual assaulter who deserved to rot in hell.

"You said that you love my touches. Tell me if you love this as well" Sonakshi spoke in his ears, closing the distance between them.

She placed her palm on his right hand & slowly caressed around the stab. Aadyanth looked at her in surprise, unable to predict her next step. When he thought she was just trying to distract him, he felt her fingers circling the length of his wound. With a brisk move, she dug her nails deep into his wound, tearing open the dried patches of blood & flesh.

Aadyanth whimpered inside as Sonakshi pricked him deeper, smearing the tip of her long nails with his fresh blood. She didn't stop with that. Her free hand groped his upper torso until his scars turned into severe lengthy injuries. She crushed cigarette burns on his body with the tip of her fingers & low groan of disapproval escaped from his lips.

"Do you like it?" Sonakshi asked him with a smug look etched on her face.

"I hate you so much. I have hated you from day one. It will forever remain like that. All your beliefs are misconceptions. Do you need more proofs?" She asked again, still squeezing his skin.

When Aadyanth didn't reply & continued to stare at the floor, she held his chin & made him face her. His eyes were bloodshot. She couldn't comprehend if it was due to pain, sadness or anger. The moment he looked into her eyes, she felt her insides stirring. That helplessness & discomfort she thought was long gone, hit her in newer volumes. Her hold on him eased. She hastily retrieved her hands back.

"Ahem! Sona di.." Faizan coughed from behind to gain Sonakshi's attention. He halted next to her as six of her henchmen followed his lead. With their head bowed down, they queued up beside Faizan in utmost respect.

"Di, they have promised to never do something like this. Can we spare them for one last time? Please.." Faizan requested, taking a final chance as he prepared for an explosion from Sonakshi.

Sonakshi quietly moved away from Aadyanth & studied all six of her men one after the other. Though they stood exactly the way they were supposed to stand near her, in respect & vigilance, she could feel their panic. For a certain reason, she decided to pardon their mistake this time. At that point she decided to punish them because she had truly felt sorry for Aadyanth. But now that seemed absurd as she no longer was moved by his plight.

There was an uneasiness but she knew that would pass. For now she had to prove him wrong. Punishing her guards might prove otherwise. She had to make it obvious that she wasn't faking the hatred or revenge. It didn't matter if he was hurt or in pain. She would rather be happy to wreck his existence.

"Let me make one thing clear to you guys. If I have asked you to not do something, there is a solid reason behind it. I have refrained you from touching him because I clearly had other plans for him. By going against my words you have spoiled everything I have been framing for weeks. I don't mind even if you kill someone as long as there is my consent. If you're to work by your own instincts, then I had no need to hire you at all. Now tell me, what am I supposed to do about this misbehaviour?"

"We didn't realize he was so important to you Madam. You can punish us if that will make you feel better" One of the men interjected making Sonakshi angrily fist her hands. What was with everyone thinking that he was important to her?

"What nonsense is this? Are you trying to mock me? When did I say that he is important? I was talking about following my orders & here you have picked out an entirely different thing from it. Why will you ask me to forgive these dimwits Faizan?" Sonakshi snapped whilst seizing the man's collar in a firm bunch.

"Let it go Sona di. They're truly sorry for their irresponsible behaviour. Can't you see that?" Faizan spoke, almost instantly, as he separated her maddening form from the petrified guy. She glared at everyone, raging like a storm.

"Okay! I'm ready to forgive you for Faizan. I will forget the rucks you guys created. But in return I want all of you to do something for me right now. It isn't a request. Consider it as my order. If you complete it in perfection, you will get your asses saved!" Sonakshi emphasised each word she spoke. A vicious glimmer grazed her features. Just by listening to her, Faizan knew she definitely was up for some trouble.

"What is it Madam?" She heard someone next to her ask, with a final ray of hope.

"This asshole over here, he has been disrespectful & rebellious towards me in many ways. He is the reason for all the problems in my life since couple of days. Now it is time to put an end to his arrogance. I want him to fall under my feet & beg for forgiveness for all the sins he did to me. Do everything in your control & make him apologize. I don't care even if you hit him or make him spurt blood. There are whips & metal rods in the corner most shelf. Use them if needed, take turns & beat him up until he obliges. All I need is an apology. Even a curt sorry will do!"

"And to add to it, I want his painful screams to echo throughout this mansion. All the hallways & passages, every single corner of this house should resonate his cries. The stench of his blood & tears should pervade this chamber. Show him death before his eyes. When he thinks atleast death will ease his sufferings, it should also head away from his reach" Sonakshi described her sudden change of plan in a casual undertone to make it sound like she had been planning it for days.

"I'm going to check on Narain now. I'll be here exactly after an hour. Before I come back I want everything to be taken care of. Get back to your works now. Faiz, you come with me!" Sonakshi took quicker steps aiming for the exit.

"Are you insane Sona di? Why are you doing this? Is it to prove that you don't care?" Faizan hastened behind her struggling to match her pace.

"Shut up & come along!"

"Stop this madness di. You're going to hurt yourself. What if something happens to him? Will you be able to live with it?" Faizan shook her by shoulders as he blocked her path. He tried to stop her men but they had already begun the work assigned to them.

Sonakshi didn't bother to react. Instead she grabbed Faizan's hands & dragged him out with all her might. When they reached out of the chamber, she halted her steps & leaned on the nearby wall with her hands folded across her chest. She bit her lips hard & suppressed the sobs that were threatening to spill out of her. With Faizan continuously pressuring her to go back & stop the guards, she waited in a dither down the stairway.

Minutes passed, so did her patience. Except for the clanking of metals, footsteps of her guards & their furious shouts, nothing else did turn up from the chamber inside. The sound she thought would put off the burning flame in her heart did not transpire. Aadyanth's helpless cries or pleas were nowhere to be heard. Her mansion & it's empty corners were still as silent as before. She waited & waited with bated breath, now seated on the floor, resting against the wall. But there wasn't an ounce of progress.

It took her a couple of minutes more to realize that Aadyanth would never abide by her wishes. She should have known it right when he stood unmoved amidst her tortures on his raw injuries. Even if he was to die, he wouldn't let her surpass him in any aspect. Such was his pride & male ego. She could literally imagine him burying all the pain & trauma within himself just to make her feel defeated again. He might even hold his breath in case that would cause the sound she needed.

Left with nothing else to do, Sonakshi got up & dusted her clothes. There was still time. She decided to leave it to her men & get back to her affairs for the time being. They had always been good at their works. They might somehow find a solution to curb Aadyanth's arrogance as well, she thought studying her nails that were stained with his blood.

Sonakshi closed her eyes to rinse off all the guilt & bitterness she felt for being inhumane. A part of her was still persuading her to go back to Aadyanth & take care of his condition. Even Faizan was forcing her to do the same as though grasping her dilemma. With her heart already following the track of his words & wondering if she had already fallen for him, she found it hard to make an appropriate decision. If she prolonged her stay any longer, she knew, she might change her mind. Everything would go back to square one, proving his assumptions right. She shouldn't let that happen. Finally making up her mind she took long strides out of the corridor without turning back once.


I wanted to include prologue in this chapter. But then the word limit has already exceeded. Next update will contain moments from the prologue.

So how was the chapter? What are your thoughts on Sonakshi & her reaction? Do you think Aadyanth did the right thing by triggering her already triggered self?

It's been so long since I wrote something. So I really don't know if this update turned out well. Do let me know what you feel about it by leaving your valuable votes & comments.

Thanks for reading ♥️

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